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1/2 044 UNCLASSIFIED, ;PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ~-'--..TITLE--RAt7)lATION HAROENING OF SOM E NICK EL CHROMNM, ANO [RON ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-(0Z)-,RAYETSKYv V.M.t V(3TINOVi, S,0 Nb C OUN T R YOF INFO--USSR -.:~-SOURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLQVEDENUEf FEB* 197.0, 29? (2), 281+-290 DATE, PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS~ :'.-TOPTC TAGS--NEUTROM IRRAWATIONy CRYSTAL, ()4SLO(;ArIQN# YIELD STRESS, -DUCTILITY, JEMIPERATURE DEPENDENCE, CHROMmIUM NICKEL ALLOY, CHROMIU-1 N ICKEL STEEL CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00CURENT CLASS-Ul"ICLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--30021'1677 STEP NO--:I)IZ/0126/'7(~)/O,!9/C)02/02(34/0290 r. 19C ACCESSION NM--APf)l2.q047 UNCLASS-If IFED ~57 pot c M-00IM-405-f - ~11-11. 044 UNCL ASS[ F I ED. PROCESSING DATE-271NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION N'0-00129047 ABS TRACT/E"X TRACT- M) G13-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OFNEUTRON IRRADIATION 0.14 THE RECHANIICAL PROPERTIES OF sNI,CR AND FEvNlj'CR ALLOYS WERE STUDIED, 'E4r ATION FOR F- L U X v 1 4 J THE YS INCREASE0 WITH INCREASING NEUTRON 1% - lij 1~ G s r R Akt' INTEGRAL NEUTRON DOSE OF 10 PRIME21-N-CM PRIM*E2 ( F"N-ERGY I MEV) AT 70DEGREESC. TESTS AT 350 AFTER IRRADIATION AT 7DDEG.,!EESC RFVEALEf) THE EXISTENCE OF A SOFTENING EFFECT APPARENTLY ASSOCIATED klITH ANI 'EXCESS OF VACANCIES ARISING FROM THE D EC iMM P 0 S I T 10 IN OF VACA,14CY 4GGREGATES. THE HARDENING CAUSED BY THE IRRAOIATEON WASi.ATTRI8U,TEO TO THE PINNI.ING OF DISLOCATIONS BY VACANCY AGGREGATES COMPRISIUG AT, I-CAST FIVE VACANCIES. BEPAVIOR Or 1MR-60 PrACTOft CONTROL AN'D SArETV PQ_fS DURING IfiLlft (Article by S N Votinov, V, -P. C ScienLifiC Research Institute or Atoric R- actorn ir~nj V_1. sterzb-ni.- work- 4mlirovaniy Zhz.L M, r-'Kt-rc'7 pociallats flacting, international jnq Group for S Atomic Energy Agency, Dimitrovt1rad, 4-8 June, 19731 The re imIts of an invc0ti6aEion of sutc;ratiC requ- _3 lation (AR) rods. burn-up comptnoation (XS-2) rods, and rods for compensation of tbe. ternpaiature and, power ofiect of -reactivity tFS-1) '- lehich''had operated ',in the .110114'0 from 1, bear, to .2.5 years, aro,ojv". It av,~cstablj6hed that the basic radiation,.offects do te rmining-the - e f f ic-i envy. or (abootbing-61ements) in the bulging (SMIUM) of iated the carbide, the ma4nitudo of which is zissoL with temperature-and burn7up. ~ Qaa,llberati6n from 04C at v~orklng tomperatur" for the operation of tha red to. hot great and does not exceed,110 ~,cut~ of the-total-formed 4N. I . Introductlon in a reactoro for rellablo operationr rrquiatingi rc>dz of arious designation aro ueedr emorgioncy protection M~~ rods, automatic regulation (AR) rodn, and rods for compensation of burn-up and temperature cifects (KS). The requirements imposed upon them Also differ. Thus, for 14 AZ rods the main thing is tzie efficiency of the absorbvnt., and requirements with respact to radiation rozistance are last5 rigid, L AR and FS rods, their high radiation resistance most be Lh , basic factor. 22 USSR UDC 616.938.25-022-395.42~-036.1-'I~76 + 571.62) FROTAS, 1. 1., and VOTYAKOV, V. I, Cliyiical Department of "Ieuroviral In- -feations, Belorussian 'tpjaeraology and kicrobiology, i4jAsk nClinical.Differences between Tickborne Eh6ephalitis~:in Belorussia and Khabarovsk Kray" iY Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatolo.-i-i i Psikhiatrii imeni S 3. Korsakova, Vol 71, No 7, 1971, PP 1,001-1,006 Abstract: A comparative study was corducted oil 61 cases of tickborne encepha- litis. in Belorussia in 1966-1963 and of 1419 cases of tickborne encephalitis in Khabarovskiy Kray during the same period. While the dis~,~,se in K-habarovskiy &-ay was accompanied by bul'bar arld rosi~ual paralysea! in a large nu;,aber of cases. (24.2;4 and had a relatively high' inortality (16,8A, in Belorussia it was predominantly of the manin aal or general infooticn typo and had a favor- 9 able outcoria (95.2A)' of the patients recovared coinpletdly arA there was not a single death). Residual paralyses and pareses, were, observed in 14.8P of cases in.Khabarovsk Kray, whereas fu2! --otor capacity of par,etic oytromities was -d in 2elorussia. Favor was th D usually restorc o rinpipal component of the cIdnical syndrome,in Belorussia in Ithe acute ~ period; tho symptoms of a meningeal USSR iPROTAS, 1. 1., et al, Zhurnal:14evror)atolo!rii i Psikhlatlrii jj--eni S. S. Kor- Vol 71, No 7, 1971, pp 1,001-11006.~'' lesion disa~ppeared immediately atter the'temDerature becamer normal. The clinicaJAsymptoms observei in Khibarovskiy K~ay India!tted a predoDdnant lesion of tho 4eNrebral parenchymat which continued-to Jncreaie in severity during the post- e r period. A two-wave fever was typical forthe cases observed in ~W -ovski. Belorussia, while the second ittave se24oa.developed in~'Kiaabar y Kray en- eephaLUtis, and the length of the fever-period was less extezAed in this type of the disease. The disease was of the,focal type in33.3 arA 11.5~ of cases in Khabarovsk Kray and Belorussia~, respectively, 2A. Noi d _12dolegy i:: USSR UW 576,858.25.ol(476) SAMOYLOVA., T. I., VZ_K~KOVI V!_~.' MIMAYEVA, N. P., EHOD KO, L. P., -YEDORCHUK, L. V., VOTN0_%Y'_,_E'_N ... and DANILCYVA, G. M., Bs-41orussian Institute of Epidemiolog~y and Microbiology, Minsk '-'Detection of Uukuniyemi Virus in the Belorussian SSJTV Mosemr, Voprosy Virusologii, No 11, 1973, pP 1L1-112 Abstract: A strain of UukuniYemi virusl naxled Belovezhskiy-U-WnLniNni-302, was -elorussi-an SSR isolated for the first tine in 1970-1971 in.Bretskaya OLlast, B from female Ixodes ricinus. The virus belonged to the. ectroiaBlia group, passed through 35-M Seitz filters irithout significant titer cl)anges, and apparently the virions had a supercapsular lipoprotein membrane. ~he virus was hi gh-ly 'Pathogenic to newborn white mice, irach less so to 4-5 pg~ nice, and non-pathogenic to adult guinea piGs and white rats. Complement-fixation ~_,evr_tions with several. specific sera confirmed that this virus belorga to the.l)~akuniyejni group. Apparently the Belovezhskiy microfocus from Vaich the virus ims obtained is part of an extensive focus spreading from the Baltic Sea south to Czechoslo- vaki&and western Ukrainian SSR. USSR UDC 616.988.25-022.395-06i6l6.832.522 FROTAS, 1. 1., and YA"..'Clinical Department of Neuroviral Infections, Belorussian Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Minsk "The-Relationship Between Amyotropic Sclerosis and Tickborne Encephalitis" Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Karsakova, Vol 70, No 8, 1970, pp 1,124-1,129 Abstract: A study was made of 16 male and 8 f eniale (20 tn. 42 yeara old) afflicted with amyotrophic lateral salerosis.~ No etiological link waa found between this disease and tickborneencephalitis. Although the tjyndrome of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was found to be extremely rore in tickborne encephalitis, it is recommended that primar'y-chronic neuroinfealons for which the-pathogenic agent is also, in Byelorussia. V6 stlAiim I USSR V. I., GRIBOV, V. A., RYTIK, P. G., and BOYKO., V. I., Belorussian A~~earch Institute of Epidemiology:and Ydcrobiology~ Minsk "Device for Feeding and Natural Infection of Insects" Moscow Gtkrytiya, Izokreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, 1973, P 102 Translation: The device for feeding and natu-ral Infection of insects, consisting of two chazebers (one of them ar.,en,' the closed) d-tvided by a membrane and having an opening for supplying the donor's blood, differs in that there is a bolt. (for instance a ball valve) installed In the channel for serving blood and-that chamber is provided witfis'a:netted ring, which is fixed by a clamping, mount, in order to increase. the safety.: of L serving donor s blood and, to prevent dissemination of the insects used~in the experiment. USSR UDC- 5416,92 G*, Departm-Int of AXATOVA, S P., BGGDJdiOVSKIY Ab and. Ge eral.Chemistry,jiloscow State Uav6rsit~ 0 "Adsorption of Methanol on Osm uin Moscow, Vestnik vloslovskogo Universiteta, Seriya II, 11irmiya, no. Vol. 11, 7h~ -,146 11ov-Dec 701 Abstract: 'I'he adzomtion of methanol on fine1v crush-ed osrlixx po-'~'-:er in a of 0.1 the direct contact method (as. describcd in solution. an eiar'ier a~xicdy) has r!~veiLled zi!,znificant -j-P+'_r(!nCej3 4n the methwiol (Ls cciip*t-rcd to Viat on OtjjCr PI:~tITI'Ll Or V011tact of --ethanoll vitlh t.-u.-rdler r-.ol-uri zed to -10ju vakuf~ of a potoutial a two-la,~er rcgioi7d(~,' 0=0..-~ v),thera is no unift tn pDtert-:i:I t~Dwari the ve occurs,(.)a otber rega.J. side fa- a few hours a it general"T metals. Based on exzerimental datai this stiady suggestz; that 0-0tinu-I Con- ditions for methanol dehydrogenation on~osmiura- are thaze at a potential close to 0.2 v where the centers at which dehtch-ogenation tri-kes place are 1/2 USSR Vestrdk "oskovskoE;o Universit-eta, Seariya. II, K%,'mfya, no. vol. 11, Nov-Dec 70, PP 7h4-'A6 b,, h most released frcm o:cygen and not as.yet completely pt!cuDie h'i _,n. Vne absence of notent-ial disulacement with~me+ha noi ii~trodur"-ion in this case may be explained the fact that- the d, u C 'T to dehydrogenation iz cozzwaed forb,,droz _qenit~ting one of tne I adsorbed Dro,! icts thus ccnzensatinj~. tie anticipated sliift of Tr tvuard the -cathode. A Dozsible arrv-uremer" based on the _szumYotion of self- hydrogenation of a clienically Ldsorbed aldehyde which~-arises from the cleavage of two hydrogen atoms on methanol dehydrogewition is pro-nosed: +; .2 11,, Cil Oil Of 2 C11 + 2/2 ~12 017 UNCLASSIFtED PRO'CESSING DATE--230CT70 ~_~:C IRC ACCESSION NC,--AP0119511 .'