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UNCLASSIFIE-D PROCESSING DATE-30OC-T70 -uKMATICN OF A POLYCONIJUA~ATED~IPULYMEK DURING THE THERMAL DECCMPOSITIGN OF POLYACENAPHTHYLENt -U-, AUTHOR-105)-MARKEVICH, L.N., BEYLIN,~S..I.r TETERNA, M.P.,, KARPACHEVA, -G.P.s PULGOPLOSK* B.A. CCUNTRY OF iNFCr-USSR ....;SOURCE-OCKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970s 191f2li 362-51 PATE, PUBLISHED--70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~~_._,TOPIC _TAG S-CONJUGATED POLYMER%, JHERMAL DECOMPOSITIONt NAPHTHALENE9 F~~.,.`.'.UAPHTHENE# POLYMER STRUCTUREv CHEMICAL.KINETICS,. PYROLYSIS -CCNTROL MARkING-NO RESTRICTIONS. ;~~_'VdCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ... ~-_`PRDXY -REELIFRAME-2000/109?- -,;--UR/0020/70'/1'911002/0362/0365 STEP NO" ~,_:C IR C:ACC ESSLON NO- AT6124749 UNCLASSAfFIED, UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE' 30OCT70 ACCESSICN NO-AT0124749 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O-, ABSTRACT. THE THERMAL DKOMPN. OF POLYACENAPHTHYL8NE III IN PHCL AND IN BULK STARTS AT 180DEGREES AND 335-45DEGREESP RESP* THE PRODUCTS CONTAIN ACENAPHTHENE, ACENJIPHTYLENE (III A CONJUGATED POLYMER, BUT NO Hol ON THE BASIS OF IR AND EPR SPECTROSCOPY THE POLYMER WAS ASSIGNED,STRUCTURE,!Illl IN EQUALS 5-7). THE FORMATICN OF III INVOLVES THE SPLITfIWOFF,OFjI FROM I AND THE REDN. OFIE WITH f. THE KINETICS OV I'MOLi.,WT. DECREASE DURING THE PYROLYSIS IS DISCUSSED. FACILITY. SIN IM. TOPCHIEVA, INM-~NE MOSCOW* USSR. UNCLASSIFI to Ace. tlr_. Abstracting.Serviee: IIPO024694 _cumim nsz 32267v Principles of the copolymerization 2,4-dirnethylstyrene under t in ence Organi und 6nImedia. s in hydrocarb 0 ieva~ M Ser~ R 1969, L TIM' copoly 733-6 (Rws), I hydrocirbon: Ref. Code les with um corn. Ln [~In, of dienes With styrene in media, initiated -with ~rganoliihium compds., there'j-4 at fint a ~ P maOmj~6rit P~lymn~, ~bf diene. and only when the diene is exhauite& A'Wck of Oolystyr~,rie begins'to form. . The behavior, of' %Zhl 1.4'-dimethylstyrqwe (1) in at- tempted copolymn. was examd.' . ~,rhe kineti6 of co~.qlymn.! was studied dilatometii~ally."%~Produtfs.,ivere analyzed b y-jr s ec ros- copy. The reactWity'iUk~'uvre:` t6r'butadiei Mane, r, = 16.65, r2 =- 0.06jor is6pr6e',(M,);inhexane,,r .1 6,'cbain dif- .0.09. The microstructure, 'of the bbfadi6he pait fered little from ther atructure'of'tbe~homcipolyrner~ No~~ effect of uct was apparent., penultirnate st e. p i it a w- um poly n. of but ien acenap t 'the (11) ~ e Addn. em U! _oleo er mole of tli)~ ris of ~a $man amt. 6f Ite 'in com- lete inhibition of t epply n., uejo t b metallation * fJI with M. Ladacki j RE'EL/Fg,AME.. USSR TETERINA, N. "Multiplicative Stochastic Integrals.with Operator Coefficients" Ukr. Mat. Zh. tics Journal), 1973,, Vol 25, No 3, [Ukranian Mathema 419-423 (Translated from Reftrativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, p p 1973, Abstract No 10V102) Translation: The existence of a multiplicative.stochastic integi-ai with operator coefficients is proven. 'A linear stochastic equation is produced for it. A number of pToperties ofa multipli.cative stochastic integral with fixed and variable upper 'limit are formitlated. The ap- plication of the multiplicative stochastic integral f6r representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem for an operator parabolic second order equation in the form of a continual integral is ~tudie'd. ~Authoils view .17 1/1 Ace N-': Ref C o d 6: UP, 03r? AT049047 FRIMAXY SOURCE Vestnik Oftall.mcdogiio 1970 Ur pp HEREDITARY DYSTROPHY OF THE iMACULA LUTEA 1RACED IN FIVE GENERATIONS P.. dy- -iced in preceded 'v achromasia and nictalapfia, was 'r, - CuMv sTr7ohy gene- d-lare' it e1 in 6 0 68 rztio'6s oi one pe-digree. 'this morbid carilition, having d,- d is f I ut f off its me-mim-rc, In the family und~er. examinazion -the transmis6i,_,n of this sign Occurred after tht type-, "le rvono- and d"11"r-'Xic, N!ins being concordant for the givf~q 1st-, se- In ihis saftl-.~ 11mily the w; I ~s a!olg with illw ;I v"- Ul 11kWi bers ~n co~nj%' m- and" C"I '01is mr-, an identicill, c-~.ur'e in di'fferc-nt of the pedigree inbe. but -n the macular remav- went risiensihie i in senile pt~~mts only. Ph d ~ rr-caf invu;~ ~Ih ~ jndj~a!e t,1je'j Sio, n 0 111"Mr_40'i 3T ion, e i i -. of ihe cc,.