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Approved For Rel~se 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP86B009~R000300030003-4
~ENT~a~ rr~T~~~.rGrrvc~. ~,~~rvcv
21 I'ebruary 1979
Because of your interest in the Soviet economy,
I anI fortiaardi.ng to you a copy of our recently pub-
lis}Ied paper elrtitled USSR: l.,ons;-Terri Outlook for
G r a ff Ii II I~ o r t s. _ti~.__ _..._~---_~_~~___.____.__
-Also enclosed is a. copy of the 197 Joint
Economic Committee's A1.location of Resources in the
Soviet Union and China`--1978s 1'art~4~-~Sovict~ LJliion.
VJe ea~auld appreciate any cor;unents you may have
as to their content and format.
.I...caIlarlllC Research.
pnclosuresR (?)
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Colleges and Universities
Assumption College, worchester, Mass. 01609 (500 Salisbury St.)
Prof. George A. Doyle, Chairman, Dept. of Economics
Albion College, Albion, Mich. 49224
Prof. John S. ^4cConnell, Asst. Prof. of Economics
The American University, T?~'ash. , D.C. 20016
Prof. G~. Donald Bow1~s , Prof . of Economics
Aiaherst College, A.-;Zherst, Mass. 01003
Prof. ~william Taubman, Dept. of Economics
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Prof. Marvin R. Jac}cson, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Josef C. Brada, Associate Prof. of Econs./Int'1. Business
Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky 4039_0__
Prof. Mark Elliott
Boston College, 211 Fulton Hall, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167
Prof. Leon Smolinski, Dept. of Economics
Brandeis University, t~daltham, Mass. 02154
Prof. Joseph S. Berliner, Dept. of Economics
Dr. Barney h. Schwalberg, Dept. of Economics
California State University, Northridge, Calif. 91324
Pro Robert Horn, Dept. of Political Science
U_n_iversity o_f California, Berkeley, Calif. 94704
Prof. Gregory Grossman, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Ben Gti'ard, Dept. of Economics
t1n_iversity of California at Riverside, Ca. 92502
Prof. Iioward J. Sherman, Dept. of Economics
Catholic University of. America, Gush., D.C. 20017
Prof. Alexander 6Voroni_ak, nPni-, ref T'~nnnmi_r~~
_ _
Uh i v e r_s t y_~,o f ~~ 1 j? f p r n i a L o s___,A,s~c~P_]_~~~,_~~ 1t f. 9 ~ _0.2 4
Prof. Andrzej Korbonski, Dept. of__Political Science
University of Chicago, Chicago, I11. 60637
I=r_of. Arcadius Kahan, Dept. of Economics
Clemson University, Clemson, S. Carolina 29631
Prof. Joe I3aun, Dept., of Horticulture
Dr. `a. C. Whitten, Dept. of Lconomics
Columbia University, 420 West 118th St., i1.Y.; N.Y. 10027
rF~mkR~f+~a~e ./~3/0fi ~~Ii~~P~B?~8~5fl10300030003-4
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Cornell University, Ithaca, i1.Y. 14850
Prof. George J. Staller, Dept. of Economics (2 copies)
Miss Anna Stuliglowa, Slavic Librarian
Professor Thomas Poleman, Dept. of Economics
Professor Gardner Clark, Dept. of Economics
Professor Kenneth Robinson, Dept. of Agricultural Economics
University of California, Davis, California 95616
Professor Andrzej Brzeski, Dept. of L;conomics
University of Delaware, Newark, Del. 19711
Prof. Alexander Billon, College of Business and Economics
DuJce University, Durham, N. Carolina 27708
Prof, Vladimir Treml, Dept. of Economics
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. 32306
Prof. George rlacesich, Dept of Economics
George Washington University, Wash., D.C. 20036
Prof. John W. Kendrick, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Vladimir Petrov, Inst. of Sino-Soviet Studies (20052 Zip}(2 copies)`:
Georgetown. University, Wash., D.C. 20007
-I'roL. Lev Dobriansky, Dept. of Economics
Mr. Stanislaw ~;~asowski, Dept. of. Economics
I3arvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138
Prof. Abram Bergson, Dir., Russian Research Ctr.
