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Document Release Date: 
October 6, 2008
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86B00338R000400580005-2.pdf63.78 KB
tii Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400580005-2 Dpi+(C_ B2 N.Iu mh4 is ivs't Till ~~ C (1y ')iy POST F' EDERA JF RY 4faMeliberai Benefits for a Moving Experience qx3.1y; P? .: e Beginning this week, Federal #.,'agents,'managers, auditors and see- ?^'retaries'transfered to,other cities can -i:take along an extra 7,000 pounds of household goods. Thanks to legislation, signed by ,,the: president, Monday, the approx- a?imately 28,000 feds who pull up Xstakes each year on orders from their .agencies will also be able to get spe- cial tax reimbursement for moving expenses. In some cases their agen- eies may contract with a real estate 'firm to sell their houses for them. `&' The legislation upgrading federal 'e, moving expenses was written by Sen. `'John Warner (D-Va.) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.). They had a lot ",of legislation-moving help from b,Reps. Steny Hoyer (D=Md.) and Vic Fazio (D-Calif.), who also have, a lot ,,,of U.S. worker constituents. The new moving regulations in- crease from 11,000 to 18,000 pounds the. amount of household goods Uncle S ~1 pay to move.. It also doubles o odays-the amount of ai f t 10nF,. p[oyes may be reimbursed for ,; pr~lsl i expenses associated with m'oves, and raises the amounts .~T-thegovernment will. pay for expenses _' incu'rred' in buying a new home (to , $7,500)'and in selling an old home (too$15;000). Moving is a way of life.for many ;~ employes in law enforcement work, and at agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Defense and others with" rotation policies or big field op- erations, According to testimony t presented. to Congress when the bill was being considered, the average federal worker (prior to the new law) was 'spending between $8,000 and $9,000 for unreimbursed expenses when moving for the government. The improvements will still leave the government, behind. what many private firms pay when they move employes., But it is a giant step for- ward, particularly from this Congress and this. administation, neither of which have gkne ai,k of M~ei Zt ty to do anything140 for U.S. wt rkei?s. Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400580005-2