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USSR UDC 631.291.27 YEFIMOV, V. M. , LIVSHITS, Z. A., Novosibirsk !"Some Methods of Improving the Efficiency of.'Digital Data Compression Systems" Novosibirsk, Avtometriya, No 2 -56 1973i pp 50 Abstract: A study was made of the problems~connected with the efficiency of using var ious linear signal conversions,anticipating their compression by a zero-order predictor with fixed aperture. The paper is an extension of a previous paper by tha same authors (V. M. Yefimov, et al., Avtometriya, No 4, 3-9721. First, the one-dimensional case is considered in which the signal sLfb- jected to corTression is a random, function.of one cocrilinate: (for tlme detcn!li- nation). Then the case is considered in which ajjixtLtrc of a "iniiooth" -aussian signal and gausBian noise not correlated itith the cignal and ?~iean square ~d.f- ferentiable is fed to the input of the predictor with :C~_xed aperture operatinrr in the cont-inuous reading mode. The imtherpatical description of the optill-11 ideal filter is given. With regard to the effectiveneos of using Prelinirary algebraic linear transformations of the signals and. muatichannel systems, it is noted that the linear transformations leading to decor~-e lation of the Sir-r-'als are not optiLral. A two-channel system is examinec! briefly as proof of this Mtement. 40" III. ~il H 1.~; USSR UDC: 53-08+535-853 F3Mff,__V..__ I'll., ISKOL-DSKIYI A. M. 0and YANSHINP' B. V. -:"Detection of a Point Signal in Noise for Images of Discrete Structure" Novosibirsk, Avtometriva, No 6, 1971, pp 42-52 Abstract: In the photograpb--*Ic recording.of small objects of low brightness, as in the registration of -weak stars or laser loca- tion of the moon, a method of increasing the sensitily"i-15-Y of the recording equipment is through an electronic-optical converter. Since the use of high-gain converters in.such recording systems involves substantial difficultieB because of the limitations in the dynamic rwige of the photomaterial used aa:the memory device, the authors of this article analyze the:possibil *iti os of the tra- ditional method of single-frame memory and propose methods for broadening these posai-0i I ities. Multiframe. memory is also dis- cussed. Experiments are described to determine the -orobability of detection of the point signal innoise, mid a description of 1/2 173 1 119 j USSR UDC: 512.25/.26+519-3:330-115 Some Properties of the ProIblem Which is Dual to the FToblen of Concave Programming in a Hilbert SDace With a Strictly Concave Target Functional" V sb. Modelir. ekon. Drotsessov Olfodelin- of Economic Processes-collection of works), Moscow, 11,11oscov University, 19?1,,Pp 319-324 (from RZh-Kibernetika, no 11, Nov 71, Abstract No nv697) Translation: The author investigates tbe properties -if a functional -whic.1 is an analog of the Lagrange function.. :DI. Epshteyn. ~TT~ ~- L i IHIJ 1 , -~.! 1: 1 :. . ; . f - -- - LUL 11 IJ , I I I -R -SS u w- 612.822.--' EEO, P. T., Problem,laboratory of Biophysics, KMO-1 A. B., and SOKO" State University, Rostov-oh Don "Anal is of the Dynaracs of Neuron Functioning by Its Impulse Activity" Yr. Leningrad, Fiziolo-icheskiy Zhurnal SS-SR, Vol 563, No 4, 1970, PP 514-517 Abstract: Impulse activity is considered as a continuous prccess reflectinG the -aamics of a Civen nerve. A great number of factors enter in-Uo the functional dy flmction of a nerve., such as the distance of its activity, t~istribtttion of stirrali, s)7*athesic and. inhibitory affects, tx~ophic and. metabolic states, state of excita- and lability of the nerve cell, etc, AU these " ctors &rv reflected, to biVitj X El frequoa;aciev (frequen,:--y-gram) and of the some extent, Ln the raeasi4rerwnt of ivVxlGe intervala betuee--rl the frequencieu (intorvalo -,gram)., The 00"i1structl. oil of a 'alsto- gram (zeveral typefs are shown) whic1h is a gr4phic:, rcprdscat.~Ltion al! a frequeiley ~distributlon by means of rectangles whose,widthe zepresezV the class of intervals and vhone heights+ represent tho corteepoudlng'.';req~enajea " the pattern of smalysis of nem-on activity. !1 1111; - J-1UL 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 T..LTLE--ANALYSIS OF NEURON FUNCTIONING DY.NAMCS FRUM kEMIDINGS OF PULSE ACTIVITY -U-. 'uOtbk-~(om- KOGAN, A.B., YEFIMOV, V.Nl!o SGKOLENKO, P. T. -CC-UNTRY OF INFC---~-USSR r, SO URCr-----~F IZ IOLOGICFESKI IZHURNAL SSSRv VOL5 APR.;l 1970, P. 514-517 E PU6L ISHED-APR70 ~"BJECT AREAS-510LOGICAL AND 14EDICAL SCIENCES ~-T;3 P I C-TAGS-NEUROPHYSLOLOGY, Nkuptok' (;GNTRG'L MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED "PRIM RtFL/FRAME-2000/ 1219 S 7T PN 0 M 023 9 7 0,10 50."0 0 5 10 5 1 t ~CIRC ACCCESSICN' NC--AP0124873 017. UNCL ASS I F I ED PRtjCFS$ING DATE-30OCT70 r_.,, I R CACCESSION NIO-AP0 124 87 3 ~.AbSTkACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF PULSE ACTIVITY AS A u- CONTINUOUS PROCESS REPLECTING NEW )iN FUNCTIONING DYNAl ICS. A ;,"ETH D OF CONSTRUCTING A GENERALIZED NEURON, STAfEFUNCTION FIW-l A PULSE OUTPUT 1E ED~O14 THE~ -RUCTION OF A SO ..FLIOU IS PROPOSED. THE IN-THOD IS 13AS C ONS I :~CALLED IIFREk~UENCY GRAM" A PIECC-ViISE CONTINUOUS FUNt"JION [if- 11ME, THE _-VALUES OF t,.;HICH AT EACH POINJ ARE EUQAL. TO THE PECAPROCAL OF THE -INTERVAL-BETWEEN THE PULSES. FACILITY: RGST0V.SMl-NA-00l%-U -.GUSLDARSTVENNYI-L-N-IVF-RSITETr ROSTOV, USSR.: UNCLASSIFIED USSR ux: 681-32.001 TV, A. T. PKESSHAPOSMUK I.-IMAIEV, Ye. Yu. BEtEVTS- OV, Ye. A 'DV SarEWUV, B. A. , CHIMIK, S. P. "Resistive Element for a PotentioTneterlt' USSR Author's Certificate No 293271, filed 1 Aug 69, pz~'ibiished 11 Mar 71 (from.RZh-Avtcrat4ka Telemekhanika i Vy~lli~litel'r.,-aa'~Te-14c-llnika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10B148 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introducer, a rosistauice elEnont for a_ poten.tiometer. The clement is rwde, in the fom of tulo, lt~yers applie(I. in For the purpose of thermal sequence, one of them being a layer. ot rhodium. stabilization of the resistance, the element 'utilizes a, heat-!-treatcd chrorlium -film, as the rhodium sublayer. One illustiation. _42 USSR UDC; 539-121-75 GRISHAYEV, I. A., KASILOV V. I., KOVALMIKO, G. D., M'ORO- KHOV3YIY-, V. L., FISUP, A. N. SHRAMTKO $ B. I., PhYsicotechnical Insti- tute, Academy of Sciences of the.Ukraiihian SSR, Kha~,Ikov Coni~erning Some Particulars of the Interaction ofIffigh-Energy Electrons and Positron's With Crystals" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnall, Vol 16, No 9, SeP 71, pp 1548-1550 Abstract: The total yield of electron and positron bremsstrahlung is studied as a function of crystal orientation when the,prirusry beam is nearly parallel to the crystal axis. The~electron aiid T~ositron beams vere c1aracterized by the following data: the energy at the maxirum of the spectra was (1000�5) MeV; the width of the pnere7 spectra in toth instances was - 4 %; there was no more than 8% aifference between the average currents of the electron and positron beams; the difference in angular divergences of the beams was nomore.than-5-10-5 radian; the number of charged background particles exceed~0.0,qq of the ntm-lber of.electrons and positrons respectively. The experim-ert *was done on the ~/2 USSR GRISHAYEV, I. A. et al., Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnai, Vol 16, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1548-1550 accelerator at the Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR. The background due to Dositran converter Dhotons was 30% of the measured total photon yield and varied by 0-5,dv'during the experi- ment. Silicon crystals 0.64 mm. thick:cut in.plane (110) and-niobium crystals 1 mm. thick cut in plane (100) served as the spe-cimners. The strongest distinguishing par=-eter on the curves plotted for bremestrahlung yields as related to crystal orientation~wasthevidth of the minimum in 'trons than for electrons the small-angle region,which was less forpos~ inboth instances. Controlled experiments seem to indicate 'that this effect.can be attributed to the sirp of the charge. The authors thank V. M. Kobezskiy, V. 1. 1,1yakota,and V. I.:Pop6nko for maintainirg stable accelerator operation; V. 1. Artemov for~assi.stingvith measurement of -beam parameters; and Ye. A. Levikov:f6r.assisting~with:zreparation of the crystals. One figure, bibliography of five title5. 2/2 111; 11 1; 1 H ~ I` Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TI TL E--TNB 2 APPARATUS USED FOR CARBONATE SAP ON.1 F I CAT: I ON OF OXIDIZED PAPAFFINS IN THE PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETJG FAT1Y ACIDS -v- '-_-AUTH0R-(_05)-YEFIM0Vj V.T., NAZARYAN, M. M.. t ADSKVINS ;V. 0. BOLOTIN, 1.14.v KOVA L1, L . pwrmlmr~ 0 NTRY: OF INFO--USSR U C ,--!:rS0URCE--MASL0-ZHIRv PROM. 36(3) 21-5 19701 t BAT E PUBLISHED ------- 70 --CHEMISTRYt BIOLOGICAL AND ED ---,--SUBJECT AREAS M ICAL SCIENCES ~~_.TOPIC TAGS--CARBONATE, SAPONIFICATION# A,LKANEt FATTY ACIDt CHEMICAL PLANT 'EQUIPMENTv CHEMICAL REACTOR/ (U) TP182: CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '---,::PROXY REEL/FRA?*%1E--1997/O550 STEP NO--UR/9085/70/036/003/0021/0025 C%'RC ACCESSION NO--AP0119469 -----UNCLASSIFIED T;~ H ; L i .. I !:.. J 11111 2/2 Oil UNCLASSI FIED PROCESS ING DATE---?_30cr7c CAKC ACCESSION NO--AP0119469 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OPTIMUM OPERATING PARAMETERS WERE DET-D..FOR THE TITLE APP. THE APPo CONSISTED OF A AMER AND A CASCADE OF 4:SEQUENTIALLY CONNECTED REACTORS* THE EFFECTS OF TEMP. OF THE NA SUB2 CO SUR3 SOLN. USED AND OF THE OXIDIZED.PARAFFINt TIfE CONCN. OF THE NA SU82'CO SUB3 SOLN.t THE SAPON, TEMP, OF.THE CARBONATE MASS, THE 'PRODUCTIVITY OF THE APP,j AND THE:H SUB2 0 CONSUMPTION DUE TO MIXING ANC 'CO SUB2 STRIPPING WERE DETD. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE ACED NO. OF THE -,CARBONATE MASS ON THE RESIDENCE TIME IN T14E APP. WAS PLOTTED FOR VARIOU1, PARAFFUN-NA SUB2.CO SUB3 RATLOS (l'-0.21-Oa26):AND.TEMPS,. -100DEGREES)' B3 DECOMPN. RATES AT VARIOUS TEMPS. 50 THE NA SUB2 CID SU 1 OF THE-OXIDATEAND OF THE NA SUB2 CO SUB3 WERE ALSO DETD. THE APP. DESCRIBED IS THE MOST SUITABLE,ONE FOR THE ABOVE CARBONATE SAPONO SUBZ.AND. A HIGH,DEGREE OF NA BECAUSE IT PROVILOES. COMPLETE- REMG-VAL-OF. C.0. :,-SU-82 CO SUB1DECOMPN. FACILITY:-. KHAROKOV*t POLLTEKH. INsr. im. LEN INA, KHARKOVt USSR. UNC L A S34 F-1 E O_: Refractory Materials UIY_I 669.o46 US R I U-Irk-M. "Certain Features of the Process of Refining Refractory Yetals by Electron MG-1ting" Moscow Izvestiya All SSSR, IMetally, No 3, MaY-Jun 70, pp 49-52 Nbstract: Certain features of the process of refining niobillim and tantalum by the electron beam method are analyzed on the basis of experi=ntal data in order to ascertain Ithe effect of various factors on netal purity., The effects of elect- ron beam power, melting rate, number of remeltings, and holding time in the liquid state were investigatted. 