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--i/-2'*' 08 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 0 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126435 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NECESSITY OF USING STATISTICAL .-AL-THGOS IN FhE FIELD OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIOiNS T I S iSUBSTANTIATED* A METHOD AND INDICATIONS TO DETERMINATION OF THE MEAN VALUE Ss OF-ASSESSMENT CRITERIA OF.THF: SIGN VARIABILITY, AND MEMODS AN ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTION OF THE.DATA IN SOLVING DEFINITE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL -ADING'RDLE-, PLAYED BY ANALYZING THE PKOBLEMS~ARE EXEMPLIFIED* THE LE -:AATERIAL NATURE OF THE~METHGDS INVESTIGATED IN ASSliSSING.THE RESULTS OF -AL-IS-: RPHASIZEO FACILITY: -STATIS-TICAL JREATMENT OF THE MATERI --.-T~EkTkALINYY-INSTITUT.E'PIDEMICLOGII,.i4DSKVA. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PRQCESSING DATE--16OCT70 030 !-T-1-TLE-ELABORAT ION OF RATIONAL SYSTEM OF EFFECTIVE INFORMATION ON THE --INC I DENCE OF -INFECTIOUS DISEASES U- -~-AUTHDR-403)-TEPLYAKOV, 8-YA., DROZOOVA, A.A40.YELKIN, 1.14 -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S OUR C' E-- Z HURN A LM 1KROB IOLOG I II IMMUNUBIOLDGIIr 19701 NR 4 t PP 141-146 0 AT E: PUBL 1,SHED-,--. 70 -:-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCESt ELEURONICS AND ELECTRICAL NGR* '-TOPIC. TAGS--INFECT*IOUS DISEASE, INFORMATfON STORAGE.AND RCTRIEVALi -A [CATION EQU-IPMENTI COMPUTER~ PIK 1,,CATI ON 24TROL MAAKING--NO RMUCTIONS ~DOCUIOIENT, CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1988/1693 STEP NO---UR/0016/7()/000/()04/0141/01~t6 :--'ClIRC ACCESSION 1140-00106439 NCLASSIFIED W *!I..-, f', I ~ I ;I I I !;; " j: ; UNC LASS IF [ED USSR IJDC 669.245.018.44(083.8) PANIASYUK, 1. 0., BRUSILOVSKUY, 11. S. , VILI".OV, V. I., VORONP~, C. YEC0P,0V, YE. YEE.) KLUIOV, L. YA. , YOVVQVA, YE.- Irt. I IKONTSUM A:-,'YE. !-1. , LYUBINSKAYA, N. A., HILENINA, YE. G., NIKILAYLOV, 1. A., R;IZMIAYEV, YE. I., SIROTKIN, A. i. , SOLDATCHENKO, V. A.. SPILITSIN, R. I.0 SHAPIRO, S. 'M. "Nickel-Chromium Base Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No 276418, Filed 2 Jun 69, Published 16 Oct 70 (from act I RM-Metallur;tiya, No. ei, Ai)r 71, Abstr, .1o 41766P) Translation: Vie heart-resistant alloy has the following composition (in C 0.03-0.1, Cr 30-140, WI 3-5.5, 11o 2-4p TI 0.5-1.5t A1,0.5-1.5, M) 0.5-1.5, Ce 0.01-0.3, B 0.003-0.008, 1111i, the rest. The alloy has increased heat re- sistance and also the following mechanical and physical-chemicall properties 2 at 1,100*: cr 3 kg/-,,m2, 6 65%9 Cr 1 kg/=-, coefficient of -6 -1 stress-~upture linear expansion 15-10 dcg increase in ~zeiRht after 100 hours of heatinla .1 2 It is corrosion-resistant in a moist atraosphere .at 1,200' in the air 0 Q g/n under troi)ical condit-ions, in sea water, and in the products of coribustion of highly sulfurous fuel. ~7 777777 r Ace. 'Nr: fip 0047887 Ref. Code:b~*A*_ PRIMARY SOURCE: Ortopediya, Travatato)log''a i Protezirovaniye, 1970,~Nr 5 -.X?. THE REMOTE RESULTS OF 17REATMENT OFMULTIPLE (COMBINED) FRACTURES Of THE LONG TUBULAR BONES.61F THE UPPER EXTREMITIES fi~ in the treatment The experience of traumatologic clinics 0"the-Ulifo A.Y_JniUtL of 45 patients with multiple (combined) fractures of the tipper extremity bones is set forth. the choice of one or another method of Lreatment wSit determined by the chw-azter of combination of fracture-,, age oi the injured, character of the line of break- and fragi-nent displacement. as well as presence or absence of complications. Thirty' pationts were treated -by conservative and 15 by operative methods. As a rule, failure of zonservative treatmer-f was an indication a n studied in all '~aflents ,vith ior oz4ration. The remote results h ve bee follow-up from 6 months, up to 7 years from the moment or traunia. Good results hav(: been achieved in 27 (60%), satisfactory in 12. (26.7%), and were poor in 6 (13,3r,,') patients, The incidence ol poor results was especially high in patients with 6i3physary fractures of the hutjierus and forearm bones and in'pati'ents with.multiple frat-tures of the elbow joint. Pulse Teel-Ini q~ue UDC. 4678.02:66.097 USSR ABRAM"LIA, Ye. A., ViDRO31Y'-,'V, V. V. YEG(,I'OV, A., YELYIii V. and 1, j1, K Nk(j, 'k. U. "Initiating the Discharge in a Mergavolt Gas Spaice by an Electron Tleam" -os cow. Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, No. 10 Jahuary-iebruary, ~1971 p-p 117-118 Abstract: 12his paper describes t h e ex p r. L in, ir i t! ~i method and results in the use of an electron beam to start. 'Ohe ditoc'rlar(~e in a gaseous to 1 DIV is supplied by a Tesla induc- jap. The high voltar,~e of 0.2 tion transform er, with tfie capacit;aricer f ormeeft 1~y the trlrisformer electrode and the trangformer's C.,*;31nt, piayinf-., the p-,,irt of t -discharge gap. This casing is fil'od with''gas at a Iressure of he L ti 12 atmospheres, with the ulectron be-am injected, with an -.,,nergy of w~ 5 ns, into 150 to 400 kev arid a current of 10 A irk the courst 'he center of - e Cap, -4h4ch has a length of 4 cm. Tile injection -'o is made through a 1-cm diameter window.of ne il A sketch of this equipment is provided. 1, 'hotogi~apbs of the disc:harge are re- produced. 1W ..... UR M11!.Flazommal-- 4 'USSR UDC: 533.6.011 YEL KIN, Yu., G. "Unstable Univariate Flows of a Nonviscous Radiating Gas" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Aero-gidrodinam. In-ta [Scientific Writings of Central Institute of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics], 1972, 3, No 2, pp 28-38 (Translated from Referati-vnyry Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 12J 1972, Abstract No 12B171, by G. A. Tirskiy) Translation: A numerical solution is presented to theproblem of unstable univariate flow of a nonviscous, non-heat,conducting radiating gas between a shock wave and a contact discontinuity surface. The flow of gas is considered to be in chemical equillibrium: the gasses before the propagating shocl, wave beyond the contact surface are nonviscous and nonradiatina; the pressure and density of radiation are negligible. To calculate the inItial sector of development of flow, it is considered that the radiation is a perturbation and within the framework of this assumption as t-+0, changes in the gas dynamic characteristics of the flow are estimated. The one dimensional system of radiation gas dynamics equations was solved by the method of successive approx- imations. Using the known distribution of flow paramete and divq in the r5 R M+ mth cross section Ctm colist) and thedistribution of divqR in the I)th cross 1/2 USSR Yellkin, Yu. G., Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Acro-gidrodinam. In-ta, 1972, 3, No 2, PP section, the gas dynamic functions in the (m+l)th cross sections were determined by.the method of characteristics. To calculate~the divergence of radiant flux d the radiating volume was represented as an infinite flat layer and a ten- 'VqR' stage model was used for the coefficient of'absoiption of air. The gas dynamic functions are presented in graphic form at various moments in time. With shock wave velocities of over 12 kri/sec, the energy.transfer from the gas by radiation significantly changes the gas dynamic parameters behind the s1 iock wave 2/2 goo Eau= USSR UIDC 539-67 POSTMOV, V..S., MESHKOV, S. I.,. KOSILOV,~A4 T., and KOROTATEV, Ye. A. "On Amplitude Dependence of Internal Friction in Uniaxially Stretchable Na-tals" Bb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallicheskikh m6terialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo Hauka, 1970., PP 76-79 Abstract: Results of a study on internal friction in alimdnum are presented. The data obtained a3!,a discussed on the basis of conceDts on thermally activated overcoming of short-range barrier by dislocations, taking into account the supplementary periodical stresses in slip planer., prodmced by torrional vibra- tions4 A relation is obtained which characterlzes tbe airq)litutb! dependence of in the tensile process. The wagnitudd of..activati6n volume for a proposed mechanizm is determined. The activation:volume-va. eldngati6n velocity is plotted., 3 figures., 7 references.i V Ab. Probl. osobo wasn. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous Infections collection of Works), Saratov, No 4(14) 1970,:PP 105-109 (frOM M-Yzd1tsinLka-n. GeGgM4Ya-,- N03, Mar 71, Abs~;ract No 3-36.110 by B. Dobrokbotov Translation: It appears that the malm~piague vectorat a h1gh-altitude focus in Transcaucasia is the cor=z vole. The predominant fleas of the focus, Ctenophthahmis teres and Ct. vladimirij appeared incapable of forming a plug and of transmitting the agent. As a result an opinion about the alimentary mechanism of infection and about the existence of a focus due to csinnibalism amng common volea was advanced. Thio'bypothesis proved to be incorrect: there are data concerning the possibility of flormation of plugs in Caratophyl- 3aw caspius and C. consimills fleas and the transmiskon of plague bacteria by,them to the rodents.. In the Transcaucasian natural focusA the transmission mechanism of inducers is basic.,Vhereas.the ell ntaz7 mechanism is only of secondary importance. EA u~'j USSR BERLOVICH, E. Ye., BLINNIKOV, Yu. S.i.VAYSHNIS, P. P., VITMAN, V. D., YELKIN, IGqATF-NKO, Ye. ~ I., PANTELEYEVI NO', ~Nq and:TARASOV, V.K., Konsiantinov,Nuclear'Physics Institute "Shbrt-Lived Osmium Isotopes" Moscow, Tzvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR 'qeriva Fizicheskava, No 12, 1972, pp 2490- 2498 Abstract: The purpose of.