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FIRST FORENSIC PqYCI11LO(-,1 [Excerpts from articj:~; P.YcWlerr section or Mi.. for Studying *.1, C.,jnt n r-d Elaborating Nivagurce fur Proventing Crimo-i C-Jor e Oil F-vIlsic P,lyclwlogy"; hionc.... No li), ortal-r ;9", 1. virnol to pvv-~- On the Ink(kative of the AR-Unio. Ingtit-Ite !or Nt,~-IVO'g 0- Causts and Elaborating Measores for Provi-Minc, Crinme, tho Ing Bueeiku for Forensic Osychology, and the All _Unioll Sicleiv of Rai Paychologists. the first All-Union ~:onfaronce an Forensic PjiVchrlogy was ho~lri,i'P. Moscow. Tho d~-an of ihe 100.0 fNio*,cow 6'tzlt~lr. psychology d-ipartrncni, .Professor A. Leo ritlyt-. 1)ocl*r of Px".ho- tion, of tllr logical Sciences and the director AcadGMY Of SCiWr3CC8 Ln61itUtC'Of took part in ita work. Tbe-reporl of the chairm;kil of. the I~urea%i for FOYOD"ic Psychology, Prufeanor,A_Ralllikn~, -an 7tv ffic c-Avi- ~kl tb~ conferrilre partici.pmnts' m(trition.. Ito PI.Worv's )I forrc-aei,; psyclavlogy and,gavt: an anoLlyri -4 t~( the sc.Wtitii~c rt-v0r6 an this dubjv~t. Seiriotiv scientific. an-1 acade rnic work preceded the ealaljliohm~rlt of ~orvn..ic jieychoj,qEj as an itld,-pondent science, unnotint of sci-flifi, vt~~t~arch in thl;~ ~;~m ~... 4"n signific,intly increased recently. At the same tin;4:, ffw lack ui` development of many divisiona of forenoic psyetology ai-.:! ihi- ;wits~ need for psychological recoi irnendatAon c reated a hvightcnt:4 cl-liand among lawyers for "forensic- psychological outp,jV'. This on the one hand, the readiness of practical workrl) to arly material urdertaken in tf:c name, of forensic psychnlogy, an urirr,t.;;4 altitud(t toward It, tin ecIcclic cornhination of pblik-111,10gl"It di'd lq~lj d con"elita. anri 4jjlrq-tat~tijkn%~ anl m) th~, nih,r hind, 11- tondosicy no matter what to fill In gaps even kith plainly pubtications, Unfortunately. for the mustpart forenstc psvchulogy -rk i~ the bullin... .1 solitary who ,r,.. u,t -rk- Ing nut any fundarii-tal problem. And for thir~experinn-OM and PlociaL psychology methods requiring the concerted efforts of a group of res4.archern are necessary. Cojlv~tivt- pay'hol"gy are still, vare while individual (dlsncrtat~ont pro)etta do not touch the most complicated and labor-consuming problerz-. At the present time not "z!obal" les;earch, ~hirjj encompasses a L~19 0-1 'hich ir. ..Irro-r' concentrat-L and diro-cted nt monographic prfli-tn. %hich prr%~nt Rrezo value. Forensic. psychology research is t)rimarilv hindert?d b--4se Ito methods are inaUrfl6owitly elbborated. Inc. O.-P )i iiti~fy f-vn~ir pnychotugy bcc:Lu2v. Of the spocialty of its theme all"i the objects "t Ntudv. Th~r~- fore. a great Itart of the methodology of forensic pAychology research has to be created from scratch. 'rakit~r the importanco,of thki task arid Its algalficant. eontrifmation to the. d~,v-oprnvnt of for~-uair. pmyclivingv into cons Wo ratio n, we suggest that it is JuAtified to designate the elaboration and confirmation of mcthodcl~gy sati6facts)ry for, a candtdaxw& dissertation. Forensic. psychology is sometixnes understood in the broad Arrive in all of-juridical poychology. In connection with*lhin, It is-exprdient to be guided by the problems of all I~gal psychology. This waw mir Otart- Ing point in determining 'tic program C-zr the conference. Investigations of individual and tiotia~ legal rpeognition and the legal psychology of various population groups have a grm urgency. 11 is necessary to continually study public opinion about law in,i ju.~tlce and about the* connuctimir, and mutual . infiur.ace between legal activity and the mas a, communications mcdia for the needa of social Administra- tion. Criminal psychology, which it, tharo"ghly dititorti-d in bourgeois scienco, presents great interent, The sic ial. psychological and. other characteristics of the criminal personality in various calegorlon, Including minors, the psychology of the recidivist. the role of various motivou in criminal behavior, and the inducement for the so-called motiveless crimes, belong to this research, The regularity of the for ilia tio'n, tie mu'raliZaLio It, a lid II I A intrg rat i-4 of v r i I I I III,% I gr ... Ipf'. internal structure, the inti,rpersurall rv!ation& atul diatr,I1'iiti',n i; tied the inflitence of the group psychotogy on its rIartiviroanto should be studied. The dove.1ripment of forenaic pycho;ony re8earch is hindIred by the absence of well prepared scien!ifc and t-Aching Department," r-- T-veh-1,Igists tor investigating. prosecuting, and rehabilitating agcnciez ane. nzt,.toUuns ol ivgal expa.-ts have not been determined . Thn apecIA117-r4l And pkirpoiiiv~ treinittr ~,f psycno!"gir". (tr j*jridical.arcnczc!i and tht-sh 1:- efforts of the. X106cow atid Ler,lngroI4 The ittid-~ for forensic pitychulogy is in need of r~fklrrn. It is 1wc-.--rv to -r, ~iv special scientific aubdivisicina =.d "ct ans., tn'th- truztor.,.I 911., tuts inatittiteit- PO."Clialogizi--iurir." rwc~A.ary Ic-r "rt,~t_-t-n ir. projects being conducted by legal sch,11ars in ord,r to on;~urv t:'~ quati. figil and ovtrall solution which rdch p-~R- in the strugaii, a gainst crLm*.r.qut-A, All these probitnis were cio6datird in T--rE)fC1Ivcr A, report. Subsequent 9;)e.&kcrr J-11-i at a riumb,rr of wtherqurztlans which In one way or anuUtur; canccriWd the same urgk -ni proble,enim, While.-.spc~akinjj atthr.rorferenre. the 4,!-An oftho MG V psychology department and full mcmb- of -h, USSr ATIN (A-I,my or Pedagogical Sciences], A. N. L~on%"yrv. rave special attention to the signiricance of forensic p6ycno *~~, y tar the (level opment of psychological science as a -hote. In r~znc;nlon ith ihis. it is ne~e. ati. ry that .11 pazivibl~ aesxst-cc lwr ri~'n ill me an"I development of.logal paychoto;y,for creat..Ag multiporjs~f~ gro%%pp. sections, laboratories and thAt for~-:Lsic psychological expert op Inion developed an one of the forms conriecting forensic psycholo Ay w ith urac'.i He suggeated that. a clinical rnczh~d b~e "ed in expIarii-ittal f i,reh,,I1C pAychologic Al rescarel i, The conference Adopted a which J,-, about th(. problems standing before a 'I researchers In lt~ie area of forensic pmychology, about creating an exp~r~MeTilal base f,,r Core"itc logical re~jrarch, about the rxcccsx:t~ ot tranirig i 1,. the univitr.iti- or It, .1-1 -~.Oinjc I-pt graduat, Pt,,A-ea fur trainitir scLentific per--%onri-~! in f~rrnsic psycholoi;y and -In a of otlier important theorcticak and practical pcobirms. 64 CSO: 1800-S '-,. -- - . - I ~ -- .- UNCILASS -1 F I ED- - -- ---, -- - - - 7---- - -_ -1 -2/2 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINIS DATE-11SER7C 1. P. CACCESSION NC)--AN0104244 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE:AUTHORS,DESCRIBE THEIR VISIT TO THE, PLIGHT6-.CO~hROL CENTER (TSENTR UPRAV.LENIYA:Pr_lLET4f1,1I). THE FOLLOWING STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE CENT:ER ARE NAMED: (11 COMMAND MONITORING COMPLEX (KOMAN0NO-TZMERITELtNYY KOMPLEKS), (2) GROUND ..~~_ASTRGNAUTSCORMUNICATION TEAM (GRUPPA:SVYAZI S KOSMONAVTAMI). THE MISSION OF THE COMMAND METE.RING COMPLEX IS To RCCELIVE, t SORT OUT9 AND rNTERPRET SPACE,SHIP.15 TELEMETRY DATA., IN ADDITION TO WORKING ON T4IS TASKi S.FVER4L "':ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS OF.T+4E COMPLEX.!ARE USED FOR OTHER 'ALL, CbMfdANDS' DIRECTIONS AND RE ATIO~4&lNfTTATED BY COMMEND EXPERTS OF VAOIDUS GROUND SUPPORT TEAMS ARE TRANSNITTEO TO ASTRONAUTS CHIEF OPERATORS OF THE GROUND ASTRONAUTS CGM14UNICATION -GROUP*-: ~'-THE -TEAM IS HEADED BY A. LEONOV AND HIS:A-SSISTANT V. SHATALOV. OTHER,: -MEMB.ERS~-.10F THE TEAM ARE V. BYKCMKIY, A. FILIPCHENKO, 0 B, TKO, V. G R A _ET AL. KHRuOv, UNCLAMHED Acc. Nr.,. ~A'00403~270 ~Ref-.Code- A UTHOR-- vo _ujoi PILOT-ASTRONAUT1 TITLE-- ORBITAL HA131TATS NEWSPAPER-- SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA t APRIL 129 1970. 