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U, ~;:~A I .RBIs Z~ L et a!. 5, "a-v -77r a 0 a t, a! n- o~' er trie,-~ oi' nonmeteE inel-USions, was 1 o tIL, -n, b, L r d-.1 rab lit v i, as nated in sa.-ples coam~aining incl-,:sloas. `.Ea-- r--Iativel, effect of theca inclusiobs was avIldcwly arut7e'l t'-e lau it z Lae stee'! dua, i;~, stresses. developec! in djffe~,enci:~s :.-k t7he :z1alus of elastilaity and vohur~:, coo ~'fOltiontls zff 'Llle- J. Sim o Z, t e -nclusions and the metal1ic matri:x~ : Hi;-!i ntli Ii cft a:1-4 the iar--im diff," 'L~amco in t'llit! coefflci4~--Its of ex7~1,,In- S 0, Of t~7.. 70artje.7~.eS an ,;a'L, C,-Ijse~ Cor, st-!~sscs r- r-L-n sidez Inellusians and lead to --arlicr mptam~ tIjar4 '1,.i ;mmj)Ie,-S 1,11i'th alu;,Aua -An s o was :7--ore notice&ble in transverse! r=.P- "Ves--,ta~ nt room. ",so, lwith increased stress. the masnit'ide 0" aniso*~-..%)-A-..r increased. af dia-abilitly in trwizverse sp-acimans i~ms ctaused by th-- -- ---- "'o the of, an-alied st.,.,ess. s=all cad s th- concezv~- of stresses in 'he inclusions -;s less dan.,erolLs. i~ cal st-esses Z -Z"-w in tvnzans,.rersa samples:the yield. point is teached, much sarr.-p-3-9s. At m--Lative the steel is zore britt~'!,Z;~, dlfferezce in concen4.-~,tion:oL'~s.7-ezrer, Jm lon'llitudinal am! trans- verae- beeome;-, 1,-,sa s*Z~nificpmt and their aur, I "Ii ty is Umst the se-e. 2/2 USSR IVAMMMO, A. G.g TOWXNYANEW V. A. -and YAREMEMKOI A9 G I Ydev "Control with Optimization of Predletion:wIth Discrete, Linear Freclicting Models of a Plant", Klev# Avtomatyka, Jan-Feb ?4# pp 28-38 Abstracts As distinct from an article In Issue #2t 1973, of this journal by Ivakhnenko and Toloknyanenko entitled "Control with Optimization of Predic- tion with Continuous Models of a Plant," this articlo~ conside= systems with cliscrete 9linear predicting models*@ Optimization is po~rformed on a sliding prediction interval. Equations are iobtained for the action of a closed system. The authors study the effect of:the prediction'time on the action and stability of closed-loop control systems x1th optimization of prediction. An asymptotic law is established according to which a decision taken at the curwnt moment undergoes no changes with a further incr6ase in the prediction time if the prediction time is sufficiently great. Accox .ding to the principle of the Pontryagin zaximum, optiml control is'found whi6h is possible with optimization of processes whose behavior can 1)6 predicted by means of linear Models, 24 main 1777T~ USSR UDC 6i,2.766.2 YAREMIKO B. R Chair of Pathological Physiology, IfLilituary-Medica-1 Academy S. it. Kirov "The Effect of Prolonged Hypodynamia. on Some Phys'lologic al Functions in Dogs" lbscow-, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksper:LymentallnVa Tcrapiya, Vol 14, No 6, -0 Nov/Doe 70, pp 10-12 Abstriact: T erty dogs were kept under conditims of almost total rcstraint for W 14-28 days (the admals could do little mote thm ~stand up, lie down, and eat). Eight of the dogs behaved in a largely passive manner, idffle 12 remained, quit te active. Most of the passive a n i w LIL shad edemas of the Itind pa,.,rs, sores. or ul- cers after 2 weeks. Dy the end ~af the 3d~week thay cotzld not eland or S I _-i d preferred liquid to solid food. The active animals, on the other hand, ~PpeasreCt -to be nornal in all respects, aid it was riot until. the Lant cttzy of the uxperi- mwitthat- slight odema of the hind Ftwo, de.Velqped. In all of.