-the experiments'.dea,cribed in this paper is to detect 1750s and to obtain information concerning gam. a irradiation of this and lighter osmiurn isotopes. The short-lived isotopes orere obtained In spallation reactions by irradiating mercury with I-Gev protons in the symchro- a cyclotron of the*irradiatioi ccnditions S.'r ry, inasmuch:as the proportion of the different Os isotopes in the specimens depends on the mode of proton bombard- ment. . In the gamma irradiation, the gamma ray spectrmnn was:measured by a Ge(Li) detector, with a resolution of 3.5 kev for a line of 662 kev, and the spectra were recorded by an electronic system including art Al-1024 analyzer, a control block with timer, and the Kiask-22 computer to measure half-lives. Isotopes 1/2 ii li ~ 1. III; - - 1-1 11 - llan=-,MfAnUgqffMFMjU USSR UDC 616.981'.51-06:616.24-0021-036.21 Medical Institute t___NA,_A. V, Saratov "Epidemiology of Pulmonary Anthrax Ilikrobialogii, Epidemiologii i Immu obiologii, No 9, 1971, Moscow, Zhurnal 1 n pp 112-116 Pulmonary anthrax (or woolsorters' disease) is now exception,01v Abstract: rare in the Soviet Union, and for this reason some aspects of the epidemiology are obscure, particularly the mode of transmission from man This study of archival records and an old periodical yielded detailed information on epidemics of the disease that the 19001's in several rural localities of what is now Saratov and Volgograd oblasts. A total of 89 persons contracted pulmonary anthrax, verified by pathological and bac- teriological examinations. The great majority of.patients had handled in- fected wool. The disease was apparently not very contagious,because there were fe-4 cases in which more than one member of a family became infected. Some 80% of the victims were women. Outbreaks occurred mostly during the 'cold weather, a feature that distinguishes the pulmonary from the cutaneous form of anthrily, which appears in the summer TM disease was generally fatal, death occurring on the 3d or 4th day _J 1-11.1 Lr_ :1-11 ~112 015 p., UNCLASSI FIED Opt-OtESSING OATE--160CT70 :TJTLE_-THE MECHANISM OF IMMUNOGENES1S IN VACCINATION WITH S.PRIMEO MUTANTS -OF.,SALMONELLAE AND SHIGELLAE, REPORT Ill.. NONSUSCEPT'BILITY OF-141CE TO S. .-AU.THOR-105)-SERGEYEV, V.V.v FROLOVA, M.A., PROTASOV,Ar YELKINA, S.I., 13.YUW' PabNTRY OF mrzo---~ussR URCE-ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGIli EPIDEMIOLOG1.1 I immu.440BIOLOGII, 1970,.NR 5, 126 POE PUBLTSH.ED-------70 ,.,CONTROL MARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -REEL/FRA.ME--1994/0141 'PROXY :CJRC -P NO-.UA/0016/70/000/005/0126101-30 STE ACCESSION NO--AP0114537 --U!%]C LASS I-F-I ED--------, w1.2 1 1 A..;!i` I.:II Ili: J1 1k I!; 1:11"I'] J_ I hl DATEI-16OCT70 -2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP0114537 ~'ABS-TRACTiEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN COMPARING THE IMMUNOGENIC .'..PROPERTIES THE AUTHORS FOUND THE VACCINE PREPARED:FROM THE LIVE S PRIMED -CULTURE OF S. ENTERITIDIS BACTERIA TO BE.MORE Er-Ft-CTIYE IMMUN13LOGICALLY J,HAN-THE:VACCINE MADE OF KILLED BACTERIA,OF A VIRULENT STRAIN. ALCING _*ITH INTE; S PRIMED MUTANT NSE SPECIFIC IMMUNITY, ORAL IMMUNIZATION: 41TH 1, 1 UNOLOG I C L ALSO PRODUCED THE DEVELOPMENT OF NONSPr=C1FIC RESISTENCE. mm A RECONSTRUCTION OF CELLS OF THE RETICULOENDOTHELIAt SYSTEM AND OF THE WAS ESTABLISHED BY THE RE,ACTIQN-~OF CELLULAR PASSIVE SKIN FACILITY: MOSCOWINSTITUT VAKTSIN ISYVOROTOK IM. ~_,.--_,,~,-MECHNIKOVA. lk~ 1-IIAW i] I! UP-d; (B t$~~ OC61s) 05 u 1 0 USSR n roe V SHUSTER, B. YU., LIKHODED, V. G., SEFiGEYEVt ..V.t YEXN and -LITAREV, V. A., Moscow Institute of Vaccines and Serad.~ieni Ifeehnikov "Transduction Analysis of the Virulence of-Revertants of S. enteritidis Ztreptomycin-Dependent. Mutants" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologil, Epidemiologll' i 1juiunobiologil, No 12, 1971, pp 58-62 Ab3tractt Using the transduction, method with phage P 220 tho authors folmd that the virulence of avirulance of revertants of S. enteri-~idis No 921 str-d mutants varied Yith the nature of the reverse =04ition~ Virulence was restored in the true revert-ants while. the suppressor revertants remained avirulent, In transduction of markers from the virulent str-r strain to the suppressor avirulent revertants, the str-r tranzductants exhibited segregation with respect to virulence. The virulence of the.transductants was due to substitution of the su-strr supp. su-str* gene gene ressor fo= the ppie refore,ifiat,autation1n the su-str gene su ssori It would appeari the suppressor results in the loss of.: vlrule~ce.~. Ussll atid TONMUIUS YE. G., Tasi-,' T 17 41. V 11-C0-1 A Y2- -INTL Sana-7-ary, Ep"I denaiiological Laboratory -'Y'ear Viroio-ical Study o2 ln,`Iu-enza ia slikeli L Gb7 st" Sax T& T -A Sh 1 C e n `Cei t s t v,, k i y --'L L u rIU zb e Is -L a n a 3 7 0, , p i-" 3 i 6~bstract: A si-adly of 1,222 thr -r-1, ei~ 'Erom pat-L~nj!--:- aa t s in e a r s L acul-C -XIeSpira-Lory diseases bet"i-ren 1962 an, d 19671 and-i ~~rom 0!:) L; Ju cadave"s) w-as per--~"ormied on, clmic'-'en~ 'a-brv,~S. e: I Of influerizia virus isolated, representrAn-,' 1- 7 -111 0 L all f USCIS. Six strains of the A-2:type t. h e1962 flu ep-i'demic, one StraiD of the B typc~ was 1036-1; !1 str.-i-ins o 1-C I.- b e-A-2 type in 1965; and two, ~8trairis of Lho -v,)c! in IC967. In the 1963-1-964 intempideritic period, 'Uhe. A2 tLlp~:-2s recor-al in 5-3 . Tr of -0 1 cases; than ~-z ti.,pe 1. -1-f; n t'l L L u D type in 0.2-0.31 of. cases. 2ha-: "1 1 u L~ p em, c u~ 1C Fr--Ib-r%-~ary. 1965 , was cau3ed by the A 2 type, wa.- 40.4'-~ of pat-fants,witla S as . -jcat4~ rc.~7pircttory disea D"I 119,S6, ardl in e I tjr "S -"6 . 2 1~ jatki~'-'wy zhi:ough L.4LC .4 L 'a Tj 'IM, K V. G c: tinl T h k- e n t) !,"c d No I 19 7 0 prp 311,34 donorn -.--ere rested ~-,Dr ir-murlity C r C; c c o z. d e dingra-inst: vir~'zses oZ r-po, '12 2 2 1 7 6 . D o c 4U and B flu outbreak -ir, 1. 9 Con, as a res 41 c ent-ra L J.ozi of -~!-i 'L-.L o (ft iF., i,-a i n S tax. v J, ru o ei- L -I.- Z a types) was ma-l-edly rcauc~aa,, i n d i c oi too!:; L9-")5. After til, n t o f L L. 4~~ t-1- L .71 t 'j. cL C S ~:zgainnt iI t a.2 ~Y,)c se threerold' and f ,L7 I --a- 7,,~; 41-k The I a A967 a-,-An in c r e a n C'd- P 00 De3, U'j'"jU,-jjtY. totC--. u D t o t h c 1 e v,~ Iob~;erved in 19G-3. Vi-O" a importance in medical practicei and iEi the influienza. d i i r, 1/2 USSR UDC 518.5:681-3.o6 YMKMA, V. 'Program of Constructing the Shortest Path for the BESm-6 Computer" V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (computer Systems--collection of -vorks), vyp. 45, iKovosibirsk, "Nauka", 1971, pp 41-46 (from M-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec No 1v982) 71, Abstract Translation: The proposed program for constructing th-- shortest path is designed for plotting a connected nonoriented graph without loops with a minimum sum of the edges' lengths. The matr-,x.R of intial distances 'or all points of the initial set Is constructed and used as a basis for -is a:spatially ordered list of plotting the required graph. Theirevult the edges of.the graph. A. Khalamay~er. 80 - USSR UDC: 51:155-001-57:681.3.06 -The "Krabl Program for the Ri-3M-6 Compu er t V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (computer Systems--co.1lectior of works), vyp. 45, Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1971, pp 47-55 (from,M-Kibernetika. .: Ito 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12V1011) Translation: The paper proposes 6 standard program for search in a given feature space for the best union Lof elementary taxa among K taxp- of complex form. Initial data: a list ordered by increasing a-umbers of the edges of a graph without loops with minimum sum of thelength of the edges; the vector of "weights" of the taxa; .the permisiqlble number of segments for sorting in searching for the boundaries. ;The last parameter is assigned from heuristic !=siderations. -In the pror!,ram, the given number of most probable "contestants". for the boVndary~:segmcnt is selected, v_U versiona of union for the selected. number.of "cont(!stantsl' are sorted outi and a search is made for the best version.with respect to criterion F. A. Khalamayzer. 