41 'COLS A BSTRACT-- IN THIS AR7ICLE VOLKOV.DEScRIBES SOME OF T,4F- WrXTS"11%, PROPOSALS OF ORBITAL HABITATS" WHICH IN HII5-OPINION, ARE OF INTEREST. ONE PLAN CALLS FOR LAUNCHIN(;~I% Pk0PtLLER-tHAPED STAT"I"m CONSISTINZ OF THREE CYLINDERS ATTACHED -AS "SPOXES" TO THE CENTRAL 7r zi (4 CYLINDER. EACH CYLINDER WILL CONTAINL d:COM1FJARTM:KNTS.4,5,- il IER I DIAMETER, THE CENTRAL CYLINDER-WILL HOUSE A LABORATORY, EACH LATERAL CYLINDER WILL iO*,JSE LIVING QUARTERS AIN rIR LOC'Xv COMMf~-.ND QUARTERS z A LABORATORY, A WAREHIDUSE AND WOAKIN/1'. 'w.UA_;1-fLRS. T, 'iE STA-.T.10N 15 TO BE LAUNCAED FOR A PER10i OF YEAW,? WITH A rR_7'V OY 24 MEN OF WROM HALF WILL BE WLACEDIE'VERY L"1ONT,q5, [N VOLKOV"S Reel/Frame USSR mc: 621-373.820' YOLKOV, V. N., ZUBAREV, G. "On an A=-lllary Mechaziism oll Fox-r=tima of,Fxcited Atc)ms of Iodine ina Laser" Photodissociation Krevkiye soobshch. po f-Jz-. (Brief Reparts on Physics) '1972, No 6, pp 21-2~-, (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 72, abstract No -!-2D231 by A. 1r. Treanslation: Eyper-imert~:J. resea-rch is done which confirms th,:- hypothesis of a cbemical reaction in the active medium of a photo(lissociat-Jon, 1.3ser rez~ting in the forLration of iodine in the 2P.,i st,ate.:- It is s),c,.,ii that 2 the effectiveness of the auxiliary.procesu of iodine formuti ..n in the 2p. flian 15% rel8".lVe to.photodissccia~, is greater USSR VOLKOV, V. A. Ahalogovyye Ustroystva Sovremnnoy,Radioelektroniki (ilknalog Devices of Modern 'Wio.Electrdnics), Moscow, WAKIYE, Seriyz.radioelektronika,i svyaz ' No 11, 49 72 32-pp, Translation: A brief s tud,r was made of some of the modern analog mi crocircuits. Ptim#y attention wits given to the:integral operation amplifier, and examples sented'. of Ats use in analog devices are pre CONTENTS lutroduction .............. .......... ......... 3 Integral Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 5 Differential amplifier .......... ........... 8 Operation,Amplifier ........... ............. ............. 10 Peculiarities of the Circuit: Engineering of. Operation Am-plif Lem, 12 Functional Converters in an. Operation Amplifier ....... ........ 16 Integral Chopper ............ 0 0 '4 4 - 6 4 4 0 . 4 a 0 4 4 4 4 24 Examples of:Analog Devices in Integrated Microcircuits 26 Conc lus i on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 law" 0'r mmyt 51 USSR UDC 669.1'24:620.186:539.219.3:669.789 KIDIN, I. N., SHCdERBEDIN!;KIY, G. :V., ANDRYUSHECHKIN, V. I. and VOLKOV V. A., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Dif fusion. of Carbon in Austenite for an Fe-30% Ni Alloy During Reverse Martensite Transformation" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metailov, No 1, Jan 73, pp 8-10 Abstract: Thle authors studied the effect*of varied state of austenite structure an the diffusion of carbon in an austenitic Fe -302.' Ni alloy. It was found that the decrea.,ze in -the diffusion coefficients after the gamnia- alpha-gauna transformuttion was probably associated with the formation of a large number of defects in. the austenite structure, which results in slo-,.7ing down the diffusion process as a result of the interaction of carbon atons with austenite lattice defects. Experimental data showed the energy of carbon atom-dislocation interaction amounted to 10,600+1050 cal/mole. 4figures, 1 table, 4 bibliographic refe-i:ences I I I I , I I I i I i . ; 1 ~. E 7 '1 ~ j 1, -111 a 61H. i".1 a. .1. --l-11- . -.1--, . i , _,j - , : *._ .396. 6.6n 315~ USSR UM 61. .61 VOLKOV, V. A. ."Investigating the Nature of the Change in Electrical Conductivity During Wetting of Dielectrics" Elektron. tekbnika. Materialy (Electronic Technolo&r. Scientific and Technical Cb1lection. Materiels. 1970, vyp -3, pp 63-69 t No 12v4io) -2, Dee 70, Abstrac lfromli~h-Radiotekhnika, No L I Translation- The change in resist inrity of polymer mater-iPIs is analyzed as a function of wetting time. it is shown by a nethad developed for ~Iocallzed wetting of specimens that this relationship, in contras t to the ue freq ntly observed monotoi-.iicallly charging dependence when the conventLonnl wet ting nethod is used, should have three characteristic Sections which reflect the different stages in wetting of, materi als. 1' is also shown that each section is charaeterized by a certain distribiition o-;-' moisture con- centration with respect to the tbickness of the speicmen and distribution of the electric field in accordance vith the electrical:conductivity of the elementary junctions. Resur-4. n WSR UM,-6!Z 983.044+621'. 7.-044~7 XCMVALOV, Ye. G. an& VOUU N-,. V N. 1Wxs k--. 1~-ad i o Engini~erin& 1"titute ".Calculation of the Pressu-:aAe-eas .s:,~-,.-f&r.~the-Deformation:-.of -a-31"k in a Jse F:ijal&t W-RnL-tjrc Pu lzvestiya Akademid- Ra~-_ ESSR, Seer~&L Fiziko-Tekhniche-;kikh'.Nduk,. No 1971, PP 5-9 Abstrdct: The expres-siona- &terminij:ig_-. them. arcelc~:ation, thevelacity, and the. path of motion of a. hl=ki,or. of:'a: part, of. it are de*ived theoretically en tha basis of the wellr--Inown law ~of. the- change of preasure ;exerted by a magnetic field an a metal: blank.. Wcr- special' cases are, 't considered: viz., shifting of the blank with shape fornation, on the matrix, and:-shifting, of tile blank with simultaneous shaped formation. For each Of theae cases ex- Pressicusa arn darim-i whtch d-orpurAme- tha, value of the pressuAnt. required, to cmata, the m2e-rmetic H 0 1 d; to~ affimf- tfue_a shoei f orms tionl~- 1-f igure,; .4 -bib- Uagraphic entries. USSR V01KC)V, A., and PINSKER, T. N. (In-stitute of Radio Engineering and Elec- :,t1fe:-'USSR Academir of Sciences, Moscow) "Quantum Size Effect in Fillms of Variable Thickness" 1360-1363 Leningrad, Fizika Tvedago Tela, 'May 1971, Abstract: Certain asDects of the quant"- size effect in f1lms of variable thicimess were studied. Tbe distribution of the cancentration of the c-arrent carriers in a wedge-shaped film along the radius of the xiedge. was calculated. It, was shm-a that the carriers cannot penetrate the edge otE the wedge f arther then the point at which the thickness of the wedge becocas comparable with the de Broglie wavelength. Peculiarities of Lhe volt-x-ziperv characLerlatic of a coatactj a metal- *.;edge-ahaped film, band. the effects cf the anti-Stokes emission from a wedge-shaped film were studied. It was shown th6t dimensionally a quantized film with periodic variation of-the of its di- ions is a superlattice. 