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USSR UDC 669.71.004.2 NICO, V. 1. ZAGORSKAYA, M. K. , V=J=,_Aj,,j, , and KSENZE "Removal of Hydrogen Fluoride from Gases by the Use of Anion Exchangers" Sb. nauchno. tr. NII tsvetn. met. (Collection of Scientific Works of the Scientific Research Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy)' 1970, No 31, pp 133- 142.(from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 12,.Dee 70..Abstract No 12 G229 by authars) Translation: An investigation wasmade of the sorption:of HF from mixtures with air by anion exchangers AV-17,- AV-17FJ EDE-10P, AN..;2F, M-21, and AN-1. Sorption takes place mainly through the complexing of 11F vith amino groups of the anion exchangers. The dynamic capacity of the aniov exchhngers in remov- in& from ev I to 5.10-4 mg/l Hr from ganes ranges f rom 10' to 20 mmol, 11F/g of,matrix. In 11F desorption by water from strongly baAir- andiintermediate- base anion exchangers,solutions of A,10%MF are obtain~o. The method i& recomended for use in purifying waste.gasee-containing Sin illustra- tio6a. Two tables. Bibliography with 16 titlis 114. c 20 DATL::--11 DEC 701 -4 0 C E S S I NG UTU-L-15-h`lli~IGTION OIF ALKALI mF_TA IES DJRlP,,(; Ci-,.Y.5TALLIZATIf-i FkO:~ L p UR 11 SOLUT.1t~-i--tS u F L ~ S I U,j K !,;J I D 1 U M- PRCH 0 AI E U I: L A S ,;'AUThO kl'7 H 02 h K L CV 5 K A Y A,kM. VULIKH, A.1 OF 1INFO-LSSP, _SOUI~L E--Z 1-. P i_,' IL . K H I iM (LEN I NGR AW .1970, 4 3 8 -4 ~6ATE PUF.L ISHED--70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~TOPIC TAGS-C~ZYSTALLIZATIJN, SOLID ;50 LU Tl Ch, POTASSlUM PEPCHLORATE, SUDIUM p F-1 -11-0k,) n- CUMPOUND RUSIDIUm COMPOUND, CES UUN'LOMPOUNDt -~cj Pl. T I W XUMEINT CLASS---UINCLAS"If-ILD, 5:T.E PNO--U.R OC-8 C /10104," /Go 4/ 0 8 7/_ C8 7~, C I R ACC E S S I C IN' NO--A PO B- 153 -'LrSS .111 C.1 F I f:- D 0 lXL ASS[ F I ED R, b C C-'- S N G DA T E - - L 10 E C 7 0 212 020 U' G C-IRG -ACCESS I CN NLI---~APOL31.53? -A&STK-ACT/d*XTJ 0 -state-.,, 4heating up to 200-300 degrees higher. than Tp temperature re- duction to Tp . The results are discussed by reference to field- -emission nictures ofoc- and f3-state titanium.: At room temnera- ture, the investigated titanium.spaeimens:shovbd a hexagonal lat- tioe, during the heating process a,rearystallization. took place, and instead of several crystals a single crystal developed. Re- poatedq~,,313 transitions with subsequent high-ter-perature annealing 1/2 T U, d L c v c c,~ Z: aa s ab;n7o 'P -,I I . . ~ ~ - Z , ~ : I f , : i : . i " -1 -L12 - C18 ~ -- ; ;!PROCESSING O&TE-02OCT-70 UNCLASSI Fl EO; ~ ~ ~ I-I:..:TITLE-ADOPTION OF A FOUNDRY COMPLEX FOR:AEFINING BAND TEEMING MAGNESIUM 018 UNCLA;S~~! F_ P OCESSING DATE-020CT70 VIRC_ ACCE-SSION NO--AP0107290 GP-0- ABSTRACT. :A TEEMING COMPLEX HAS BEEN ADOPTED FOR PRODUCTION OF PIG MG9 INCLUDING A.CIONTFNUDUSLY OPERATING FUR~4A,E WITH SALT HEATING, ELECTROMAGNETIC CONDUCTION PUMP, AND A TEEMING CONVEYER CP DOMESTIC CONSTRUCTION. THESE PARTS ARE DESCRIBED. