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USSR UDC 669.721:669.794:539.434 YEVA, G. G . TIPOVA, A.- P., VASIL'YEVA, OVA, IN-A-1 SOLOW BLOYMINA, V. A., AN TM __!_2 $ T.: F. roblem of the Theory of Alloying Magne:sium with Rare Earth Metals and Yttriun. e Metals d All V ab. Redkozemel'n. met i splavy, (Rar, Earth.1 an oys collection of works) ' Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971,: pp 99-103 (f rain _BZhI!I:,N'eLallurgiya, Uo 4, Apr 72 Abstract No 41656) Translation: A study was made of the ca"es of the positive-effect of rare earth metals and yttrium on the high-temperatu.-e streagth of Mig in -comparison with alloys of the Mg-Al system. A.,Photdgraph of.the 71jeros':ructures of the alloys as a function of composition and heat treatment.conditions is included, and tablea are given for raechanical prop known alloysi.and a new experi- mental alloy.with yttrium. 2 illustrations and 2 tablerz.. USSR UDC 621-785:.784:669-721 VA_____N_.M.. BLOKHIIIA, V. A9, ANTIPOVA, A. P,t VASIL'YEVA, SOLOV YETA, G. G. , All-Union tai6ntific Research Institute ~"Effect of Prolonged Heating on Properties of the MLO and ML10 Magnesium Alloys" Moscow, Metallovedeniye, No 10,- 1971, pp 73-76 kbstract: A study was riade of the effect of prolonged heating, 600 hours, at 125-3000C., on-the m1crostin'leture and mechanical properties.of 14L9 and MLIO heatrresistant cast nag- nesium alloys, developed on the baso of the system 1,1C,-Nd-Zr for 'continuous 0 ctively. The vorking at up to 250 and;300 0, respe chemical compositions of the 14L9 and 11LIO alloys, their industrial heat treatment, and their nechenical uronertiBo in:eonparison with the widely used ML5 alloy are. shovm. . The; change of mechani- cal properties,at tem-perature.s up ~o 3000C is discussed. The ztructure and mechanical -oropertiestof the 14LIO:all.oy, after heat- ing at 2000C over periods of '1000* and-:' 2500 hours ave the same. 1/2 USSR UDC: 681.325.5 KONDRAVYEV, A. P., ASTSATUROV, R. M., MAL'TSEV, 11. A.. TIKHQVI~0, Yu. V. "Tabular Adder-Multiplier" USSR Authors' Certificate No 25344.2, Filed 11 January~ 1968, Ilublished 25 Feb- ruary 1970 (Translated from ReferativnyyiZhurnal Avtom4tika, Telemekhanika I Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 10~1224P,, by V. M.) Translation: The tabular adder-multipli,er (TALK) suggested,. consisting of a memory unit, tabular address forming circuit, registers (R),: first (1) and second (2).operands (0), and control device is simpliflod and the time re- quired to perform operetions is reduced by the use of result output and analysis units. The inputs of the analysis.units are tonnected to the out- puts of the R of the first and second 0,; while the outputs are connected through kvD circuits to the inputs-of the,first and sedond OR circuits of -cuit'of the result the result output unit. The output of the:first:OR cii. output unit is connected. to the input of the intarroflazion ci;cuit of the R.of the second 0, the output of,which iaconnected tq:the flip-flops of the R of the second 0. The output of.the s66ond OR circuit in the result output unit is connected to the input:of the interrogation t~rcuit,of the R of the first 0, the input of which is~connected to.the flip-flops of the R of the first 0. One illustration. USSk UDC 595.775 NAZAROVA, I. V., and KIIVTINSAJ~" V. j ~Biological Institute, Kazan' titute University, and Kazan' State,Pedagogical~lns~ "Fleas of the Water Vole (Arvicola terrestris) in.the Middle Volga Region" Leningtad, Parazitologiya, No 53-1971, pp ~413-416~ Abstract: Thirteen species were identified among 698 fleas collected from 1,039 water voles caught in the Middle Volga region from 1957 to 1967. Ceratophyllus walkeri and Ctenophthalmus~wagneri constituted 56 and 10% of all.the fleas. Leptopsylla bidentata, Ctenophthalmus agyrtes, and Amphip- sylla rossica were less common. Only rare specimens of the other eight species were found. The species variety-was~greatest (all 13) in floodplains of large rivers (Kama, Vyatka, etc.). These floodplains are natural 'Loci of tularemia and the destination of-,seasonal migrations of the voles, which exchange parasites with other small these regions. Water voles are highly sensitive to tularemia and thei ,r fleas can harbor and spread the disease. It is suggested that in years when the voles are particularly numerous, their burrows should be poisonid in order to destrby both the arasites rodents and their ectop, - -- - ------- -- G DATE"02-DC W NU AS S I F I FE 0 Pacussl%s TITLE --LUN[oENSATILIN RESIN -U- "'.1% U THED R- (05)-NOVOSELTSEV, P V v )AR Y Z GikLID VAo M*A.t ~~Z A SID VA V.A. T* TI'KHVIN~SKAYA, M.YU*t R'lZriAN'GVSKAYAl;,S4A. 'l RY- C 0-61~7 INFO--USSR C ~.S OU ~-.C E U-S 260,S82 '::~4-EFE:~ L NC ~E-- L-PT KA YT I Y A #IZJSRET.v FROM. OBRAZTSY, TbVARNYE 7-qAKI L970, 0 AT F -PiJb-L I S H E 0-0 6J AN7 0 1'~-~SUBJELT APEAS-CHEMISTRYs MATERIALS ~---TDP I C 7 'A GS PATENT, PHENDLt --CONUENSATION TYPE. RESIN, CHEMICAL FOEMALGEHYDEv PHENYL ETHER ,.z ~'--"C ONTR OL KAK K I NG- NO RESTRICTIONS 06CUM ENT CLAS S--UAICLASS I F I F 0 .-,-'PROXY REEL/f-RAME-1992/0242 ~STEP Cl 9(; AC t, F- S 5 1 ON, NO A AO I 114 3 6 UNCLASSIF Ito Ref. Code: dipxime in Alum. jq/u;_j0(,j) IZS--.j j kxuis). 4~,,: usmg~ com- ions stiLbIlity cotistant pet-Itive ligands Re C or SC_%. (NJ) of PdUl)-a-beniil 4i~xi6i~ (14"L)7~6ruple~..PdLj, Nva~ddd. and is given as _i~ Oi'U*-'. At 2W gmd Wtiic strOgth 1.0, distributioin cofisi. (h) bf 0- M4 in H. CtH&*:*U S Mi ?re- s ~b Pd, + 2HL Pdl.,(aq.), 211+ ~nd-NL4iq.) +.011-'~".TAL~OH- are 13.9 =b 0.2 and 4.8 0.2, ri p. HMI.k RE,EL/FW 4E ee 19710868 USSR TJOC 541.49-546.~65+546.41-5 TIKONOVA, L. 1. '%complex Formation of Some Alkaline Earth-and Rare Earth Elements with Ethyl- ehodiamine-N,N,N1,N'-Tetramethylph.osphoiiic Acid" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya 12, No 3,:1970. pp 519-521 Sr+2,Cal-2 y+3, and ce+3 was studied oy chroma- Z., Abstract: Complex formation of tography ard potentiometry. The dissociation and. inst,.-~bi y con2tants of chelates of the type rle12X'~4, XeU-5, MeX-b and I Me?X--4(Sr+ Ca+~), and HOX~-5(y+3, CO+3) were determined. It was found that the che:~atesPXn_6 w5th +2 +2 4- + Sr and Ca are considerably less stable and that those with Y' and Ce areLsomewhat less stable than the:corresponding compl"es with ethylenediamine -N,N,N1,N1-tetraacetic acidi.. 77777777- UNCLASSUFIED TITLE--THERMAL CONFORMATIONAL TRANSFORMATION CALORIMETRIC STUDY -U- AUTHOR-02)-PRIVALOV, P.L.j TIKTOPULOi-, ............... :,'C OUNT.RY OF INFO--USSR ~'PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 OF TROPOCOLLAGEN. 1. -,..SOURCE--BIOPOLYMERS 1970, 917) 1.27-39~j n A T EP,UBL ISHED--------70 ENTROPY, CALORIMETRY DECONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ---UNCLASSIFIED DIOCUMENT CLASS. -PROXY REELIFRAME--1988/0013 STEP ~:CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105113 UNCLASSIFIED 0000/70/009/00210127/0139 NO--US/ 212 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ACCESSION,NO--AP0105113 GP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFECTS OF HEAT IN HEATED SOLMS. OF. TROPOCOLLAGENS OF DIFFERENT ORIGINS WERE CALORIMETRICALLY STUDIED. DENATURATION ENTHALPY AND ENTROPY OF DIFFERENT TROPOCULLAGENS INCREASE WITH INCREASING IMINO ACID CONTENT AND THERMOSTABILITY. rHE VALUE AND DEPENDENCE.OF DENATURATION ENTHALPY:AND ENTROPY~ON THE DENATURATION TEMP. FOR TROPOCOLLAGENS WITH DIFFERENT 1MI.N0 ACID CONTENTS Ap'E INCONSISTENT WITH THE ASSUMPTIONXHAT THE NATIVE STRUCTURE OF TROPOCOLLAGEN IS STABILIZED ONLY BY',INTRAMOL. H~BONDS. A SUPPOSITIoN !S MADE THAT THE REGULAR WATER STRUCTURE NEAR THE MZACRC~IOL. PLAYS AN ESSENTIAL ROLE IN STA91LIZING THE STRUCTURE. FROM THE CHARACTER OF TROPOCOLLAGEN MELTING CURVES IN. SALT.FREE SOLNo IT 15 FOUND THAT THE TROPOCOLLAGEN MACROMOL. IS LINEARLY HEIEROGENEOUS. THE COMPLEX PATTERN OF- THERMAL ~ ABSORMON 08-SD., IN TROPUCOLLAGEN SALT SOLN. IS CONNECTED WITH PREDENATURATIONAL CONFORMATiONALITRIANSFORMATI()N.WHEN APPROACHING CONDITIONS.CLOSE TO THE PHYSIOL. FACILITY:. INST. PROTEIN RES., M3SCOWP-USSR# UNCLASSIFIED loavus"k-1 -85.64 UDG 621-17 USSR raRYASRIN, V.S., KISHINVISKIY, L 1. JILLIN -S.4 "CoIntinuous-Action Magnetron With Evaporative Cooling-For Microwave Heating Uniten EleRtron. tekhniks. Nauchno-tokhn. ob. Elektron. SVGb (Slectronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave,Electronlcs)~ 1970, No 7, pp 114-11 9 (f rom,RZh--Elektrcnika i YeYe priTnLniye, No~ 11, Novemlior 1!770, Abstract No IIA123) Tran6lation: The results are resented of the devolopment of a continuous-action centimeter-band magnetron of average 'power for domvetio indlistrial mii~rowave heating unite. A distinctive characteristic of ~tha zwgnotronideveloped Is the evaporative cooling of the anode unit [blok], which has a number of advantages in compariaon with other methods of cooling. Ass boiling-vater host-transfer affent, it is possible to use both industrial water:and water-soiutions of ethyloneglycol with a freezing point tb*minue 70DI 0 14. USSR UDC ~576.651(Providencia)+616.935-039-0 AVDEYEVA, T. A., SMIRNOVA, L. A., TINING Ye . G., and Institut ~ I';*" y and Nii cro- KAPKOVA, A. G., Leningrad Epi mi-0 biology imeni Pasteur, Leningrad City Sanitary Epidemiological Station, and Leningrad Neva District Sanitary Ep'idemiological Station, Leningrad "Biological Characteristics of Providencia Bacteria in Connection withTheir Possible Etiolo,gical Role in Group Outbreaks of Dysentery-Like Diseases" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 71,, pp~ 120-123~ Abstract: Strains of Providencia (Enterobacteriaceae) isolated inthe summer of 1968 from.children.7-14 years old in connection with a study of dysentery-like diseases with a single alimentary source of infection were subjecte* serological typing. A I ty ing' A t erolo ic~ p these study of 88 isolated strain's of Providencia indicated that these te tha d en. a- Jca d t ovi c i 5tics ut b cteli_ 1 strains had common cultural and enzymatic chairacteristics, but 1/2 USSR AVDEYEVA, T. A., et al, Zhurnal IMikrobiologfi, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 48 No 2, Feb.71, pp 120-123- could be subdivided into six ser'o'logical types on the basis of reactions with rabbit OH-immune sera. Five of the six serologi- Cal types, comprising the majority of the strains, were closely related with respect to 0- orAf-antigens. Within.each of the six O-groups, independently of th,e number of strains in the group, the strains had an identical-H-antigen, i.e., they belonged to the same serotype. These serological.characteristics differed considerably from those established for Providencia cultures of diverse origin. 