2/2 .011 UNCL ASS IF 150! PROCEStING DATE--3OdCT70 CJRC ACCESS104 NO--AP0112648 ABSTPACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT SOUINO VELOCItY MEASUREMENTS IN 141KELLAR SOLUTIONS OF SURFACTANTS SHOULO BE USED FOR DETERMINATION OF THE SIZE OF HYDaATED MICELLES. AN E,~UATiON IS GIVEN FOR CALCULATION OF THEIR DIAMETER. -EXPERIME~4TALLY DrErERMI'NED --MICELLE DIAMETERS OF SODIUM ALKYSULF(JNATES ARE IN '171,300 AGREEMENr WITH THOSE: CALCULATED FROM THE VALUES OF MOLAR: VOLUMES OF CORRESPONDING ~HYDRGCARBONS AND HYDRATED J'ONS, RADII. ~IT IS POINTED OUT T14AT IT~15 POSSIBLE TO CALCULATE THE flYURATION OF.CHARGED MICELLES FROM IONS HYDRATION~ UNCLASSIFIEO Ace 010q~f Code: ni 0069 A037.225 rn -1 9 0, !Vol 32, Nr 1, PRIMARY SOURCE: Kolloidnyy Zhu al, 1~1 pp 111yj USE OF AN ULTRA, SONIC METHOW AN THE INVES,11GATION OF MICELLE FORMAT ON J S U M in a'r y The sound velocitv in solutions ol, alkylsulpltonates atid oxypth,lated alkyllphenols has been measured by means oi an ultrasonic itrterfermeter., in the rzng-2 of micelle for- n, ation an anomalous dep,e,;ndance of s0und: velocity or cornp_t!zsibilit,4 has been fflicove- red. A conclusion is drawrt hi at the micelle, 11,omati-in praceiss~ it, ajPaa! e transition. A liy- pothesis Is advanced about the fo, r, -rnatmn of ~a dense incompre0sible hy&ation s~,(!H around n, ictlies which favors an 3rdered arran emiPfit:6f hy~ r~bn ch ins of surfaciant mo- Foca o lecules 1V miceLles. REEL/FMNIE 19730-149 7- USSR UDC: 8 "14 11single-Factor Dispersion Analysis'. The,1ODA1 Program" Tr. Zap.-Sib. n.-i. geologorazved. neft. in-t (Works of the 1*,est Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Geol6gical Petroleum Prospecting), 1972, vyl-3. 55., pp 44-52 (from P.Zh-Kibernetika, No 10, Oct 72 abstract No 1OV638 [author's abstract)) Translation: The paper gives a description, instTUCtiOnS and the text of.a program for single-fdctor.dispersion analysis. ItAs shown how this p-rogram can be' used in geological research. The program is compiled in Minsk-22 computer Code5.: USSR UD C~1629. DOTSENKO, Yu. N., PELEPEYCHENKO, 1. P. I'DeteTmination of Adjustment Parameter. 'of Correcting Circuit Operating in System for Regulation of Aviation Gas 'Itirbine Engine Gas Temperature" Samoletostr, i Tekhn. Vozd. Hota. Resp. Mezhved, 'remat. Nauch,-Tekhii. Sb. (Aircraft Construction and Air Porce Technology. Pej)LIbliC Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific and Technical Co-lection), 1971, No. 25, pp 46-50. .(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aviatsionnye i Pa'~ctnyc Dvigate-li No 1, 1972, Abstract No 1,34.71, from the resume). Translation., A method is suggested for determi n ing thlo tiln(! constant of tile workin- thermocouple in5tal led before a turibinc in -a gas st treari, designed to operate in the regul;ition systeia of in xviation turbino Dotermi nation Of.the time Constant is P.-.,eccded by deterini-naticii of the irl-,tt'anLaneous Lcrjr cra- ture and'speed of the gas stream, which 'is achieved by Lj-_;4nj two mensuring thermocouples of different thexmal inertia. -:A method sunc~csted for con- -m vi u 1 g verting the ti,.,n- co-stant of the operating thei acouplt roi rl 0 S oper it conditions. S figs; 5 biblic refs. USSR UDC; 621.317.7.087.92-932 "Voltage-Pulse Frequency Converter" USSR-Authors' Certificate No 244738,~Filed 24 'Ifay 1967, Published 20 October I -(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychis- 969 litel'naya Tekhnika, No 7, 1970, Abstract No M32P,~by N. S.) Translation: A voltage-pulse frequency converter is described. The converter 7 contains a storage capacitor, the charging circuit of which. includes a double emitter repeater, with the base input connected to the source of the primary control signal. In order to assure independence.of control, of the second in- put, simplify Lhe design, and increase the input.impedance~ the~device cont-uins a charge level limiter consisting of: two transistors, 4a iliverting amplifier, diodea, and a decoupling capacitor. ill4stration. USSR UDC 621. 375.8 YEGOROV, YUU. V. "A Paianot-ric Amp lif ier o fBiopotentials WithInput Capacitance Co,-.1-,)ensation" Moscow, V sb. Blekuron, pri ory d17 neyrofiziol. issled. (Elec-11--ronic Equipment for NeUrophysiological searcH collection of articles), 1111auka:," 1969, pp 22-~6 (from RZh- Radiotekhnika, No 4, 1970, Abstract llo.4D~90'1. Transia4t.;ion- A oortable transistor amplifier of biopotentials I h is de-Vefoped wit signal conversion at a carrier frequency of 1.9 'IMM'.z. Varicaps are vaed as the:.controlled elements. The radio -frequency output of the amplifier made it possible to ob-m Lmin a high degree of the biopotential drain-off cir- cuit-s wit'a respect to around. and the coeff icient of rejection of zynp',-~:iic disturlbance on the order of 60 db. In tbo case of sig- nal ffrruquency (0.2 -- 10,000 Hz), t 1P he air, lifiail-, shows high input rosistlance (at a frequency of 20 Hz. Rb;(;r4OO Mohla) which makes, it possible to use it for intracellulaj~. 41,0,1n."60ffdtl. The amplifier L9 USSR yrofizioi. issled., et al, Elektron._priborry dlXa ney 111,Tauka, 1969, pp 22-27~. -h respect to direct our-rent and spanned by negative foedbaolc wiu at signal frequency. In addition, the amplifier 1,9 spanned by 'LIP a.frequency-dependent controlled positive,co ling which evokes an input capacitance toomponsat-ioni6ffect., deox7oasing capacitance Crom 40 to 3 Pf - Compensation of Input capacitance and high input resist t U ance make it possible o:use glas6 microelectrodes for drain-off with a resistance'down to 40 .50 Mohm. Original article: 2 illustrations 2/2 3 Masers and Lasers UD~~': 621.372.8:535 '0, A. 1, . and SHU'j 4 VOZ:CV, V. I., DYA0117"li- "HPANOVI, U. Ye. ~ _~S With Pulsating ~~;2ams Fam GuiZZ V sb. ii luchevodv (Aeroth_~:r:iz~~l 01)tics and Guides-collk~ctioa Of .;?ort-s) liins-!-, 191*70, -%!-j 2-15-226 (frapa P2~11- hadiotelchni.',ca, i~'o- 3, ':arch 71, Abs~rac-t Io. 5 E. 2 0' Transla+' ion: com:~arisozyi is !,ade of ordinarY in ..;hic."I p, d s a t- ii nw a vbeams are pro-pagated fro'-ni vi-:I", th~-~ ocir'li of the reliability o~" tsh-_ r~-,snectlve trqnsm;-.;ttL-Ij-_- c~,-.nn_cis. -7he' bean, Euide irre-ularity is ossumcb. arbitrary lwitli ra,-ard to J.'s nature, --;-..t%;nt, a.nd di_~-tributj.on law. Curlr~~s aT.1-- of th~e teCral probability distributicri Imm �,ur the tri-I-n-!ni's-.ion losses r.~i uitin,- ut-,- ~_.-icide-ling of agroup of ul, - 7 - IrCl.rl. COM-0 -_ ?, -r.-P ar k'aus~ii~n bi:-,am guid-.:s, w~os~, wrori"Ang viuvcl'~ncth Wa_- incri...l.'A '0 -ji-: to 16 r----d th-.~ inlitial a ne, S 6;r9bhy of se-ven. V. S. USSR UD": 621.372.8:535 VOLY-CV, !., DYACHUN"I"O, A. And SHTSEIPANOV, 0 Ye. mpu'er 'nvestigation o f the Rellability of .13cam Gluid,,-~,~ with Gaussian Diaphragms" -L(~r,11100-0 -a luchoyod (Aerothermal, V:sb. ero ti!,- CT)tics and PcaEi Y- 'Guides--coll---~ctic-,~ o' uor] ~:i:, ,Ins"'Cl, 1-,70, pj) 174 -193 or, F; Radictekqpii~a, ic. , ;~., `bstract 1 11-211) 71, A 3 Tran.-lation: co~7,arison is L--- d e of th;~ variotzt~ b-?r,.m, ---ave- -ui-, , s 1~or thc purpose of ~Iarifyir he followinE ;~,ossibilitics: t> - - - - - I'S - - - - inerca-sin- tlli--~ reliabi'lity of be?-,.eu.-Lde lines I~or c 'I I i :,- 0, r quir~.mQnts ol' accuracy of settihlg, a n - up h e w veT.,.JdO ell~me ts, and weakeninfr ha requirem(;nts o-L rit accuracy of +h- adjustm-~:, -1 -s 'or th,,Ar hi. transmi ssion lin, J, --- - ~ t;; madel of a us s ia n !--u;dc- i-~, dc:scrib,,!, -vt.,id th(-:; re---u ks o-f the are jix illu-,trat-Jens, j. b' ic rap"ll-ly of 10. IM0376', 895-42 095-381599,323 foi+591.69-542-932.3A7 ?1o62) (5 L CMUMM,-P. A., ar4,VOLKOV, 7. 1.', Antiplague S tion-&nd Regional S tary ani "FAunwand-'Distribution.of -Gaxasid 1-lites of Plurine Rodents in the Khabarovsk Moscowi Hedltsinskaya Paraz.'~~tologiy4 i -Parazitarnyye BOIJezni, Vol 40, 110 31 un. MvP -71' PPz?1-Z75 Abstract-i Data were Gathered-from, 1959 to 1966. Rodents and their parasites were.-. collected in natural stxroundings as well as in residential premises &3X- year.-.