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACE PRECLUDES MG FROM BE:NG IN CONTACT 14JTH THE ..LINING BAND THE ATM., PROVIDES FOR FAST'AND UNIFORA; HEATING OF 41; TO THE REQUIRED TemPot AND MAKES IT POSSIBLE-TO.-MAINTAIN;THAT TE4P. W(TWA MIN. OF- ENERGY - LUSSE S. AS COMPARED TO THE.LAA,FURNACC-f' THE COM. 'PRIOTOTYPE COULD TAKE 1.5 TIMES AS MUCH MG.: THE OPERATtNG TEMP. OF THE ELECTROLYTE AND-MG IS 700-10DEGREES; THE CURRENT IS 5 KA, ANDJHE7voLTAGF IS 30-40 V; THE-CAPACITY.FO THE HOPPER.IS 61ONS9~AND THE.AMT. OF THE ELECTROLYTE 'CL USU I-Ot KCL 60-70, NACL 10-15w:AND BA CL A MG SUB2 5.-IOPERCENT) IN THE FURNACC- IS 13--TONS. THE TEEMING OF THE- REFINED MG CA,'~: BE CARRIED OUT 7,:DURIIqG THE PURING IN OF THE MG RAW MATERIAL., THE ESSENCE OF THE REFINING OPERATION CONSISTS IN SETTLING DOWN OF THE FRfE, 3R COMBINED WITH MGDI.CHLORIDL PARTICLES. IN THE ~REFINEI) MG THERE: IS LESS THAN :-0.003PERCEN't CL PRIME NEGATIV E. DURINGIHE SETTLING DOWN, THE EXCESS MAT* ~(JF f-E,,- RELATIVE TO THE EQUIL AMT.,_ALSO. SETtLES DOWN. THE ADOPTION OFtl THE TEEMING COMPLEX: MADE fT POSSIBLE YO RED()CE THE SP. CONSUMPTION.OF..ELEC. ENERGY BY 2.5~T,IM*S;..I:T: ALSD:~MADE. IT POSSIBLE TO THE WASTE OF THE METAL AS_~- WELL'lAS OF LABOR4~ -4 UK-, 614.4 SG~T- POMMS OF ORCA%IZTNf MID t.?II41MIOLOCIM, STATIC01 WITH REFE-REXCE TO EPIDE.XIC CtM-Va.~L MEA11 UP'S [Article In 'Z F ultDva, Xcvarovr; ~,nntelpal Unicary ond EpIdtimlologic.l. Station ''! I.-f0finred PhYrtClAli of R.MR); malico 0 phys, Clan savetrk"Ve 2dravookhrit n e, ?WARIA", 1, 1972, vub=ttrod 29 July Vill, - 91 UZ The wide cli-cle. of pr=Llpm~ Vint- apIrlethfologlars Ai4d theIr,aqfjLjjtAAaL9 intist olve maket; ir..lzV.r4t.'we ut continuatIA19 improvoo Clio got of pm~vvrtfvil measures on the bAAKlx of their eff'secAvenemm. We 'have gained xrjmQ -1--poritlice in orponiging work in thr SFS [.9nnitAry and epid"-.1oloplent P;ritlanal of Kezarovo. Tho planninx mv!0rvJ ta consistent with the rurroot official jnamctionm (preparation r-f sortual Amadquarterlv plsxsl~, jit'apha), Cloareut plnming pemitA to exaalild. A,Iarzcr.n-e--r of, the ralicittic and zlLllzlv;~rt I - inarl mr U, i16 ~ar 'tile piir;,,ikt of prave.1 t treatment Arlainat tri -g~c--nllcC ~y nraklysiu ct amortftity ratc'4 yCar an wall as of ffocTtv,-n,,,!, of prop(tvlacric mo.kj~reg, ao-1 tliu4 io make prompt =41Wmentm in the All. "r tile or7'znt lot 1~nal -m-rv. t:irt rr-"a -.q plam-d and cand.ct.4 by m4 of thp of 0sv m1micipal SER In order to concontrIt' the