2/2 UN ame, *earch in titute, Punhchino (U) During thin,quarterly reporting period, two nc,_* articles were 4 0cated from the Protein Research Institute at Pushchina. Dn thelaals of one - of the articles, which dealt vith esc'.erirJUa coli ribosovies, it was possible to (32) . The other associate one new person, 0. 1, Smimov, with the institute article, aleu an ~scherichia coli , waz irsueci Jointly - Crc='the Tdstitute of Cenetics and Sel actlon of Microorganisms, Yon,:Ow, and the Protein Research Institute at (33). Previous articloa.:by V_ 1. been from the foruter instLtute. No previous faailiSy association could be for V. D. Vasil'yev, but it in likely that ho.reprezonze the latter institutc. This article probably representd,some joint mzk barween the r~_- institutes. (E;) As a ready source of reference, ILiven balow is Comp e sting., :::of persona4ties, identified -with the Protein Research Institute to the presont ti me. Berahteya, T. M. P "5havskaya 'Ye. P. Tedorov, B. A. Sardyuk, 1. N. I'Shtoyn- A. V. 114i-11v 'I. 'I- G I i ns k a Y a P_O Spirin, A. S. Lavrilova, L. P. Tik o In- v- t. TJSSR UDC 66.063.672:543.825.3 SHER, V. V., and SANIN, P 1~ I., All Union Scientific Research and Development Institute of Syntheticlubricants, Shchebekino; Institute of Yetrochemical Synthesis imeni A. V. Topchiyev Acad. Se. USSR Moscow, Neftekhimiya, Vol 13, No 1, Jan-Feb 73, pp 141-144 Abstract: Absorption of zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates, on oxidized carbon black particles was studied. It was established that oxidized carbon black particles adsorb 2-3 times as much zinc. dialkyl dithiop"hosphates as crude carbon black. Adsorption of zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates increases the stability of carbon black suspension in hydrocarbon media. he degree of the'stability of carbon black heptane suspension increa.~es with increased concentration and increased molecular wei'jzht of the zint~ stab1-lizer. Mix- 018 UNCLASS.IFI:E:D PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 .~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126952 ~.BSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP- - 'STRAC 'ACE 0 AB T A N I IA PROVED FLUIDIZED BED FURN AND AUXILIARY APP. ARE DESCRIBEO FOR T14E ROASTING OF SULFIDE CONCS. CQNTG. HG 0.6-0.9 AND SR, 27-9PERCENT.. ~ROASTING WAS AUTOGEMOUS AmO LITTLE FUEL. TO PREVENT SINTERING OF T)ii-:: cHAR(;E AND VOLATILIZATION OF S6 WITH HG, THE.TEMP. UNUER THE: FUR~iACE ROOF ~JAS HELD AT 480-500DEGREES. THE FURNACE COULD.BE MECHAINIZ,,~zb AND CONTRoLLEL) AUTOMATICALLY. THE EXTN. WAS ~SJMILAR-TO MPERCEW' HG AS A LIQ. AND SB SOAEWHAT HIGHER IN A CALCINE CONTG. 29-31PERCENT$., INCOMPLETE 5 ..EL-IMINATION GAVE BETTER RESULTS:- THAN DEAf) ROASTIN(~. UNCLAS" I r USSR mc 615.21-547-831-3 WSKOVKrIk, T. V., qj~ NURMWO, V.: M., and FEDYAYEVA-BASOVA, ~tICMNK04 M. N.1' L. P.J. Far.Eastern University; Vladivostok, and the Wovokuznetsk Scientific Research Chemicopharimceutical Institute- "Tn Search of Medicinal Agents in the Hy~dxoquinoline Series" Wscow, Mitmiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal, 110 3, 1973) PP 3-6 Abstract: For purposes of obtaining newbeutropic agents, a number of tetra- and decahydroquinolines were synthesized by reacting 1,5-diPetones (prepared by adding cyclohexanone or c'X', a-dimethyltetrahydro- Y-pyrone to chalcone) with for, -mmide in formic acid (la"ekart reaction). The resvItant hydro- quinolines were colorless., crystalline substances that formed vater-soluble salts with mineral acids. Only one preparation, 1-amino-2,4-diphenyldecahydro- quinoline, showed antidepressive reserpine-induced, h blepharoptosis and hypot ermia, and chlorpromazine catalepsy.' IFIED. 'PROCESSING DATE-;230CT70 UNC tAsst~ 11TIE-1z ATHESIS AND SO-14E PROPERTIFS 00,ALPHAI, AND BETA# FORMS OF 10, AAINOPERHYDROACRIDINE -U- AUTHOR-(.02)-MOSK0VKmAj T.V., TILICHENKO,o M.N OF-INFO--USSR FARM. Zli. 1970j4(31 28-32. ",-D ATE PUBLISHED------70 ,~..,.-SUSJECT AREAS-RIOLOGICAL AAD-MEOLCAL Sf,,IENCES~ RbXY REEL/FRAME-1998/0400 STEP NO--UR/0450/7GfOOtt/003/0028/0032 IRC. ACCESSION NO--AP0121080 UNCLASS I F IED -2/3 026 UNCLASSl;FtE!b:-:- PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 C IRC. ACC-ESSION NO--AP0121080 A BSTR ACT/ EXTR AC T-- ( U) GP-0~- ABSTRACT. FORM SHOWN ON 'MICROFICHE. PERHYDROACRIDINE. ( I) TREATED WITH DJL 14CL PPTD. THE CHL SALT OF THE ALPHAtISOMER; THE FILTRATE SATD WITH;NA SUB2. CO~SUB3 ~GAVE THE BETAtFORM. fit 111, AND.IV WERE PREPD. :FRGM BOTH FORMS. A BOILING AQ. :SOLN. GF1.14CL WITH NANO SU82 GAVE THE 10,NTTROSO DE:RIVS. AIND RE-ON. YIELDED 101AMINO DERIVS. THUS WERE PREPD. :111 (ISO-~IER, Rt PERCENT YIELD, ANO M.P. GIVEN): ALPHA, H, MINUSt 8.9-900EGREES (ErOH); BETA, H, MINUS, 47-90EGREES; ALPHA, NQv 90-t 87-80EGREES (LIG-ROIN); BETA, NO., 80f $4v.81-30EGRc:,ES (LIGROIN); BETA, 65-6OEGREESJL&lGROIi-',0; ALPHA, NH.SUfi2t NH SUBZ. HCL, MINUS, L92-30EGREES (NOXANE); ALPHA, NH SUG21 841 58-90EGREES1LIGRO[N); BETAv NH SUt32.HCLr MINUS9 16,-J-IUEGREES (CHCL SUB3). -REACTION OF 10,AMIm0PERHYDROACR,IDINE WITH ALDEHYDES OR KETONES YIELDED III (ISOMER, R PRIME-lo. R PRIME2'v PERCE14T YIELD, AND M.P. GIVEJN): (ME SUD2 CO); ALPHAI iPpME-SUB2 NC SLJ86 H B.ETAt ET, Ht 76, L32 ~SUB4t lqt 65, 187-SDEGREES tETOH);.'.BETAj:Ptl4E SUB2 NC SU.136 H SUB4, H, 63, 159-60DEGREES (ETOH); 13ETAP PPMEOC SUB6 :H SU84p Hol 83p '14')-51DEGREES (ETOH); BETA# 3t4r(METHYLENEDIOXY) PHENYLt H, 79t 157-9,DEGREES (ME SUB2 :.CO); BETAp PHCH:CH, Hy 75v 109711DEGREES NE SUB2 CO); ALPHA, PHCHCH, H 68 197DEGREES (ETGH); BETA,-,PO SU132 NC SUB6 H:SU84, H, 80, (ETOH); BETA9'5vNITROt2FO~YL, H,~ 30, 146-'7DEGREES K SUB6 .14.1SU8141; ALPHA, 5,NITR0j2jFURYLt:H, 85,70-10EGREES (OMFI; BETA, ME, ME, -90947-80EGREES (OMF). Ut,'ClUASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING OATE-'-23OCTTO ~,W--AP0121080 -.jlKACT/EXTRACT--RE0N* OF, III t.R PRIM-cl EQUALS R PRIME2 EQUALS 4E) GAVE 80PERCENT 10t(ISOPROPYLAMINO)DERIVor~M. 60-IDEGAEES, OF ALPHA,l (HCL SALT M. 217-20DEGqEES) AND . 75PERCENT 8ETAjlSOt4FRs M. 30-2DEGREES; HCL SALT M. 210-14DEGREES (L)ECOMPN*.). RE IACTION,OF.Il (R EQUALS NH SUF52) WITH KO SUB2 ET) SUI52 ANDIACID'CHL-dRIDES YIELOP) IV (ISOMER, R, PERCEN-i YIELD, AND -MP.GIV;l--N): ALPHAt ETO SUB2-Cr 23*212DEGR;:ES (ETOH%' BETAI ETO SUB2 C, 39, 206-70EGR6ESA,AQ. ETDH).;' ALPHA, OH, 70, 297-SOEGREES (ME SU32 CO); BETA, PH, 60t 257-80EGREES.10MF);~ALPHA, Pili SUB2 NC SUB6 H SUB4, 40, 2951-70EGREES; BETA, PYH SUB.2:NC SU86~.HSUB4, 40, 248-50DEGREES (El-TOH);-BLETAt 3PPYIRIDYLI-96, ?-53-4DEGREES (ETCH). BOTH ISOMERS OF 1-0,AMINq DERIV. INHIBIT MO-~IOAMINOOXIDASF; ALPHA,FORM 6LOCKS THE CIECOMP.4. OF SEROTONIN IN PAT B441N AND LIVER.1 BETA,FORM ONLY IN THE L I V ER. BOTH ISO~MERS SH01-1 NO,,EFFECT ON SER0TotqIN 6a MOUSE BRAIN, ALPHA,ISOMER OF l0y(ISOPkoPYLAMtN0) DERIV. OF LESS.liACTIVE AND BETA,FORM INACTIVE. FACILITY-.'~--OALINEVOST. UNI~V., VLADIVOSTOK, USSR, UMC LAS S 1 F !ED ~7w A~cc ~r: Abstractih&,Servic-e: Ref. Code: AP0053437- CHEMICAL: T,~;; ABS 111272w Interaction ~f 2.2 -mithyleinedicy lobexanone with r primary atnines in the presence o ~ CA oil te -c o 0 in ko,'A. N~' Tili ium salts). k'i-,V.A.; Say rche'n iTili en,ko, M. N. (Dal'nevost.- s. niv., Iladivostok. UN -TZ4. urg. him-7TO4,0~P.(2)AOW4-5.';,(Ru ~-!Tho title reaction in ben- -nifc' 'r 'e' 6-""~% Substitu wi sym-bcta- zene contg. 2-3 ~ eqiti~vs;b 1"k, e! na htfi~l, -maphthil, p- hydroacridiniurn chlo'rid':fI) p R',, Cr C,,HOMe, PhCHt, Ph, C110a, and CH%Cl:). The same reaction CPJR takes place in pur.- CC.4, but, the yitJds are lower ~q REEL/FRAME 19830462 1 2 022 UNCLASSI Fli :P:POCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--ABSORPTION SPECTRA AND SIZE,OF: COLLOIDAL POTASSIUM CHLORIDE CRYSTALS -U- Kot EKMANIS9, YUOA~p UDODv T I L I KS~&~-~ ,.:,_S_OURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970, 12(4) 879-.84 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 CENTERS IN SODIUM AND V.Vop LYUSHINA, A.F., SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt ELECTRONICS AND,ELECTRICAL..ENGR. -TOPIC TAGS--ABSORPTION SPECTRUM# SODIUM:CHLORIDEt POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, :OPTIC PROPERTYv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE. LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CCNTRV DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0580 STEP:NO--UR/0181/70/012/003/08,79/0884 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105563 -~-022: '.UNCL-ASS:I.Fl,E.o~..;:- ~pkbc~~SING DATE--ISSEP70 ?i MRM CIRC 'ACCESSION NO--AP0105563 :-'-ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COLLOIDAL CENTERS WERE INVESTIGATED IN ELECTROLYTICALLY COLORED NACL ANG KCL CRYSTALS WITH THE APPLICATION OF OPTICAL, ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC, AND CHEM. METHODS. COMPARSION OF THE EXPTL, ABSORPTION S.PIECTRA OF COLLOIDAL PARTICLES 14ETH THOSE CALCO, BY THE MIE THEORY WITH THE ACCOUNT OF EXPTL..DISTRIBU-flON OF THE PARTICLES OVER DIMENSIONS FOR NACL.AND KGL CR`iSTALS GAVE A GOOD COINCIDENCE* THIS IS A DIRECT IPR06F OF THE VALIDITY OF THE MIE THEORY FOP. THE DESCR.IPTION OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF COLLOIDAL PARTICLES IN IONIC CRYSTALS.