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Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
8 Sent 82 H.R. 7066 - A Bill to repeal section 301
of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1982
9 Sept 82
re Amendment to
the (Oni uuB dget Reconciliation Act
of 1982
14 Sept 82 Congressional Record re H.R. 7098 - Restore
Full COAL's for Federal Law Enforcement
Officers and Firefighters
4 Oct 82 Stanley Sporkin Note
l I
re Letter to OMB
from DCI re CIARDS w/attached letter to
David A. Stockman, OMB, from William J.
19 Jan 83 Cabinet Affairs Staffing Memorandum re
Cabinet Council on Legal Policy
25 Jan 83 William J. Casey Letter to from David A. Stockman re COLA
31 Jan 81 Washington Post article - "The Grass Isn't
Greener for Federal Workers"
Undated A Bill - 97th Congress, 2nd Session - to
amend the Ormibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1982
8 Feb 83 Washington Post article - "The Grandfather
of All Retirement Disputes':"
16 Feb 83 Washington Post article 0 "Raising Age of
Retirement With Full Bsnefits"
17 Feb 83 Washington Post article - "Civil Service
'Reforms' Draw Fire on Hill"
18 Feb 83
Ire DOS's draft
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
49 49
18 17 Mar 83 D/OP
22 Mar 83 DD/OP
Amendments to the CIA Retirement and Disability
H.R. 1796 - A Bill to amend title 5, USC,
to provide that any Federal employe who,
at the time of retirement, does not elect
a reduced annuity in order to provide a
survivor annuity to a spouse or other
person may make such an election withitl_Lone
year after. retiring, and for other purposes
H.R. 1926 - A Bill to amend the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 to
provide that individuals who are 40 years of
age or older shall be protected by the
provisions of such Act, and for other purposes
Congressional Record - The coming crisis:
in Federal retirement
H. Res. 135 - Expressing the sense of the
House of Representatives that it should
take certain steps to ensure the integrity
of the civil service retirement system
Congressional Records - Administration
Fiscal 1984 Proposals
Memo to from DD/OP re HPSCI support
Washington Post article - "Delay Expected on
Bill to Up Retirement Age"
Note) Ire Social
Security Reform/Federal Retirement
Washington Post article - "Study Says U.S.
Workers Lag in Pay, Benefits"
28 Mar 83 David A. Stockman Mew
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
23 5 Apr 83
24 8 Apr 83
25 8 Apr 83
Congressional Record - Retirement Progarms
for the Intellignce Conrnunity
Cable re Proposed Civil Service Retirement
Washington Post article - "Administration
Chipping At Civl Servants' Pay And
Benefits Packages"
26 14 Apr 83
27 14 Apr 83
STAT28 18 Apr 83
29 25 Apr 83
30 30 Apr 83
31 30 Apr 83
STAT32 4 May 83 DD/OP
33 6 May 83
Washington Post article - "Senate Unit
Rejects MostCivil Service Cuts"
Legislative Referral Ment random re
Administration draft bill "To omit cost-of-
living adjustments in certain Federal
retirement and disability programs for a
specified period of tine, and for other
Note) Ire 0-MB Proposal
Note L [w/attachedSTAT
Washington Post article - "Panel Split on
Whether U.S. Retirement System Is Too
Congressional Quarterly article - "Stalemate
Looms on the Hill Over Federal Workers'
Memo) Ire H.R. 2449
Legislative Referral' Memorandum re
Administration's, Bill to omit FY '1984
cost-of,living adjustments in certain
Federal employee benefit programs
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
11 May 83
12 May 83
5 July 83
6 July 83 DD/OP, DD/OP/SP
30 Aug 83
29 Nov 83
DD Pers SP
30 Dec 83
Edward P. Boland
27 Jan 84
3 Feb 84
13 Feb 84
16 Feb 84
21 Feb 84
Washington Post article - Speaking Out on
Altering Federal Retirement
Washington Post article - "Administration
Loses Pound in RulesChanges"
From w/attached article
"Changes in Retirement and Salaries - XVII"
Mena I Ire Social
Security w/attached sources and methods
Awareness of CIA Retirement Concerns
House conference. report-to accompany H.R. 2077
no,.. c)R--,in7,,
Note re proposed
amendment to the Social Security Act
P.L. 98-168: An act to extend the Fed Physician.
comparabily allowance act of 1978
Letter to from DDCI re annual report on
administration of CIARDS for FY 83
Merry re Introduced STAT
Legislation cerning o ygraph Examinations
and Prepublication Review (re CIARDS)
re Effect of
Legislative Referral Memorandum re OPM
testimony on development of a supplemental
retirement plan for Federal employees covered
by social security
Memo) Ire Office of
Personnel Response to LEG/OLL Request for
Comment on OPM Draft Testimony to the
Congress on Supplemental Retirement
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
46 24 Feb 84
47 26 Mar 84
Washington Post article "Mill Panel Works
on New Retirement system"
Legislative Referral Memorandum re OPM draft
bill "To amend title 5, United States Code,
to reform the Civil Service Retirement
System, and for other purposes."