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADSORPTION CAPACITY WITH RESPECT TO H WAS DEfD. FOR A RH CATALYST AFTER THERMAL TREATMENT IN AN 0 ~AT14. AT 2.5, 80, 150, AND 200DEGREES. : THE ACTIVITY WAS DETD. FOR THE REDN. OF MALEIC. ACID 11% AN EXCESS OF H. THE LENGTH OF THE H REGION FOi~ THE CHARGE CURVES BECOMES SHORTER AS THETEMP. OF~THE TREATMENT IS INCREASED.. AT 800EGREES, THE ADSORPTION CAPACITY DECREASES BY :_,~71PERCENTI AT t500EGREES BY 30PEOCENT1 ANO AT ZOODEGRE IES BY 32PERCENT OF THE STARTING SAMPLE. THE BOND ENERGY OF'. THE ~li WITH THE ~H ,:.RESURFACE DOES NOT CHANGE AND -IS EQUAL TO 54.4 KCAL~-MOLE. THE SP. -...-ACTIVITY DECREASES SHARPLY AT 150DEGREES.:WHICH IS-EXPLAINED BY THE :RECRY-STN. OF THE SURFACE DUE TO THE PRDERING~OF THE STRUCTURE. THE ACTIVATfO.N OF THE SAMPLE WHICN WAS ORSDO.AT 200DEGREES IS ATTRIBUTED TO POSSIBLE aRrG[N OF NEW DEFECVSIRUCTURES'q~ UNCI. ASS I F ir-11 1/2 011 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 :TITLE--MECHANISM OF THE PP YIELDS PI PRIME POSIflV.E PN REACTION AT 660 ME*v ;:,.4uTHOR-t03)-VOVCHENKOp V.G., KDSTANASHVIL.Ip~ N.I., YARBA, V.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,:~zS.OURCE-YAD. FIZ. 1970t 11(4)t 810=13 ----- 70 AT E PUBLISHED--. 3UBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS .:-TOPIC TAGS--ENERGY SPECTRUM, NUCLEAR REACT[ON, PI MESON, PION PION INTERACT ION ~~_..~UNTROL MARKtNG--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -,-PROXY- REEL/FRAME--2000/1028 STEP NO--UR/0367/7,0/OIL/004/0810/0813 -C:IRC ACCESSION NG--AP0124687 UNCLASSIFIED m Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ~.-CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL24687-. ~ABSTRACT/EXTPACT"(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPTL. DATA 014 THE INTEGRAL ENERGY SPECTRUM AND ON THE ANGULAR DEPENDENCE OF THE SHAPE OF THE PI PRIME POSITIVE MESON SPECTRUM IN THE CENTER OF, MASS SYSTEM FOR THE TFTLa REACTION AT 660 MEVr ARE COMPARED 141TH CALCNS. WHICH ARE BASED ON THE RESONANCE MODEL OF THE PION PRODUCTION, DEVELOPED BY MANDELSTAM WHICH ES USED, IN TURNy PRIMARILY FOR DESCRIBING THE AESON FORMATION PROCESS IN PP INTERACTJONS AT THE GIVEN ENERGY-T THE.SPECTRUM 15 REASONABLY WELL DESCRIBED BY MEANS OF.THE RESONANCE MODEL, BY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE 'PRIME31P SUB3vlt2 PPIME1 D.SURZt AND PRIME2 F SUB2,3 SHAPE IS IN CONTRADICTION TO THE RESONANCE MODEL PREDICTIONSM THE PARTIAL CROSS SECTIONS OF THE PI MESONFORMATIONS FkD,4-THE (J#L) STATEf DEPENDING ON THE MESON ENERGY E SUBPIP ARE GIVEN. FACILITY: OBIEDIN. INST. -SSLED.t- HGSCOWv-USSR,.---- UNrLASSIFIEO F-1 w_1w =0 Sm Heat, Combustioh't Detonation USSR Ma 6290:7.036.54-661536.46 yoYcm, Yk. SHEVCHUK, V. G., and YAKOVLUAI T. YA. "Determination of the Lag Time of the Ignition of a Iletal Particle in a Track Device". Odessa, 3-1-ya Vses. Konf. po Vopx. Ispareniyal Gorenlya, i Gaz. Dinamiki Dispersn. Sistomf 19q,2 - Sbornik (11-th All-Union Conference on Problems of the Evkpora- tiong Combustion, and Gas Dynamics of-Dispersed Systemsp 1972 -- Collection of Works) # 1972-, -pp 33-34) (from Referativnyy; Zhurnal -- Aviatsionnyye I Raketnyye Dvigateli NO 1 1973, Abstract- No. 1 -34- 150 Resume) Tx=slationt A method is proposed for calculating the lag time of tho Ignition of a spherical metal particle along the dark zone with account taken of accele- ration of the particle during the motion of an. entralnlyig stroam in a vertical pipe. Calculation of the ignition lag time on tho,basis of a.known stream velocity, under the assumption that the:parUclo instantaneously acquires the velocity of the streamp introduces a.substantial degree of on-or. Thus$ for boron paxticles with a diaaetor.on the order of 50 micronrj the error in determination of the ignition lag time reaches 60% An 6quation of the motion of a spherical particle in a vertical stream of OnZrainljig gas if obtained, the Polution of which makes it possible to obtain the relationship of the, path traversed 'by the particle to the time, Analytic solutions axe, obtained for - -- -:- i. _i- , . .1 - . I ! I ; . I e XIV, SOIL MCILADICS Va-k, A. A.. and A. Wave 13 proccas characteristics In a ground wrams during explosions by air-casing charges. ZhPUTY. no. 2, 197Z, 105-110. A study of the wave procg:ox chzractarS&tic~-;a a ground 7 rnass dori~.jg explarionn by air-caxinij charges wan conduel-I with concentrated confined charges (charge weight 0.2 kZ)and,linearly distribult-3 jection cl=rgms t4,+.;'_cf.cxpjoaloe-: rzr;.=c=r) JIV 'ioem with 3 is densitr -of 17,90 k.-/m P=d an average moisture contert'6f 14,'177# by weight. The effect of.the charge air-ra'sing Ate an the parameters of detonation wavee._propagating in the groonil 4uring the explosion was Investigated. The explosive used in all experiments was pressed tratyl with a density of 1600 kg/m 3t a detonatic, In rate, of 6: ltjM/scc7' and I'l laIspecilic;Intrinsic energy of 1010 kcilikg, The charge was placed in a cardboard case. with a v oluirre. exec "Ing the charge volurne by the air cag4tig.-size.. The *trees wave parameters were meseured bya tensometric: complex. Sensors were Installed to permit registration of the radial. ff r axiat and tOrcumferentkat e components of the *tress tentor. q An analysis of the experlinrntal results shown that when the 7 volume of the air casings in close to optimal. &a Increase Or the detonation impulse tirne in the low-pressure rtgion occurs. This in particularly evident in explosions of linearly distributed charges. Scattering of the experimental point data precluded the drawing of conclusions on the explosions of the concentrated confined charges. Changes in stress wave parameters during the explosion of a$r-cssing charges affect the distribution Z of pressure impulse values. The redistribution of the defoinnatlon energy due to. chanifts in the charge design was confirmed by experimentally established relationship* on the change with distance of the raftlial Impulse values an the load sector at various relative volume& of the air casing& during i '.Ploslono 0 centrally-ey.m. etric and axisymmetric char gap. USSR 11DC 622.215.2 VIM and 14MIALYUK, A. V. 2 A. A "Features of Wave Processes in a Soil Mass During the Detoaation of Charges 'With Air Envelopes" Novosibirsk,.Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i'Tekhn-1cheskoy Fiziki, No 2, 'March.- ril 1972, pp 105-110 Abstract: Results are presented of experimantal research on wave processes in soils duri-ng the detonation of charges surrounded by a-,i air envelope, and some general relationsbips are established. It is shown thnt the air envelope of a charge exerts an essential influence o practicallyr- n -11 the parameters of a wave disturbance propagating in soil during an expiosion. The established features of wave processes in soils during thle'detonation of charges with air envelopes can be used for calculating the action of an explosion when cutting through mine workings an(I other underground structures in compressible soils. 5 figures. 7 references. USU 622.235.5 ICUZ K 01 A. A. t KRAVETS, A. G. , and SM1, ~TDV A. G. Institutp o-P Gootociii-lic-ai.i~,,7ecliaiiica~of the Academy of -Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet SociAist Republic "OnInvestigation of -I'lie e i du a 1 Deformation Zone in Grounds by Scismometric Llethods" Presented by Polyakov, N. S., Viember of the Acaclic-i-,k-,jr of Scion- ces of the Mcraimian SSIZ S Kiyev Donovidi Alcademii Na-uk eriya A Uk ainian SSR, No 1-0, r 1971, pp- 951 -954 Abs-tract !-"I~,rainiaxi article A zeicmomot-,ric aet--Iod of i n-, e 0 - tigating t, c nciehborin~: zone of the e~mlosioaa ef"ect i- descri- bed. By this method, irroversible deformations of t1lic can be. determined at- clis-tances exceeding by 3 -4, tjmo-l tlic Olimem.--A- ons of the. zorie residual deformaAl- ion--. Yho le-A.-II-or arc deter- thre e 0-Tolco, one, biblio. minable by other mc-thods. Tvio illust~-. -ref. 53 H USSR VOVK, A. A. (Kiev, Institute of Geotechnical.Mechanics AN SSSR) "Deformation of Coherent Soils by Explosion.of Charges at Various Depths" Kicv, Akademiya Nauk UkrSSR. Prikladnaya Mekhanika, Vol 7, No 2, Feb 71, pp 89-93 Abstract: Available data on deformation of cohesive soils by explosion of cylindrical and spherical charges:at various depths is considered. Particu- lar attention is paid to the studies of.the cylindrical blast wave par-aneters in soils, to the mechanism of their propagation, to the nature of deforma- tions of the medium tinder the effect of the Qylindrical bla-it impulses. The parametric values of cylindrical blast Vaves at; varioun charg(% depths, in- eluding the case of underground explosion,effect, are cited. Finite values of volume deformation of soils, expressed in terr4,s of the (Listance from the charge axis, obtained frovi the condition of compatibil~.ty on the blast wave shock front, and measured by a radiometriP method are Presented. An analysis of the relations 0. = f (RO) and~ets ~ f2(%), where Ofl and 0., are the volume deformations proiuced by spherical ch'arges, and R. R/r3 is the relative distance, as well as the study of deformation.fields, show that the absolute dimension of the compacted zone is 1.5 = 2.0 times greater 1/2 USSR VOVK, A. A., Akademiya Nauk MrSSR. PrIkladnaya'MekhJnika,:Vol 7, No 2, Teb 71, pp 89-93 with a cylindrical than with concentrated charge. An experimental study of the degree of variation of the cylindrical blast wave parameters with the charge depth, was conductedlin loams of 1.94 - 1.96 X 103 kg/m~ volume weight, 14.3 - 13% humidity, and 0.36 - 0.3 porosity. Cylindrical.charges 2 m in length were placed at:relative depths H9 Hi/r 15, 20, 50, 60 (i-1,2,3,4 and r~ is the chargaradius). TL results presented in tables show that stresses and particle velocities increase with depth. The volume deformation variation with chArge d;--pth, for spherical and cylindrical charge including the underground effect, are given by formu- las. The importance of strong variation of~the soil permeability properties in the- zone of &L-foraation is stressed for the construction:of irrigation canals by e~.Iosion method.. 