- THE COLLOIDAL CENTER S~ WITH RADIUS GREATER THAN 600 ANGSTROM ARE REPRESENTED WEAKLY IN THE: OPTICAL SP.ECTRUM, THOUGH SUCH PARTICLES-IN ELFCTRON MICROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION,WERE OBSO..IN ALL -:.CRYSTALSo . COLLOIDAL PARTICLES.. ARE QUITE~ UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED OVER THE ,:CRYSTAL* AND MORE S'O IN NACL rtim: I NkC*L CRYSTAL Si. ____UNC".S_Sf_FIELl 112 UNC L A S I I;E 1):. :P.-Rr2c F s s Il' IG G A 1 13 i'll J V 7 0 T I TLL--E A PL-:2 I FLINCE I THE US E OF PIN E W-i Cl G R A PH I IN TO& 01AGN-D-SIS 1-1- JISEASES UF SALIVAkY PNEUWiSUBMANI: U~IUL GIGRA PHY -u- NiJTHC)R- 10 3 -46CHUL SK I Y, A S PI L I NER i4.A.t~ 11LINAli. 0.A. OF I,-,Fkl--USSR -COUNTRY SOUaCE-ST-CMATUILUGIYA, 1970,~ VOL 49, NR 3, PP 66-67 DATE P U -1 L I SH C-0 - - - - - - - 70 SUSJECT ARI-EAS-819LOG I CAL A N 1) IAEO I CAL: SC 1: E N C ES: TOPIC TAGS-ORAL 0 1 S-E A SE, SALIVARY GL.ANL) --PNEUM06RAPHY;? RADIOGRAPHY, DIAG140STIC MIEDICINE C G MI T 0 L MARKING-t-Al i,~ESTRICTIWtis 0 0 C U M F I J T ~PROXY REE 5 J:/70/0'i-9/()03/fj066/00( 'UHAME-3004/0501t TE P C I RC Af, C E S 10 N 1,411 ""d 0 13 11 7 2/2 030 UNCL A ED PRIXESSkAG D.AFE-13110V70 CIRC ACCESSIfX14 NO-AP0131 1227 ABSTRACT/PXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT, :THROUGH A SYSTEEM GiF flit] 8 1() BR' OVS APPA~~ATOS Tii',: "UTF!"li"S PSUFFLATED OXYGEN UOER THE 11USCLES OF THE q SIJBIMENTAL A,'~D UNDE:R Clji~ITROU UP, THE X RAY: SC.;iE_EPJ PREPAREO RIJENT GF.M,C6;%A' ' OF S ObMAX r.L.LARY SAL th-VRY GLAND f:ROM Bu)Tii SIDE' IN A NiJif-HIER OF CASES TG!1-3GKAMS ViEI;E REECORL~`D AND THE INVESTIGAr ION 'VIA S COM16 li't~ED '01 ITH S1 ALI.)GRAPHY --ON THE f GENOGR10iS THE--RE ARE DISTINCTLY SEEN CO-NTWURS OF THC GLAND, FORM AND LOBAR STRucTURE AND INTERRELATIQN WITH THE SURROUND ING JISSUES* JIN AS (1 L i PI E 0 WON lot.. USSR YESIPCHUK, Yu. V., et al., Zhurnal, Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Yol h3, No 7, PP 1466-1473 transverse diffusion. In previous work transverse conductivity had been connected only with an ionization wave. It is shown. that in many modes of operation without an ionization vave, in which drift oscAllations are the fundamental waveform, the conductivity across the field is still several orders of magnitude higher than Coulomb conduction..~It is hypothesized that the mechanism responsible for both,ionization P-nd drift instability may be oscillations with afrequency close to the electron cyclotron -frequency. 2/2 36 - �R ITIM MIS 2 OWN UILM, I ""MMO AND MEDICAL ~SCIENCES TAGS--MEDICAL RESEAPCH FACILITY,: DOGt HYPOXIA, CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, MEDICAL PERSONNEL, ALTITUDE.: AUAPTATIONt'.' HEMATOPOIESIS CCNTROL MAPKING--N0 RESTR ICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/0915 S TEP NO---UR/9034~/70/000/000/0003/0003 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0122959 :T 7~7 2/2 04:1 UNCLASS(FIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AN0122959 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED BY THE KlkGlZ 3EDICAL INSTITUTE DESIGNED TO DETERMINE:1HE JiYPOXY ADAPTATION MECHANISM ARE DESCRIBED. DOGSWERE USED AS TEST ANIMALS. THE ALTITUDES OF- THE EXPERIMENTS VARIED BETWEEN 760 M, IN FRUNZE, AND 31200 Mt IN HIGHLANDS. CLINICAL STUGIES CONDUCTED 6Y A..RAIMLHANOV AND DIRECTED BY.M. MIRRAKHIMUV9 CORRES.P,ONDI,NG MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF MEDICAL.SCIENCES, U.S.'s.R.'. HAVE: SH9 OWN,JHAT. A S'ERUM: ENRICHED WITH HEMOPOIETINS CAN BE USED TO -~~Tl MULXTE THE 6LOO.D. PRODUCING SYSTEM* FACILITY*. CHAIR OF PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY*. FACILITY: KIRGIZ -.MEDICAL INSTITUTE. i F USSR MC W-A194~615.739 TILIS, A. YU., Chair of Pathological Physiology, Kirq1z State Medical Institute "Data Obtained In the Study of Inhibitors of Hemopoie6ls" Frunzep Sovetskoye Mravookhraneniye Kirgizilp No 2, Mar/Apr 71# pp 6-10 Abstracti In experiments conducted on dogs# aseptic 14flammation was Dro- duced by subcutaneous injection of turpentine, or the btdy of the animals was-overheated by 0placing them for 40-60 minutes-into a chamber with a tem- I.S '~' rOSLLJ~ OLP perature of 4-5-50 V - either- treatment, hemopoic-sis was dGDressed. The depression of hemopoiesis was associated with a da!.,reasa in the caatelat of erythropoietins in the blood serum.. On bloodlettinG, stimulation of hem- poiesis and an increase in the content of erythropoietins in the blood serum such as that observed in normal animals after a blood 2oss did not take place In dogs that had been subjected to overheating orin ubich an, azeptic inflam- mation had been produced. At the heighti.of anemization of e%;eriaental animals duo to azeptic inflarwaation folloited by bloodleittingi acrum enriched in orythropoietins was injected to them. ~Seziiz of dogs Rept.for 2 months at an altitude of 30200 m or serum enriched in erythropoietins after the bleeding of normal dogs was used. As a.result of:administrationof the serum, restora- tion of normal hemopoiesis was expe-dited.' -This indicated that after the lesion 112 USSR UDC 533.6.011 KRAYKO, A. N., ULLYAYEVA 110scow "Construction of the Minimum Wave Dxag.Outline in a*Nonuniform Supersonic Flow" 'Hekhanika, Vol 37, 7o 3, 1973, pp 4,69-487 Moscow, Prikladnaya Natematika i I Abstract: A study was made of the variation problem of the construction of the generatrix of a flat or axisymmetric body insuring minimun. v-ave drap, when there is flow by a nonuniforn, (nonisop-i .itropic and nonisoeniirgetic) supersonic flow of an ideal (nonviscous anti nonthetmally conductinr,) gas in Oie case whare a zone of sharp variation of the parameters retained (ir the-- absence of discontinuities) along the current line, that ist the entropy and total enthalpy, falls in the region of definition of the desired outline. At the-linit, the indicated zone degenerates into a tangential discontinuity. The investigation is li-mited to configurations (for example, nozzles or the afterbodies), for which there are no shock waves (including the bow shock) in the investigated region. The known solution [Yu. D. Shmyglevskiy, llek-otorvye variatsionnirve zadachi gazovov dinamiki, '211. , Tr. V'Is AN SSSR. 1963: A.- N.: Kraylho, Vari-ltsionnXye zadachi sverkhzvuk-ovv!-ji techeniv t-aza s Droizvol'nyrii. terrodi~.,amicheskimi svoyctvami. H. , Tr. VTs A". _SSSIR, 1963 1 obtained previously for nonuniform flows And giving a smooth (without internal breakpoints),optirial outline can not in such cases be realized and must be replaced by the'solution for which the generatrix of 1/2, NOR MEMO. 1~110 IMI SIMM USSR YRAYKO, A. N., ET AL., Prikladnaya Hatematika i Mekhanika, Vol 37, No 3, 1973, pp 469--487 tbe,optimal body contains no less than one internal- breakpoint. Since the configurations of this type coji not be investigated using the transition used in the above-cited papers~to.the control outline, in~crder to obtain the neces- sary conditions of the e_xtranium defining the shape of the optimal generatrix it is necessary to use the general method of Lagrange factors in the previously developed forn JK. G. Guderley, et al., Teoriya optimal'nykh nerodinamicheskikh form., Moscow, Mir, 172-194, 1969; A. N. Krayko, PI'-Dii Vol 28, N-o 2, 285-295, 1964; Vol 30, No 2, 312-320, 19661. On 'the basis.of the op,timalness conditions ob- tained, a numerical algorithm is;develciped and examplrs of the optimil. generatr4C(3s of flat bodies are constructed in the case of a flow with a tangential discon- tinuity. 2/2 imam= USSR KRAYKO, A. N. , Moscow "Solution of the Variation. Problem of Constructing the Outline of the-Compo- site.Nozzle" Moscow, Prikladnaya Matematika i Hekhanika, Vol 35, No 4, 1971, pp 619-632 Abstract; A solution was found to the,variation problem of constructing the outline of the supersonic part of an optimal composite nozzle designed for operation in two different modes, The ~complete nozzl *e operates in the mode which,is characterized by the larger pressure drop. rhe end section of the nozzle is retracted (or extended) in the made with lower pressure drop. The maximum allowable length of the complete nozzle:and the cotmterpressure deter- mining each mode and the probabilities ~of using the complete nozzle or part of it are given. The nozzle desiga is optimized with rori-pect to the average thrust. The necessary conditions under which the optinal outline can be con- structed are obtained, mid the _corraspon~Ung numerical algorithm based on these conditions i-%- developed. Examples are P iresented of optimal composite nozzles constructed using the indicated algorithm.. - They are compared with the, optimal continuous nozzles designed for the aver- assure. The evolution of age, counterpre the. shape of the optimal composites nozzle in the entice range of possible values of the maxim= allowable lengtli~is analyzed 77 USSR UDC 541.15:678(744-746)-13 TASHIMIAMMOV, S. A., KARABkYEV,: A. SIL.j Tashkent Order of the Red Banner of Labor State Un ive, rsity en n n 0~ ItRadiation Copolymerization of Vinyl Ace taIte.withIVin yl Py rroliclone" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, 1972, pp 54-56 Abstract: A study was made of the kinetics of copoly~merization of vinyl acetate with vinyl pyrrolidone as a function 0i tbe* dosage-, radiation pot.,rer, nature of the solvents and c,)rcentration 'of the Initial mixtuTes,. During copolymerization of vinyl acetate with vinyl pyrrolidone in. the close range from 0. 