90 16 USSR UDC: 51~155.001.57:681-3.o6 Y the 'Forelf-11 Program for the M-220 Computer" Vsb. Vychisl. sistemy (Computer Systems--collection of works), vyp. 45, YovosibirA, "Nauka"i 971, pp ih-18 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec '71, Abstract Vo 12V1013) Translation: The paper describes a program by the "Forell-l" algorithm for iso!Tt-ilg te-xa (regions of bunching) of points with a given degree of proximity by means of hypersphere's. The program access is given as well as the method of assigning t~e initial data and a control example. :-j USSR. UDC: 51.155:00.1-57:681-3-M I -F BEsm-6 c ter" T~e oreII-5,AI Prouam for the, OMPU V sb..Vychisl. sister.-ty (Computer Systems' collection of works), vj-p. 45, -No-vosibirsk, "Nauka", 1971, pp 23-30(from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract I-To 12V1015) Translation: A program is described for isolating taxa with a predetermined -f proxi ity within a taxon for initial data reT degree o. Presented by birary codes. The taxa ray be isolated wil ith resliect to any set from the given are retainedii. number of binary tags. The ini k;~: ~j USSR UDG 621-317.741:621-317-742 KONOPLEV, V. P. licalculating the Standing-Wave Ratio Nonunifonriities of the Transverse and Longitudinal Slot Types. in a Gpwcial Linelf Tr. Sib. n.-i. in-t metrol, (Works:of the,Sibar:Lan Scientific Research Institute of Metrology), 1969,.Vol 2,!:.pp 62-67 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, 1970, Abstracit No 4A-Vj.8) Translation: The authors study the nonuniformity arising during the couplIng of rigid coaxial measuring lines tieing plug contacts. This nonuniformity consists~of a gap between the socket and pin which can be viewed as a short-circuited radial line with longi- tudinal gaps. Starting with this representation, the authors der.,ve a formula for the standing-wave ratio of tho investigated nonuniformit7 for an instance of radially diverging slots and for -parallel diverging items. Original:-artiele: two Illustrations and three bibliographic entries. N;. Si. , 1: '1 .; .1. . , ::;1 1:1, H! .1 i 1 !';' I'l 1111 i, -I h 11 ~ I " 1! ~ "' ~, I 1 1; 1 ~- ~ , . .: '. 1~ I ; Ni ; ~ -! i : ::' : , - ! : . -1 1 . Is 11.11 i.iLi Itril !k-:._L)._ 33 UNCLASSI FIED 1) JULE-Or-TER."IT UT PIN CF THE TUNGST Ul THE PHASE OF HARD EU CONTENT 5. NTERED, ALLOYS -U- I~.AUTIJOR-(05)-TUMANGV, V.1.7 SHCHETTLINA, Y~E. A.i CHEREnrpilovj AvAel 'YELMAKOV.41 0.1* -S.14.1 SEREBROVA, c- c".TrlT?-or-rwv~---'u S S'R 5,0URCE-U.S.S.R. 262,483 .*EJ~tRENcE--GT.KRYTJYA, 120BRET. PROM. OBRAZTSY, TOVAA'NYE YNAK I 197Q, (+-7(6) :,..-D'AT.E,,PUBLIS4rlF-D--~6JAN70 _~._'SU84ECT AREAS--~-MATERIALSv CHEMISTRY _T..QPIC TAGS-METAL CHEtMICAL ANALYSIS, HARD: ALLOYw TUNG5 TE.N CONTAINING ,t-l:.,ALL0Yf MAGNFTIC PER14EACILITY, CURIE TEMPERA TOR E M A F v~ EJALLUIWIC RU;EARCH F4~'ILITY, FERROMAGNETISM, PATENT'111~ :CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UPICLASSIFfED -1. -PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1463 STEP -Nt3--U.RI04,q2/701000/000/0000/0000 _CIRC~ACCESSION 110--AA0126994 ~T I !; "1 3: jr 11 j 1; -.1 j! I I ~11 ! ~!. :i --. ~, I I f I , I:;,- ~ ~ , 1! - ~t, ~- .,: . I . . I I ~; l!!, *1 1:1111, J, USSR UDC 546.3-19'E21'78 TUMANOV, V. I., MOZZHUMB, YE. I., and YELWOVA, S .it.. Ities of Two4hase and Three-Phase "Effect of Temperature on the Physical Proper- -Titaniua-Tungsten Solid Alloys" laterialy, Vol Moscow, Neorganicheskiye M 6, No 1. JaLn ?0, PP 15-19 Abstract: Expansion of the region;; of application of solid alloys gives rise to the necessity for investigating theIr physical propertios at various temperatures. The relations obtained in doing this arouseful in studying prpble= connectod with the structural peculiarities of solid alloys. Heretofore, with the exception of,data on the Young's modulus, there have been~no published data on the physical properties of titanium-tungsten alloys at increased temperatures. This article contains an investigation of the temperature dependence of thermal expansion, electrical resistance, and young's modulus of two-pliaso od throo-phaso titaniuin- oa tOMPOL tungston solid alloy5 in the 20-800 rature rxngo.~ .;It was fowid that tho variation of the physical properties as a function of Co content is not addltlve. The dooposition-property curves have extramal va1ues,.vbic4.corr9SPond to b volu- metric percent Co for two-phase alloys and 22 volumetric:percent Co for three.. phase alloys. USSR TUMA01OV, V. I., et al, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 1, Jan 70, PP 15-19 Investigation of the theoretical relationship between the coercive force and volumetric content (to the 2/3 power) of nownagnetic in*lusions (the carbide component) also demonstrated the presence of an 1xiflectlon point for a concen- tration of the binding phase of 6 apd 11 volumetric percent, respectively, for two-phase and three-phase alloys. Alloys with a high Co content (more than 6 volumetric percent in two-phase alloys and more than 32 volumAric percent in three-phase alloys) have structures in the form of a cobalt matrix with included isolated carbide grains. In alloys with a low6r Co content the binding pnass has a continuous structure -- Individual sections of thelicobalt solid solution are isolated by the carbide phase. Graphs are presented :LUustrating these various relations. 2/2 112 042 UNCLASSI FIED'~ T E PkbCESS!ING DA JITLE--EFfECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE~P14YSICAL-PROPERrIES OF.TWO AND THREE PHAS E T 11AN I UM AND TUNGSTEN SOLID ALLOYS --~U- ~~_.AUT40R-1,03,)-TUMANOV, V.I., MOZZf4UKHIN, YE..10..f YELMANDVAL.S.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCF--- I ZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRv NEORG-MATER. iWo, 1.5-19 ,~.DATE, PUBLISHED ------- 70 ;~._UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS ,JOPIC TAGS--TITANIUM ALLOY, TUNGSTEN ALLOYv COBALT CONTAI-NING ALLOY, CAR B I DE iTHERMAL EFFECT, PHYSICAL PROPERTYt: ELASTIC :MtODULUSP NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONt ELECTRIC RESISTIVITY, MAGNET[C-C.OERCIVE f*0RCE' TERNARY ALLOY --NO RESTRICTIONS ~ONTRDL MARKING 00 CU MEN T CLASS--UNCLASSfelEn ~'~P_ROXY REEL/FRAME--1934/0152 STEP tJO--UR/0363/70/i3O6/OOl/OOl5/t-)1)19 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054948 UNCLASSIFIED DATE-18SEP70 2/2 042 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054948 "ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0-~ ABSTRACT. THE TEMP. Or-PENDENCE OF THERMAL EXPANSION, ELEC. RESISTIVITY, AND.ELASTICITY MODULUS tIF 2 AriD 3 P114SE TI W SOLID AL~OYS [N THE TEMP. RANGE 20-8001)EGREES ',iAri ItqVESTIGATED, THE: 'IS t PHYS. PROPGRTIES AS DEPENDENT Gt,4 TlqE CO (OtIfENT 00~ NOT CHANGE 111%. THF IVES LA TURN OUT TO BE ADDITIVE. THE COMPN* PROPERTY CUR HAVE "TREME VALUESi WHICH CORRESPOND TO 6 VOL. PER,CENIT CO FOR''ALLOYS OF THCE 2 PHASE COMPN. AND TO EQUIVALENT TO SIMILAR TO 12~ VOL. PERCENT CO FOR 3 PH4LSF-: -ALLOYS- EXAMN. OF THE THEORET kETW'EE%l IHE COEPCIVE, ICAL DEPENBENCE 8 FORCE :~:__ANU THE TWO THIRDS POWER OF THE VOL. CONTENT OF NONMAGNETIC INCLUSIONS (,CARBIDE C014PONENT) ALSO SH014ED THE-PRESENCE OF AN, INFLECTIoN AT THE .~CONCN. OF THE BINDING PHASE OF 6 AND 11 VOL. PERCENT, RlSP- , FOR THE 2 AND. THE 3 PHASE ALLOYS... ALLOYS - WITH -A 'THIGH CO'~CONTENT IG'REATER. THAN 6 -..,VOL. PERCENT IN 2 PHASE ALLOYS AND GREATER THAN 12~'VOL. PERCENT IN 3 -PHASE ALLOYS) HAVE A STRUCTURE IN 'THE FORM, OF A CO liATRIX, CONTG. THE FORM OF ISOLATED CARBIDE~GRAINIS. INCLUSIONS IN UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 577.1:615.7/9 YEVNICHUM, L. N. "Histochemical Characteristics of Lipids in Subcutaneous Nodules Caused by 'Injection of Quartz-Containing Dust, Asbestos, Anthracite, and Carbolen [Charcoal, Sucrose, Starch, NaCl]". V ab. Voor. Gigiyeny truda i prof. patol. vmetallurgii (Problems of Indus- tiral Hygiene and Occupational Diseases in Metallurgy!.--Col-lection of Works), Moscow, 1972,' pp 268-274 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 17, Sep 73, Abstract No 17 F1927) Translation: The formation of nodules (N) in subcutaneous tissue was found to be similar to that in the lungs. After subcutaneous injection of quartz dust or SiO2 condensate, a larger quantity of lipid-containing macrophages (LN) was found in the N along with.a greater proliferation of connective tissue than after injection of chamotte dust. Asbestos,- anthracite, and carbolen. did not significantly affect these processes. Of were detected mainly in portions with dust accumulations, an indication of degenerative L changes in the microphages. Phosphatids predominated in the macrophages in the. early stages of nodule formation while neutral fats were more 1/2 - J-1 - 7 T-1- ---~ ~,; , - , , . _ i 4 d4d" -SaiaitatiOh Public flealtli, qijidii6" USSR uDc 616.2)~-003.667.6-o92-oo8.939.15 PSLOBRAGINA and G. V., and )%L'kTICMTM, L. Institute of la1)or Hygiene Occupational Diseases,*-Sverdltv'sk "Localization of Li-pids in the Lungs During Experimintal Asbestosis" Moscow, Gigiyena Trada i ProfessionalInyye Zabolevaniya, No 9, 1972, pr, 55-57 Abstract: 'Me -nrocess of node formation and invasion by -lipid-con-taining nacro- phages in the lungs of white rats exposed to chrysotile asbestos dust was studied racroscopically over a 1-year-period and compared to