-round. A total. of - 618, 000 traps were set per day, 451766 rodents and--'.64 burrows were examine-d, and. 55j5000 Gamaid mites belonging to 39 tax- onomic: classes in 9 families were collected. The material collected was eya`uated--in the usual manner.. Eleven forms of rodents ciccur In the Khaba- xovsk~reglon, which is mountainous and 53P,,.covexed with furests. Eight species vem fbund to be predominant azd constituted 91,6516 of all: collections. All W-te.-species were found in the southern part of the region, whr--reas only 16 Species-were fotuid in the northern.paxt. This uneven distribution of nites was~.attributed to climatic factors and the distribution of hosts. The associa- USSR UDC 576.895.42.01(471.62 VOLKOV, V. I., and CIERhM10 P. A.~j Rhabawrovsk Krdv Sanitary;. Epidemiolo- St~itfdh and Khabarovsk Antiplague. Station 05pecies Cozzosition and Distribution of 3LTodid Ticks in Khabaxovsk Kray" Moscow, YeditsinsYaya Fazaz Itologi)-a I Parazitarnyye Bolezni, No 6, 19?1, PP ?18-722 7.: Abstracti Khabarovsk Fxay (Far Eastern USSR) is heterogigneous, in relief, soils, climate, flora and fauna, with over 50% of the total a-ma covered by conife-rous-deelduous and coitiferaus (taiga) forests. Field trips fron 1062 to 1969 in 19 to the 20 adnJmlstxnative re -a of the kray revealed the existencee of 10 specles of Ixoiid tickst I. pazz-sul"atum, liae mvphye;alis concitna, H. japonica douglasi, Derm. centor silvaru=, D..;asiatlcumt 1. pavlovskiy, 1. r0d1cor--evi, 1, signatuap 1:, angustus, EL1141 1. maslovi. All 10 species fou'rd in the s6uthorn tuid, certral neglon,s In the zone of the conL-ferom..~-deciduous~fct--ests. Five sppciee;~- I. parsu-1- catus~ H. concinna, D. silva:rum) I. anguatitait and 1, rvull-dorzovi - were found further north in the zone of the coniferous fomstz'4 The imsss species 1--'Percideatus, H. corcinaa, J. japonicap aA4 D. -Uslvarum- are the vectors and reservoirs of tickborn. e encephalitis virus:.: Six main*,; ecological and , fawd.stic complexes of ticks are distinguish6d:-and 1. persulcatus USSR UDC: 519.2 LYSENKOVA, V. T. roups of 1% ueuin- S-s-em With. Two Sequential Arranged G Q7 Serv:c~rs" Moscov.-, Sist. raspredeleniya inforn,.--sbOTRU (Information Dis- 1ribution Systems--collection of works.) , "Nauka.", 1972, pp 161-166 (from Kh-Kibet.netikca, No lb,-Oct 72, :.-ibstract No 10V97 [authors' abstract]) Translation: A queuing system i considered which is made up of two multiple-line subsystems with limited quieues. Coming Lnto the system is a s-Lmple stream~of customers. The custoners are initially served by the first subsystem, and the excess stTeam is directed front the first subsysttiri intro the second for service. An algorithim is derived for calculating the stationary ~f 2 02L UNCLASSIFIED PR&ESSING OATE-20NOV70 T.t-TLE-Mf_-ChANISM OF THE FORMATIEN OF VANADIUM VkO.14ZE$ Of: THE MV SUBIZ U N V, SUd2 0 SUa5 MV SUB2m.0. ~SU86- SYSTEMS: FM EOUALS CALCIUMt -sua30 TYPE Ir l_Alj.ThliK-fUl-FGTlYEVv A.A.# VOLKOVe~v'Le ,;CCUNTRY CF INFG-USSR NEGRG. XHIM. 1970ij .15M 935-8 -,DATE PUBL MEO-~---70 ;SUBJECT AREAS--tiATERIALS JGPIC TAGS-6KCNZEs VA14ADIUM CONTAINING ALLOYt CALCIUA CONTAINING ALLOYt CCiNfAINING ALLOY, BARIUM.,CONTAININ.G ALLOY: CADMIUM CONTAI.NING ~'-ALLLY, ACTIVATION ENERGY CL MARKI&G-NO RESTRICTIONS R 1100CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;;.PROXY:. REEL/FRAXE-300 1/ 03 86 STEP N07--~UR/007~9/1'0j!015/004/0935/0938 ~C_IRC ACCESSICIN NG--AP012oL41 021 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 JURC: ACCESSIC,% '40--AP0126141 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) ',P-0- ABSTRACT. THE FORMATtCN OF I-HESE BRONIES IN i,VACUUM.SF(L-wiS A LIMITING STAGE OF 10 1% DIFFUSION 14H[LE Ilq,THE SYSTEM WHERE Jl~~ECUALS CC A DIRECT ChEM. RE v N -ArTION TAKES - PLAC-c. THE A PARE T :-~.-ACTIVATIC;r,t ENERGIES ARE 522 57v 62v ANU 62 KrAL-14GLE FOR SYSTEMS, HAVING ECUALS CAv SRt '4 SAl AND CD, RESPo AT ZOODEGREESP'AN ALPHA YIELDS BETA X TRANSITICIt TAKES PLACE IN CJ METAVANADAlf.. DISORDER [%:A SYSTEM ENHA' NCES-,UIFFUSIGN OF IGINS AND,,~ THERLEFOREt LN THE SYSTE~i WHERE M EQUALS REACT PLACI--- IMME01 T. J ON TAKES A E iY:o FACILITY: iNsT. I M SVkRDLGSK, USSR" UNCLASStFAIED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 212 034 UNCLASSIFIED --AP0118854 ,.CIRC ACCESSION 1*40 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) G11-0- ABSTRACT. BY EN F .MEASURFPENTS THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE EQUIL. 0 PRESSURE IN THE REACTION CAV SUB2 1) SUB6 PLUS :5 V SUB2 0 SU85 FOR14S AND IS FORMED F R OM CAV SUB12 0 SUB30 PLUS 1-2 0 SUB2 HAS BEEN DETI). AT i303-8aDEGREESK. THE THERMODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CA--V BRONZE HAVE BEEN EST0,; DELTAH PRIME WOSITIV5 SU92q8 EQUALS !4114US2395 KCALr-MOLEY SDEGREES SUB298 EQUALS 196.65 ENTROPY UNITS, C SUBP EQUALS 266981 PLUS 3*.17 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3-T. f: ACILITY: INST., KVI[M. SVER-OLOVSK, USSR. USSR UDC 539-374 VOLKOV V. M. Form of Numerical Staiution of Problems In the Dynamic Vlastoplastic Deforming of Plates" Tr. Gor1kovak._politekhn. in-ta (Transactions of the Gor'kiy Polytechnic Inatitute), 1969, g~, No 2, pp 10-17 (from RM-Mekhanika No 3) March 1970, Abstract I-To 3V459) Translation: A study was made of the scheme of analysis of dynamic deforming of fo tion as a bodies in the elastoplastic region based,on examination of the & r1ra process in tire. The elastoplastic operation.of the differential equation of motion of the bodies is represented by finite differences end the Cauchy proble,-,l is solved. 7he material of the body is assura6d to be Btrengthened following an arbit?,sry law. Algorithms are presented for~determining stresses and deformations based-~on the deformational theory of plasticity and flaw. Me given calculational scheme has broad application Euid is particula rly adapted for+digital computers. By way of example, working functions are presented for anal~zing,the dynamici defoxmEttion of rigid circular plate 77 PRW S -IIIG DATE 13NOV70: U N C'A f lr__Ttc!17~t-.FFEG,~T GF, A - Mik GNET I C. F 1 FL.6 ITY F:,ME~TS A N T H E F I L L I N r, LUU) U. 14 L, D S .-u- ..,.,-AU.THO~-,~-i,02)-RABI,NOVICH* B.V.t VOLKOVt Vdi.~ COUNTRY WO-USSR 0 F I, __`,~wsoiRCE L I T E I NO PRUIZVOO 19701 (4) 46-1. -,~..~'UATE PUTAISH='o ------- 70 -_,S--XA.TEPjALSt ~':('H. IN3. CIVIL AN 1) MARAINE I'll G R -SUBJECT TOPIC TA S - -1 ET A L c As, r ui MAGNET IC, FIEELD'EFFECT, AS..1,11-ST0,Sf C'EMENTi MO L 0 MiA T P R f A L T 1,14 Z I NC v COPPER JkLLOY~p A L U -M I NU N.1 ALL.(3'(/((JITSA.,, ALLOY CONTR OL MARKINIG-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CL4SS--iY--lCLASSIFlcEo PROXY PEE.L/FRAME-3004/1934 STEP* CIRC I ON NO-AP0132196 -LASS IF Iz:- 2/2 024 UNCL ASS I FIE D Pl~'.CICESS 1,NG DAFF-~--13NGV70 IRC PCt,_,E'S'5 IGN 1,10-AP 0- 132 19 6; &E3STtRA'lF/rXTRArT--(Ul GP-0- A~~-SrRACT. :THE FEAS[- it TY elAS E:XM-10. OF PiPP0V_i,"-G THE FILLIN-V OF MOLDSt MA !) E R G 1-1 A 5 31 S I Cl-MENT AIT - L-15~; -~SBIESTOS GR PLEXIGL&SS , wl I T Ji L 14 MiE T ALS ;_i(JC?i AS S~`l , Z"411 OY TSA-4 ( AL EST) y ')':! LUM 1 N I LL 4.3, CU Q.-67i' M2PERCENT, ZiV Ri:' A (I!.; C i-EN N THE -3PER IT S 1 31 All CkDERLY _FL.Otl OF. THE M; lE T A L I -10LD COULI) 3E i-G'l7R0L1.--0 I'Y VARYING, TRE MAGNUIC V'~i)UC FRolli 1. 5 T 1 M. S 10 P R I ME NEGATIVL6 TO 7 0 Tl M E S 10 PA I MEGA T I V* 6: GAUSS., TWO FR E Qi U R E _'_S 4 IR E TRIED 50 AU0 504 HZ, iTH E~ ELECUO IJIGNETIC METHOD OF ER! W I' Hl.~ L 1-4;14T 44 D FILLPIG THE M ~3 L -D S WORKS BE~4 T ME-T4LS!