27 mar 84 DD/OP/SP, DD/OP/PAE Memo re OPM Draft
C/ALD/OGC Bill "To amend title 5, United States Code,
to reform the Civil Service Retirement System,
and for other purposes."
3 Apr 84
STAT3 _84---DD/Pars/SP, C/ALD/OOC
-27Mar 4
P1 (go --- {-~(Zm
Letter to from D/OLL re OMP's dra.ftSTAT
bill (;r 48 above)
re OPM Report
m-H-R._2300, the "Civil Service Spouse
Retirement Equi y Act"-----
Legislative Referral Menorand m re OPM
pro posed report an_H..R 2300, the "Civil
Service Spouse Retirement Equity Act"
Legislative Referral Memorandum re
roposedd report on H.R. 5027 (S. 2411) , To
amend title 10, United States Code, to
modify procedures for payment of military
retired pay to spouses and former-spouses of
members of the uniformed services in
compliance with court orders
--20 Apr 84
Edward P. Boland
Fetter-to from DLOLL re info on implementation
~C~ 1~
Equity Act
of CIA Spouses
25 Apr 84
Congressional Record re "A New Civil Service
25 Apr 84
Retirement Prograr_f'
Washington Post article "Move Afoot to Trim
Fed retirement Benefits"
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
56 30 Apr 84
STATi7 4 May 84 DD/Pers/SP, C/ALD/OGC
58 7 May 84
59 15 May 84 DD/OLL
60. Undated General Counsel
STATil 25 May 84
Legislative Referral Memorandum re
Administration's Retirement reform
Mena re Administration`
Retirement orm gis ation
Legislative Referral ?Memorandian re Revised
OPM draft bill 'To amend section 8312 of
title 5, United States Code, to provide
that an individual may be denied a civil
service or military annuity of the United
States if convicted of specified types of
felonies in connectionwith employment, and
for other purposes
21emo to from General Counsel re OPM Draft Bill
Draft menu to from DD/OLL re Draft bill
prohibiting payment of annuities to federal
employees convicted of certainfelonies
Letter) Ire views on
OPM draft bill to amend 5 USC 8312
STATi2 30 May 84 DD/Pers/SP, C/ALD/OGC Memo re DOJ
objection to CIA modification. of OPM draft
annuity/felony bill
Sectional anaysis of the Federal Employees'
retirement contribution temporary adjustment
act of 1983
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IHI 10584
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1P W
lenmarie the very best in all that they ^ 2100
seek to do.o Mr. MADIGAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield
o Mr. RUDD. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- to the gentleman from Illinois.
ored to join my colleagues in this spe- Mr. CORCORAN. Mr. Speaker, I
cial order today to thank my class- want to thank the gentleman from Il-
mate, friend, and colleague [Tom COR- linois, [Mr. MADIGAN] and our Republi-
CORAN] for his fine service in the can leader, Mr. MICHEL, for their
House of Representatives. We came to thoughtfulness in arranging the spe-
this House together in the same class. cial order. I sincerely appreciate the
Tom's presence will be missed here. gracious and generous comments
He has been a leader and ally in the
fight to restore fiscal integrity to con-
gressional spending practices. His lead-
ership in the Energy and Commerce
Committee, and Post Office and Civil
Service Committee has been an asset.
to us all.
There is no doubt that Tom's fine
service has made Illinois' 14th District,
his State, and the Nation better places
for us all to live.
It is therefore with mixed feelings of
joy and sorrow that I take part in this
special order to pay tribute to Tom
CORCORAN. We are losing a true asset
with his retirement.
