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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 2, 1984
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Approved For Release 2008/09/11: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0 ~.~ "'' tl. i Iri t ! I,1 S1.WASHINGTON.,D.C. $.70601.~,v~-; ' . EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ILLA f 84-0931 + , y OFFICE .OFI M~NAG En ATP BUDGETi ' March-2SS, .1984 ..l ?} (4,1 " .. rr ; + ,mss y 3 , A., , + L , , , 1 ~1'S?4 t. 1f~i ~SrJ?-y~ j;;~ ~s,~a ,i,h1 ~s1? ~ ! LEGISLATIVE' REFERRAL' MEMORANDUM; 4 71~ 7-il 061 -1 1 Y iO~tivrRLiaison 10fficer^. +! t 4 "? ?'?~,a Id ,tt , TO: ; r R~ i ,* } ; ~ ? 11, Department Departznept f" 4ta n+of!{"the 'Inter'ior ti + Departnent Federal 1. Communications Coniniss ion General Services Administration Department of j Justice ',' -. : ' t of State tral Intelligence Agency National Aeronautics- and Space Administration National Security Co lcil - Department of Transportation i/ 4i .Qa~~~2b d 1 SUBJECT: USDA proposed report on H.R. 4836/Land Reirote-Sensing ? Qomttiercialization Act of 1984 The office of management and Budget requests the views of your agency on the above subject before advising on its relationship to the program of the President, in accordance with OMB Circular QC,C A-19. Please provide us with your views no later than COB WEDNESDAY, Nei 7, 1984. ORAL Cc4ENTS ARE ACCEPTABLE. Direct your questions to William A. Maxwell (395-3890), legislative analyst in this office. the Jam C. Murk for Assistant Director for Legislative Reference Enclosures ? cc: S. Gudes T. Sprehe D. Taft A. Donahue -a - 14`0 J. Struthers B. Hughes P,, STexvp #;(ItI Approved For Release 2008/09/11: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/11: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0 '.If-': ' " rs -;pRfiGL Os ThIC lrekry&Rv . . i1I 1~~.~,g~i~?+~~.,ri 4 i f1 W I1INGT w:ww~~~!.~.c /1 ,L_~/_r1f'/J , O D Chairman, 'Su c --,~t??~l j . r,' t?t~, ,?~i~~,:~~,r:, Natural. .Resources,, Research and =Ei y,1 ror>ment 'o fr Committee,:on?! $ci ePllce; 4nd s1'echnology,,, House of.: Representativet Washingtons"p:c.4 2051,5 s~ , 0` Dear. Mr. Chairman:.'' " L'ry?' b ..L 3g2 STAT This is in reply to your` request of February 13, 1984, for a report on N.R. 4836, "To establish a system to promote "the use of land remote-sensing satellite data, and for other-purposes, This Department has no objection to the enactment of the bill, provided that section 501, 502(b), and 502(c) are amended to make it clear that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and and Space Administration are directed to undertake only rresearch andonautics development activities with respect to land remote-sensing and that section 603 be clarified to permit Federal agencies to reproduce and exchange data without restrictions and without additional payment to the' system operator. The bill provides guidance to the United States Government in promoting. coamercialization of land remote?sensfng from space with a framework for the gradual transition of civil land remote-sensing satellites from the Federal sector to private ownership and operation. Key provisions of the bill enable the Secretary of Commerce to contract with a private sector party to operate the existing United States civil land remote-sensing system and to contract with a'private sector party for data from land remote-sensing systems that are established as successors to the existing government-operated system. The bill authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to license qualified private sector parties to operate civil remote-sensing space systems and provides for the regulation of such systems. The bill provides for a comprehensive program of research and development: of remote-sensing.-from space and contains general provisions for dissemination and archiving of remote-sensing data and for ensuring that national security concerns and international commitments of the United States are met. The bill prohibits comercialization of meteorological \satellites' at`this time. This Department endorses those provisions of the"bill that guarantee non-discriminatory access to-remote-sensing data`and supports'the concept implicitly established in the bill that commercial systems will not be subsidized by governmental users of data. Title V of the bill is concerned with research and development and we. believe it is important that it be limited to that subject. We therefore recommend that references in sections 501, 502(b), and 502(c) to "research and monitoring" or "research, technology, and monitoring" be amended to read "research and level onrant of torhnnl nnt" *- r Approved For Release 2008/09/11 : CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/11: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0 Honorable James H. Scheue, Z, Section. '603 specifies that f the, f',: i bland '.'remote.' -sensf ng system may sel 1 ' data under the condition that Lsuc:data,will~aot be.;reproduced -andi disseminated by the purchaise~. It ,is. necessar :that. permitted to reproduce digital remote=sensfnj~date n~ ter nse so that data will be available in the? event that original. files or canputer''tapes are inadvertently destroyed or erased. it is also highly desirable that Federal'agenct'es"withint:Wa single ,department, be. permitted to exchange mote-sensing data `fr eel 're yand without restriction'or additional ? cost in order to achleve~maximuin'effiefIency: in research. and operational programs. We therefore recommerid'tthat sectl on 603 be amended to include the following sentence:' Fed'eraly'agendas"may'`reproduce digital remote-sensing data for internal - u$e 'and' may ;transfer remote-sensing data without restriction or additional = osf'-within''1the Federal department of purchase. The Office of Management. and Budget advises that there is no objection to the presentatioq of ,fran the standpoint of the Administration's proarams_ Sincerely, ' ? t Approved For Release 2008/09/11: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200280011-0