1 to 1. 0 m rads, a power oi 70 rads/sec in the mass, methanol and ben,--2ne, significant conversion of the monomers is observed at doses of '0.8-1.0 mrads'. The copolymL --r is enriched with vinyl pyrrolidone for all ratios of the initial con-,ponents. The values of the copolymerication constants, the specific activity and the polarity found agree with the published data (Yu. D. Semchikov , et .I., bj~okomolek. soved. , B12, 381, 1970). The yield of the copolymers. synthesized in the mass with Vn integral dose of 0.5 mrads decreases f ram 94 to 34 parcent vith an increase in dose intensityf rom 6 to 207 rads/sec. , 'This arises f ron an increase in the detachment rate of the growing chains. The expo=nt ii = 08:68 in the equation V kjn deviates from 0.5 tmiard higher va .lues in con~.ection.with a decrease in the collision probability of' the growing chains formed in the solld phase. AZIM-W, S. A. I-IYALKOV83KIY, V. 14. tXPITJ?INOV? Kh. I-,A S UL 0 V ABDULLAYEV, A. 11. BEYSEMBAYEV, R. U. (.33AVRILIN, ~'o. V. ,TALIPOW, D. A. MULLAYMONOV, E. M. TIL YEY T. RAIKHMMIOV, Zh. , U~.. ULDIAYEVA, F. A. , T., IS. ,Insrittrtte oi- Illuclear Physlics of -the Acade-,j of Sciences Uzbek SSR "Study of the Characteristics of High-rEnergy Interdctions of Pions and Nucleons" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademi Nauk SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol. 36, No. 8, Aug 72, pp 1626-1631 Abntract-: Experimental data obtained,~at the Ktim-Bi!_-11 High-Altitude Station of the rhysicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR are reported. The station'is.3200 n abo7e sea level. The setuD contains three series of wide-gap spark cha4ier-s.j-,-j_qth effective areas of 2 njaced above and below, t-1,c tamet. ~Zne Cerenkov sPectro- met- with total albsomtion and an ionizition caj&~_Ireter with an area of 10 rli~ vere used to mea3ure the primry enerry E01 jp to tiie present time iho experimental data obtained over 630~ --ars of operation of the device have been proccoacd,vith a higli-voltage pilse, being s,,1-11-olied to the electrodes Of A. sbars. Shmers ii-ith an rxi-U, of > 20?) Gofrr c!enQj-atea in the tar1ret the spark chai7i A. 2 a e ur, were selected for analysise -The folloving ratio was dbtlin d for the rL ber 1/2 -7 USSR 2 --AZD'.0V~ S. A., et al., Isvestiya Akademii Hauk. SSSP,) Seriya Fizicheskayaj 'Vol 36, No 8, Aug 72, pp 1626-1631 of pr:-mary charged Nc and neutral part icles: MC/Nn 2.3 0.3; this shows that the proportion of charged particles is %3440 of all nuclear active Darticles, thus making it possible to study pion-nuclear collisions by comparing the characteristics of the interaction:of charged and neLftral primary particles. A weak -functional,depende-zice be"ureen'the inelasticity coefficient and the atomic number of the target nucleus and a strong functional dependence between this coefficient and:the nature of the primary particles were obtained for interactions OF hadron with Eo > 200 Ger. is almost a logarithmic function of EO.- The average multipri- city in the interaction of pions with neut-Pons in paraffin is identical within the experimental limit. A considerable azimuthal effect was ob- served for the angular distribution i6f secondary particles. The azimuthal effect has its greatest value, for showers with 8-15, or a multipli- city close to average. UIDC 539-171-017 ABDULIAYEV, A. M., AZVOV, S. A., BEYSEMBAYEV, R. TJ.,_:BELITSKIY. M..T,. MULLIMNOVP E. ZH., MYALMISKIY, V. M. 'TALIPOV, T. AO:, MZROV R., MEN, E., and YLUABBBAYEV, TO: S.; "Study of Characteristics of, Inelistic Interactions of Cosmic-Ray Particles in t1w 1011 to 1012_ev Energy Range' Moscov, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 35, No 10, 'Oat 71, pp 2o65-2o68 Abstract: Experitnents that were performe'd at the high.;altitude test station .(3,200 M-) at Kum-B--l' in Uzbekistu In are. described. The purpose of the exper- iments was to investigate the angle of arrival and the,energy characteristics of interactions of pions and nucleons with light and heavy nuclei at 2 x 1011 to 2 x 1012 ev and the mechanism of generating muonn at energies above 2 x 1012 -sp I bero,.located abo,,re and below the target ev. , Eq7jipment consisted of ark cl (paraffin vmx, carbon., and iron), a,lrerenkov. spoectrometer of full absorption, and an ionization calori=ter. This comolex method of measurements was'found convenient for use in various modes of operation.. A detailed description of various parts of the installation and their dispoaitioil is given in the paper. 1/3 jSSR ABULLAYEV, A. 19., et al. lzjesti Akademii Kauk SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, Ya Vol 35.1 110 10, Oct 71, Pp 2065-2068 Joint operation of ionizing calorimeters and spark chambers is normally difficult because of the need for high voltage on thetalorimeter electrodes, combinid with the time lag of the input pulse from the spark chambers, amount- ing, to over 20 microseconds. This difficulty was avoided in the Dresent experiments by storing pulses in memory cells, with th~ subsequent input of a high-voltage pulse of about 120 kv., Operation was controLled by a master- 'pulse, prior to which all parts of the equipment were kept inaDerative. 'terenkov spectrometer Results of 200 hours of the~joint operation of a - and ionizing calorimeter, vith graphite the target,have been prot- cessed so far. For analysis, showers with energy abov-- 1-5 x 1011 ev were selected, 130 of them having been observ6d.. The ratio~of charged to neutral nucleons were determined and, from it, the fraction of, charged pions of the total nucleus-active stream of particlesi, The inelastic toefficient for the formation of 5TI-masons was computed from the experiments related to the interaction of neutral particles with nuclei of graphite. It is concluded that the combination of ionizin..c. calorimeter with Cereakov s-Dectrometer of fall absorution- for the simultaneous determination of energy of primary particles made it possible to determine the fraction of 2/3 U.- 11FAzEN FINIAtURO-1 f EPM bk,~.JIMWH! H117,A HI HINAAIA MH ZA- I ~Pll: I ~fit I I U I M!;Via; A7 ~4 B F,,~ USSR ABULMYEV, A. M., et al Izve stiya Akademi iHauk. SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, v93,35P No 10, 0~--t` 71P pp 2065-2o68 energy ~~upplied by the ionizing particles:17? since a Cerenkov spectrometer wasures-only the energy emitted by relativistic particles. It -,ma found that ry particles, of f,or the mean energy of primai .350 Gev the energy part lost on ter, is-,,,,, ..nuclear fissions in the spectrometer, vith CC14 as the,'light emit ~0-25, CSO: 286e -W END 3/3 Ar-c. Ar. z 469zy Ref Code: UDC 622.765 USSR PAM, Wo, "The Kinetics of Flotation" Lenin-=ad. VIII Mezhdunaz. Kongress po Obogashcho' Polezn. 15kopayemykh Sbor Concenti-a~on: of =-7rollection. o (2ighih International Congress on Papers Presented), Vol 2,- 19691- pp .487-499 (from Mascak, Referativnyy Zhurnal I-Ifetallurgiya, No 1, 1970, Abstract No IV105 by A.. Shmeleva) 'rranslationi Flotation kinetic equations w-ers derived witbvut use of a prim-i 1,~Totheses. In this case, the crder of flotation equations were obtained as a conseouence-of the existence of determin0d.correlations between individual separation functions. . The formila~ valid only-ir.,tba slAplest case of ore flotation. (8 Allustra-tiomsI Bqlg~ujn) Reel/Frame USSR UDC 621.323 TILO, R. A. , WaOBSON, V. S. "Four-Ch n annel Device for Tape Recording a d for introducing Lorw-Frequency Signals a Digital Computer!' -Aug. Moscow, Pribory i tekhnika eks2eximenta,: No 4, J ul s, 70, pp 106-109 Abstract: This laboratory, device not only records infori-.,.ation on magnetic tape but transforms the recorded signalsiinto a digital code applied directly to a digital computer. it simultaneously records four.,processes and is su- perior in many other ways to single-channel-systems of.,similar type, requiring no elaborate S~.44tching mechanism or analog~dlgital corr~,erter. For revording, it uses two CU-4 universal heads. The four-channel modulator consists of a transistorized 5awtooth oscillator and a diode regenerative comparator cir- cuit which compares the sawtooth voltage i4ith the input si.",al voltage. A schematic of the modulator and the recorder current forming ciircuit is given and the operation of the arrangement e-xplained. An eleven-digit binary code consisting of two numbers is used:between.the recording device and tile BESM- computer: the first s.howiag ~the state of Che. counter, the second giving the numbers of the channels. over Vnlc"h the signal -came. A curve of the digital codes as a function of the input voltage shows the variation to be substantially linear. It is asserted that the general accuracy of the I .i I USSR UDC 615.471.