-the animalls, 'n-r-lue- rial pressure gradually rose. durbig the first `2 weeks and remained high t-hereafter. The pressor sinocarotid reflex decreased markedly towarri . the and of the atperi- imut Cardiac rate and body te=orature wbre not signif:lcantly affected at ally timea: Plasma cholinesteraze activity increased cn the 21 at da;y, De.3pite -the 1/2 Ace- Nr: Co. 0P0052073 P r% MARY SOURCE: Patoloa c ay ich'sk .a -iziologiya i enta - ya Eksperim' 1' TOrapiya, 1970, Vol 14 PP THE EFFECT OF PITUITRIN ON THE BILE-FORMING FUNCTION OF THE LIVER Af., S. Y&em?jl"99"~_ In dogs anesthetized with nernbutal (30 mg/kg) intravenous injection oi pituitrin at the rate of 5 ml per I k-g of body weight, ior 45 minutes causAd a distinct elevation of con-- bile secretion, reduction of Ca concentration and -diminution of.bile reiraction index. centration of K fell but insignificantly, and of ~ Na - remai ned'al most unchanged. Intra- venous injection of oxytocin to the animals J'Alled to change,or somovhat depressed the bile secretiorL REEL/ETWRE, USSR UDC: 621.315-592 .-Y -and, 1VL_AFA V. S., Institute of -~ j N. G., POTAPOV, V. T., 0 di2 ngineering and Electronics, Moscow ectrical Conductivity and HaI1 Eff ect. in Strongly Compensated n-InSb at Low TemperatureWl~ Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodniko,v, Yo 7, 1972t pp 1238-124,7 Abstract: Considering that detailed investigations of the effect of strong compensation on galvanomagnetic effects in n-InSb at low temperatures are lacking in the literature, the authors de- scribe exDeriments they performed to determinelthe characterist- ics of thiv material. They meaoured the Hall offect and the con- ductivity in pure and germanium-~contaminated ii.-In8b monocrystals at temperatures 01 4.5 to 500 K in:the.d-c mode. They used -the compensation method at currents through.the specimen which did not heat the cry8tal lattice,,measu-ting the Hall effect in a weak magnetic fieeld of 230 oersteds. : A'table oT the, specimer. para- meters, measured at 300 K instead of -the usua., I 77o K, is given together with curves of the n_In8b Hall. constant and conductivity 1A USSR N. G., et al, Fizika i tekhnika PP~u-provodnikov, No 7, 1972, pp 1238-1247 as functions oT the temverature. Ourves:are also given for the Hall constant and the conductivity-as functions of the lattice temperature. It, is noted that in theabsence of a theory of the Hall effect under conditions of current pinching, it may be as- sumed that the expression.forthe~effect is no longer valid under those conditions. Appreciation is..~expressed to S.,G. Halashnikov and Yu. V.: Gulyayev for their ~:Lnt6rest,- in the 'Vork, to V. 1. Tri- fonov~ 1. 1. Chusov, and V. M. Afi.nogLznov fortheir comments, and to G. A. Mushletsova for her assis,tance with the measurements. 