ack~vitlv:; 1)( rayon an%I toard llwnodiat. wl-rfris- rrazio'% %if the nost !Pport.irt propliy)actir and epicimmir. cotitrn]l Annly6l!i of `-- morhlr~ty rnfc-~ for rhci last St, yearn revezled cc:rtj1'l )),tEero- I-, Oistribu"on f L,fectiow- in Lhe clty; it wan fo,,n,j thn, 35-40 pt!rc~at of nll -1th the excc-ptior. tii imiJocrizA anJ Acute r-pirAtory arc r,il~r4l,le to intostlo,41 patiriolo,~y, includll A: CAI!. in wInd, we cor- on Inveutleati.e, of th, dl'~tlne-lmlr' of d1'-.jer.:vry '.n-! th, -ftert of -mit,a), ond hygi,vnlc oo ui~trilmjojj of ~c",L Int-ifvtftl infer-rinfis, dv-instration of the cp1,6-r,io- Ingical dt-tinctions of flymerattv? In pre--hool dvtemili-Elon "t 45 - 77777~ ZL)rqovl 0 ;SING L) AT E-- f5- . . . . . . . . . . ED. PROC. uv4CLAS 0 NERT G-,,S IONS ~HFTF G. ILI E--Yf'V AL KS c -le YAT S K I N p, p 3s [Kj NQ TRON' E OL'~, s n I 'Ri S I L I CO N So c Ai S A IL q METAL F T,;z iz r G #j M 0 T Cl- A S---UNCLASSIF itD p L E: L I fj 2 A L C E S 5- 1 film 9 W: I 111 it ii ll!:Il i lilt! I,!- L 1:11 7 C UINCLAS S II Eb PR' ATE-20NIOV .CIAC ACCESSICN NU-AP01123320 A 5 5 T.R A C T I E X TR -A C TI(U) G'P-0- ABSTRACT. T HE AUTHORS;PE S EINT ATHEDRET ICAL U - G.F EXPERIVENTAL - TAPNEI) 11% Ei'RLIER WORK -015 C. _SS I C 16, CNARAUE .1STICS.G8 fj-~.j F17R T~_- P_,'ETRATILN, REFLECTECN, V-4L) (".,Is f 11 P4 s, -(HE Pi,%; I YL P:__S IT IV E NPR IE I L PJS IT I V_E, AND AR PRVAII; POSIUVE1 WITH P~ VC ~F-SY VALUES JP E SUB0 E_"UAL.S 3-30KEV IN _fhIM FILMS OF METAL (AL, CU N = A G * A, N .9 UN 0 S &M I CC T G P, :5 ( S I A N GG EA 1- 1 ErI., AS PROPLUSED FOR E iNIG WISTMSUTIGN) L~F 'rEAN FfREE PTH U E TEt~,k~1NI T L1, E)II) 14'r PnSS T~-4"OUGM.9 0 F Kl:,-LLCfl-D WNS. IL OF A U1, S kRiMl AND7 JAANSVERSE AEA,,., FkEE: P",Ti SCATTERUNG WAVES ARE 013~'AINLD FOR THE EAN.: FRE F; FjiS ARL li4TERPOLATED. -HAT ER 14 L SSTLUIC-1). AVIiRAG~ TRANSVERS,~L pj~ D E! p Em 3.Ec r4 lin I III 'At um'ViUNGY: E"PLATNE ASSCCkATED ~dTH THE INTERACTION OF I'NER7:: 6AS 1, 0 N SW I TH :A:SDLID ARE ::-DISCUSSED. -S UNCLAS Fub~,_q 1. ....... _.-P OCE~ ING DATE -04DEC70 TITL E--R,EFLE(;T ION OF ELECTRONS BY THIN FlL14S- uFA I D-U- _'AUTHOR-04) -V YATSKINI A.YA.t r'%ABA,NqVv AiN.r:~ MAKAROVI K.A.t TRUNEV, V.V. ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -~SOURCE-MOSCOW, RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRGNIKA, NO 3t 1970,~ PP 565-570 VAT PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~,SUBJECT AREA-S--PHYSICS, MATERIALS TOP I CTAGS-ELECTRON REFLECTION6 THI N PL~TEp : FREE RAT, H14 A THE MAT I C .