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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Center The National Intelligence Council The National Foreign Assessment Center January 1981 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 secret National Foreign ~-ssessment Center (NFAC) Mr. Bruce C. Clarke, Jr., Director, NFAC, and Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment Mr. E. Wayne Boring, Director, analytic activities and the intelligence support that NFAC physical and life sciences can provide may be obtained from the senior official identi- Military and civil technology feed for each component.. Nuclear energy and weapons erect con ac s wi po ~y t written products. These include serial publications, mono- Office of Scientific and Weapons Research graph studies, and contributions to the most formal of Intel- Coverage: Primarily on Communist states ligence products, the National Intelligence Estimate. The produces: research and analysis effort is organized along functional .Current reporting on scientific and technical developments lines; the geographic coverage and range of activities of each .Intelligence research studies on: major component are shown below. Further information on Technical characteristics of weapon and space systems The National Foreign Assessment Center (NFAC) is the intelligence research, analysis, and production element of the Central Intelligence Agency. NFAC's function is to inform the US national security policy process by providing a relevant and timely analytic product. NFAC does this-in a variety of ways ranging from informal t 'th lir makers to briefings and formal d' regional groupings International issues Manages: ? Task forces for crisis monitoring ? Interdisciplinary analytic centers on: Southwest Asia Cuba-Caribbean China-US relations International narcotics and terrorism Office of Political Analysis Coverage: Worldwide Produces: ? Current reporting on political developments ? Intelligence research studies on: Political developments in individual countries and in Miss Helene L. Boatner, Director, Mr. R. M. Huffstutler, Director Office of Strategic Research Coverage: Primarily or; Communist states Produces: ? Current reporting on military and military-economic developments ? Intelligence research studies on: Military forces and capabilities Military doctrine, strategy and tactics Military policy anal programs Economic implications of military programs Provides: ? Intelligence support to SALT and MBFR negotiations Office of Economic Research Coverage: Worldwide, with emphasis on Communist states Produces: ? Current reporting on economic and energy developments ? Intelligence research studies on: Economic performance and capabilities Economic plans and programs Energy capabilities and pr4?ca-ms Dr. Maurice C. Ernst, Director, Office of Geographic and Societal Research Coverage: Worldwide Produces: ? Intelligence research studie s on: Geographic and natural resource topics Social, cultural and demographic topics ? Maps, charts, and graphics Provides: ? Specialized map reference service~ps Office of Current Operations Coverage: Worldwide ? Publishes the National Intelligence Daily ? Manages the 24-hour CIA Operations Center Mr. Richard Kerr, Director, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 irr National Intelligence Council Mr. Richard Lehman, Chairman The National Tntel.ligence Council (NIC) is the production element of the Intelligence Community. The NIC identifies those US national security issues before the policy makers that can be illuminated best by an inter- agency analysis and manages the Community-wide produc- tion of an appropriate National Intelligence issuance. The purpose is to ensure that the policy maker is informed. fully on the most important issues by bringing to bear all of the pertinent information, analytic power, and intelligence judg- ment that exist in the Community. To perform this function, the NIC maintains continuing contact with policy-level consumers to ensure that their intelligence support needs are known and met. The NIC consists of nine senior National Intelligence Of- ficers (NIOs) with substantive accounts as shown below. In addition, there are two N:[Os-At-Large and a small Analytic Group. Tlie NIOs are the principal substantive support of- ficers to the DCI and DD/NFA in providing intelligence inputs to the policy process at the NSC level. Given the broad scope of their responsibilities, the NIOs provide an important point of access for the policy maker to the collection and analytic mechanisms of the Intelligence Community. NIO/Africa Dr. Gray Cowan, NIO/East Asia Amb. John Holdridge, NTO/Latin America NIO/Near East and South Asia Mr. Robert Ames Mr. Joseph Zarin~l, Mr. David Brandwein, NIO/General Purpose Forces Major Gen. Ennis Whitehead, NIO./Warning Mr. Richard Lehman NIO-At-Large Mr. Hans Heymann, NIO-At-Large Dr. Jeremy Azrael Analytic Group Dr. Harold Ford, Associate Chairman, National Intelligence Estimate: Addresses a foreign situation of highest policy concern to the United States. An NIE goes beyond the considt;ration of factual evidence to project likely outcomes. Special National Inntelligence Estimate: Shares the attributes of the NIE but addresses an urgent and specific problem. Alert Memorandum: Warns of a current development that threatens US intt;rests. It addresses the possible trend of events, the resulting implications for US interests, and rel- evant intelligence collection actions. Interagency Intelligence Memorandum: Assesses a foreign situation of high policy concern to the US. It is the appro- priate interagency vehicle on occasions when the paramount intelligence task is the reaching of factual determinations. 25X15X1 25X1 25X1 ~ 25X1 The Memorandum to Holders is a device used: ? To reaffirm the findings of an existing paper after the passage of time or after significant changes in the situation. ? To update an existing paper that does not require extensive re-examination. ? To consider new questions or materials in conjunction with an existing, valid paper. 25X1 A compilation, Selected National Intelligence Publications, is issued periodically by the NIC. Copies of NIC publica- tions may bey obtained b,y contacting National Security [nformatlon Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Office of Imagery Analysis Coverage: Emphasis on Communist states Produces: ? Photographic intelligence research studies on: Military forces and activities Economic facilities and activities Scientific and technical facilities and activities Develops: Office of Central Reference Coverage: Worldwide, with Emphasis on Communist states ? Methodologies and techniques far intelligence exploitation of imagery Mr. Wayne Strand, L)ireetor NFAC Intelligence Publications Monograph Studies _ Intelligence Memorandum: A brief, timely analysis of a cur- rent foreign policy issue or intelligence development suffi- ciently important to rnerit the attention of policy and action officers. Intelligence Assessment: Comprehensive study of a topic. Judgments are supported by evidence and analysis. Technical Intelligena~ Report: Designed mainly for technical users. Usually dealing with evaluation of weapon systems capabilities. Research Paper: A largely descriptive in-depth review of a topic. Reference Aid: A compilation of factual data-e.g., trade statistics. Typescript Memorandum: A quick response intelligence analysis prepared at the request of or in direct support of a policy official. Daily National Intelligence Daily Science and Weapons Daily Review Weekly Military Weekly Review Near East and South Asia Review USSR and Eastern Europe Review Latin America Review Africa Review International Economic and Energy Weekly ? Provides intelligence refers;nee and bibliographic services Bi-Weekly East Asia Review China Review Western Europe Review Economic and Energy Indicators Monthly Imagery Analysis Monthly Review International Issues Review International Energy Statistical Review Strategic Intelligence Monthly Review Chiefs of State and Cabinet. Officers Bi-Monthly Contra: An NFAC Journal of Alternate Views China Internat~ona ra a uarterly Review Communist Aid and Trade Activities in Less Developed Countries Annual Basic Intelligence Factbool: Irregular Analytical Methods Revievv International Narcotics Review An area index of NFAC publications is published annually and a weekly publication, NFAC Selected Intelligence Re- ports, provides the titles and abstracts of issuances. Copies oJ~NFAC publications may be obtained by contacting 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7 Secret Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/25 :CIA-RDP86B00985R000100100013-7