[614-777+628-191074:543-lt2-062 SML'NIKOV, V. Ye., TI1-W9V),%0_?A'--J' 1-11IN, Yu. S., IKOMMCOVA, S. V., GIKKELI, A. A., GONCHAROV, A. T., AFOITIN, V. I., PERMAMSEVA, V. B., and SOKOLCI, B. K., Central Design Bureau and Pilot Plant,,,USSR Acadeny of Medical Sciences, Moscov and Institute of Biology of Inland'Watersl USSR Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Oblast "A Multipurpose Spectrofluorineter to Study Natural and.Polluted Water" Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 1, Moscow 1973, pp 65-68 Abstract: The akva-MF spectrofluorimeter'developed by,the authors can be used for rapid determination of and mineral compounds present in water, for automatic regulation of fluorescent, substances in a stream, for detection In lakes and seas of water massesdiffering in chemical composition and origin, and for study of the conversion and breakd(r.4n of compounds under -the influence of biological and phybicochemical factors. Analyses can be made in theJaboratory, in the field, or on a research vessel.. The spectrum of fluorescent, co=ounds can be obtained directly at the saizzpling site. The apparatus is a single-beam recording spectrofluorimetexi1designed to function in the visible and UV regions,of the spectrum. With the use of interchangeable attachments, it can record spectra.of-fluorescence, excitation, and phosphores- cence in a solution as vell as substances separated in chromatographic zones on pa r. USSR President, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR VlMy te The Responsibility of a Scholar" s rious Phenomenon: Discovery or Error?; Hoscow, Literaturnaya Gazeta, No 31, 29 Jul 70, P 12 Abstract: The reexamination of the R. A. Kuleshova effect indicates the need to protect the public from false and sensational, as.well as scientifically unsound claims. Experiments with color detection by1fingers were described at the end of the last century by several Russian psychiatrists. Nowadays mysterious experi- ments involving hypnosis, trance, and other phenomena are described and theories an e have emerged.. It is not too serious whert dilettantes describe se. c s, but when scholars or respected researchers issue publications in newpapers and journals. this represents an.infringement of one a responsibiAty as a scholar. Examples of such irresponsibility can be drawn from various fields of psychology. There is hope, however, that just as certain laws of. science stand unquestioned, para psychology will reach the same state. For this.:to happen, ~he experimental work has to be of high accuracy and reliability. .2heyoung reseaTchers entering the .--.-".-field,must have,clear in mind the aim of their research and'the future of their 1/2 USSR TIMAKOV, V., Literaturnaya Gazeta, N0,31, 29 jul 70, p 12 work. The researchers now in the field must refine their experiments so that errors of method can be eliminated and erroneous or misleading publications can be avoided. This will be harder to achieve in the,field of parapsychology than -in the traditional sciences. It must, however, be remembered that with the modern means of information dissemination,,millions and tens of, millions of people can. be,misguided, particularly when such,unrealiable data ar,e reported under the name of a professional scholar. 2/2 USSR. UDC 576.858-74.o6 TIMAKOV, V. D., KWAN, G. Ya. L-formy bakteriy i semeystvo Mycoplasmataceae v patologii (Bacterial L-Forms and the Part Played by the Iticoplasmataceae Family in Pathological Processes),, Moscow, Yeditsina., 1973, 392 . opies printed PP, 2, 500: d Abstract The monograph s==arizes the results of many years of experimentation and observation by the authors and their-colleagues, and cites data in the litera- ture on the most important division of modern m~mopla,smatology: the part played by Mycoplasma, and bacterial.L-forms in pathological Part. One -- L-Forms of Microorganisms and I%eir Role in Pathological Pro- cesses -- presents a detailed description of the factors and conditions of induction of L-forms in vitro and.of their biological~~characteristics and of the stabilization of L-forms. Reversion of,L-forms to bacteria and the biolog- ical characteristics of these bacteria are~descri'bed,-~ The''book provides most complete information on tj the pathogenic potential of L-forms of m-4crooriSanisms, on L-form,induction, on the persistence of L- forms and their reversion in vivo and in cell culture,,on pathoGenic factors and pathological responses to e;kperimental infection, aind on Ltxpeximental models of pathological processes involving various species of L-form ricro- organiBms. Of particular interest are materials analy2ed by the authors con- cerning the isoiation and identificationiof.'bacterial t--forms and other forms 1/10 USSR TIMAKOV, V. D., KAGAN, G. Ya., Meditsinai, 1973, 392 PP, 2500 copies printed of microorganisms devoid of cell.walls.from the pathological matter of patients with septicemia, septic endocarditis,!rheumocarditis, purulent meningitis, inflarted genitourinarj tract,,. and.other human diseases. Part Two -- The Family of M)rcoplasmataceae and Its Role in Pathological Processes -- discusses the biological characteristics of Mycoplasmataceae and the comparative biology of bacterial L-forms and mycoplasmas, their ph- Tlogeny and taxonomy. Pathogenic potential of~mycoplasmas in cell culture and in vivo, pathological reactions and e:qperimental.models of -pathological processes caused by various mycoplasma species; pathoGenesis clinical aspects, epidemiol- ogy,, epizootiology of Mycoplasma infections (respiratory diseases, diseases of thegenitourinary system, etc.)-and laboratory diagno Isis are presented in detail in this part of the monograph. 'The possible,significance of mycoplasm, in leukemia and the problem of combined,mycoplasma-vix-s-I infection are also analyzed. The book essentially deals with the clarification- of the part played by L-forms and rucoplasma in human and animal-pathology-i The monograph is intended fcr biologists, microbiologists, virologists, medical workers, epidemioloaists and veterinarians. 2/10 86 USSR TIWOVj V. D., KAGAN, G. Ya., Meditsina... 1973, 392 pp, 2500 copies printed Conte-nts Introduction 3 PART ONE. L-FORIS OF MICROORGANTSVE AND THEIR ROLE IN TIM PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS Chapter I. Factors and conditions in the induction of L-form bacteria 15 Factors in the induction:of L-formlacteria 15 Composition of nutrient medium, c6iiditions~of induction and cultivation of L-form,bacteria 20 Significance-of individual features in the genus: strain and population of bacteria.for D-transformation 22 'Chapter II-. Biological featureslof L-fbim bacteria 28 'Morphology of colonies and microstiuctural~:elemen~ts. Ultra- structuralorganization. 28 Morphology of L-colonies- 29 Morphology of microstructural elemonts,of L-colonies 31 Ultrastructural organization 36 Physiological features of L-form bacteria 41 DNA- and RUA-containing structures of L-forms based on cytochemical 3110 data 41 rar'&acu.Lars or caemicai composizion Particulars of raprodaction Mechanical and osmotic fragi-lity. ~Bens,itivity to certain surface- active agents and bactpriophdges Cultivation conditions, enzpatic-'activity Antigen characteristics of L-form bacte;ria Chapter M. Stabilizationof L-form bacteria. Reversion of bacteria from L-forms and biological description of reverted bacteria Stabilization of L-form bacteria Reversion of bacteria from L-forms and biological description of reverted bacteria Certain data on the genetic mechanisms of induction, Stabilization and rev ersion of L-form bacteria, Chapter W. L-form bacteria in,human pathology Pathogenic potential of L-form bacteria. Induction of L-forms, their persistence and rever6ion in vivo Induction, persistence, eytopathic effect and reversion of L-forms in cell cultures Pathogenic factors of L-form.bacteria. Pathological reactions of animals to experimental infection 87' - 43 48 50 53 57 67 67 72 76 84 84 85 93 97 Wide" USSR TIMAKOV, V. D., KAGANj G. YA-1 Yieditsina.. 1973, 392 pp, 2500 copies printed Isolation of L-form bacteria in certain.humm diseases. Experimental models of pathological processes caused, by L-fonii bacteria 105 L-form bacteria in septicemia~ septic endocarditis and~rheumatism 105 Experimental pathological processes the administration of streptococci and their L-forms-,- Experimental angina in monkeys L-form bacteria in purulent meningitis and me-ningpencephalitis 1-07 Experimental meningitis in rabbits 130 L-form bacteria and other variants':with a defective cell wall in human genitourinary diseases and'other inflammatory processes 132 The problem of identifying -L-form bacteria 135 PART TWO. TTHE FAMILY OF NYCOPLASMATAGRAE Ain ITS ROLE IN PATHOLOGICAL PROCESSES Chapter V. Biological characteristics of the Yqcoplasmataceae family 142 Morphological characteristics.,of mycopla0as, 142 Morphology of colonies~ 142 Morphology of microstructural e lementb. of mycoplapm 144 Ultrastnictuml organization of mycoplasmas 150 Physiological and biochemical charadteristins of mycoplasma 154 5/10 USSR TRMKOV, V. D., KAGAN, G. Ya.,.Yeditsina,, 1973, 392 ppj 2500 copies printed Chemical composition and particular's:;of metabolism Biophysical features. Sensitivityto, physical an& chemical action Growth phases Antigen features of mycoplasmas Serological methods in the investigation of mycoplasma. Inter- species and intraspecies differentiation Imirochemical features of mycoplasm~s Chapter VI. Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Mollicutes class Classification of the Mollicutes class Classification of the genus Mycoplasma (according to Eduard, Freundt, Phylogeny of mycoplasma, their simi2arities and differences with L-form bacteria Chapter VII. The infectious proceisocaus.ed by mycoplasma in.cell cul- tures Behavior of mycoplasm- in,cell cultures.