processes occurrimg during silicosis. As in silicosis, lipid- containing macro-phages accummulated in perivascular and peribronchial tissues, in interalveolar septase, and under the-pleura, appearing on the reriphe ry of dust nodes consisting of macrophages, pla6ra cells, histiocytes, fibroblasts, and fibrocytes in 30 daYs- In contrast to silicosis., however, the nodes were notsubsequently invaded by lipid- containing racrophages, and sclerotization did not occur. This suggests a pathogenic involvement of lipid-containing macrophages in the development of umsclerosis. ne P n JI k I It 7 USSR UDC 547-26,118 + 547-292.6 GAZIZOV, M. B., SULTANOVA, D. B., RAZUMOV, A. I.Y .,YELNIKOVA., G. 11..,_~and stitute ni- OSTANINA, L. P., Kazan' Chemical-Technological In M. Kirov "Reaction of Aryldichlorophosphines With Acetic Acid Acylals" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, vol 42 (io4), No 9,.Sep 72, pp 2112-2113 Abstract: Ary1dichlorophosphines react with equimolar quantities of acetic acid acylals at 500.yielding cK-alkoxyethylarylpho,sphinic acid chlorides. The yields ofthese products can be improved by using excess-cUor6phosphine or running the reaction in presence of an equimolar quantityzofcK--chlqroether. '09 kill MRAA!HNMW6 i h USSR UDC1 6811.2.083.8(088.8) YELOKHIN, A. P. "Random Number Generator" USSR Author's Certificate No. 279168, Filed 19/06/69, Published 16/11/70. (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika,-Telemekhanika i:Vycliislitel,naya -,Tekhnika, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. SB233P). Translation: A random number generator is suggested consisting of a random voltage generator and a random number former. In order to simplify the device and increase accuracy-and speed, it contains a dynamic voltage limiter, the input of which is connected to the output of the random~voltage generatoi- while the output is con- neqted to the input of the random number former. I fig. Devices USSR UDC: 681.2.08-3.8 YELOKHIN, A. P., All-Union Scientific Research..Institute.,of Heat Engineering imeni -A Random Number Generator" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlenn e Obraztsy. Tova-rnyye Znaki, No 26, Yy :1970, Soviet Patent No 279168, ciass 42, filed 19 Jun 69, p 132 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a random'number generator which consists of a random voltage oscillator and a circuit for shaping random numbers. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the device is,simplified, precision is improved and speed in increased by incorporating a dynamic voltage limiter whose input. is connected to the output ofthe ra6dm~voltage od'c;Lllai;or while the output io-connected to the input of the circuit for sh(tping random nimbers. USSR UDC 547'739 3: '262'385 - I NAKHMANOVICH, A. S. and EAIMTAUKHVVA~~ R. V., Institute of ~Organic Chewdstry, Siberian Branch) Acad.' ScMj, USSR, Irktutsk~ "Acetylene Derivatives of Seleno phene I Synthesis and So~ie Reactions of' Selenienylacetylene Alcohols andYetones" Riga, Ehimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh SoyedineniY, No 7, Jul 71, PP 920-9223- Abstract: 2-SelenoDhenealdehydes react with alkylacetylene and acetylenemagne- sium bromide under the Iotsich reaAion conditions and ~rith sodium acetylenide in liquid amonia yields new selenienylad&tylene alcohols which can be easily converted to respective ketones by oxidation with MrO~2 ~n ether. Belenienyl- roxylc acetylene ketones upon reaction with hydrazine azd hyd mine in aqueous ethanolundergo intramolecular cyclizatim forming res ctive selenienyl sub- Pe stituted pyrazoles and isoxazoles., USSR BYKOV' V. P.; (Moscow) "Acoustical Vibrations in an Ellipsoidal Cavfty4 Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal; July-September, 1970; pp,372-82 ABSTRACT: Acoustical vibrations in an eUipsoidal cavity are studied. Asymp- totic solutions of the Helmholtz equations are obtained Xhich lead, in the given case., to the three-wave equations of Lame. These solut~-ons take into account, the symmetry of an ellipsoid and do not require a joining of the solutions for different regions of variation of the independent variable. 'Lier work In addition, phase conditions discussed by Bykov in an ear, ("Geo- metric Optics of Three-Dimensiona.1 Oscillations in Open: Resonators", from the collection nElectronics of Large Powers 1965~ 4166-91) are. deteimned more acCUr The article includoa 81t equations. There are 6 bibliogTophic references. S-OR U UDC: 621 373:510.145.6 YELOV, V. V., ILtYASOV, R. Sh., YDROZOV, V. P., ORLOV, B.: V. ,POL'SKIY, "A Transistorized Oscillator for Excitation of aRing--T,"e Gas Laser" Tr. Kazan. aviats, in-ta (Works or the Ka z On Aviation Inztitwte) 1970, VYp. - 104, pp 116-122 (f roya M-Radlateklini", No 12, Dee jO, Abstract No 12D.199) Translation, High-frequency pumping oscillators wh i Ch operate in the 3-100 Niz frequency range are mst frequently used for activat-Lug a gas laser. As a rule, these oscillators are based on vacuum tubes., Nith the develo-D- ment of Soviet higli-frequency power transistors, it has ~.MCOTII'! pocsl ~n- oscillator. This paper (lescrib,:-s a. make a minieturized econom, c pumpi , transistorized oscillator designed for excitation of three gas-discharge tubes on a frequency of 5 14ft with relative frequency instability of 2xlO idth an output power of '--Ox-'z W, the time for reaching the worldng mode being no mre than 50 msec. The gas laser emission level is atabilized by using negative feedback with respect to the,emission of tbe lastar. The power len-I for excitation of the giLq-tUscharge tubes in a ring laaer is continli- o%wly variable from PMU to 0.3 NEW !1*!-,?;! 1!:, 111 1 kliff, 14, ~ T Il 1. _j/2' 007 UNCL 45$1 Fl ED PRO'CESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~~,T-fTLE-BRONCHOSCOPY IN DIAGNOSING CHRONIC, DUST INDUCED BRONCHITIS -U- AtJTH0R-(05)-YELOV)AAL -!i.YA# I MALTSEVAv L'.M. iSOROKIN, V.M., GENINA, O.D., JUNKELBERG77--to COUNTRY OF.INFO. USSR S .OURCE--GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALINYYE ZASOLEVANKYA, 1970, NR 4, PP Al E'PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~,-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO 14EOICAL.SC ENCES TOPIC 'FAGS--RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE, DIAGNOSTIC METHODS :CMITROL UARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_60CUMENT CLAS~--UNCLASSIFIEO STEP NO--UR/0391/701000/004/0056/0058 _CIRC ACCESS10% NO--AP0054LZ2 F"__:'2 2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 _CIRCACCESSION NO--AP0054122 ,~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PAPER CARRIES DATA OF CLtNICO ,ROENTGENOLOGICAL, ENDOSCOPIC ANO'FUNCTIONAL EXAMINATIONS-OF 97 PATIENTS PRESENTING OUST INDUCED PATHOLOGY. OF THESE~62 HAD CHRONIC BRONCHITISp 121 PNEUMONCONIOSIS, AND 23 WERE SUSPECTED OF,SUFFERING FROM THE LATTER. ~-..,AN ANALYSIS OF~THESE FINDINGS IS.SUGGESTIVE THAT iioTH IN CHRONIC BRONCHITIS AND IN PNEUMONCONIOSIS, AS WELL.AS IN SUSPECTED PNEUMOCONIOSIS THERE APPEAR MANIFESTATIONS OF ENDOBRONCHITIS, MOSTLY OF SUB AND-AT,ROPHIC NATURE AND LESS OFTENUF HYPERTq0PHIC.ONE. A -CHARACTERISTIC SIGNS OF ENDOBRONCHITIS ARE! DISCERNABLE~ E-ARLI'ER ND M RE -FREQUENTLY THAN ROENTGENOLOGICAL~MANIFESTATIOiS OF-THE DISEASE. THERE y :WERE- INSTANCES WHEN ENDOSCOPIO-'- CHANGES~ BEC-AME:APPARENT,IN THE ABSENCE OF BRONCHOGRAPHIC ONES~' THUS, IN. CASES,~ GIV,I-NG GROUND;TD SUSPECT CHRONIC :.:.,.DUST INDUCED BRONCHITIS OR PNEU~OCONIOSIS,BRONCHO.ScOPY :.OS TO BE REGARDED PROCEDURE CONDUCIVE TO-AN EARLY,;IDENTIF:ICATION OF THE AFFECTIONS UNCLASSIF19D: ----------- ZU S S R uDc-621.165:62o.193.1 SHKOL'NIK, G. T., Lamm, M. I. YBWTIKOV A. S. and 7,ELETISKIY, V. G. 'Ways of Preventing t1ie Erosion of Blade.Apparatus of Power Plant 'Parbines" Chelyabinsk, V sb. 110svoyen~ve b1o)-ov moshchno --'Yu 300 MVt na *bp -EkL -stuzsk. uFle" (Collecti-on of Works-Assimila-ICion. of 300$,1v Power Units Burning the Ekibastuz Regl.on Coal)~, 19?2, 1)P 105-1 15 (from.Referativnyy Zhurnal-Te-ploenergetika, No .6, June'72, Abstract No 6C39) Abstricti Se-ile rpppqrs to be the wain source of abn?sive p,-jrtLclr-,s whiCh fo rm on TAT)e inner s~urfnces~ ma rl e oT) e r 1 i t.-,L 0 s t1 s , d u e t o inadeouaoy o-P -'uJiOx nrtueal -OnTerRtux(~ corifil-ti,ons to hr!,3.t resis- tant charp,(,,t(?rstdc-q of materials ur:ndi The admissible -vevatvre of the superhen.ter -~Jrje v,,-11 outside surface annears to be 5?50C for the l2KhlT.*17- steel and 5P50C for the 12Kh2M*SR -o n. dE15-91 steels. it is necessary to ensure ari optimal fresh stean temperature con- trol on units -tith di.rect flow boilers viith them T)urjose of reducin-, C~ not only the ex;t temperature but also the int: r.-nediates alonn- the circuit. It is necessary to broaden the u,--,e of; suT)erheater made of scale proof steels in boiUe'rs, where the viall tempe.-at-111-re 1/2 ;~Jj,!.!;I~ i,;:: H HIAPAI! I.: ~Aj ........ FM USSR MOL IIIK, G. T., et al., Osvoyeniye blokov moshchnost'Yu 300 INt na Ekibastimsk-ugle" 1972, PP 105-115 is more than 5715-5850C. Until elimination of scale formation, it is advisable to ctArry out periodically~(once in 2-3 a chemical removan-I.of scale f-am perlitic section of ste--m -soperheater. Load~nz of turbines of the Troitskoy Hydroelectric Power Station at the start from a cold and non-cooled stIte,-n_s well as 0,ren-k-lion a' -oar- tial loads should be conducted at slipping pre-psures with fully opened control valves. 5 figui-eS$ 5 re.ferencesw 2/2 ux USSR 36. 4 6 + 062.222.2 KSM-DOPUL0, G. 1. , B.. Ya. ZAV.,V)SKIY, V. A., ODNOROG.) D. S., :VELCVS);AYA.-T. P., Alna-Ata we-`Chahism of- Inhibition ol Combustion of HydrocaVboi -Air 11fixtures by Finely -Dispersed Pa-rticles" Fizi Gorca"ya i Vz2yva, No 1, Mar 71, pp 192-991 ABSTI aaoF-phc-.riz projimic f1waos viere studiod 1-, the mothod 0~ sz-2olin- 0 USill, L (Illartz microtube to ta%,~ samples for flic reactio-i wais que;-idcd iii sa:mples tal-.Oli in less t!;an -ii SCL: 11, the a IC. I a !A a C o,- 'Che Strom.11 Of S-v%plud II.-C'u- the C~;pi lan b-Ito thc. 10 Chamber. ."knalyri.s oc tile conuntratJi-ii ICS 1 111 the roaction '"one of thw jII(!JC;fz--(, thn't din i; i:lyll S that of -ftocti-Cynation of the ini'tjll fliol no I C C11 1 es . It's the conc~--.t:T-Zltian OF propanc decreasc-s'i tho co lice lit ra t.i, (In all: :7. The ).s -duccd Oil o"', re OF f0l-1-,'. M) t 1) U OLI-.(!I- ~zn'ld J.113, JAI ;. Ir),-, of its ]w,;:-.-bv reco-L-dimtion oF Ci-,: (NI ~,adiclu" oil thc 51irf, C" t jp;~. rt C C~I r I, I:;,- F~ of and wl their llatur~:, Th, A S p l*.-,Iv "t, t 1., J,;xdlahl ~;Ia 0 f i II J b i t i on of ccm- L USSR UDC 539.3 VASILTV, V. V. and YELPAT 'EVSKIY.: A~ N. "Optirnum Shape of the Shell of: Revolution Made of Glass Filament ~-A Plastic by the Continuous Winding Method" Moscow, Prochnost" i Ustoychivost' To,nkostennykh Aviatsionnvkh Kcn-=truktsiy-, 1971, pp 220-Z28 Abstract. The paper analyzes the shells.of revolution generated by continuous winding of glass fila-zment tape. avid subje:ct to internal pressure. The differentic lves the Ineridion. a Iequation (1Z) gi al fliape of the shell for a given equatorial pitch angle of the tape mrid neglecting the strength of ~the banding plastic. Integration of this equation re- al sults in equations (14). The meridional:shape for the equatori, pitch angle of 330 is shown on fig. 3.: If the shell has a hole at: the axis reinforced by a ring then the meridional share of this ring is:given by equation (22). 1/2 IG DATE--t)9'l"GT70 112 045 ROCES'SIN TITLE-FEATURES. OF THE DEFOk.-MATION OF AWORTHUTROPLC F13ERGLASS PLASTIC DURING STRETCHING -U- -,A,UTH3R-(,03)-VASlLEVi V.V., WfICHENK0, A4A6:R YELPAT.EVsKlja,,,h.N. --CGUNTRY- OF INFO-USSR ~S0UPC: KHANIKA POL I ME R(JVj VOL. 6, JAN.-FEB. 19700 P. 144-147 -,DATE PUBLISHED--70 `,SU,BJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, PHYSICS ~''_T' OPIC TAGS. FIBERGLASS, REINFORCED PLASTICs ~MATERIAL DEFORMATION,, POLYMER COMPOSITE MATERIAL .-CONTROL MAkKING--NO RESTRICTIONS tUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROX IYREEL'IFRAHL--11992/1890 STEP NU--UR/0374/70, /0061003/014410147 CIR.G -ACCESSICN NO--AP(JIIZ870 UNCLASSIFIED 212 0 415 UNCL AS S I Pi ED,, PACCE~SING DATE-09OCT70 G IRC ACCESSION INQ~-APOII.tB70 .AbS-TRAL T,/EXTRAl--T--(j) 46STRACr. EXAi-11NATION OF THE DEFOtkMATION OF AN OR]HUTRUPIC FIBERGLASS REINVO-ArED PLA.STIC WITH ALLOWANCE FOa THE ~8REAKVQlWjN OP THE 6INDER IN THE TRAXSVERSE LAYER. A"ALYSIS IS M40E OF JPIE PEFORtiATIGN OF ATHREE LAYER.-CuMPGSITE suBjEcua r0 TENSIoli. A NUM iCAL EXAMPLE IS PaESENTED FOk ILLUST KATING THE METHOD USED. FAC11 I YY: MOSKOVSKII AVIATSIONNYI INI&T. I T U T14OSr-OW, USSR. 'UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDG: 539. 3 ELPATEVSKIY A N and'DUDCHENKO, A. A. .11Calculations of Glass -Filament Plastic Cylindrical Shells Taking Into ccount nterna ra s Moscow, Prochnost' i Usto chivost' Tonkostentiykh Aviatsionnyk-h Konstruktsiy, 1971, pp 234-24.9 Abstract: The paper analyzes a cylindrical pressure vessel formed by prestressed. glass filament. T he prestressing is achieved by winding the filarnent tinder tension around a marx After the plastic is set the mandrel is removed resulting iii preco,.~npres sing the plastic binder. Thioprecompression increases the internal -ider to reach the pressure which causes the tension inith~e plastic bit value at which cracks originate. The analysis is conducted in 6~-o ateps. First the case of no _J~ cracks is an?-Ivzed-. Then the effect of c -racks is analyzed by the strain energy method. 1/2 T- a ~: .. ~* ! 1 1111 -- III II k:1 I USSR UDC 539.3 VASIL'EV, V.V., DUDCHENKO, A. A. and./ELPAT'EVSKIY, A. N, "Bending of Cylindrical Shell Made of Nonlinearly-Elas tic Glass-Plastic" Moscow, Prochnost' i Ustoycbivost' Tonkostennykh Aviatsionnykh Konstruktsiy, 1971, pp Z28-234 Abstract: The subject cylindrical shell is. produced by winding of a. glass filament tape. The stress-strain diagrarn,Gf the rnaterial is shox,.,n on fig. 1. The diagrarn is a straight line until a certain stress is reached causing cracks in the: plastic between.the fila-rnents, Then the slope of the diagram' changes corresponding to a lower modulus of elasticity. The cylindrical s~,ell is subject-to a bending moment. Cylindrical coordinates are used. The,jection is divided into two zones having different modules of elas'ticit 1/2 MT ER LW- "W-1-- -' USSR UDC 621.396.67:621.317,743 KO-MINOV, V. M., KURYANOV, A. V., YELS N4'G. "Test Unit for Recording the Phase Charatteristics of Anterl-Litis" -sti (Exchan of E e- Obmen opytom v radioprom &e . xp rience in Radio Industry), ,-yp. 5, Mosew, 1970, pp 62-63 (from~M-Aadiotekhnika~ No 9:, Sep 70, Ab- stract No 9B93) Translation. This article contains a description of a laboicatory test unit for measuring e amplitude and.phase chlaracceriscics in Lhe and recording th near zone of antennas basically made of standard superhigin frequency devices and elements. There is one illustration and a two-ent,~Y bibliography. 26 UNCLASSIFIEC F'R0CESSl',,G DATE_L7ljtjii7c S T A I TI F-Ti~f- FVPLCYPFl%T IF CYCLCPRCPAJN-E CCJ\TAl ING M11TURES FOR ANESTHE . TRETYAACVA, [~CMRCL YARKIAG--hiC FESf9fCTlCN5 CCUP'ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED CXY. FEELIFRAME-197711710 STEP N-C-,-UR/.C.531/70/.OC(,1/001/GC74/CO79 ACCESSICN NC--APCC44E55 UNCLASSIFIEC Acc. Nr: A P0044855 Reg Code:VR06'3/ PRDLARY SOURCE: Khirrurgiya, 1970,~Nr THS EMPLOYMENT OF CYCLOPROPANE-CONTAINING MIXTURES FOR ANES"r'HEShV Sbabanov, A. N.; Yelshanskiy. V. I.; Yeriyantsevl N. A.; N Tretyako,~a, The authors cat-tied out 184 anesthesias with cyclopropaiie-oxygnin and nifrous-oxidle.- rinr cyclopropan-c-oxygen (in differant -proportions) inixtires in aged and penile patientz.du operations on abdomiria! orgmns and an the'ext *remities, Before,~ during and after ark-sthesia the authors studied the function of the card i6vascular s-)St , 'he 'st t(! of re~piritjon'.-nd I ern t 11 gas exchange, Wriction of the liver azd'kidneys, and .",I ucocc-,rticoid metabo ism, 4"inical observations and the results of investigations made it p ssible to arrive at the iollowirl~icoaziu- a ;1ons: 1) there were no absolute contra indications to the u~e of inodcru cyclopropane~dne~thle- sla in the referred to patients. 2) high arterial hypertemian anit rena[ insufficiencv:are ra~- lative contraindic2t ions; 3) coirbinedni,trous-oxide-',cyclopropAni-~)'.Iygeo~aiiesthesiais'theiTi6st rational technique. 115W 1101 1: ij ii -1 .1 5 USSR UDC 669.71.472 ORLOV, A. I., KOPYTOV, YE. A.,.YELSHIN, V. V., ZEL'BERC1, B. 1. its tudy of the Possibility of Continuous Measurements o fthe Alumina Concen- tration in Cryalite-Alunina Melts by the'Conducto-nietric Method" OboRashch. i retallurgiva Polezh. islkopay~~ V sb .0lene f i.ciation and Metallurg ~y of Uinerals collection of works), IrkutsL-', 197(), pp 1 9- 10 a (from M-Metallurev, No 4, Apr 71, Abstr ct No 4G160) Translation: The basis for the conductometric the principle of measuring the specific resistance of.the,cryolite-alumi-na melt by the magni- tude of: the volt,3ge drop in the eleccrode-inalt-electrodc section with a de- fined value of the alternating current. 11to specific malstance varies significantly as a f unction of thc physico-chninical sta(:L, of the melt. For 'cryolite ratio of 1.7, a df~pende'ce of the. ariation of the- melts with a n v, specific resistance as a function of the Al 0 concentr, ition is observed for ~~2 3 frequencie2 of 250-3,000 hertz. With an increase in the melt temperature, the extreraun shif ts touard the low-concentration side. With an increase in alternating current frequency from 250 to.3,000 hertz, the specific resistance decreases under oth!~r equal conditions. With an increase in the cryolite ratio from 1.7 to 2.85,~ the conductivity of the melt increases. -112 040 'UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 .TITLE--THE SECONDARY STEADY STATE FLOW OF A VISCOUS~JNCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID PRODUCED BY A ROTATING SPHEROID AU THOR-..,YELSHIN, V.YU* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :$a RCE--.MOSI(UVSKII UNIVERSITET, ESTNIK,,SERTIA I-MATEMATIKA, MEKHANIKAt 251- JAN~FEO 19701 P-0 108-112 ~QATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 lUBJECT AR EAS--PHYS IC S "T 0PIC TAGS--ST EADY FLOWt VISCOUS FLUIDS ROTATIONt SPHERIC SHELL STRUCTURE, ,~_,,.