--l THOSE HAV'NG GOOD _c (S' H AS- THE ACTION, OF PtE MjkGN5_-*rlC FIT-ELD d I TH THC. F-~'-AUENCY OF 500 HZ ~CSULTEU IN HIGH&R FLWD[Tir OF IHE META_ BETTER FELLIN" OF THE t'101_0 COMPARC-0JOkTHE -ACTIGN: e-.)~ THE FtCLfJ W[ r1i A _Y 50 HZ. THI S EFFECT- !e1 A S, P.kOBA6LY G U E, TO LARGE~', A14T. OFIHEAT UNCLASSIFIC-0 rw r -PRb(:Esls! foq6 DATE' ON 2 2 u ,LASH E-300CY70 41TLE-DYIUMIC RANGE OF. fMiRi. ERATIV "GEN E~PA'RAMETRIC- A~VLIHE.R cONVERTERS JTf-~R-0)3)-BCBKuV, I.N., VULKOV, '~INEQKP V.I* A 6- C; UaTIA yOF INFE)--USSR c E 9/7 01 P 97-98' J -mosccw, RAGIOTEKHNIKA, NO 1, p s ATE -PUBL ISHEC----70 .$UUJECT ARLAS-ELECTRONICS ANO ELECTRICAL~ENGR. Z' TO P I CTAGS--VA-.0;~,FTRIC AIPLIHER, OYNAMIC SYSTEM :,CO. TAU MARKING-NO RESTRICTIO14S -6CCUMENT CLASS-UNCLAS S IF LED 'RROXY f!.EcL'(.FRAME--19S9/1474 STEP NVI- UR 0 10 8/ 7 0/')0 0 0.-) 9 7Or) 98 C-1kC -ACCESSIGIN'-W-AP0123377 UNCLASSIFIFO UDC 539.374 USSR VOLKOV, V. M. ItApplication of the Theory of Residual Microstresses to Problems of the th of Elastic-Plastic Bodies" Dynamic Streng Tr. Gor'kovsk. politekhn. in-ta (Works of Gor.'kiy Polytechnical Institute), Vol 25, No 2, pp 18-25 (from RZh-MekhaniKa, No 4, Apr 70, Abstract No 4V461) Translation, An algorithm for solving problems in the dynamics of elastic- plastic bodies is derived fDr the theory of plasticity o.Ethe flow type. The boundary value problem based on the finite-d-, approximation of the eauation of motion is reduced to the Caucky problem,~which is solved by the Rurge-Kut-,a method. An example of the dynamic defornation of a thick- walled spherical shell under the action of a series of brief loads on the inner and outer surfaces is discussed. A considerable dilfference ir the predictions of flow theory and the deformation:theory of-plasticity was ob- served. Yu. 1. Kadashevich. IS uDa 632.93 USSR GO, X. A., UNTERBEMER, It. X., BEZUCLIY, S. F. , Zj=jL?Wa,6S., AND 'KDLKOV, V. N., , All-Unidn Scientific SUdies Institute-, of Chenical Compounds for the Trotection of Plants ',insecticide Formule Author;s Certificate No 213452, filed 4 Apr 616, published 2 J an ?2 (from BeeferativrO7 Zhunial Xhimiyal Ho 8(11)1 19?3o Abstmct Vo. 811480P by, T. A. Belyayeva),, Translationt The insecticide trichloforl-5.contains from 4-15% trichlorometa-. -phos-3 W# 85-96% high purity unfiltered mineral oil, ard 0-6% of ther emulsifier OP-4. For example 9 92% of the light Uanfiltered oil having an unisulfornated residue of 9,'1%, 5,14 of (I), bind 3% OF-4. -The oxder of the relat-ive effectiveness of the oleophoses follown -- aleastalphosi.trichloral-59 a=L -preparmtioii No 10 -,the vintering phasm of the California slizaae -insect. Trichlorol -5 in a 2% concentration showe(,l a moxtality of of .the, Pests. 49 - t, 'lip USOR .MAQ,V., If. Chelyabinsk State Pedagogicall Institute "Some Cytochemical Indexes and Leukocytic Phagocytosis in Fatigued Athletes" Moscow., Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kull.tury, Ho 5,.1971, PP 33-35 Abstract: A comparative study was made of the levels of blood glycogen, phospholipids, alkaline phosphates and peroxidase,~and:phagocytnsis in 55 skiers) skaters, and track field a, state of,acute (overstrain) and chronic (overtraining) fatigue. A clear-cut relationship vas found between enzyme activity, energy substanceE~,~and phagocytosis. For exam-ale, peroxidase activity was 2.1-f-0.24 in acute fatigue and 2.,3.' chroniC in fatiLrac~ whereas this index was,much hiVher in the cortrol,_(namlly trained athletes), 2.74+0.15. At the same tim- the:phi%gocytic ija~dex was 0.9+0.0 N tictive leukCcytes 18.6f5-7'1, 1.46+o.22 (604,6t5.6), anti 2.53�0.3 (81-5� 8.4), respectively. The fairly high values of the indexes studipid in the controls and in some of the fatigued athletes are ascribed to the influence F of the pituitarry-adreral system in the stress situation created by physical exercise. it is suggested that study of enzyrw activity aand phagocyosis can 'unctional capa provide information of value in assessing individ-us.1 f bility anl loads as well as in'determining tbq stage of training and optimum scope of a training program. u SS R LT_' 621-391:519.2 KARITOR, L. Ya. and VOIYOV, V. N. ItConni-outing th,.c IN-,Oise ID-Unufflity cf 3ervo Fi'~. Sioval Demodula'crs 4n the Threshold' Re-irn 2.1 -adip of the Jc ient if i c of I~ad-'Lo) 1970, )p -11 (from 111,22i-I idi rch, 71, Abst'ract I 3A5_'-.5) 4-1 Translation: meth.Dd is -,roposeu for cGimputing th- noise im-unity u of servo mal deuioliu~ a-ors n t h, e tha-zsho~~J rvrion, bas&d On L the t~nreshold nu, z32 7--odel. The nriet'Xd is d-Ls'Vin~,,u_',S_r,.c-d by its Sim- -fie corr,~spondenzce be-.i..ccn model, use tl , )hy- plicity and "I d and Ic sical proce~~ses of sez-vo dciaodulators. rmcid a,~~Tee,,_rcnt bet,...,(.-(~n th colfaput,~d and c.-.poriiiiontal cha: ~a c t u rj_ Z~ I,- iir~ JL"ound --230CT70 UNCLASSfFIE0 PROCESSING DATE 112 016 POLYMERIZATION IN THE PRESENCE OF TRJTYL HEXAFLUORDANTIMONATE -U- YENIKOLOPYANt N.S. UTHOR-(04)-SMIRNOVY YU.N,, VOLKo?XA-X.-p-s IRZHAK, V-111.t .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -6 (PHYS. CHEM.) ....SOURCE--DOKL. AKAO. NAUK SSSR 1970t, 190(6)-v..1403 ------ 70 '0ATE PUBL [SHED- _,"_~'S~UBJECT -AREAS--.CHEMISTRY !~'_:TQPIC TAGS--TRIOXANEi POLYMERIZATION KINET'10t FLUORINATED OR GAIN 11C #40 %IPOU D~ COMPOUNOv ORGANOANT 1, NY C0, N CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ...DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -_~~ROXY R-EEL/FRAME--1997/1142 STEP NO--UR/00~20/70j'190,(006/1403/L4.06 ~,CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0119996 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSrNG DATE--23OCT70 L. CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0119996 :_'~ABSTR AC*.r/ EXTRACT- (U) -C-P-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONVERSI.O.'i OF TRIOXANE OU'qING ITS POLYMN. IN THE PRESENCE OF PH SUB3~ CSBF SUR/j DOES NOT PROCEED TO COMPLFT-ION. THE CONVERSION LEVEL, THE- REACTib,,4 RATE, AND THE INITIATION ,,..RATE.CONSTS.~INCREASE,WITH PH SU83 CS8F SUB6 CONCN, AND THE TEMP. THE -ACTIVATION ENERGY IS 7 PLUS OR MINUS I~KCAL PER MULE. KINETICALLYr. THIS CATIONIC,PGLYMN. IS IDENTICAL WITH FREE~RDICAL POLY4NS. THE lt4lTrATION RATE DECREASES AND THE CHAIN TERMINATION RATE I.NCRE4SES DURING THE REACTION, WHICH RESULTS IN A STEADY STATE 6EING RE~.CHED BEFORE CONVERSION IS-COMPLETE, FACILITY: INSTo KNIM. FEZ.'r USSR. r t jNc s. ks'Sr0 AcIc.- Nr Ref. Code jfN0496641 CHEMIC,,AI;-.,:j r* 1055 igr btermokeular interactions a sppctra of molecules in rnultiwnt~pziint iolutions. - ff. ~,Spectroscop ~.c method for I studying th~, co'ntporation. o sol~ite shells of moli~ules- 114kh- sxu,.~ "r~ %r AltlLc&aya, A. V. (tISSR);, Opt. Spektrosk. Quant. sUdyal' the cunpn. of solvate shells iv"'carried out in ihc following sp�t6his -polar org. compd. (3-im"ophthalimide, 4-amiu6-A'~tneth~,li)htlialiinide)- nonpolar solvent (n-hexane; or n4icptine)-polar solvent (B%IOH). 