2/2 88 - USSR UDC: 622.243.144.4 KI SACHKOV, V. V., KHARIV, 1. Yu., TITARENKO,.N. Kh., FESEN D N YARE!4E V..A., Poltava Division of Ukriinian Scientific Research Institute for Geological Prospecting "Ultrasonic Treatment of Drilling Soltition in Ordor to Rpstore its SMCWrall Mechanical Properties" Mos cow, Burcnjye, No 7, 1973, pp 18-21. 'Abstract: A method is studied for restoration of the structural and Blech;-Inical properties of solutions by ultrasonic tTeatment, allowing the restoration of lost properties to be accelerated, urhile reducinp, the con5w~ipi:j.or~i of nziterials and expenditures of labor, particularly manlmal- labor, related -to the preparation of chemical reagents and treatment of, the s6l'titi.011 with t1le rol;rents. Posilits are presented fron, restoration and ii: provement of these pi-oporties durino ul,.ra- sonic processing directlv at drilling sites 11ho mecha njim of action of Oic ultrasound on itatural and artificial solutions is describcd. '1110 Instill-Litle has developed desirf:s of hydrodym.11fic vort('y type radi.-illors for tion ultra!;oulc ti-catirwitt. of, F,0111(folls. ill opel-atiLml. call 1w dri.%,cn [,y v i1, I;Vli Sl:t Or a Ct-i0j) Of t h C' LI III i '~I j USSR Me: 681 3 MUZYCHUK, V. T., YAREMENKO V.-V Ircircuit Realization of Operators in the Specialized Language TEKHN0L" V-sb. Sreastva, tekhn. kibernet. (Pacilities of Technical Cybernetics-- ___rf __I if collection of works), Kiev., Tekhnika i 1970, pp 3-13 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract-No 9V547) T~anslation: The authors consider the operations in a machine language for a designed to solve problelas of:;techriological de- sign. Taking the example of tabular operatIons as a ibasis!, the authors consider.the problem of structural realization of the operations through the method of formal synthesis of an automaton accor(Ung to a micro- On the basis of the resultant M*croprogram the functions of pTogram. the -out-nuts and the functions of. the exditation area determined and used 'in:designing the-functional eircuit:of.the automaton.: V. Mikheyev. 9y, 'PMnt Ntho 16 uw' ~=R L-E. S07VO- VA) stumm"mm, V_ 1. 1 SE CO; B. A., p YU DDR07 V. A.) SHOPRIA) Ir. D.- RAGE4011 G. R.J ATCREDDV~ S. _tj "~R,b(J-41W I i, t ji, N11 A . N.) PEFISSYIEZIDT, V. r-.~ BOY'VO' 1u. 1. 7 S!UiVAP1!NA* Z. it. 7,. -1-t PAYCIDUM L. V. ahl A. A., CIUMAKOV) A. Ye. YATv0';1,T',_`,9~1. AU-Union inst-Ltu). rxotectioll, Utxainian. Institute Dj' Plant tection inia 6--icultlanal AcaO- -1"rj'zh n !nst:Ltute o ricu ra U, -n Ar en, Y3 Azerb, a f AF, P 'tute of Ill t- Patholoj-,Y, An Iz I turej- Contra! Asi an Inst- d Cli an' ns v te ai A W1 U 'W of Plant P Plant-Pxotection,, Gcor~~ian. 1111,;titlu Race Pomation -D) Fuccinia triticina Erik's. aM P. stvil-tormU, 'Je sI i i the USSR"~ Leningrad, Mlholo,, ~J a. i Fitopatrilodya, 6;, 3.970, P'P: L t* S of Oraw- Ica,' xill, Abstract: StUdly of the c-nusTtive a- ~ri lo f ;t ruf't"- C)~ w1heat in differ'zn"; na~:ts or thu Suidet Urrion rmid naiw otiver i:uro-,!c_~an showed that, desnite the varic'-.: o'l.': rl-ces) (InIv a:N~w al~~'~ re-moll!; iblc for rc vdx1'-- Cons!1-m-t fror ~:Pa, -to Year. 'j."r' EZi, tiCC. iz" -hc stab- -t-io-ni i's due '0 ~'e 3 a th'-'~.t -Uat v-_-Ove t' 'an 9D11- C, -ILL L UL wheat varictics in the USSR are muricc-pUblu to all rances, of t-lic .,--L racial conna~-.ition nV thu, pathoj!,o-n~,, in thu USSR 1:3 to th_::~t Ocu."n.