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SECRET Approved For Renrase 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B017985R0004000/400024 1 0 JUN 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptrolle SUBJECT REFERENCE : Report on the Agency's Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Recommendations for Policies and Procedures Memorandum for the DDI from the Executive Director-Comptroller; Subject: Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Croups, dated 12 February 1969 1. Requests from academic institutions and groups for Agency briefings are not handled in a consistent manner, and there is no central file to which one may turn with con- fidence for a complete record of what groups were briefed, when, by whom, and on what. In the absence of a clear state- ment of Agency policy concerning briefings for academic groups, each request tends to be treated on an ad hoc basis. Historically, the Agency has not engaged extensively in briefing non-governmental groups on its mission. 2. Non-governmental audiences that have received briefings on the Agency include student, faculty, business, service club, and professional groups. Most such briefing excepting the highly successful Brookings sessions for business leaders have been given away from Headquarters. The 100 Universities Program, in abeyance since 1967, and occasional Approved For Release 2000/0FM:rc&RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 OCU;,L, 25X1A Approved For Rause 2000/08/ -RDP86B0Q.9,85R000400080002-9 appearances by officers in response to specific teams from service or university groups account for most such briefings. In recent months there has been an Increase in the number of presentations given at Headquarters. (See Appendix A for a listing, probably partial, of briefings even SW* January 196'1, compiled for Executive Director- ComptroLler, OTR, DM, Office of Security. and Office of Personnel sources.) 3. The experience thus far indicates thatwaft-con- ducted end frank discussions of the Agency, its general mis- sion and its research, analysis, and estimative functions by appropriate Agency officers contribute significantly to im- proved Agency-academic relations and open new perspectives to university students contemplating their future careers. The Irridence of positive gain from briefing university groups is sufficiently clear to justify more extensive and planned experimentation, a policy of receptivity to requests for such briefings, and the development of a regular procedure for handling the requests. 4. The regulation of closest proximity to the problem is of 6 June 1966 (Appendix B). it provides that requestsfrom scovernment agencies for guest speakers shall be forwarded to the Director of Training for review, recom- mendation, and action. Requests from non-government groups for guest speakers shall be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director for review and recommendation and thence to the Executive Director-Comptroller for decision. ff the request is approved, the Assistant to the Director chooses a speech from his library of prepared texts and the Director of Training selects the speaker and makes whatever physical arrangements are necessary. -2- Approved For Release 2000/ORDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A .7 Approved For Relaase 2000/08/18 A-RDP86B00285R000400080002-9 5. Thus, provides no special treatment for university groups and contains no statement of Agency policy with respect to briefing requests from university groups. By requiring the speaker to use a text previously prepared sad coordinated by others1 the regulation increases the pos- sibility the presentations might be unnatural or sterile. The regulation also engages the time and attention of at least three top-ranking officials in a matter which might be handled more routinely under an established policy and procedure. 5. In the fall of 1868, the Director of Training pro- posed changes it designed to provide a more concise statement of procedures and to place more emphasis on pro- viding guest speakers for other members of the intelligence Community and less on saUsfying requests from non-government groups. Coordination of the proposed changes was not com- pleted. Since then interest has increased in the possible benefits of briefing academic groups. A serious difficulty in developing a policy and procedures to deal with the matter of providing Agency speakers stems from the numerous kinds of situations, audiences, and subject matter to be considered. 7. CONCLUSIONS: a. Experience indicates that discussions between academic groups and appropriate Agency officials is of benefit in terms of general Agency-academic rela- tions and attracting university students to consider a career in intelligence. b. There is need to develop an Agency policy for the proceesing of requests from academic groups for such discussions with Agency officers. The policy should: Approved For Release 2000/08/1CMW-TRDP86B00985R000400080002-9 L Approved For Release 2000/08/ 25X1 A 7:7ti DP86600985R000400080002-9 I. Reflect a positive approach toward approving requests for such briefings; 2. Provide general guidelines for handling such requests; 3. Levy responsibility wIthin the Agency for haniling the requests and for appropriate intra-Agency consultation and coordination concerning correspondence with the requesting groups, program arrangements and selection of speakers. c. The Director of Training should continue as the focal point and action officer for handling re- quests for Agency speakers. d. In considering and managing requests from academic groups for briefings, the Director of Training should make use of the extensive DCS contacts with academic institutions and take into account the special relationship with the academic community being developed by the DDI. e. The special interest of appropriate Deputy Directors should be recognised in the selection of officers to speak on substantive intelligence questions, regardless of the requester or audience. 3. In implementation of the above Conclusions there is attached as Annex C a proposed draft revision of 9. The substance of this report has been considered by a committee of representatives of the DDI, DDP, DDS&T, the Office of Training, the Office of Personnel, the Domestic Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECP7T 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Reuse 2000/MMTA-RDP86B6489$5R000400080002-9 Contact Service, and the Special Assistant to the Director (Annex D). The draft revision of has been coordinated with that committee. RECOMMENDATION 10. It is recommended that the proposed revision of be coordinated in the usual manner and thruis.Ltja, usual channels. Attachments: Annex A: Annex B: Annex C: Annex D: 25X1A R. J. SMITH Deputy Director for Intelligence University Groups Receiving AgencyBriefings Since Jan 68 16 Jun 66 Draft Revised List of Committee Members Approved. Since the primary responsibility for administering ? the policy will fall upon the Director of Training, I suggest DD/S may, at the outset, wish to ensure that he is in general agreement. In addition, and because of the preliminary coordination which has already taken place, I would hope the normal process could be expedited. L. K. White Executive Director-Comptroller -5- Approved For Release 2000/08/82EMMITDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1 A Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 C/SRS:lyci(10 Jun 69) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - DD1 Chrono 1 - CAR file , SRS 1 - DDP 1 - DDS 1 - DDS&T 1 - OTR 1 - 0/P 1 - DCS 1 - Assistant to DCI -5- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Ap Ap TerrRAZ ' T.I AJNCLAS IF E i ...,,NFIb OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS DD/I tz ,__/?./.> LI ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Please see ExDir's approval note on the last page of your memorandum. 2 .,..._ e a -.3 yot..., Artae., et wvve-tir",- tit-Gte.d.... 9 hove et.. ceity. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 0/Executive Director-Comptroller 13 Jun 69 ca . . ii -.7.7 : 1,1- . . . . lim 1 ' I FORM NO. 037 Use previous editions 1-67 Z. GPO: 1968 0 - 297-542 (40) 0400080002-9 0400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CalkOMBO9S85R000400080002-9 A y Groups Receiving Agency Briefings Since January 1968 Colgate University Mozavian College Princeton Cornell Williams College Univ. of Dubuque Assn of College Newspaper Editors Drew University January 1968-18 in group--briefed at Headquarters auditoritun?request through OTR. January 1968--19 in group--briefed at Headquarters auditorium--request through Assistant to the Director. 9 May 1988?Whig-Cliosophic Society-- 14 Jxtembers?briefed by DDI in DDI conference room?request came from DCI to DDI. 5 August 1968?Summer Intern Group-- 40 in group--briefed at Longwortb Building in DC b -request through co-op student contact of Only came once--this was in 1968-- 20-25 in group--briefed in Mr. Helms' conference room--request through DCI. 15 January 1969--group of 7 theologians-- took them to lunch--request through 14 February 1989--27 in group--briefed at Headquarters by Ex. Director and 4 Deputy Directors?request through Executive Director-Comptroller. 30 April 1969--15 in group--briefed by DDI in DDI conference room--request came from DCI to DDI. Approved For Release 2000/0V1 -;;41f-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 crrrr Approved For ReWase 2000/08/78 CiA-RDP86B0(1985R000400080002-9 Law Schools International Fellows (Columbia University) Maxwell School of Citizenship (Syracuse) White House Fellows 9 May 1969?Whig-Cliosophic Society--13 in group--briefed by DDI in DDI conference room?written request to DDI. AL REQUESTS Usually in August--37-75 in group- under the auspices of the Bar Association. For last three years have been briefed by Larry Houston at Lawyer's Club in DC. Request through General Counsel. 3 November 1967--50 in group--did not come in 1968. Briefed by Larry Houston in 67. Request through Colonel White. Scheduled for 1 April 1969-- cancelled because of President Eisenhower's death. Washington seminar group--about 30 in group--June 1967 briefed at Fairfax Hotel. January 1968 briefed at Headquarters auditorium. Request through QTR. Have been briefed twice (8 Jan 68 and 9 Dec 68). Dinner in DCI conference room--request through DCI. -2- Approved For Release 2000/08SIWIRDP86B00985R000400080002-9 - 5X1 Approved For Release 2000/08W:IVAISR608613069e5R 02-9 , # TRAINING , ? !i I 9. REQUESTS FOR CIA OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. CIA is ? often requested to supply guest speakers for public functions of non-Government organizations and groups, such as business and professional organizations, civic organizations, and universities, as well as to regularly provide guest speakers for schools and colleges operated by the Department of Defense and for other Government training activities. In order to designate a central point of admin- istrative control for the various types of requests for speakers, the following procedures shall be followed: a. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests for CIA officials to speak before non-Government groups shall be forwarded promptly to the Assistant to the Director who will review them and recommend action to the 'Executive Director-Comptroller. (1) If the request is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the . ? Assistant to the Director will choose the text of the ? presentation and will refer the request to the Director of Training to select a speaker and arrange for his appearance. Several prepared texts which have previously been coordinated with the Director of Training, the Director of Security, and the Assistant to the Director will be available for use. The text chosen by the Assistant to the Director in each instance will require no further coordination or approval unless there is to be a significant departure from its contents. . (2) If the request is not approved by the Executive .Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will inform the requester and the Director of Training. ?. ? b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE. COMMUNITY. Requests for guests speakers which come from Government ?? sources outside the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director ' of Training who will review them and recommend action to the Executive ? Director-Comptroller. A copy of the recommendation will be forwarded to ? the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Di- , ?? rector-Comptroller, the Director of Training will take the necessary action; - if not approved, he will advise the requester. c. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN TITLE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guest speakers which come from members of the ? Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who . will take appropriate action and inform the Assistant to the Director of the action taken. No approval is needed with respect to such a request unless it presents a question of policy or the Director of Training recommends to the Executive Director-Comptroller that the request be denied. This paragraph 'does not affect the requirements of oncern- log the outside activities of Agency employees. Revised; 16 Juno MG (297) ? CONFIDENTIAL , GROUP 1 included horn ?wiconeilt ido+nprodIng ?nd dmIsto;Acalion 15 . Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For Relgase 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B0Q2185R00 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT ? ^ Review of Agency's Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Recom- mendations for Policies and Procedures REFERENCE ? ? Memorandum for the DD/I from the Executive Director-Comptroller; Subject: Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups, Dated 12 February 1969 1. The referenced memorandum asked the DD/I to review the problem of the Agency's handling of briefing requests from academic groups and, after consulting with other inter- ested components, to redommend the action necessary to establish clear and effective Agency policies and procedures. 