'The concif. ;of b6th~ w1vents ivaried in the ratige 0-1000,'. Shifts in thehb~~tlin Ayanids ald fliidre~ecnce lines corra~pona:- aracteristic for the solvate ing to electron'ic,~ tritrisiiians are 0i anji.wiire; therefore, stu iled., -compt-tition t"J.'urring be- effects AL tween Ute pobr and ~nori'polar solv~ni~ mols,- to ent ar the Ijit co- ordination sphere gives I I -6 t6 o;al is olated 'areas 61 inol. mmic- tumlidiffer'Mi from Oc ~t"~tuWor tilt. wholi., systeiii. Ollegul- Vent is expellgtl Oie..oth~r, Oitly. ~jf the Aeloly formed structhrq.,~,Jg -enqge ' Y~n 6call ac~,e fmrorable~' The~tlw- 6, the derivatior atinent oretical considem6ons led t l6rama4.tre that could use iipg~&al,daih f6r'ihe- estit; of sotne ph"yg. propt~,ritiesj of the solvate*sLeH (locil ditlec. con~ti, compn.). H, Parizkova KOV, iNts 4i1747 10 Vehruary 197 DISPERSION TYPE TUEL. ELEMFN'TS.FOR NUCLEAR REACTORS Selected articlez; frotit the Russian; languago book bv*A. 0. Sainoylov, A. 1. Kashtanov V 5 ..V Di Spersionnyve Tan iovvdal%-aYushc1% iY11- 44- Yadornykh 11caRtor A 1) Press SCOW, AtC=I=Cat secont:*Qaluon' 1'r pages 103-26z. CcuTENTS! PAGE ~Chaptter's Buildi.n gA2 t 0 r i a I z ............ S.I. Aluminum und Its. All*ys .................. I 3.2. Zirconium and Its Alloys ...... 11, 24 3.3. Alloys Pased on Iron .......... a....... so 11 us SR K) UW 547-754-859 'PORTNOV), YU. N-.1 GOLUMVA, G. A., KOST. A N., and VOT-N-CAV, V. S.., Moscow, SteLte University im-eni M. V..Lonionosova "-~dole Chemistry, Part 3C The Rearranger-ent of 1-Phe-.1.,,rl-2-acet,~lhydraziiies ands 1-Phenyl-2-acety:Lpyrazolidines" Ri Khimiya GeterotsiIO-iehesIdkh SoyedineniY, 5, MOY 1973, pp 647-652 Cal Abstract- The rearrancrerent of the ary1hydrazidesof acotic acid is nore com- plicated than that of the analogous I-aryl.2-acy1hyLrazine., to 2--n-,;ino indole. Temperature, concentration, solvents awnLf other factort, influence the yields ani productso Starting materials of the-foxw' CH :Hj Y--C H3, for X= YttH; X=Y C and X+Y 1 C;rO ~2 "C2 3 Y x USSR FORIMOVI YU. N.J et al., ~Ullmiya Geterotsiklicheskikh So~--dineniY, 5, lh,~' 197 pp 647-652 reactsd vith POCl by ring clo m.-,-e to foin, a varjety of indolem. The Cif 3 3 group influenced the location of the double bond. The /3-rIh--r~,!2-h,,,-dmzindes o- acetic acid, having Pun aE-,vl gToup on one of the nitrol-'-an atoms reac~in- with ;I POU formed the 2-turanoindole with no substitul-Lion at position 3. Ule allalog- Gas I-pbeny:L-2-acety'-,pyra,,,.olic3ines forned the 1,,2,3,4-t--:!trpLlydrcRf-riilido 1,2-a :Lndoles. Structures were confiri.,yed by IR. and; V114H data. Preparative procedvu~es are given. 2/2 27 LLJ T)Yils 72- T XrE 'D FITNESS FOR WORR ,HE EFFECT.QF 4YQCt=1AL INFARCTION ON LITE L CTXZCY A" [Article by V.S, Vclkov V.,'j! Agravav.~, N.K. Rursalkov, Intensive Cardiology Group r D.P. -RSFSR Ministry of Health at the Central 1(jentific Research Laboratory. atlaiv of futulty. *thu copy (haad*d by Froftnaor S.S. Bnrats) and (h,~aded by boc;,nt T. C. Vinajradov~ of Svor4levA Innti tutu'. 11')~Cow, Vkhran,ahlyo, Russian. No 4, .1972# oub~mittad 14 OcLober 1971, loye,~I`a -'jrft7 Investigation of life expectancy and haalth,statuz of irulividmalz who have at)--itaint4 myocardial infarction. as well as diffeyent factors af(octinz long range sequalaa in auc prrlei)ts.!.z borl~ kattleally anA so 1 11 h ~ c a ~, 11 cant. Of special'. interest. is dst~rnlruatian of rosiduil fitrmaa for work 0f patient 11 with postinforction cardioscl-pml s- S=h Investigations could fine de the means of rehibiltiating,them., We lwva the results of long tern (12 years) observation of 525,patients who had sustained primary myocardial. Infarction. This constituted 89 percent of the patients discharged from the the rarevric. &cc.' Ion of tho 14th munj6pal hospital in Sverdlovak, which it the tpodleal a=d vni t to Ir the Ural Knchin'Fry Plant. Among the patients - stisdl ed there ue re 395 man and -130 women. There wart 386 who Laustained'myceardiAl InEarctlzn 4v- r 60 Years of age. and 376 were e=pJayf.-a Vr-jor to illness, - In 9t ca.*eg tjtr-~foIIuwUp oxtended o%mr 10 years nod. for the rest the pari--4 vas sh=%vr. Our data refer to the ab*oltjte majority of cases ~f tayt-cz-111al inirac- t1on in one of the city's regions; the eItzent of selectivity in ruled out and for this renuon. we believe. :It furnishes s ratber realistic idea about long term acquaint, V) One of the c%icf fartoro deter=l%-Ang life expectancy of individuals .who hava oustained myocardial infarction is the patients' age. An Indicated by at authors (0,1. Yasakova: A.M. Berinsk 6y& or al.: S.L. Sldorovich; T.T. Glukhon'kly and L,T. Bil'kevlch; Ualso; 57gier, andothers), the long torm 7 2 sequalao are the vwxt favorable among patients who art young or middle aged. according to survival Indices. 20 621.396.6.019.3 USSR UDC. DEW, A. F. 701-1--n-, V V. S.- -racy Characteristics of Eval-uating Reliability "On the Problem of the Accu sit of Semiconductor Gircuirts From the Results of Accelerated Test Tr. Hadiotekhn. in-ts. AN SSSR (Works of the Radio Engineering. Institute of the Acadeqr of Sciences of the USSR, 1970, No 3, PP 109-117, (from RZh-Hadiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71.- Abstract- No '6V279) Translation: A study is made of' the problems of evaluating accuracy characteristics of determination of the raliability of temicanductor circuits from the results of accelerated tests to obtain the :.confidence intervals of failure rates. RecoMMI-Indattions are given; en the. profitability of accelerated tests of semiconductor ciribuits4 Resumg L 12 UNC_L*A S S I F I E 1) OCES7SING DATE--04DEC70 p 11 RC ACCESSION NO--AP0126094 STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 7HE'EFFECT WAS STUOIED OF THE STRUCTURE OF STEEL 0" THE H DIFFUSION COEFF . UNDEA~ N GAS: ELEC. D[SCHARGE CONDIT-IONS. THE EXPTL. SETUP AND THE ROCZOURE U511) HAVE BEEN DESCRISED EVIOUSLY. THE Ili? DISICS m A R SAMPLES OF STEEL 34KH,4: 1W FIC M Or~ 37 , M IN DI M. P -AND li.0-1.6 MM THICK WERE USED,- :TH E CHEA0. 'COPIPNI~ 0j: THE STEEL WAS: c 0.35;~CR 1.10, MO 0.25r Sl 0.3-11 'AND MN 0.56 WT. P~F:CENT. THE STEEL HAD A PLATELETLIKE_ PEARLITE STRUCTURE'. .'DN;;GROUP OF SAMFILES WAS VACUUM ANNEALED AT- 850DEGREES FOR I HR i IMEREUPON I I T,:WAS. C0OLfm-~D,wITH THE FURNACE. THE ANNEALED-SAMPLES HAD A GRANULAR 1PEARLI'TE 'STRUCTURF~ THE 2ND -GROUP OF THE- SAMPLES WAS:-HELO~.IN Vpp._BATH;~AT. a5ODE-,GREES FOR 30 MINt WHEREUPON IT WAS QUENCHED IV, OIL. THE QUENCHED SAIOLES; HAD THE IMARITENSITIC STRUCTURE. THE LOWEST DIFFU.SION CDEFF~~ IS IN THE STRESSED MARTENSITIC STRUCTURE AND AMTS, TO 2'#8 Tllmt;s lb PPI,Ml;: N~GATIVE7 C114 -S EC IE. HIGHEST DIFFUSION CO -Fi.' ~~AIQNEAL:ED STRUCTURE OF 1: t& IN; THV RPIME2~ -i; Tf Er GRANULAR PEARLITE AND AMTS. TO-6.3 TIMES. 10. PRIME NiE4;A)'J.VE-7 CM -.PRIM.F-2~-SEC. - THE DIFFUSIOtj COEFf~.~lN -JHE~ RL.ATE~-E,Uifj~tl P~RARLJTE WAS 4 5 -cm ~pklm JIMES, -la_PR IME -.NE-GA.TIVET FA*(:~~L T,~ :.URAL.. i KIR 4 - ~t Ul NCLASS IFIED JPkS S46113 %r) 6 Dec=4pr 1-971 ELEM10 MIMUPT:MY AMD CUN.,.= rljTr!,c !Dr PVZ-11- V. L on'l t rx ptrlm~ntAl rm~dles. cf ttm curren~t hrjfttjnZ of th, clo,.w6 P.,~,.trtic tmsp,_T*uz%k,: (1, 2) wA An~ -L-rlu;5" 6) lutve dhowr. f,", t 1r, ltm ~Trohg-. mr,'pitttlk. fi~liaz (4, or cqu4l Lo Die iv.9 r It, deraiLy or tb"-p'la4=m a q4tr*'u0--"- g~trvl th#g~~iit4re Of itti txlztin3 theory Of. Anc=1ouv4leotric fqr m--ca or vcr(~ AIQ fieldr. (P-10 131~%v re T W Walt'll Of the Atu!~vr. f1bove, baw Uwti proitmoa (I 1., 12) roil .1 ntofp~. taZ A on of d4ta obtf0s)lA mm~mri=jl otill MlVt,~ult 'bna~iuu~~ !,.r ilt4LLtSQn4 In tht z'rpf,-,v ef vurj,Mc.-,;. or Xaruiot~vo In thin n17-arutl~t-. 'lu Willwil w-, &ttt'nipt ul;v %mi"rtt':wn'!'~ (l*-0 to cxp"Lr, the rocliftwmb Ar-=-.1 Or m%'.FlvlLit*d ;ahor4l to tl.'t' y exporil.;;nto J, WhI6.1a w4uh lbitetriv 1.14d atudIed E < e, yor the pull~*n,~ of ipver-~toTiuz the orttorO for stiwlln--imi L,~ effect atudiod,tind, Itki ukaroa-trapto 0wraolterioLtur on the "~lrill z' 64) s mpriou of exparimArits no poiform~tl iimriva vjw'at~a'm 4--'t t~'z~'-tr comparivon vith exi:sting thoeratigal concepto rAhi ptvaurmd In tttu co'~!wv- Zion. 