-rip'- alsewhere ill ILt"J"'. U-Chan!"c of,' orij-,J."'.11 Turma vrid use n-'- t!-~ 777 USSR UDC 582 ~85-22 633-527.2 (479-22 Georgian Branch, All Union Scientific Research Institute of YA~ Z. I.. -16- Kobuleti, Adzhar ASSR: Patho "Specialization of Stem Rust in-Urediospores on Wild, Grasses in Georgia" leningrad, VAkologiya iPitopatologiya., No 4P 197ij pp 408-" Abstract: Field studies conducted in Georgia in IW,-1968 revealed that 58 species of grasses belonging to 25 genera are reservoirs of stem rust. The rate of infection was highest in Agropyron, Agrostis.alba, Bronus sp., Festuca sp, Loli= sp., and Poa sp. The rje form of the fungus vas found tvice (in 1964 and 1968) on Dactylis glometats and Algypyron repens, The oats form was found only in 1968 on 3 grass species -Avens fatua, Agropy-ron repens, and Alopecurus. myosuroides. -Thewheat form is by far the most co=,on, occurring In 27 species. The predominauce.of the wheat form is ascribed to the fact that about 10 'uteat species grow lu.the Transcaucanus, but alwst no rye or oats,, and the wild forms of these grasses ax~e,,verylabundant. IT- USSR UDC 539.4 AFANAS'YEV, P. D., SCHUL'GA, N. G., and YAREWTVICH S K Cvov IlThermomagnetic Treatment of Fe-Ni-Al-Co -Alloys'With Low and Medium Content of Cobalt" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabatki Metallov,i No 1, Jaii-Feb 71, pp 140-143 Abstract: Results are presented of, an investigation of the effectiveness of the thermomagnetic treatment of Fe-Ni-AI-Co alloys with low and medium cobalt content. The growth of magnetic~lproiperties Br a.nd B%ax after thermomagnetic treatment ranges, between.10-15% for alloys with 2-6% cobalt and between 20-25% for Fe-Ni-Al-Co alloys-with 12-15% cobalt. The effectiveness of thermomagnetic treatment can be increased considerably by raising the Curie point of alloys with,12-15% cobalt at the expense of a decrease in nickel 17-17 0%~and aluminum-to 7-7.5% and an increase of silicon to 0.5-0.8%. An oscillogrophic.method for deter- mining the Curie point of stable magnotaAs doscribedi 83 - - :. MIS.P., =01, "M INIMMINNIUMENI WIP011 Sm a 1/3 042 'UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEP7.0 TITLE--EFFECT OF ULTqASQNIC TREATMENT ON THE PHYSICOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME PRECISION ALLOYS -U- ~:4UTHOR-SABEY, YU.I., YAREMKEVICHr S.Ko'l SHULGA,N G.v VYGOVSKIYt I.P. OUN T R Y--3F.INFO--USSR MAT ER. .1970, 5,(6), 656-o ~,~.,.S.GURCE-FIZ.-Klil.M. MEKHO ATE PUBLISHED------70 .:-;$VBJECT~ AREAS--MATERTALS _~fr)PIC TAGS--MECHANICAL PPOPERTY, ULTRASONI.C~ EFFECT, METAL INTERNAL ~FRICTIONI MAGNETIC PROPERTYj IRON ALLOY, NICKEL ALLOYv MAGNETIC. A L L 0Y. *THFRMOMAGNETIC EFFECT, PRECISICN ATFRTALI ALUMINUM ALLOY, COBALT ALLOYf MAGNETIC FIELD, DISPIE;ZS ION ~,HARDE.NING MARKt.N%G--Nfj RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLAssir-iED REEL/FRAME--1918/0661 STEP \1 0 - - U R0 3 6/7 0 10 0 50 0 606 5 60 6 6 0 c I PC- ACCESSION NO--AP0105639 UNC L A S S I F I E D 2/3 042 0 UNCLASSI FIED PRCESSIkIG DA,r~ -CTRC ACrESSION NG--AP0105639 :,:~A0STRACT/EXTRACT--(.Ul GP-0- A9STRACT. ELCVEN DISPERSION H4RDcNE011 PRECISION ALLOYS WE-NI-AL-Cf) (RANGES.Nl~;13.5-19.61 AL 7.0-12.27, Cn_ St 0.0-0.51 TJ 0-24-7,0 OR N8:.0.5-O.B.WT. PERCENTt FE REST) 'IF. ULTRASOUND -ON PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURC WERESTUD[ED AS TO THE EFFECT 3 LL 15-20 SPECIMENS WERE HEATED TO 1250-80DEGREES., HELD FOR MIN, AND A COtILED. TOGETHER WITH THE FURNACE AT 2.6DEGREES PFA* HR. THE THER-MOMAGNETtIC: TREATMENT 14AS CARRIED- OUT BY HEATPIG 1.11 A 13ACL S0132 BATH AT 800-40DEGREES FOR 10 MINT FURTHERHEATING ALStl IN BACL SU82 AT 1280DEGREES ?FOR - 10-15 MIN COOLING IN: LOWER Ti:,KP. RANGE AT THE 'RIT. RATE, 401-60DEGREES PER MIN IN A '4AGNETIC FIELD.',- BEF(TRE THE ULTRASONIC TREATMENT T4E FOILLOWING ALTERNATIVE THERIMA.L- TREATMENTS WEPE APPLIED: (1) HEATING:T0 1250 -80DEGREESi COOLING INITHE.LOWER TFMP. RANGE (400-95GOEGREFS) AT 40-60DEGREES PER 14IN AND TEMP.,.RING AT 600DEGREES, 121 HEATING AND C0nLI.NG.AT CRIT. RATE FROM 128(nEGREES IN STEPWISE A MAGNETIC FIELDt (3) THE ABDVE- MENTIONEO-THERMOMAGNETIC TREATMENT WITH -?L I ING TEMPERING FOR 4 HR AT 6000EGREES1 AND A4) STEPWISE HEAIINIG AND COi ~,WITH CRTT.~.RATE IN MAGNETIC FI,FLO (WITHIN THE REGION OF Sl?LID SOLN.) G IjJITH VARYING WHILE APPLYING ULTRASOUNO DURIN. TEMPERING AT, 600DIrIGRFES -T14E PERIODS, THE IRRADN. WITH ULTRASOUNI) WAS CARRIED'OUT AT 18-20 KHZ .-IN A MAGNETIC FIELD OF, 1500-2000 OE-i AFTEkWAROSt 14E AICROSTRUCTU MAGNETIC PROPERTIES, SP. ELFC, REST STANCEw THERMALt EXPANSION, INTERNAL FRICTION, HEAT COND., AND YOUNG MDDuLUS AERE ULTRASOUND APTEP TREAT, CT .4 -:DETD. -THE MENTS ( 1) AND 43); HAD INO EFFE tHILE J-REATMENT (2) AND ULTRASOUNO HAD IA]WEAKEFFECT ON MAGNETIC PRoPERTIES. UNCLASSIFIED 3/3 042 UNCLASSIFIED P"ROCESSING DATE--1j.SEP70 ACCESSION NO--AP0105639 ~-~-ALBSTRAr-TIE)(TRACT--TPEAT%(EI14T (4) WAS MORE EFFECTIVE IN INCREASING THE COERCIVE FORCE AND MAX. MAGNETIC EqERGY aY.25-30PERCENT; ll')WEV::R? 141TH 2 *Y-AN ~,-~..ALLOYS (C)NTG. CO 2-4 AND 35PEqC.ENT) THE MAGNE-TTC 1:-:NERf, i) R!~SFDUAL INDUCTION DECREASED BY 20-5PFikCE:JlT, (WHICH IS EXPLAINED By THE ITEGRATION OF SINGLE DOMAIN. :STRUCTURE AND AN150TRIOPY). THE FAVORABLE -DI S IN -~,''~':ACTIOIN OF ULTRASOUND ON THE OTPER ALLOYS~ IS EXPL.0AlFD :RY THE C),CLlc r)EFORIMATION OF CRYST. LATTICE. W14IC14 FAC'ILITATPr,. b[FFUSf0N; WHYLE .....,-,ACCELERATING THE, FORMATION OF SUBMICROSCOPIC PHASES FROM THE SOLID 5 13 LN THE ULTRASOUND HAD NO EFFECT ON,THE COAGULATION. RATE. USSR UDC 621.317,331 SMORGUN, Ye. I., KOCHAJN, V. A.,~:BULYGA, S. G., STRUK, R. I. ."Automatic Two-Coordinate Compensator for Resistometric Study of Steels and Special Alloys" Kontrollno-izmerit. Tekhnika. Resp. Mezhved Nauch.-TeVin. sb. [Testing and Measuring Equipment, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Techn.- cal Collect-ion], 1971, No 11, pp 136-139, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metrologiya. i ImeritelInaya. Tekhnik-a, No 7, 1972, Abstract No 7.32.966). Translation: An automatic two-coordinate com'pensator of accuracy c! iss: L 0.05 is described, allowing graphs to be:produced.ol' th',e delm.,ndence of resistance of metal specimens on temperature! ';. whi 1~h is necessary for resis- tometric study of phase conversions in steels and-specia.1 alloys. lt is demonstrated that the device can measure the emf of thormocou