2. In response to your request, I convened a study group consisting of representatives of the DD/S, DD/S&T, DD/P, the Office of Personnel; the Office of Training, the Domestic Contact Service, and the Special Assistant to the Director. We have now had three meetings during which we probed all aspects of the problem, and we have considered and rejected four separate redrafts of the relevant regulation, 3. That regulation assigns responsibility for handling requests for speakers and for selecting speakers to the Office of Training. For a variety of reasons the regula- tion is often bypassed. The thrust of my effort in the study group has been to divest OTR of responsibility for the handling of academic groups and assign it to the DD/I. In addition, I sought to underline special DD/I interest in lectures to all kinds of groups on matters of substantive intelligence. An effort to revise and clarify Approved For Release 2000/081R0A-RDP86B00.985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approved for Rase 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP8613?085R000400080002-9 eighteen months ago failed to achieve DD/I coordination on the latter point. My hope, now ,proven to be a fatuous one, was to deliver to you a brief report with recommendations and a coordinated, revised 4. It is now apparent that a draft regulation which takes from the Office of Training responsibility for managing briefings and the provision of speakers is acceptable neither to the Director of Training nor to the Deputy Director for Support. OTR holds that responsibilities assigned to that 'Office under existing regulations have been capably handled, and that it is uniquely qualified by experience and its "neutral" position and by the talents of its professional briefers and teachers to conduct or to arrange briefings and lectures on the Agency to all types of' groups and audiences. The position of the Deputy :Director for Support is that whatever arrangement is made for handling such activities, responsibility for management of them should be centered in one office, and that OTR is well-suited to the task. 5. There are points to be made on both sides of the questions which divide us from OTR and the DD/S. For example, there is a very substantial amount of bookkeeping and low-level logistical work involved in managing briefing programs which OTR has the manpower and, presumably, the capability to handle. A special program of briefings for academic groups under a new policy of receptivity to requests would probably develop in two or three years into a sizeable operation which could prove excessively time-consuming to DD/I officers. On the other hand, I still doubt that OTR has any unique capability to select speakers for all occa- sions and groups, or to achieve the kind of personal rapport which is so essential in dealing with current college groups. On another point, the DD/S position that the account should be managed by one office has obvious merit. Indeed the decentralization and management ,of briefings and lectures which has developed through useage and in spite of the existing regulation is one of the main weaknesses in the current situation. It seems to me that no component other than OTR should want to be burdened with the total briefing program covered in -2- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECRET ? Approved For ReWipe 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300a5R000400080002-9 6. Of course there are other lines that could be taken. If one were to insist that handling the academic groups become a DD/I program, coordination would have to be handled at a level higher than mine. Also, matters might be permitted to continue as they are, i.e., the Director, Executive Director, and DD/I siphon off incoming requests from academic and other groups which they want to handle personally or feel might best be handled at that level, and pass the rest to OTR. 7. I believe that the DD/I's interests ?and the interests of the Agency might best be served by retaining OTR responsibility for the general management, record keeping, and logistics for briefings including academic groups. However, responsibility for selecting speakers and developing programs for academic groups could be shared with the DD/I in recognition of the special relationship existing and being built up by the DD/I with the academic community. Also a new regulation could recognize the DD/I's special interest in briefings or lectures that concern questions of substantive intelligence, regardless of the nature of the group. I believe a regulation along this line can be coordinated. 8. Although the above represents less change than I had hoped for, it still represents progress on four points. a. First, we have agreed that the Agency should have an explicitly stated policy of receptivity to requests from academic groups for lectures on the Agency. It did not have that before. b. Second, we have also agreed to eliminate the provision in the present regulation requiring speakers to lecture from the collection of previously prepared texts on file in the Office of the Special Assistant to the Director. c. Third, there appears to be no insurmountable problem in recognizing the DD/I's special interest in lectures which involve substantive intelligence questions. -3- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 ? ." 25X1A OW,AKJ1 Approved For Relapse 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B0W5R000400080002-9 d. And finally, the regulation would recognize a special relationship between the Directorate of Intelligence and the academic community and bring the DD/I into a key position with respect to recom- mending or approving speakers for academic groups without burdening the Directorate with the nuts and bolts of a program that could become very nutty and bolty. 9. Attached is a report on the general subject, drafted for your submission to the Executive Director- Comptroller, and a draft regulation along the lines discussed above. Both have been considered by the committee named in Annex D, and the draft regulation has been coordinated with that committee. Distribution: 0 & 1 - DD/I 2 - SRS Coordinator for Academic Relations -4- Approved For Release 2000/01iplA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A SECRET Apiiroved For/Ralease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B10985R00 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT ? ? Review of Agency's Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Recom- mendations for Policies and Procedures REFERENCE ? ^ Memorandum for the DD/I from the Executive Director-Comptroller; Subject: Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups, Dated 12 February 1969 1. The referenced memorandum asked the DD/I to review the problem of the Agency's handling of briefing requests from academic groups and, after consulting with other inter-i ested components, to recommend the action necessary to establish clear and effective Agency policies and procedures. 2. In response to your request, I convened a study group consisting of representatives of the DD/S, DD/S&T, DD/P, the Office of Personnel, the Office of Training, the Domestic Contact Service, and the Special Assistant to the Director. We have now had three meetings during which we probed all aspects of the problem, and we have considered and rejected four separate redrafts of the relevant regulation, HR 18-9. 3. That regulation assigns responsibility for handling requests for speakers and for selecting speakers to the Office of Training. For a variety of reasons the regula- tion is often bypassed. The thrust of my effort in the study group has been to divest OTR of responsibility for the handling of academic groups and assign it to the DD/I. In addition, I sought to underline special DD/I interest in lectures to all kinds of groups on matters of substantive intelligence. An effort to revise and clarify Approved For Release 2000/081RS1A-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861398985R000400080002-9 eighteen months ago failed to achieve DD/I coordination on the latter point. My hope, now proven to be a fatuous one, was to deliver to you a brief report with recommendations and a coordinated, revised 4. It is now apparent that a draft regulation which , takes from the Office of Training responsibility for managi briefings and the provision of.speakers is acceptable neither to the Director of Training nor to the Deputy Director for Support. OTR holds that responsibilities assigned'to that Office under existing regulations have been capably handled, and that it is uniquely qualified by exper,ience and its "neutral" position and by the talents of its professional briefers and teachers to conduct or to arrange briefings and lectures on the Agency to all types of groups and audiences. The position of the Deputy Director for Support is that whatever arrangement is made for handling such activities, responsibility for management of them should be centered in one office, and that OTR is well-suited to the task. 5. There are points to be made on both sides of the questions which divide us from OTR and the DD/S. For example, there is a very substantial amount of bookkeeping and low-level logistical work involved in managing briefing 'programs which OTR has the manpower and, presumably, the capability to handle. A special program of briefings for academic groups under a new policy of receptivity to requests would probably develop in two or three years into a sizeable operation which could prove excessively time-consuming to D'A/I officers. On the other hand, I still doubt that OTR has any unique capability to select speakers for all occa- sions and groups, or to achieve the kind of personal rapport which is so essential in dealing with current college groups. On another point, the DD/S position that the account should 'be managed by one office has obvious merit. Indeed the decentralization and management of briefings and lectures which has developed through useage and in spite of the existing regulation is one of the main weaknesses in the current situation. It seems to me that no component other than OTR should want to be burdened with the total briefing program covered in -2- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861360985R000400080002-9 6. Of course there are other lines that could be taken. If one were to insist that handling the academic groups become a DD/I program, coordination would have to be handled at a level higher than mine. Also, matters might be permitted to continue as they are, i.e., the Director, Executive Director, and DD/I siphon off incoming requests from academic and other groups which they want to handle personally or feel might best be handled at that level, and pass the rest to OTR. 7. I believe that the DD/I's interests and the interests of the Agency might best be served by retaining OTR responsibility for the general management, record keeping, and logistics for briefings including academic groups. However; responsibility for selecting speakers and developing programs for academic groups could be shared with the DD/I in recognition of the special relationship existing and being built up by the DD/I with the academic community. Also a new regulation could recognize the DD/I's special interest in briefings or lectures that concern questions of substantive intelligence, regardless of the nature of the group. I believe a regulation along this line can be coordinated. 8. Although the above represents less change than I had hoped for, it still represents progress on four points. a. First, we have agreed that the Agency should have an explicitly stated policy of receptivity to requests from academic groups for lectures on the Agency. It did not have that before. b. Second, we have also agreed to eliminate the provision in the present regulation requiring speakers to lecture from the collection of previously prepared texts on file in the Office of the Special Assistant to the Director. c. Third, there appears to be no insurmountable problem in recognizing the DD/I's special interest in lectures which involve substantive intelligence questions -3- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A OCA,11.Cil Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861380985R000400080002-9 d, And finally, the regulation would recognize a special relationship between the Directorate of Intelligence and the academic community and bring the DD/I into a 1ey position with respect to recom- mending or approving speakers for academic groups without burdening the Directorate with the nuts and bolts of a program that could become very nutty and bolty. 9. Attached is a report on the general subject, drafted for your submission to the Executive Director- Comptroller, and 'a draft regulation along the lines discussed above. Both have been considered by the committee named in Annex D, and the drafl regulation has been coordinated with that committee. Distribution: 0 & 1 - DD/1 2 - SRS Coordinator for Academic Relations -4- Approved For Release 2000/9/2R?tFA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 I believe that you-all are the keeper of the master files this kind of stuff. jkk FORM NO. REPL CES FORM 10- 101 1 AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 SECRET Approved Forrelease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 D-R-A-F-T 27 May 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller SUDJECT REFERENCE Report on the Agency's Handling-of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Recommenda- tions for Policies and .Procedures Memorandum for the DD/I from the Executive Director-Comptroller; Subject: Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups, Dated 12 February 1969 1. Requests from academic institutions and groups for Agency briefings are not handled in a consistent manner, and there is no central file to which one may turn with confidence for a complete record of what groups were briefed, when, by whom, and on what. In the absence of a clear statement of Agency policy concerning briefings for academic groups, each request tends to be treated on an ad ,hoc basis. Historically, the Agency has not engaged extensively in briefing non-governmental groups on its mission. 2. Non-governmental audiences that have received briefings on the Agency include student, faculty, business, SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECRET law Approved ForTelease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 service club, and professional groups. Most such briefings, excepting the highly successful Brookings sessions for business leaders', have been given away from Headquarters. The 100 Universities Program, in abeyance since 1967, and occasional individual appearances specific invitations from service account for most such briefings. has been an increase in the number at Headquarters. (See Appendix A partial, of briefings given since by officers in response to or university groups In recent months there of presentations given for a listing; probably January 1967, compiled from Executive Director-Comptroller, OTR, DD/I, Security, and Office of Personnel sources.) 3. The experience thus far indicates that Office of well- conducted and frank discussions of the Agency, its general mission and its research, analysis, and estimative functions by appropriate Agency officers contribute significantly to improved Agency-academic relations and open new perspectives to university students contemplating their future careers. The evidence of positive gain from briefing university groups is sufficiently clear to justify more extensive and planned experimentation, a policy of receptivity to requests for such briefings, and the development of a regular procedure for handling the requests. -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/10.E9A-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 25X1A SECRET . Approved Forlrelease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 4. The regulation of closest proximity to the problem is of 6 June 1966 (Appendix B). It provides that requests from government agencies for guest speakers shall be forwarded to the Director of Training for review, recom- mendation, and action. Requests from non-government groups for guest speakers shall be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director for review and recommendation and thence to the Executive Director-Comptroller for decision. If the request is approved, the Assistant to the Director chooses a speech from his library of prepared texts and the Director of Training selects the speaker and makes whatever physical . arrangements are necessary. 