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January 14, 2010
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Publication Date:
March 20, 1985
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MEMORANDUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
John thinks this is on the mark -- this is not
an NSDD. Also reaffirmed I this morning
and advised Jim that CRA is dead and should not
be put on the table.
Date 23 April 1985
S O 7 S 10 1 E D I T PI O M S I O U S
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
Intelligence Community Staff
Washington, D C 20505
20 March 1985
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, National Reconnaissance Office
Director, National Security Agency
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Director, Joint Staff, OJCS
Executiv or, Central Intelligence Agency
Chairman, COMIREX
Chairman, SIGINT Committee
SUBJECT: Special Task Group on Collection Tasking Authority Transfer
1. The DDCI and DUSD(P) have approved establishment of a special Task
Group to develop procedures and prepare documentation for the transfer of DCI
collection tasking authority to the Secretary of De[fianica when warranted, and
for the transfer back to the DCI when appropriate.
2. Joint Chairmen of the Task Group will be Director,
Planning and Policy Staff, Intelligence Community a , and a representative
from ASD(C31) to be named. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff s
invited to send an
server to the meetings of the Task Group.
3. The Task Group is expect complete its work within 90 days
following the first me-ti y
4. Terms of Reference for the Task Group are as follows:
The Group will:
Prepare for submission to the White House by the Secretary of Defense
and the DCI a directive for Presidential issuance which sets forth the
general circumstances under which DCI collection tasking authority over
national intelligence collection systems will be transferred to the
Secretary of Defense, and the circumstances under which such tasking
authority will be returned to the DCI. This directive will formalize the
transfer arrangements agreed to by the DDCI and DUSD(P) on 22 March 1984
in their joint memorandum, "Transfer of National Intelligence Collection
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
Subject: Special Task ;Troup on Collection Tasking Authority Transfer
Tasking Authority," and enable the transfer to be effected without formal
approval of the President at the time such transfer is necessary. Tne
DUCI/DUSD(P) agreement, in accoraance with EO-12333, dated 4 December
1981, states that "... the Secretary of Defense must have the authority to
establish tasking priorities and to resolve conflicts in collection
tasking when US forces are engaged in major wartime operations and that,
if not directed earlier by the President the transfer of the necessary
authority from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Secretary of
Defense should be automatic when US military forces are placed on J'S
DtFCON l." The agreement further states Tne authority-transferred
would not alter--the-operations ot _OCI. tiodies~... nor change the comand
and control arraniemntrz r which national intell_i_gence collection
systems-now operate:"
Prepare a Memorandum of Agreement for signature by the Secretary of
Defense and the DCI (or oy the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the D Ci )
that will set forth in as much detail as is necessary the special
procedures and instructions under which the transfer of tasking autnority
from the DCI to the Secretary of Defense will be accomplished, the scope
of the Secretary of Defense's authorities when this occurs, the necessary
operational arrangements with established collection management
mechanisms, and now ano under what circumstances the tasking authority
will revert to the DCI. Tne ;BOA must respona to a considerable nui,iDer of
nuestions, among which are the following:
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP86B00885R000200130005-6
? ?
Suoject: Special Task Group gn nI1ection Tasking Authority Transfer
The above questions are not meant to oe all-inclusive, but illustrate the
scope of the problems that require discuss ion and resolution by the Task
5. The MOA should provide a comprrnensive set of agreed procedures and
instructions so as to .minlnize any poss;ole confusion in the Intelligence
Community and in the Department of Defense responses to intelligence support
needs in a major emergency. The key element must be the assurance tnat the
system is capable of full implementation in a grave emergency and can perform
effectively and efficiently. The procedures sly developed
for and successfully tested in the exercises should
oe considered in drafting the MCA. it is intended that the MOA be used as
direction and guidance during the training process for personnel who would be
involved in implementing the transfer of tasking authority and in the
provision of intelligence support after such transfer has been accomolis.hed.
Tne MOA Ni ke a basis for further testing
of the procedures in
6. Since it is recognized treat the procedures developed by the Task Group
and set forth in the draft MOA may require amendment on the basis of
experience, it is intended tha raft procedure be tested as soon as
to aavis
office 1 on, an eiuphone number by COB 5 April 1945.
Nill recognize that the Task Group effort ,gill require
discussions related to the transfer of authority pro
--Task Group and
of the name,
earances for
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