5 formulas, 3.figures,,2 tables.' 2/2 Stress Anallynjr,~ end: Stltilrty studi dis USSR oo f6,L. i +622.1.58 + 626-131 A A V GV K G. 1. A. G. J M-1 CV szhinavemyMi sred ri dinarrachesk-il-Ch zIqTuzhsPh (Deforraitica of Def ormir ovan iye Comyressible 1-'edia, Under 1~ amid Loads) Kievi "Naukova dmmhall, 11-71, 175 bibli o) 4.1-1 us ,l,C-CO co-liea T-rinted The rcncFraTh considf.-Irs tIr-, I-rocessvs of defc-rmaticr. and irreversible defcma~v4_-cn of loose r~-Iuer-ials. Results are frivc-n of theoretical t~tlidies of the o- inelastic ccrrresz;-ible redia and the 1roragation of de-tonatim waves in.naturaily dernsited soils end research results on the.reasurczn--nt of (1-fumation fields ri, oi ak ons.: Equati, s of stalu-e of cohesive s within the zon s of :Infllience of.detonati u tal tmi-ders are obta nod exrr~.r renta for irx-tAi$ive lmding and vamc) S me.u tine rarameters. The criteria for correby--ondonce of e:rp~---rimcntal and theoretical research are discussed. i The mcmorrarh 4s intended for use by engineering-tech-nical iorkers teachers and students at the level. The nutl:nrs vere holi,-ed by 1caft-mician G. S. lisarenko in the wcrk. I.Vovl Ch,m~-y, A. G. Smirnov, Deformati on of Ccrfressible "'.edia ~Tnder k3 D;,nardc Lo,~.ds, Kiev, 1571, 175 pj- ccntl.d contents Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chajter 1. The Fatterns of Def ornati on 6f G omr- m s s ib 1 o, Irle diA 5 of 4 Ile, ion GEapter nr ncFerimental Studies Fropagat vP lip,,-bic and Elastic ' xv-11 ression 1--.aven Du~ring E4-losi al an Syrnetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h 4 Chapt er 111. 5tudy of thO Deforriition of CettaJn Lco.,~p L.-uturials L3 Char, ter IV. of -Filtration and Mer Ch,.-ra,,.Aeri~tics cf Cohesive Soils dLirinp, De f orma ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 C har, t P. r Scme Yethcds r-nd Yeans of Var7ing the I at.=Pterz- of Stress Eaves . . . . . 155 FlIbli opm I- hy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 T: Lubricants and- Lubrilbatibii! uSSR UDG: 621.10.079:621.892 LEVIN5 I. M., Candidnte of Techniral Sciences, VOVK, A. 11, IVANOV, V. I., and GORENSHTYM, M. M. Candi- da to of Techn-i-cal Soib ~858~ New Lubricating-Cooling Liquid" Moscow, Mashinostroitelf, No 63 Juh ?3, P 31 Abstract: A new lubricating-cooling liquid was developed at the Zhdanovskiy Metallurgical Institute for use in the mechanical processing of aluminum and its alloys (author certificate Dfo 293041).,1t is a now emulsion of surface-active iyntbuLic n wing, composition; 0.15 1 percent synthetic wax ubstances. with the follo (complex e5ter8 of oyn4hotdc fatty acift and higli-molecular alcohols), and 0.5-1 percent alkylolamiu-'es of G frbcbion:,3ynUieW.- Ditty acids. Tho now lubricating cooling liquid i. hstood the drop Oeth6d corrosion test ng,and does rot have a disagreeable odor, and is not toyie. Comparative te.;t!, were conducted involving the new lubricatj..nj,,-cooling.I'Lq~iid, skipidar, castor oil, and ordinary five percent wat--ir emulsion. The MI-V! friction machine was utilized with the specimen roller equipped with the VK6 grade hard alloy avd the other made from the AD-1 grade aluminum. The MTB-2 microscope,was used to meastire the Vridth of ~the band of adhering raterial an the specimens. The,-results show- that Une new lubricating~-cooling liquid is equivalent in its properties to skipidar. In drilling, the new liquid rcduces metal.sticking to the cutting edges in compari- I --I - 1: ,~. i ! I !I;! i I! N !:: : 1 i: I i - - 2/2.-- ---- - - _ _ - - --- - -- - - USS R VOW, 1. G. "Algorithm and Programs for Calculation of Integral Values of Spherical Functions" Tr. Novosib. In-ta Inzh. Geod., Aerofotoslyemki i KaTtogr. [Works of Novosibirsk Institute of Geodetic, Aero hotographic and-Cartographic Engineering] -p 1972,t JNo 26, pp 21-30 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhu.rnal Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9V766). Translation: Recurrent relationships are established for computer calculation of. the values of 0 and P Two procedures are written in ALGOL 60. It is nm )an' -7 -8 shown that the errors in calculation a relative measure of 10 -10 Mthor's view 2/2 010 UNCLAssi 1~[Eor. :PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7G ~G IRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0125636 -_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HYDROGENATION AT 0.25-0.5 HR PRIME NEGATIVEI AND 280-350f)E-GREES OF AROMATIC HYDROGARdLINS (3.IPERCENT) [N PARAFFINo D SUB20 0.7922, INITIAL B.P:. 270DEGREESP 10, 50t 70, 90V AND 95PERCENT B. 287UFGREES, 315DEGREES,~331))EGr~EES,~354L)EGRE-C-S, AND 3,65DEGREESt M..23DEGREESo AND CONTG.:0.025PERCENT S WAS MAX. (90PERCENT) ON WS SU62i.NIStFES CATALYST 3076 WITH 2000 1. H rr-R L. AT 50 ATM WHEN THEIVOL. LNPUT RATE WAS 0.25 HR PRIME NEGATIVEI AND THE TEMP. WAS 325DEGREES. AT 60-90 ATM., AROkATIC~HYI),R.QCARBON:HYDROGENATION WAS 100PERCENT WITH 1600 1. H PER 1'. AT 325DEGREES AND AqATE OF 0.3 HR PRIFE NEGATIVEl FOR PARAFFIN D SUB20.0.7,850, INITIAL B.P. 276DEGREES' 50 -AND 95PERCENT B. 300DE-GREES AND 34.ODEGRE.ESP M. 22DEGREES, AND CONTG. -0.024PERCENT S. AND. 1.7PeRCENT AROMATIC-HYOROCARSONSo UNCLASSIFIED -' - ~-tjl 71 J"k 1 -1d USSR UDC 620 10 VOVK Engineer, SUKHAREV I.P C andida 'i en ce s L 11 te C;f iT e chn i ca I Sc nvestigation of Stresses Around Reinforced Holes: by a Method of op- ,tically Inactive Patches" '~Moscowl Izvestiya Vysshykh Uchebnykh Z .4vedeniy, Mashinostroyeiliye, No 3, ~1970, pp 5-9 Abstract: Stresses in a plate, a ro und: symmetrical1v reinforced holes -by mea,ns of.optically inactive patches.have been investigated. The plate specimen was made of an optically ac.tive OASO:plastic, and the patches, of an optical ly inactive S 0-95. plastic . The re,inforcing patches la the shape of rings (see Fig. 1), or rings with two milled, segments :~'(see Fig. lc) wero cemented to. the plate-: So..prepared :specimens were bjected to tensile stresses. !On the ba s of pr~vioos studies it u $ s was established that the optimum rein f orc.emen t is -provided by a pitch -of anoval shape (see Fig. lb). However,,reinforcement of this shape is hard to machine. The experiments showed that a. reinforcement: patch shown on Fig. Ic is much simpler and still its characteristics are ...close to those of an oval patch. The study also s.5owed that the coef- _..ficients of the concentration of stresses practically do not depend on 1/3 I IN 11; h 11 z USSR WC M-37 d TFaCH, V. K., Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences Wfect of a Constant Vagnetic Field on Fluctuations of the Stimulation Thxeshold of a Skeletal Muscle" )bscow, Biofizaka, Vol 16,, No 51 SeP/O~t 7l.- PP 833-636 Abstract: The effects of a uniform, constant magnetic fields of 2,200 GE on the stimulation threshold and fluctuations of this threshold were studied In experiments on the isolated sartorial muscle of the frog.subjected to electric sti7milation. Irrespective of the season in..which the muscle had been loolated and the region,in which stimulation was applied (nerve ending or nerv-e-free region of the muscle), the magnetic field.increased fluctuations of ,the stimulation threshold, although the,height of the.threshold was practically unchanged. The difference between the:niagnitude ofifluctuations in a magnetic field and without application of a magnetic field increased with increasing deterioration of the functional state ofthe.miscle. At equal times of survival of the muscle, this difference vas greatest for muscles isolated in 1/2 IH H LIIL--L~ USSR UDG 622.235.5 GHKO, I. A. -Institute of 'Geotec ical Me - U iul L -chanics,, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "On the Similarity Principle in Explosions of Cylindrical Hori- zontal-Bump Charges" Kiev, Dopovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayinslkoyi IRSH, Seriya A Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta Matematychni:Nauky,~ No 11, Nov 70, PP 1038- 1041 Abstract: It is known that t he principle of geometric similarity is applicable to concentrated bump charges. According to this principle Lhe size of craters grows in proportion to the size of the char,-,-re for certain charf;e values) chargeaction indice.,3 -~nd charge seat depths. The article.describes results obLained by the authors in the Kiev Deparrment- ol'07~ the Insritute of Geotech- n1eal Mechanics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, by conducting a series of experimental explosions on the explosilon testing grounds of the Academy of Sciences;Ukrainian 55R. The soil was clayey. There were over a hundred explosions~~;of elongated hori- IL/3 I A-.1 ---A- USSR YOVK, 0. 0., and MMKO, 1, A., Dooovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayin- svkoyi MR, Seriya A -- Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta'Matematychni ffauky, No 11, Nov 70, pp 1038-1041 zontal charges weiZ-hing 2-33 kg/r.m. at a cl,harge seat depth of 0.25-1.8 m. Various exulosiveswere used. In expression is ob- tained for the explosion action indexas a ftmction of the re- duced charge seat depth. 1-~ is found that over the entire in- vestigated range of values for the-explosiohlaccion index con- stancy of the reduced excavation., radius values is,not maintained, as follows from the geometrIc similarity- prin 'ciple. Hence the conclusion may be drawn that thin regularityiarisoa only in a the explosion action index, certain optimal range of Values for which corresponds to the optimiil -range of charge seat depth values. However, in ordinary engineering cal'-Culations deviLtions In excavation parameter values from-tbose theoretically obtained witn the use of the geometric similarity law need not be taken inco consideration as they do novsignificantly affect the ac- curacy of the results. Consequentlys, the geori.ietric similarity 2/3 USSR VOVK, 0. 