-tels kvje: in reuna. - in- a Tair ad*~"anced stage r0ds are also Imniicated and 1111 epmces~ then ends with cc-cjtv. 'A L~oroug;i eX4rninat n of 'vision, A~_uld be efiect~'IiA in clase and remaie iOn Of thi- 01-g3 re;a*"ives O~ pflents vvi~h achrGmaAa a-id ni;'Ialopia to arrive at cori-el"t recognition lof hereditary njae1_11ar dvsirorh%- and Its early detuction, ihis being. o*f prime importance for medico-ve- 80 08,33 3 'D 'PROCESSING DATE-t-,90%-100 UNICLASS _-vlLtTY OF CYLINDRICAL,.'SHE,L~S OF FIBFRGL .ASS PLASTIC SUBJECTEU TO CREt-RUNUER A PROLONGEU EXPOSURE, '10 EXTERNAL PRESSURE -U- ,AUTHOR-i02J-KIKAR0S, R.B., TETER'* G A ~CGIUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ~-SOURC.E--MEKHANIKA POLLMEROV, VQL-~6, JAN. 'FEB. 1910, P.:61-85 .-DATE PUSL ISHED-----70 'SUt 3JECT AREAS-MATERIALS, PHYSICS, MECH.., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR '-l_PICJAG- CYLINDRIC SHELL STRUCTURE, F113ERGLASS C EP,',llYDROSTAjIC -:-,:PRESSUREi NONLINEAR EQUATIONg SHEAR STRESS', DIGITAL COMPUTER -CONTROLMARKIING-NO PESTRICTIONS ~-;1)66UJAENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED bx a Y EELIFRAIME-1992/1893 STEP NO -UR103741 c1KC--~ACCESSIGIN NO-APOLIZ373 UNC LASS IlF I ED --7 UNCIL AS S.1 F I ED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 C E. S S 10 ~N, NQ P 0 112 6 7 3 A07SfRACT/ri-_XTR--*l'-T--fU). GP-0- AoSTRACT., STUDY, OF THE BEHAVIOR OF A CYLINDRICAL SHELL UNDER EFFECT1;,OF A PROLONGED JiY'DRoSTATIC PRE'sSURE, 'G.THL-GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR EQUATIONS SHE LS OF U S 1 N 0 FTHE THEORY OF L A TIMUSHENKG TYPE. IN THES E SHELLS I T ~ IS POSSIOLE To 4AKE ALLOIjA!-~CE FOR STRAINS DUE TO A TRANSVERSE, SHEAR. A SYSTEM u''f- MUNLIN'EAR UlFi~ERENTIAL EQUATIONS , IS OBTAINED FOR DESCRIBING.'.THE CHM,3GES THL SYSTEM WHEN SUdJECTED TO THE LOAD. SOLUTFUN.JS 06TATINEU GY IMCE~ANS OF A DIGITAL THE CRMCAL TIMES FUk -)'A IN -D. COAPUTER. DiFFERENT LOADIMG LLVf-.L, ARE W3 E FACILITY: AKADEEMIIA NAUK LWT V I 1590 1SSRj ~INSTI WT MEKHANIKI RIGAv LATUAN SSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.795.5:537.525 ETERS V. A~., STEFYUK, T. YU., R)TER YE. A., Physical-Mechanical Institute e Ukrainlail SSR Academy of Sciences Vvov "Device for Determining the Physical-Mdchanical Characteristics of Metals Saturated with Gases in Glow Discharge Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika MaterlalovD Vol~8, No 2, 1972, pp 90-91 hich was designed,and inaaufactured to per- Abstract: A device is introduced wt form studies of the mechanical properties; of metal ill the case of saturation of them with gases in a broad temperature'-time interval. The basic assemblies include the operating chamber, a~ vacuu mi :~syi;tem,. a loa.ding device, instruments for.automatic recording of the stress-strain diagram,sii electric temperature measurement and regulation system,, and~an electric sy.-,tem for measuring and regulating the basic parameters of electric discharge. The device permits ionization of the gas medium both by radioactive isot~)jen (if a rind ~ rudiation and by electric discharge. Electric currents from 10,~'4 to 10-1 amps can be obtained, and, the magnitude of the currents predetermines the degree of ioniza- t1on and, cons eqixeritly, ~ the concentration of active gas particles on the surface of the specimen. The electrical resista'nce can be m-_,zisured durin? the strain process and by the electrical conductivity os a function of tb(-- degroe of strain [I. A. Oding, et al., Izv. AN SSSR Metallurgiva goraole delo. Nos I and .l: ~', 2/2, -1 - 128 - ~--L - I M-.0 te lo -~-USSR GU?,V-Vl(-,!I, S. m. NERODMIKO, M. POVOD, A TETERVAK. A. 77. '417. AS1,111S Institute of Elect4c Welding ~ meni; Ye i 0. Pdton , of Academy , I :GRISH1A4':--V- X4'J-F8kTIX6V' V. G. , Sciences TJkrSSR.'1`- , FZTRIN' V. . 1 No, LEMOVICH R. M., Moscow Equipment for 'gelding C1 -iemitally-Active Refractory Metals in a olled -Contr High Purity Helitim Atmosphere". Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka4, No 8 Aug 70, p r? 45-47 Abstr, act: A description is given of etj uipme- n t for ma n ual and automatic electric welding of-:ref-ractory metals in a controlled atmosphere of high-purity hellum. 'The equipmorit, T"Itich was developed at the institute LC Weldi4--r i, > of Eleetrd mend Yf-. 0. Pat eQsurQ5 continuous control of:oxygen, nitrogen,:~and~water vapor impurities and helium regneration. It-consists, o-2 a weldin" chamber with a vacuum system;-~2) equipmentj for h,eliam purification and 3) a thelium purity control system... A photograph and schn-matic diaf,rnm 61' the install-ation are presen ted., The wvU Jing chatriber (700 om in . diameter, volume, npproxiniately 100,r). 1.) is made of 2/2 _,'~'-'2/3 . 015 UNCLASSIFIE D. PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 _'CJRC -ACCESSION NG--AP0118116 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A.THERMODYNAMIC STUDY OF C SUBAKPO (1) PkODUCTION BASED ON AVAILABLE,DATA CLAIRFIED THE STEPS IN THE -EVERAL DIFFERENT K ~pKoCESS OF FUSION OF CERTAIN P CONTG.:ORES 1AITH S CO .MPDS~ THC GIBBS ENERGY DELTA G SUBT9_1 CALCDs BY USING THE GIBBS-HELMHOLTZ EQUATION, EXPLAINS THE~~PKOBABILITY OF THE MANY POSS113LE REACTIONS LEADING TO 1. WHEN USING CA SU83(00 SUB4) SUB2 (11) AS STARTING ~MATERIAL, DELTA G SUST IS~LESS THAN 0 WITH THE FOLLOWING ,_-REAGENTS IN DECLINING ORDER OF REACTIVITY: K SUB2 Oi:K SUB2St K SUB2 CO ----.SU83,:K SUB2 SID SU63Y AND K SUB2 SO SUB3. BESTRESULTS WERE ACHIEVED WITH K SUBZ CO SUB3 AT 10000EGREES WHEREBY K SUB3~ PO SUB4 IS FORMED PRIMARILY AND IS CONVERTED BY AN EXCESS.OF 11 AT A HIGH REACTION RArE TO 1- CA SUBIO F SUB2 (PO SU64) SUB6 REACTS WITH K COMPOS. PRIMARILY WITH FORMATION OF 11 A14D KF AND THEN I IS FORMED, WITH K SUB2 S AND K SUB2 TER THAN 0, A REACTION IS IMPROBABLE. SID SUB3, DELTA G SUBT GREA THERMODYNAMICS SHOW THAT ONLY THE REACTION BETWEEN I I ~ANO K SUB 2 0 Is POSSIBLE. AT 1373DEGREES, 11 REACTS WITH K SUB2 CO SUB3 BECAUSE THE ~ESCAPE OF THE REACTION AND MIXING OF SID OF CO SU82 SHIFTS THE EQUIL, SUB2 0 VAPOR IMPEDES THE :SUB2 ENHANCES THE PROCESS BY BINDING CAD, H -,'REACTION, THE FOkMATICJN OF CN SUB4 P,SUB2 0 SUB9AS POSSIBLE THERMODYNAMICALLY BUT IT DECOMPS* RAPIOLY WITH K SUaZ CO SUB3. IN THE SYSTEM CA10;-P SUB2 0 505-S10 SU82# SEVERAL VARIArrONS OF SOLID SOLNS. ARE~UEXISTENT. AS THE F-INAL kESULT OF FUSIONt IAND ITS SOLID SOLNS. WITH ALPHA 11 Ort WITH K SUBZ SIO SUB3 ~OR THE SOLID SOLNS. OF ALPHA 11 IN :_.~'...CA SILICATES ARE FORMED ALL OF WHICH AKE~SOL. IN CITRIC ACID. --UNCL ASS IFJ, E 0-- USSR UDC: 661.14,7, :546A71221-1 TE" GUGEL' B. M. MIKIIALEV, A. A. low! I'llays to Improve Phosphors for and 1") iitu Television" Sb. nauch. tr. VNII I Iyuminofordv i osobo veshchestv (Col.- d -- - - 's cl -- - -----t --WIT-IT - lecte c H t i f TE 171, 0 li-I s 0 t Ne - iij:(-711 ~,ET. Tll:~Fl~c IFO~~Ial Ch Instittite of Phospho -s and Extra Pure ~Jatc 4-ils), 1971 v)p pp 67-72 (fromi RZLh-KIiimj,ya3 No 7 Apr 72, Alb~tract No 71,174) Lion: clic e of 1u inls~-,Ont ~c- anl 'White con-,".1'sts of &-n~l 7 the J. n'I I en- - ~A in lar'-:tYr ir~ the--c il: a of a 3;J, I V, 2. 0~ In th-'s cazu, hmlllescenco in A. rlomaluifcnnl Color OF tll%!!~ C)I) the I*n 0. h effect. it in to alval ?mtintain a -rc-n tl~!, cl-4~ -,,vence rzedivm, and the I.; I Ell! f'SING DATE--120CT70 UN C L AS oR06 ".T ITLE--DETERMINAT ION OF '.44*45S TRAI SFER t(JE.f :)Ljk -A;%CTI-j%AL 7FIClENTS ING F I '_; T I L L A T I P~ N - U - LJT,"-.' , F, -0 3 R U D 0 V C,.YA., CHEKff('V, O.S., 4.~~ -XU v CF INf-Q--USSR S cJ KC 1:--K H IM TEKHNJL. T')PL. IIASEL 1976, 15131 34-7 DA T E'. PUEL ISHED - - - - - - -70 --S,u6i i: CT A:-~E AS--CHEM 1 S T KY TAGS--MASS TkANSFERs rAS STATE: rii.srILLATION# ti% T 9Z _n LNA fl, I G 0 RE S TP. I CT I &N S NT CIASS--UNCLASSIFIED E L L/ F 11 A M U -- 19 92 /14 8 8 --UR/0365/40/ol 5/003/0934/0037 R STFP NO I C A (T E S S 1 1.4 N'0--AP011~482 UNIC t. A S S I F I F 0 77 212 r) 17 L, N cC~ ssl !Fit D, P.