25X1A 5. Thus __________provides no special treatment for university groups and contains no statement of Agency policy with respect to briefing requests from university groups. By requiring the speaker to use a text previously prepared and coordinated by others, the regulation increases the possibility the presentations might be unnatural or sterile. The/regulation also engages the time and attention of at least three top-ranking officials in a matter which might be handled more routinely under an established policy and procedure. -3- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A ? SECUET . Approved For release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 6. In the fall of 1968, the Director of Training proposed changes in designed to provide a more concise statement of procedures and to place more emphasis on prov viding guest speakers for other members of the Intelligence Community and less on satisfying requests from non-government groups. Coordination of the proposed changes was not completed. Since then interest has increased in the possible benefits of briefing academic.groups. A serious difficulty in devel- oping a policy and procedures to deal with the matter of providing Agency speakers stems from the numerous kinds of situations, audiences, and subject matter to be considered. 7. CONCLUSIONS: a. Experience indicates that dicussions between academic groups and appropriate Agency officials is of benefit in terms of general Agency-academic relations and attracting university students to consider a career in intelligence. b. There is need to develop an Agency policy for the processing of requests from academic groups for such /discussions with Agency officers. The policy should:/ -4- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 ? SECRET Approved ForlTelease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 /1. Reflect a positive approach toward / approving requests for such briefings; 2. Provide general guidelines for handling such requests; 3. Levy responsibility within the Agency for handling the requests and for appropriate intra-Agency consultation and coordination concerning Correspondence with the requesting groups, program arrangements and selection of speakers. c. The Director of Training should continue as the focal point and action officer for handling requests for Agency speakers. d. In considering and managing requests from academic groups for briefings, the Director of Training should make use of the extensive DCS contacts with academic institutions and take into account the special relationship with the academic cpmmunity being developed by the DD/I. e. The special interest of appropriate Deputy Directors should be recognized in the selection of officers to speak on substantive intelligence -5- Approved For Release 2000/08/1MC1CRDP861300985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approved For:Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 questions, regardless of the requestor or audience. 8. In implementation of the above Conclusions there is attached as Annex C a proposed draft revision of 9. The substance of this report has been considered by a committee of representatives of the DD/I, DD/P, DD/S&T, the Office of Training, the Office of Personnel, the Domestic Contact Service, and the Special Assistant to the Director (Annex D). The draft revision of has been coordinated with that committee. RECOMMENDATION 10. It is recommended that the proposed revision of 25X1A be coordinated in the usual mariner and through the usual channels. R. J. SMITH Deputy Director for Intelligence -6- ? Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECRET ANNEXA , ' Approved F11111 or Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 UNIVERSITY GROUPS RECEIVING AGENCY BRIEFINGS SINCE JANUARY 1968 Colgate University - January 1968 - 16 in group - briefed at Headquarters auditorium - request through OTR. Moravian College - January 1968 - 19 in group - briefed at Headquarters auditorium - request through Assistant to the Director. Princeton Cornell Williams College Univ. of Dubuque Assn. of College Newspaper Editors Drew University Princeton Law Schools International Fellows (Columbia University) - 9 May 1968 - Whig-Cliosophic Society - 14 members - briefed by DDI in DDI Conference room - request came from DCI to DDI. - 5 August 1968 - Summer Intern Group - 40 in group - briefed at Longworth Building in DC by - request through co-op student contact of - 'Only came once - this was in 1968 - 20-25 in group - briefed in Mr. Helms' conference room - request through DCI. 6 - 15 January 1969 - group of 7 theologians - Mr. Godfrey took them to lunch - request through - 14 February 1969 - 27 in group - briefed at Headquarters by Ex. Director and 4 Deputy Directors - request through Executive Director- Comptroller. - 30 April 1969 - 15 in group - briefed by DDI in 25 1A 25X A DDI conference room - request came from DCI to DDI. 25 1A - 9 May 1969 - Whig-Cliosophic Society - 13 in group - briefed by DDI in DDI conference room - written request to DDI. ANNUAL REQUESTS - Usually in August - 37-75 in group - under the aus- pices of the Bar Association. For last three years have been briefed by Larry Huston at Lawyer's Club in DC. Request through General Counsel. - 3 November 1967 - 50 in group - did not come in 1968. Briefed by Larry Huston in 67. Request through Colonel White. Scheduled for 1 April 1969 - cancelled because of President Eisenhower's death. Maxwell School Washington seminar group - about 30 in group - of Citizenship ,/June 1967 briefed at Fairfax Hotel. (Syracuse) /January 1968 briefed at Headquarters' auditorium. u Approved For FitelValet2Ottilf/60M3 elA-RDPnB00985R000400080042-9 White Houge Fellows- have been briefed twice (8 Jan 66 and 9 Dec bid). / Dinner in DCI conference room Request through DCI. 4 ?., ? 25X)A App-roved rer Release 2000/08148roZIAPRDP86B009 TRAINING A PPE ND IX B ? 9. REQUESTS FOP, CIA OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. CIA is often requested to supply guest speakers for public functions of non-Government --organizations and groups, such as business and professional organizations, civic organizations, and universities, as well as to regularly provide guest speakers for schools and colleges operated by the Department of Defense and for other Government training activities. In order to designate a central point of admin- istrative control for the various types of requests for speakers, the following procedures shall be followed: a. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests for CIA officials to speak before non-Government groups shall be forwarded promptly to the Assistant to the Director who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. ? (1) If the request is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the . ? Assistant to the Director will choose the text of the ? presentation and will refer the request to the Director of Training to select a speaker and arrange for his appearance. Several prepared texts which have previously been coordinated with the Director of Training, the Director of Security, and ?1 the Assistant to the Director will be available for use. The text chosen .1 by the Assistant to the Director in each instance will require no further .!'; coordination or approval unless there is to be a significant departure from 1' its contents. , (2) If the request is not approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will inform the requester and the Director of Training. b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE' COMMUNITY. Requests for guests speakers which come from Government ? sources outside the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will review them and recommend action to the Executive ? Director-Comptroller. A copy of the recommendation will be forwarded to ? ? the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Di- :. rector-Comptroller, the Director of Training will take the necessary action; if not approved, he will advise the requester. ? c.. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guest speakers which come from members of the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will take appropriate action and inform the Assistant to the Director of the action taken. No approval is needed with respect to such a request unless it presents a question of policy* or the Director of Training recommends to the Executive Director-Comptroller that the request be denied. This paragraph does not affect the requirements of concern- the outside activities of Agency employees. 25Xlio.k N., Revised: 18 June 1966 (297) CONFIDENTIAL GROUP I inistvded from ?uromoile downproding eintl dtclattiNat;on 15 ? , Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA7ROF'86B00985R000400080002-9 " ? ? 0 ' Apkoved Mri Release 2000/08/18 : CIARDP86B0098PflflflM1flfl800029 TRAINING DRAFT (5/14/69) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 9. REQUESTS FOR AGENCY OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. The Agency provides guest speakers for presentations at facilities operated by members of the Intelligence Community and at facilities of agencies outside the Community. It also provides speakers for presentations to non-Government groups such as business, professional, and civic organizations and universities. This paragraph outlines procedures for fulfilling requests for Agency speakers. It does not affect requirements of or concerning outside activities' of Agency employees, nor does it alter the provisions of a. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES are sent to the Director of Training. If the request is from within the Intelligence Community the Director of Training will make the necessary ? arrangements. If the request is from an agency outside the Intelligence Community, the Director of Training will recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller, and execute the decision made. The Director of Training will inform the Assistant to the Director of all requests received and actions taken. When a request cites a specific, C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 C -0 -N-F -D -E -N-T -I -A ? ? Now APproved..For RelZse 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 substantive intelligence question or suggests a speaker by name, the Director of Training will coordinate the response and subsequent action with the Deputy Director who has primary interest in the subject matter cited or super- visory responsibility over the officer named in the request. b. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS (1) Requests from Universities or Academic Groups are sent to the Director of Training for response. (a) If the group can attend a briefing at Headquarters or at a location in the Washington area selected or approved by the Agency, and if no compelling reason for refusal can be ascertained by con- sultation with the DD/I and other components as appropriate, the request will be approved. (b) If the group requests that the briefing take place at the university, in open forum, or at public premises, the request will in most cases be refused. If in the judgment of the Director of Training a request merits consideration for an exception to this rule, he will, in coordination with other interested components of the Agency, -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 . Nue Approved' For ReVase 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 present a recommendation for exception to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (c) The Director of Training, in cognizance of the special relationship being developed with the academic community by the DD/I, will coordinate the selection of speakers and program arrange- ments for academic groups with the DD/I. (d) The Director of Training will provide copies of significant correspondence on all requests for briefings of academic groups to the Executive Director-Comptroller, the DD/I, the Assistant to the Director, and the Director of Security for their information. (2) Requests from Other Non-Government Groups are sent to the Director of Training, who recommends action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (a) If the request is approved the Director of Training, in coordination with the Assistant to the Director and the Director of Security, will make arrangements for the presentation and select a speaker. If the presentation is to -3- / C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L // Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For. Retease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 be on a substantive intelligence question. the Director of Training will coordinate the response and subsequent action with the Deputy Director who has primary interest in the subject matter or supervisory responsibility over the speaker requested or selected. ? -4- Approved For Releash(6-011768//1-81):.-81:libkekt100985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A .Approved lotir Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 ANNEX D DD/I DD/P DD/S DD/S&T OTR 0/P DCS Asst. to DCI Joseph C. Goodwin** after attending the first committee meeting, concluded that the committee work could proceed without further direct input on the part of the CS "since briefings of this type are, with rarest exceptions, handled exclusively by the overt components of the Agency . The CS has been provided copies of subsequent drafts and memoranda so that comment can be made on any point of CS interest. **Mr. Goodwin has been kept informed of committee developments and provided copies of all drafts and memoranda, and his views have been sought at each step. However, he has not attended any?of the meetings. Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A UliipA641ElDor Res ?p8/18 : CIA-RDP800010MIRDERIMM1080002-E SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: Chief, DDI/SRS EXTENSION 4088 NO, DAT 6 April 1969 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building)/ DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED fORWARDED Attached is a new draft "Report on the Agency's Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Rec- ommendations for Policies and Procedures" which takes into account comments and sugges- tions made during our meeting of 25 March. , You will note that I have taken the approach of incor- porating the handling of requests from academic groups in a special suboaragraph of a revised I used as my starting point for a revised the draft tabled by during our 25 March meeting. I have not included annexes A & B in this dissem- ination--they were part of the earlier draft and I saw no need to reproduce them again. May we please meet to con- sider this draft report and draft at 2 p.m. on Monday, 14,April;:in-the DD/I -- It will, be ' my intent to make this our final meeting and to conclude with a coordinated text. , . . . ? ' . . io. )VI5 _,-de----rencrn. 11. 12. Ae: il .. 14. , 15. Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 FORM Ll USE PREVIOUS 3-62 SE S,n E EDITIONS ri SECRET n CONFIDENTIAL n TeTrERZA. ri UNCLASSIFIED SECRET 'Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP8613041965R000400080002-9 D-R-A-F-T 7 April 1969 . MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT Report on the Agencyts Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups and Recommenda- tions for Policies and Procedures 1. Requests from academic institutions and groups for Agency briefings are not handled in a consistent manner, and there is no central file to which one may turn with confidence for a complete record of what groups were briefed, when, by whom, and on what. In the absence of a clear statement of Agency policy concerning briefings for academic groups, each request tends to be treated on an ad hoc basis. Historically, the Agency has not engaged extensively in briefing non-governmental groups on its mission. Exceptions to the general practice appear to have been the result of personal contacts in which the arrangements for the affair have been handled directly by the officer concerned, or appear to have been experimental to test the advantages of such briefing. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 SECRET ?., Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86BOOS85R000400080002-9 2. Non-governmental audiences that have received briefings on the Agency include student, faculty, business, service club, and professional groups. Most such briefings, excepting the highly successful Brookings sessions for business leaders, have been given away from Headquarters. The 100 Universities Program, in abeyance since 1967, and occasional individual appearances by officers in response to specific invitations from service or university groups account for most such briefings. In recent months there has been an increase in the number of presentations given at Headquarters. (See Appendix A for a listing, probably partial, of briefings given since January 1967, compiled from Executive Director-Comptroller, OTR, DD/I, Security, and Office of Personnel sources.) Office of 3. The experience thus far indicates that well- conducted and frank discussions of the Agency, its general mission and its research, analysis, and estimative functions by appropriate Agency officers contribute significantly to improved Agency-academic relations and open new perspectives to university students contemplating their future careers. The evidence of positive gain from briefing university groups is sufficiently clear to justify more extensive and planned experimentation and a policy of receptivity to -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIALIMIT86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP8613001185R000400080002-9 requests for such briefings and the development of a regular procedure for handling the requests. 4. The regulation of closest proximity to the problem is of 6 June 1966. (Appendix B). It provides that requests for Agency speakers to non-government groups be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director for review and recommendation and thence to the Executive Director- Comptroller for decision. If the request is approved, the Assistant to the Director chooses a speech from his library of prepared texts and the Director of Training selects the speaker and makes whatever physical arrangements are necessary. 5. Procedures in do not provide for the special treatment of university groups that is required by the present academic attitude toward the U.S. government in general and the CIA in particular. The regulation contains no statement of Agency policy with respect to briefing requests from university groups, and it assigns to the Director of Training responsibility for providing speakers. The regulation also commits the speaker to a text previously prepared and coordinated by others; this -3- SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B001g5R000400080002-9 requirement tends to result in an unnatural, even sterile, presentation. The regulation also engages the time and attention of at least three top-ranking officials in a matter which might be handled more routinely under an established policy and procedure. 6. In the fall of 1968, the Director of Training proposed changes in designed to provide a more concise statement of procedures and to place. more emphasis on pro- viding guest speakers for other members of the Intelligence Community and less on satisfying requests from non-Government groups. Coordination of the proposed changes was not completed. Since then interest has increased in the possible benefits of briefing academic groups. A serious difficulty in devel- oping a policy and procedures to deal with the matter of providing Agency speakers stems from the numerous kinds of situations, audiences, and subject matter to be considered. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS: (a) That be revised to include special provision for the handling of requests from academic groups for briefings on the Agency and its mission. 4 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For Re!sate 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP866001A5R000400080002-9 (b) That the Deputy Director for Intelligence . be the point of referral and the action officer for such requests from academic groups. ? (c) That certain changes be made in procedures for handling requests for briefings on the Agency from Government agencies outside the Intelligence Community. (d) That requests for briefings by Agency officers on substantive intelligence questions be treated sepa- rately from other requests, and that such requests be handled by the Deputy Director for Intelligence if they originated inside the Government. 8. These, and other changes, are incorporated in a proposed draft of a new regulation attached as Annex C. 9. The problem considered in this memorandum was con- sidered by a committee composed of representatives of the DD/I, DD/P, DD/S, DD/S&T, the Office of Training, the Office of Personnel, the Domestic Contact Service, and the Special Assistant to the Director. (Annex D). The proposed new draft 25X1A of has been coordinated with that committee. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 .? Approved Fee Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDPIT6BOCITRABH4A0080002-9 UNIVERSITY GROUPS RECEIVING AGENCY BRIEFINGS SINCE JANUARY 1968 Colgate University - January 1968 - 16 in group - briefed at Headquarters auditorium - request through OTR. Moravian College - January 1968 - 19 in group - briefed at Headquarters auditorium - request through Assistant ter-the Director. Princeton Cornell Williams College Univ. of Dubuque Assn. of College Newspaper Editors Law Schools - 9 May 1968 - Whig-Cliosophic Society - 14 members - briefed by DDI in DDI Conference Room - request came from DCI to DDI. - 5 August 1968 - Summer Intern Group - 40 in group - briefed at Longworth Building in DC by - request through co-op student con ac - only came once - this was in 1968 - 20-25 in group - briefed in Mr. Helms' conference room - request through DCI. ? 21X1A 2 X1A - 15 January 1969 - group of 7 theologians - . Godfrey took them to lunch - request through 25 - 14 February 1969 - 27 in group - briefed at Headquarters by Ex. Director and 4 Deputy Directors - request through Executive Director-Comptroller. ANNUAL REQUESTS - usually in August - 35-75 in group - under the auspices of the Bar Association. For last three years have been briefed by Larry Huston at Lawyers' Club in DC. Request through General Counsel. International Fellows (Columbia University) Maxwell School of Citizenship (Syracuse - 3 November 1967 - 50 in group - did not come in 1968. Briefed by Larry Huston in 67. Request through Colonel White. Washington seminar group - about 30 in group. June 1967 briefed at Fairfax Hotel. January 1968 briefed at Headquarters auditorium. Request through OTR. White glaKowilefaReleasfta2McgM8b:r9L4-APIMEFR5BAPs, s cE9092))%c 68). Dinner in the Director's conference room - Rnnunst throturh nm_ 1A APPENDIX B ?.:::;:-j-X131.5i*0-1:ted For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDAI6B00985R000400080002-9 ? 2eX1A CONFIDENTIAL TRAINING V 9. REQUESTS FOR CIA OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. CIA Is often requested to supply guest speakers for public functions of non-Government -organizations and groups, such as business and professional organizations, civic organizations, and universities, as well as to regularly provide guest speakers for schools and colleges operated by the Department of Defense and for other Government training activities. In order to designate a central point of admin- istrative control for the various types of requests for speakers, the following procedures shall be followed: a. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests for CIA officials to speak before non-Government groups shall be forwarded promptly to the Assistant to the Director who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (1) If the request is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the . Assistant to the Director will choose the text of the presentation and will refer the request to the Director of Training to select a speaker and arrange for his appearance. Several prepared texts which have previously been coordinated with the Director of Training, the Director of Security, and the Assistant to the Director will be available for use. The text chosen by the Assistant to the Director in each instance will require no further coordination or approval unless there is to be a significant departure from its contents. (2) If the request is not approved by The Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will inform the requester and the Director of Training. b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guests speakers which come from Government sources outside the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. A copy of the recommendation will be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive DI- rector-Comptroller, the Director of Training will take the necessary action; if not approved, he will advise the requester. ? e.' REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guest speakers which come from members of the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will take appropriate action and inform the Assistant to the Director of the action taken.. No approval is needed with respect to such a request unless it presents a question of policy or the Director of Training recommends to the Executive Director-Comptroller that the request be denied. This paragraph does not affect the requirements coll=concern- the outside activities of Agency employees. litovised: 18 June 1060 (297) CONFIDENTIAL GROUP I iliodadad hoot aoloniaill downgrading ond drialortilicaniao Approved For Release 2000/08/18 :.CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I '-L ANNEX C Approved Fliw Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP16B00985R000400080002-9 .DRAFT 9. REQUESTS FOR AGENCY OFFICIALS TO LECTURE ON THE AGENCY AND ITS MISSION. The Agency provides guest speakers for presentations at facilities operated by members of the Intelligence Community and at facilities of agencies outside the Community. It also provides speakers for presentations to non-Government groups such as business, professional, and civic organizations and universities. This paragraph outlines procedures for fulfilling requests for presentations on such general questions as the role of intelligence and the mission of the Agency. It does not affect requirements of or concerning outside activities of Agency employees. a. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests from the Intelligence Community are sent to the Director of Training for action, which includes notifying the Assistant to the Director of the action taken. b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests from Government agencies outside the Intelligence Community are sent to the Director of Training who recommends action to the Executive Director- Comptroller. The Director of Training also sends a copy Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For Rel'eaSe 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B00V65R000400080002-9 of the recommendation to the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Director- Comptroller, the Director of Training completes the necessary action; if the request is disapproved, the Director of Training informs the requester of the disapproval. Requests from Government agencies often , ask for a speaker by name, or are addressed directly to an individual officer. In 'electing speakers, the Director of Training will take into account any pref- erences expressed in the request. c. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS (1) Requests from Universities or Academic Groups are sent to the Deputy Director for Intelligence. (a) If the group can attend a briefing at Head- quarters or at a location in the Washington area selected or approved by the Agency, and if no compelling reason for refusal can be ascertained, the request will be approved. The Deputy Director for Intelligence will select a speaker and, with the support of the Offices of Logistics, Security and Training, make the necessary physical arrangements for the briefing. Approved ForRelease2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 (b) If the briefing cannot be conducted at Headquartqrs or in other approved premises, the request will in most cases be refused. If in the judgment of the Deputy Director for Intelligence a request merits consideration for an exception to this rule, he will, in coordination with other interested components of the Agency, present a recommendation for exception to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (c) The Deputy Director for Intelligence will provide copies of significant correspondence on all requests for briefings of academic groups to the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director, the Director of Training, and the Director of Security for their information. (2) Requests from Other Non-Government Groups are sent to the Assistant to the Director who recommends action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (a) If the request is approved the Assistant to the Director, in coordination with the Deputy Director for Intelligence and the Director of Training, makes arrangements for the presentation and selects a speaker. 3 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP866001185R000400080002-9 (b) If the request is disapproved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director informs the requester, the Deputy Director for Intelligence, and the Director of Training. 10. REQUESTS FOR AGENCY OFFICIALS TO LECTURE ON SUBSTANTIVE INTELLIGENCE QUESTIONS. (a) Requests from Government agencies for briefing on substantive intelligence questions are sent to the Deputy Director for Intelligence. If, in his view, an affirmative response is appropriate, he will after coordination with the appropriate Deputy Director and the Director of the Office of Training, answer the request, select the speaker and approve the subject matter to be discussed. In case of any question of propriety or security, he will consult with the Executive Director-Comptroller and the Director of Security. (b) Requests from non-Government groups for briefings on substantive intelligence questions will be sent to the Assistant to the Director, who, after 4 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Releete 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B005R000400080002-9 consultation with the Deputy Director for Intelli- gence and the Director of Security, will recommend to the Executive Director-Comptroller. If the decision is affirmative, the Deputy Director for' Intelligence will select the speaker and approve the subject matter to be discussed. He will keep the Executive Director-Comptroller, Assistant to the Director, and Director of Security informed. If the decision is negative, the Assistant to the Directok will so respond to the requester. 