~ANALYSI.St THIN FILM SERICOANDUCTOV CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTR I CT 10145 ---mcuRENT PROMREEL/FRAME-1999/1361 STEP N07,-W /0109MI/000003/0565/0570 -~,C IRC'ACCESS ION NO-APOM319. UXICLASS lF IED-, USSR bN 54?.1113 YEMOLAYEV, V. I., SOROXIN, YU. A., GIADISHEV, YE. N., N. B., and RAZUVAYE-V, G. A., Institute of Chemistryl AcadewyoFsuic ale ngck'es- Triethyl(triphenylphosphine- (-cycl, ppentadienylni~kel) germane" lAningrads Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimlit.Vol 41# No 8, Aug 71# p 1878 Abstracti Previously unknown triethyl(triphenylphosphine- V~-cyclopen- tadieny1nickel)ger=e was syntheeized-by the authoraby twonew nethodzi 1. An equimolar -mixture of jr-C H - (4 1 H ) 3P XiCl and bisftrietbyl- 5 5' "6' 5 k gerVl)-mercury Is a2lowed to stand in 25 ml benzene Tor one hour at -,-20 After separation of the mercury the solvent Is boiled - down under. vacutmi. 0 The residue is crystallized twice~from hexane at -75,, 2o The:sare compound is obtained by adding 7.? r bls(triethylgermyl)- nercury to a solution of 2.9 g nickelocene and 3,9 g txiphanylphospb1ne in 50 ml benzene (molar ratio of reactantal1ilt!) arA heating the mixture to (70 homs). The mercury, is separated from the aixivtre and the product Imlated. as above. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 7,12 009 UNCLASSIFIED,, PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP6135111 ~~'_:'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* ET~ SU83 SI'lSUB2 VIG REACTED EXOTERMICALLY WITH S WITHOUT A SOLVENT T 0 YIELD- 94PERCENT ET SUB3 _SISHGSIET SU83t UNDISTILLABLE GREENISH LIQ.,. WHICH INIOV LIGHT DECOMPD. .TO 10OPERC.ENT HG AND (ET SUB3 SUSU82~i~~S,18 SUB7 f25-70EGREES. REACTION ',WITH-HBR AT ROOM TEMP. RAPIDLY GAVE H ,G~, ET SU83 :SJBRt~ANO ET SU(33 SISH. SIMILARLY, S AND (ET SUB3 GE)SUB2 HG GAVE AFtER 0.5 HR AT 5DEGREES HG AND (ET SUB3 GE)SUB2 St AS EVIDENTLY THE EXPECTED, INTERMEDIATE ET SUB3 GESHGGEET SU83 IS VERY UNSTABLE. ONLY11 EQUIV. S REACTED DESPITE ANY EXCESS PRESENT* FACILITY: LAa. STABI.L. POLIM.~v GORKI# USSR. UNCLASS IF LEO 6M PROCESSING DATE -IISFP70 UNCLASStf IED:: ~E-_IP -ECTRA --OF VINYL DER IVAT:I.VES* ANO CONJUGATION EFFECTS WITH THE V SP .~Pl: ELECTRONS. OF ~,TH*F_ *VINYL;"GROUP ,t--',A,UTH, OR--YEGOROCHKI N, A*N.-t SEMC141KOVF:.7YU..D*I'.VYAZANKINP N05-- RY 0 F INFO--USSR v OURC E-- I'ZV. A KA 0. NAUK SSSRP SERs KHIM. 19TO, (1), 15-2-4 E ..PUBL ISHED~~ ------ 70 "--.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--IR SPECTRUM, CONJUGATE BON13 SYSTEM, SPECTIRuscnplc AN.ALYSIS, LANEv,, :ALCOHOL* ORGANOTIN COMPOUNE)f:0k6ANDGERMAN10.4 COMPOUNO, -HLORTNAT-ED 'ORGAN I C COMPOUNDr: BROMINATEVORGAN.IC: COMPOUINOt 10DINATED CORPOUNDt FLUORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND 't-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 REEL/FRAMF--1987/1054 STEP NO--UR/0062/.70/000/00110152/0154 -Cl RC ACCESSION NO--AD0104452 UNCLASSIFIED S~- USSR UDC 534-322-3+534-83 VYAZ MUMYA. L. M. 