7he variation of metal hardness aLA iripuxities content With hoLding tir4, and the effect of meltini iq~ot and the number g rate of remeltings on mtalhardness are presented In graphs and'discussed. An anal:jsis of the results shomm. that-. 1) In order to obtain a naxint%un degree of Zurity the holding time should be,,~~ 5 .5 min for niobi= an ~* 2 - 5min for tantalum; 2) the refining occurs basically in the metal bath during the liquid phase; 3) ~the sna-Iler the ingot- diameter, the smaller the deEr-a-s, or' ref:i~~, which can be obtained in a single melting of a metal-ceramic batch. Consecutive remelting will a total refining ev the saw holding tirae. ApkIL jq7,~ RQI~.Jpnd y, ijz!~tk vmlt~~'J. 25 march 1,1% Ausicy; Vtsl~k= J71 ono imnar~d firty probi.- ov,j- i#on trpier' th" of ..1-4 -z.' CrOAXivity of thr klsbek Acndry of !1ciences can so d"crih~ in tte ccdAvn:;~ furm. It Witt; a remarkable year, a yL-dr -arthy of Elie p-a: ~-ra' the Z' 1. .1,;0, -- 0, 1'"nid 11"Icu 1rt... gress: -- the role of ncienc~ as a direct productive force Will increa,3ingiv be mmifet;ted. no~ td,~P -vf- the -scienti ,-t as 34 the ta~,k of the mcivntitic to b,, equal to tho eras to bc "iml to t6 smaln of the rc~lution in atid tochrsoloZy,, Thia,rritcrion C~v ~alumtivu~ Z-4 that -i~- at-. uatiod on 2s rebrual ,_at-th- "n-ral fmtrtirr, rf tn, Academy of Sciences of the Ozbak SSR. The mcating W'lm apenf~j with an Intmluctory Ly A. S. corres;nriding mercsbs~r of the USSR Academy of Science-z-.. 'Academy at A ". f-rt on, tit" nctentific, aml Uzbek Acadomy Of Soencem during 197) ami of, tbe r1mi of rro',Ilc~r a-.,Z for 1972 was pr"ented by 14. Z. rhamudkhttnov a mrmher of the azad-.-~ proa-'-- aium, Lven the movt condenaed nurvey of th~ activIt *v of th~ az,a~temv ~n- It:. institutions Indicatas the breadth ind purp*vivenesz. of it.~ r~vsemrc~. -,!:, year brought enrlOment to rise thecretic4l fourklation at P~!!en~o ani r~ny valuable decisions, conclusions, atyl recov--miattnun rm~,t:. -. th~ 6~-~wtti of social labor productivity and the flourishifig of socialist culture. 31 N-1 q I Hill! L1 ILL USSR na 6n.;*~2.c-itZ "o YEFUSALIMCHM, I.G., 031PEMKOVA, E.L., PUKOLOVA., G.P. *Blectr(Adepoeaition Of Copper In C lrdle r To Obtain Vo lum-a I-seds Of Se-miconduct r Lo Devic6s# Elektron. tokhnika. N_quch.-te]:h!,,.sb. Poluprovodn.pribor3i (Electronics Technology. Scient-ific-Techn-Ical CGIlection. SemiconducLor Devices), 1970, lssue-6(505), pp 89-92 (from RZh--N1aktronika i: Mro pr~zie .,_p'enlyo, No 10, October 1971, Abstract, No 10 '8 Translation% Preceding electrochemical depooition of copper volu= leads on a sputtered 0.5-L?] thick Ou leyer with maukinS by 11787,11~ pho'ore5iet, process- ing of the substrate in concentrated hQ1 during 15-20 noc a~.- a temperature of 20 plus or minus 20 C ia opti=-=-. The electrolyte compoiAtion 22-00 Eli '7 x4 &/l _'NaC1 gives tine greatest iy~l' 5 ~20, 50 g/l 1i2504; 0.04 g/l CS(\1'i;-2)2; c crease of the diameter of the local deposition of Ou~ &,,*:Lth a 9_00 0 temperaturo of tho solution, the current donsity is a.1 a/~m:2, u;o vielght of the doposited *u not greater than 40 micrometer,the dia=ater ofAha colu columne of G - inn during the time of deposition (50 min) is increased by 5-10 Micrometter. (Zrlindrical leads of proper forn are obtained with hori::ontal immmeroion. of the working, wafer into the electrolyte. Correction of the P.lectrolyte, by addition of thiourea ie'~nocassary in the operating process. The anoumecL meabaniom -of choudcal and electrochemical reactions occuring during electrodepoBition of Clu is deBoribed. Ll 4 r 11211 JPRS S3425 22 June 1971 X", PSYCHOLOGICAL VEORY OF THINKING AUD CYBFRNb-r1CS I"_VELOP%.SN.'T ~_[Artlcle N. 1*usli~ It i, Institute of General and PedaFa aj.P1)'r~'q'nY -nd D. A. r03;2i~lbv a of USSR Acade'.V QE.?Cdzgo;;i=1 roclenoee, a Y6 f ti -SSR Acndcmy of Seltinces Computer Center; Moscow, Eogil, ussian, No 2. 1971, pp GO-791 Thezorotfail ajl&lrzi~s -has ShOWn that that t-heory or auto. mats which for many years deuermined the partiClJlal' features of thc st--lacture ard operation of cyberpetlc machtn;~os is a roflection ofla Certain-eyarem- or j2'r4*:;'28 42 '43 45-7 ;AiE jh~ b,,6js ~ of this first theO"' of allt'O.'ants lici th."basir principle of behav,toraL prsy~cholue'y. I - , f 1. 7_~'. - the*:pr ric-Lple to All roseareherzt- in the'arcia of cybbrnij t. ics'Twh6 have actemoted to reproduce thinking or other, psychic --runctiorL6, of the hu=an being usLnr_,. co-apur-ar technoleigy : havu, to,a: i~~ltzed this thnoretical~psyc~hological principle. If v6 draw back from:the purely practical cupabilitios of eybex-netic in~CAnos' Which-are Indisputable, and consWer tliem frccn a, psycholoL;Ical p Inc' of view, as a m6aiis of morleling the p~aycho, It It; not difficult to discover one- fundamental feature ,which 3ignift- cantly dl~stirtjtuishea their work from the fur-&-tioning, of the hutxin or animal brain. Cybernetic machincs cannot re-create or construct in themselves objbcts of the external envIrcm- mont in their links zLnd functional relationships with that degree of completeness which the brain achieves. Footnote. references given In brackets. (I USSR h] I- It USSR "rhPD IOV. YU., BARLITOV, G., GALALU,' V.~ and 1ROMENSKIY, Ye. "Digital Punctionall Converter With Nonuniform'.Senzaration of the Argument" Moscow, Tlektronno-Vychis1itpl1nq_ya Tekhnika i Ptogrammirovaniv No 4,1971, pp 109-111 Abstract. A possible method for shortening the! computation time in electronic computers, the use of-a special functional conver- ter operating in conjunction with the computer, is.discussed. It is noted that analog functional converters are useless because of poor accuracy and the complexity,of deviceo that must be connected ~with the computer. The digital functional converter, however, is convenient for obtaining functional dependence~ of the y = f(x) type with a finite number of.~p~otting_points,.,Urith intermediate values found through interpolation~methods. TtTo gra-phs showing approximation-s of curves vith uniform separation and vrith non- unilorm separation are shoi-mz.for the sake of contrasting the two methods; the much closer approximation of nonuniform separation of interpolated points is strikingly evident.. A functional dia- gram of the converter is given,together with an.explariation of its operation. Prom prototypes of theVarlous.units in the converter .172, f. I - ~ -~oo USSR uDc: 8.74 YEFRIMV, Yu. , IMF;, V. -N:ffV?UkYEV, V. s FE", -rL' r, T; '~C17,1 , Now pilation of n Operative Calendar Plcn on Com a "Algorithm and Progran fo. tbelUral-111 Cozputer" Elektronno-achisl. tekhn. i -DroEamnir. (Electronic Computer Tech- nology and Computer Prograzzoing--collection of works), ~ v-yp. 4, Moscow, "Statistika", 1971, -DP 80-85 (fron- Rth-Kiber'netika, No~l, Jan 72, Abstract No ivio62) Translation: The described automated system for operetive control of a machine building enterprise under conditions of small-series, series and large-series pi:oduction is based on "he theory of graph-,; and set-theory concepts and, in the authors' opinion, has advantages over a number of existing systems. Puthors' abstrapt. USSR UDC: 8.74 UELMOVL Yu. 11. YURETTKOV, Yu. T. P "On.a Methed of Organizing the Operation-of a System 6'r-rograms I,zv. Tomsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1972, 243, pp 105-168 (from RM-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7635) Translation: Programs which organize the solution of problems on digital computers are usually designed so that the algorithm of solution of the problem takes, the form of a linear sequence. of program:~, In the solution of many problems (planning, control, etc:.) the sequence, of progr=s is more conveniently represented as a graph of nonlinear structure. This paper deals with one of the possible ways of constructing a program which Organize$ the operation of systems of programs of the above mentioned type. A dispatcher program of this type has been developed for the "ural-14D" digital computer as a controlling program in the "ASUp-Tomsk" automated production and control system, . The "ASUP-TC)Msk" is used for production planning and management in several,enterpriies. The "ASUP- -Tomsk" soft-ware is a fairly complex system:w~ich is most conveniently 'represented by a nonlinear graph. 53 USSR LTDC: 519.1 YEFI-MOV, Yu. N., KIZEV, V. I., NEVRAYEV, V. I., SEDEL'NIKOV, P. A. "concerning a Graph Enlargement Algorithm" -Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. in-ta, 19722~ 223, pp 15-17 (from r2h-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V391 by I. Sigal), Translation: The Daner deals with the problem of transformation of an oriented graph with a large number of arcs*and vertices, retaining all main parameters and mutual relatio'ns of,the initial gr.aph (the problem, of ealargement). In the given graph, I), where I is the set of vertices, and r is its mappingi the author indicates the set of vertices ~to be excluded. For each vertex i'C-11 a set of vertices is desig- nated with which this vertex is associated (connected%,and:character- istics are assigned for all vertices of the,designated,-set. 11%len for each vertex vEl, a vertex j' is defined for which PEr,., the connections of vertex V are included in the connections of U and the connections of vertex V are deleted from the graph., The parameters of the vertices are recal culated accordingly. 26 USSR YEFIM3V, Yu. N. "Arithmetic Form of Representation of a: Function. Part 1. Arithmetic Form -of Representation of a Binary Function"' Tr. Taganrog. Radiotekhn. In-ta [Works of Taganrog Electronic Engineering Institute), 1973, No 37, pp 225-23V(Transldted from Referativnyy Zhurna! Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9Xf625)-. Translation: In problems of analysis and synthesis of modular computers, the form of representation of the logic function plays an important rola. This work shows the possibility, in addition to logical forms of representa- tion of a logic function, of using arithmetic forms, realized by the perform- ance of certain arithmetic operations. A theorem.of the~existence of such an arithmetic form is proven. Methods of reduction of the number of teTms in the arithmetic form are studied. Certain criteria for the, selection. of- coofficients from the corres- ponding polynomial are established for-this-purpose. Examples are presented showing the expediency of the methods of.minimization uied. Authorl,s view J~ USSR. UDC: 519.1 YEFIWLV. Yu. N., KTZEV, V. I., MAHOSHKIN, G. Yu.,- NEVPkYEV,'zV. I., SEDEL'- NIKOV, P. A. "Using Graphs in Normative Calculation of,the Production Cost of an item" Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1972, 223 10-11 (from RZh-Kibernetika, pp No T, jul 73, abstract No TV390 by,f Sigal) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of.determining the pro- duction cost of a goodi The problem.consists in calculating indirect expenses, as well as expenses introduced by the elements which comprise the.given product. The problem may bo~represented by an oriented graph, c~~ (ij) of the eadi vertex corresponding to some-item i,;,whi-le thear Z? graph correspond to the applicability of,this~ltem,(good) i for obtainirg product J into which these products i are~incorporated as a cm.*ponent part.- It is assumed that the,vertices in this.graph arepbrokenup into la~rers (topologically ordered). To.get the complete production cost, the.expenses are calculated for each product J~:by adding'the expenses with respect to.the component products for all vertices of the,graph from- left to right. ELM AWHIMMIM USSR UDC: .534.322.3+534.83 Y-M?IMOV, Yu. S., MAKAROV, L. T., 14YASNIKOV, L. L., FINAGIN, B. A. ------------- .'!A Maskless Fiber-Optics Acoustic Analyz6r". Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Shipbuilding Insti- tute), 1972, v7p. 77, pp 45-48 (from RZh-Fizika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh591 by R. I. G.) Translation: A device is described vhich is designed for analyzing complex acoustic and electric signals by using a multichannel filter made of fiber light guides. Oscillations are optically fixed by passing light through resonating fibers. The maskless analyzer developed by the authors uses th.e.effect of intensity modulation of light as! it passec through vibrating fiber-optics light guides. It is experimpntally shown that the maskless analyzer accomplishes linear conversion of a signal over a fairly wide range of dynamic variation. i 9.1 OEM M., M111,111"11,11=11, j: USSR UDC: 537-312.62 BURTSEV, V. T. , YEFIMOV, Yu. V. "An Investigation of 0.\-vgen Content in Superconductirg Co~nrxolznds Based on Vanadium and Niobium Moscov, Sverkbj.7;rovodyashchiye splai7 i soyedin.-sbarnik (Superconductive Alloys and Coinijound:;--collection of wor4s)., "Nauka", 1972, pli 63-69 (frcni M-Radiotekhniha, No 12, Dec 72, abstract Wo 12D56'-, [r6suriCi] Translation: The authors study the o_K~rgen content _4 nsuperconductive re- fractory compourds n-3Sn, V3G_1 and V3Si: and, an alloy of vanadium with 125 at i% alumilim by the vacuimm melting inethod. The,. wuxi -y iitct~il bath JS 1.1 i3a A U- u, ',y is 1,,iade octo 'Ule Vinetics of Ii-ber-Ition of varbori Tip ,d:tjrje in-the platiniLm carbide ba d the sorption capacity of the condenscitc. ith, an is eveaua-ted,in analysis of V3Si. The co=ounds.shouli be imalyzed: 1) in a melt of ni ckel wit-h 21 ;,rt. ji~ iron ,.,~th a, dilution of 1:'-0 in steel caps, with the addition of tin up LoJO-12 wt.% of th(., vol"Jit a temDerat,~-e of 165o`C and extraction ti:to of 'I vii niiti-;~s cj r 1; 1( 3 0. 3-0.4 ~g; nt-mber o'-,' speelmer's -- ;I ., 2) ita a M-Olt Of with dllutJ- of 1:10 a', 102LIOC eund eyftractian t.Ire of '[ tzd:nutes; 1'eid-A 0. 1.-0. 15 nuMbex- of sljt3cimens 5-6, M.' 2, titbl. WW'..0 j-1 k1:- n.62 USSR: UDC: 537.312 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. Y."YEFIMOV, Y". V. , YODEL M1. S. "Structure and Supercond -acting Properties of Alloys in the VanadiumTan-t[Olum Moscow, SverkIlproyodyashchiye splavy i sqyedin.--sbarnik ('Sjuperconductlive Alloys and Compot-rids-col-lection of 12rorlrs) , "Eauka", 1972, p1) '(8-86 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, Ila 12, Dec 72, abstract 'I'To 12D56Cj [r6s-m--~61-) Translation: Solid-state trans 'tcrinatioftc are deteminad 6nd phase di*L- granz. are plotted for alloys, o--,' the varmadium-tantallur, systltlzi on the b*zsis of methods of microccopic, radiographic, x-ray sper-tral and tilerm-al mal- yses, as eazuring mic well as by m rohardricsc :rjrid the, sim Li ve tra-n- P Sition point for alloy phasc-r-,. The compoundi TaV2 '"t" Str"t" `E! of the MgM2 tYPe i9 fOln'led t1t 11,'200C aii;i about 33 at-" At 11,2'50C 29 at.% tantalum th.;s rhase dec!ays cutectoidally to vo.]1id solutIcin wit"': bcc lattice cuad a jjha!7.Q vrith structure Of '11i~! h-LUOV 11~ aho formod by jjc~riU.-tct04fj-,j -JC RL (I fjjjrj 11,7 't. a) al. It is hoirogeneou:; at b"O'Cl-C in the rarigc- o-' 32-39.5 atff t lum TC of the hi-ph-tempr-rature phase with he-xs-.gcrrj1 141ti,:c ol' the 1'rjZr~, type re&CIIC~S 10 Xe YOUr 1111,114trations,: bibliograr)by oi' nin6i titlos. Vi 6 ~-- 4 qu tT~Loy', OF W'RE 1zT;,L.S SPECIAL Pl.,.YSICAL (Con-lorpmc, in Vol 41, 110 Sept,;~-..~o~r L,:) ever maLet! I In pn~ dict,,L~t I I n".-Zl t:;~ -;a r-',! - spu4it'l orop,~-cie5. Alllcyc widtZv %:-,U ro,,, 1-,.o.. nickel. , cob-lb. ready connot.rot"4rXy oll-1-iie f ;Cnt. =Z,~"Zl 7:~ C. iz.: the 'itud~*,C= rzvril: end ;I C."5 --,?:"Cz! On have 0 Unique i-,Omplex O~ propLrtiLz. mcntt or ne4 niotaill',~ r"Itc IL; level- of-- tj~~Vttlcnnrint: -0i ph:.-dca j and (hit physicr of mital.. An All-Urj.on conrerenv-- hc1d, !.n :nl~t t~t lur~".y Jmie-nt A. v of th6 Ac~ en Lu Lh,, nrl :~:l of 7~,.,icnze, r~z:, :11- ol V,,' tnl of, C.1 iL 7~, j.: USSR IJDC 669.292.7:537.312.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., and YEFIMOV, Yu. V. Superconducting Metal Compounds" Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Materialav [Problems of,Superconducting Materials -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Pres~, 1970, pp 71-88 Translation; The regularities of the change in transition temperature for metal compounds are studied as- a function of type:of crystalline structure, degree of order of this- structure, electron striucture, chemi~-al composition, and formation conditions-. The influence!of pross-ure, interstitial impurities, alloying, heat treatment Ond other factors on properties and the structure of -vaxious- compounds is~ studied. The *-regulaxities of the change in critical temperature are studied in binary and trinary, alloys based on compounds, and the characte-Listic.features of the "COMPOSitiOTI-T ctl diagrams axe discussed. The maximum critical temperatures are observed in compounds with, structures- such as Cr Si. The structure and properties 1 of superconducting 3 compounds can be controlled within certain limits by va-rying the thermodynamic factors Cconcentration, temperature, pressurd) or by apIflying nagnetic, radia- 1/2 i-M USSR UDC 669.291-:5.2913:537.321.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V., NAUNM ~~P., and YEFIMOV, Yu. V. "The Vanadiumi-Scandium and Niobium-Scandium SYstems and Their Superconducting raperties" P Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Materialov (Problems of Superconducting Materials - Collection of Works],, Moscow, Nauka Press 1970, pp 178-186 Translationc Eased oa their own experiments and data ftrom the literature, the authors; study, the regularities- of the change of T C of,superconducting alloys in simple eutectic systems of the transitionand non-tramsition metals, as well as:,in the eutectic portions- of the.state, diagrams of biftary, alloys forming in- termediate compounds. "Compositiori-T I" diagrawc~ of tFiei binary. systems of c -um and diigrams7 Yanadium and niobium witK scandi. of the states of these systems are presented. In eutectic type supeTconducting system.alloys, superconductivity is ohserved hoth. in the case of -melting of two superconductors, and in the case of melting of a superconductor witk.a "normal" element. T of the superconduct- c ing element incTeases or decreases- when the second component is dissolved.within 1/2 89 ..... -, .,~ ti, ......... - I o T ! USSR UDC 669.292.5-537.312.62 BAWN, V. V., and YEFIMOV, Yu. V. "Superconductin 7T g .1loys of Vanadium With Titanium, Alloyed With Hafniun, and Rhenlia' Problemy Sverkbprovodyashchikh Materialov- (Problems of Superconducting Materials Collection of Works], Ifoscow, Nauka Press, 1970,.pp 161-165 Translation: The influence of hafnium and rfienium (up to Icy at.'O)- individually an-the superconducting and mechanical properties of the equiatomic alloy of 3ranadium and titanium is studied. The alloying elements. were introduced for titanium. Alloying causes, an increase iniftardness and strength..of the alloys, hat.the superconducting characteristics are reduced. Floiever, with. a content of up to I at.'V- Hf or 5 at.% Re in trinarr., alloys-, higFL technological proper-. ties, for cold deformation Were established. .These alloys still have high superronducting properties (T 7-8"IC; critical current'density- at 4.2'K and 4 2 a/cm 3 figures;: 2 tables; 5 biblio'. Tef�~. USSR UDC 669,292.5.793.669,293.5.793.669.018.5 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V., NAUMKIN, 0. P., YEFIMOV, Yu. V. i-4 "Vanadium-Scandium and Niobium-Scandium Systems and Their Superconducting Proper- ties. Probl. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials C611ection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp. 178-186. (,rranslated from -Referativnyy Zhurnal Metalluraiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract Nlo. 5 1752 by the --aut ors). Tr nslation: Based on their own experiments and the data from the literature, a the -authors study the regularities of the change of Tc of superconducting alloys in simple eutectic systems-of the transition and nontransition Metals, as well as In the, eutectic sectors of the state diagrams of binary systems.with the formation f intermediate compounds. Composition-Tc diagrams of the binary systems of V and.Nb,with Se anc! the state diagrams of these systems are presented. The Tc of the superconducting element is increased or decreased upon.dissolution of the econd component within the limits of the area of homogeneity of the solid solu- s tion., In 2-phase eutectic mixtures, Tc of each*of the superconducting phases changes along anear-horizontal straight line when the composition of the alloy h Is c.anged. S figs; 25 biblio refs. USSR UDC 669.292.5:537.321.62 YEFIHOV, Yu- V., and BARON, V. V. "Influence of-Niobium on SuperconductingTroperties Equiatomic Alloy of Vanadium With Titan Problemy Sverkhprovodyashchikh Materialov (Problem of Superconductin.a Materials Collection of Works],, Moscow,: Nauka. Press,;,1970, pp 173-177 Trarmlation: The intiuence of-nioBium Cup to 101 at.