-ROCE S S ID AT E 02 0C TT 0 ACCUSSIUN Ntl--AP0112482 --fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE RESISTANCC- TO ',',ASS TRANSFER ABSTRACT/EXTRACT FUR 3 M(XTS', TO 9E DISTO. ~44S *4 A I NL YI N 1THE VAPOR THE OF T~lE PHASE RESISTA.NCE IN PLATE UJSTN~,C-OLUMNS 4A,-) 6A5ED ON A COIIPAFRLSW~ ur- THE 1ASS TRANSHR r-JEFFS. F0,17-2 ~YSTEIMS,: PROV~Di~D TFAT THE r-3,14TENT DF OM- MIST. ' PONEN IN THE BINARY iAS LESS THAN OR E UAL T3 1PE ~E*~T. Tflf-- I MFTtiJr; SHG 'WED THE ErFECT OF THE DISPERSfON COEFcF. AND CCULL) BE USE[) uq 'EAR EQUIL. UEPENJENCE4- GGEF.FS. 4ND Rt: THE CASE OF LIN ESISTVJCE FfJR SOME SYSTEMS AK.E GRAPHICALLY PRESENTED.. UNCLASS I FIED, 7777 US S YR UDC. 621.128~.4(083.8) (47) P _N V. T., TEni OV A. 1~0~ and NIM-~TUILIN, N. F. ERMETZ, V. A., SMIRNOVI "Device for Automatic Level Adiiistrhent of Collodion~ Die of casting Machine!' USSR Author's Certificate No 2360481 Filed 9/07/66, Published 30/06/69 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatitta,,.Teler-lelct-ianita I Vychislitel'- naya Tekhnika, 11,To 2, 1970, Abstract 'No 2A507P by, M. A.) Translation: This invention relates to -the are'a of:automatic regula- tion of the level of licuid and yisbouss' media. i In contra-st to knowri devices for automatic revulation.of,level using hydrostatic trans- ducers, the device suggested:has increased reliability and staUlity ID tj of operation due to the introducrion of rigid n6gative feedback. A diagram and description of.the device are pre'seated. One illastra- tion. USSR ............. -Dac inva-i ar~ INI e a z uz~ of 8. C;~ (j-,' .~hv*., n o t 11, tt; c~ o Ir In-' r- m. koplied 1?1 a-Ihemaz ic s, '_"bi1isi,Unve-_ _'o 2, -.on MITI U 61 -cr Xo 7, jU1Y 19.70, Abst 0 T7_7L Translat~ion: Lot (J",',Sjzj be a space: with a n,-asuro, and !.3" be a set elez-fien-ts S o-P- Ifinite meai'Sure -le charnacter of ---,ace is the lowest potvier m for 4rfaich. theve a Subset ol' W T~ . ilq~'ch is dense in meuric s-oace S iS .:n t. f I ~ P_, i;n knot P "etzr` zable, connected ~3 C!,ll a commact r oup w- lo - y tZj j O~n of '.- 0 -,7 _6S a co-Min ~,h ~,: a group G thore ar measLive zi wi character 2'C-,/; here Ni i_- t7he nower- of gz-aup G, In thiz; a i c, I o a--pace of C ontinmaat ions of Haar medsure in~ G of nLaximwii cha:oactor 21,_ is con,:t-T-ucted which has a nax~,Iram powoi, or an arbitrary, locally comwaot a-comact ;group G. A. Styopin. Acc. Nr. AP0029106- Ref . Code: UR 0246 PRIMART SOURCE: Zhurnal Nevjxq~itologjj j Paikhiatrij, 1970, Vol 70t Nr s PP CORRELATIONS OF THE CLINICA1. PICTURE AND MORPHOLOGICAL BRAIN CHANGES IN THE PRGPULSIVE,FORM OF~IEPILEPSY :j 1. S. Tits F. erms4h0qua, N. A. SmWnava On the basis of personal expeTfenceand literary data the authors discuss problems of the morphological basis in propul5ive fornLs oftepilepsy. Cliiifco~. anatomical data are re- ported of a case in a 9-year-old patient. The lethal outcome was due to bronchopneumonia. --- --- d 'I is one oE the forms of dysontogene- The convened ata demonstrated that propul'sive epi ~ sis ry is probably related to an organic Mental immaturity so typical for his form of epi epsy t brain insufficiency on the cerebellar-stem-subcortfeal nodes- - tortical leve! (motor and tempo- the area of th, cerebel- ral, and particularly in the speech zones). The depicted pathology in lar system, as well as in the speech zones of the brain allow to under - stand the anatomo-7 functional basis of acute cerebellar ataxia,seen so often in propulslve~ -pilepiy. The mechanism of propulsive attacks are also deterriiMd by changes ih the. subcortical-sietri and cerebellar system. 617 USSR UDC.669.295.018.9(088.8) TURKINA, A. N. ODOYEVSKIY, L. S., KHAZANtOVA, T. P. KAU1Q1OV.;.. G. Y,,, M110SHKIN, X. F., TSISTYAKOV., Ye.. ~P. MLOV, A. C.,~ TRUBT-N, A, N., and 11master Alloy for Production of H,Lgh-Strength Titanium Alloys" USSR Author's Certificate No 3090131,, filed 15/,07/69, published 20/09/71 -Zhui~ ~-M tallurgiya,'No 3,, 1972, Abstract (Translated from Referativnyy ..nal~ e No 3CI59P by G. Svodtseva) Translation: A master alloy for the production of high-strengtli Ti alloys, containing Mo, V, and Al. To incl-ease,sthe. quality of the:ingots produced, includes Cr and Fe:vitffi~the: 'followring rel"tionsUps of components 1 -34, V 32-34, K! 18-22, Cr 6-8, Fe 5-T., The master alloy can (in Mo 32 be produced either by direct smelting of the metals in an open induction furnace or bv an aluminothermal method