Let me take this opportunity to
thank him for his 8 years of dedicated
service to this House, and extend to
Tom and his family my best wishes for
health and success in all the years
o Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker,
I am happy to join in this special
order today to honor our colleague,
Representative Tom CORCORAN, of Illi-
Tom has been a strong voice for the
people of the 14th District over the
past 8 years here in Washington. I
know they will miss his leadership
when the 99th Congress convenes. He
has been an active and effective
member of the important Energy and
Commerce Committee, serving as
ranking member of the Fossil and Syn-
thetic Fuels Subcommittee. His experi-
ence on that panel will be missed.
Tom CORCORAN has served this
Chamber with distinction and has had
the courage to speak out on the issues
important to him and his constituen-
cy. He has served with integrity and
certainly will be missed by Members
on both sides of the aisle.o
o Mr. FUQUA. Mr. Speaker, I appreci-
ate this opportunity provided by the
which they and others have made
about my service in the U.S. House of
Representatives. The spirit of friend-
ship and respect they have evoked
here this evening. Mr. Speaker, is cer-
tainly mutual. These have been the
best 8 years of my professional life. I
will always cherish my privilege to
serve in Congress.
Mr. Speaker, as you know, when
some Members complete their service
in Congress, they leave here with just
a little bitterness about either the leg-
islative process itself or the campaign-
ing to become elected to Congress.. I
am not going into a long discussion on
either of these types of complaints. I
will leave that for others and another
day. But we've all heard about the
hectic, disjointed pace for legislators
here in Washington and about special
interest lobbyists financing our cam-
paigns to get us elected in the first
place. These general criticisms are well
Well, Mr. Speaker, I don't feel that
way. The legislative process is funda-
mentally sound. It works. And is has
worked well for two centuries. I pre-
dict it will continue to work well. Sure,
there are some institutional changes I
would like to see made in how we con-
duct the American people's business.
However, the people can deal with the
need to bring about a fundamental re-
alignment in Congress, as was done in
the 1980 elections, before things reach
a breaking point. Mr. Speaker, the
system works. Representative democ-
racy is here to stay.
As far as special interest money in
elections is concerned, things are far
better today than they were prior to
1974. Before 1974 it was all secret.
There were no limits. Virtually any-
body or any organizatiorl could give
any amount to any candidate. Then
gentleman from Illinois [Mr. MADIGAN]. the charge of a candidate being
to say a few words in appreciation of a "bought" by a special interest might
colleague, Tom CORCORAN. Tom has
served with distinction the people of
Illinois' 14th District and been an ef-
fective member of both the Energy
and Commerce Committee and the
Post Office and Civil Service Commit-
His 8 years in this body have been a
period of rapid change and transition,
and Tom can be proud of the role he
has played in helping to shape our
have been true. Unfortunately, be-
cause there was little or no regulation
and no disclosure of campaign -contri-
bution, we will never know the truth.
Today we have stringent regulation.
Today we have meaningful limits on
contributions. Today we have disclo-
sure of campaign contributions and
expenditures. Today if a candidate for
Congress gets a high proportion of his
or her contributions from a special in-
Government and our Nation. terest, and as Congressman votes that
Tom has served as an honest and way against the common interest of
honorable Member of this Chamber his or her constituency, there will be
and been an effective spokesman for informed accountability at' the next
causes of importance to him and to election.
the Nation. I wish him the very best of Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I leave the
success in future endeavors and say to ? Congress with no regrets and no com-
him, we will miss you, Towz.o plaints. To get here back in 1976, 1 had
to defeat an incumbent Democrat. I
was an angry young man then, not so
much at my opponent, but at the poli-
cies he represented. We have changed
those policies, and I believe the coun-
try is in better condition because of
those changes in Government policy.
Serving in Congress has been a won-
derful, and enriching experience for
me, and I commend it to all my
Mr. MADIGAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that all Members
may have 5 legislative days in which to
revise and extend their remarks on the
subject of my special-order today.
. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is
there objection to the request of the
gentleman from Illinois?
There was no objection.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Idaho [Mr. CRAIG] is rec-
ognized for 60 minutes.
[Mr. CRAIG addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in
the Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Alabama [Mr. DICvaN-
soN] is recognized for 60 minutes.
(Mr. DICKINSON addressed the
House. His remarks will appear hereaf-
ter in the Extensions of Remarks.)
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous order of the House, the gen-
,tleman from New York [Mr. CONABLE]
is recognized for 15 minutes.
Mr. CONABLE. I thank the Chair
for recognizing me even at this very
late hour. Mr. Speaker, before I begin
I would like to say to my friends In the
staff, both those who are here and
those who may be working elsewhere
to finish up the work of the day, that
I deeply regret contributing to the
lateness of the hour.