5 Approved For Release 2006/a7WCIAUREASEIttkickg-R000400080002-9 25X1A /25X1A ? ?,04 ? Approved FereRelease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 DD/I DD/P DD/S DD/S&T OTR 0/P DCS Asst. to DCI Joseph C. Goodwin** ANNEX D after attending the first committee meeting, concluded that the committee work could proceed without further direct input on the part of the CS . "since briefings of this type are, 'with rarest exceptions, handled exclusively by the overt components of the Agency? The CS has been provided copies of subsequent drafts and memoranda so that comment can be made on any point of CS interest. ' **Mr. Goodwin has been kept informed ,of committee developments a9d provided copies of all drafts and memoranda, and his views 'have been sought at each step. However, he ha not attended any of themeetings. Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For ReleaVoi2eid0/08/18::-,c1X.g9P86B009WW8164000 4 fr;xecutivo Hogistry, 0-9 ? 1 2 FEB 1969 MEIVIORANDIM FOR; Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT ; Handling of Briefing Requests from Academic Groups I. There are indications that current Agency procedures for handling briefing requests from academic groups are diverse and inconsistent. This situation is perhaps abetted by the absence of an explicit Agency policy expressed in Headquarters Regulations for the handling of this increasingly sensitive and important category of Agency contacts. 2. It is clear that well-conducted and frank discussions of the Agency and its general mission, and of the research? analysis, and estimative functions by high-ranking Agency officials contributes significantly to better understanding of the Agency and of intelligence, and opens new perspectives to university students con- templating their future careers. In the interest of general academic relations and to aid in attracting young men and women to careers in intelligence,, procedures for Agency presentations to academic groups should be reviewed and refined. FECE0 Approved For Release 2000/08/ _131786B00985R000400080002-9 Approved For Releasbia00e/08/1A;,CIAfRpP8660098440?10300080002-9 00... AEI 2]'` ti'l 3. The activities which can be discussed with university groups are primarily matters related to the responsibilities of the Directorate of Intelligence. For this reason I ask that you review the problem of the Agency's handling of briefing requests from academic groups and, after consulting with other interested com- ponents, recommend the actions necessary to establish clear and effective Agency policy and procedures. 1.- L. X. WHITE Executive Director-Comptroller ODDI :fk Distribution: Orig and one - Addressee 1 - LKWhite 1 - ER 1 - 0/DDI File 1 - Assistant to the Director 1- DD/S 1 - DD/P 1 - DD/S&T 1;- Director of Training 1 - Director of Personnel 1 - Director, DCS 1 - Coordinator for Academic Relations SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RpP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A ApprofedForRelease2000/08/18:CIA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 &DER WILL CHECK CLAS," _cr ?4 TOP AND BOTTOM IL. i U:sydLAFISIFIED I 1 L7FfillINTIAL I 1 SEC1 E OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS ? Coordinator for Academic Relations r 3 4 5 ' . 6 XX ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: I would like you to review the Agency's handling of briefing requests from academic groups and, after con-- sulting with other interested components recommend the actions necessary to establish clear and effective Agency policies and procedures. 1/7 Copies have been sent to: Goodwin, DDS, DDP, DDS&T, D/Personnel, D/Training and D/DCS. 25X1A , FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE DDI 7E44 13 Feb { UNCLASSIFIED I CONFIDENTIAL I SECRET Use previous editions FORM HO. j 237 Approved For Release 2000 GPO 1968 0 - 207-542 (40) 0080002-9 ryt 6_ Approved For Release-2000/08t18 :-C1it-RDP86B0098 0400080002-9 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT 11 December 1968 Ed Proctor, Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence Handling of University Groups Requesting CIA Briefing 1. There is some background to the adverse fallout 25X1A experienced during a recent OER recruiting session at the Fletcher Scheel (Tufts). Student groups from Fletcher. were briefed at Headquarters for several years as a result of personal arrangements by Lyman Kirkpatrick. The last yisit, in 1967, was shortly after the Ramparts NSA expose. Consequently, according to OTR sources, "someone in the Director's office or the Executive Direc- tor's office decided that the group should not be briefed on Agency premises." They ended up at Ft. Myer. Under- standably, the Fletcher people felt "put off." They did not request a briefing in 1968. 2.- Briefings for visiting university groups are handled in a remarkably diverse manner, considering the existence of a governing regulation and the fact that rela- tively few groups are briefed. In 1968, for example, OTR records indicate that only four student groups were briefed at Headquarters. These included two legitimate university groups (from Syracuse and Colgate), one group from something called Monrovian College, and a Maryland high school group. In addition, the DWI met with a Princeton group--I made the arrangements after the Princeton request was OKed by the DCI and DD/I. What remarkable logic led to affirmative gestures to this varied collection? 3. I am certain that other university groups were briefed at Headquarters during 1968 under a variety of auspices. In addition to group briefings at Headquarters, Approved For Release 2000108118 : CIA-RpP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A Approved For Release.2000/08/16 : CCA-RDP8613%9851Z000400080002-9 from time to time the Agency provides speakers for inter- ested groups, some of which are university groups. r leitve no count,, of the number of such cases, but they are more numerous than briefings conducted at Headquarters. 4. The governing regulation 411111111 copy attached) provides that requests for Agency speakers to non-government groups be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director (Jake Goodwin) for reviewand recommendation and thence to the Executive Director-Comptroller for decision. If the request is approved, the Assistant to the Director chooses a speech from his library of canned presentations and the Director of training selects the speaker and makes whatever physical arrangements are necessary. Obviously, this procedure is often short circuited. - 5. I find three weaknesses in the procedure insofar as treatment of university groups is concerned. a. There is no policy with respect to requests from university groups; consequently, each case is an ad hoc affair. Decisions are made, apparently, on IEs-Bitsis of the climate of the moment and there is no common point where all cases come together to be ]I handled in a rationalized manner and with a sense of(' program continuity. I. b. The involvement of three top-ranking officials in such matters is an extravagant use of time. Handling of requests for briefing (and briefing) of university groups, under an established policy, ought not to engage the personal attention of the Executive Director- Comptroller. The Assistant to the Director's primary concern is public media, not student groups. And why the Director of Training should be deemed to have any special competence to pick Agency speakers for visiting university groups eludes me, particularly since such briefings would consist largely of presentations con- cerning DWI activities. -2- Approved ForRelease2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A Approved For ReLease-20 /08118-nCWRDP86E11249851t000400080002-9 c. The regulation requires that presentations be drawn from "several prepared texts" which have been previously coordinated. In my experience the pre- fabricated speeches are excessively dull and usually counter-productive. Moreover, they do not provide gui guidance for the kinds of subject matter and questions on the minds of university groups. If the Agency responds favorably to requests for university groups for Agency presentations, it should provide stimulating, knowledgeable, and responsible speakers and permit them flexibility and opportunity for informative exchange. S. I believe that it has been amply demonstrated that well-conducted and frank discussion of the Agency and its general mission and of the research, analysis, and estimative functions by high-ranking Agency officials contributes significantly to better understanding of the Agency and of Intelligence and opens new perspectives to university students contemplating their future careers. In the interest of general public relations and to aid in attracting young men and women to careers in intelligence, procedures for Agency presentations should be refined and regularized. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS: a. A policy concerning Agency presentations to university groups visiting Washington should be established. The policy should be based upon positive receptivity to requests for Agency presentations from university groups, especially those with special interests in international studies or the social sciences. b. should be altered to separate out, in a special paragraph or regulation, treatment of requests and briefings of university groups (student or mixed student-faculty). -3- Approved For Release 2000/08118-: C1A2ROP6B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A Approved For Releas.e.2000/0871-87ei -RDP86BS98514000400080002-9 - ? c. Handling requests from such groups and the actual presentations should be routinized, but not permitted to become a matter of simple routine. d? Responding to requests and arranging presenta- tions should be part of the function of the DD/I's Coordinator for Academic Relations or some other appropriate officer within the DD/I because the activities which can be discussed with university groups are primarily DD/I matters. Presentations in all possible cases should be made at Headquarters, either in the Auditorium or an appropriate conference room for smaller groups. e. Special care must be taken to match speaker and presentation to the interests and nature of the group. As a matter of general practice, principal speakers should be of the highest rank, consistent with demands on their time and the nature of the group. M counterpoint, younger officers (CTs for example) ought to be used for supplemental or special presentations. Chief, DD/I Special Research Staff Attachment a/s Distribution: 0 & 1 - Addressee w/att.(1) 2 - SIM Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA.RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 ??-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP8131100985R00040008011 IMF CONCURRENCE SHEET TO : Deputy Director for Support ATTENTION: Regulations Control Branch, Support Services Staff Room 506, Magazine Building_ 25)K1ik SUBJECT : DRAFT Aof Proposed Revision ofRequests for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers. This issuance has been reviewed and ,our :position is as follows: El CONCUR gg NONCONCUR: Reasons are stated below. See Proposed We feel the regulation needs a concise and clear statement of the kinds of requests from non-government groups to be covered by the regulation and the pro- cedures which should apply to requests for substantive presentations, which are not included in either the existing or proposed regulation. The regulation should spell out the different kinds of public (non-government presentations) and establish realistic procedures for OFF ICE 'FORM 9306 PREVIOUS EDITIONS (Job No. 5219-A-LRM Due: within 10 workdays) Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 4 a 25 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 A 44v- Approved For Pte4ase 2001:101011tErfrAffDP8g60985R000400049T902-9 ?Ar 1 0 OCT 1968 IN REPLY REFER TO: Job 5219 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller Deputy Director for Science and Technology Deputy Director for Plans Deputy Director for Intelligence Inspector General General Counsel SUBJECT : Proposed Revision of Requests for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers 1. We forward for your concurrence or comments the attached revision, which was proposed by the Director of Training to achieve a more concise statement of procedure and, by reordering paragraphs a and c, to place more emphasis on providing guest speakers for other members of the Intelligence Community and less on satisfying requests ilkomnongovernment groups. Additions and deletions are shown by underscoring and crosshatching. Questions2. may have should be referred to Office of Training, extension 3185. Your concurrence or comments are requested within 20 work- days. A concurrence sheet is attached for your convenience. ? e2?34-eiceli'; Chief, Support Services Staff Attachments: 1. Proposed Revision of 2. Concurrence Sheet cc: D/S Assistant to the DCI D/T SSA-DDS gin !" Approved For Release 2000/ 8"./61 ID 1110.11.0.?????1111011???????????=. GREA/P 1 Excluded Tram cutoricilt, dewnerldIng cud GOA vim Kr.3,4 pi-at 000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 'Approved For I teiease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86M985R000400080002-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L WI! 9. REQUESTS FOR 014 AGENCY OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. 014 /0 ow H60440. ;66 alw The Agency provides guest speakers for 164$114 04141444 4/ 44410104/0444 4/A44/141/44/ 444 A444ili 'presen- tations at facilities operated by members of the Intelligence Community and at facilities of agencies outside the Community. It also provides speakers for presentations to Pon-Government groups such as business, p(AA professional obvalia011, and civic organizations/ andUniver- 44-1X AA 44 /4A04//i iV4i144 A4/44 Ai/44414 14/ /644/ - 44A /411/A44 414/444A 0 MA 0414/0444 41 04/4444 44,4 /4/ 0444/ 04i4/0444 4/414/4A A14/i/41411 -14 4144/ 44 04/A4444 A 1044/4/ i4141 41 40141141A4/i4 4444/4/ 14/ 40 .H/1441 0144 41 /4,i44/44 14/ 0gAxo/i hi0 ogow This paragraph outlines procedures aw )zs ouogl for fulfilling requests for Agency speakers. It does not affectre-u:_sLrementszidetivities of Agency employees. Formerly a. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN TEE INTELLIGENCE subparagraph c. COMMUNITY. Requests /0 65M/ HVW// -#/$1/ 030 from 00/H the Intelligence CommunitY. 0144/i -00 1,0Hog0A are sent to the Director of Training )41/10 gg hix0 sqlv4011ww for action, og Noll which includes notifying the Assistant to the Director of the action taken. $/ 1q/-i4 // )4/0 wiclo ;10 kw /k4S11 449/4 // 1041S44A X 6414/44 41 i4f/4i 4/ MA 01144144 41 %/A14/4g 14440404AS 40 OS gAS4X/iS 0//S4441/0444/444/ 00 OS 14F1404 SA WWI (Job 5219,-A-LRM) C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 'Approved For Rel e as e 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86IW0985R000400080002-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L TRAINING. b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Bequests 140 4010 /00-0/ OW 00 044 00i0Mbii 034/c0/ from Government agencies outside the Intelligence Community OW )q Awow are sent to the Director of Training who yi/g Hi/A4 MO 4/411. recommends action to the Executive Director- Comptroller. The Director of Training also sends A a copy of the recommendation )..Xg g /64344#$ to the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Director of Training )4/XX Mg completes the necessary action; if i4b/ SiiHigi the request is disapproved, g the Director of Training i/XX gi/i0 informs the requester/ of the disapproval. Formerly c. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests N 04A sftwai XS subparagraph a. S1444 AZ/SH from non-Government groups /gg. Nofiqg gmigi are sent to the Assistant to the Director who qg recommends action. to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (1) If the request is approved by the Executive Director- Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director -0//X MON. selects Xg a text S14 /g for presentation ikAct )40/ Aqo xicz Nyigg 'N 094 0000 0 ',00/10A 44 160 4400 44( 004,94 1464 i/0 kW000/which has been coordinated with the Director of Training and the Director of Security. The request is then sent to the Director of Training who arranges for 8 speaker. NiA41 144V/Whi 00/ 0/0 0i0 000W 00 00000 )04 %144 0000 0 %140340ii 0004' 2 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25)(1A 25X1A 25)(1 A 'Approved For lease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP868e0985R000400080002-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L TRAINING WAH;eii )1141 Ail/HAO.0 04 0/A400-1 141.17Y OWAS9 4$1 kl,i/ #00 10- W AWSWX ? W OXAWH 0 kW /464A0 )4/11 NeIN No further 0W;6440)4 44 approvals are required unless 044$ 0 0 )Y 6 significant departure from ft/ 0i0,40/the original :text is necessary to fulfill the request. (2) If the request is 0 fkiihog disapproved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director 3411x informs the requester and the Director of Training. i4Mkbla si4/ ON# NWHiS14/ 0i AtiOHN 144 AW1M OX/i/bW Wgi 04100,1 DISTRIBUTION: AB 0-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For,R046frase 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861M0985R00040008000,2-9 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL 9. REQUESTS FOR CIA OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. CIA Is often requested to supply guest speakers for public functions of non-Government organizations and groups, such as business and professional organizations, civic organizations, and universities, as well as to regularly provide guest speakers for schools and colleges operated by the Department of Defense and for other Government training activities. In order to designate a central point of admin- istrative control for the various types of requests for speakers, the following procedures shall be followed: a. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests for CIA officials to speak before non-Government groups shall be forwarded promptly to the Assistant to the Director who will review them and recommend action to the - Executive Director-Comptroller. (1) If the request Is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will choose the text of the presentation and will refer the request to the Director of Training to select a speaker and arrange for his appearance. Several prepared texts which have previously been coordinated with the Director of Training, the Director of Security, and the Assistant to the Director will be available for use. The text chosen by the Assistant to the Director in each instance will require no further - coordination or approval unless there is to be a significant departure from its contents. (2) If the request is not approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will inform the requester and the Director of Training. ? b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guests speakers which come from Government ? sources outside the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. A copy of the recommendation will be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Di- rector-Comptroller, the Director of Training will take the necessary action; if not approved, he will advise the requester. et. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guest speakers which come from members of the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will take appropriate action and inform the Assistant to the Director of the action taken. No approval is needed with respect to such a request unless it . presents a question of policy or the Director of Training recommends to the Executive Director-Comptroller that the request be denied. This paragraph does not affect the requirements of concern? - lng the outside activities of Agency employees. 25X1A ' ? ? Revised: 16 June 1966 (297) ORM* r &singing hons inuroniutIn &mauling end dulugemilen ? Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-lipP06B00985R000400080002-9 ? POLICY GUIDE GOVERNING UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES AND OPEN PUBLICATION ' BY CIA. EMPLOYEES 1 ? GENERAL a. This policy guide is intended to assist employees in connection - with requests to speak publicly and to write for open'pdblica- tion in furtherance of private, nongovernmental interests, and also to assist supervisors and reviewing and approving authorities in reaching decisions on such requests. b. Within essential limitations imposed by security and propriety, there is ample latitude to permit employees to engage in private, nongovernmental activities, to appear in public, and to write for publication. Employees are encouraged to hold memberships in and attend meetings of academic, scientific, and professional associa- tions, to participate actively in discussions, and to present and publish papers in their professional and academic fields of specialization. c. Given the wide range of Agency activities and the diversity of cover situations among employees, as well as the equally diverse areas of professional and private interests of our employees, it - is virtually impossible to present a simple, all-encompassing rule to govern participation in these pursuits. It is possible, however, to set down certain basic principles and criteria against which each case may be evaluated with respect to the employee, the subject - matter, and the procedural details. These principles and criteria apply equally to all persons with whom CIA has an employer-employee -relationship, to staff employees and staff agents, assignees from other agencies, contract employees, and career agents. d. Agency employees are reminded that the Agency has proprietary rights over information and opinions derived and developed by an employee by virtue of his Agency employment. 2. POLICY It is CIA policy to: a. Allow public speaking and writing when security and propriety permit, Attachment Approved For Release 10 idfAE.itogi3i.-1-6Agiro 0 80002-9 GROUF1 Ex,i,,fett from automatic wagrading and ,,Lciassifitati911 ReesAIII Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861980985R000400080002-9 C-0-N- b. Permit activities by employees such as public speaking and writing for open publication if there is reasonable assurance: (1) that the cover of the individual will not be impaired; (2) that classified information, methods, or sources will not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals or groups; and (3) that publicity reflecting adversely upon the Agency will not result. c. .Permit the identification of an employee with CIA in the making of a public speech or in writing for open publication when such identification is desired, is in the interests of the Agency, and is not in conflict with security considerations. 3. THE AGENCY EMPLOYEE a. The overt employee with no history of cover and no foreseeable likelihood of cover in the future is free to speak or write, pro- vided the speech or article is prepared on his own time and does not interfere with his normal duties and if the other Provisions of this guide are satisfied. Within this context the employee is free to identify himself as an Agency employee and should do so where there is any possibility of the Agency being criticized for his not having done so.- If the medium in which he appears does not normally identify the place of employment of its authors or participants, the normal procedure of the medium should be followed. 25X1C b. An employee who is under formal backstopped or cover may not write for open publication or speak before any group or public gathering if such action is inconsistent with or contrary to the policies of his cover organization or arrangement. Approval of his cover supervisor must be obtained, and he may not identify with CIA or discuss information developed in his CIA role. c. An employee who is not currently under cover but who has been under cover in the past, or is likely to go under cover in the future, or whose association with the Agency should be protected for any reason may not speak or write publicly when Such activity could compromise past or future cover operations or associations or otherwise inhibit or reduce the value of the individual's past or future service with the Agency. 4. SUBJECT MATTER a. Content (1) Speeches or publications on intelligence or intelligence programs, functions, or operations of this or any other intelligence agency are prohibited. 2 Approved For Releasec200VitdribEftfAIRN386B00985R000400080002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 (2) Speeches or publications dealing with sensitive foreign policy issues (including military) must be avoided, especially in instances where the subject matter might be construed as a CIA position or opinion. Utterances dealing with foreign governments or with controversial subjects ? which might embarrass the U.S. Government must also be avoided. (3) Speeches or publications on matters clearly unrelated to Agency activities--music, science fiction, horticulture, ceramics, for example?,will also be guided by the general principles of this paper. b. ..g.2s.u..2,1,t_z The material must be unclassified and drawn from unclassified sources available to other researchers not affiliated with CIA and-must not in any way disclose sources or methods unique to intelligence. C. Propriety The subject matter of speeches or publications and the media used for utterance must be appropriate, in good taste, and not likely to reflect adversely on the Agency or to bring public or. Congressional criticismon the Agency. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES a. The primary responsibility for adhering to the policy and princi- ples set forth lies with the employee who should know best his cover status, the source and possible impact of his material, and the propriety of its utterance. b. Following the supervisory chain of command, the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official responsible for the employee shall share the responsibility for compliance with the policy and princi- ples set forth in this guide, will provide advice and guidance to the employee, and will recommend, as appropriate, approval or.disap- proval of the activity for which the employee has requested approval. / '2 02 APO/ 7.1 c. The Director of Security will next review therequest and make his recommendations. d. The AILla.tgut_tan ? the na1.2z=n_g.?z.athority in exists. routine cases where no disagreement e. If there is a conflict or lack of agreement between the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned, the Director of Security, and/or the Assistant to the Director, the case will be referred to a-panel, chaired by the Deputy Director or Assistant ;2 )1113 .-'6L 3 Approved For Release 2006/0tg1italtrli8tlI0 (.3,t GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic down rading and 080002-9 'Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861N0985R000400080002-9 Deputy Director of the requester's component. Members shall be the Director or Deputy Director of Security, the Assistant to the Director, and a designee of each Deputy Director who has a legitimate interest in the decision. Panel recommendations will be forwarded to the Executive Director-Comptroller for action. The Executive Director-Comptroller will appoint a panel chairman ad hoc for requesters who are not responsible to a Deputy Director. 6. EXCEPTIONS Requests for exceptions to these statements of policy will be considered only in the most unusual case and must be supported by appropriate documentation. 7. PROCEDURES a. Requests to engage in the stated private, nongovernmental activities will be prepared in memorandum form (replacing Form 879, Outside Activity Approval Request, for this purpose). The memorandum will set forth the pertinent data (identification of the meeting and the nature of the employee's participation, or the publisher or medium as applicable) together with explanation and description which will brief approving officers on the background and context of the activity. b. Requests will be forwarded with copies of the speech, paper, or manuscript concerned (if ready, otherwise to follow when ready) to the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned, who will endorse the request appropriately and forward the request and material to the Director of Security. c. Under these procedures, the employee and the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned will provide a fuller account in writing of the nature and circumstances of the activity for which approval is sought and, thus, give the Director of Security and the Assistant to the Director more particulars and counsel. These pro- cedures will permit, when required, preliminary approval to engage in an activity--prior to the preparation and submission of a pertinent manuscript. Of necessity, final approval will be contin- gent upon further concurrences and the review of the manuscript. 11. Approved For ReleasitibdRidiediA*5P86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approvedd5fFP3ifedia 211-04%8WICIA-RDP86B0C DATE: , TO: POtF 0/14.(iJ ' Karl 14 October SUBJECT: Revision of on Requests for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers REMARKS: This is OTR's baby. They have tightened up the language and re- ordered the paragraphs of the existing HR to give the appearance of placing more emphasis on providing guest speakers for other members of the Intelligence Community. There is no change in substance from the earlier HR. I have no problems, except mild horror at the stipulation that Jake Goodwin selects the texts for presentations outside the Agency. I assume this is part of Jake's franchise, and that he would be influenced by our recommendations. Is this acceptable to you? iortrfriok-c 114-4,4e. ?a-tiLAPA,) 41, eti4.42,-+.4A;taiwow" -'? / o Approved;FOr Release 20 /18 : CIA-RDP86600 00400080002-9 A 0 0400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For-Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86S430985R000400080002-9 16 November 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: DDI Administrative Staff AT SUBJECT : Comment on Proposed Revision of "Requests for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers" 1. From the viewpoint of the Directorate of Intelligence this notice is incomplete and, therefore, possibly misleading with respect to the position taken in sub-paragraph 9, C, "Requests from Non-Government Groups. " 2. The procedures outlined in both the original regu- lation and the proposed change should be reworded more precisely to make clear that the procedures do not apply to substantive presentations. In the latter cases, the Director of Training and the Assistant to the Director, with all due respect, do not have the competence or authority to select either texts or speakers. 