in a furnace.; 581- USSR, UDC 539.8 SAVITSKIY, YEE. 11. Corresponding 1,11--mber Academy of Sciences LWRI BURMtINOV, G. S. and.KUZIILISHCFXVp V. A., Institute of Iletallurgy imeni. A. A. Baykov, Academy of, Sciences: USSR, Moscow, nEffects of Thermocycling on Tungsten and Holybdenum'Alloy Single Crystals" Moscow; Do)dady Akademii Nauk SSSR,, Vol.198, No.2, 1971, PP 373-376 Abstractt A review of data on the.thermocycling of single crystals of W and Mo alloys indicates that alloyin,-, elements forminir, with the metal matrix -(W or No) extensive ranges of solid solutions and increasing the solubility of non-metallic inclusions (Partiedarly-C) in the sollid phase increase the- stability of the structure and.characteristics of the~.alloya in thermo- cycling. These alloying elements.cpzprise, in additibn to Re, the data pertaining to which are rewrted'iwdet~U, the hexagg .hal metals of the VIII group Ru arA Cs and possibly also 11mand Tc. On the other hand, alloying elements which decrease the solubility-of.noh-m,-.taUic,inclusions and increase their amount in an undissolved state. An ~ the;.metU, matr.47 exp'edl te destruction of -the single- crystal. alloys In thi3riaocyoling. T11'.ese alloying elenents include idtals oP the I - VI groups. .,The extent!to.uhich these regularities apply to polycrystalline W and No should,be investigated experimentally. an WINNI.M..". "1111"UNIN USSR UBC 669.172:669.28 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BURKPILINOV, G. 111., TETYINEVA, T. T., ard UVIIISHCHEV, A. "Influence of Thermal Cyclin I Treattment on-Tine Structure and Properties of 9 Molybdenum Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavlikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single. Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of:,Worksj,~ 14auka Press,~,1971, pp 119-124 Translation: The nature of the change in microstructure and properties of molybdenum single crystals as a function: of the tivie of thernial cycling in an atmosphere of heliun, in the 400-1,6000C temperature interval is studied. It is demonstrated that structural changes,ar6 related to the occurrence of two parallel processes: 1) annihilation of dislocations and coalescence of subgrains; 2) multiplication and motion'~of deformation dislocations, order- ing of these dislocations into nm,?. subgrains. . It is e'stablished that during the first stages of thermal cycling,, the first process;~predominv_tes, while later the second predominates. 6 Figures; 5 Bibliographic Referentes. 121661M Activation of merctiry by nucleo h1lic reagents. Girect synthesis of o P rganomercury -compounds. fro'In, mercury and Pitt, K. I i alkyl (aryl)hal ides, II i1 IM E_";Tevdo" k Ilutin (USSR)-. Zh. 0 _71- 11. R941; MI, , K . P. Wiric Russ). as %Oslt, a~&Be~ activiato Hj in reac- tion with alkyl or a 4 hidides and ~~synthj!sis of 6igranornercury rl compds. was develope& 6n this baiis. Shakiii~ 3~M g Bul and 20.1, g Eg in dry. Etop. 8 hr~ kaivi,4% Bul-lgl'j~ in. 115-17'. PhCH:Cl, Hg, and MOH 8 hr. gave (PhCH02149i '55,/'0 PhCH2HgCl, in. 102-4*,,~nd'PfiCH2lfgl,'sepd, 6k extri. with CECIS. P-O,_,xCS]i4CHi8r and Hg with Nal in MOH 60 hr gave P-0-NCrH4ClIJfgBf and 6ecoft6spofirlingiodide_ !Sliakirig2.04 g Plif, 20.1 g Hgj 3.72~. g ~ Nal','an& 60 ml,dry EtOH gao~e 6%' PhHgf. The toll ing'ykIds. 6V6r9anomercury_ 6) ipds ow n were formed in the reaction of 341 )kith Hg in HtOH iiitlz them indi- ~S 6, X cated activators- NaCl 0 Nlag~, 1.5, Nal 4, KCN a250. 10; and Na:S 2.5%; in digi,yine with ' Nal the yield ij j) and in (XTeOCH2)j it was 8.6%, USSR M)C 681.325.54 Cq , I MMIANIME, V. V., KAKICILASHVILI, Sh. D., DMAGAROV, Yu. A.,- .1K1,A DZE and LESELIDZE, D. V., CHRMCOZE, M.; I. ,jLUUg&YjjLA.L..G LOBWANIME, V. V. ~'Optical Signal Adder" USSIR Author's Certificate No 269606, filed.27 Jan 69,~published 28 Jul 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vqchislitel'naylq~Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B185 P) Translation: An optical signal adder for signals given in the 'orm of pictures of rectangular shape is introduced.' The addez contains an optical interferometer. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the light efficiency and insure addition~with respect to any modulus, the expanding system for conversion ofthe light,pictures to a quadratic matrix is located at its input, after which along the channels corresDond- i-n& to the components there are a Dove prism and a system of rhombic prisms with.sequentially decreasing height the number of which per unit is less than the summation modulus. At the, output, of! the indicated channels there- is an inter`:erence mixer followed by the compressing sytitem. 75 7~ 71,'. 7. USSR UDC 632.95 TEVE EV, G. Kh. , GRINSHTEYN, Ye. I., KdFMAN, L.-P. "'A Method of Obtaining $,O'-bis-(() O-diall,~ldichiop~osphoryl)-diethylene Disulfides" USSR Author's Certificate No 364623, class C 07 f 9/16, C 07c 149/12, filed 13, Oct 70, published I Mar 73 (from RZh-Khimiya, No i8 (H), Sep 73, Abstract No-18 N448 P by 0. Ye. Yachmennikova) Translation: 6,0'-bis-(O,O-dialkyldithiophosphoryl)-diethylene disulfides bare obtained by the reaction of 0,0-dialkyl S-8-mereaptoethyl dithiophosphate with a halogen in a solvent. For example 2.9 g of 1;2 is added in small amounts to, a mixture of 5 g of 0,0--dimethyl S-0-mercaptoethyl dithiophosphate, 20 ml of C6H6, and 10 ml of water at aiitemperature of about 20' and intensively stirred until the reaction mass becomes Slightly colored. iThe organic layer Is washed with water (2 X 10 ml) and 4;g of, 8,a1-bis-,(0,0-dimethyldithio- phosphoryl)-diethylene disulfide, u2OD:1.5985, d4 20 1.3690-is isolated. 0,01-bis-(O,G-dieth.-Idithiaphosphotyl)-diethylene disillfide, n20D 1.5680, 20 d 4 :1.2570,is obtained in a similar manner. Other examples are given in which C12 and Br2 are used -instead.of I -f r oxidatiot~. 2 0 77~- USSR UDC 547~26'118+547.279.1 JXaZLML,_Q. GRINSHTEYN, Ye. J., KO+FMANO L. P., SOKAL'SKIY, M. A., MTREM, V. G., and SINITSYNA, N. T "Addition of S-3-Mercaptoethyl 0,0'-Dialkyl Dithiophos.phates to Substituted Olefins". Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(103), No 2,!.Feb 72, pp 308-314 Abstract: It is shown that S-B-mercaptoethyl 0,0'-dialkyl dithiophosphates add,to esters of maleic, acrylic and methacrylic acids; Ias well as to substi- tuted amides of acrylic acid-irt the presence of catalysts -- salts of tran- sition metals -- with formation of the corresponding substittited S-0-alkyl- mercaptoethyl 0,0'-dialkyl dithiophosphatels- r Analyais the addition reaction takes place Colitrainy to, Harkovnikov's rule, with the formation of products which are 'unbrincheA'. in' the S-B-alkyl radical. 77 USSR UDc 632.95 T VELEVO G KH., GRINSFITLTN~IrE. I. KOFMANI I. F. E "Method of Preparing Substituted S-Betaalkylmorcaptoethyl-O,O-Dial- kyldithiophosphates" USSR Author's Certificate No'250136,. filed i8,jul 68, published 13.Jan-70 (from RZE-Y 25 Sep 70 Abstract No 1511624, himiya. by 1. 14. Mil Translation: Compounds with the general ~qrmula (RO)2P(S)SCH2CH23- T H(P-L) In (H and RI " big alkyl, R" *4,GOO.A.I.Kj GOOH, CON112, CONVIAlk, and C(76)N(Alk)2),'exhibiting~.inseeticidaI activity, are prepared by tho reaction of 0,0-dittl4l-S-beta,,marca:-Ptoethyldithio- phosphntos with halogenides of oarbo.-.ylie acida. To a mixturo of 0.12 mole CIC112COOMe and 0.092 mole: S-I be tn-mor~-. ap too thyl-0, 0- dime th- yldi-thiophosphate in 30 ZI 061% iviadded O.I~Anple EL-IN in 1. 5 ml C6116 at 2-50, mixed for 3 lirs::at about-,:200* allowed: to stand A, for 12 tire, and after usual treatment., I is obtalwid (R Me, RI a H, n 0 GOONe) (yield 17%o b. PO 135-3.40/ ii. 016 rn20D 1.5,3090 1/2 USSR UDO 681-3339519.2 TEVEROVSKIY, V. I., and IVLEV, Ao A., -------------------- __ -ocess" "Device for Calculating the Variamee.of a Random P., USSR Authors' Certificate Ho 343273, Cl. - b- G o6g 7/52, filed 23 Nov 70, Du lished 6.Jul 72 (from Otkrytiya,J%obreteniya, Promynhlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 20, 1972t~ O,i68) Abstracti To provide for calculation:of the variance and root-mean-square deviation of a process with non Ize;ro mean value, the~,device contains an addi- tional counter, the inDtIt,Of WhOSa first digit is connected to the output of a delay device,and setting lnpuj~s are connected to the output of the cycle counter. The-outputs of the digii. flip-flops of the additional counter are connected through the one's complement gates to the d,igit,inputs of the ac- cumidator with a shift of one high!