0., and LUCHKO, I. A., Dopovidi Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayin- s1koyi RSR, 3eriya A -- Fizyko-Tekhnichni t4 Islat erratychni Nauky, No. 11, Nov '7,0, PP 10381-1041 may also be used in the calculation:of cylindrical charges with- out significant errors, as,is done in calcularAcris of spherical charges. Formulas are obtained for the calculation of elongated bump charges, valid for explosion action index values of from 1 1-5 to 3.5 4. 3/3 USSR UDC,669.71.472(088.8) BELYAYEV, A. S., BEKTASOV, 0. A., VOVY., Ps A., KUROOTIN, A. IT., NEKHOROSHEV, V. S. "Device for Measuring the Weld Packing Density of the~Bottom of an Aluminum Electrolyzer and the Bottom Mass Temperature" USSR Author's Certificate No 272567, Filed 23 Dec 68, Published 7 Sep 70 (from Eh-Hietallurgy, No 4, Apr 71,: Abstract. No 4G161P) Translation: The device includes a thermocouple and.a galvanometer. For purposes of simultaneous measurement of:the~%.7eld packing density and tempera- ture of the anode mass, the device comprises a housing with sockets for arrangement of measuring instruments, a hollow connecting rod with a tip inside which a thermocouple is installed, and a short-circuiting device needle. The upper part of the connecting rod has an.4nclined planefor deflection of the densityindicator needle, and the junction of the.~thermocouple is electrically connected to the short-circuiting device,needle and the galva- nometer. There are 3 illustrations.~, USSR UDC 543-42 VOT& "Effect of Excitation Conditions on the Spectra of Products 'Transferred in an Electrical Contact Spark" Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy S]2ektroskoX)ii (Journal of Applied Spectroscopy), Vol 13P No 4P. Oct 19TO,7p 595-598 Abstract: The author examines the possibilities. of improving the sensitivity of spectral analyses of products transferred in an electrical contact spark by optimizing the conditions under which the spectrum is excited. Several types of titllnium alloys were U 4-osted- Samnles. were taken with a.vibrating electric contact 3park 3ampler operating at 125 vo 0.5 panp, disoharged from a 30 rif condenser bank. A copper rod, 6 mm in d,;Lix, with a i-,em-- spher-oal tip was used as one electrode; and a-jargerp I'lat- surfaced carbon rod,as the other. I'lle spectr4x were photographed with r3n ISP-29 spectrograph that had a 0. 016 161 sliIt. The sp&rks Ware-d-ischarged in an argon Atmosphoreo, 113 - 59 -J~ USSR V. N., Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektrosk2p_ii, Vol 13, No Oct 1970, pp 593-5~8 Preliminary experiments indicated that high-voltage alternating current sparks produce the most intense spectral lines. Twenty experimental runs were made on each sample in threeidifferent modes. Mhenithe sample is anodic, spectral line intensity is weaker and the copper lines are stronger. When the'sample is Highest intonsity is rear-hod the cathode, the reverse is true. with an alternating current spark iz argon as compared.with air. Int-ensity1noreasod somewhat ~In alr'when the 06~per rod was replaced b7 a carbon electrodiD In'St h6ral, Yhon a-earbon anode is used, the carbon spectrum i; either'not excited or is extreme- ly weak. The carbon electrode showed practically no erosion. From the titanium alloy experiments,'determinat,ions, can be made of 2 to 7% aluminum, 0.5) to 2.3% Vanadium, 0.7 to 4.3% molybdenum, 0.7 to 3.0% manganese, 1.8 to 3.8%; lead, I to; ),,% chroraium, 0.025 to, 0.6% iron, and 0.02 to Qd'i% silicon. Bxpos~tre time for argon atmospheres is 2 to 2.5 times' shorter~than forittirp and the 2/3 ~Vr" irA FT" -7t USSR UX 539-3 ?NKO, A. D.p KOSTYUK, Z. D.) V KOVALL OVKODAV~ 1. F.. The Flexure of a Round Plate the Thickness of:Which is Variable Along the Ydev Prilr-ladmaya Yeekhanika, No 9j 19110, pp 52-58 Abstract: The problem of the flexure of a freely supported Gupported round plate, the-thickness of which is variable along the circumfer-encei under the action of a load uniformly distributed in a concentric circle, is investigated by the method of a small parameter. The deflection functicm of the plate is represented in the orm-of a eeriea with respect to powers of the~amall mieter A, Expressions f Para for the first three coefficients of.the series are presented. As a special case, solutions aTe obtained for a uniformly distributed load and a load concentrated cted for 0,2, An,Calculation and experimental:renearch were condu ro* '0 40&6- -1 ection depend hese-showed that deforrAtidne in~a:(Arcumferentlal dil little upon the variability of the thickness. UNCLASc'l FIED. PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 2/2 012 CIRC ACCESSION N10-AP0120293 -ABSTRACTtEXTeACT--(U) GP-b- ABSTRACT., THE SAMPLES TO BE STUDIFD WERE 'PR C BY CO.NVENTIONAL CERAMIC TE FINOLOGY. PHA,S:E CO, Pi%l AND THE MICRGSTRUCTURE OF THE S Al-11PLES WERE DETD. FROW All. 'EXAMN. f,-,F THICE X RAY '-DIFFRACTION PATTERNS OF CAIRO SU33. WITH -ADON. OF ~ 1.0 WT, PERCENT m-GTIO IT FOLL04S T14AT CAZRG SUU-CATIQ :SUB3. SOLID,SGL,%S. ARF PikESENT IN THE MATERIAL AND MGO IN IRO SU64'. ~.THE ARPEARANW-E OF ZRO SUbZ IN CAZRO SUB-3 BASED CERAiNICS 15 NOT DESIRABLE, IT LEADS TO A INASMUCH AS WORSENING, OF ELEV .-PHYS . PPOPEPTI ES OF THIS COMPDo, M I C R fj- S C 0 P I C INIVESTIGAT IONS SHOqE0 THAT ACJDNS~ OF MGTIO SLf83 ENHANCE NOT UNILY fHE SliJERLNG OF r.AZRO SMt BUT ALSO TH'12~ FORIMATfOol :OF A FINE CkYST. STRUCTURE OF THE SAMPLES. THE GRAIN SIZE OF cAzkb SUa3 GmAINS i.'1 TH 2 -1 R o THE WT. PERCENT ADON. OF MGTIO SUB3 AMTS.. TO. 2-5 M(J.. DATA ELATIVE 1 T E -PRESENTED, CHANGE IN DIELEC. PERMEABILITY AND ITS MP. 'COEFF. ARIC A HIGH b'JLK -IPLES WITH S~iALL:11GTIO'SUB3 ADiXI.S. HAt UFNSE CAZRO SUB3 S41 RESISTIVITY AT ROOM TEMP, SARPLE OF THE CUMPN. SUB3 PLUS 2 WT. PERCENT '-vGTIO SUB3 WAS FOUND TO HAVE HIGH INSULArMG PROPERTIES, AINID DIAT AT 400DEGREES ITS :~EISISTIVITY IS HIGHElk THAN '10 PRIME10 OHM-CM. 'THE RESULTS 130TAINEU SHi-vi THAT MGM SUB-3~:CAN~ BE lJ5E0 AS A SINTERING ~jlTif THE 3PTIMU4 ~At-lt OF fHIS' AbUill., BEING 2-3 Sif. ADON., TO C AzR(i SW33 PERCENT. FACILITY: URA L.: P OL I T EKH. I NS T . 114. ILIM'OVAr ~'.'-SYERDLOYSK, USSR. -4 C L A 5 s t p u :IIN All, IL-L~ USSR UDC 621.-8~.62~.~ -Y 'IN, A.X., GRIGOROV N BRODULEIN.0, I.I., GAIj4 K., ROZE,. YE. A., SfD!,EL-qv, k. YE. "Reflex Klyatrons Uith Interchangeable Resonators" Y Flo Elektron. tekbnila. 113uch.-tehhn. sb. ktron. SVOh (Electronics Technolon,. Scientific-Tecimical Collection. Kicroviave E-lectronica),1971, Isrsve 5" pp 74-82 (from R1.h--Slaktronj.k 1 veye prizenenivo, No 10,October 1971,Abstract No 10-U6~) Translation'. The peper considers glass and metlaloert~,Mic ref lex klyetronz with interchangeable 1011yonnyy] reoonatora, which operate in the shortw--ve part of the centimeter ranLe of vave lengths with output powers up to 0.5 vlatt. M'et-al- ceramic klystrona with interchangeaLble, resonatorB assure hiEh out?at electrical parameters &nd in co:,pariaori with,glace:klyptrons ar6 more resistant to nechan- ical.:,nd climatic effects arA are also'more promisin during utilization of the zhortwave Part of the centinater range of:wavalen&ths. S=--ary. 69 1 Ji! 7 1 USSR UDC 547-26,118 ORMVSKIY, V. V., VOVSI, B. A. (deceased), and MISHKEV.:ICH., A. YE., Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceuli MiMs-FiMite "Dealkylation of Dialkyl Esters of Phosphorous Acid!' Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey nindi, vol 42 (1:04), No 0, Sep 72, PP 1930-1935 Abstract: Reaction of dialkyl Phosphlte taken in a 3-8 'fold excess with the salts of hydrohalide acids leads to the formation of the salts of monoalkyl esters.of phosphorous acids in almost quantitative yields. It was shown that the dealkylation of dialkyl phosphites. is ~accelerated. in the: order K., Hal Li, as well as Ba., Sr., Ca, Mg, mid 011, Br, L ~ The rate of the reactions of dialkyl phosphite with the salts of substituted ammonia 4um b4:~expressed by a kinetic equation of the second order, in agreement w1th the S112 - mechani sm. An analyt:Lcal method was, proposed for the ammonium salts, of.. the: monoe~sters. of phosphorous acids based on potentiometric titration ju nonaqueous media,, V1 1. IN H L J USSR UDC 547.26'118 TAUBE, D. 0., VovqT- R.--A- (deceased), and'IONIN, B. I., Leningrad Institute of Pharmar--eutfcal Chemistry "Reactions Between Amine Hypophosphites and BenzaldehY4" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(103), No 2,Feb 72, pp, 351-356 Abstract: Experiments are conducted which show that ammnium hypophosphite reacts anomalously with benzaldehyde to form H-be-.izyl-a-aminobenzylphosplionic and bis(N-benzyl-a-aminobenzy,l)pyrophosphonic,acids, Vn6reas'reactions with amine hypophosphites result in N-6lkyl-a-~rAnobenzylpho'spliinic acids. A me.c.hanism -is: suggested for the rehction.. Ammonium hypophosphite with b ei&forms biii(pi-fiyd~oxybe*~zyl)phosphinic enza.Ldehyde in hydrochloric a icid. 1/1 i.. A, _7 _T J USSR UDC, 617.713-001.4-08-02:612.275.1 Chair of Eye Diseases, Tadzhi*k.Medical Institute imeni Avitsenna, "Treatment of Corneal Wounds in High,A1 i 'ud t t es Moscow, Vestnik Oftal'mologii, No 1, Jan/Feb 72, pp 70-74 Abstract: In high altitude, corneal wounds (penetrating and nonpenetrating) in rabbits heal slower than in low altitude.':Topical app14.cation of ATP and 4- methyluracil significantly accelerates the process of,heialing in both altitudes. e processes~in the corne By improving the energy balance and oxidativ a, restoring the hematoophthalmological barrier, stimulating the tro~bic nerves of the eye and RNA production in epithelial and.stroma cells, increasing glycogen concen- -s and amino acids in the tration, and normalizing the coftcentration of S-alt. cornea and the aqueous humor, ATP and 4-tethyluracil r)roiaote~ closure of the wound, restitution of the anterior.cbamber, reabsorptio'n of the infiltrates, and.epithelialization. On the other hand, administra,-ion of corticosteroids to animals adapting to high altitude drastically impedes the: healing of corneal wounds, and therefore corticosterolds are:contraltidicated under these conditions. 