I must say that your work is long
and arduous and the hours are fre-
quently late and I offer you condolenc-
es on the prospects for this week since
many of those retiring are likely to
have repeated episodes similar to
those tonight, however appropriate
they may be, it does keep you here a
long time and it is regretted.
I also regret that many of us who
are staggering off into the twilight
feel obliged to say one or two last
words, and that you have to wait to
hear those.
Though this Congress has failed to
do much about cutting spending to
reduce the threatening Federal budget
deficit, there seems to be broad 'agree-
ment that the next Congress will have
to face this serious condition. Dire
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October 1, 1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 10583
has ably represented the 14th District Subcommittee and the Oversight and Energy and Commerce Committee
of Illinois for the past 8 years. Investigations Subcommittee. During during the 97th Congress in prevent-
I have known Tom since the time he the 97th Congress, as a member of the ing this body from going forward with
worked with the Chicago-North West- Energy and Commerce Committee, he a seriously flawed legislative proposal,
ern Transportation Co. before he was served on the Fossil and Synthetic H.R. 5158, the major telecommunica-
elected to Congress, and his dedication Fuels Subcommittee and the Energy tions legislation of that Congress.
to high standards is an inspiration to Conservation and Power Subcommit- Mr. Speaker, I regret TOM CoRCO-
his friends and fellow citizens, and his tee. In the current 98th Congress, he RAN'S impending departure from the
accomplishments as a Member of the has been the senior Republican House and particularly the House
U.S. House of Representatives are member of the Fossil and Synthetic Energy and Commerce Committee. He
most commendable. Fuels Subcommittee. shown Tom CORCORAN served in the U.S. U.S. energy policy has been the has complex ithat he is a gpor study he
Army from 1963 to 1965, and was the major area to which Tom CORCORAN complex issues. that importantly, he
administrative -assistant to two State has devoted his attention. He has been bear consistently era principle
his c
senate leaders. He was employed as a strong supporter bear in his deliberat ions ons and his ac-
the vice g pporter of nuclear energy, tight.
president of the Chicago- and he was a key participant in the
North Western Transportation Co., legislation leading to the enactment of The people of Illinois' 14th ngtthe
and served from 1969 to 1972, as the the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. and we in the House are losing the
director of the State of Illinois office He has been a strong proponent of the services of a fine legislator with the
in Washington, DC, where he com- U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Pro- colleague of TOM CORCORAN. I join my
piled an outstanding record of achieve- gram while opposing major govern- future ens wishing him well in his
ment in service to our State. mental intervention in petroleum mar- future endeavors.?
Elected to the 95th Congress in 1976, kets. a Mr. RUSSO. Mr. Speaker, in the 8
Tom has distinguished himself by serv- While I and some of his colleagues years Representative TOM CORCORAN
ing on the House Post Office and Civil might have disagreed with some of his has been here, he has made a positive
Service Committee and on its Subcom- views relating to the sale and produc- impact on the legislation coming
mittee on Postal Operations and Serv- tion of natural gas, there is no doubt before the House Energy and Com-
ices, and also on the House Energy that he was a strong and forceful voice merce Committee and he leaves
and. Commerce Committee and on its for the position he advocated. He in- behind an admirable record of achieve-
Subcommittee on Fossil and Synthetic troduced the administration's. natural ment. He has proved himself to be one
Fuels, where he is the ranking minori- gas bill early last year and has been of the more articulate Members of this
ty member. Tom CORCORAN will surely particularly concerned about the im- body and diligent in his work, as dem-
be missed in the House of Representa- portation of foreign gas, including gas onstrated by his efforts on energy
tives by all who have had 'the opportu- 'from Canada and liquified natural gas issues.