--orderposition. The input of the delay device is connected through-aa OR circuit to the output of the pulse frequency divider, whose input is connected to the input line of the device. 18 MEN= USSR UDC: 621-317.6-89.66 a TZUWV!~K V, V. D. AKI N)CHK !1;,: 1. K. __TY, V I., GLADKO quipment for Analyzing and Mlonitoringa Grqup of Quantum-Nechanical Time and Frequency Standards" na-ra "Metrolog a Y'radioelektron." Tezis~ Dok. Nauchno-tekhn. semi y, Ch. 2 (Repor's of-the Scientific and Technical Seminar:on Metrology in Radio Electronics. Sum- maries, Part 2), Moscow, 1970, PP 27-jOffrom RZh-Radioteklinika~ No 7, Jul 70, Abstract ffo TA203) Translation: To assure high metrological reliability of a grouped time and fre- quency standard based on quantima-mechanical. oscillators, it is proposed that a signal be shaped whose phase (frequency) is~the average of the phases (frequencies) of the separate oscillators. It is: pointed outr that this :method is particularly applicable to quantum-mechanical viev of the small frequency dif- ference between oscillators of this kind.. In designing the averaging device, pro- vision is made for periodic automatic plaase, control of the oscillators to bring the phaser to that of the averaged signal. Information is g) ven on 'the equipment de- veloped. E. L Nucle ~ar'Scleiniie' d6i iNchnolozy USSR UDC: 021-039-58,68:r--~9.6 DIBOBES 1. K. iGTYAZ-EV, V. A.. ?,,OISE=. XOSF A! A.., ATZVI YU. I... S Mi. V., -AmsROVSKry, Yr. 11., AU: V e, aurl SIMM, V, F. -69)" "Radiation Safety Standards (,MB Eoscov, Atomnaya energiya, Vol. 28, 110 6., Tun 7 pp 463-467 Abstract: In August 1969 the Ministryof HealICh of the USSR approved the iladia- diation Safety Standards (ZIRB-69) developed by the Necional Commtission. on Radiation Protection. Recownendations of the International Commission of Radiolo~;icril Protec- tion served an the basis for the new standards. These stanlarda cat the basic per- miscible levels for ionizing i-adiation &Iong.irith the permissible adi-tission of radio- active Jsotopes into an organism.. This includes three cateigories of people: Category A lncludin.~ service Personnel, CateGOX7 B Including specific individuals in the pop- ulation who live In areas where the, perntinsible, ridiatiorl doses bray have bccn exceeded and where radiation are checked, z and, Categorj C which Includes the entire population with respect to estimatin5 a f;enetIcpJJ1v aignificant radia- tion dosage* Me new standards are mandatory. for the entarprisas and establish- =znts -of all ministries and agencies usir-G,~,Appl.-in-- pracvssin,",, transportInf:, storing, and burying radioactive substan.,es and ioni-,lugrarUation sources. A short summary is given of -the scientific basis which served as the framework for the new standards. The new standards are diiofereatiated from the old. Tables are -112 USSR ODC 0621.039-58 ILWAVET, A. A., DIBOBES, I. K. TEVER411m, YE. N., and:TEIY,11, Al. V. "Dev,elopment of Approaches to R.-AOTBRcal Protection" ',,'o s c ow, Ak -231 adezd-ya Nauk SSSR, Atomnaya 13nerglya, Vol 28, No 3, Hai- 70, pp 225 foty used oy the Abstract: A reviene, is made of the apgroa6hes to radiologic-al sa, international Cmwassion or. Radiological Protection (ICII!, from J's inception in P) , ~ 1928 to the present. The revicivis ba':SC-d: entirely on the reccmmordationz and publications of I.C.R.P. and does not 'contain any now material. The authors 'inis~ry of state that the National Conzission on Radiolog4 al Protoctiorv o," 'he 2,, C Health USSR is constantly Feviewing raidiological s_,fety.;:st_-ndaxds and endeavor- ing to bring Soviet practice into confprmity Ydth the reco=mn~ations of I.C.R.P. and -with the standards of the 141"Gernationa'I ktomic Enox-d Agency. The revise-A USSEL standards on radiolovical ProtectLon; are. scheduled:for PuIi4ication in 1970. Orig. art. has: 10 references. 20 Hea'ti-.~&,.mbustio-n, Detonation USSR UDC 621.039.587 BOGATYRIEVA, S. V., LEBEDEV, Yu.