~:JYIFFERENTIAL EQUATION SOLUTION# ACCELERATION 7:CONTROL MARKING,--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAt4E--1983/1626 STEP NO-UR/0055/70/025/000/01,08/0112 ~CIRC.ACCESSION NO--AP0054472 UNCLASSIFIED- Stxess Analysis_~and Stabilit '.Studi s USSR UDC 539.4:624 A. A., CHERNYSHOV, S. I.:, AW "Actual Work of Masonry Walls Subjected to Sei=ic Effects" V sb. Materialy 2-y I-Tauch-tekhn. konferentsii Dallmorniiproyekta (Materi- als of the Second Scientific and Technical,Conference of Dallmorniiproyekt)q Vladivostok, 1971, pp 47-6o (from-RZh4iekha~ika,-No 1b, Oct 71, Abstract No lov 632' 7 Translation: The article is devoted toexperimental studies of the carry- ing capacity and deformations when compressed and uneciapressed masonry courses of 40 Y120 mm blocks in grade 10 mortar are sitbjected to a hori- IM zontal load. Single-story raodels were made in the foil of two walls h0 mm. with an'i-nsideispaiing of 320 mm.: Peinforced measuring 300 x 300 x c concrete plates served as floor and roof. Aorizontal disr1acements of the floor plate were prevented by fastening~'it to a special metal frame. Vertical compression of the masonry was.treated by tension on rods 3 and 5 MM in diameter arranged in pairs outside, cif the nasoni-f and on the inside surface of the walls. Theltersion, was cheched by strIain gauges 1/2 !P. USSR MIKM~YLOY, A. A. et al., Materialy 2-;,v Nauch.-tekhn. konferentsii Dal'- zmorniiproyekta, Vladivostok, 1971, PP 47 with a 50 mm base cemented to the rods. Horizontal.force-s in the models were applied at the roof plate level both-in the pla--e of the walls and perpendicular to them. It was found,that~verticp_! compression has an appreciable effect on the carrying capacity of~the models. In the case of the 3 mm tension rods, no cracks appeared in the,masonry until the model -was destroyed. In the case of 5 mm tension rods, the structure was de- stroyed abliquely along the --asonry joints. At the time of fracture, an increase was observed in horizontal deformations of models with tension rods by a factor of 9, and in the,carrying capacity loy a factor of 5.5 as compared -4ith an uncompressed model. It is concluded -t-hat vertical com- pression of masonry walls has an overall positive efreat on their carr.,ing capacity. A. V. Cherkashin. 2/2 74 USSR uDc: 6181.3.006:51 MIALINE-1 S. NEZUROVSKAYA, V. RYABS-I IKIY, S. , YELTARIOKO, Y e. MMY-All- T$Mr, SILPAU-nKlov, onstruction of Systems "Deter =.nistic I~dei of Evaluating Variants for C, of Scientii'_-;-,-T_nfo=edon Servicing,W-ith Respect to Time P-nd Cost Cri- teriar! V sb. ".6v-1% modelir. i aT)tirdiz. sistern- ftim obslutZi. (FIroblems of ng Systems~ -collection of ~Mbdeling and Opt, mizing Information Servid 2, Pbscov, 1970, pj~ 39-71, ~-f*--Oii'RZ:,i'Kibc~tiietil-,Ll, No 7, vorks) , Vyp Jul 71, Abstract No T1,716) Translation: In cons tructing the wdtl, primary- attilintion i:i giv,.-n to information relecting the Amctional structures of~systens of snicmtifffc- servicing. Two methods of data processing are taRea:into consideration: centralized ar-d decentralized. The process of functioning of the'systems is represented in the model by a set of linear expressions of,tbe:form out Xinx, 1/2 M4=14, S. et al., Vo-Dr. mdelir. i opti mi z. sistem inforin. obsluzh. v~_. 2, Moscow, 1970, pp 39-71 where Ain is the line vector (1 x m) which maps the intensity of the flair of documents at the input of the process; X is a matrix which maps -theI conversion of Iov at the input -into the flow. at the output; XOut is the line vector (I x n) which.maps theIntensit-r ol',the flov of docu- the process. The: tim criterio ments e. the output o.L n is defined as C-) where I~W is the average the two-dimensional, -~-ectorrt time for distributiaft of information counted'from the minrent ithen it zip pears in the mdium external -to the systen; is tM_ avera~ge time of response to devumds as reckoned from the instant the systejn receives the demand from the user to the instant the~uscr receives:the response from. the system. The cost criterion is wideratood to mebn th.o intens-ity of expen (14- tures of materials, labor, equi nt and monetary meand nccezsary for Pme normal functioning of the system. T e propo ed mdel is illustrated by an example -of a system of h scientific-inforr-mation seviicing, in,z electrical dngineoring. 59 ~ 1 ; ii 1 1, 1 ~ t I i f"i I P .1 I'll 11 ~ ; I I I, : I , : 1. 1 1 ~H 1. ~ q !: I z I I 'I I : ~ : i ! 1 77- - -77777777 019 UNC I. ASS IF I ED PROCESSiNG 0ATE-13NOV70 Nlos--AP0115745 .ABSTRACT,/.E-XTfZACT-.(LJ1 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TECHNOLOG,Y USFD IN MANUFG. FINE, 091EINTEO TRANSFORMER STEEL SHEET 10405-701.15 MIN THICK) FOR JNSTRUNENTS AND APP. UTILIZING A WIDE RIANGE OF FRE4%JEP1JCt1-S IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 400 HZ DIFFERS IN MANY ASPECTS FR0,M THE CCNVINTIONAL TECHNGLCIGY USED FOR HEAVIER GAGE SHEET (OoZ-0.5 MM)~j AS.THE FINE SHEET IS MADE GENERALLY FROM HEAVIEP GAGE, COLD ROLLED SHEET OF AN ORIENTED D MATERI:AL.- lWiTHE COURSE OF MANUFG. TEXTURE.RATHER THAN FROM NDINORIENTEf THE FIINE SHEETv THE (110) (001)- TEXTURE *:OF::THE THICKER, TRANSFORMER SHEET ~IS TRANSFORMED BY COLD ROLLING INTO A 0EFORMAT101" i TEXTURE (111) MEAN VALUE Or 112 WHICH AGAIN IS CHANGED TO IKO MEAN VA~AJE OF 001 BY SUSSEQUENT ANNEALING, K DEPENDING ON THE DEFORNATJ(.JN RATIO AND THE rEmp. NNEAL . THUS, TUE - F INAC, TEXTUREJ S THAT F R, E Y OF~~THE ISOTHERMAL A4 0 m D B PRI'MAIRY RECkYSTN..' 1TS DEGREE OF PERFECTION .(WHICH BETS. THE MA,^5NETIC :PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIAL) DEPENDS ON THE fNIrIAL:1tXTLJkE AND GRAIN SIZE [BEFORE ROLLING), THE DEFORMATION RATIO APPLI(:Dv AND THE TeMP. AND IDLMATION GF-FINISH ANNEALING. SECONDARY RECRYSTN IS SUPPRESSED SINCE ABOUT TEXTURE DETERIORATION. ANNEALING AT IT WOULD BRING 950-1000DEGREES FOR A PERIOD OF TIME NOT EXCEEDING YHE tINCU21ATION PERToll) ,,:.~~OF SECONDARY RECRYSTN. (20 SEC) Oil CONTROLLED A4NEALING PERMITTING LONGER EXPOSURES TO HIGH TEMPS. IS RECOMMENDED; TtIE, FORMER TREATMENT MAY BE'FOLLOWED BY A SECONDARY ANNEAL. THE TECHNOLOGICAL GUIDELINES SHEET EXHIBITING SIP. CORE SSES F -GIVEN- PERMIT THE MANUF. OF FINE Lo 0 'A -71,~"SLMILIAR TO 12W-KG. FACIL.ITY-: TSUI ICKH I M:~ BARUf N MOSCOWr -US-SR. UNCLASSIFIED --L, j YELITSOV, A. K. and KOSTARBV, Ve Ye. *"Irctive RO Filters and Their Structure" Sb. tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentaii pmr.-preDDdavat. sostava, Vses. zaochn. elektrotelchn. in-ta eyyazi. VyR. 5 (Transactions of the Scientific-Technical Confe-rence!of the,Professorial- Instructor Staff of the All-Union Correspondence Electrical En- gineering Communications Institute'. No. 5) Moscow, 1970, PP 69-7.4 (from RZh-Radiotekhnilca, No. 3, Karch 71,; Abstract No. 3D31) Trnnslation: A classification is given of RC filters depending on the type of active eiement. A filter circuit is considered in the form of an emitter follower with selective feedback through an RC circuit. Filters in the form:of miniaturestractures, are shown. - ib o a B li:gr phy of three ff. S. 25 USSR uDo 615.849.1.015.25 :ALUMEYEVA V KOLESOVA, H', B. -kMh'SIXOVA L. I., G N. =T5QY*,.,A gutical I stlt~te US OVj A M. I lenlnZrad Momical-Pbarmac n "Railloprotective Properties of 1,2-Dithiolium Derivatives" Mo6cov, Kbimiko-FarmatseytichesUy Zhurna.1016 79 1972, -pp 23-27 Abstracts Study of 6 i,2-dithiollum salts and.products of their reduction with dithiomalonylamide5l which release sulfur an h~~lysis, showed that only those containing amino groups in positions 3 anct 5 have significant radioprotective action in mice irradiated with,700 r. Hethylation of the amino group decreased toxicity while slightly Inte=Ifying tha protective -ever, the compounds viere all lose efficacious than aminiethyl- effect. Ho% thiuronium (AET) which served as the control. The rinimuz effective close wts 300 mg/kg. Boosting the dose enhan--ed: the radioprotective effect but increased the toxicity at the same time, causing convulsions and some deaths. 1A 11::! 111 11 "l1 jjflj:! JIM[ 101ji, j; 1!1 15 nu A 'F` IF'. Ei, P k LESSYNG f)ATE-'--G20CT70 .-:TlTLE--3 .5 DIAMIN0,1,2,01THIOLPY61 SALT Sr,_U_ uTHOP._(03)-K0LESOVA, .~AKSI .MOVA , L.T., YELTSOV9 A.,V. UUN T Y JF INFU--USSR, ~SJURC H. ORG. KH1.1i. 1970, 6(3) 610-14 ~.~,.QATE PUI,-L ISHED------70 SU,8JFCT,AREAS--CHEMISTRY, ~110LGGICAL AND MEDICAL SCfENCfiS 40P I C TAGS--A-A!.%E DERIVATIVE, THIGL* P E RWHLOR AT E ,P40R P Ha L I N E CONTR-CL /a kK I NG- - NO R E S T q T C T I OIN S 0 Cl C UE I%' T. CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -~:PRGXY Rf F L f RA-ME-- 1 *?92 132 6 STE P NLI--LJQ./ 03 66 /70 00 3 -96 1 Of Ob L 4 C I qC C S 5 NO--- AP 0 112 4210 11 4 I F i E 0 71- -7-77-77-= -12 PROCES:SING, DATE--020CT70 -CIRC ~ACCFSSICA 1190-AP0112420 -4.63TR ACT/ EXTRACT-f U) GP-0- AqSTRACT. -THE REACTIO141 OF 3 PERCHLORATE ( 1) ~J I TH x f 4). 