41 UILLL _4MI~44 USSR uDc. 621.397.61 SHAPIRO, Ya. A., GALAKHOVA, 11. G. , VOVSI, L.,14., BERLIN, B. A., KHARCHIY- YAN, R. S., VOROWYEVA, F. Kh. "Technical Facilities of Television Services of the Sioviet-Wide Television Center~' V sb. Televizion. tekhnika (Television Technology--collection of works), Moscow "Svyazf", 1971, pp 127-163 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika No 6, jun 71, Abstract No'6G190) Translation: Basic data are given on studio and announcer TV cameras, motion picture can ras vit4h TV view~finder, cameras for transmitting motion ~picture films in TV and motion picture projection rooms, and epidiascoDic projectorn for transmitting transparencies',: phot-os.. :drallrings, etc. The individual elements of the instrument and-pirogram uniti central instrument room and video recording unit are described. K.~.S. A 914'. USSR UDO 947-943 PORQSIIINP;K. T. (DE-CFASED), SADYKQV, YU,. D. KHAYDARIVI, K. KIN METAt. A.-L. , DEGTYAREV , V. A. , and BURICHENK0j.-N. X.0 Idatitube of Chemistry :AcZemy~'~`of sciences TadzhSSR "Physiologically Active Papamerine Ddrivatlye,sel, Tashkent, KhImiya PrAlrodnyl-ch Soyedinenly, No 1p 19721 pp 83-84 Abstractl Fapayerine reacted with noI chlorides of sulfonic acids, carboxylic acids and chlordacetic acid# yielding 11-bamzoneault'ouyl chloride, ZOOQ Idect)i N-bonzoylpa-paveorlnium chloridel m.p. I~j 1"-axotylpapaveri'llun chloride, m.p. 217 (dec.); and tha,'&Ioride of 11-pajamrineacatic acid, n.p. 0 210-:(dec). The products exbibited.hypotenuivb and spasilitalytic properties, ,A :2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESStNG OATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0130120 'A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ASTEEL WITH DiPROVED MECHe 'PROPERTIES HAS THE FOLLOWING crjmpjq. C1.6-1,,9? PIN 1.6--!1*9t SI 1.2-1.51 CR SMALLER THAN 0+3, ; S,- St4AL'L: ER-THAN 0..64, P: SMALLER THAN __o. 08 PERCENT AND FE THE REMAINDERi 'J/2 013 UNCLASSIF[t6 PRDCESSING DATE-201NOV70 -T-ITLE-SOLVENT EFFECTS UF PMR SPECTRA OF! METHYL DERIYATIVES OF SILICON, GERMANLUK, TIN, LEADvAND MERCURY.-U- '~AWli0R-(031-PjE_TROSYAN, V.S., REUTUVP. C.A'*-p ;VC LY,_&.W A.So ~:CCUXTRY Cl F SOURC E-Z 1-. ORG. KHIM. 'L9.70, 6(5) t 93 'l)ATE PUL4L I Sh.EDI-----70 ~SLBJECT AAEAS -CHEMISTRY TCkL TAGS--- S ECTROSLOP I G ANALYSISs PROTOJN: MAG14ET IC R'ESON.&NCEt ORGAN(C :~SOLVENT, ORGANOTIN-CCIVOUN0, URGANOCERKANIUM C 1314 PIOU.N07 ORGANOSILICON 'COMPGUND, ORGANOLEAD CUMPOUND, ORGANOMERCURY COMPCUN.D -.CCNTRCL MARJ~ING-NG RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .'PRGXYy ~REELYFRAME-3002/0421 STEP NO--UR/036.6/'101006/t)05/0389/0893 .CIRt ACCESSICN ING-AP0127992 ij~"CLASS IFIEG ~-2/2 013 UNCL PAOCESS [NIG DATE-20NOV70 ASSIFIED "-CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0127992 .~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT---[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~PIVR SPECTRA'"vIERE, UBTAINED OF SUBits C-Ell~-E SUB4, S-NML SU64, MiD HGME SUBZ IN :ET SUB2 DIMETHOXYC M ANE ~,~PYRIOINE, UICXANEY H"ONME SUB2 ACETONE, PQl.\R.E &V1112) 51J 113 1CYCLOHEXANE, 'CL CCL Sljb4r CH SU831 CH SU82 CL SUB 2, THIOPH6,NE , ME SUb2 SO SIJ82, ET SU32 S, PET 50639 TETRAI-YDRDFURANr OP NET -SUB3. T~7E CHE144. SHIFTS OF IME GROUP PRGT&js COULa 140T UE CORRELATED THE SOLVI&TlliG ABILITY OF THESE SOLvrzN'TS. HOVEVEk., A ClikRELATION WAS FOU,*,,--' 51JI-fEEN THE SPIN SPIN CON.ST5. Of METALIME ~Q*4GUP PROTONS INTERACTILiNS AND THE ELFCTRON-DO INOR PROPERTIES OF1 HE 'S,ULVENT.S FACILITY: 143SK. GOS. UINIV. 1M. LUMCNO-SOVAt Mosca.Wi US5R. r UNC LA SS I F I E 0 USSR UDC 669.,4.o18.45:539-56 LYSAK~ L. I., and VOYAK r, V. N., Scientific Research and Envineering Design Institute of Machine Build 'in~-(-K~amatorsk), and Institute of Yetal Physics, Academy of Sciences Ukr SSIR "Reversibility of the Brittle State of a Hardened Steel Daring Tempering" Kiev% Meetallofizika, No 75-8 -49, 1972, pp 0 'hG11 steels was studied Abstract: The embrittlerrent of 2010iG11R, 30 10,GSA, and 3BY, during temperingg in conjunction with the change of cr*vstal lattice distortions in micro-regions of the alpha-solid~solution as vell as tLla effect of coolizn~c rate after tempering on the reversibility':of the embrittled condition. it was established that the det- at 300, 35Qt gree of embrittlement and 5500C depends on the cooling rate after terTering. During slov cooling, at the rate of 0.350/min, 0 a brittle state of the steel is formed which corresponds,to tha large Cryttal lattice-di.-tortions in micro-ivagions of tlip al-pha-s olid nolution. An increase of cooling, rate to 10030/min leads to a soft condition an& a -decrease in the magnitude of crystal lattice micro-distoritions. Rbsults o, this Wor-k leA to the coLclusion that it is not possible to examine the conditiozs of the F,,rain boundaries -witbout Consider-ation of the eraln ax a whole. Only thl~- comblnqd investigation of procesnes omccurrinr, at the bowndarics anl in i~ha i rain b~)d- parmit full stu6,~, oe the nature of steel etabrittlezent during ter.Tmerlng. 2 figures, 2 tables, 15 bibliog gzup#ic reference,-,. USSR VOYCRISHIN,- K. S. DRAGAN, Ya. P. "Exclusion of Rhythm From Periodically Correlated Ralldom Processes" Otbor i Peredacha Inform. Resp. Aezlived. -sb. [Select'ion and Transmission of Infoi-mation, Republic Interdepartmental, Collection], 1972, No 33, pp 12-16 (Translated from Referativnyy. Zhu-rnal,, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V216:by theauthors) Translation: It is shown that known methods (selection of readings at a given time interval or avcrpaihg of Values over aj3priodj for elimina- C, tion of rhythm from natural phenomena allow,the rhythift-to be eliminated from periodically correlated random processes as a general model of the rhythm of phenomena and that these methods are not equivalent within the.framework of the model. USSR WC 632-931,633-11 AIMHNIKOV, B. A., KOGOSOVA, E. YA., GOHOKH0VSK1Y N. A. j end VSZAM, G. Aj Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute ~of Mant Protedtion "Effectiveness of Yetathione Aealnot the. Stink bug fhurygasteV" Moscow, Xhimiya v Sel'skom Khozyavstvep Vol 10, No 9, (119)o 1973# 33-35 Abstracti Metathione exhibited a faster effect against bugs than chlorophoa. With an elevation of air temperature the toxicity of this prepaxation increased. but the duzation ofJts activity became shorterl Optimal dosea of this agent have-been determined to bet against the overwintered buE;s - 0.8 kg/hectare, against younger larvae - 0.5 kg/hectarep:and in case of more mature larvae -- from 0.6 to 0.8 kg/bectare. To destroy young,larvael the wheat should be treated with metatione towards the encl of the blooming:p I6riod, at the initial phase of the formation of caryopsis. Mom mature larvaelean be control-led by.applying the agent at the b6gi=lng,of milky r1penesi.of the grain. PROBLENS OF PLANNING IN AN AUTOMATED CO ROL SYSTLItJOR WAITIME. TPJlNsruRTA-.TG:; F.. U. Lovyy, r,. S. Moklwl'nko 7,W;v W- Me renulta of aEudying tnc r~.irdct(-rimUco of th(? matil.iv. -Con,"Atc. CI;ztt. are in trus Pavur.'Z-' poe lficn of thin vNt~!-n, ie' (iredLion a t a =.n.1' Vie o1c ki -:n of tile - plan n~ lop contt"I Sys'. are formulated. This 1'a,, ptr--atted '?4t8b2Iwu-C of t6o Of tlonin;; of optimal planning wt%el the ere-ation of a procoducal baae for the dllvoLormenc of a set of models, &Iporithw xid plannnii culculation pro-durva. In the moot p,etierftl statv=znt. th- pinnnLng, pi.tslam to I~r=lztud me. finding tile mout advantaknvlkii 1,w :of.l:DL;Lon of the oconoluic system In a regLon of tile phiGu- space defined by the given n-unurces. Zt is Tpcopotled thct-lche Oreille= in u1ii' general "tat4mant be stu4iod by mans of a model of tl~ ~O.ICC Conduetini, UIQ excitati(Pn In ar4cr lo tile behavior of U-t ~nvat~-Ic -)--t-cel. The report c,)ntalas a davcT.Eption OF the aadela and algorithm of ca I rPlan- 4--idar ple-rin;.n; of LIM fle4L 4rttr&U=.~ *he Zeneral prctbletw of '~alvltdl x;:a~ are studiee, and so= nuw lc~iaz; of Its, irproxterunt are advanced, 1. p.-- bna'.z of ad.1tt-. A.tura". Th. methods of mimul.ting tu'-d- of t,-,tn ;7.rC'. ~A uE j;.,,,nrith~ I;-~ 7zogr=4 '"or calexilatinj; the calendar stheduIv c~- rAtin-, of the flect ca a cozVuter to deacribed. It coapr,4Lsl th"e 1'roccm.;1in the requoh-,- ~or Ercifjit tranopoirt operations and for"tloa of all poa:.Ible ll,ttio.s of i-w~ mehemes for lz.ovuv-~nt of the ships; Formation of all possible movement schemes for each Fittip; 21. USSR MG 661.143 nWFMKIY~ YU. K. TISHCHENKO, V .G., and BEZUGLYY, V. D. "Blectro-Fluorescent Substance" USSR Author's Certifictae No 335967,.filed 16 max 68j published 18 Aug 72 (from Reforativn Zhurnal Khimiyas No,'12(11). 1973:, Absiract No 12LI82P~ by V. D.. Hatveye1v Translationi This electro-fluoric subatancets used to manufacture eleotro- chemical indicator systems in computer technology and in systems for auto- matic control and has a luminescence during the application of an electric current across an electrode in liquid solutions. ~It contained dimethylfor- mamide as a solvent# lithium anielectrolyte,-and b6nzophenanthrene as an electrophor. A change in the above mentioned ilaictrolyte from te-tra- butylammonium-perchlorate to UM Increasoa the intensity of the electrofluorlo lumnisconce 16 fold. The substance is made of a molution containing 0.004- 0,9 g UCI and 0.002-0.2 g bonzophananthreno and (Limethylfo=amide. For example, 0.002 g of benzophonanthrene and OA6 g of UCI an d1sablved In i0o ml of reagent grade dimethy1formamide. The prepared solutionlis placed in the electrofluoric ampule and an alternating current approxioAtely 10 nilliasnpa is applied at approxi=tely 6.3 volts. The 1UP-nisponoe obtained in the of 420- 470 microns was 10 times the luminescence', obtained for the electrophor. 38 - P1, Mill M~ USSR Loa 661.143(088.8) KHUDENSKIYj YU. K., and VOYEVODAI L. V.