Dr. Daniel Yergin, Ctr. for Int' 1 Affairs (1727 Cambridge Street)
Prof. Simon Kuznets, Dept. of Economics
Dr. I-Icrbert L. Sawyer, Russian Research Ctr.
iGeorge Mason Univer..sity, 4400 Univor_sity Drive, Fairfax, Va. 22030
Dr. William Snavely, C airman, Economics Department
National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550
Prof. James II. Blackman, Program Director in Economics
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Have.rf_ord College, Haverford, Pa, 19041 ,~
Prof. Holland Hunter, Dept. of Economics
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
Prof. John J. Stephan, Dept. of ~Iistory
Hofstra University, Hempstead, L.I., N.Y. 11551
Prof. Lynn Turgeon
Prof . ~4urray Yanowitch
Hollins College, Hollins College, Va.. 24020
i~Is . i~iary Houska , Dept . of Economics
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Pod. 21218
,Prof. Bela Balassa, Dept. of Economics*
University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77004
j Prof. Paul R. Gregory, Dept. of Economics
University of Idaho, D4oscow, Idaho 83843
Dr. Amos Yoder, Prof. of International Relations
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. 61801
Pro f_ . James r~~iillar, Dept . of Economics
Prof. Fo1ke Dovring, Dept. of Agricultural Economics
U_n_iversity of Miami, P.O. Box 248000, Coral Gables, Fla. _3___31_2__4_
John Ii. I~oore, Associate Professor _ ~~
Associate Director
Law & Economics Center
*also Prof. Katherine Lyle Ctr. for Urban Studies
Purdue University, Krannert Building, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Dr. Robert L. Thompson, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Agricultural
i~~Ir. nrthur tiff, Vdright, Dept. of Dconomics (Krannert Bldg)
University of Florida, Col_lege_of Business Admin., Gainesville, Fla.
Professor Yasushi Toda, Dept. of Economics lip 32611
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Approved For Rel?e 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP86B009~5R000300030003-4
University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. 47401*
Prof. Robert W. Campbell, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Nicholas Spulber, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Paul T~Iarer, Business School Rm. 464*
Prof. Robert F. Byrnes, Dept. of History
Towa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010_
Dr. Louis Thompson
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Prof. Roy D. Laird, Dept. of Political Science
Dr. Harry G. Shaffer, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Leslie Dienes, Dept. of Geography
Dr. Kenneth Gray, Department of Economics
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40502
Mr_.Curtis Harvey, Dept. of Economics
Lehigh Universityy_, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015
Mr. Nicholas W. Balabkins, Economics Dept.
Louisiana State University, Neva Orleans, La. 70122
Prof. Toussaint Hocevar, Dept. of Economics/Finance
University of Maryland, College Park, i~Id. 20742
Prof. Norton ~. Dodge, Dept. of Economics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002
Prof. Vaclav Holesovsky, Dept. of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139__
Prof. Martin L. Weitzman, Economics
Prof. Evsey D. Domar Dept. of Economics ~,~
Univeriity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104
_ Prof. Morris Bornstein, Dept. of Economics ~,~;:'~
Prof, A17_en S. Whiting, Dept. of Political Science (5602 Haven Hall) 4810Q
Prof. Wolfgang F. Stolper, Dept. of Economics Zip
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001
Prof. John A. Copps, Dept. of Economics
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. 55101
Prof. Philip M. Ftaup, Dept. of Agricultural Economics
University of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. 63121
Prof. Elizabeth Clayton, Dept. of Econom^ ics
Prof. Peter Grandstaff, Dept. of Economics
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Approved For Rel~rSe 2001/03/06 :CIA-RDP86B009~8i5R000300030003-4
.New York Univer_s_ity, X18 Tisch L?al_l_ ,-Wash. Sc. , N.Y. 10003
Prof. Wassily Leontief, Dept. of Economics
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. 68508
:Prof. Jerry L. Petr., Dept. of Economics
State University of New York, Binghamton, N.Y. 13901 ,
`~~~?- ,
Prof . Sta.~.ley H. Cohn, Dept. of Economics ,,-
State University of New York, Stony rook, L.I., N.Y. 11790
Prof. Edward Ames, Dept. of Econo ics
Prof. Egon Neuberger, Dept. of Economics
N_or_th Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. 27607
Prof. Robert M. Fearn, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Carl B. Turner, Dept. of Economics & Business
North. Dakota State University, Fargo, N. Dakota 58102
Prof. Jon G. Lindgren, Dept. of Economics
Mr. Edward O'Reilly, Off. of Business Econs.