nity of knowing him. He is a Congress- from Algeria. Additionally, he has Tom has never forgotten the impor-
man of compassion, courage, and pa- worked closely with the Illinois Com- tance of his work to his constituency
triotism, who has provided exemplary merce Commission and others in pro- and to the Nation as a whole. It is
service to his constitutents and to our muting a strong contract carriage such conscientiousness and hard work
Nation. system for the transportation of natu- that serve as an example to be fol-
I extend 'to my colleagues, Tom COR- ral gas, a position which I support. Fi- lowed by anyone interested in serving
CORAN my best wishes for continued nally, in the area of natural gas, he the public good. His leaving is a loss to
success in all of his future endeavors.* was the leading congressional oppo- us all and I know I am one of many
? Mr. DANIEL B. CRANE. Mr. Speak- nent of the Alaska natural gas trans- who wish him all the best and contin-
er, one of my best friends in Congress portation system [ANGTS] in late ued success.*
retires this year: the Honorable Tom 1981. While his legislative position in ? Mr. WINN. Mr. Speaker, it is with
CORCORAN. He is my neighbor in III!- opposition to ANGTS did not prevail pleasure and a little sadness that I
nois andk my colleague on the Post in the House in December 1981, the join in honoring a good friend and
Office and Civil Service Committee. I ANGTS system was nonetheless valued colleague. Tom CORCORAN. It
know I am not alone when I say that I stopped dead in its tracks. TOM can has indeed been a delight to serve with
have looked to him for guidance and also claim credit for being one of the such an able and talented legislator. In
leadership on many, many occasions. House leaders in the successful effort the 8 years that Tom has represented
TOM, you have been a credit. to -your to kill the proposed Energy Mobiliza- the 14th district of Illinois, he has
district and to all Americans, and may tion Board during the 96th Congress. made a number of important achieve-
God's grace be with you in all of your In the area of synthetic fuels, Tom ment which are valuable both to his
future endeavors.* CORCORAN has been a leader in the district and to the country as a whole.
? Mr. RINALDO. I commend TOM effort to encourage a sensible program TOM has been a consistent fighter
CORCORAN of Illinois for his service in of rational synthetic fuels develop- for a number of causes-earning him
the U.S. House of Representatives. ment. He has called for an approach the nickname "Tiger Tom," in part be-
Tom was one of only two Republican considerably scaled down from the cause of his skillful and effective oppo-
candidates for the House to defeat a original 1980 $88 billion program con- sition to the proposed prebilling fi-
first-term Democratic incumbent run- templated in the Energy Security Act. nancing package for the Alaska natu-
ning for reelection in 1976. Our col- He is especially interested in promot- ral gas pipeline and the anti-Illinois
league from Illinois won reelection in ing U.S. synthetic fuels development provisions of the AT&T restructuring
his north-central Illinois district with as a means to encourage the use of our bill. He has been a vital asset to the
increasingly convincing margins in abundant coal reserves. House Energy and Commerce Commit-
1978, 1980, and 1982. TOM has also been a leader in the tee on which he serves, and has been
In addition to his political success in area of utility matters. In 1981, he es- able to balance energy, environmental
his reelection efforts, his legislative ac- tablished himself as a innovator in and economic needs through sound
complishments are considerable. As a this area by introducing a comprehen- legislative initiatives. The persistent
fellow member of the House Energy sive bill to amend the 1935 Public Util- themes of Government accountability,
and Commerce Committee, I have wit- ity Holding Company Act. reducing the size of the Federal Gov-
nessed first hand his legislative abili- While Tom's major work in connec- ernment and two-way constituent com-
ties. Tom left the Government Oper- tion with his membership on the munications have typified the leader-
ations Committee at the beginning of Energy and Commerce Committee has - ship style of Tom CORCORAN.
his second term in the House to join been in the area of energy, I have seen I know that Tom will be missed as he
the Interstate and Foreign Commerce first hand his legislative skills in other leaves the House of Representatives,
Committee. During the 96th Congress, areas, notably telecommunications. He but am certain that he will only move
he served on the Energy and Power was particularly effective in the full on to better things. I wish he and He-
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October 1, 1984 ? - *NIGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOL H 10585
forecasts are appropriate in the event ceeding $100' billion, or the generous ommendations have largely been ig-
the budget deficits are not adequately retirement system is offsetting a less- nored. The proposals have been direct-
reduced soon. There is no shortage of than-generous salary schedule for em- ed at all elements of the system: In-
Government activities and programs ployees, or that employees are contrib- crease the salary base period for com-
which provide obvious examples for uting a fair share to the system. Those puting benefits from 3 to 5 years;
restraining habitual Government arguments comprise a flimsy defense. apply the full COLA only to the first
excess, and prominent among them As I noted earlier, the program's un- $10,000 of annuity, a figure equal to
are the so-called entitlement programs funded liability exceeds a half trillion the highest annual Social Security
which now absorb 40 percent or more dollars. Salaries have reached reasona- benefit, and apply 55 percent of the
of the Federal budget. ble levels in most positions. Employee COLA to the remainder above
Among the most generous of these contributions now account for only $10,000-COLA's average 33 percent of
are the Government retirement pro- about 20 percent of annual pension, the actual cost of living in private
grams for civil and for military service. costs. In the most recent year, employ- plans; and increase employee contribu-
Costs for each of these retirement pro- ee contributions totaled $4.3 billion tions above the present 7 percent of
grams are escalating rapidly, and in while the taxpayers supported these salary.