~ "Electrafluoric CompositioWl USSR Author's Certificate No 3281551 C1.1 C09 k 1/02, C09 k 3/00, filed I.Apr.68, published 20 Mar 72 (from RZh-Khijaiya# ANo 20t 25 Oct 720 Abstract No 20LI09P-by N. SH.) Translationt The electrofluoric composition contains asolvent, for example dimethy1forn, amide and electrolyte -. alkali metal halides, for example LIU, and an electrofluor. In order to increase brightness, stilbene is introduced into it as an electrofluor. This makes possible an - increase in the brightness of the luminescence# The compositioa contaiiis the following (in wt.%)t LiOl 0.004-4, stilbefie 0,002-2 and dime thylf ptmu-dde up to 100. The suggested electrofluoric composition Is prepared by* dissalying LICI and stilbene In dime thylformamide, Example s! 0.025 g of the electrofluor stilbene and 0.16 g of electrolyte-are dissolved in 100, ml of "Ch!' brancL dime thy1formamide. The resultant solution, is, :put In an,;electrofluoric cell ancl a. 10-ma alternating current pasped. through, it at voltage of 6J V. The composition has a luminescence range.of 466-480 nm. USSR UDC 624.621.396 VOYEVODIN, A. A. "Light Sprengel Masts for Radio Broadcas~t ing Lines" '57 Moscow, Elektrosvyaz', No 7, 1970, pp 53 ~Abstract. This type of antenna mast, first proposed in 1950, has been widely used in the Soviet Union for the past two decades. It is supe-rior in many ways to the conventional lattice-type mast structure and is consequently favored for the transmission of mediurrr-length, waves. In practice, it has been found by many constructors in various~parts of the- Sovi6.t Union to be erectile without requiring special mounting,crews or equipment. Unlike the ordinary lattice structure, the Sprengel mast~consists of a central tube, cross diaphragms, and long stays of,polygonal.cross section. Details of the mast design are given and its electrical qualities are analyzed. Three photographs, one of them a close-up of a niast section, axe shown. Another picture shor4s a mast 164 vieters high, designed to withstond se.vere climatic eutremes, which was installed in an Basterh.Siberian radio center in 1955. . . . . . . . . . . USSIf UDc 632.952 V OYIPVOaWI_A 77. All-Union institute for the Protection of Plants "Field Evaluation as a Method of Rating Herbicide Effectiveness" cow, Rhimiya v sellskom nozyazstve Mos Vol 9, No 1971, PP Abstract: Described are two known methods of rating the effec- Eiveness of herbicides: 1):countin-7 the number of weeds on c control areas followed by weighing S,00c, if i the weed plants; 2) simplified descriptions (field evalu'ation) of experi~raental plots specifying the degree of coveraF-e of a given plot area with a surface mass of weed planGs, Foreign research.on t-his subject indicates similar results for both antitative rating and field qu evaluetion with the latter requiring less.time and:finding m-eferential a-pplication in foreign:eountries in mass-scale ratir-7, tests herbicides. Field evaluation is besed on certain geobotanical criteria: type structure-of,weeds, abundance and predominpnee of civen sDecies on the e.-mqeripiental plots. A com- parative an--~lysis of several fiold~rablng systems, Including the EWRC nine-point system, is.presented and the major aspects 1/3 USSR VOYEVODIN, A. V., Khimiya v.sellskom khozyaystve, Vol 9, 1~10 8, .1971, PP 41-45 discussed in greater detail. The degree of coverage of an area with weeds and the classi-fication by type and development stages is given. The de;:,-ree of coverage is,~in turn,~furtber classified into overall coverame and average coverage. Use is made of a fundsmental criterion which represents the difference betl,.reen the averame overall decree of coverage of the control -olot (assumed to be.100;o") and the average overallion a plot treated with herbi- oldes. The overall rating is then made byithe~nine- I~point system. The, Drocedure is rather laborious and requires very fine differen- tiations Dresentinz certain difficulties in Dractical application. The lnsti~ute for Plant Protection -oroDoses a five-point rating system, for herbicides. The system 'includes complete I elimination (90-100~, effectiveness--100,~o reduction of weed-lobvered area); drastic. eliminst-lion (70-90,"of reduction, of weed-CoVered area); moderate elimination (50-7&%, reduction); weak elimination (0-50% reduction) and iso elimination (no signs~of supri Sion,). The System es As proposed for use as a preliminary step, to existing, conventional 2/3 65- at -11MI It anbtowl,~ 3/3 ---- 1 p imEA USSR UDC 632-95L,, --u*'-o of Plant MOUINOITA' A. A., All-union InstiLl Protection, Leningrad.* All Union Academy of Agricultuxal Sciences imeni.V. .I. Lenin "Nature of Herbicide Action't hchita Rasteni No.5', 1970,- p 203-30 Nosco,w, Za P A: T'he article is a re!oort of a sectional meo' im., at the 1-Union Cozu'erence on harbic idez. Them stmdLas of D. !. d to invest-1gat5 onr of the energetics CIUWIXUV and others -were devote u- of herbicido troa-'~-Iod plants. It was statod that one of the most, i,-Twortant funationj of tho action of t1jo-int-,erference with the phosDhox-flation prooesse3 leadinG to the fw4mia-tion of halo- phonols. S. M. HASHTAKOV and collaborators -uorjk~ed with various plantz and difforent, herbicides andrdiscovered -1,"on-awtion of novel T)henolic cormounds not found,in controls. The ps.-parz of V. S. RADUYEV, V. F. LOBOV, P. L. MILININ, and V.. F. LADOITIN were con- cerned wit-h Vne effect- of herbicides on,nucle-4c.1mcids. LO S. KOZIN, -YU., V. KRUGLOV, V. G. MASLENaIKOVA, V. 1). G-OGUADZE, -et al, reported USSR VOYEENODLil, et al, Zashchita Rast6niy, No 1070, pp 29-"0 V* on the action of herbicides on soil microflora and on the role of microorganisms in detoxication of.these agents. L. P. POPOVA, and SH. A. ALIYEV reported data: on the off eat of: herbicides on agrocnemacal Droi~ertios of the soil.: The action of atrazine under different light conditions was discussed by: M. 1. 1::LI2:FiNOVk (GAG.LirITA) and L. 1A. EYTINGOAN. :1 K, I. MIOCHAIMNI~, A. :I. HOCHAU"INA, L. L. ROMAN, A. M. GOLOVIaIi , and:M. S. ZOKOLOVA coverod the ut-ili- zation of new physical mothods for studying.the:activity of herbi- J. I cides, L. D. STOITOV and L. A. ~ PODYITYA Bused Irl ga's-analyzer to evaluate Dotlential herbicides. Toxicity of atrazino-and monurone was report- ed by V. 1. KAIM N'SlaY,' MT.: YA. SPIRIDDKOV, G. S. SPIRIDONOVA, and A. 1. YAIWVLT,,V,l G. 3. HUROMTSEVI R. S. 1,111MIUAIrls, and Ve N, AIMNIISTIKOVA reported on th6:use or seoqbral to-control dodder and broom rapo.~, 17 101VSSR UDO 632". 4,54-58-03 -TRUSHENKO V., V.:, All-Union Instibute of Vl,~ 1171~ and PE V n, -Union Academy of Agricultural Plan :i.. d gVro_ Leningrad, All :Sciences imeni V. i. Lenin "The,Effect of Some Herbicides on the Bioelectric Activity of the Plant Ce Moscow, Khimiya v -Sol Skom Khozyaystve, Vol 8, No 5, May 70, ?)P Lf6-51 Abstract: Changes in the rest potential of cells of Nitella flexilis, .dichlorophenyl-N under the effect of the herbicides diuron.(N-3,k NI-dimethylureal, atrazine, dalapon, 24-D,.and IFK (isoDro-Pyl-N- phanylearbamate) were studied. The cells of N. flexilis resemble those of the parenchyma of highe r plants. The bioelectric Dotlential of isolated eells was using,microelebtrodes. All herbi- cides a-D-olied reduced the rest potentialAndependently of the presence r absence of light, with the exception of diuroh. Diuron inhibited 0 theVS (transition of cells from normal dark to normal light" state) r ~at both at the eaction and acted similarly to: the elimination of lip zat4on and in the stat of the cell induced by Momerfl* of h yperpolar.1 light. Under the action of diuron, the photo]-ysis of If 0 was 2 112 USSR VOYEVODIN, A. V., at al, Khimiya v Sol I~skom K%.ozyaystve, Vol No 5, May 70, pp 46-51. apparently inhibited. This was followed by stoppage of photosynthe- tic assimilaticn Of C02 and cessation of the~light-induced passive transfer of ions through the Call membrane. The changes in tha rest potent al produced by 2,4-D, could be ~qscribed to disturbances in oxidative phosphorylation that developed under the action of this substance. The changes in the rest potential =der the action of the heibicides were highly specific. On the basis of the results obtained, the method that wasapplied is well suited for determining 'tip the nature~of the action of herbicideslin the Lni -1 period of their contact with plant cells. 2/2 102 USSR UDC 621.374.5(088.8) MIRSKIY, G. YA., VOYEVODIN, V. C. IIDP-vice for Square-Pulse Delay" USSR Autho r's Certificate No 271566? F4 led 27 Mar 69, 'Published 15 Sep 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhaika, No 4, Apr 7l,;Abstract,:No'.4G263P) Translation: A device is proposed for delaying squarepulses. It comprises a differential circuit, a front d6lay circuiti a1pulse generator, two rectifiers and a shaping trigger. in order. to improve the accuracy of reproducing the duration of the delayed pulse, the devicc contains a reversible counter, the summing input of whi'ch is connected to the output of the pulse generator via a rectifier, The control input of the rectifier is connected to the delayed puls e source; the calculating input of the~counter is connected to the output of the pulse generator via a second rectifier the control input of which is connected to the zero output of the shaping trigger;.the outputs of the rever- sible counter are connected via the zero Ocoder to the~;unit input of the trigger, to the zero input of w1hich the delayed pulse source is connected via the differential circuit and the delay circuit. The output of the device is the unit output of the trigger. F"F-1; m,91M USSR UDC, OV Y-1 AL 'A Tabular Algorithmic Language" Mat.-.Obespecheniye Etsvm. Vyp-3 [Digital Computer Software, No. 3 Collection 6f Works]. Kiev, 1970, pp 109-1213 (Translated from Referativnyy,Zhurnal Kibernetika, _No.