'M-R Ll W# USSR '13.9 UDC VISHNEVMKIY, V. 11. , VOYTENKO, D. A. A. G., ZALKIND, i, - P. I., MOISEM7 V. M. 9 KONGTO, S,S V CIMNKO, 0. S. PASMILY, V. K. _KOr SUPRMUMO, - V. A., TOLOK, V.~ T., -TEMSHCMiKO, F. F. j I.AIN -RYAD, V. H* , and -TAWr "Of ve Pop Physico-Technical'Distitute of`~Acadomyof Sciences Ukrainian KharkGV SPA Losses of Plasma ih. a 'Uragan'.Stellarator.Wi~h Large Shear" ns-kiy Fizicheskiy:Zhurrhal o' '19 71, PP 132 Kiev., Ukral vol 16o 1, 82 AU 0-13-93 Abstracta Irvestigations of the, rate of energy losses, In plasma have shown that the holding time of particles significantly excep-ds the:energy Iffe time when the plasma is of collision type.. ~ Thisartidi,.q discusses the results of investigations on the rate of energylodses of colliilon-ty-~,e plasma for the."Uxagan!' stellnrator. The authors. study. the depe~ence';of energy life time,of the plasma on the amount of shear:ana tbe'.angl~t of coaversion. They make extensive use of graphs to, Illustrate --their flndij*qi~a ajid.find that. the experimental points lie on a stralght,lillb.~:.:The,:autho:Ls conclude that the -results my- be explained. on the~.basis that-. atemperatuxe-drift Instability velo do in the plasma.. The article, contiins 3:f~g*~ band 8 bibliogra' ps phic USS.R UDIC. 621:372.,8.092.2Z~ -CO, V. D., KORRILOV, A. A. VOLKOV, ~Y6~ G. , LIFEREII. "A Wilde-Band Periodic Travel ing-Wave Decelerating SY'C~t':!ru" Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta (News f,the Iening-xad Electrical Engineerin Institute), 1970~ 06, ~pp 2 5-2 8 frort~ RZh_eadiot~,khtt'ha, L -7B!32)' Uo T, Jul 11, Abstract No Transletion: Tbe narner demanstrates the feasibility 6f m-_'king decel- erating systemrs with low variaxice and'a. broad frequenr.-y band on the bai;i-- of a "chair," line jith geowetric.phazing of.the f iel d ;* the i2--ner con- ductor o fthe line is formed by 4 sequep'ce of rectanplar brackets fastened to conductive or dielectric, supportr~.. 'The tem lia,3 tiio L Y, bands of trwisp-nrency, the upper band h a,6 n g, a negative fundamental harmDnic, and the low- f reqlien cy band exiatirig on-ly irt tEe CnZ_~C of con- ductive supports. Thc- corrputatignt-.1 m oults are. con- firmwd'. One illustration, Ill. S. V v2WP Y e REKIN, I. IT. et al (Leb6der Physics institute, LJSS_ Academy of Sciences) .1111ultiperipheral Theory on Hadron interaction at IIL(,,h FEnorgies; un-Interaction" ~Ioscow, Yadernaya Fizika; February, 1973 ~407-22 ABSTRACT: Properties of elastic and inelastic processes were considered on the basis of the Bethe-SaIDeter eo ~uation.p ; The Icernel o the eouation -izas th chosen withregard for 13hencnenological considerations,: and 4 e free Para- reters were defined by ~-he basic properties of the total. cros!3 sectiorS. A solution of the equation with the above-mentioined kernel. was obtained, and the basic properties of elastic scattering (diffraction~lcone ~Adtb, parameters P and.P1 and P-trajectory) were found ~ mid proved to. be in good agreement P with experi-mental. data. Certain characteristic propertieci of; the corr-espond- ing, inelastie: processes were. discussed~, Iha article includes 59 e t" qua ions.arA Una. figures. There are 17 6L, i 0 USSR UDa 615-834+616.13-004.6 VOIXQ~- ~S-, Yalta Scientific Research Institute of Physical Methods of Ire and 1.1--dical Clizatology imeni 1. Y, Sechenov, '.YsLIta "Effects of Constant and Pulsatin- W-Irradiation on the ~Ncrvous and Cardio- vascular Systems of Patients With Incipieut Cerebral Athe:rosclerosis" Fninzel, -Sovetskoye Zdravookhraneniye Kirg~zii, No 2, la--/,r'kpr 71, pp 26-29 Abstract: Patients in the age group 45-6a yrs4ith initial symptoms of atherosclerosis of the brain were subjected;to~irradiati~,,n with UV light as a, part of. a general tre-qt-.4nt. Me treatment with UV lij~tht consisted of 15 irradiatioas (one per at intonsitiox. that* vare.. incri'MDed Troi,,i 1/2 to 3 biological doaca. Cont;tant or pulsatinf; Irz-adiallon was F-j-.jplir,-d. Application Of UV rays had a betx!ficial effect on the fOnctioning of the iiervous and cardiovascular sy-stems: the conditionod and=conditionect vascular reactions were ir-proved, the EKG and indexes of bilateral 1 artorial oE~cillography tended to retarn to normal, and the coronary blood ei~rculation temporal blood pressure (as indicated by bilateral determinations of aspirmetry) showed less pronounced devietions from the normil.,: At high.radiation,,i.atensities applica- tion of pulsating irradiation produced fewer~=dcsirable effects than that of constant irradiation in cases in which t -I~vel,of cortical processes was 'he lavlered-and.compensation of the2ddegree was disturbed-~ -------- --- IBM l~ up. OWN 777-7-7-77-7-- Ar USSR :UDC.62C,.178.75Z.51 TVAV V" Life,a't a Reduced.Temperature Moscow, Metal-lovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrab-otka. Ketall'ov, No 1, 1971, pp 62-44 Abstract; The article describes results of a study of the effect of a re- duced testing temperature (-600 C) on-steel life during in-oact loading. The 31A, and 40yh, steels used for the study included 25Xh2N4VA, 3OW21,TA, The life values obtained were statistically ah&ly-ed and:;lLnexr correlation equations obtained, to serve as the basis forlth,e calcula.'tion of probable life values, It was found that thestudiedq. steels have ~V,- ho ter life at C than at +200 C. The ratio of steel life at -60O.C to tbat at +200 C rgy, the less (11-60/1420) depends- on the load, Viz., the iess, -the impact ene- the decrease in life, Beginning, with a ceAain-Im-Dact en6r,-,j the decrease in temperature increases the life. Thus, during Impact loadin; a emperature dxop causes-a more or less significant..decr6~zejn the ll~e and:-impact , 7- MG. ~69,28.017 ABABIKOV, V. T., GUMBUIRG, V. I and "Corrosion Resistance of Molybdenum Alloys in -Certain Cavrosive Media" Spetsial'nyye Stall, I, S plavy ("Spj6ial Steels and.Alloys Collection of worki) Metallurgiya Press 979#, 21 Translationt It is demonstrated that domed produ ed molybdenum sistance In inti acids~ Lodide ziedia, alloya.have -high corrosion re 0 -and'certain special media. They axe superlox. to, nickel lloys~: such as :hastelloy.arA:certain refractory netals,in~thisirespect* 6 tables; 4 bib116. zefs. USSR UI)c 5~'?' V u.-Ii, SYDORYK, E. F., and DANKO, H.Y., Chair of~81.ophysics. Kiev .. thhOTIVIOeviv st y, iiZ I!stituta of Experimental aboratory of Biophysics of Tumors, Kiev o: g jn& Minical Oncology Effect -of Laser Radiation-on the Electrical:Para' eters of i'Fresh, Tissaaff m 4/Aug' 70,~ ~ip 486,483 xiev~ ftziologidheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 16 1go, 4; J Abstract: The effect of laser radiation on skin eXectrical.conductivity was studied in hamsters. Laser rays (lambda 10#000 A; inpuI46 enarfiv, Z50 i) were focused on an abdominal skin area of Z ::After irradiation, Pne irradiated and one nonirradiated piece of skin wereexcised, plAtinum electrodes, and placed in a chamber with constant humidity and ~empqriitu.,7e. L Electroconduc- W'_105 lit. j,-an , Tissue spa- tivity of skin tissues waa dotorminod vithin'the ge cific resistance, dielectric constant, and Ain impedance.Vai7o determined I hour and 1, 3, ?, and 14 days, after irradiation. ~The greates .t ~ftLftzs in these para- meters developed within 24 hours after irradiation. The Ad:rts were found to be reversible however, and within 2 waeks the skin tissues relta;Lnad their.preradia- tion condition. Simultaneous histomorphological Investigations established that thadeepest injuries inflicted by tho radtation zone, where co- agulation.,necrosis was indicated. A colmection botw4im th~ ;3Wts in skin elec- trio Parameters and the degree-of inji#7_ causpd ~Oy.