-Ye., M.IIAYEV,.A. I., TEVLIU, S. A. Study of the Possibility of Aoplying Pomplexons in,Cooling Channels in the 'Presence of Radiation" ver 1: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Vorks of If os cow Pot, ingineering,Institute), 1972, 126, pp 24-27 (from RZh-50. Ya4ernyye~reaktory, No ll,~Nov 72, Abstract No 11.50.36) Translation: Solutions of compositions based an complexons can be used to wash cooling channels if the radiatYon.doses are not too high. Active depo- sits are partially washed off. The.presence of radiation accelerates processe-s within the coolant that determine the development of a protective film on pearlite steels. This maRes it possihl(!~ to, shorten the time for treating the cbannels as compared with the time expended under ordinary methods. 1 ill., 2 ref. USSR UDC 678.06:661. TEVLINA. A.. S., AKIINAZ-AR.OVA, S., L. KHARIKOVA, T. P.', ZHUKOVA,.T. B., and INS AK, V. V. "Homogeneous Anionic Membranes and'Their Properties" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No- 21' 1573,. pp 15-~17 Abstract: A method for production of homogeneous anionic.membranes is reported based on nitration of~grafte&6opolymers (styrene + divinylbenzene + copolymer of vinylidene.fluoride and hexafluoropropylene] with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids,followed by reduction and alkylation. The results of the effect of various~transformations on the electrochemical and physical-mechanical properties of the membranes are reported. These results were obtained by regression:and:correlationalarialyses. It was established that homogeneous membranes ~sh(nra high chemical and thermal stability and retain their properties:even in very aggressive media such as sulfuric, hydrochloric or nitric acids.. 1/1 2/2 014 UNCLAsstf I ED PkOCEļæ½SING DATE-04DEC70 C.IRC AdCESSION NO--AT0139810 A8STJRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT~, ITHEE PROBLQM OF PYELONEPHRITIS HAS INCIPLE ONES lNiNERHROLOGY. 'CLINICAL, LABORATORY, BECOME.ONE OF THE PRI ~,ROENTGENOLOGICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 5C) CHILDREN WITH OUS PQ 14 WERE GLVEN. THE AN.INFECTIU IN THE URINA,RV SYSTE, INVES.T.IGATIONS CONDUCTED MADE IT POSSIBLEJO SINGLE OUT 3 GROUPS OF -CHILDREN: THE FIRST GROUP INCLUDED CHILDREN (12) WITH-DiSTINCT CLINICAL --AND ROENTGENOLOGICAL SIGNS OF PYELONE-PHRITIS, THE SECOND GROUP INCLUDED CHILDREN (12) WITHOUT ROENTGENOLOGICAL'ISIGNS OF PYELONEPHRITIS AND MINIMUM BIOCHEMICAL SHIFTS OF THE.~BLDOD, Vf,HO* WERE REGARDED AS PATIENTS WITH 'AN INFECTION OF THE URINARY' sysrEm.. - -CHILDREN ~OF THE THIRO~ GROUP (26)v IN WHOM IN SPITE OF THE NORMAL X RAY PICTURE OF THE KIDNEYS ~~`ALIJNGSIDE PROTEINURIA, LEUKOCYTURIA ANb.J3ACT1-RIURIA MARKED SHIFTS OF ,.:.,~PROTEIN, LIPID AND MUCOID METABOLISM, A. TENDENCY TOWARDS THE TUBULAR ~.-~UNcTION WE-RE OBSERVED, COULD BE REG4,ROED AS PATIENTS WITH THE INITIAL AFFECTION OF YHE KIDNEYS' FACILITY: DEP, ~.~_~PEDIAT., CENT. INST. POSTGRADs MED.t MO;COW, USSR. VNCLASSIFIED Naomi M~- --qua 4100042372 i Rub% Acc. Nr,. Ref. Code: 0 672 'Spectro2hotometric Chara-teristics~of the Jovian- !.Red SRat (Abstract: "Optical Properttels~and StructuTe of the Jovian Atmosphere. air III. Speatrophotometric Characteristtc-s-of the Red~Spot,." by V. Gg~e% Astro0hysical Institute, Academy of Sciemces Kazakh SSR;~ Mosc S rond- micheskiv.-Vestnik,-Vol IV, No 1, 1970, PP 34-42) Photometric and spectropLoi,,ometri. stWies. 6-41 change in the 'contrast of the Red'Spot on Jupiter with the linib have shown that the cbntrast-of the spot and,its chanj; with th oxetical computations fo 1~ a semi-infinite atmosphere-.an6~ that the visibI6 phenomenon of the 1,'d -gions,filled with Sp' is a:sector of the atmosphere and the surr' Olt ounding rL aerospl but with properties differitig*somewhat froni: the properties of other parc;u Of the atmosphere. During Fq.-bruary,-1969 the authar used an ASP-21 5paccrograph mounted on the 70-cm, MT-~B f t~r t3br-aining 17 specr ro- grams of~the Red Spot.. At the tinw of cthe: survey tbe spot was near the central meridian. Dispersion was 10.4, A/wira and replutio-z was about I A. Measurements of the absorption bands dR- 6190 A and,rili-,,.6450 A failed to ind nate any significant differe=