'On the Theory of Noise of Turbulent iets"e Vestn. 1,eningr. un-ta (Leningrad University Herald), 1973, No 1, PP 88-93 (from Mh-Fizika,, No 5, may 73, abstract No -5zh586 by the author) lie wave equation that is dif- Translation: Me -paper uses a fom of solving.ti ~ferent from that used in known works on noise tur~lbulence- This enables accounting for the relation between the derivazives with respect to time and coordinate in turbulent flow, which.was not con.sidered previously. 'Analysis of the-resultant formula for Intensity shows that the noise intensity foil subsonic jets in the direction perpendicular to the,axis of the jet is ortionall to the sixth power of the:; discharge velocity, which relation agrees 'Prop .11 Vith. experirzntal data. The discrepancy between this conclusion and Ve to the ace Lxnting for the above- :1dgbthM1s1"eighth power W' is attribat mentioned relation in a turbulent flov. USSR UDC 681,327.64'18 BEL'CHENKO, A. A.,MA=&1Y. V. 0. ;and SUKHODOL'SKIY,.V. Yu. "Some Problems in the Design of Digital Magn tic Tape'Siorage" Izv. Leningr. Elektroteldin. In-ta (News of Leningrad Eldctrical Engineering Institute), No 92, 1971, pp 41-43.(from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, T'elemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnikal, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B272, by B. K.) Translation. Problems connected with T design of tape drive mechanisms for memory units with a capacity of 105-10. bits,are.discus.sed for those mechanisms which allow.recording at tape speeds-on the.order of several microns per second and which allow read-outat considerably greater speeds .3 millimeters per second). It is noted that a.ahange:in the speed of revolution of the drive motor during the transfer from recording to repro- ductioa and stabilization of its number of.revolutions may be ensured by one electronic control bloc. It is recommended.that the:1tape be pulled through.with the help of a friction drive with'a double I.oop of the tape, resulting in a complete wrap around angle of more than 360'. In connection with the small consumption of tape, the-receiving and feeding cw~settes of thetape drive mechanism could be joined b~,a spring-IoA&d connection, -/2 1 , ;!i"-l-l!- ......; 1~7N ... 1 1 . . USSR UDC 681.327.64.001.5:681.327.17 and SUFXODOL'SM, V.; Yu. "Hethods ind Apparatus for Monitoring Digital Storage on Magnetic Tape' Izv. Leningr. Elektrote~n. In-ta (Mews of Le-aing;rad Electrical Engineering Institute), No 92, 1971, pp 44-46 (from Referati:vnyy Zi-.urnal -- Avtomatika, Telemakhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8,,1971' Abstract No SB275, by B. K.) Trauslation: A method and apparatus