3. In the most common example of such cases, a request received by an individual in the Directorate of Intel- ligence must obtain the approval of his Office Director, the DDI, the Director of Security, and the Assistant to the Director. In most such cases, the substantive Office Director selects the speaker. The text is usually approved at the Division or Area Chief level. 4. I have the impression that the speaking engagements addressed in are largely confined to public relations or orientation briefings on the Agency's organization, mission, and function. S F,CR Er Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A SFCV L Approved For4telease 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86S00985R000400080002-9 5. If others agree that is vague, the problem could be corrected easily by spelling out precisely the type of requests the HR is meant to cover. We can't buy the present language if it is meant to apply across the board. Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved ForRelease It.0118 a.'CrA-RDP861900985R000400080002-9 18 October 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: 0/DDI Administrative Staff 25X1A ATTENTION 25X1A 25X1A SUBJECT ? ^ KO Comment on Proposed Revision of Requests for Agency Officials as Guest Speakers 1. The proposed revision is more straightforward and easier to understand than its predecessor. 2. I have no problems with subparagraphs (a) "Requests from Government Agencies Within the Intelligence Community", and (b) "Requests from Government Agencies Outside the Intelligence Community." 3. Subparagraph (c) "Requests from Non-Government Groups", is tolerable, but I should like to bring up four points in connection with it. a. The paragraph does not take account of the fact that quite a number of invitations to speak are addressed to specific individual officers. b. The draft does not seem to take account of participation in the activities of a professional association such as presenting papers, serving as a discussant on a panel or as a panel chairman. c. I know not what course others might take, but I would refuse an invitation to speak if I were required to deliver a talk selected for presentation from a file of canned speeches. d. I note also that the Office of Training is made the selection body for speakers. I am not convinced that the Office of Training has any special competence to select appropriate or effective speakers. 4. These are general observations. I have no specific wording changes to suggest. Chief, DD/I pecial Research Staff Distribution: 0 & 1 - Addressee 2 - SRS Approved For For Release 2000/WARrip4N-PIPIP8 13P?0;m9;ragt,iir,4,7101)400080002-9 LtUritiLin !WI 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A , xroo Col,Y Approved For Releage WAVIAK ?Elopwoo -.v07 X06,11170flo7.,!!-TI 19 September 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans Deputy Director for Science and Technology Deputy Director for Support Deputy to the DCI for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation Director of National Estimates General Counsel Inspector General Legislative Counsel SUBJECT : Requests for CIA Officials as Guest Speakers 1. I should like to request that Deputy Directors and Heads of Independent Offices take appropriate steps in their respective com- ponents to ensure strict compliance with the procedures outlined in Headquarters Regulation Compliance has recently been lax and the situation needs to be brought under better control. 2. CIA unquestionably has a number of able speakers who are knowledgeable of a wide variety of subjects, and it is understandable that these individuals and the Agency receive many requests to address various groups. When such a request is received directly by an individual or component, the Office Head should in the first instance take a position on the propriety of acceptance. Generally, the following criteria should apply: a. There should be some net gain to the Agency or at least a good reason why CIA should provide the speaker. b. The meeting should be private, not public. There should be no publicity in connection with the appearance and no attribution even though speaking on an unclassified topic. CONFIDENTIAL xr-FROs "01'Y Approved For Re- ere IME18/18 : CIA-RDP8E1M?85000400080002-9 1 ---- crap 1 'Exclgr.d tram a,AamatIc . donaradIng and do6nsiir:allan ,--------, 25X1A xEno t ()P Y Oil CONFIRNTIAL Approved For Releutre 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP80130094R000400080002-9 3. It goes without saying that such appearances must be consistent with good security practices. The policy considerations, however, are of equal importance. Obviously, a speaker who makes a good impression enhances the Agencyts public posture. This must be weighed against the possibility that the Agency will be criticized for allegedly attempting to influence public opinion or for otherwise engaging in activities not germane to its functions. Attachment MMI 25X1A MEM L. K. White Executive Director -Comptroller cc: Assistant to the Director (Goodwin) Director of Security Director of Training CON FEMU,. XERO Approved For keiefie'2DOOM8/18 :61A4RIDP8 N ,P,???, 85R000400080002-9 , 25X1A 4. ? ? Approved For Relemet2000/08/18. : CIA-14M6B09944R000400080002-9 100. OLT) ir= CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A TRAINING 9. REQUESTS FOR CIA OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. CIA is often requested to supply guest speakers for public functions of non-Government organizations and groups, such as business and professional organizations, civic organizations, and universities, as well as to regularly provide guest speakers for schools and colleges operated by the Department of Defense and for other Government training activities. In order to designate a central point of admin- istrative control for the various types of requests for speakers, the following procedures shall be followed: a. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS. Requests for CIA officials to speak before non-Government groups shall be forwarded promptly to the Assistant to the Director who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (I) If the request is approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will choose the text of the presentation and will ? refer the request to the Director of Training to select a speaker and arrange for his appearance. Several prepared texts which have previously been coordinated with the Director of Training, the Director of Security, and the Assistant to the Director will be available for use. The text chosen by the Assistant to the Director in each instance will require no further coordination or approval unless there is to be a significant departure from Its contents. (2) If the request is not approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller, the Assistant to the Director will inform the requester and the Director of Training. b. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OUTSIDE THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guests speakers which come from Government sources outside the Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will review them and recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller, A copy of the recommendation will be forwarded to the Assistant to the Director. If the request is approved by the Executive Di- rector-Comptroller, the Director of Training will take the necessary action; If not approved, he will advise the requester. c. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WITHIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Requests for guest speakers which come from members of the ? Intelligence Community shall be forwarded to the Director of Training who will take appropriate action and inform the Assistant to the Director of the ? action taken. No approval is needed with respect to such a request unless it presents a question of policy or the Director of Training recommends to the Executive Director-Comptroller that the request be denied. ? This paragraph does not affect the requirements of concern- ing the outside activities of Agency employees. Revised: 16 June 1966 (297) CONFIDENTIAL GROUP 1 Excluded from outomoiic downgrading and decirresificorion 15 Approved For Release 2000/08/18: CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Oti_IX 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A - Approved For R SECURITY ALIOD OtI3X 000/08/1-8 : CIA-R43-P86q041940R000400080002-9 021DX .....'- ,... This Notice Expires 1 August 1968 UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES AND OPEN PUBLICATION ....?????????????1 1. The attached Policy Guide Governing Unofficial Public Appearances and Open Publication by CIA Employees is effective . immediately. This guide supersedes the policy and procedures governing such outside activities prescribed in pending revision of those subparagraphs. 2. These instructions do not apply to official appearances of Agency Officials as guest speakers; such appearances are governed bj FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: R. L. BANNERMAN Deputy Director for Support Attachment DISTRIBUTION: AB Approved For Release-2000141811-8-NMA-R11 GROUP 1 0400080002-9 __Approved For Re1j.QOOOIO8fl8 : CIA-R-9P48994158OR000400080002-9 AdO3 0 U3X POLICY GUIDE GOVERNING UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES AND OPEN PUBLICATION . BY CIA EMPDOYEES 1. GENERAL a. This policy guide is intended to assist employees in connection with requests to speak publicly and to write for open publica- tion in furtherance of private-, nongovernmental interests, and , also to assist supervisors and reviewing and approving authorities in reaching decisions on such requests.: b. Within essential limitations imposed by security and propriety, there is ample .latitude to permit employees to engage in private, nongovernmental: activities, to appear in public, and to write for publication. EMployees are encouraged to hold memberships in and attend meetings of academic, scientific, and professional associa- tions, to participate actively in discussions, and to present and publish papers in their professional and academic fields of specialization. c. Given the wide range of Agency activities and the diversity of cover situations among employees, as well as the equally diverse areas of professional and private interests of our employees, it is virtually impossible to 'present a simple, all-encompassing rule to govern participation in these pursuits. It is possible, however to set down certain?basic principles and criteria against which each case may be evaluated with respect to the employee, the subject ? matter, and the 'Procedural details. These principles and criteria apply equally to all persons with whom CIA has, an employer-employee relationship, to staff employees and staff agents, assignees from other agencies, contract employees, and career agents. - Agency employees are reminded that the Agency has proprietary rights over information and opinions derived and developed by an employee by -virtue of his Agency employment. POLICY . It is CIA policy to: a. Allow public speaking and Writing when security and propriety permit, . Attachment Approved For ReleasQ:21N/.01844gy?:gRiP p400080002-9 ? Approvect -For.Fe iAdop Od3X 000/08/48 1,30(1284R000400080002-9 Od3X, b. Permit activities by employees such as public speaking and writing for open publication if there is reasonable assurance: (1) that the cover of the individual will not be impaired; (2) that classified information, methods, or sources will not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals or groups; and (3) that publicity reflecting adversely upon the Agency will not result. ? Permit the identification of an employee with CIA in the making of a public speech or in writing for open publication when such identification is desired, is in the interests of the Agency, and is not in conflict with security considerations. . THE AGENUY:EMPLaTEE a. The overt employee with no history of cover and no foreseeable likelihood of cover in the future is free to speak or write, pro- vided the speech or article is prepared on his own time and does not interfere with his normal duties and if the other provisions of this guide are satisfied. Within this context the employee is free to identify himself as an Agency employee and should do so where there is any possibility of the Agency being criticized for his not having done so. If the medium in which he appears does not normally identify the place of employment of its authors or participants, the normal procedure of the medium should be followed. b. An employee who is under formal backstopped or integrated cover may not write for open publication or speak before any group or public gathering if such action is inconsistent with or contrary to the policies of his cover organization or arrangement. Approval of his cover supervisor must be obtained, and he may not identify with CIA or discuss information developed in his CIA role. c. An employee who is not currently under cover but who has been under cover in the past, or is likely to go under cover in the future, or whose association with the Agency should be protected for any reason may not speak or write publicly when such activity could compromise past or future cover operations or associations or otherwise inhibit or reduce the value of the individual's past or future service with the Agency. 4. SUBJECT MATTER_ a. Content (1) Speeches or publications on intelligence or intelligence programs, functions, or operations of this or any other intelligence agency are prohibited. Ad0:) 04.10X 2 Approved For RelmV9p3/3841@,...i.9A-RDP86B00985R000400080002-9 _Apprcwed-For-jOOF Oel3 000108118 : CIA-REW8FBQINAVR000-400080002-9 A JO 3 0217X C?"0 -E-N-T-I-A-L (2) Speeches or publications dealing with sensitive foreign policy issues (including military) must be avoided, especially in instances where the subject matter might be construed as a CIA position or opinion. Utterances dealing with foreign governments or with controversial subjects which might embarrass the U.S. Government must also be avoided. (3) Speeches or publications on matters clearly unrelated to Agency activities--music, science fiction, horticulture, ceramics, for example?will also be guided by the general principles of this paper. b. Security - The material must be unclassified and drawn from unclassified sources available to other researchers not affiliated with CIA! and must not in any way disclose sources or methods unique to intelligence. C. Propriety. The subject matter of speeches or publications and the media used for utterance must be appropriate, in good taste, and not likely to reflect adversely on the Agency or to bring public or Congressional criticism on the Agency'. RESPONSIBILITIES a. ? The primary responsibility for adhering to the policy and princi .Ilples set forth lies with the employee who should know best his cover status, the source and possible impact of his material, and the propriety of its utterance. b. Following the supervisory chain of command, the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official responsible for the employee shall share the responsibility for compliance with the policy and princi- ples set forth in this guide, will provide advice and guidance to the employee, and will recommend, as appropriate, approval or disap- proval of the activity for which the employee has requested approval. c. The Director of Security will next review the request and make his recommendations. d. The Assistant to the Director is the final approving authority in routine cases where no disagreement exists. e. If there is a conflict or lack of agreement between the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned, the Director of Security, and/or the Assistant to the Director, the case will be referred to a panel, chaired by the Deputy Director or Assistant 3 Approved For Releasf:Mt(p.M, .94:13.1? GROUP 1 tjca juad from automatic 99Pc? o 0400080002-9 ? Apgrov_ed_Forlite 000/08/18 : CIA-ROP8?B08.2,8610004000800024 0 ti 3 X Deputy Director of the requester's component. Members shall be the Director or Deputy Director. of Security, the Assistant to the Director, and a designee of each Deputy Director who has a legitimate interest in the decision. Panel recommendations will be forwarded to the Executive Director-Comptroller for action. :The Executive Director-Comptroller will appoint a panel chairman ad hoc for requesters who are not responsible to aDeputy Director. 