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Document Release Date: 
July 10, 2007
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Publication Date: 
March 26, 1976
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Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 %J11xJz;/ t ? a 26 March 1976 EMO UIS FRO N Director for Administration STAT SUBJECT: rmatiori Systems Analysis Staff ISAS Weekly Report (22-26 March 1976) Records Administration On 23 March, held a meeting with the four Rri?s to discuss her pro osa for a classification abuse inspection program. They all. agreed that se ething was needed to encourage restraint in the application of classi- fication and thought the inspection program worthwhile. They re ,=uested that the subject be brought up at a morning meetin to see if the Deputy Directors agree with the concept and will support the reran. If so, a Headquarters notice will be published and the inspectors briefed. of the Records Adninistraton Branch attended two meetings on tn'e proposed system of "scanning" the Time and Attendance cards. OJCS systems analysts working on the system invited ontrol Data Corporation 6 to trio the attendees on the new CDC - 95 Optical Scanner being purchased for the Computer Center. Office of pinauce, attended the second meeting and discussion was largely devoted to the processing of the cards in the present system versus the proposed processing under the new 'Ascannin" system. will discuss some of the problems on the construction an ype of card stock proposed for the ne form with the R 4D Branci of Control Data Corporation and will report back to us with his. findings. Micro ra s hosted a meetin ; of Agency personnel from CR5. or d O/DDS&T on 24 March for the purpose of airing views on a wide range of subjects , relatn to the interagency compatibility of micrographics systems. DIA invited CIA representation at their second Mnual iicro- graphics,Conference to be hold in Washington 29-22 April.. STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT - Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 i Seven personnel the above offices are planning to attend. will make a presentation at the confer- STAT ence on the application of micrographics within the Agency (utilizing an unclassified, soon to be co STAT visual presentation on this subject), and (CRS and Agency representative on the IHC/Micrographics Working Group) will address specific technical considerations in the preparation of microfiche which would facilitate the exchange of documents in this medium within the Intelligence Community. of APB briefed several CD&E security officers STAT and the RAC from ODE on the COM feasibility study MPB is conducting in OS/Compartmented Information Branch (CID). from CIE also attended the STAT briefing. OD&E receives about five very large periodic computer reports from CIB. These reports are used at differ- ent locations in the Washington area and around the country. proposed that OD4E consider using COM-generated STAT microfiche in place of the present paper listings. DD4E asked that we convert one of their reports as a test and agreed to this.. STAT Word Processin _.,. accompanied Messrs.l ~ and to a demonstration of the DEC Datasystem 31OW word processor in an effort to locate the best system for conver- sion of regulations to machine-updatable format. This word processor provides visual display text editing and data processing capabilities. Regulations Control The Regulations Control Branch received eight now regu- latory proposals: ? Employee Conduct Con The Federal Women's Program Board Pay Rates for Initial Hire of Certain C/DC I Announcement of Appointment to Key Announcement of Appointment to Key C/PCI ' OTR and OJCS Announcement of Appointment to Key mployees STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9 TkRANS1171JTTAL SLIP FORM No I FEB 55 24 REPLACES WHICH MAY on- - Approved For Release 2007/07/10: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200090003-9