~ Latent.mycoplasma infection of.cell:,cultures infection of-cell ctiltures. mycoplasma- Proliferative-transformational-'effecticaused by mycoplasms Interactions of mycoplasma and cells 6/io 88 - izz4 161 165 173 16-3 190 190 193 195 2o4 2o4 204 2o6 23.2 214 USSR TD!AKOV., V. D., KAGAN, G. Ya., Yeditsina, 1973,,392 PP, 2500 copies printed First phase of the interaction of'mycopliasma and calls 214 Multiplication of mycoplasma in cell matures. rntracellular and extracellular localization of myboplasma, 219 Certain biochemical aspects.of the~interaction mfcoplasma and cells 227 Certain cytogenetic aspects of the interactior- of nVeckplasma and cells 230 Interaction of mycoplasma, and viruses in the mixed infection of cell cul- tures 232 Chapter VIII. The ~tcoplawmataceae family in human and animal patfic%logy 239 Mycoplasmas that cause respirato diseases~ ry 24o Group of respiratory mycoplasma-4m-factions, 242 Nonbacterial pneumonia and-~other humanTespiratory diseases etiologically caused by W pneumbnis,6 and'M. hominis:1 242 Biological characteristics of M.,pneumoniae 243 Methods of laboratory diagnostics., 243 Clinical aspects and therapy. 246 CIJLnico-microbiological,, clinico-serol6gical and experimental evidence of the etiological role~of.M~ pneumoniae in diseases of the respiratory tract 249 T/10 MAW USSR TIMAKOVJV V. D.J9 KAGAN, G. Ya., Meditsina, 1973, 392 P~P, 2500 copies printed Epidemiology of respiratory diseases,caused,by M. pneumoniae 254 Mycoplasmas that cause respiratorydiseases in mammls and birds 272 Contagious pleuropneumonia.of cattle 272 Contagious pleurapneumoOia, of, sheep and goats 276 Enzootic. pne=onia of~hogs 277 Bronchiectasis and bronchial pneumonia:,in laboratory and 278 w Id rats i- Infectious catarrh in~the respiratory tract;q of mice and rats 279 Respiratox-j mycoplasmosis of!birds, 281 Group of mycoplasmas associaied with diseases of the genitourinary tract 285 Human mycoplasma infection 285 Mycoplasmas of manumlsand birds 298 Mycoplasma infection in complex inflamm~tqry s3,ndromesiand diseases of the joints of - hurans, animals and birds'. 300 Ureth-ral-conjunctival-synovial, Reiter syndrow in hurans 300 Diseases of. human joints 302 Agalactia, of Foats and sheeps'' 304 -attle Spontaneous and postvaccinatioh;arthritis 6f:6 M. vaccine mycoides var. mycoidta 3o6 .8/10 Polyserositis and arthritis in hogs 309 89 TIMAKOV, V. D., MGAX, G. Ya-, Yeditsina, 3-973, 39-P 2500 copies printed PRI Serous hogs caused~by M. Gr~-,nularum Damage to joints of hogs due to-M. hyoarthrinasa Mycoplasmas and diseases of the joints of rats and mice Wcoplasma infection.and damage to the:joints of birds Mycoplasmas and diseases of the nervous~,~s'ystem ftmoplasmas and other microorGanisms witha.defective~cell wall in the case of tumors and leuk-osis in humans and animals Isolation of mycoplasma from leukosis patients and in certain other human tumor:processes Biological description.of mycoplasma isolated from leukosis patients and in certain tumors of-others Isolation of mycoplasma:from mice afflicted -w-1th .1eukosis and'in other-malig gnant, neop]ASM L-form bacteria and bacterial forms resembling them in leukosis and other tumors The role of mycoplasma in the etiology ancl pathogenesis of leukosis and other tumor processes in. humaiis and animals Conclusion Postface 9/i6 310 311 312 314 317 319 320 323 328 32 9 333 34o 343 346 379 383 385 USSR UPC 576.858.75.063.3$t576.858-75-095-383 TDMOV, Y. D., ZUYEVI V. A., and PETM Y. -Y.j Institute of Epidemiology ~Mogy imeni N. F. Gamaloyag"USSR Academy of Medical Sclencesg Mioscow "Latent Infection of Cell Cultures Not Sensitive to t1he Cytopathic Effect of a Virus. 1. Reaction of L Cell Cultures to1nfectlon With Influenza Virus Type All Moscout Voprosy virusologiip No 31 Mylquin 71, pp 281,485 Jp_ Abstracti Influenza A viruses (W~F., PR8) do not reproduce in L ceUs and do not produce any cytopathic effectl rather, they exert a. stilaulating effect. The study of the properties of L cells was undertaker. -to ascertzin cLifferences between intact and infected cells. In particulax, the,capability of L cells to adsorb WSH virus and to maintain replication of the latter.waa studied. It ma found that L.cells can adsorb 904,3% of the vi=. Az a ruleo intact L ceUs did notzaintaln replication of WSN:and PR81m-eluen~a viruses, as shown by results obtained from a atudy.o~'the infectiotis and hemagglutinin titers. However, differences were found'betifeen intact and infected L cells as far as their proliferation patterns and mitotic indices w Iexe concerned. W511-infected L cells had four tiraes the mitotic index'.of nortal cells. The observed cbanges are of hereditary character. WSN-infe.cted 14 calls retained a high resli.stance, to inoculation with homologous and UnTalated. viruses SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~-TOPIC TAGS--14EDICINE9 BIOLOGY PUBLIC HEALTH, LENIN PRI~_E, STATE PRIZE, -HONORARY TITLE AWARD, ENDOCRI.,4bLOGY# SUIRGEPYP ONK 31LOGYt ACADE141C PROFESSIONAL STAFF SfZE/(U).NATION,AL ACADEMY F SCUENCE CONTROL MARKItir.-.110 RESTRiCTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0726 STEP NO--VR/0248/70/0?51006/0005/0022 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL37801 AS U NCLSSIFIED .2/4 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137801 ABSTRAC T/EX TRACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AT TH& PRESENT TfMEr THE USSR AMS IS A MAJOR RESEARCH INSTIru,rin CAPABLE OF SOLVIPIG THE MOST COMP(.EX PROBLEMS IN MEDICINE, BIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH.;; WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF THE AMSTHERE ARE 29 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.;INST[TUTES A14D FiVE INDEPENDENT LABORATORiES. MANY OF THE ACADEMY IN5T;TUTES ARE, MAJOR INSTITUTIONS WELL KNOWN NOT ONLY IN OUR COUNTRY BUT:ALSO ABROA:Dt 'AT W9RK IN AC40EMY !NSTIT-UTES APE 3,728 SCIENTIFIC WORKERS, OF WHOM '586 ARE DOCTORS OF SCIENCES AND 2,252 CANDIOA'TES OF SCIENCES* AT THE PRESENT TIME THERE ARE 110 ACADEMIC 1AINS AND 156 CORRES13ONDfNG MEMBER;S OFITHE USSR AMS. THIS INCLUDES 12 ACADEMICIANS AND TW(l(;0RRESPONOf It PIG MLMBERS OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCESt EIGHT ACADEMICIANSIAND FIVE,CORRESPONDING MEMBERS OF ACADEMIES OF OTHER REPUBLICS. A LARGE GROUP: OF OUR SURGEONS MENT~bF:HEART SURGERY (A. N. BAKULEV, RECEIVED LENIN PRIZES FOR DEVELop, So V. PETROVSKIY, A. A. V.ISIIjNE,VSKIY,.P * A.. KUPRIYANOV,~ YE. N. -ERY (N. M~ AMOSOV, N. V. MESHALKIN)t FOR DEVELOPMENT OF-LUNG SURG ANTELAVAt L. K. BOGUSH, 1. S. KOLESNIKOVI, V. 1. S).'RUCHKOV, 8. E. L I NBER.Gh FOR THE CREATION OF ANEW METHOD OF TRAN~ ;FUSI:NG BLOOD FROM CADAVERS (S. S. YUDINt V. N. SHAMOV)-, LENIN r-RIZES WERE CONFERRED UPON N. N. PETROV, ONE GF THE FOUNDER$ OF SOVIET ONCoLbGy; m. v. KONOVALOV, FOR RESEARCH DEALING WITH HEPATOCEREBRAL -DYSTROPHY; A GROUP OF.SOVIET 0 TORH I 1 -4 -HENKO, V. 1: t IK.I I I A, A. NOLARYNCOLOGISTS n fq (At fl. KOLOMM; 41N PREO,8RAZHVNSKIYi S* M. KHECHINASHVIU); FOR llERFr-c'llJfqG.Ab10 IMIRODUCING -HE Plt INTO- PRACTICE.SURGERY TO RESFOREJJEARIM-IN I ueo,e or 0TOSCLEROSISS 3/4 039 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DA1"E--27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0137801 ABSTRAC.TlEXTRACT-LENIN PRIZES WtRE CGINFERREO UPOWTHE: WORKS OF: THE 4Y WHO-ADDE0 MUCH TO OUTSTANDING SOVIET PATHOLOGISTt 1. V4 0AVYpQVSK UNDERSTANDING OF INFECTIOUS PATHOLOGY ANO PATHOLOGIC'AL ANIAT014Y IN GENERAL; N. G. KORNEV, FOR HIS DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF SURGICAL D JOINTS.l~ A. MANAGEMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS OF,BONES~Al% A. LETAVET, P. D. GORIZONTOV, A. K. GUSIKOVA, N.A* KRAYEVSKIY, ANO N. A. KURSHAXOV ARE ALSO RECIPIENTS Or- THE LENIN PRIZE. FOR A CYCL,E OF WORKS ON PRENATAL PROPHYLAXIS OF FETAL PATHOLOGY AND PERANATAL MOWALITY, THE STATE PRIZE WAS CONFERRED UPON L. S. PERSIANINOV, K. V.lCHACH,AVAl- P. G. SVETLOVt N. -:14Yt :A LENIN PPIZE WAS L. GARIMASHEVA, SINCE THE EXISTENCE,DF-THE ACAD,' CONFERRED UPON 37 PEOPLE, THE STATE. PRIZE UPON 83.,, 108 ACAOE14Y' SCIENTISTS RECEIVED THE TITLE OF HONORED SCIENTI-511. THE HIGHEST STATE AWARD, THE TITLE OF HERO OF SOCIALIST LABOR WAS~ ONFERREO UPOIN 36 PEOPLE.. AT THE BRAIN INSTITUTE, U~$R. NMI UNDElt-THEi GV10ANCE OF S. A. SARKISQVv A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY HAS BEEN, MAGE Of-jHE GYTO AMD .14YELOARCI,ii TECTONICS OF THE CEREBRAL qQRTEX AN.O, SUBCORTICAL STRUCTURES, THE PATTEPNS OF PHYLOGENY AND~ DISTINCT11ONS OF, ORGIANIZAT ION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN HAVE BEEN DISCLOSED. IN THE LASTi 3-4' YEARS. THE LEVEL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM; AND ENDOCRINOLOGY AS A WHOLE HAS PISEN SIGNIFICANTLY. UNCLASS If I,ED 4/4 039 UNCL ASS I I ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C IR C ACCESSION NO--AP0137801 .'ABSTRAC ,TfEXTRACT--AT THE INSTITUTE OF,EXPERIMENTAL EN60CRINOLOGY AND HORMON.I: CHEIIISTRY, UNOER THE GUIDANCE* OF. N.; A. lf'JOAYEV, SOME IMPORTANT RESEARCH HAS BEE,"l DONE WHICH RESULTED UN FUNDAM.4."JALLY NE4 CONCEPTIONS OF THE~BIOGENESIS OP STEROIDS- I N_ THE ~ADAENALS THE .41'.EANS OF CONVERSION OF PRECURSORS INTO CORTICOSTER010S.HAVE REEN D .I ~iCLOSIF-0i rHE SPECIFICS OF THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF SEX HORMONES ON RNA SYNTHF -SIS HAVE 3EEN DETERMLNED. THE FIRST USSR SUCCESS'FUL OPERATtONS Oh THE HEART SEPARATED FROM THE DIRCULATION (ON THE -2DRY.HEAR'T") ASSOCIATED WITH HYPOTHERMIA AS WELL AS INVOLVING THE~.USE, OF A DOMESTIC EXTRACORPOREAL CIRCULATION ?AACHINEv, AND WITH A.CGIABINATION OF E',MRACORPOREAL CIRCULAYION AND HYPOTHERMIA WERE PF0bR,,AE0 AT TH,,~~ INST'ITUTE OF SURGERY JOR)~, AN ORIGINAL IMENt A~~ V. VISHNEVSKIY (A. A. VIS iNEVSKIY, DIREI!, TECHNIQUE HAS BEEN DEVELOPED FOR ISOLATED EXTRAC(;,)flPOREAL CIRCULATION (REGIONAL PERFUSIONI OF THE BRAIN IN THE PRESENCE ~OF HYPOTHERMKA, WHICH PERMITS.