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill. 60115
Mr. Jack W. Skeels, Dept. of Economics
Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60204_
:Pro George Dalton, Dept. of Economics
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Prof. Warren W. Eason, Dept. of Economics .~,
Prof. Craig 7umBrunnen, Dept. of Geography
Prof. Thoiras A. Wolf , Dept. of Economics
Or_e_g_on State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Prof. John P. Farrell, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Murray Wolson, Dept. of Economics
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802
Dr. A11an Rodgers, Dept. of Geography
Prof. Vernon Aspaturian, Director, Slavic Language and
Area Center
University of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa. _19104
Prof. Herbert S. Levine, Dept. of Economics
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213
Prof. Janet G. Chapman, Dept. of Economics
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N?J? 08903
Mr. Alexander S. Balinky, Dept. of Economics
University of_Sout_h Florida, Tampa, Fla. 33620
Mr.Tham.as D. Curtis, Chairman, Dept. of Economics
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556
Prof. R~zger Skurski, Economics Dept.
Dr. Charles K. ~~~ilber, Chairman, Dept. of Economics
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Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock, Pa. 16057
~ro~: arry o ep o o i ical~cie`nce
University of Southern California, University Park,
Los Angeles, Calif. 90007
Mr, John E. Elliot, Dept. of Economics
State University_C_ollege_, New Paltz, N.Y. 12.516
Prof.Irving Barnett, Dept. of Grain Studies
State University of New Jersey, Douglass College, New BrunswickL
New Jersey 08901
Prof. Robert C. Stuart
Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, N.Y.
Dr. Henry 6J. i~2orton, Dept. of Political Science (11542-zip)
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081
Prof. Frederick L. Fryor, Dept. of Economics
Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210
Prof. Robert Jensen, Chairman, Geo. Dept.
Prof. James Price, Dept. of Economics
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. 37915
Prof. George Feiwel, Dept. of Econo:,~ics
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122
Prof. I. S. KorQpec'cjy, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Vladimir N. Bandera, Dept. of Economics
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843
Prof. Erik G. Furubotn, Dept. of Economics
Texas A&M University, Research/Extension Ctr., P.O, Box 16_58,
Vernon, Texas 75384
Dr. Wayne G. McCully, Resident Director
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712
Prof .-George W. Hoffman, Dept. of Geography
Prof. Edward Hewett, Dept. of Economics
Tufts University, Medford, i~iass . 0215.5_ -- temporarily:
^Prof. Franklyn D. Holzman, Dept. of Economics
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05401
Prof. Lubomir Dellin, Dept. of Economics
Villanova University, Villanova, Pa. 19085
Praf, Peter S. Elek, Dept. of Economics
Texas Technology, University, Lubbock, Texas 79408
Praf. Charles E. I;utler, Depc. of Economics
Atlantic Institute
120, Rue de Long-
75016 Paris, France
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University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22903
Prof. Gertrude Schroeder, Dept. of Economics
L'_nivcrsit of Washington Seattle, Wash. 9819T5
Prof . Judith Thornton, Dept. of Economics ,,,nrr_~o
Prof. Craig ZumBrunnen, Dept. of Geography'(416C Smith Hall)
Washington State_ University, Pullman, Wash. 99163
Prof. Warren Gramm, Dept. of Economics
Prof. John T. Donnelly, Dept. of Economics
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. 02181
P.rof.Marshall I. Goldman, Dept. of Economics. v'
West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 2650.u
Prof. Jiri I:olaja, Dept. of Sociology
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. 53706
Prof. Earl R. Brubakdr, Dept. of Economics
Prof. David Granick, Dept. of Economics
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53201
I~rof. Boris P. Pesek, Dept. of Economics
Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520
Prof. John Michael Montias, Dept. of Economics
Prof. Raymond P. Powell, Dept. of Economics (37 Hillhouse Ave.)
Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305
Professor John G. Gurley, Dept. of Economics
Lniversity of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario; Canada ~ (DBD's home
Professor Zbigniew M. Fallenbuchl, Dept. of Economics address)
Universit~of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
$TATII~~Qf' Steven Rosefielde, Dept. of Economics
U.S. Air_ Force 1lcademy, Colorado 80840
Colonel L.D. Badgett, Chairman, Dept. of Economics, Geograph}=, & I~fanagement
Major Gregory Hillderbrand, Dept. of Econo;nics, Geography, & Management
* Overseas address, DBD's home address as sender.
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Private Research Organizations
Mr. Thad P. Alton
425 Riverside Drives, 5~H
New York, N.Y. 10025
Stanford Research Institute, 333 Ravenswood Ave.
Menlo Park, Calif. 94025
Mr. mark Earle
Chase P~Iarxhattan Bank, Ecor_omics Group, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
-~~?1ew Fork, I.Y. 1001_5_
~Ir_ . Donald Green
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif, 90406 (1700 Main Street)_
Ms . Nancy Iv imitz
Dr. A.S. Decker
Bankers Trust Company, P.O. Box 318, Church St. Station, N.Y. 10015
Dr. Lawrence J. Brainard, Vice President
I~Iilitar_y Academy
U.S. P-Zilitary Academy, Gaest Point, I.Y. 10996
- Co} . Joh:~ B. Garver, Jr. Acting Head,
Dept. of Earth, Space and Graphic Science
Lt. Col. Lawrence E. I~4cKay, FA
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Social Sciences
O. E.C.D. ?- Paris
. Philip Hanson
Center for Russian & :East
European Studies
The University oF_ Binningha~
P.O. Box 363
Birmingham, Bl5 2TT
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page 10 of this list.
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EUR/RPE to Mission address)
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-- N.Y N.Y. 10017
i~Is..I'elice D. Gaer
Carnegie Endowment for Int' 1 Peace, 11 Dupont Circle, N.V7. ,
:wash. , D.C. 2003'5_ ?
:Ir_ . Seyom Brown, Director, US~?Soviet Relations Program
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USDA Southwestern Great Plains Research Ctr., Bushland, STATINTL
Texas 79012
Dr, F3. A. Stewart
Library of Congress, Economics Div., 1st & Independence Ave.,
Wash., D.C. 20540 (Room 5277) (Stop 303)
Dr. John Hardt
foreign Demographic Analysis Div./CEN, Room 705,
Department of Commerce, 711 14th St., N.W. (Stop 206)
Mr. Murray Feshbach
Mr. Petc Gallick Professor Michael Fuser
St, Antony's Co11e~e
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vir. Edwin G. Doland) formerly with
3900 iI. Stevens St.)Dartmouth College.
Alex., Va. 22311 )New Hampshire
(Now with Dept. of Justice-Oct.1978)
ongressiona raison Off.
and the
Legislative Council "%'-"'
Mr. Keith Bush
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
(RFE-RL Inc.)
Oettingenstr. 67 AM Englishen
8000 Munich 22, GERN1~NY
Dirs., J.J. Brine
Mr. Richard Kaufman* Librarian
Joint Ecanomic Committee Center for Russian & East European
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for requests -- Bob Hepworth's Congressional Support Staff.
Robert R. Miller
Ecanomic Research Area
Room 112
500 12th St., 5.W.
US Department of Agriculture
Professor Gur Ofer
Soviet-East Eurox~ean Studies Ctr.
I3ebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel
State Department, 320 21st St., N.W.^Wash., D.C. 20451
Mr. Dan Gallik
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U.S. Army Mr. Roger Miller (Librarian) Asst Vice President-Commodities
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rk 09053 New York, rI.Y. 10004
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