zre.suggested whien make it possible to imp lemeal tobjective monitoring of equipmetiz for digital magnetic transcription in the stages of design, -manufac-turing, and-operation. The wethod is based 4= direct measurement of time intervals of reproduction signals and their subsequent statistical processing- In connection with this, the distribution functions, moments, and autocorrelation function are computed; from the Fourier transform of the latter the spectral deiisity of ~the ti-me intervals being investigated is found. With the help of a tima-interval analyzer, histograms are obtained for the differential distribution lawt of the periods of a-signal during reproduction of the test transcription on magnetic re- corders of various types. 2 titles,in bibliography. 40 UZIC 61,.69) 0.. and S. D. 'rhe E"Oect of Hyvodyrzamia on th State of External RIBSPirAt-i0r,~ Under Various Micro- clIzatic Conditions" X 38 .40scww Voyermo4leditsLiskiy Zhurml, No 7. ;1970, -40'. Abst ct; The effz3ct, of hypodym 11 I rdi an ra:;p~ tatioll -wazl cjd 1'~ Oi-11, yot~r?, men unlar c=--;~tionz of comforr-7!ble ~Chcz,,t, witil colil. lho f UI jects re=Lned for b 'ays in -a sitting por'JAJ-On, with ri- ztr- r.3voment. oxvger. cons't"Ption was deter-mi -10- to tba tir'st5 iold 111"'I t)4, tbo ii-ty lrleU P. -fias ti;at hy. Co. tel'iod, it i :L lani'll L ~a.,U=. 1. i~L -ditioxis no', 1~~wfjr t~E- ner=eSbility o-i' Thai lung d Ti-e roatast 4=2Z ~es were rmtr--d t*-,X) f"Ctional NI'LIC RfLtl!~ Z Al ad y.-,:. zla d"ring- ph4ysical e-n;rciso zil, a co:LO)rtai:~lc tocl-,~e'xaturu. 'Az-alysis of :U* -v ir. ind4vidLal zara:;~~ters exto--nal 1-~aty J atiz,.-, led ii coll-clusion t~;-Iat haso shifts are related 'Lo the state of the CaX44 vlscular~ ;Y~;tmll, its capaiAl, -Ity- to adopt to cl-angir4 s4tual-4 irs. -xa:-.~,atiwi of tha sab- --ts after to hypo3qmza--U~- SLO,-a3d tilat- ul~czi~7 kepik, !I-. a C04.,fortable mle"Climate ex.. hibited tha largest docreaso in c~xa-.U,-.tory %-6~uzo, i~oth t", ~i"-Pmparod Lo the jv4tial -value and in rellatinn to the Vwa other groups. UIX L A S 1 F I'E!) A 0 C E- 3 S1%G ---S~ATF~ OF 'Fjt~ CARDIL-'YASCULA' SYSTEIM~ I N TI TL E t PA T I F-N T SS U'F FR I tG O'l A i) 1 j I SO S j I S E: "" S E-U- AUTHU;-~- )2)-VYAZITSKlY, P.O., SERGEYEV,. A ol COUNTRY 0 F ~~S OURC E-;KAm- li-DILOG I Y A10( 1): 13 5- 1 -3 %4' 19.7 0 OAT PU--L LSHEC -------- 70 'C 1 --F I C AL SC I ENt E A~;,E 4 S 31GLOMCAL M E S- TOPIC TAGS-- EMOMC, 1~ -SYSTEM DISEASEt A OR N A L (51LAND C ARD I OVA SCU LAR YSTEM, EPl'%,EPJlk -PE, ACTH, ItY ORLIC JP T I S aN E. -'DY M4 4 E: M I G S -OL RKING--N~D RESTi~-ICTfQNS C ON T DOCUMENT C L A S S - - U N C L A S S I F I 'E D S T t- pN, 0 UR 0 49 5 N/010/001/oI35/0139 p CIRC ACCESSION Ni~~--AP0131167 SSIF ZD