~OPERATING ON THE HEART, ~SEPARNTEO, FROM THE CIRCULATION, FOR 20-30 MIINUTES 141HTOUT USING DONOR~ BLOOD OR BLOOD '.SUBS TI TUTES. UNCLASSIFIED Ref Code: ALCC. N UR 0016 WiPOD36809- PRIHARY SOURCE: ZQnal Yikro ologii, Epidenliologii i Immunobiologit, 1970,~Nr 1, pp'la CONCERNING PATHOGE14ESIS OF TYPHOID-PARATYPHOID CARRIER STATE A. F. Hilibin, V.0. rimakov. V. M. BEond a L. V. luanotia Arem ko, A study was made.of the process of .1rituaction of intracellular forms of t~Thoid-parz- typhoid bacilli with the: bone marrow celig of the patients and carriers. Bone marrow was, obtained by trephine-biopsy of tile ileurn cultivation in vitro in special chambers of M15H-12 microscope. Primary puncture material, cellular dvtritus and cultural fluid were exa- mined bacteriological I y for confirmation; of-specificity of the process and of the changes re- corded in the cells un~cr study in,the b6nelmarrow cultures. Investigations were carried out according to the scheme of analysis forisdiation of bacterial and L-forms of the causativo agent. A method of phasic-cot6ast micr,%copy in combination with fluorescent-serological method was used in this worh-..B6jje rnarri)w provedjo!be ponsterile in 13 of 20 patients and T V0 "'RAM REEL/ 19 1 carrkn examined. A mrphological picture of the bonernarrow of-chronic carriers was charactc- rized by the presence of a great number of macrophagic eleMents, infected in a number of cases by forms of the causative agent differIngIvmoqholo9jcfA properties- The idenilfied myelostrains were represented by:31ypicallyphbid cultures, ~ stable L-forms and 6 mixed culturesof typhoid-paratyphoid bacilli. Cells affectedby the~e,bacilli usually perished by the end of the 5th-8th day of bone Marrow 'Incubation; as to the uninfected bone-murow ej'e- -ments, they formed a cellular unistraturn, in Individual cases t.'Omaining viable for 58 to 60 days. Experimental results lead to a supposition that chronic -typhoid-paratyphoid carrier state is a general process, i n which a. definite role, is played, by~' bone:nlarrow. ;7_7 USSR wo W-9-078076.8-095-5? nv_ V- A emiciant arld LWASh V V. S., Professoxg Moscow jutered Fo=s of FAcroorganisms and Human Patholo&"i Moscow, Sovetskaya MedItainag 4# 1972 ~pp 3-6 Abstracti Recent findimggs on phenotypically and genot3-pically altered foxrx 'of bacteria significant to hun, an pathology a-re discustied. Morphologically similar L-form bacterias all polymorphic*l Ath spherica,.1 conotituants, have beeYi obtained from most species of bacteria'. Thegir pitthoge-mic proper-ties differ from those of the initial species, as do their. natabolic processes. Genetically altr-red L-forms are. stable, while pheroty1iically altered L-iorns can re*iert back to their initlal form if the causativci. onviroamental factor 1A removeds Thay have boon obtained fx6m- hunans: Nith.such d1sezses as rheumatoid arthritis, mningitiag,septic endocartLitint emd ch:xonlc diseases of the urogenital tract. They are difficult to identify, arA- thoir etiolo- gical role L la uncloax, though some invest4gatorsattribvte xedidivism- of some infectious diseases to these forms. They. may develop under the effect of hi=n defense jaechaniams ag4nzt~ the Jidti,%L pathogens~ I Atyjdca-l bacterial rrh 0- f0mare Droduced with the use of, antibiotics and sulfmnTlajL!idGs. ho , o1 gically sizilar to parent cells, they cliffor, only InAx,Lolo~,ical properties. USSR UDC 546.651:542.61:547.558 RUSINA, 1-1. N., POLIKAIRPOV, Yu. 1-1. ,YAROSHEWO, G. F., and TIMAKOVAI.A.. 14. "Aminosubstituted Phosphine Oxides as Extractants of Rare Earth Elements" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol*.43(105), No 2, Feb 73, pp 238-242 Abstract: Synthesis of aminosubstituted phosphine oxides containing phosphoryl and amino groups in the molecule was' carried out. Their ability to extract rare earth elements (REE] was studied. The structure of such reagents makes it possible to- form chela~e rings with metal salts, -nth both functional groups participating; thirs makes the, complexes very stable and selective. It was shmin that.substituting an octyl radical for an ethyl group increases the extractional:capacity of the material, probably due to the increase in the basicity of.the nitrogen.atom and better solu- bility of the complex in the organic phase.~ S-Aminostii~stituted phosphine oxide extracts the ME much better, thain a-aininoaubstituted, Ones, due to a greaterstrength of the six membered chelate,ring as to a f ive membered one. The coefficient of extraction of REE-by above reagents he Ca2+: M82+~ A13+, Fe3+ 64- is about 0.1, while for t an d Cr they are less than 0.01 2/2 011 UNC L A*S I F'l E D PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120417 ABSTRACT/E*XTRACT---(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACTo, IF THE COND, OF A CDS SINGLE -ELD DEPE -NC CRYSTAL LIES IN A CERTAIN RANGE,. THE Ff. E OF THE UNTENSIFICATION OF NOISE IN SUCH A CRYSTAL POSSELS!;ES 2 MAX. THE IST A X . ~ I I'l BONDED WITH THE INTENSIFICATION 'Of' llSTRA.:1*4;HT*' WAVESY WHICH 'PRDPAGATE ALONG THE FIELD DIRECTION P41RALLEL TO THE 4ASIS PLANE ANO THE 2ND ONE'(OCCURRING IN HIGHER Ff I T~iE INTENSIFICATION ELDS),JS BONDED -111H OF 1.10BLl:.QUEll WAVESr I.E.r THELANGLE BETWEEN THE WAVE PROPAGATION DIRECTION AND THE BASIS PLANE I S 60DEC; 'REES' L THE CURRENT, INTENSIF1CATION, AND NOISE CHARACTERLS11CS OF G05; SINGLE CRYSTALS WERE STIJ OILED EXRTL.; THE ANW-IALIES. FOUNDp E..Gp,t IN THE FIELD DEPENDENCE OF EL AMPL" 'ETUDE LOF TRANSFORMED MODES. OF. NOISE 0SCILLATIONSt ARE RELATED TO THE PRESLENCE OF OBLIQUE N'0lSE UNCLASSIFIED USSR HOIMLAR V. K. Ti!~Al~~', B. L. All-~'Ljziion Scje- :,-i'-zearch ln-f tutc -Q V of -Monccry2tals, 110~r "Th, 0 Tnteract_;on of a n 'u-1 trazonic 1-!a v c- W`i t h Acotzj,~-ic -~-oissc- n 1 i f yi n,~ CdS" TT T v c r d o-, o lela, Vol'. 12, lio 19- Leningrad, jizika 1820 kbntract: k- is Ini-own, tho presunoe 01 c t onductors exer 3 a 'fbstantlal ef fect- unon ~he i Ln f-` c at _i o n o am Ultrasonic z i!-, r. a One of the naec-h-anis,= o:' th;.,: fflm-nce 15 connected witlh the nonlinea:~ intcracluion of the ac.~ a -a Z U- i c notise; 1however, this nechamisia has nractically nel; artudiod at, all, d it J.- of interest to study it in~detaal.. 'in tha YD -tudy, an, u u C., e 1 - h Uv4. ; y7i- a fi-xcd field and i-rit-h f IT x e d conduct J 'y of the an e.~Ter:Lmentual study has been made on mone hxand, o f: th- e once of lification, and, o n, - b1n e ot-hex-- -ha~n-cll, acoustic noise upon signal amp f e noise level in case of t7he aynch---onous of the channge of th propaga- tion of noise along the specimen with the ultrasonic signal. R dkol'e iya 2 o___ iotekhn. i naiDrazheniya- e AN SSSR (cf* English above* Editorial Bo,ara o? tFe Jotxnal "Radio Engin- eering and Flectronicas" Academy ot a 0 ~ s S ion es, bi SR), moscows, 1969, 8.PP,-ill. bibliography, 3 names-'(from M-Eloktronika LY_M~ p No 4. Apr 70, Abstract~-No 0112-011) nimaneniye Tra-~slation: An explicit solution~is the Method of a 'Laplacian transform of the problem~of the build-oup in time of a current resulting from the electrons injected,into the dielectric durine, the supply to the,elec-trodes of a small (in oomparison with the d-c voltage) "step" voltage in the., case of K epresence of 1/2 1661- will= .7 [Article. by Ins4tuia Physics of. the Atmospbere'. x0ecow. -1 an. no 4. April 1574i,submitted 19 -70. 7 .pp Thio~artizl* contains -a dexcrlptlo4 of zra4to- water for Iwas aaring.* air. tempetrAture StedUitt ~ht' La's"vc- the'tta"rature difference tv~ltha 0.01- 6'-C range with is mean'syror,of S.S'parcin rements of the. air tamper*tUrio 1401112s a 4'.1: TIM 1."Olu i ot, It-roun . Oytr of the squipmat .*1the.V.bovv( lom'iccuracy daA ire~'Uot &atoms ted" (5 or -'hei ~ ate. tikkir~ Yl th, h igh.accuracy, an& o6re'eutlowtud. bu V: the Cluipmaut is complex to operate sad requires, highlj~jumlirted Gervice.paroaaael. ' (1-3. 60' 71.1 An Atuumbav~of casos.ihis complicates. its.,use uz4sv'f:&vI4 con4_ tions. A deViCe JaLdc:crlbtd holowfor m#asurlas a'ir,teoversture gradients. T~ 0ia4trumanc in structurally simple a ad simple, to opwrat it operates valiably under field condttioas,and it permits tempotacuTdifteroace4-to be measured In the ranat from 0.01 to 6' C with. a: mesa error at 5J. percent. The pro posed Srad Lee* ter consists of fourbasic units (figure I)% 1. Temperature Ftages expiration resistants thermomakvrs; 2. M.eavorAiM circuit unbalanced,bridso; Automatic. intort9gation.4nit, of the s&U4OCVP-',_-~ 4. Recorder DCpsu record."t M-37311 The temperature gagaa or* copper fra"alems resista" i' re 0 thermos to R 500 + 0.5 -obms eto'C)i AspirAtion Is on pr.aect with a rato,of #bout.4,'s1,$ii 'Using jths'?DZ-I* *? 0140t1d' c'..motor l 1 7777-7-77777777- USSR UDC 8.74 SHCHUKIK&, 1. A., TIM&SHEV, A. L. "Mathematical Statement of the Exchange Problem and Its Execution on a Computer" V sb. Ekon.-mat. metody i programmir. plan..