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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 22, 2006
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060063-4.pdf82.81 KB
ter !J, `s OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE MAR 15 1961 SUBJECT: Implementation of Joint Study Group Recommendations: Current Status (U) Reference is made to my memorandum on the same subject on February 15, 1961. In the ensuing month, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have responded to the Secretary of Defense directive for the development of a concept for an Inte- grated Defense Intelligence Agency. The JCS study has been circulated throughout the Department of Defense for study and comment by the Service Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries of Defense. of recommendations related to No. 1. The interaction of the JCS study and the Office of the Secretary of Defense comments is intended to produce full implementation of commenda- tion No. 1 and consequently serve as a point of departure for implementation In collaboration wit of the Central Intelligence Agency and Mr. Lowell Dailey repridwanang ctor, Defense Research and Engineering, Mr. Clyde Elliott of this office is studying means to effect better coordination of USIB community research and development activities for intelligence purposes. The deliberations of this group are directed toward implementation of No. 39. In a similar development, Mr. Dailey represen- 25X1 tative of the National Security Agency, and Mr. ELL10tt met o beg n the reappraisal of the adequacy of research and development programs for electronic intelligence as stipulated in No. 9. detailed work on the problem of career, rryiagement for intelligenc Responses to an Office of Special Operations letter to the Services in connection with personnel matters covered by No. 4, No. 5, and No. 12 have begun to come in. These are being analyzed in advance of further, more A "'ECRErRAVES B. ERSKINE, General, USK+I~C (Ret) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Special Operations) MO I/ DF Approved For Release 2007/02/03: CIA-R DP86B00269R000200060063=4 Approved For Release 2007/02/03 :S6269RC}0020P060063-41 Executive Registry