%) on the structure and -properties (hardness, stre -ngtFL,. ductility, tranAition temperature, critical -as studied. The t7ina-ry current)_ of.the alloy. of vanadium witli SO at.% Ti w alloys are si -phase solid solutions idtftIody-,cent6red cubic lattice. ingle The -lattice period changes- from 3.138. to 3.116 A at 10 At. % Nb . Alloying with n1oTiium iucreases7 tLe hardnes-s and the stTengt& of the binary, allor. The ductility- of cold deformed wire Temaiw practically, unchanged C& 2-3%).. T c is decreased from 7.8 to 7.1'K. Xsharp decrease~in t4e critical cur-rent of 'cold deformed Wire is- observed- witknioFilum .-contents. of over, 0.5 at.%. Witk lover niobi= content Cu vo' ood-technological p~ to, 0 e 5 'at ~.%j de:: alloys ha 9 properties--,and sufficiently hi ft. ducting characteristics. 9 SupeTcon g1wes". I table- .3 ft USSR UDC 669.$.5.53'1.312.6.1 YEFBIQV, Yu. V. EARON, D. V. "Influence of Niobium on Superconducting Properties of Equiat6mic Alloy of Vanadium and Titanium" Probl.. Sverkhprovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials .,Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka~Press, 1970, pp. 173-177. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 17S3 by the authors). t.0,) on the structure and properties Translation: The influence of NI- (up to 10 a (hardness, strength, ductility, transition temperature to superconducting state Tc, critical current) of the alloy of V with 50 at.% Ti is studied. Trinary alloys are single-phase solid solutions with body-centered cmbic lattice. The lattice period varies from 3.183 to 3.116 A with 10 atA Nb. :Alloying with niobium.incTeases the hardness and strength of~ the biniiiv alloy. The ductility of cold deformed wire remains practically unchanged (&2-316). Tc decreases r a r-rent of,cold deformed from 7.8 to 7.1'*K. A sharp decrease in the mitic I cul WiTe is observed with contents of:Nb >..O.5 at IV. ~3 figs:; 1table; 3 biblio. -,,refs USSR UDC 669.292.S.295.297.849.018.5.537.312.62 RON, V. V., YEFDIOV, YU. V. "Superconducting Alloys of Vanadi= with, Titanium', AUoyed with Hafniura and Rhenium" Probl. SverkhpTovodyashch. Materialov [Problems of Superconducting Materials Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press', 100, pp. 1611-16S. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya,,.No~ 5s, 1971, Abst-ra6,t No. 5 1754 by the authos). The inf luence of ~-Hf. an e4 u t 1Q- t.* added individually on -Ttanslation:-w. R 16 0 q e-superco th' nducting and mechanical properties~of the eqbiatomic alloy of V and Ti is studied. The alloying elements here introduced to replace Ti. Alloying causes an increase in the hardness and.strength of the alloys,, while the super- conducting-characteristics decrease.. However,'with a content of up to I atA Hf or up to 5 at.16 Re in the trinary alloys, increased tlechnological properties fdr-cold deformation were obs6rved. These Ialloys hame _v4ther high superconducting properties (Tc 7-8"K, critical current density:at 4.2PK and 26 koe, 1.5.104 a/cm2). 3-figs; 2 tables; 5 biblio refs. -7 IT' UDC: -537~3120"Q BARON, V. V. ,YEFIMOV, Yu. V "Supercon c ing Vanadium-Titanium Alloys Doped With Hafnium amd Rhenium" V sb. Probl. sverkhprovodvashch. materialov (Problems of, Supercon duct ing Materials-col I ection of works), Nos cow., 'T-aAall, -197o, pp 161-165 (from RZh-Radiatekhnika No 5s May 717 Abstract No 5D543) translation: The authors study the individual effect of bafnium. and rhenium (up to 10 atomic percent) on the superconducting and mechanical properties of fifty-fifty (atomic) vanadium-titaniun allay. The dapants are added at the-expense of titanium. Doping increases the hardness a-rid strength of the alloys, but reduces superconducting characteristics. Holrever, concentrations of up to I atomic percent hafnil-m or up to 5 atomic percent rhenium. improve the technological properties of ternary alloys for cold deformation. These alloys -still have fairly high superconducting properties (Ti = 7-80K,, critical current density at 4.20K and 26,000 oersteds reaches 1.5 0 A/cm2'1. Three illustrations, bibliography of five titles, two tables. q USSR UDC: 3n-6~; SJAVITSKIY, Ye. M., BARON, V. V. NAUMKIN, 0. P., YEFIIjjV V. "Vanadium-Scandium and Niobium.-Scandium Systems and Their Superconducting Propertiesit V sb. Probl. sverkhprovodyashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting rf _R? Materials--collection of works), Moscow" 'Na-ulka", 1970' PP 178-186 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract: lio., '5D546) Translation: Taking characteristit,. experimental and literature data as a basis, the authors consider the principles which govex". the change in Tk of superconducting alloys in simple eutectic systems of transition and non- transition metals, and also in the. eutectic segment of -phase diagrams of binary systems with the formation of intermediate compounds. "Tk composition" diagrams are presented for binary systems of vanadium, a_nd niobium with scan- dium, as well as the phase diagrams of these systems. In - alloys of super- conducting systems of the eutectic type, sup Ierconductivity is observed both in the case of alloying of two superconductors and in the case of alloying of a suDerconductor with a "normal" element. The Tk ofithe quperconducting element goes up or dr,~m as the second -.component is diss6lved within the -limits of the region of howgeneity of the solid solution. In two-phase eutectic mixtures, the Tk of each of the superconducting mvs variles along phas IL a neurly horizontal straight line an 'the 001vosition of Ihe alloys changes. Five: illustrations, bibliography:of twerity-five titles. Authoro' abztraet. 146 j;: ILi !:111 11 USSR UDC: 537-3~12.62 YEFINOV, Yu. V., BARON, V. V. "Effect of Niobium on the Superconducting Properties ot a Fifty-Fifty (Atomic) Vanadium-Titanium Alloy" V sb. Probl. sverkbprovoSXashch. materialov (Problems of Surerconducting Materials--collection of works), Moscow, "Navka!', 1970,1 pp, 173-177 (from RZh"Radiotekhni-ka, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D553) Translation: The authors investigate the effect of niobium (up to 10 atomic percent) on the structure and properties (hardness, strength, ductility, temperature of transition to the superconducting state, critical current) of an alloy of vanadium with 50 -atomic percent titanium. The ternary alloys are single-phase solid solutions with bec, lattices. The period of the lat- tice varies from 3.138 to 3-iA A. Doping with niobium,increases the hardneSS and strength-of the binary alloy. The ductility of cold-deformed wire is practically constant (6 = 2-3%). Tk decreases from 7.8'to 7.10K. A sharp reduction in..the critical current of the cold-deformed vire is observed as soon as the niobium concentration passes 0.5 atomic percent. With small additions of niobium (less than 0.5 atomic percent), the alloys are dis- tinkidshed by excellent technological properties with fairly hi6h supercon- ducting characterist ics. Three illus trations, one table,. bibliography of three titles.- L ~!J Ik di;: 11", I USSR UDC: 537-312.62 SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., YEFIWV "Superconducting rle~allic Compounds" V'sb. Probl. sverkhprovodyashch. materialov (Problems of Superconducting -Materials-collection of works) . I - ~ 1 2Moscow,~ !'iTeuka", 1970., pp 71-78 (from RZh- -Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract 110 5D56) Translation: The authors discuss the principles which govexm tbe change in temperature of transition to -0he superconducting state in metallic com- pounds as a function of the type of crystal structure,:degree of ordering, electron structure, chemical composition and conditions of formation. An analysis is made of the efffect which pressure, interstitial impurities, alloying, heat treatment and other factors have on the superconducting proper- ties and structure of various compounds,~ The principles which govern the change in critical temperature in binary and ternary.alloys based.ori the compounds are discusses an well asthe characteristic singularities of composition - Tk" diagrams. The maximum critical temperature is observed in compounds of the Cr3Si type. By changing thermdyllamic factors (concen- tration, temperature, pressure) or by applying magnetic, radiation and other fields, the structure and properties of superconducting compoun'ds can be controlled within certain limits. Some of the possibilities of making different articles from brittle superconducting compauads are pointed out. Six illustrations, two tables, bibliography of sixty-nine tit'Les. Resume'. T-- USSR UDC 62l.,-,.Qx,8.6l5t62l.xl8#~li621.185.6 "Yagnetic Focusing Systems (Survey Cf Informaticri Frbm Patent 'Yateriale)" 021, UNCLASSIFIED'-: PROCESSENG DATE--16bc-.70 CLRCACCESSION NO--AP0116829 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE ALLOYS WERE PREPD, FROM AL TURNINGS .(GRADE AL4) IN 2 STAGES: PRELIMINARY TREATMENT AND REMELTING. THE PRELIMINARY TREATMENT CONSISTE0 IN SEPN. FROM DIRT ON SCREENS, DRYING IN DRUMS AT 300-500EGREES, AND MAGNETIC SEPN. FROM !RON IMPURITIES. THEN THE TURNINGS WERE REMELTED IN AN INDUCTIUN CRUCI&Ll: FURNACE. AT 740DEGREES, 1.5PERCENT FLUX (KCL 47,:NACL 30, AND NA S053 AIF SU.86 23WT.PERCENT) WAS A00EDs AFTER MELTING OF WHICH C SU02 CL SUB5 WAS ADDED (IN 0.14PERCENT AMTS* fOR A TOTAL AMT, 047-0.OPERCENT). 6EFORE TAPPING LIO. FLUX (KCL 47.51 NACL.47.5v AND NA SUB3 AIF SU86 5 WT. P'~RC ENT )IN THE AMT. 2.5PERCENT OF THE METAL WAS ADDED INTO THI:- LADLE, THE RESULTING MIXING DURING. POURING RESULTED IN EFFICIENT REFINING FROM IMPURITIES AND GASES# SO:THAT THE RESULTING METAL CORRESPONDED TO GOST STOS. FOR THE ORIGINAL AL4 METAL AND CONTAINCD GASES 0.10-0.12 CM PRIME3-100G WITH COMPLETELY PORE FREE TEXTURE, AUT0140BILE CYLINDER BLOCKS CAST WITH THE ADDN. OF-20PERCENT OF THIS SECONDARY METAL WERE OF THE SAME.QUALITY AS THOSE,CAST FROM 100PERCENT -PRIMARY ALLOY AL4. UNCLASSIFIED 1:: 11:~. 1JJIJI r-All; USSR UDC 669.71~..OIS.9.4(088.8) KINSTACII, G. M., KORYAKEN, G. 1. &KINI, S. Ye., SOUDKOVA A. T., YEFINDkrA, A. Ya., and P110TAIAIV V. 7,% . . ....... ''Method of Refinino Aluminum Alloys" MSR Author's Certificate No. 2654SI, Filed.8/07/68,-Published 23/06/70, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, NQ.