3.*; 1METhYLBEhZIMIVAZ0LlllC- ( 11 GAVE H SUH2 NCf'$)(-l SUJA2 C SU82 --THYLBENZIMIDAZOL INIU111 PERCHt -,A%0 1,3-tDIM, GRATE ( I I t I S141LARLY, THE REACTIUNS OF I .DERIVS. WITH 11 GAVE III ANb RC(-.SJ CH SUB2 C( :SIR PRIMIE1 .(VI I fk , 91 PRIMFI GIVEN): NiH SUB2., NHMEv, NMME; MORPHUI`'~D, MORP4CLIN10, L P P! M Ci -;uLlNO, INME SUG2. THF ELECTROPHILIC PRUPE~ TIF.-S I A~~e CLOSF T:j THUSE OF TROPYLIUM; E.G. THE REACTION :OF IV OR EMIALS P PRIMEl EoUALS 7~-*-::MORPffGLINO) wITH TROPYLIUM PERCHLORATE. GAVE THE 3r5vDlMORPHOLINO ANALOG F UNCLASSIFIED U"' C L:AS 1,.? T) r4 I F] F,3~ _TlT_L.C--PhJTCtLYSlS Of Alk0~,,4TIC N' I T k Q.,~ C -11 ~i P U U N 1) S1 NX~ WA TR A L CA J L S:.l L (j TUN St"ll I-Jtz-,. NIT T PT TF I PHLiT.J,-)EN MRATI 0,14 U- jH-_:l,P-Atl2)-Fk0LUV, A.N., YEL7SJV A. V. A- --!is SR OUN T R Y ~'F INFO 0, L) C E- - Z H. U, K H IM !?70 o('! R G. 637 PU[,L ISHED-- E U S J E C TARE-AS,-CHEMISTRY 5P I:C TA(;S--PHOTOLYSTS, ARGANIC NITRU COMPOUNDo DENITRATION, SODIUM NITPITE RESTITCTICINS ~,DCCUMFNT CLASS--UACLASSIFIFD PROXY R I E L/FRANIE--l 992 /1541C STE P NO--UP.1 0366/ 70/0 Ct, /GO j /0-)37/ 01, 3 7 I R CALC~SSIUN %U--AP01j25.14 UNCLASSIFIED 014 UNCLASSIFIED ROC,_ESSlNG DATE-020CT70 _Y.-C.lRC ACCE:SSION NO-AP0112534 ABSTRACT OF 0.56M NANO SU:12 GP-0 THE PHUTOLYSIS I IN 1: 1 ~IFOH-H SUBZ 0 GAVE Nli SJ83 AiND INCREASED THE PH FR--!M 7 TO 13. THE VHJTULYSIS OF 4-CL-C SUB6 11 SUR4 ING SU8Z IN THE A5CVE NANJ s.UB2 SOLN. CAVE C SU36 H SUa6, PHCL, PHNO SUB2..PHD.4E, 4-MFUL SU86 H SU84 -OME# ANU 4-HOC SUB6 H SLJB4 NO SUB2. THE FORMATION OF C SUB6 H SUB6 IS THElSf 06S0. INSTANCE OF P1.10TODENITRIArJON. THE~FORMATION OF C SU86 H _SLiVs6 U(:ES NOT PROCEED THROUGH PHNO SUB2, SINCL: THE.P.,C)TOLYSIS 'JF PHNG _SU82 OR 3-0~ SU82 NC SU36 H SUB4 NO SUil.2: D.JD Nf)T GIVE C~ SUB6 H SJJ66. THE PHLITOLYSIS OF 4-BRC SU86!H:SUB4:NH SUB2:FAI.LEO TO GIVE C SUB6 H AND.THEREFORE THE AMINE IS NOT AN :INTERMEDIATE IN PHOTODENITRATION. UNCLASS I PIE ---- - --- ------ ----- St F Iff) PR()t,',[-SSfNG DATE--090CT70 o 1.5, UNCLAS --l IT-LE IONIC HYDROGENATION OF A NITRO GROUP-BY ORGANIP HYDRIDE DONORS -U- ~--'Abtw~-,(02)-GIRSHOVICH, M-Z-i YELTSOV, A. V. Y:-OF~-.- tNFQ-.. USSR XWUNTR E-ZH. ORG. KHIM. ~1970, 60i :4 3 6- 7, ~,-VATE`~:-PUBLISHED 7 0 REAS-CHEMLSTRY T A -i HYORIDE S 14YI)ROGENATION 0 AGANI C COMPLEX !COMPOUNOt CHLOKIDE [:CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -~,PROXY RE-.EL/FRAME--1989/1185 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/003/0636/0637 ~CJRG ACCESSION NO--AP0107661 Ut-jrLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 212 OL5 UNCLASS I F Ub -CIRCE-ACCESSION NU-AP0107661 ~'AaSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN CUNCD. K SOLN. AT ZODEGREES L 1'001METHYLt5t NITROBENZIMIDAZOLINE IS CONYERTEDi,AFTER 48 H9, TO A '-~.MIXT..Of 1,3,DLMETHYL,5,NITROBENZIMIDAZOLIUM HYDRUCHLQRIDE AND ~. ~ 10 1 DIM-ETHYLt.5t' AMINO, 61 CHLURUSENZI AIDAZULIUM CHLORI&E (1). THE ! i; , .,. - Io 'I ~ - - 4., -1"'!! ill -~l '!"A' 1:1 1 ; -:: r - ; i .; ~ ~212 009 UNCLAS!SI F1 ED~-'~ PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 '_C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112651 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEIRR.AON41 OF NA 1,NAPt4THALENESULFON ATE IN AQ. SOLN. AT. PH 1-13 GAVE NAPHTHALENE, SIMILARLYi ALPHA AMINO NAPHTHALENE WAS OBTAINEDAY THG PHOrOLYTIC DESULFONATION OF NA 4,AMINOtL,NAPH'I*HALENESULFO-NIATE IN THE 7-13 PH RANGE. THE DeSULFONATION OF ALPHA A14THAQUINONESULFONIC i~%CID IN WATER GAVE ANTHRAQUINONE9 BUT IN OIL. AMMONIA SOLN-'ALPHA AMINONANTHRAQUINONE WAS FORMED. -THE DESULFONATION-OF 01,P,, OR,MvH SUB2 NC SUB6 H SUB4 SO SU33 H GAVE1,. RESP. t TRACES, .7, AND, 40-50PERCENTI ~PHNH SUB2.. FACILITY: -LENINGRAD. TEKHNOL. INST* IM. LENSOVET.At :,LENINGRAOr USSR. UNCL ASS I F TFn If14y ~xee. Code: )f., IiPt of PhCNIe:\NCjHR-3-(R is,H."14YWn. i~ 1~0'nj&H.-Soi USSR U ~C 622 3115.615.1 Y Active Mlember of the Sc-~entiflz and Technical ro-ciet- F E] --ctroni d Co 'citions~ imeni A. S. y ef adio Zfagimeerin, le cs, an m-nuni POD07 se"activity --f a Short-Wave Frequeney-Telei~raphy Radio Receive-r" Yzscew, Radio te!Chniika. Vol 1-6, No B. Au g 71, pp 65-7/0 Abstract: The author cons-Iders -mlo-signal selectivity of frequency-telegraphy radio receive--es i the s; ort-wavs band &V Ult tand vithout fading. Interacti o-1 between the us-e-ful signal and harmonic interference outside the bojid is aaalyzed for a receiver with linear radlo' channe 1. In addition to the fadiii'- factor, the inE-Au~nce of the par4meters of the frequency,' detector au'i the keying filter is considered. Ir- isfound that signal fading -,.'rost be taken into ccaside--atioq bio0i in theoretical studies aral in neasur-'vvnits since. two-slgnal selactiv---Ity clecreases sliarply when fading is, present. The re~zuc-- tion. wz;ounts to approximately 30 dI5 when Isolated. : tang- circid-ts are. usod in freqtwnc-.- detectors. The selectivity s1here '~'adin; of bauh si,,:~naj, and interference is present shows almost no difference from gelectivit-v vizh fading of the signal alone (by 1 dB); therefore fading of the interferencc may be disregarded in the first approximation. The keyin.- filter has an 1/2 USSR YEL'TSOkr-STRELKOV, A. V., Radiotekhnika, Vol 26, No 8, Aug 71, pp 65-70 appreciable effect on two-signal selecti-vity. in the ciise of isolated tank circuits in-the frequency detector, the resultant gainAs approximately 6 dB. Complete compensation of harmonic interference is possible with a keying fliter; in principle, this compensation is improssiLle ITithout the filter, the degree of compensation being dependent on the,form of the frequency responses of the filters in the frequency:detector. InIconclusion, the his interest:in the work,and a number of authorthanks V. M. Sidorov for.. contributing co=-ents 212 130 USSR uDc: 621-384.2 KIY M. Ye. "ADevice for Registering Distributions of Pulse Signalsil Moscow, Gtkrytiy,-, ~zobreteniya, Prorqyshlenn , e Obraztsy, Toya re Znalri, No 9, Mar T2, Author's Certificate Ho 331349, Division G, filed 6 oct 69, published 7 Mar-72, p 142 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for registering pulse signal distributions (amplitude, time, etc.). The clevice contains two pickups whose outputs are connected to a series circuit made up of an adder, a converter and a registration unit. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the effect which roulse -pile-up has on the registration of distributions is eliminated by simultaneous- connection of the outputs of the, pickups to a coincidence circuit irith A resolving tive eqiIal to the maximinn displacem. The output of the ents of the pulses, duxi g pile-ups' ~coincidence circuit is the Controlling input of tb;.- regis- tration unit. LJW%.tJ4'1 LZIM I t~ L.R .3.31 L r a E;u ,-'~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1969/1383 STEP NO--Uli/0053/70~10f,',JI)01/("005/00,'t3 .CIRC, ACCESSION NO--AR0107856 --------- --- 2/Z 017 UNCLASSfFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 !~,-C-IRC ACCESSION NG--AP0107856 ABSTkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE ROLE OF THE PERIODIC LAW OF MENDELEEV IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS IS OESCRISE0. 'AFTER THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT OF THE PERIODIC LAW#, THE DISCOVERY OF THE ELECTRON, X RAYS, RADIOACTIVITY, AND THE QUANTUM PROPERTIES OF LIGHT ENABLED PHYSICISTS TO FURTHER EXPAND THE'PERIODICI-TY OF THE ELEMENTS. THE ENORMOUS AMT. OF SPECTRAL DATA, WHICH~.PLAYED.A;4 IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRUCTURE OF TH6 ATOM, WAS.SYSTEMATIZED WITH THE AID OF--THE PERIODIC LAW. ITS ROLE IN THE CREATION~OF THE QUANTUM THEORY (IF ATOM5 ANO:MOLS- MAKES THE PERIODIC LAW.~ONE OF THE FIRM FOUNDATIONS OF .~.,.-.THE:.~GROWTH-.OF~CONTEMPOR,ARY PHYsics- ANDICHEMISTRY. FACILITY: -~Amsk i-U~SRO GOS UNIV. ELO RUSS IM. LENINAj: 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIUNIS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRGXY-REEL/FRAME--t983/0725 STEP NO--UK/0000/'10/1)32/003/045c)/04(~4 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053666 A 11 2'1, 2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IBSGP70 ',.CIR.-C ACCESSIOIN NO--AP0053666 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT.* FIFTY'SPECIES OF MARINE 14VERTEBRATES OF DIFFERENT SYSTEMATIC AND ECOL.POSITION:5 WERE TESTED :FOR QUAINT. LA14INARINASE ACTIVITY IN THEIR MGESTIVE:SYSTEM ~~'~LAMINARFNASE ACTIVITY ESTD. 13Y THE INCREASE'OF REDUCING :SUGARS IN AN INCUBATED MIXT. WAS FOUND WITH THE MAJOPITY or-THE ANIMALS STUDIED. THE CRYST. STYLES OF BIVALVIA, SUCH AS SPISULA,SACHALINENSIS AND MACTRA SULCATARIA,.AS WELL AS DIGESTIVE TRACTS OF SOME CRUSTACEAg SHOWED T14E HIGHEST ENZYME ACTIVITY. 'LAMINARINASE ACTIVITYIS APPARENTLY MORE ~--QEPEN'DtNT UPON THE 'SYSTEMATIC POSITJON OF THE INVERTEBRATES, THOUGH OTHER FACTORS LIKEWISE PLAY ANOTABLE ROLEo UN L A .. 1: i ~: i 1!, 'i Ill 11 ~ I L 11 - !::., i a/ I si ! ~.. I. : . : ! m I :; i, t, I . . I I . dIld AA h - 11! 