les in the 0-70, mv range and resistances of from 10-5 to, 25 ohm (with cuirents passing through the specimen of 1,000 to 0.5 a: ac'respectively) It is noted that the:desired.graph sector can be drawn in enlarged scale. I F! gure; 7 Biblio-Refs. ORMIN . I PIPPRIM "Ir"I"171 1 In M 212 014 UNCL ASS I FtEDI PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--APOL09438 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-0- AaSTRACT. A COMBINED FERMI DAVYDOY RESONANCE SOLUTIONS 15 CONSIDEOED. IT SOLID MOLECULAR JS SHOWN THAT MIGRATION OF THE- ENERGY OF V16RATIONAL EXCITATJON CAN LEAD Ta AN.ABNORMAL -REDISTRIBUTION OF INTEIN'SITIFS OF THE,CO:,lPONENTS 101= 'FERME DOU3LET WHEN HIGHEP ORDER HARMONICS ARE DOMINANT. 'THE CONCENT RAT TONAL DEPE.NDENCE OF THERATIO OF THE INTENSITIES OF DOUBLET COMPONEN1 ''S 19 INVESTIGATED. AT A CERTAIN, VALUE GF THE CONCENTRATICN7 GETERRINEL);!BY PARAMETERS OF THE SOLVENT AND THE DISSOLVED SUBSTANCEt A SHARP! INC011EASE IN THE INTENSITY OF CNE OF THE DOUBLET COMPONENTS.CAN-~B.E'IGBSERVEG4~~ THE.BASIC CONCLUSIONS JHE~EXPEP -.N' T. OF JHE JHEORY ARE IN AGREEMENT i(ITH IMC FACILITY' V' SEHIC.ONDUCTOR RES. INS. UKRA.-ItAiN...ACAD~.."S.Cl,.t~IKIP-~ USSR. UNCLA SS I lel)- P 1 4sio, oigy UDC 617-001.36-0~2.9-09"'-CA21612-766.1'r' USSR YAREHKO B H Department of-Pathological Physiology,. Academy of 111ilitaxy ';~UZ~ Urov, Leningr ad.~~ "Course of Traumatic Shock in Dogs Prolonged llypodynamia!- piya, No Vidscowl.Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya Ekapeii~iental'na~a Tex~, 197lo-PP 83-84' Translationt Prolonged hypodynamia is known to affect the reactivity of the body and lower its resistance to a numberof pathogenic~factoxss. However, .-we found nothing in the available literature bearing on:its role in trawriatic shock. ale dogs weighing 13 to - Procedure. Experiments werre performed on 31 mL 24 kg. Hypodynamia itas inducod by koepin&thadorgs on special benches that hsarply linited their movements, Ton animals, (sorica 1) rema:ir-ed under hypo- dynanic conditions for 114-days and 8 (series:2)t for 26 days.: After tho animals were removed from tho bench they vere 'secuXed to a table where shock t was induced by cn-ashing the soft tissues of he femur until t1he defensive disappe~_,red and arterial pressum droppe(i to 60 to, 65 Shock -intact do controi :1 Mas induced in 13 gs (sories 3p In a manner. Arterial pressure from the central end of:the'right fenoral axtery was xacorded 4 USSR YA101KO, B. R., Patologichaskaya Fiziologiya ir1asperivientalnaya Terapiyal 110 2t 1971# pp 83-84 on hymographic tape. Respiration waus recorded with a Harey capsule ani cuiffs put on the ezimal's chest. In addition,~pressor sinocarotid reflexes -were deternined in response to compression of the,common =otid Lrttery for 5 and JLO see. After inflic-.ting the trauma, no observetl thvaydmals for 6 hours and- - noted the.length of time they: survived In shock,. Results and discussion. In1tWlY# the,average level of arterUL1 pressuxe was somewhat higher in the dogs subjected to hypodynanda (series 1, 166+5.4, P-~~ 0-051, series 2p 153t~.2mm) than in the control (148i-4.5:rW. The -respir- atory zrate in the doga after 28 days of bypodynamia (2~~74) ims muoh slower (P