~ 1, 1971, Abstract NoA G159 P) Translation: in order to achieve simultaneous removal. of aas inclusions and nowrietallic innurities and to incrca~se ihe effecti ,veness of -refinin.a. the alloy is.treated with hcxachloroethane W.ith a. laye'T. of liquid refining flux on the surface of the bath. IT ~UNCLASSlft 'e 41ROCESSING DATE-- ISSEP70 J40 .._tITLE-MECHANISMS OF THE SCATTER.lNu'OF tmRENT: CARR[-ERS; IN LEAD -S -U- ,_AUTHG-R-(Q5)-RAVIC.Hv YU.I., GURtYEVAj YE:. A.j OUBROVSKAYAP I.N., YEFUROVAt 'a*A., PROKOFYEVA, L.V. k-~UUXTPLY OF INFO--USSR r CE_-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970,, 12j4), 917~rj9a- ~~bATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,,,,SUBJECT. ARE4S-144TERIALS T-0 P. I CTAGS--LEAO SULFIDEr TELLURIUM C.OMPOUNDi ELECTROMOUIVE FORCE, LOW TEMPERATURE EFFECT, HALL CONSTANT# MAGNETIC FIELD'EFFECT _.~'UNTROL-AARKING--NO RESTkICTIONS .-I)OCUmEINT CLAS S-- XNCLA S S I F I- D ~XY REEL/FRAMF---19,58/0582 STEP '40--UR/0181/70/01~-'/003/0917/0'-)19 fRC ACCESSION NO--A?0105565 UNC L A S S I F 11) -all UNCtASSIFIED~' 'PAOCES$tNG DATE-18SEP70 t4R.C ACCESSIM4 NG-AP0105565 .-'_A8STRACT/FXTRACT--lU) GP-O- ABSTRACT. AN ANAL.' ~;AS' CARRIED OUT OF T14E FXPTL. DATA ON MOBILITY AT 2-600DEGYREES K AND THE LORENZ NO. AT SMALLER THAIN OR EQUAL TO 77DEGREES K IN N ANU P TYPE PBTEVPBSE, AND PBS wIYH CARRIER CONC'NS. OF APPIZ'.')X. 10 PRIMEZO-Cki PRIME3. CONSIDERATION 13F POLAR SCATTERING ALLCWS ONE TO EXPLAIN ALSO THE R:ESULTS (IF MEASUREMENTS OF ~__HAGNETORESISTANCE_ CALCNS. WERE MADE OF~THERMAL EPIF. ANf) THE LORENZ No. IN PSTE AND PBSE OF N TYPE IN A BROAD INTERVAL. OF CONCNS. AT GREATER THAN DR-EQUAL TO,30OOEGREES K; THE TEMP. OEPENDENCE OF THE HALL COEFF. 'COND.; THE NERNST FROM VERY LOW TEMPS. TO THE 8EGINUING OF INTRINSIL:t ~'ETTINGSHAUSEN COEFF. AT 300DEGREES K AS A-FUNCTION~OF CONCN, ALSO AT -77DEGREES Kv WHERE SCATTERING IS 14ELASTIC; AND FINALLY THE VARIIATION OF ~THERIMAL 04F. IN A STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD AT: 770EGREFS K. IN ALL CASESt GOOD AGREEMENT WAS OBSU. BETWEEN THEORY AND EXPT. ~AT HIGH CONCNS. [OF -THE ORDER OF -10- PRIME20-CM PRI4,.E3:),. SCATTER ING ON LONG WAVELENGTH ACOUST [CAL ~PHONO, NS PREVAILS. BECAUSE OF NONPARA800CITYo TIIE MATRIX 'ELE, MENT OF-THE ACOUSTICAL SCATTERING DEPENDS ON THE, ENERGY. AT CO"14CNS. Of SMALLERTHAN OR EQUAL TO 10 PRIMF18AINUS 10 PR17ME19-CM PRIME3, IN ADDN. TO ACDUSTICAL SCATTERINGt AWESSENTIAL ROLE IS PLAYED BY POLAR SCATTERING.; AT RELATIVELY LOW TEMP.S. C; '20-ZOODEGREES K), THERMOELEC. AND -EFFECTS ARE INFLUENCED-8 .:T,HERM04AGNETIC Y,THE.COLLISIONS BETWEEN :,.CARRIE,PS. AT EXTREMELY LOW TEMPS..~: (SMALLER, THAN OR-EQUAL ' TO SCATTERING IS CONSIDERAWE' IN THE CEPITR.AL~PART OF THE p 4M URI Y GTENTIAL. LAS UNCLASs~ir-.f o:::. "ReCESSING DATE--LBSEP70 019 E '_--T_fTLE--EFFECT OF POLAR SCATTERING,:0144 THE M13BILITY:OF CARRIERS IN LEAD ~CHALCQGEN IDES A~THOK'-(64)-RAVICH, YZI.J., YEFIMOVAI, B.Aor PROKOFMA, L#V.t DUBROVSKAYA, -J -N. OUNTPY OF JNFO--USSR 1976- 4(_U;~ X2 -,SOURCE-FIL4 TEKH, POLUPROV. :,,-.DATE PUBLISHEO~ ------ 70 BJFCT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS f_-JOPIC, TAGS--LEAB SULFIDE, TE-LLURIU14 COMPOUNDi THERMAL EFFECT, OPTIC -,-PROPERTY, LIGHT SCATTERING, REACTION MECHAN, I SM PHOTON CMISSIGN i,i T k 0 LMAR.KING--NO ~FSTRICTIONS IT CLASS--Uz%CLASSIFIEO OCUMEt -PROXY REEL/ FRAME-- 196 810591 STEP NO--UR/O?*,41?/?0100(#IOOL/023010230 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105574 UNCLASSIFIED 019 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 .-_C I R CACCESSION' NO--AP0105574 7ABSTRACT/EkTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A.CALCN. OF CARRIER MOBILITIES IN RTE PBSE, AND PBS IS PRESENTED, COVERIN .G A WIDE IRANGE OF TEMPS. AND :PL CONCNS.J.2-600DEGREES K; 10 PRIME18 MINUS 10 PRIMEZO-CH PRIME3). IT TAKES INTO ACCOUNT THE POLAR SCATTERING ON.OPTICAL:;PHO,"IONS. RESULTS ARE COMPARED WITH EXPTL. DATA. POLAR SCATTERING HAS A SUBSTANTIAL INFLUENCE ~-~,ON MOULITY AND IS CONSIDERED TO~BE THE PREVAI ILIN.G114ECHANISM OF .SCATTERING AT LOWER CONCNS. (SMALLER, THAN,OR EQUAL!TO 10 PRIMElB-CM I AT BOTH LIQ. N AN 'THE CONTR POLAR PRIME3 D POOM TEMPS. IBUTION OF SCATTERING INCREASES FROM PBTE TO'PBS,,.MANY EXPTL,,-RESULTS'CAN BE -,WTTER.,UNDERSTOOD IF POLAR SCATTERING IS CONSIDEREI)o THIS APPLIES IN ~.P-ART CUL AR JO THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE. OF 14408111 TY AT., SMALLER THAN 77DEGREES tvr -A s- I - F- I t a -025 U CL S~tFJE' PROCESS4NG: DATF--18SEP70 --ITL .-KINETIC EFFECTS IN (PBT'E)' SU8L MUNUS X.' (SNTEI;SUBX;COMPOSITIONS -U- TH R-1031-YEFUJOVA, B.A., OUBROVSKAYA, I.N., FGURIYEVA,.; YE.A. :'.COUNTRY-.OF INFO--~-USSR TEKH.-POLUPROV. L ~70 -4( 2) 245-5 U '~,'dATE ..P UBL IS HE D------- TO UBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TAGS-HALL CONSTANT, ELECTROMOTIVE FORCEv MAGNrJ IC FIELD EFFECT9 MODELI-SOLID SOLUTIONt ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY# c6NDUCTION BAND, LEAD mocanpouNDI REACTION KINETICS COMPOUNI)p SELENIU q _Q .xNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS C ..'DaCUMENIT CLASS--UNtLASSfFIE0 -.'PROXY REEL/FRAME-198810588 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/00,"o,/002/(3245/0251 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0105571 UNCLASSIFIED 025 UNCLASS111H OROCItSSING DATV-18SEP70 '0--AP0105571 A ACC E S S 1 ONR RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. N-TYPE SOLID S LN S. OF IPBTE) SU131 (SNTE) SUBX Or- SNTE CONTENTS 5-60PERCENT WERE :SUBJECTED TO HALL ~~:EFFECT AND THERMO EMF. MEASUREMENTS IN A STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD AT ~135DEGREES K. THE SP. FLEC. RESISTANCEP SIGMAP THE THERMOFMF. COEFF. ALPHA, TH E HALL CONST., R, AND THE TRANSVERSE NERNS.T ETTINGSHAUSEN EFFECT? Q? WERE MEASURED AT 80-300DEGREES K IN 14EAK AND ZERO MAGNETIC THE,DEPENDENCES OF THE EFFECTIVE MASS D.,OF STATES ATlHE FERMI L.EVEL ON TfiE~ COMPN. OF TH~ SOL I D SULN. o THE rEmp. . AND THE CONCN. WERE DETD.- AT 85DEGR.EES-K, THE CONDUCTION.BAND.OF THE SOLID SOLNS. OF 5 AND SNTEs AS ALSO THE CONDUCTION BANO FOR PB.TEP IS WELL OESCRIBEO BY A KEAN MODEL, AND.THE PARAMETERS ;.OF THIS MODE,Li ARE ~DETD. AT HIGHER ~A DEPAR TURE FROM THE KEAN DISPERSION LAW~ IN THE DIRECTION OF JNCREASED DEPARTURE FROM A PARA8ALOJDrf_S'O3So. WITH RISE IN TEMP. AND ~CONCN. EXPTS.-ON SOLID SOLNS. WITH HIGHtONTENTS'OF SNTE REVEALED THE ANOMALOUS NATURE OF THE CONCN. AND TEMP lkELATtON$.FOR THE EFFECTIVE MASS-D. OF STATES AT THE FEFMI LEVELt W4CH MUST BE ASSCCD. WITH A CHANGE IN SLGN OF THE TEMP. COEFF. FOR TRE WIDTH OF THE FORBIDDEN BAND. 'ED AGREE WITH THE-13AND I.NVERSION:MOOEL PROPOSED 13Y J. 0. T,HE DATA OBTAIN DIMMOCK, MELNGAILISt AND A. -,J...STRA.USS:: 11966) UNCLASSIFito' R NOV70 -066 UNCLASSIPIED ~!PROCESS ING DATE- ~27~ ...TtTLE--RADIATIVE TRANSPORT WITHIN A.BL BODY~, -U- AUTliOR-(02)-APSPTEYN, E.7-i YE-FIMOVA, LOG' ,-..~'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '_~,~.'SQURCE--_AKADEMIEA NAUK-SSSR, IZVESTIIA,~ MiKHANIKA ZHIOKOSTI I GAZA, -FE11, 19701 P. 148-153 J AN* D'A T EPUBLISHED ------- 70. ._~",SVBJECT AREAS--PHIYSICS TAGS--RADIATIVE COOLINGt RADI AT IVE HEAT TRANSPER, ABLATIVE MATERIAL, .ABLATIVE COOLINGt MOTION EQUATIONt TRANSPORT EQUAT101,11 AOSORPTION COEFFICIENT, ABLATIVE HEAT SHIELO,,TH.ERMAL RAQIATI HEAT RAD[ArIOllit GAS- DYNAMICSt HEAT TRANSFER COFFF IC 1ENT. C04 TROL MA.RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 0&6,4ENT~ CLASS-.14UNCLASSIFTED ROX~ 'Rt-E'L/FRAME--,1992/1777 !iTE:P. iNQ Ot/ C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP011276-1 UNCLASSIFIED OF--- 212- --066- ACC UNCLA S S I r- ;' r ~,C 1,RC ACCE , ~'ED. P ESSING DATE--27NOV70 --AP0112763 SSION NO ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~DISCUSSION OF THE STEADY IMOTION OF THE LIQUID FILM ON THE SURFAC~: 'OF AN ABLATING BODY, WITH ALLOWANCE FOR HEAT TRANSFER BY RADIATION FROM THlE,fNTERIOR OF rHE BODY. AN APPROXIMATION IS PROPOSE01 USING vjtljCl-.H THE' EOUATt0i'l OF MOTION CAN BE ~.SEPARATED FROM THE ENERGY ANG RA014TIVE~TRANSPURT EQUATIONS. THE .SOLUTIONS TO THE ENERGY ANO RADIATIVE: TRANSPORT E.Q,UA 10 iN S AR 6Tt EN USED TO O.BTAIN AN AANALYTICAL SOLUTION TO THE EQUA rinN QF MOTION. TO THIS END, THE TEMPERATURE PROFILES (OBTAINED NUMERICALLY) ARE APPPO. MATE 3Y THE EXPONENTIAL CURVE OF A QUADRATIC FVNtTION OFJHF COORDINATES. GRAPHS ARE PLOTTED, SHOWING THE INFLUENCE'OF THE ABSORPTION COEFFICIENTi THE TEMPERATURE AND THICKNESS OF THE HEAT SHI:ELD,~THE RADIANT FLUX EMITTED BY THE GAS THE SURFACE TEMP;ERATURE9 AND THE REFLECTION COEFFICIENT ON THE TEMPERATURE- PROF ILE.; ~ IT 1S SH04N THAT "14EGLECT OF RADIATIVE TRANSPORT WITHIN A 1300Y (;AN LEAD TO]' GREAITLY (INDERESTIMATE0 :VALUES FOR THE ABLATION RATE, FACILITY'l MOSKOVSKII :GOSUDAR STVENNYI UNIVERSITETt MOS COW US'-SR UNCLASSIFfE0 F USSR UDC 632.95:543.544 FOMCHEVA, L. G., and )[A.FIITOVA, _L. I.., Moscow Oblast Plant Protection Station "Determination.of Residual Amounts of Keltarie-in Cucumbers by the Method of 'n. ayer Chrowtography" Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve No 9, 1971, pp 45 47 Abstract: A method of determining the residual amounts of keltane (chloro- ethanol) in cucumbers using thin-layer chromatography was:developed. The Lasis for the method consists of extracting the.keltane fTom the product With n-hexane, driving off the solvent~a,fter*prelimi-.iary:drying of the extract :aver anhydrous sodium sulfate and subsequent chromatographic analysis in a thin layer of aluminum o-Aae or silicon.dioxide,fixed with gypsum. Benzene was used as the mobile solvent. The procedureAs outlined in detail and data are presented from some analyses using-it. :These data chairacterize the con- ent.of the residual amounts of keltane dependin on thei aiting time" t a te r treating the cucumbers with 0.1-0.2 percent solutions of keltane. Even f 9 days~after treating the cucumbers they still* -contalned up to 0.1 milligrams per kilogram of product. -6 1 - USSR ui)c 541. 183 Y_ N BERING, B. P., GORDEYEVA, V. A., DUBININ, M* EFI A and M. V SJERPI~113KIY, V. V., T nstitute of Physical ChIpmis"try, cadT Sc. USSi~ ..Development of Concepts on Micropore Volume Filling During Adsorption ,.,of Gasses and Vapors by Microporous Adsorbents. 