prospect are even sharper increases programs with almost $20 billion. The Social Security reforms of last
ahead. They required $20 billion and Annual cost of the retirement pay now year, because they included new Gov-
$16 billion, respectively, in taxpayer represents more than 30 percent of ernment employees in the Social Secu-
support last year. There presently are payroll, more than double the experi- rity system for the first time, offer an
1.7 million civil service and 1.4 million ence in private employment. opportunity to design a more sensible
military retirees in a total of 3.1 mil- The President's Private Sector integrated system for 'the future. I am
lion drawing benefits, but projections Survey on Cost Control-Grace Com- not aware of notable progress in this
are for another three-quarters of a mission' recently declared that civil design, and in the meantime our new
million retirees by the end of the cen- service retirement benefits are three congressional Members are left in
tury. A Joint Economic Committee to six times as generous as the average limbo between two systems. Delay
study has projected costs exceeding employee's pension in private employ- serves nobody.
$80 billion annually by that time. The ment. Surveys indicate that three- Mr. Speaker, reasonable changes can
Congressional Research Service esti- fourths of Government retirees even- be made in Government retirement
mates that over the next 10 years ex- tually qualify for Social Security bene- programs which will leave us a pro-
penditures for civil service retirement fits, as well. Since many of them qual- gram that will remain fair and attrac-
benefits will exceed employee contri- ify with minimum entitlement, they tive for employees and defensible
butions by $260 billion. Already each also are aided by the benefit bias in- before the taxpayers. Revisions must
program bears an unfunded liability in cluded in the Social Security program be made to restore a sensible relation-
excess of $500 billion. That's the to help low-income workers. Nearly ship between employee compensation
amount committed in benefits to em- half of Government workers retire and retirement benefits. Employee sal-
ployees and retirees. before age 60, compared to 7 percent aries have been subject to reasonable
Clearly, conditions are alarming and in private employment, and the Grace restraint during the recent period of
require response by Congress. Spend- Commission found that only 10 per- restra budget imbalance, but iodire
ing as usual will lead to fiscal catastro- cent of workers eligible to retire at age ment benefits have been permitted to
phe. - 60 elect to remain in their jobs. The grow virtually unchecked. The result
I plan to direct most of this discus- retirement benefits are too attractive has been to give stone incentive to
sion to the civil 'service system, but to postpone. from Government rather than
similar troublesome conditions exist in The cause for these dire and costly retire because the rewards
work because
What kthe
the military retirement program, as circumstances is not difficult to deter- continue rfrom
press All of us are familiar with the mine. The extent of benefits provided are of per re-
press reports of horror stories result- is no longer justifiable to the taxpay- nee wards policy is is that 'gives t kind in greater
those who retire than to
ing from our lavish retirement sys- ing public as the system has matured. who those who the et a than to
tems. There is the former Speaker of The highly favorable ratio of contribu- those said workforce?
before, e any serious about
the House, whose retirement pension tions to benefits, the annual cost-of- As does ave i d,
far exceeds his salary while in office, living adjustments [COLA's] early re- which
the h h morale of its ions ab ab employees
as well as the present-day salary of tirement provisions, and a narrow the quality ddoes o the or morale of their perform-
Members of Congress. Then, the salary base for computing benefits, once.
Treasury employee who contributed a combine to produce rewards which are aborate ex-
little more than $6,000 to the retire- the envy of nongovernment workers. Congress has spending votprograms ed teed the the elwhom have
ment system and has received $142,000 Moreover, this special largesse contrib- produced the dangerous budgetary
in retirement benefits to date. An- utes to the low standing of Govern- Congress
other former colleague of ours retired ment with the American taxpayers conditions w we
in 1973 with an annual pension of 'who are paying the bills. that must Incidentally, face are re Mup to r. facing. Speaker, remedies. -
$18,720, which has now grown to Not surprisingly, there are many certain-
$46,500. He was able to credit his mili- thoughtful Government employees ly It is Government Congress
tary service time toward retirement and retirees who agree that the ees do
which blame r. condition. Speh must be held is even though drawing a military pen- present provisions of Government re- alone for wnot delay, h l the responsible.
more .