-tho rad,,jobion is indicatoid. - - - - --- - I I , -, - :~ , : ; i ; ~j . . !, *: I I I I I . 77~/2,-~ 014 uNcLAs-SIFIOD: : .PROCESSING DATE"15NOV70 VIC- Organ arid Tii 'ui ian`iatiwi 5 ansp 2 USSR UDC 616.12-089.843-0.6-.616.i2-ooB.5i,:-o.8:725.51 BALLYMEK, F. V., SHANIN, Yuz. N., KOSTYUCRF.IKO. A. Li, V. S., VOLKOV, Yu. N., FEDOROV, G. Z., and SUPRUNEU0, Yu. Medical Academy imeni S. M.: Kirov, Leningrad "A Sterile Room for the Reanimation of P2tie ~ts! After, Homotransplaritation of the Heart!, Aoscow, Eksperimentallnaya Xhirurgiya i.Anesteziplogiya, N61 2. Xar/Apr 70, pp 84-87 Abstract.- After transplantation of:tho heart,, respiratory L-ifect-Jons constitute one,of the principal dangers to the patients because of their lovored resistance -P a7CQ . Afectic and immunity. J. Phillips and G. Spencer estimated that res :Lr ry 4 r,. nS caused the death of 1/4 of patients after 'surgery involving extracorporeal, blood circulation. A sterile chambe~t!7 X 3 X 2.5 m) has be!en designod for tho reanimation and intensive care of patients after~,surgery iniolvint, extensivo trauma . and- requiring rigorous antiba ctGrial protection. The chambor is con5 'U- ucted of plastic sheets weldo ~consis~ iz o4' two ovor- d together and has an entrance lack lapping, suspended plastic sheets. The chambor has co=eCti 5 fd~- 02, X20, &rd 04 vacuum, a~ telephone line, and electric connections for a def&b:~illator and an automatic system which records and t - t ~thn mrdition of the ransmits ou, side. data on. , Patients- Equipment for the kitubation qf-the~traohea, healizig of the trachoo- ift 615.~285-7-015.21 MNOV, N A, VOLKOV YU P Central Scientific LURIK, B. B. K--AME% stitute of Desinfee ,7n-T-MT o;r.,'Public Health'i Research In tTo7nT? Moscow -"Study on Insecticide Synergists. Synthesis of ~~P!,.perldides and Vinylogs of PiDeronylic Aeid"~-- ":Mosdow,- Khimiko-f armatsevtio'li'askiy'zhilr,!,il~Ll, ~vol' '51' Nq 8, Aug 71P pp Albstra'c t - As nart of the searcb- for :D ethrin synergists, piper- -Yr -of piperony '~de lie acid (III) and two of its vin rlogS were Synthesized.. ComDound III was the o.~idation of 'PiDeronal (1) witii sodium hypochlorite'. Lto piperon-~lic acid (II), and.its conversion to the acid chloride,,and reaction with piper- idine. The Refornintsky reaction. between. I and etfiy.l bromoac-etate yields B-(3,4-moth:rlenedioxyphonyl)-B-hydroxyprobloiii(,,Iaoid ethyl ester, (JU) -,ehlch is dehydrated to'B- (314.~mothyle-ne'.di'.ox-,yphonyl) acrylic acid ethyl ester (VI) end saponified to c,,k;iaothyleno- acid (V). Acid V~:zay~also Velobtkined b7 68 I ........................ 025 UNCLASSTFfF,0i' PROCEStING DATE-18SEPTO '-ITLE--AN EFFECTIVE MIXTURE OF. 101SECT-ICIDES ON THE4ASIS10F PIRETROIDES _'AND DDVF ~-U-l ,,UTHOR_(05l-8ESSONOVAt I.V*t VASHKOV9 V. I w-t VOLKOV,. Y.U.P. ,ZHUK, YA.B., -TSETLIN't XUNTRY OF INFO--USSR. ,OUR(; E"MED tT'S.1 NSKAYA PARAZITOLOGIYA-1, PAPtAZxrARNYYEA13LEZNI, 1970, VOL iATE.-PUBLISHED" -70 BiOLOGTCAL AND' MEDI'CAL SCIENCES ;_INSECTICIDEv'AEROSOLT~:~ CITY!,~;', USSR UDC: 624.012:539.4 and SHEVCHUKOV, V. D. "On Problem of Energy Absorption in Elements of Reinforced Concrete Structures" 'Eynamics of Hydraulic Moscow, S.B. Dinamika Gidrotelchn. Sooruzh.~ (Symposium, Structures), 1972, pp 166-167 (from Referativn.yy Zhurnal.'Mekhanika, 1973, Abstract No 2V882) Translation: When calculating.structures under dynamic loads, the dynamic coefficient is determined by the magnitude of the logaritb4iic decrement of oscillation daraping A . The effect of the stiffness ratio of cross beam ond column for frame structures and of joint stiffness on thelogarithmic damping decrement was investigated. Four series of~,frame specimens were tested, their height was 1.5 m, cross section of columns and beams from lOxIO to I0x30 cm, span 80 cm. Oscillations were excited by i-r4pact' a vlbraLor. The numerical values oE A for the frame ' ecimoms were 0.32 ~ti~ 0,38. With a rig:td SIP base the variation of cross beam Ito coILLmn stiffhess~ratio6 !~,y 27 times did not affect appreciably the value bf, A .~ 'With A: flexibl6.,base,~the value of ZA was higher. App3ication of static load results in.. a~!aecrease oft USSR UDC 539.4:624.012 0 0 -YU--S,. SHEVCHUKOV, V. D. "Inf luence of Certain Factors on Attenuation of Oscillations in Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements" Seysmostoikost' Predvaritellno Napryazhen.~Zhelezobetor- Konstruktsiy .[Earthquake Resistance of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Structures -- Collection of Works] , Moscowj 197.2, pp 235-244, (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 11, 1972,,Abstract No 11 V943, from the Resume). Translation: In designing a number of structures for dynamic loadings, it C, isIimportant to consider the absorption of energy by t1te strAicture i tself, which is determined by the logaTithmic attenuation decrement.of oscillations 4. The influence of the relationship o,117;~iigidities of beams and uprights for frame specimens and rigidity of attachment onAhe lo,garithmic attenuation decrement of oscillations was studied. Several series of frarie (and bearn) specimens wer--- studdied. On a rigid base, a change in the ratio of rigiditics of beams and uprights by i factor! of '47 had no significimt influence an the value of- S. On a compliant base, the valud of 6 vias hi~,her. Application of a~static load decreased the value of 6 toga certain limit. USSR UDC: 621.9.o4T VOLKOV Yu. S. MONINA, M. A., MOROZ, I. I.,Moscow "Concerning the Question of Titanium Mathinability" Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materie-lov, No 3(45)01 1972, pp 11-14 Abstract: Some particulars in the electrochemical maclining of titanium 'were studied by a comprehensive method including theoreticai analysis of the:physical and mechanical properties of:metal and solution and experi- mental verification of the theoretical results. The theoretical studies showed that the fluoripe anion F" has the greatest activating capacity of the halogens, followed by I-, Br-,and Cl-,,,the zroapt promising being I- and 13r It is concluded frcm the results of the~experimentf_tl. studies that with respect to productivity, stability of electrochemical machining, and surface quality of finished parts, the,investigate&ions can be ar- ranged in, the following conditional series: C10~ > Br-'. > ,I- > 7- > Cl-. a ~412 Is UNCL ASS I FLED'-: PROCESSINGA)ATE-02OCT70 SURFAC:E.OF~ A; CATliQ.JE'FL)R UIMC-44SVINAL PROCESS ITLE -CA.LCULATING THC IMG -tl- I T 10 P -(03J-ALEKSEYEV, G.A. 14 1. &Y OF INFO-USSR STANKI I INSTRUAFINT, N, 03, 1(~701 PP 2,0- 2 1. ,9A-TE P L16 L I S H E 7 0 ,~_69JECCT -AREAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELEMICAL ENGR. .-TON C TAGS-CATHOOF, SURFACE PROPERTY, ELE CTROCHEMICAL PROPERTY CONTROL MAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -110CUM,EN7 CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO RKOXY STER CIRC ~AC C E SS ION (410--AP 0 114 2 70 Ut,.'C.LA*iS IFIED USSR uEr, 616.9.036 VOLKQ.VAj A. A., Institute of Biochemistry, and PhysioloV, Kirghiz AcadeT..qy Of