-elton. zad~,,ch (Mathematical Economic fletbods and Programming Economi.c.P.1annJAig,~roblems--cbl.lection of works), Moscow, 1972,~pp 228-233 (from RZh-Xiberneti To 12, Dee 72 Abstract No 12V501) Translation: A study is made of a class of problems arising in operations re- search. These problems arise when organizing exchange:, in the case where for one reason or another we cannot~freely sell the material values available to us. The clearest examples of such problems from our activity are the problems of exchange of residential area, the problems-arising in international book exchange, j,- Ell 111111111N111 USSR UDC 621.315.8 OLENDSKIY, V. A., TIMASHEV R. G. "Problem of Optimizing the Noise.Characteristics of a 14ultifrequency Parametric Systed, Materialy nauchno-tekhni konferentsii. Leningr. clektrotekh. in-ta svyazi. Vyp.3 (Materials of the Scientific and Technical Conference, :Leningrad Electrotechni- cal Communications Institute. Vyp. 3), Leningrad, 1970., pp 1.90-195 (from RZ11- Radioteklinika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No-8 D264) Translation: The problem of optimizing the noise:characteristics of a vulti- frequency parametric system is formulated.. Optimization equations are obtained the solution of which permits determination of the conditions.insuring minimi- zation of the noise/signal ratio at the system output f6rgiven power amplifi- cation of the signal. USSR UDC 539.3 TDMM, S. A. ItTwo New Problems in the Reliability of Smooth and Reinforced. Shells" V sb. Probl. nadezhnosti v stroit. *Oro 'Vektir. (Problems of Reliability in Structural Design -- Collection of WorksY, Sverdlovsl'~, 1972, pp 235-245 r Abstract No 3V123) (from RZh4lekhanika, No.3, Ma 73, Translation: The problem of th2 reliability of a thin smooth and ribbed shell under corrosion conditions is discussed. In considering the smooth shell it is assumed that its thickness is a. linear fusiction of time [h = h0(1 - at)). ho is the initial thickness of the shell, which is a ran- dom quantity with a known distribution function, a is'a random coefficient. The problem reduces to the construction. of, a reliabillt,, function for a given period of service throughout which the corrosion medium acts constantly. Loss of stability of the shell is taken as the. criterion for breakdo~,ni. The ribs are eroded in considering the reinforced shell. Total-normal deflection of points of the median surface are taken as a parameter for quality. The initial deflection is a random function and the author solves the problem using the condition of the existence of a limiting given value of the total deflection. V. M. Tolkachev. 36 USSR Institute of Physical Chemistry,.A'ademyof Sciences USSR, c *OVS "Ca W "Thermal Ionization of 'Deep' Centers,in the Region of a Space Charge in Semiconductors" Lenin-,-;rad, Fizika Tverdogo'Tela, Vol. '14, No. 1, Jah 72, pp 171-174 Abstnact: Radiation electron transitions roin the conductiv-ity zone to "deep" impurity centers within the semiconductor in an elecUic field in the region of a ~Tace charge are discussed. A considered deep if its, ionization energy EO > hwo, where w0 is the',,Debye~frequency of phonons. Electron trans-i- tions to levels, outcide th" conductivity zope boundary are taken into account in the calculation. It is shown: that, with -a h4h ele-:_tric f ield strength F near the sairface region (P = 105 v/cm) 51 the probabili~Ly of.ionization can rise considerably with an increase in:F due to electron transitions to these levels The ionization ener". in the transition. to these leveI8 is less than the cor- responding %-alue for irripurJE-Ly centers within the semiconductor. It is con- eluded that for parameters,tboseifor a deep Cu center in Ge a consider- 1/2 7 -7~ ~.7 7 USSR TIMASIMV, S. F., Fizi)-a Tverdogo Tela, Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan 72, pp 171-174 n rate:of the impurity, lev,!A may occur in a able increase in the ionizatio strong electric field that is associated with radiar:onless electron transi- 4~ tions to these levels beyond the bounoary of the conductivity zone. This increase in the rate of thermal. ionization of Impurity ce~nfers in a ctrong electric field is also observed in the~'study of the 'kinetics of the 'field effect in semiconductors without an oxideifilm. It follous that if the relaxa- tion :Ln eonductivity thus'determined by a deep surface level, an exponential increase In relaxation1with an increase in the, iragnitude of i2- shouR be observed ui3on the apyjaranceof strong depletitir- fields in the sur- face region, and effect has in~~tact been observed 2 /2 53 -1 12111"FA I ~ ~ II- ~ 1. 116. ~ I. I, - - , jj~! ;,-. ~- ~~, . 1, ING DATE-'04DEC.70 ~ - Uk'LASS US ;-0.,.. , -;,., _ ll"RO ES5 77 TITLE--PRINCIPLES OF'THE FOR MATIONZ OF~1:6(*STAL'~S AND'CRYS-TALLINE.CONCRETIONS *I ............ USSR TJDC 5 416 68 11 tDi.,2' 68 3: 5 4 3. 2 57 1 10 KIL33TIKOVI A. T. OAYU'i- 'A !T# '~-tnd' VA N Moscow institut c of ChcEllical TO~Ilidoloa in, i i D.++t~te_,yev "Analygis o2 ~~iivnrxy Mixt' a s cif 0111ilim,' d q, alid Thallim 4r dull 't L ' T L Salts by V.-othods of Potentiomo :~jic: itrati6n_ ~md Ion Exchr-mgo in _Nlon~ftwaoous a-,.;-o d ava Labor.-atori ya: Vol 37, 11 o 12, 1971, pp 1421 -1L24 ndt val; --i d u I I: t c, s o hbst ic bclanrior of c 1'O.ori dta.,~, p -1 ~itvato of th.-Alliura (T), f~rid accOM-10 fAnyin"-, 010,1-ae'll-ts [:~n (11), 041 TT Co (11)] ill u-iono vu_- non-a meaus r,, o clcraonto~ a mixed. r~oi~f'Tr"Iit no ~~O_-Iec''tcdz in t/.fl,,c ~ selts shbw IV~le acids and -c0 p o t c a t i o:, W, ti ca 11 y b.~,~,~ 0~1 O'tlhaub ic aolut-ima, 0-~7' are Me WSR MESHKOV) A. P., at al., Zevodskaya Lai)Dratoriya, Vol .37, No a2, 1971, :pp.i421-1424 KOH,. Thallium nitrato dc'velo~)s q:.,Icutral C, --ctor in lve'L' t ono mi edia. Por its dot 02.,111im,,tioa tho ion c,-climnr~o on efition! te 'or on of -Iliu:- r~-n-Cl, SVJ-3 in -H-form- is used.- I u i n d i um", SUl - 2 .2"t c s '-u-1 6 o t II e 10 mns 0.1,1 1 -a 1 s 01'. t Q. S0 tic te SDV-3 ir, wit"m nitr-at-es ( or cililorides i;" c n i Is U-Sed v7i th foollowin.- rotentic-motric tit-at-ion bf P-ciCAs by0.1-no- Soj.'jLtion of 0 _.n-,r],-niamidin Do- erminptions of nalts ane-I their- P_vd, desoribed. ,-o il- lustr. t%~,,o table:31, 13 biblio. ref S., 2/2 65 lb,i f, us 5 fR Hl- 1, n AerasoJ ~,O- 7, 7 -3 cc state the s -a a' ico L! J n, arv a I C- s c L f - i pe C.L. i turbs z::,& C.", 0 the _c:E L!"i C Of I OIL' ~L!'-Z -S :'Z,':C- C cl: powder, o z: b i~ rv, a Creases o r o im c -If-c ~.mbu- ci Ol z a-'-' 01 6 Vi ch 7 b I-V L "SO i ~~s a i: I 1/2 Mawr,= USSR Vaya Z.7r dis pers Ur tl-~,, zo 742 C, au e surz ~-ace and Cil v zi:- 0 t 0 -LCL-s j~rp cal-r,-d out for cac,,-~ c Z. z tior C: i--recimer, to L C C L 0 F 2 Q. r i-, s 0 Is. T l C~ av LI valuo; --;ts sc4-,.T -s i~el-*Q`Ols of an irc- r,--UrL ease fi, Silicon in them'. 2/2 La sers- S& USS11 UDC- 53Y CHEIMETS, A. N. , T~~jCR~WK4-,40~ V.- V. Institute of.- Radio-.- SIM;, phys.1cs and Electronics, Academy of MCM~ Xharkov 'Wandelstam-Brillouin Scattering-of, 6~c='mt-_ IM-&ht-. in Coherent-. Hypersound'_' Kiev, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal,. V611 lbi, R& 4,. Apt 71,. pp 678-680- Abstract: The possibility of the practii::aL use-- of the phenomenon of- Handel- stam~-Brillouin scattering for pro ceasing: ittformation applied to a-modulated. soun~'*wave excited in an acoustic, line-.-qf: a. ra2lar sigmal, to produce delay linea for radio signals and lines for-co;Tresrian of radic,pulses, etc;, is discussed. It is aoted that the inrensiI.Y.- af _- the scattered. light is an essential factor in such applications of_'~.this: scattering. Ordinarily, gas lasers. are. used as the light sourze;r but-~~:the: interwity.'Iof a scattered light is 6ML11, and new materi3la characcerized. by w higho~rl art. being aLudied to,rwlse this intensity; ior ekamplp--,. A further- rise.. in the intensity of scattered light i-s- at:LU i:mport =.t, ah(l. one possible-. way sugge4~ted for solving this problem is- tb~ iise-_ az ruby l"cr as a. Light: source. Since various nonlinear effects are kq't=, to-.- arise in 1xwerful light fluxes, was made of the range of p owea-Siir.,wiLLch,.~ the, lineari ty of- the: Handelstam-Brillouin ef fect is Dreserved'. tnidOm irradiation of a~ lithium: :1/2 MENEM uSSR MERNETS, A. N., et al, Ukrainskiy FiticheskLy Zhurnal, Vol 16, No 4,.Apr. 71, pp 678~680 hidbate single crystal. The experimentaL setup is described. The ruby laser was modulated with a device consii-.ting of a Pockels-effect cell- and a:KC-19 shutter. This made it possib-le':to ensure time! control of the:pulses and a small spectral width of the raAtati3orr~ line, whic-h was 0.01 X. The ~Ught f lux had an intensity of ..~! 106 v, and..'the. pulse,, lengt:h was 10-7 see. The lithium ninbate crystal had dimensiorm-18---_6 x 6 am, and longitudinal hypersonic. waves were excited in it by~the res.onator,mathod at a frequency of 900 MHz. The experiment showed that:~the~ linear &pendance between the intensities of the scattered and:inciddnr light.:as maintained in the range 6 w/cm2- in the' ~ case of lithium. of-Ught energy densities from I tcx I-M ni6ate. The scattered light ~intens:ity_ ach-ii-mved--was 500 w. The. a ound. in- - tenaity in the lithium niobate crystaL was-, caitulatedi; to be 10-3- w~. 2/2 530r' 7,7- -777777~ -77 i U SSR 'UM 615.~16.24-003.656.6 TIMCHENTKO, A. N., PROTSENKO, Go- A. OSTROVSk-M, I. S. I'llygienic Characteristic of a New, Form of Amorphous Silicon Aerosil" V sb. Materlaly XJXI-X'XII plenumckv Resp. komis. po bor'be s.sili- kozom (Nziterials of the Tiventy-f irst to Twent~-second Plenums of the, Republic Comaission for Controlling Silicasis-Collection of llbiks), Kiev, Naulkova dumJk-t,.l97,z,, pp 165 170,~(Crom RZh--Farmako- logiya. Khimioterapevticheskiye Sredstva.-Toksikolo-iya., No 3, .11ar-73, Abstract 1-10 3.54-881) Translation: Poisoning rats for three months with Acrosil dust (amorphous SiO P-1-300 (f irst group) and Aerosil modified with 2 dir,10thyl-dichlorosil ne and butyl alcohol (second group; concen- tration 100-120 m-lizi was the development. of typical pulmonary silicosis more.zharply expressed in the animals of the first -roup. USSR, Kharlkov~, Institute of Hygiene of Labo,7 and Professional Disease,. 76,