sion; it's another practice which tirement programs cannot be defended The riult the longer h correction. the de The Government
should be halted, and I've introduced a or sustained. They counsel change cult
system is one of the key en
bill (H.R. 6116) for that purpose. The before there is an overwhelming
Office of Personnel Management has public reaction. Some among them titlement programs demanding correc-
estimated that more than 100,000 civil have organized as the National Com- tion. If we cannot rehabilitate one of
service retirees are drawing annual re- mittee on Public Employee Pension our own employee programs, how can
tirement benefits which exceed their Systems [PEPS] to advocate rational we presume to legislate solutions for
salary at retirement. A Joint Economic change now, and they support many others. Our goal should be a program
Committee study revealed that Gover- reasonable revisions. that is fair and responsible to employ-
ment retirees were receiving more in,,. The administration has proposed a ees, the Government and the taxpay-
retirement benefits than all the re- wide range of revisions to this Con- ers.
tired workers in the private sector. gress to place the Government retire- Everyone agrees that 1985 is the wa-
Leaders of public employee unions ment programs on a fair and reasona- tershed period for acting on these
are quick to defend the current system ble basis, but still reduce costs and issues. I hope Congress will join wth
with arguments that the retirement help trim the budget deficit. A few the administration in restoring this
trust fund currently has a balance ex- changes have been made, but the rec- and similarly troubled programs to a
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reasonable, equitable and financially
sustainable basis. It would be a strong
step toward improving the Govern-
ment's fiscal condition and citizen con-
fidence in our ability to govern. Both
are badly needed.
^ 2110
In closing, Mr. Speaker, let me say
that we do not serve the cause of Fed-
eral employees any more than we
serve good Government by failing to
correct the imbalances and inequities
in the Federal pension system. Exces-
sive abuses unheeded lead to an excess
of zeal when reform comes. We serve
no one by letting a ticking timebomb
blow up in our faces when we have the
capacity to disarm it but lack the cour-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr.
WALKER] is recognized for 60 minutes.
(Mr. WALKER addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in
the Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Minnesota [Mr. WEBER]
[Mr. WEBER addressed the House.
Iis remarks will appear hereafter in
he Extensions of Remarks.]
Mr. BROOKS submitted the follow-
ing conference report and statement
on the 1,111 (S 9
) to establish the Na-
tional Archives and Records Adminis-
tration as an independent agency:
The committee of conference on the dis-
agreeing votes of the two Houses on the
amendments of the House to the bill (S.
905) to establish the National Archives and
Records Administration as an independent
agency, having met, after full and free con-
ference, have agreed to recommend and do
recommend to their respective Houses as
That the Senate recede from its disagree-
ment to the amendment of the House to the
text of the bill and agree to the same with
an amendment as follows:
In lieu of the matter proposed to be in.
serted by the House amendment insert the
That this Act may be cited as the "National
Archives and Records Administration Act of
SEC. 101. Section 2102 of title 44, United
States Code, is amended to read as follows:
"02102. Establishment
"There shall be an independent establish-
ment in the executive branch of the Govern-
ment to be known as the National Archives
and Records Administration. The Adminis-
tration shall be administered under the su-
pervision and direction of the Archivist".
ZATION AND GENERAL AUTHORITY while engaged to the performance of their "2104. Administrative provisions.
SEC. 102. (a) Chapter 21 of title 44, United duties in conducting investigations, to ad- "2105. Personnel and services.
States Code, is amended- minister oaths. "2106. Reports to Congress.
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Approved For Release 2008/09/16: CIA-RDP86B00338R000400620001-1
(1) by redesignating sections 2103 through
2114 as sections 2107 through 2118, respec-
tively, and
(2) by inserting after section 2102 the fol-
lowing new sections:
'T2103. Officers
` (a) The Archivist of the United States
shall be appointed by the President by and
with the-advice and consent of the Senate.
The Archivist shall be appointed without
regard to political affiliations and solely on
the basis of the professional qualifications
required to perforn the duties and responsi-
bilities of the office of Archivist. The Archi-
vist may be removed from office by the
President The President shall communicate
the reasons for any such removal to each
House of the Congress.
"(b) The Archivist shall be compensated at
the rate provided for level III of the Execu-
tive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5.