4 Communication. Differential Heats and Adsorption.Entropies. w'. ililoscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. SSSE Seriya Khildcheskaya, No 1, an 71, pp, 22 ~Abstractt Equations were developed for differential raolar heats and entropies of adsorption based on characteristic,equations of the thecry of micropore volume fillin- during adsorption of, Sasses and vapor3 on Various types of microporous adsorbents, These equations may be used t6 calculate with sufficient approximation above values fov various levels of adsorption or volume filling: of the adsorption space from the data obtained from these characteristic equations requiring., only -tal information. The conditions: nece~ssary 'or experimenu reliability have been discuss.ed, Several examples have -ting satisfactory relationship b twee' been reported shoi e n the calcvlated jMd experimental values for. isosteri&~heat of. adsGrpti6ne 11 11 1111: A 11.11-! 1 1 ::,007, NCLASS -lED,- P DAT E--- 1 1) Z $(j(;Ei C A C f- C';~ S I C%l C N, 2 6 t~ 0 -:.-AaSTK,l , i; C.T I LX TR A --- G- P ABSTRACT. T I I E: C --j iN 0 u) ~ ! . f! i x r PIE ThYLHU" P. L 5 G E : T i A 0 . AT 6:~! i k. I N . aY T UV, -IETAY "U'; AT LESS THAN 70l'EC-Ri-ES i~'( Vilil- F A 0 YER S A MAX . AT APN-~,UX . 160 DEGREES, A T 1:j 17~ T I- t A P I-` R I X ~i T E- 1 L 11-Y INST F A ri K C, S R-. I (,A s -s M. UNC Ull 5S I H r- D e Re,','. Code: V f~ 0 3 66 i toaflnT from an &m. Lfz,; Bjiul2i_hLR.: USSR). Zashck.- Metal. 197G,-Ji(l), i(KS (Kitsl Ni-blo or Ni-mo-ll lverv deposited from- sold". contg. -va ntrate 47, ;Lnd NAHicl 30 911., the pll whi &19.. ~ Best'rcsultvwere obulned uitli solim contg; MCI, and NaH..-POj 2D g.11. an~d solns. cuntg. 10 and _00 g/l. of the 2 sab, resp. , The.amt. -of: Nto in the de- I with its content ' h ' Is. ' k4i. and with a Posit incrcask in t e p ting decrease of ' Ni in the same joln. 'The M114. eon~W. of Mo In the d"sit was Sa-10%. -the deposits contgi P did not crack even if they vvem!56 ~, thick, ~hwas N4,410 deposits ciacked4hen they were apprc~lably thinicr. Hoich ME REEL/FRAx unc 551- 5If , I,-. SALS FOR 131:51GUING MODELS OV M TNTERNAVCNAla STANDARD ATMOSPHERE Ro- 0 [;.,rtjcla'by ?r-ticasors S. S.AJ9;j&grpv, Zhllrzaa. .24, 4~ Ya K a 1 t P, K, ~W_L Cnndtdatas of P. Kos a, . -!M I - Prorefluor Ya-0. Shvidkovq1tty., I. V. S~_~'~V;Lb-49-ovp. Central Mrological ub- e s--ery;,.xQsc6W,7~' ~.ejr Thissians ~;W 2.: 1472, x Micte b July I" 371,,~pp 33-4uli. A study was. made of the. vertical -prof1le, of -:he mean, annual of -the -Tzzand, tempairacure of the i ar-d ~'-E'iilotiph:ere for different Intliudirul zoiles and po"ible lonjtitudin~! varistions. The chatractevirtic of,-the,d.ata unad to construct the clodela or the sta'adlird,,atmoapbere Is presented. Introduction .4--saut prc;)Osals with ro6pect to expansion of the international Tito r standard presented fit tile procedures for execution of the resolutions of the meeting of the 'Working Group of the ISO tInternatIonal. Standardix-ntion Orsanit4ttioal TK-20/rC-6 26-29 Haw 1969. The vorkIng group WRIPtCd the re-501lition, to charge the USA. (A. E. Cole) and the USSR (Ye. C. Shvidkov9kiy) with prepariw, the de,,ign for zcdels of the ititornit Iona I standard Atmo9phere for oltitudet; of 20-60 km (the me.,in distributloti and the =,!e15 reflortini; tht latitudinal and AelI5011,11 VAri0tiOnO., In the 27C-101iltiOn therre 1e a recourzordazlen regarding the nceetaity of Selecting the teopera- ture profile to the xnuan annual profLIk,, vith respect to the Nart-hern Hemisphere for the mean mot!4. At tile meeting of the, group, it %eas -~cognizod om de'girable to' cxoand tile standard atinospbere to 0 consider- n& tile data In the W-80 kill loycr as a the basit,profile. Lrhe riven propoti"s were ;lresenced by tfle Soviet Union for exnmitattion by t xt Working l1roup of the Wentictin Technical Coalmitsolon of tile I Ila! $I h Met- national S tand~irdi%at. Lott OrganizalLitin (1501-MAM -a 6) - Sta-n!i,,kr,1 Atmosphorp A rnectir~i.of lrliicfi vmg field in France (Poeurbevair) in Februilry 1970~ 41 77: 1; : t 1 . - '1 4 i : !. 11 a I I I I , - : I I I USSR M)hMALUY, Yu. A.,~ Kharkov State~Univ raity YEFIMOVA, N. N,, and e Magnetic Properties of Indium-Substituted Ferrites of Type 14" Moscow, Izvestiva Akademii Nauk SSSR, SeriyA Fi,zicheskaya,,:Vol 34, No 5, May 70, o1 pp 979-981 Abstract: The magnetic characteristics of ferrites grown by the formula BaO-.Fe. 018 (x 1, 2.7, 3.36) were.studied. The sau-ratiou magnetization 12-,In O~S(T)'of the indium-substituted ferrites was measured as'a function of temper- The shape of the curves changes with,a change in the concentration of .the In3+ ions. The curves corresponding to x Land x = 3.6 are of the Neel Q-type, and P-type curves were observed for x 2.7 and x - 3. The introduction of nonmagnetic ions into the ferrite lattice was expected to decrease the inter- and intrasublattice exchange interactions due to a change 1h the number of ex- T7 change bonds. The introduction of ions with different ion radiiifrom the Fe3+ ions changes the parameters of the crystal lattice; the appearance of curves of -type is associated with the.fact that the masnetizati*n of the A-sublattice the F drops more sharply with the growth of temperature than does:the B-sublattice. The I IN 1 1i 11 i USSR VDG 621.38-,.632.12.0~2 BAWGIN, V.N.9 I.NOZEMTSEVAI A.V., 111AWROVA, L.G. "Volumetric Aboorbers For Power 7WTh" Elektron. tekhnika. Nsuchno-tekhn. ob. Eldktron. SYCh (glactroaic Ibchnology. Scient-ific-Tachnical Collection. Microwave Else-t-ro-, 1970,Iesue 11, pp 95-102 (from M-Slektronika i yeye prime e,: No-2, Februory 1971, Abstract No 2A186) ranalation: The absorber of microwave ener develouad Alor a power traveling-wave T gy tube is characterized by high mechanical stability, good, ther-Aal conductivity, and Inw gas generation. Tl,,,.e construction in deboribed of a volwastric absorber for a TWT with a apiral-typa delay system. It is-shown that damping and matching with the delay system of such an absorber is not worse then with a film absorber ob- tained by the method of pyrolysis of methans.,.The absorber malces. it possibl7e to dissipate large levels of average power. A.volumetrio absorber with a delay system of 'the coupled resonators type is also inveatigated'and its high-frequency characteristics are presented. ref.,Bummary %7- 4 L2 Ol 5 2 : 0' 1 27 1" 4 S S" ~l -7 j L Cl a~ r 77aC,~ 77, i a, sechenov do", S, No 1 9 IC va r v I e U 0 1 0", :ic aaaa 17 cf s 74 f-O-5-r;a-ce aind ~F. rj ce j ~'z aL3z"~,.nce 0_7 in the c to I a r, n ~a 2. c j3 Ll c ed dt~_ JVI"r Ll C,~ hu CIA tc~ ~jd lh e Cal -C., [,~a V V1 LV., I: 7 0% s S- 7z "o 1 7 01-1 ce~lsc'l L2 1: 7 C I m, c nC. o F 1:' c 0 71 La IC, -1 t't inte ny proinnio zecl ~l Ts e s an' 'LhIOCked. the ef p eril d pr eV2. 0 S I I/ s t e I- e d'T 2. C Z -has a central ac Lience. Wfiik.d~ USSR DRABKINA, A. A., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, VoIA2(103), No 2, Feb 72 pp 457-459 The. synthesis is based on methyl 9-cyanoactanoate (III). It was assumed at first that ester (III) could be converted to.hydroxy ketone (IV) with excess methylmagaesium iodide. However, even a reagent ratio of 1:10 failed to give the desired result. Careful selection of reaction conditior-s shc-jed that ester (III) reacts with three moles of methylfnagnesiumIiodide to form hydroxy nitrile M which is converted to unsaturated,nitrile (VI) after dehydration without filtering. Reaction of (VI) with four moles of inethklmagnesium iodide yields ketone (VII) which is converted to the diene ester (VIII) by the Whittig reaction. Compound (II) is.obtained~by bubbling hydiogen chlcride through an alcohol solution of diene ester (VIII). Tests onimosquito larvae showed that (II) is as active physiologically;as compound (IX), which is called "synthetic juvenile hormone.." 3/3 54 USSR UDC 538.662.14 T. V., POLO-TNYUK, V. V. an& SHKATKO 0. A. *111n7estigation of the Decomposition of Supers4tured Solid Solutions of Tungsten in Cobalt by the Thermomagnetic Method" Kiev, Metallofizika, No 32, 1970,~pp 56-59 Translation: Cobalt alloys with 3.58,,5.22, and 13 at.% tungsten wel7e investigated by the thermomagnetic method.. The concentra- tion dependence of the Curie point of the-alloy,41 studied was constructed. It was shown that in an alloy with 13'Att.% tungsten tempered at 7001 C two Curie poihtsver4 observed. The trans- formed -volume of the alloy tempered~at 7000 C for 3.5 hours and tungsten concentration in the separation stage~were calculate4 according to thermomagnetic corvev,. 85 ---------- 67:621.317-7430,188.8) USSR, uDc 621.397.0 V. F. -ZARAYSKIY, I. V., SHMITT, M. A., IIAn Installation for Measuri Pa ng Discretely Switched Radiation I tterns of a F ving Anterma USSR Author's Certificate No 25538 Piled 15 may 68, Publiched 8 Apz 70 (frozm RZh-F:ad-iotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract, No 10B110 F) enn a Translation: I'he proposed insta-Ilation contains a transmitter, ransm-' Ltuinir garJ thmd.c a,.,i~: receiving antenna, three receivers (with linear, quadratic and I(, response respectively), an electronic comnutator~comprised.:a coincidence circu-itts, a aynchrortization mit, a siFnf.).1 .1(!vel tuid azimlath calibraLlr(ii unit, u IoQr.-~ graph. and a rotator. To improve the precision of radl.atioa patti!rn !rz; the conumul atedi commutator input is connected to the output of orie of the.mceiiri. tputo of the co=utator are the ccrresponding inputri, of the oscil- runutator are connected to the corres- :Iograph, aad the commutating inputs bf the co ponding inputs of the synchronizarion unit, 'One rilluntration. 142 Acc. Nr. AP0023332 Ref. Code: UR 0297 PRIMY SOURCE: &tibiotikit I, 7 Vol 15, Nr 1, GENIMYCIN, A MEMBER OF A NEW GROUP OF ANTIFUNGAL PENTAENIC ANTIBIOTICS Sever va.N.M.; Bol'shakov4 inets, L.Ya.; Yefirgo 'Karnaushkina, A.I.; ~olov'yev, S.N.; Yegorenkova, A.N.; Leningrad Institute for Antibiotics A so!] culture LIA-0174 was isolated and classified as bek) to the genus of wroing , fermentation Actinos orangium. An antibiotic narned genimvcin was recovered the materiaFs of this culture. By a number of physico-chernical properties the antibiotic was beleved to belong to a new group of pentacnic antibiolics. Genimycin possesses antilungal activity, which is 10-100 times higher thaa that of pentaens from other- groups. RF, E L F POW Organo --i 0 OU.4- Coui oun Pho US.") R UDC 547.824+547.26'118 FOIDSTYAN, Yu. N., YE Ye. P., and SOROKA, I. I., FIMOVA, Te. I., RUKHTA thee Donets --Institute 6 Zaporozhye Branch of. Soviet trade, and the Crimean Agricultural- Institute imeni M. 1. Kalinin. "Study of a Series of Bipiperidines. X. Reaction of.116xahydrodipiperidines With Phosphoryl Chlorides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshr-hey Khimii, Vol 41, Nol~ 1l,. Nov 1971, pp 2,438-2,441 Abstract: In light of the demonstrated action of diethyl chloro- phtx-.phate and diethyl chlorothiophosphate;lcm. pyridine, it was of interest to d mmine the nature of their reactions with hexahydrobil)yridines, which con- ete tain. both pyridine and piperidine r1ngs, tight 2,21-, 31-, 4,4'- and 3,2'- hexihydrobipyridines react with the aci 'dChlorides of tht~ diethyl ester of phosphoric and thiophosphoric acids at --159C to form thk: corresponding coin- pler compounds. At +20-22*C, the corresponding fl'-(diethyl phosphate and diethyl thlophosphale) pip eri dyl) pyridines,. . Formulas, basic physical data, yields, etc.:, of the end-products are given. Ni trogen qqxponncLs USSR UDC 5[L7 -.544 :-nu. ~4- V-1 T Tn vr;~ I., Zaporozhlye 3 Branch of Donets Institute c S=ovet Trade 0 S-ludies In the Bi-piperidins So ie, r so VIII. Synthesis of Dillstereomers of 2, 2 -3-iD.41.7oaridine 11 Leningrad, Zhurnal 0 r .