1 - ;~ -, 14agzietohYdro!Vnaidcs: USSR UDC 533.9.07 mou rH AcadeAcian of the Belorussian SS11 Academy of Scienccs, LABUDA, A. A., MI1N`KO, L. YA., 1ORTMSHEVICR, I. C. ,HOITIK, G. It., BMANOVICH, G. I., Belorussian State University imeni: V. I. Lenin, Physics Institute of the Belorussian SSR Academy of Sciences "Generation of Iligh-Speed Plasma Fluxes by a Pulse Accelerator on the Bascis of the Phenottenon of Electric Detonation of Conductors and"Dieldetric Erosion" Ifinsk, Doklady Akademii Naul, BSSR, Vol XVI, No 2, 1972, Ipp 115-117 a sm Abstract: A study was vade of a pulse generator of ving plasna created by electric detonation of conductors of defiii~i form in a bounded volume. The described plasma generator can operate iD. two versions ~- on the basis of electric detonation of conductors as a source of a metal plasma or using, pulse surface discharge where the plasma is formed ass a result of erosion of- the walls of ~the discharge chamber and the electrodes. The described pulse plasma anded super-~onic erosion generator permits, the creation of incompletely! exp. plasma jets at atmospheric pressure with given gas dynlaaLc characteris tics de- termined by the dischar-ge conditions and parameters. Utilization of the plienorenon of electric detonation of conductors of a defined foria under conditions of operating the plasma generator With an 1/3 USSR YEL"YASHEVICH, It. A., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol XVI, No 2, 1972, pp 115-117 auxiliary gap introduced into the discharge chamber pernitted flows of a 1014- temperature metal plasma of any given chemical composition to be obtained with relatively high efficiency of utilization.of,the stored initial energy. The the discharge gap for V = 4 kilovolts and C = 200 microfarads (mode I) was calculated from the current and voltage oscillograms as 1.3 kilojoules with an initial energy of 1. 6 kilojoules. - This essentially exceeds the energy contributed in the case of operating the generator with an external aux-iliary gap (0.5 kilojoules). Optimization of the discharge conditions and the geo- metry of the discharge chamber and, cons equently, the deto-nated conductor per- mitted incompletely expanded supersonic plasma' jets to be obtained at aLmospheric pressure with an escape velocity of v 25~km/sec for a contributed energy of 1.3 kilojoules (mode 1). The presence of intense cont-AJiuous and linear spectra is a characteristic feature of the emission of the erosion plasma (V = 5 kilo- volts$ C = 1,950 microfarads (made II) without electric detonation of the conductors) formed inside the discharge chanibar. Spectroscopic measurement of 1016 cr-3) the plasma temperature and concentration (T 6,000* K,'n 5- 2/3 ~~; I -- . . . . I " -- m m 1 USSR GERLIGA, V. A. V. A.,:MOROZOV,-I. 1. L UE~11 "Acoustic Instability of a Dissociating Gas Flow" Tr. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. korferentsii Vo termodinamikj--. Leningr. tekhnol. in-t kholodiln. prom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Thermodynamics. Leningrad Technological Institlite of the Refrigeration Industry), Leningrad, 1970., pp:177-182 (from %%-Mekhanika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11B475) Translation: In this paper stability criteria are obtained in a small gas flow in a channel with heat input distributed along the length for cases of reversible (dissociation ofimole'cular hydrogen) and irrever- sible (decomposition of acetylene) reactions. The prassure losses to friction, the gas acceleration and the variation of the thermophysical properties of the gas along the length of the channel,are neglected, and -he 9p the flow velocity is considered much less flian t eed otsound. The Laplace transformation is applied to the linearized system for zero in- itial conditions and constant values of.tha!presxure~a't-both *nda of the channel. The characteristic equatAon obtained to investigaed by raeans of the Nyquist criterion. USSR UDC 538-221+538.245 BELOV, K. P., YELYUTIN: KATAYEV, G. I., NIKITINt S. A., PSHECHENKOVA, G.. V., TARATY509- V. P and SHUL'TE, L. A., Moscow St,-~te University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Central Scientific Research Institute of Fer- -rous Metallurgy' imeni I. P. Bardin "Study of Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth Dysprosium-Holmium-Erbium Alloys at a Temperature of 4.20 K,, Mascow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, -Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 36, No 6. IT, 2, pp 1247-1251 Abstractt The absence of systematic research:on saturation nagnetization for polyerystalline samples of rare-eaxth metals and their.alloyn makes it impos- sible to eatablish whetherin practice,they,can be used as high-induction ma- terials in fields up to 50 kOe at low temperatures. The purpose of the pres- ent article was to attempt to fill this gap.',:Fure rare-earth metals (ob- tained from the State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Rare Yetals Industry ) were studied,~as-well as dysprosium-holmium-erbiun, system alloys, Their magnetization curves -were measured in fields up to 50 kOe at 4.20 K, values for coercive force~andlremanence were determined, and hysteresis loops were taken. USSR MC 669-295#292171 YE 0. P. KAIZNIN, G. P., SOBOLEV, H. Y., and CHEIWA, A. A., Moscow um Planning of the Experiment in the Investigation of the Properties of Ti-Y-Al Alloys" Moscow# Izvestiya Akademii Hauk USSR*p M4tallys No 4, Jul/Aug 721 pp 234-238 Abstracts Mathematical methods oT planning were used to establish diagrams of ch_.~mical composition and specific electric resiatanee for titanium-rich allora of the Ti-V-Al system in the form of an impropet.simplex uith the vertices X, (10% Ti)t YZ (6(r/. Ti, 40% V)s and x ~9~%'Ti, 10% A.1). The 3 use*of D- and G-optimum plans made it possible to construct an adequate zathenatical model of the investig%ted diag= by zeanm of which the value of the specific electric realstance atany.point of the system PALn be calculated. In applying mathenaticel methods to the Dmstl&ation of com- position and properties of jaulticomponeni syAemss coxputer technology can be effectively applied for processing experimental datA, plotting and statistically analyzing the model of thelinve5tigated d,opendonce, analytical calculations of the studied property,.andfor.diat,,~tlc representation of modeling results. Three illustrational onetables fivo.formulas, seven biblio hie references. grap USSR UDC 669.865.866.018.58 (088.8) NIKELOV, K. P., YELYUTIN, 0. P. NIKITIN, S. A., PSRECHENKOVA, G. V., SOKOLOV, V. I., entral Scientific-Research Institute for Ferrous m6tallurgy-imeni Bardin, Moscow University]* "A41agnetic Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No. 276423 Filed 21/04/69, Published 16/10/70. (franslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya,. No., 5 1971, Abstract No. 5, Translation: The alloy contains Er 20-80%, Ho'.20-80% and differs from the earlier knGwm Fe-Co alloy (24,600 gauss) in7its~higher values of saturation magnetism (28,S00 - 32,800 gauss) at cryogenic-t=perature .s. USSR UDC 669.861.5.804.018,58(088.8) NIKELOV, K. P., MilUMN-9 0. P., NIKITIN, 9. A. PSHECHENKOVA, -G. V., SOKOLOV, V.: J TARTYINOV 7i'7_~-P f tefi~ IScientific Research Institute.for Ferrous Metallurgy.imeni Bardin, Moscow University] .,"A Magnetic Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No. 276424, Filed 21/04/69, Published 16/10/70. (Translated.from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallur iya, No. 1971, Abstract No. S, 1760P). Translation: The alloy contains Er 40-80%,,Dy 20-60%.and differs from earlier -its higher values of satura ion magn known alloys in t etism (28,500-32*,800 gauss) at~c ogenic temperatures. ry !Ri e Metals USSR UDC 669.018:669.017.538.23 nov, X. F."X ~_Ylciix 0. e4'. NIKITRIN, S. A., PSHECHENMOVA, G. V., SOKOLOV, B Z V~ 'I., and TAIMYNOV,_ Moscow State University in-eni, M. V. Lomonosov Central Scientific Researc1i Institute of Feirout; Hetollurgy imeni 1. P. an Bardia Magnetic Hysteresis of Rare-Earth Metals and Allo s" y Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedniye, Vol 3 0, 'No 6, Dec 70, pp 1146- 1150 Abstract: A study was made of the hysteresis loops of rare-earth metals and alloys which possess a magnetic struct(tre of the ferromatnetie spiral type -earth metals with a pu ity of 99.5% were (D,-Er and Ho-Er). Ingots of rare I T Z made in a vacuun-iarc zone furnace with.a noncousumable:tungstan electrode and a water-cooled copper hearth. Melting was done undeir argon at a pressure ~of 300-400 mm Hg in two passes with rotation of the ingots. Samples 2.5 diameter and 28 -,zq Ion- were machined from.the ingots and 1racuum annealed for 24 hours at a pressure o147 10-3 m Hg.: The magnetic characteristics were obtained in a superconducting solenoid (50 kilooerstedj at 4.2*K. In this field the hysteresis properties of sadolinium, terbiura, dysprosium, holmium, 1/2 . ; :1 -1 ; . 'i : ~ , I ~ 1. ~ I -; 1 . ;. ; I Ild ~ 1: 1 . i. . 1 1 1 . . ; i