"(c) There shall be in the Administration a
Deputy Archivist of the United States, who
shall be appointed by and who shall serve at
the pleasure of the Archivist The Deputy Ar-
chivist shall be established as a career re-
served position in the Senior Executive
Service within the meaning of section
3132(a)(8) of title 5. The Deputy Archivist
shall perform such functions as the Archi-
vist shall designate. During any absence or
disability of the Archivist, the Deputy Archi-
vist shall act as Archivist In the event of a
vacancy in the office of the Archivist, the
Deputy Archivist shall act as Archivist until
an Archivist is appointed under subsection
"02104. Administrative provisions
"(a) The Archivist shall prescribe such reg.
ulations as the Archivist deems necessary to
effectuate the functions of the Archivist, and
the head of each executive agency shall
cause to be issued such orders and directives
as such agency head deems necessary to
carry out such regulations.
IN Except as otherwise expressly provid-
ed by law, the Archivist may delegate any of
the functions of the Archivist to such offi-
cers and employees of the Administration as
the Archivist may designate, and may au-
thorize such successive redelegations of such
functions as the Archivist may deem to be
necessary or appropriate. A delegation of
functions by the Archivist shall not relieve
the Archivist of responsibility for the admin-
istration of such functions.
_"(c) The Archivist may organize the Ad-
ministration as the Archivist finds neces-
sary or appropriate.
."(d) The Archivist is authorized to estab-
lish, maintain, alter, or discontinue such re-
gional, local, or other field offices as the Ar-
chivist finds necessary or appropriate to
perform the functions of the Archivist or the
"(e) The Archivist shall cause a seal of
office to be made for the Administration of
such design as the Archivist shall approve
Judicial notice shall be taken of such seal.
"(f) The Archivist may establish advisory
committees to provide advice with re
t t
istration. Members of any such committee "(4) 'Administration' means the National
shall serve without compensation but shall Archives and Records Administration estab-
of this title.
be entitled to transportation expenses and Iis under section
per diem in lieu of subsistence in accord- (c)( c)(1) The table of sect sections for chapter 21
ance with section 5703-of title 5. of title 44, United States Code, is amended
"(g) The Archivist shall advise and consult to read as follows.
with interested Federal agencies with a view "CHAPTER 21-NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND
to obtaining their advice and assistance in RECORDS ADMINISTRATION
carrying out the purposes of this chapter. `Sec.
"(h) If authorized by the Archivist, officers "2101. Definitions.
and employees of the Administration having "2102. Establishment
October 1, 1984
"02105. Personnel and services
"(a) The Archivist is authorized to select,
appoint, employ, and fix the compensation
of such officers and employees, pursuant to
part III of title 5, as are necessary to per-
form the functions of the Archivist and the
"(b) The Archivist is authorized to obtain
the services of experts and consultants
under section 3109 of title 5.
"(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of
section 973 of title 10 or any other provision
of law, the Archivist, in carrying out the
functions of the Archivist or the Administra-
tion, is authorized to utilize in the Adminis-
tration the services of officials, officers, and
other personnel in other Federal agencies,
including personnel of the armed services,
with the consent of the head of the agency
"(d) Notwithstanding section 1342 of title
31, United States Code, the Archivist is au-
thorized to accept and utilize voluntary and
uncompensated services.
"02106. Reports to Congress
"The Archivist shall submit to the Con-
gress, in January of each year and at such
other times as the Archivist finds appropri-
ate, a report concerning the administration
of functions of the Archivist, the Adminis-
tration, the National Historical Publica-
tions and Records Commission, and the Na-
tional Archives Trust Fund. Such report
shall describe-
"(f) program administration and expendi-
tures of funds, both appropriated and non-
appropriated, by the Administration, the
Commission, and the Trust Fund Board; ,
"(2) research projects and publications un-
dertaken by Commission grantees, and by
Trust Fund grantees, including detailed in-
formation concerning the receipt and use of
all appropriated and nonappropriiated
"(3) by account, the moneys, securities,
and other personal property received and
held by the National Archives Trust Fund
Board, and of its operations, including a
listing of the purposes for which funds are
transferred to the National Archives and
Records Administration for expenditure to
other Federal agencies; and
"(4) the matters specified in section
2904(c)(8) of this title.':
(b) Section 2101 of title 44, United States
Code, is amended-
(1) by designating the two indented para-
graphs as paragraphs (1) and (2),'respective-
(2) by striking out "sections 2103-2113 of
this title" in the matter preceding the first
such paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof
"this chapter';
(3) by striking out the period at the end
and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon;
(4) by adding at the end thereof the follow-
ing new paragraphs:
"(3) 'Archivist' means the Archivist of, the
United States appointed under section 2103