--a ni che s1koy iliLxaii, Vol 7, No 10, Oct 71, pp 21A8-220T- 2-(Pi eridyl-2)pyridine c an be obtained in 96-98 per- Abstract Fe-nt yield by the red,,-,ction of 2, 2 -bi-olrridine, r1tith alizainum Jn boilinG aqueous-alecholia alkali. Hyd-r-agenatiozi of a boiling -ion of 2-(piDeridyl-2)pw U-M - in iso yl solu~ idine with.,. sodi an alcohol results in the formstion of a mixture of 115%,o diastereo- raeric 2,21-bir-i-oeridines-the eryth-rornd threo isoners-in 82-83 percent yield. The separation of',this mixture into individ- ual. isomers, is accomplished ~y t1he action of excess ethyl chloro- formpte resulting in "he fom-alvion of 2,21--(1,1,-dicarbetho.,z-y) binkoeridines and 2,2t-l-carbetho:,.y)bi-oij)erid hydrochloride. ine The aru -L-icle lists an:=I-sis results and some Dronerties of the results-rit comnounds. IN MIMP111911. "11.1 212- 008 --SS IN'G DATE-0-DEC70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE C 'ACCESSION NO-AP0132668 ~"STRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE. BLOW BOTLaNG A ", T 10 N 0) F ALKALOIDS FROM A74ABASIS APHYLLA MAY BE ~SEPO- U'SIING ACE]"i't .. AF[ON '411TH AC -.SW,,2 Oil THE ACETYL DERIVS. 0 F . L U P I N' I N EI Y'AND. ANAt3ASIl I I ) PAY BE W THUS 5 0 al, G0 1: A, M 1 X T0 2~'EPO. AS A RESULT OF OIFFERENCES IN ~__AXKALO*,[DS FROM TECHN. 1I.H SU5Z SO S.U04; WA$~i,-Ml_XEO Vil:TH `5?0 G AC S0332 0 _--WI-TH STIRRING AND COOLIING AND THE MIXT.~ HEATED F13R .10 HR AND FRACT I ONATED. . -THE ACETYL DERIV. ~OF I -~AS 013TAINED AS TRE FIRST :FRACTION, 6 SU82 115-17DEGREESt to' PRIME20 ~SVBD 1.555op (93PERCENT' -E li t4.i',,'58-c'0EGREES. T H C". .,-SAPON.~WITH 25PERCENT NAOH FOR I HR'GAVE~FRV i I R i F GAV k _-_ ER ,~'~-_SECQND FRACTION, B SSU82.19,9-2000EG EES tACE'YL DERvi. 0 rl p I r ~HYDROLYSIS W ITH 25P ERCENT H SUB 2 SO SIUB4~: 16 -HR), PURr Ift 6 SUBI .:'.j05-`6DEGREES (85PERCENT), APHYLLIDINE ~NDrAPHYLLINE WERE NOT ISOLATED -FROM THE TARS. FAC I LITY:, ZAP0RGVi.~:!FlI_lALv DONFrS. INST., SOV. ..TORGir ZAPOROZHEt USSR& UNCLASSIFIED Sim USSR UDC 669.712 YEFIMOVSKAYA. T. V., LANIN, A. A., SHERMAZANYATT, YA. T., SIWKUATRPNYAN, V. V., SHEKOYAN, M. G., and SMOKOVDINA, G. S., All-Union Order of the Labor Red Banner Scientific Research, Planning~ Design, and Technological Institute of Sources of Current (VNIIT) "Utilization of a High-Temperature Solar Installation for the Study of High- Melting Materials in an Oxidizing Medium (on the Basis of the E)carnple of beta-Alunina) Yerevan, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya,Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Vol- 26, No 4, 1973,,pp 3-7 Abstract: Ebmerimental research has been conducted by the Arnenian Department of the -VITIIT in Yerevan, on the thermal dissociation of sodium and -potassium beta-alumina in a high-temperature solar heating installation for the purpose of obtaining a solid electrolyte. Res uts of this research have demonstrated considerable stabi lity of the beta-alumina under conditions of radiant heating in air: beta-aiurqina does not dissociate complately with rin exposure of up to 30 minutes at the meltinz T,,!:,i,nt (2,0CD0-2050r'C- Sodium beta-alumina is con- -siderably less subject to dizssociaticn than i.,; potassium ~eta-aluminum. I figure. I table. 2 references. VI ~642t ~76 UDC!6.t5,,j32-01 5 .851-31 BELIZHE14KO, V. D.; VED-11INA, YE. A.,-YERMOL'YEVA, Z. V., and YErFINTSEVA, YE , P Chair of Biochemistry, Vitebsk Medical Institute an~. f _7hicl4iologyp Central Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow "Effect of Antibiotics (Neomycin, Monomydin,,and,Xanam~cin) *an the Synthesis of Protein and Nucleic Acid in Intact NAG.Vib;do OellB~,' Moscow,'AntiUotiki, Ro 12, 1971P PP,1085-10 I Abstmett Study of the effect of antibiotien on proteL,l synthesis in intact 14G~vibrio (strain 1115) calls showed that neomycin# monomycin, and kanamycin at concentrations of 10, 50, and 500 ,~u Olminhibit the incorDoration of 14 I-C -glycine into the protein fraction solubloi in phenol, but stimulate Its incorporation into the fractions of RNA, DNA, And proteLiu inlrolublo in phenol. The degree of inhibition and- atimulation varie(i,cLirectly with the doee of antibiotic. The stimulating effect-of,;the antibiotics on the in- corporation of labeled glycine in-to nucleic acids and phonol-insoluble pro- -,sulting from tein fraction is attributed to the competitive talationships 2~. theutilization by the bacterial cells of amino'acids to synthosize proteins and nucleic acids. When protein synth6sis in inhibitedo the free -amino acids can be more fully utilized for nUol,,,o aCld F"I,%thasis. The atlnu- lation of incorporation of 1_C14_r-Ly~jne into the phenol,-Insoluble proteins suggest that the synthesis of this protein fluction is not sensitive to neomycin, monomycin, or kanamycin. 1A 26 USSR UDC:1 532.526 YEFUlTSOV,: B. M., SHUBIN, S. Ye. "Results of Measurement of Mutual Spectra of Wall Pressure a TuTbulent Boundary Layer" 11ch. Zap. Tsentr. Aero-gidrodinam. Jn-ta .[Scientific Writings of Central Institute of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics), 1972, 3, No 4, pp 126-129 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 12, 1972, Abstract No 12B788, from the resume) Translation: Results are presented from measurement of the real and imaginary .,parts of longitudinal and transverse'mutual -spectra, ati well as the phase velocity for the field of nc-ar-tial.l,pressure~pulsation~$ of a turbulent boundary layer on the surface' of an aircraft. Measurements were performed over a smooth surle ce with zero mean pressure. gradi nt: in. the speed range WO. 35-1. 5, Aa e R=0.5-108-1.9-108. Universal dependences are produced for longitudinal and transverse mutual spectra. It is established that the Tatio of phase velocity to-velocity on the external boundary of.the boundary layer dqends little on flow parameters. Twenty one biblio. refsi.. USSR UDC 51:$O1 r MWOV M. I., XffI -A, Ya'- "Th e~Complexity of a Contral. Tree!" Nauchno-Tekhn. Infam- Sb., V�es.., Nauchn. I Tekhn. Inform., (Scientific and Technical Information, Collection,of All-Union Institute Df Scientific and Technical Information] , 1970, Series: 2, No 10, pp 36-44, 49, (Trinslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika,. No S, 1971- Abstract No SV703 by the authors). Translation: A numerical ch-axacterization of th6 coinplexity of the syntactic structure of a sentence is sugges-ted- The syntactic structure is represented in.the form of -a control t=ee.. knumber of theorems are proven concernin.- the class of trees having the minimum complexity., Functions are. studied relating the number of po�nt_s~ in the- minimum. tree, to-its complexity, and a number of its properties are date=Lned.- ~1843 USSR WC CRAYLAKHMI, M. M., YEPOROVA, T. Ai) and YANIM L. .1. Institute of plant `AcaderT of Sciences~ Pbys1oloMr imeni TirdTy.*vz.-6Vj-USS4,_ 'The Effect of Darkness and RetanLants on Grmrth ard BloozdnjS of Short-Day pi Doklady Akademii 11auk AnVansl.-oy SSR, Vol 51, TTo4, 1970, pp 244-249 Abstracts Short-day plants exhibit the:ehaxacteristic featize that during, short days their blooi-Ang is stlaulated iffille their groirth Is. Inhibited, To investlpU the correlation between these tiro properties, One set of short- dV, plants was exposed to darkness; a second set tms troatCd irith 6-rowth retamdants; a third set mas exposed +,o d-arkness and trmwlfx-d ,r.Lth retardants; and a fourth set served as control. Ali sets.included -.;mcirenz of Perilia nankinensis, Xanthium pennsylvanicum, Bidens maximovicizimia, and Canrabis ftatival and they were all treated accordinf~ ~o a.defimite schedule. 1:1zo- longed exposure to darlmezz, followed by inductioh zdth short days, accele- zated bloormi:rig in Ferilla, Xanthim, and Bide,=-, 1ut na in Caxzuabiz; ard It inbibited groTrth of Xanthium, Bidens, and ~ Caumbis # but ~ not of Ferill1a. Re- taxt1ants -suppressed the gxowth of all fol kii ur 'ids of platrLs, but had no offect 1/2 42 - USSR CHAYIAM-LAIT; M. XH. , et al. Doklady Akademii Hauk AnWanskoy SSR Vol 51 No 4j 1970, pp 21A-249 on their bloo-Ung. Thus, there is no direct correlation Intween groirth and blooming processes in short-day p1 uta.~ Dibibition of groiith and stimulation of blooming coincide af tar. e;~posure. to dazi-pess.1ut d6 not coincide after treatment vrlth retardants. In Parilla*~ darknesa IL--- no off-act on growth but stimiLate3 bloomIng; in Canriabis, darkness a~d xetanlants inhibit groirth but have no effect on blooming. Appax-entlyl :retLrdants- c'um. axitagonists of natural gibberellins which do not suppress b,Woming, vl.Ule daxkness promotes formation of metaboUtes required for blooliing. USSR UDC 621.396.6-181.48 G., MUMMA- V. "'Mass-Spectrometric Studies of Organomet .al Compounds used 4~11 1-licroelectronicsil Tr. Mosk. in-ta elektron. nashinostr. (Works of the Moscow Institute of Elec- tronic Machine Building), 1972, vyp. 200 pp 108-145 (f rom 11,zli-Radiotekinnika No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V304) Translation: A study was made of tile-mass spectra of certain classes of co,--r- pounds, the rn-echanism of their dccomposition~aad the co-mposition of the films obtained. Alkyl and aryl metal compo'undsi alkoxyl copKpatulds, cyclopentadienyl COMPlexes of metals, bis-aro~ji)atic of viatal!-,,, metal- carbonyls and ractal acetylacetonates were investigated. There are 916 entries in the biblio- gra hy. ~p USSR UDC -,59.23 XLY ",37,1101,1~-,, V.D., VKS'7HEV, D-1r: YEF T14 1,C). G.A.~ By Electron 13 e an Decomposition Of Rol-ybden--- Hexacarbo-, Tr. 