~:47 April, 1971, Abstract No. 4 V638).. Translation: A tabular algorithmic language is: designed for statement and solution of economics problems by digital computer. The:tabular language has much in carnimon wit-h:-COBOL and can be looked upon as a subset o:E COBOL. The operators of the tabu- lar,language, pattern characters and division of data being processed into logical codes and files are similar to those used in. COBOL. However, in contrast to COBOL, the tabular language does not require greav additional 'knowled-e of machine mathe- matics, it is simple to study and use, allow'Ing. specialists in economics (economists, statisticians, financial experts, etc..) to use di,gital computers without the aid of'programmers. -The data. processed are presented in natural customary forM tables of data suchas lists, price tables, bookI-.00pers:,r'e_p0rts,,etc. q USSR UDC: None KHOIOSHA,. Ye., G., VOYEVODINT, Yu. M., VERKLOV,~B. k., and ZAVGO- RODITIY Ye. Jai. "Safety Valve for Hydraulic Systems" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniva, Droavshlennyve abraztsy, tovarnyye gnaki, No 27, 1971, p 124 kTO (11)351027: Abstract: The body of the valve contains a load spring in a gate made of a hollowed cavity containing *a two-piaiton di-fferential plunger. ~Ehere is also an added cavity wit -h a two-piston plun- gar containin,- a atepp.-d bore into yhicli the Tirst cavity fite, thus lendj-nCf. the device-compactnes8 and a bet-t-er sLructure. The valve is made by cutting.slits.'in the-::body into which the plungers are.inserted. Adiaex-am of the d6vice in. croas ae(,%tion is given. d!."... 1-M. USSR uDa 621-357.8-035.4,669.71 V2XUMNA, _R__X "The Joint Introduction of Sulfate and Sulfamate Ions in Oxides Formed In Mixed Electrolytes" Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Works, of the Mum Aviation Institute), Vyp 148, 1972t pp 10-13 (from Refe.rativnyy. Zhurn~l . KhW-Yav~ No 8(11), 073v Abstract No 8L281) Translationt Using tracer techniques it was shown that at. the anode, the oxidation of aluminum in a mixed electrode contalning sulf hate and sulfamato ions proceeds with the joint Introduction of anions in the wnode oxidatim However, if there is an increase of the sUfamine acid in tba mixed eloo- trolytes, it had only an insignificant effeet on -the cqncent~ration at the anode of the sulfate ion oxidized. In-~-aontrast the amount of sulfamate ion seldolft increases during the addition of oulfaminic.acid or sulfate Ions to the solu- tion. It was established that the change in p14 of the solution in the acids resulting from the formation of the anode aluminum oxides did not exert an influence on.their concentration,of the,anion of the electrolyte. The con- elusion was drawn the. the behavior of theaulf4to and Ions reflects the influence of unilateral ion comj:etltim,~ USSR UDC 616.8+616.89:613.632:632.951-0c,~9 VOYEVSKAYA, G. A., Department of Psychiatry, Vinnitsa Medical Institute "Nervous and Psychic Disturbances in Subjects Exposed for PrIonged Periods to Organophosphorus Pesticides" Kiev, Vrachebnoye Delo, No 9, 19731 pp 136-138 Abstract: Clinical observations of 89 mole and 1+.l female agricultural work- ers exposed for prolonged periods to.orgnncphosphorus~pestuicides showed their blood-cholinesterase levels to be,depressed.050 + 10.,2 to 225 � 20 units; control values were 620 + 25.5 unitsy p /_ 0.'001) indic.ating intoxication. The majority of the subjects were less than 30 years of age. The patients also exhibited asthanic syndrornes, irritability,+pathologic fcars, arLxieties, agp~essiveness, hysteria, hypochondria, and weakness. : VleLirological examina- tions revealed the disturbances to be primarily vegetative in nature; rheoencephalographic. studies showed that'cerabral blood vessels were not ta affected. - The symptonis of intozzication abated when con' ct wi h oreanophos- ~iphorus pesticides was,discontinued. US8R uDc.. ~629-T8 Ole' 076.8 VOYFY-KOV V. V.. YAROSEEVSKIY, V. A. 4 -1 "Determining the A=litude of Oscillation's of Aiisymmetric Space Veh---- During Uncontrolled Descent in the Atmosphere" Uch. za-o. Tsentr. aero-gid--odilnam. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Centra-, Aerohydroknanic institute), 1970, 1, 11o 3, pp 45-55 (from RZh-Raketos+-i-,-.- yenlye, No 1, Jan. 71, Abstract No lT.41.17) Translation: 7he authors consider the peculiarities of mcontrolled of a space vehicle about its center of mass during.;atmospheric descent. Particular attention is given to determining the Possible amplitudes cf oscillations and transverse loads.on~the descent t? rejectory for sma.1-1 L- angular velocities. Formulas.and graphs are given.;,for determining the indicated parameters. Seven illustrations, bibliography of eig~rit title-z. Resum6. 36 USSR UDC 629.19:533.6 VOYEYYOV, V. V., YAROSHEVSKIY, V A. "On the-Probability of the Stabilization of aiBody of Rotation at Large Angles of Attack Upon Descent in the Atmosphere" Uch. zaT). Tsentr. aero-gidrodinan, In-ta (Scientific Notes o_-IF the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute),.,1972, Vol. 3,JT6. 2, pp 94-i01 (,From RZh_ Mekhanika,.No 8, Aug 72, Abstract I-To 8B460) .,,Translation: The problem of determining the probability of stabilization of -a body of rotation at large or small ahgla~ of 'attack during: uncon- trolled de,'cent in the atmosphere i's discussed. The matent clia-vacttir-1-s- ties of the body of rotation ensure stablecbalancing atia = 0 and 180'. _T'wo limiting cases are considerel~ smalI.initial angular velocities angular velocities. The results (Where the solution t-rivial) cad largely of the -study are corapared with the rasult� of'numcxic-al-Icalcuiations for plane motion. Resume. USSR, uDc 629-78-015.o76.8 r VO'YEYKOV, V. V. and YAROSHEVSM, A. "Probability of Rotating Body Stabilization at Iarge Ar4les of Attack Daring Atmos-Dheric Descent" q Uch. Za-u- Tsentr. Aeror-Udrodinam.. In-ta (Scientific Writings of the Central Aerohydrodynamics lnstltute)'~Voi 3, No 2 , 1972, pp~94-101~(from Referativnyy Zhurnal--Raketostroyeniye, No 8, 1972, Abstract: 8. 41 .82 Abstract: The problem of determining the probability of rotating body stabili- zation at lar~,e or small angles of attack in ~.incontrolled atmospheric descent is exzzdned. The mom-ent characteristic of a rotating body provides stable balance f or CC = 0 and 1800. Two limiting cases ~ are investigated: smal 1 initial angular velocities (the. solution is trivial) and large angular veloc- -ities.- The -results are corztparvd' with the reaults ofiniLmeric'al calculations for plane motion. 4 figures, 5;biblic)gtaphical'ref~,i~encebi, UDC,773-9:661-41 j and KO VjQ G, 1. VEM)MOAK -I?Possibili ty of Us ing Domestic Shell Cain Preci ion Photo- a graphy" Moscow, Optiko-114ekhanicheskaya Promyghlennost I No 2, 1970, -pp 44-45 -Abstract: Two types of domestic shellac were investigated as possible material for makinG scales, grids wid similar parts for optical devices. The first type Yras obtained at the Azerbaydzan experimental station as a mixture made from fig an ac -Komsxov Bota- d acia.plants, and the second came from the. n and was grown o a fig plant. The results show -that scales and grids made by vacuum depositid,n;of layers M e1t possible,to produce.:strokesi 1.25 microm,eters wide and _:Pho to etching 3.3 micrometers. 542* 61 USSIR A.!. FE-El"SUSFj%, YE.A., FEIRF A,I and WYE"'. sH institute of General and Inorganic ChetiCistry, Kiev, Acadi!iq ofE' USSP "Pxtractior, of.' OermmilM, Witii Aniline in the Presence of t.:t Cr,=-)!ex. Tki--minj Aoent'r Y 4mic'--eskiy Zhurnea, 4 APr 70 T Ide, 56, o R. 3-. Abstract; German-;Aymm was extracted vItb aniliue as d. 'i'Le diminl;3h the lozo of !mat.-L -cc) -nhc aqueous o--:' aniline -,o the acid -is ltl.. To Dbase, it -was -a5ea irl c-s-r-bon tetrachloride- solution.. Ge vith an aqueous solution- of a=OUi=, C-arlooll-ate. T e ex',3~*-aticr- begins to be moticed-ble at 1~111 o.1, increases rapidly t6 the:;optimall level Pmnand pH mnge 2.2q-5.50., and then drops sharply at Pff -z" 6.: i F 1 11!1* , III - Ii I":; 112 017 UNICILASSIFf- 4bcESSING DATE~--160CT`70 OF GALLIUA APLSERWE WITH COMPOUNDS OF THE Alli3VI TYPE .`AiJTti0R- (0 3)-VOY ISEK140V SKI Y, A.V., PASHUNi A.D., 41TYUREV, V.K. ;,CBLWTRY- OF: INFO-USSR __4KAk9FEMI IA NAUK SS SR, I ZVE YS, I A'NEORGAN.1 C HE i K I EMATERIALYv VOL. 6, ,SOURCE 1970t P.379t ~580. ~DAIE P Lt5L IS HE 70 ~."TOPIC TAG---GALLIUM ARSENIDEt CADMIUM -SULFIDE, SELENIDE, TELLURIDE, ZINC -SULID SOLUTION# INTERMETALLIC~ COMPOUND ~CONTROL FlA.RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;..:PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0952 STEP NU--UR/03.63170/006/000/0379/03dO :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118118 UNr_LA$5jF_l_ED___ :2/2 017 UNCL ASS I F1 ED PROCEssm* DATE--160CT70 .ztlkC ACCESSION NO-AP0118118 .-ABSTRACT/,EXTRACT -(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY Or- THE POSS1131LITY Or- --PRODUCING SOLID:SOLUTIONS OF GAAS WITH INTERMETALLIC COAPOUNDS COMPOSED ELEMENTS OF THE 'OF SECOND B AND SIXTH A GROUPS OF:THE OrklUDIC SYSTEM. ~,,..-THE GAAS ALLOYS CONTAiNING UP TO 20 MOL PERCENT CUSt CUSEP CDTEt ZNSi -AND ZNTE WERE SUBJECTED TO INVESTIGATI,ONS:USING METALLOGRAPHIC AND X RAY ES. THE RESULTS ANALYS OBTAINED. ARE TABULATE0. FACILITY: "',rjSUDARSTVENNYI PEDAGOGICHESKIJ-INSTITUTI~ KIEVr UKRAINIAN SSR. ---ff 112 024 UNCLAS~IPIIECY:.: PROC:ESSING DATE-230CT70 TITLE-7NUCLEAk MATRIX ELEMENTS Of- THE fBETA DECAY-G-F DcFORMpu NUCLEI -U- ,.--,~,-,4UTHOR-(02)-VOYKHANSKIY,t 14.YE., VORONKOV, P. ...