'Xoek~ in-ta ele"ran. (Worls Of The Mosco',; Institi-it-3 Of Elect- ricel-A 11--ch--ne pp RI'h;'Ao'Iztrun-ks i vc:vt) No 7, A131v 4, VC, 7 Tra., s Iat on L-ac-FUicra, of M=o was perffor=id by clactroti-l),jam dccc),,aLoE-itIcn of molybderium hemac-arbony! it., T, '-pa ELLTPC; equipment. and electron dif f rmetion ottadiar, wwlo~ ("Olidlic.,ted Im Voll till mauv~upucLrura ~trioly:-,Iv of fllms with an impurity, Ond Ww pravence ol',mclybdenuni carbide in the filma was establIn'qed. III.V. 1/2 020 VNCLASS I PIED~ ~PROCESSING .-"-TITLE--A DEVICE FOR PROTECTING DATE--230CT70 CHEAICAL CONTAINER TYPE APPARATUS WITH PAIWOERED PULYMERS, -U- '_~~AUTHGR-(03)-lHEkDENKQ* A.M., YEFREMEN61' l 49 v M18HUROVp V.1. OF INFO--USSR (ZI-4 3-d: 40 SOURC E-KHIM., NEFT, MAStlINOSTR, L9 T04 DATE, PUBL [SHED----70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY# MECH.i IND.I:CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, MATERIALS TAGS--SPECIALIZED COATING, CONTAINERP PLASTI' COATING, POLYETHYLENE, EPOXY RESIN, FLUOROCARBON RESINi-PLASTIC~FABRLCATING MACHINERY -,.-,CNTROL MARKING--NO kESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~'~.-oko_XY REEL/FRAME--1997t0735 STEP NQ--UR/03L~/TO/0(10/002/0038/0040 -"C IRC., ACCESS TON %10--AP0119642 (INCLASS IF [ED Acc. Nr APC634713, Ref Code: UR 0241 'PRIMY SOURCE: 'Meditsinskaya. ladiologiyall lt970, Vol 15) 2, ppj THE-RESULTS OF TREATMENT OF CHILDREN: WITH W11M Tu OR 101 G Pereslegin, 1. A.; Yefremj~* 0 lift 10" Clin&al z an ana~,M~ ~pl their life span trade ions over 1Z -lilldren and R Dossi~ 'o artive at the condusion that ir especlive of; the de. t r agre, stalye of the diwase, hi-stological structure of the t.umar aud:. volum6 of the operahui'j l1w most expethent is cot~bined therapy- Preoperative irra4il)fioll with ~6s_-qllent 6P~~raudli. The most ef- leelive absorbed dose's are ~whhin thelimit of is 4000rad~ 414E. RE.EL/fiL. -19711418'' USSR UDC 541-12-017 DAVYDOIIJ Yu. P... 'EFREMIKOV., V. M., and SIMIPT60VA, A. V. 'Tolymerization of UNI) Hydroxor--onTlexes in Solutionsit Leningrad) Radiakhir-Liya, V01 15, 110 3, 1973, PP k52-45k Abstract: The polymerization of U(VI) hydroxocomplexes vas studied by the dialysis me-thod proposed in earlier work ~ by -D--,,rydov (DAII MSR, Vol 15, -NO 1, 43J 1971). Solutions of 238uo2( )2,and P33 I)p.",In HKO at various r"03 UO2 -3 Values of PH were subjected to dialysis, using a cellophane membrane. 11he concentration of U in the solutions was d,eterrLined on.the basis ol: the alph-a- radiation emitted by 233U. At D-H 4-0 ard. 5-0 no U was reta:Uied by thea membt e im the comeenIt-ratior, ra-r-ge of UCI. 4 3)2 thnt was sifoJected to stu~j~ (lrj-6-10 (NO herace,, amly monomeric farms of uri'mil were present. kt pit 6.0 -the de,-ree of polymerizattion (the averabe nunfber of U aton-..s per mleckae) was constant in the entire conceatmtion rcnrq e and eciual to 1.7. At PH 6.5 the de-ree of poly- merization of U hydxaxocompiexes was considorably higher tit low coneentratiolls of U NVIO-51~i U, Lal, t~,~it at pH 6.0. WiLh lncrear.-Ini~ conciz.-ritratioris of U, the degree of roly-,-~erizaticrn elecre-ased. At -R 'f-Q ana comai-A;ratioaz > EQ,0-5)41~ a precipitsilt'a or uranima 1),yvIroxi(le formzado Dialyula oe sulmrnatant solu- tha tion ahow, t p3lymeric fonan were presentrin it to a-considerable extent in -V2 . ..: t d !I H I!-.I1~:i!i--iI; 1--~ A USSR UDC 62-531.4 PERrIWEV, L.M., .K.T., ZIIURAKOVSKIY,,~ T...D., ~MOROZOV, L.G.:W V.A., SVIRIDOV,~G.Si, TAREYEVA,.~YA.; 'Positional Tracking Drive" USSR Author's Certificate No 262659, Filed 14/10/68, Publtsbed 19/05/710, (Translated from Referativay Zhurnal,;Avtomatika, Talmnekhamika i Vychislitel'- uaya Takhnika, No 12, 1970, Abstract No 12 T.R.)~ Translation: A positional tracIcing pneumatic drivelst palkented, consisting of a power cylinder divided by a pistoa.irato. two woriting cavities com-lected to the high-pressure cliannel through calibrated choke-i. ""he powrer cylinder shaft contains a fluid distributor cou.aisting of a:cylindrical plun-,er wl-th spiral grooves connecud to the lovi-prassuxe chambor;zand through apertures iu the shaft of the power cylinder mith. its.working, ~avitiea. The distribu- tor is rotated by the coritroll.or throu~,b the rdquircil augle. An the distrib- utor rotates, a pressure difference is~ dov6loped ih r,,he pcnrer cylinder cavit- ies, acting on the piston untillthe, holes in the shaft ard moved to a symet- rical position -relatIve to thie dIs tributor~- slots. The. rota.tion of the sensor is converted to forward movement of.thel power cylinder shaft by the drive system. One figure. 11: 1111 111: il 1: H USSR UDO 581 KMVCHEYA, I. S., ZE11LIKA, A. G eaid XXI 4.TSKNYA, YE. N., North Caucasian Scientific ResearcAns I~ue o Vyto'pathology, Krasnodar ,Effect of Wheat Streak mosaic Virus~ on, tbe: Compbsition of Uucleic Acids In Wheat Lei~ves" Moscow, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, No 1 1971 pp 186-V39 Abstract: Infection of wheat (Bezostaya I variety) loaves uith streak mos.,Ac virus resulted in dest2-action of the fraction of high molecular weight nucleic acids. The quantLity of nucleic acids ektraoted fzon: the leaves cEdiseased plants was only 56 to 79% of that obtained1vom healthy plants. On columns with inethylated albumint the nucloic acids liere sepaxatrad into several frac- tions - solublet DNA# and ribosonal nuclaic acid4 Thp infected plants weyne characterized by a decrease in the content of ribosowa nucloic acids and accumulaUon of soluble nucloic acids, VArua roproluotion Is accompanied by tho destruction of nomal nucloic: aoida. This seoiav! to be the win roason for.the damge done Irl the disease.. Vona of. the; fractions utudied or even a total extract of nucleic acids Droved to ba infectioiu~. Conpetition between 'normal and vixal RNA for the "cell receptors" in. the leaves Is Prosumed nsible. . ~. 1. ;; --1 - . .: I ~ : . .., z I ... ; . . . i - I . Extraction and Refinind FOREIGN TITLEt TETIOELEKTRICHESKM GMERATORY Tramalaced for FSTC by ACSI NOME Vic Colitc-1:6 -1( this hl~t beem trin-lazed as in the oriSinil text. No attempt his bron ynadc -o verify ihe accuTacy of any stattment contained herein, This lramlaiion is published with 3 minimurn of copy c3iting and Craphics preparation in order to txrtditc ilic di~5crninariort of informAtion. Requests for additionAl copies of this dr,nmcnt 0-4d b: addrt,sscd to Vcpaxtrnenc A, National Technical InformAtion Service, Sf.;-in,g6Jd, Virpnia 22151.Approvcd for public reltaie; distribution unlimited. 1/3 023 UINCL,4SSIFIED PROCESSING DArE-274,DV70 EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF THERMOFLECTRAt: MATERIALS FOR :-THERMOGENERATORS.OF VARIOUS -U" -,.,:,-ATJTHOR-.(03)~-EFR.,Et4DVl, A.A.v,DANILOVY YU.I*t PUSHKARSKY 7AsSo -:-COUNTRY -0 FI N TS SERF, VN 11P0 T A T F; S :-.:~',SOURCE-.-74TH ANNUAL INTERSOC[ETY- ENERGYM~RSION ENGINEERING CONFERENCE .~WASHINGTO~4, -U.S.A., SL:2584 "~:OAT& PUBLISHED ------ 70 .,,SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCESt.ENER4;Y CONVERSION -PROPULSIVE) il-TOPIC TAGS--,ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CONFERENC.E~l Tf'ERMOfLECr.RIC POWER, THERMOEL ECTR IC PROPERTY, THERMOELECTRIC ~UNEAATOR -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -XONTROL WCOMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIF0 ~PROXY STEP NO-~Irk)S/(1000/~0/0(1()fOOO/0000/()()00 -~CIRC ACCM10i'l NU -AT0135761. IN(* I Ai r i of) 77~ 2/3, 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CJRC ACCESSION NO--AT0135261 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) 'UP-0- ABSTRACT. EXTENSIVE VIAlkIETY OF -THERMOELECTRIC FACILITIES AND SPECIFIC CHARACTER OF: TH-Eill WORK UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS MAKEv FOR EACH CONCRETE.CASE, C~RTAIIN REQUIREMENI-S TO MATERIALS BEING USED AND, CONVERTERSi ON IHEIR PaWER CHARACTERISTICSo GENERALLY, AT THE PRESENT TIRC-9. -IN PRACTICE1 VALUE OF QUALITY OR 1OFFE CRITERION ARE USED FOW EVALUAT104OF ~IOWER POTENTIALITY OF THERMOELECTRIC MATERIAL APPLICA'rlON;i: HOWEVER,: 140W, WHEN FIELDS OF THERMOELECTRICGENERATOR APPLICATION AND,CONUITI(lN:S.OF,THEIR OPERATION ARE CONSIDERABLY EXTENDEDt SLICH-EVALUATION BECOME~~EVID-NTLY PRESENT THEORETICAL, WORK CONTAlNS NEW CRITERION'S OF INSUFFICIENT. THE EFFICIENCY EVALUATION OF THERMOELECTRIC.,4ATERIALS.;'L~EPE~lOlt4G ON SPECIFIC -CONDITIONS OF OPERATION. THESE CRITERIONS ARE PRESENTED. IN ANALYTIC EQUATIONS, DEOUCED FOR SOME CONDITIONS STATED: MOW WHEN IT IS NECESSARY -LECTRIC MATERIAL. TO ACHIEVE. 1. MAXIMUM INTERNAL EFFICIENCY. OF THERMOL 2. MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY OF CONVERS.ION.: 3* MAXIMUM ELECTRIC CAPACITY FROIR CROSS, SECTION 0,"41T nr- T~IERMI)E-LECTRIC;t,'Otl)/F-R7'E,~"R F()jj ACASE WHEN COLD JOINTS OF THERMOELEMf NTS ARE COOLED BY CONVECTIO 0ii WAII. 4. MAXIMUM ELECTRIC CAPArITY FROM CROSS SL'-Cfl.ON UNIr OF THERN(JELEGIfiff: C0111VERfER, WHEN COLD JOINTS OF THERRUELEMENTS ARE COOLE'D, ONLY 13Y RADIANT HEAT EXCHANGE. FOR ALL INDICATED CASES, THElEFFICIEN~,,Y OF:THERMOELECTRIC MATERIALS WORK IS ESTIMATED BY DIMENSIONAL ORL NON 01MENSIONAL COMPLEX WHICH 11,1CLUDES ONLY VALUES OF QUALITY,: MAXIMUM OPERATING TE14PERATURE OF ~THERMGELECTRIC MATERIAL AND MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE TFMPERATURE DROP ON IT. UINCLASS [FLED USSR UDC: 539.4:624,012 SAMAROV, V. N., YEPRE143V, A. 1. "Sow Problems of Measuring Deformation on.the Surface of Reinforced Con- crete Structures Using OpticallylActiVe Coatijags and Ptotoelastic Pickups Under Laboratory and Full-Scale Conditions V sb- Modelir- stroit. konstruktsiy (Mod6lirig of Structural Elements--- collection of works), Mos cow,, StrQyizdat, 19.71, Pp 180,;-185 (-from RZh- -Mekhanika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7V964)... TYanslation:' Data are presented on development of a procedure for naking and applying coatings of optically sensitive materialqL' enabling testing of.concrete structures both.before fracture-and under conditions of crack formation. Some results of the resedrch;arel presented, e. g.: the stur~r of distribution of deformation between the cement rock and the filler in ordinary concrete, rock-concrete and keramzit-concrete, studies of the deformed state of reinforced concrete bendable elements in. the presence of 'cTack formations. In addition, the artiele.:contains a rerort an elab- oration of basic procedural, problems relatted to the u~.,e of optically active coatings for studyzn_a d~rnamically loaded.'structures. L Bibliography of 15 titles.' Authors' abstract. 1/1