~,e~C,UUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE --!,ZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. F. I Z 19 70, 34(121, 444-8 A, T EPUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--PHYSICS :."TOPIC TAGS--DEFORMED NUCLEUSi MATRIX ELEME~T, BETA Q~CAY, FORBIDDEN TRANSITION, WAVE FUNCTION, HARMONIC OSCILLATORs TRANSirtoN PROBABILITY MARKING7-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1968/0218 STEP NO--UR/ 004 B/7 0 /034- 1002 /04 It-4/04413 Cl R, CACC ES S ION N0-00105294 UNCLASSIFIED I !,I I. 4i- UNCL D~' '024 ASSIFIE --230-CT70 PROCES5ING DATE C. 19 C ACC E S S I Ot,11 NO- AP 0 105 294 ~:~-49STRACT/FXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BETA TkANSET10~4S IN 01-FOREMIE0 NUCL E I 'W E R ESTUDIED A N D 4 C O.M P A R I S OIN E XIP TL. ANID THFORErICAL RE'ULTS F WAS PERFORMEG IN A WAY SIMILAR TO THAT 4PPLI-E0 F(I GA-f'11M4 rRA'sfTION'S. f:~ORSIDDENI -BETA TPNASITIONS OF THE IST, AS WELL A-S' OF ORDERS, CAN -10DELS, THE f NIT E R N A 1. W;A BE EXPRESSED BY SEVERAL ~VE FUNCTIONS, X SJi3Kt FUNG I'l ON'S THE Isal 01 ARE EXAMD. AS LINEAR COMBINATIONS OF 13A S T.C I F 'R C HARMONIC OSCILLATOR. THE TkANSITION WAVE. FUNCTION' IS,f-OKMED BY BASIC IL L A T,1 R CALCINS. OF A FUNCTIONS OF THE ANISOTROPIC HARMONIC OSC HEP~E PROBABILITY OF THE TRANSITION INC.LUDE SELECTAON RULES~FOR ASYMPTOTIC QUANTUM NOS. THEORETICAL RELATIONS All E CON$11)~Rfl-:D FOR FORBIDDEN TRANSITIONS OF ANY-ORDER. WX LA S$ I F LEO----- USSR uDc: 62-501.72;68i.3.o6 MLK~HKIY, V. L., SABTITIN, 0. Yu., Leningrad Electrical Englneering Insti- tirte imeni V. I. Ul'yanov (Lenin) Algoritlua of Economic Organization of Statistical Modeling;of Complex Systems of Information Processing and Control,, f Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov: Priborostroyeniyel Vol 16, No 9, 1973, pp 33-38 Abstract: An algorithm based on the principle of stratified sampling is cousidered. It is proposed that stratification be done by analyzing the results of initial stages of operation of the system. A fl(rrchart is given for an algorithm of economic organization of,statistical modeling of two- -stage processes, and a formula is.presented for approximatewevaluation of the resultant gain in time. The effectiveness of the. proposed algorithm is illustrated by an example. This particular example gives a reduction 4.: in computer time by a factor of 3"RI SGILv~ UVC 620.7.055.54.Wl F~VFFI:-~ OF A ?RIMI Mi. Ur. LOCATIM OF AN C."JECT. W; THF VAL 11Y Or RT 1024 Tl,hni.1 .5clences, of Technical Scie AnnreyR V. A. 'Thp*energ C, ar r calcul-ited in the detectInn nrxle y potential f a rad I uounlly by thc r' All't rOl-C. altr-. F. ..1vcn probabilitievof correct detcctinn D As is ),.nowtiv the wilues of thase.prabablIttloq no'alpnoli~i.J~t thrrmhnld ratio WhIC!, Is C"Itulited k- t1he vclatlon~ of t! presented In refcrkacu (1) or lu determinctl by Lhe dCLtCU1oU C:UrVk!~ W rvfcren~~ 121- lhm,of only. t1he tondirionnt.probahillt ie,3 1) and F for t~.i taLculatic'ns 18 explaitiod,by the fact -tbnt ,as .01-rui.2.-tim Information an the charactcrIS61CS ouo,o-iiAar ob so n- scion ~obj ect~ and -theirs location in space art! hithly of the- event -kentratirz z &e llo-~vver. , it, the a priori . probabillty r 0% sipial from the ob~ett is Vnwm awl'thi a priori pvchahility P01) 01 the evc-"t robabilities nus t he constdvr~ soncrating the noLre slfnal,lz also,known.. these r .1 for.,the energy calct0ationiq of the radar. own It IDA" , from reference 131 that when con%itiorinp the ti priori praba- uties 7 (SN) and P(!;) the prohability of a falio airnal la equal to ?(K)~ . iLclpall d thie.probability of. missing a siRval lo r(SN:~;l itherc N it., the.conditional I erobabiilty of minoin~,- a sirtnal,. M 1). The probabilit-1 of making nocrroneo" eet'"or' Vc,ror '---rv'sC-A hy P signal and folse detection ia defined bv the relation P Yey (throughout nrti4le) t 1. error, re. the probability of mnking the, correct decision In cnIculated as 204 q J USSR uDc 621.3TI-332-3:621-391.883.6 VOYNICK--B.- VOLKOVA, G. A.i ANDREYCHUK,, M. V. , AD,1DRIA110V, V. A. "Effect Which a Priori Information Concerning the Location of an Object has on the Quality of Radar Detection" Tr. Mosk. aviats. in-ta (Works of Moscow Aviation Institute), 1971, vyp. 207, pp 190-19T (from RM-RAdiotekhnika,11o 1 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12G20) Translation: Consideration is given to,the:possibility of using a prior-7 data on the location of objects within a given range of distances to cal- culate the energy potential of a radar. Relations are given for the probability of taking the correct decision:as; a function of-the proba- bility of correct detection and the probability of a::talse alarm. It is shmin th&t.the power.required by the.transmitter,can be.reduced in the case of.a normal probability density1un. ctipn. for target range. Eight illustrations, bibliography of three.titles.~. Resume'. 5 4 USSR UDC: 532-593: V Iton the' Limiting Cha Iracteristic5 of Siirface and Inter'nal Waves Generated by the Wind!' Tr. Zakavkaz. n.-i. gidrometecrol. in-t (Works of th.~- Transcaucasian Hydro- meteorolgical Scientific Research institute), 1971, -vYp. 42(46), pp 119-129 (from RZh-Mekhanika, 110:J, Jul: 71 Abstract No 7Bh97) Translation: Within the framework- of an idealized approximate model s i mi I ar to the Kapitsa-Levich model-of wind action.on the disturbed surface of the sea, a theoretical solution is given fox, the problem of determining the maximum characteristics of -wind waves under conditions of steady-state agitation. Making use of the known. hydrodynamic soliftion of the problem of propagation of linear wwfes of an iddal~fluid on the interface of a two-layer fluid vith free surface, thelauthor f' -veen inds relationships bet the arplitude of-maximum internal waves aneL the. velod,ity of the wind which 'generates the waves. Author,s:abttrac~., USSR 10 C532.593 VOY G., TOGONID#, N, V. "Transformation of Surface Waves on a Stream of Variable Depth" V Izv. Tbili.ssk. n. i. in-ta sooruzh. i gidroenerg. (Thilisi Scientific Research Institute of Structures aiid Water.Power Engiiieering -- collection of articles), 1969, 18(5Z), pp 51-65 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 1, Jan 70, Abstract 140 1B500) TransiatLon: The problem of wave transformation on a 'low of variable depth is ex~.Imined_ The Kochin-Krylov method is u;5ed and within the franeworw- of the linear theory of planar potential waver. of an ideal flutd, relationzi are obtained which establish the connection. between tht-3 ar-I)litudes and lengths of he approaching and "passing" vtaves.~ Qualitative metIrlods w-re used to study the effect of individual factora -(depth)' flow velocity,) on the barlic characteriGtics of the, traneformin Wilvez;. .9 The solution of the problem of determinin;; Lhe:'depth of waves breaking on shoals and in. the zone of the opposir~g flow of a T_T,ver stream is given. An estimnate is made of the possible. movements' of river; deposits at the shore- line under the influence of velocities of the dischargf!. and:wave flows. Twelve references. USSR UDC: 539.4 Blashchuk, V. Ye Grabin, V. F., GurevicIL, S. M. Kas 'yan, Y. V... Novik-ov, N. _Vo "Deformation Resistance of AT-2 and AT-S Titanium Alloys and Their Welded Joints at High and Low Temperatures" Kiev Problemy Prochnosti, No 7, 1972, 96 pp Abstract: The deformation resistance of AT-3 and AT-2:alloys and seam metal is studied in tlie-400-700'K temperature intbrval. The strength of the metal of seans in.these alloys in the interval up to SOON does not ff"ill below 90% of tile strength of the alloys. The tempeTatuTes dependences~ of strength and yield point of. the metals of the seams and alloys are s imi I ar. At 700"K, the strength of the seam metal drops to 80% of the strength of AT-3 alloy.. The jiuctility of the scam metals at normal and high temperatures is similar to the ductility of the base -alloys, but fal Is below the ductility of the base inctal , It low temperatures As temperature drops, the decrease in the value of coefficient ay is greater in the:allo s than in the scim metal but tbroughout the Ontires temperature r~3nge y (10 - 7 r7" ~1 117 11 ~i Nlt-~ r USSR UDC 530.4 MAKS11MOV, Yu. A., KOWNILOV, 1. 1, )MAN 11 K, V. Ye. G. 13LA-MCM -ZAGREBENYUK, S. D., Moscow, Kiev "Mechanical Properties of Alloys of Titanium with Vanadium and Aluminum as Functions of Oxygen Content" Problefty Prochnosti, No 11, 1971, pp 54~~55.- ABSTRACT. The possibilities are studied for Production of alloys of titanium ical propoxties. It With high contents of oxygen, buts retaining- high mcch, n is shown that the addition of vanadium and aluminurp. produces oxygon-contain- i alloy with the required mechanica ng, I properties. 75 - USSR UDC: 5 39. 5 ''NOVIKOV, N. V., VOYTENKO, A. F., OV50YXV, Ye. S, NEKRASOVA, Z. P., Kiev, Moscow "Influence of Technological Factors onMechapical Properties of Molybdenum Alloys at Low Temperatures" Kiev,.ProbleMv Prochnosti, No. 12, Dee 70, pp~ 69-71 Abstract: The elasticity, plasticity and strength characteristics of cast molybdenum alloy (0.1% Zr, 0.15% TiA less than 0.6% V) are presented in the temperature interval between -196 and. +20*C. A change is noted in the intensity of growth of strength zind,plasticity of the: alloy with decreasing tem erature depending oni I state.~:mThe determining p ts structura influence of peening on the mechanical properties of this alloy at low tem eratures is demonstrated. Instrumentation' and Equipment. USSR UDC 620.171.251.1 NOVIKOV, N. V., ALEKSYUK, M. M., VOYNITSKIIL-.A.,-~.,.,.._NOVAL'CIIUK, B. I., HITLIKIN, H. D., and ZARUBIN, L.-r-., ~Kiev "Specifics of Mechanical Tests of'Structural Materials Over a Broad Range of Low Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 4, Apr 71, pp 20-26 Abstract: Methods and equipment for mechanical testing at low temperatures used at the Institute of Problems of Strength of the Academy of Sciences Ukraiuian SSR are described. The equipment is used temperature dependence of the mechanical prQperties of steels, alwiiinum, ~ and titanium alloys. Equipment illustrated includes a device for maintenance of tempera- tures from, 0 to -196%, multiposition clamps for circul~x.amd flat specimens, the UN-30.tensile testing device, allowing,loaas of up to 30 tons to be 7 appUed at temperatures down to -2690K, a miniature semiconductor thermometer, the SZF-1 tensile testing machine, equipped with a- chamber for testing at down to -269*C.9 and an electromechanical tensometerfor measurement of linear and angular displacements.