6. EXCEPTIONS Requests for exceptions to these statements of policy will be considered only in the most unusual case and must be supported by, appropriate documentation. 7. PROCEDURES Requests to engage in the stated private, nongovernmental activities will be prepared in memorandum form (replacing Form 879, Outside Activity Approval Request, for this purpose). The memorandum will set forth the pertinent data (identification of the meeting and the nature of the employee's participation, or the publisher or medium as applicable) together with explanation and description which will brief approving officers on the background and context of the, activity._ b. Requests will be forwarded with copies of the speech, paper, or mahuscript concerned (if ready, otherwise to follow when ready) to the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned, who will endorse the request appropriately and forward the request and material to the Director of Security. c. Under these procedures, the employee and the Head of Independent Office or Operating Official concerned will provide a fuller account in writing of the nature and circumstances of the activity for which approval is sought and, thus, give the Director of Security and the Assistant to the Director more particulars and counsel. These pro- cedures will permit, when required, preliminary approval to engage In an activity--prior to the preparation and submission of a pertinent manuscript. Of necessity, final approval will be contin- gent upon further concurrences and the review of the manuscript. 1. Approved For Rele V.9,90/41:1;c!A-tIDP86B00985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A ?Apprbved For Release 2000/081481:-.01ANRDP86B00985R000401181002-9 HQ. itISTRUCTIU SHEEt 41 REMOVE INSERT ? 11 1 . EXPLAIAT v 19g G. NO.5. P AGE NO5. DA rE PEG. NOS. 1 AlIE N05. OATE 15 3/10/69 6/16/66 i 15 10/10/69 10/10/69 . Paragraph.9 revised to update procedures, in particular those having to do with requests from academic groups. ? . ,,, .,....,,, ?, ?, ?? _ ?,?..,?,??: DISTRIOUTIOH: AB r? GeDur, I 10 b4,..ird Ira. vn,Kvk ?!. Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86B009.41thl0t 400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ? CONFIDENTIAL ApprsikAgN96.4pitse 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86E1Q106011111)02-9 r+9. REQUESTS FOR AGENCY OFFICIALS AS GUEST SPEAKERS. The Agency provides guest speakers for presentations at facilities operated by mem- bers of the Intelligence Community and at facilities of agencies outside the Community. It also provides speakers for presentations ,'tqi non-Government ? groups such as business, professional, and civic organizations and universities. This paragraph outlines procedures for fulfilling requests for Agencf 'speakers. It does not affect requirements of oncerning outside ac- tivities of Agency employees, nor does it alter the provisions of IMEMIcon- cerning the Agency's briefing and debriefing of U.S. Government officials who are assigned overseas or who travel overseas. a. REQUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES are sent to the Director of Training. If the request is from within the Intelligence Community the Di- ? rector of Training will make the necessary arrangements. If the request is from an agency outside the Intelligence Community, the Director of Training will recommend action to the Executive Director-Comptroller, and execute the decision made. The Director of Training will inform the Assistant to the Di- ? rector of all requests received and actions taken. The Director of Training will coordinate action with the Deputy Director or Head of Independent Office concerned whenever a request cites by name a speaker who is under the super- vision of a Deputy Director or a Head of Independent Office, or whenever a specific substantive intelligence question of primary interest to a Deputy Di- rector or Head of Independent Office is to be covered in the briefing. b. REQUESTS FROM NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS (1) REQUESTS FROM UNIVERSITIES OR ACADEMIC GROUPS are sent to the Director of Training for response. (a) If the group can attend a briefing at Headquarters Building or at a location in the Washington area selected or approved by the Agency, and positive benefits to the Agency appear likely and at the same time no compelling reason for refusal can be ascertained by the DDI and other components as appropriate, the request will be approved. (b) If the group requests that the briefing take place at the university, in open forum, or at public premises, the request will in most cases be refused. If in the judgment of the Director of Training a request merits consideration for an exception to this rule, he will, in coordi- nation with other interested components of the Agency, present a recommendation for exception to the Executive Director-Comptroller. (c) The Director of Training, in cognizance of the special relationship being developed with the academic community by the DDI, will co- ordinate the selection of speakers and program arrangements for academic groups with the DDI. (d) The Director of Training will provide copies of significant corres- pondence on all requests for briefings of academic groups to the Ex- ecutive Director-Comptroller, the DDI, the Assistant to the Director, and the Director of Security for their information. (2) REQUESTS FROM OTHER NON-GOVERNMENT GROUPS are sent to the Director of Training, who recommends action to the Executive Director- Comptroller. If the request is approved, the Director of Training, in co- ordination with the Assistant to the Director and the Director of Security, will make arrangements for the presentation and select a speaker. If the presentation is to be on a substantive intelligence question, the Director of Training will coordinate the response and subsequent action with the Deputy Director who has primary interest in the subject matter or su- pervisory responsibility over the speaker requested or selected. ApprovedeFettReleas4120motexigmw86BOCI9W00140008ob02-9 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For Releape 2066k18-WP,ICALR I NOTE FOR: SECRETARY'S MANUAL ogoausRa4doodagiFs SAMPLE "H" (1Ca7,-A-Nclit ke\ CD SUBJINCT : Procedures for Handling "Requests for University/Academic Briefings" 1. Upon receipt of letter and/or telephone call from academic requester for briefing at Hqs.: a. The Chief, SRS/CAR will check with the DD/I re appropriate reply (most requests are for repeat briefings by the DD/I himself). OTR has the responsibility for most lower level briefings, even with academic groups. b. When appropriate date, time, and place have been determined, Chief, SRS replies informing of DD/I's availability (CIA Letterhead) and requesting list of those wishing to attend (list to include name, date of birth, place of birth, respectively). Addressee should be in- formed that no Foreign Nationals are to be included in the briefing sessions; only U.S. Citizens. c. Copies of all pertinent corres- pondence as mentioned above are to be forwarded ASAP to the following: Orig. 8' 1 DD/I. Security Officer 2F24, Hqs. 2 - 0/DDI 7E44,.(11 1 - Director, OTR Room 819, 1000 Glebe 1 - Exec. Dir.-Compt. 7E12, Hqs. 1 - DD/I, SRS Subject Brfgs. 1 - DD/I, SRS Chrono W;Aj D,rtoGioriX Aigo , SECRET Approved For Release 26:16/013YITEFFINk-kePkii?60985R000400080002-9 -18-. k 25X1A SECRET Approved For Releapt 20815%thferelPAI=R1113hath694116R000400080002-9 SAMPLE "H" (Con-tinkle-T) d. When namelist has been approved by Office of Security (through DD/I Security Officer), Chief, SIRS sends second letter noting any unacceptable names on list and asking for direct contact when group arrives in the Washington area. Interim telephone call to the group leader (Officer-In-Charge) is strongly advised (groups have changed plans and delayed informing the Agency). 2. NOTE: In the past, the Special Assistant to the Chief, SRS (CAR) has assumed coordination of primary handling of the aforementioned procedures. The Secretary insures that all correspondence and telephone calls meet with designated deadlines, etc., reservations for appropriate briefing room made, and that clearances are in order. The Special Assistant has met the groups at Main Reception (or in Washington, D.C. to escort them to Hdqts. and pro- vide Agency transport). 3. For previous correspondence re Academic Briefings, refer to Chief, SRS main files, tab & folder as follows: BRIEFINGS - "1969 - 1970" 1. Briefings/Academic Groups. DD),,Iiiii!!!!!!ary -19- SECRET Approved For Release 2094(040,BE:RpArRipp86g9i0985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A25X1125X1A 25X1A 25X12X1A 25X1A Ap06.16:1 For RA)Siii2000/08/182521MRW8t40098 E4000800022fiX1A 1977 Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People Briefer-is 25X1A 13 Jan. 77 Hope College Holland, Michigan jack E. Holmes 17 + 1 ended)11111 also 25 ? 24 Feb. Lynchburg College Lynchburg, Va. 15 Apr. Wayne C. Thompson 44 (A LARGE GROUP FROM USMA CAME IN (184 in number). 43 - German Club There were also 49 in a separate group 32 - French Club from USMA - The Debate & Council Forum." 31 Chinese Club 78 Russian Club The "Debate and Council Forum" group received a "Welcome" from Admiral Turner, a walking tour of the Library, They were briefed by , Press Center, Operations Center.IMIMME) and lab. OGCR, an OSR. USMA - French and German Clubs Briefed by USMA - Russian Club Briefed by USMA - Chinese Briefed by USMA - German Briefed by The Debate Council & Forum group were briefed by Mr. Knoche, ? 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 (Sec. Russian Club) Date Approved For Release 2000/08/W7. Name of Group Location CIA-RDP861300985R0004000801#214 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Number of People Briefer/s Contact 28 Apr. Diplomatic Historians David F. Trask- Office of Historians Approx. 25 Roundtable Discussion - Bureau of Pub. Aff. DDA His. St. Dept. of State , FOIA St. CAA 10 fly Hope College Holland, Michigan Dr. Robert Elder 16 + 2 Dr. Jack Holmes 27 May Syracuse Univ. (Maxwell School) Syracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 16 + 1 25X1A 7 June Monroe Comm. Col. Rochester, N.Y. Charles R. Salamone 13 + 2 Kent State Univ. Kent, Ohio ? Early June University of Lexington, Ken. Asst. Prof. Phillip 15 OGCR (Possibilit Kentucky D. Phillips of tour of Cartography) (Geography) (REQUESTED - DON'T KNOW IF THEY CAME) 21 Oct. Lynchburg College Lynchburg, VA. James L. Richardson 36 + 3 (Pol. Science Dept.) 8 d. World Affairs Council Riverside, CA. ? 30 Admiral Turner Executive Directors 28 Nov. University of Ann Arbor, Michigan 8 Gordon Surd, ORPA Michigan Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Date Name of Group Location a? cv cp cp -CD Co Apr. 23 77 Lewis &Clark cp Community College c) cp The University of cp 0 North Carolina L() (Asked that we send cp Morehead State CO University OD Co EL C) OC ck Co Fall 97.977 1977 Contact Number of People (DON'T KNOW IF ANY OF THESE TOOK PLACE -- ALL OF THE INFORMATION WE HAVE) Co cp cp cp (Requested speaker to go there.) cp cv 11 OC 8 u_ 73 Godfrey, Illinois Greensboro, N.C. someone there to brief Morehead, Kentucky California State Hayward, California Univ., Hayward (Requested speaker to go there,) Auburn University Auburn, Alabama Ronald Ferguson David Olson 40-45? Briefer/s a graduate course on Foreign and Defense Policy Making.) Lindsey Black (Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science) James S. Fay (Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science) Jacob Walker (Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science) Requested speaker to go there- Omego suggested -- don't know if he went) 25 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-925X1A 25X1A 1976 Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People Briefer/s Jan. - Apr. CLOSE-UP (3 Seminars for American high school Approx. 10.000ARMIN. OCI students visiting Washington.) 22 Jan. Sterling Collebe Sterling Kansas Gary E. Gammon 8 + 2 (Asst. Prof. Political Science) 9 Apr. USMA (German Club) 23 Apr. 7 Apr. West Point, N.Y. Col. Walter Renfroe 50 Maj. Paul Forster USMA (Russian Club) West Point, N.Y. John A. Prokopowitz 49 Thomas A. Wright Bowdoin College Brunswick, Maine 23 Apr. USMA(Chinese Club) John Hadden 13 + 1 West Point, N.Y. Cpt. Jimmie L. Myers & 25 + 1 Cpt. Lovejoy M)Discussion k)Question and (Answer session 20 May Ohio University Athens, Ohio Prof. Huebertus Bloemer 24 + 1 Tour of Cartography Div., OGCR 28 May Syracuse Univ. Syracuse N.Y. Karl Schmidt 19 + 1 (Maxwell School) 25X1A 30 July Fairfax County Falls Church, VA. Thomas Marshall 20 + 1 Adult Ed Class 19 Oct. VPI Blacksburg, Va. Prof. Joseph Coffey 11 Briefers from: USSR Branch, OER Eastern Europe Br., OER China Division, OER Industrial Naticinsl Div., OER Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Date 27 Oct. 3 Dec. 7) 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 200cypp(41cin9iped9P861300985R00040114r4 0,(12-925X1A 25X1A Number of Name of Group Location Contact People Briefer/s Lewis & Clark Portland, Oregon Prof. Donald G. 27 + 2 Paul Walsh College Balmer 25X1A Georgetown Univ. Washington, D.C. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(Briefing and tour of CIA Ops Center) , OCI 1111W3ER , OPR , OSR OGR Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Date Jan. 75 g Mar. 21 Mar. 25 1. 5 Apr. Apr. tEl Apr. 24 Apr. 25X1A25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/1-5CIA-RDP861300985R0004000800132A1A 25X1A25X1A Name of Group Location Contact Number of People Carroll College Waukesha, Wisconsin Eugene Haugse Colgate University Hamilton, N.Y. Robert Elder 12 + 2 VPI and State Univ. Blacksburg, Va. Joseph Coffee ? (Grad Agriculture St.) Princeton University Princeton, N.J. Chris Connolly 20 (PROJECT UPDATE) USMA West Point, N.Y. William Taylor 40 (Debate Council Forum) USMA West Point, N.Y. Ben L. Anderson 39 + 2 (German Club) USMA West Point, N.Y. Capt. Gagnor 75 + 4 (French & Russian Cl.) Capt. John Vann Capt. Michael Ruiz Hunter College New York, N.Y. Diane Thompson 32 + 2 High School Briefer/s 25X1A 11111111111111111 OER Angus Thermer (at West Point) Edward W. Proctor Ch, W.Br. FBIS , Ch., N.Eur. BrOCI SR. OSR CAR, (General . moderator) Edward W. Proctor OPR OSR ? -- Can't find any other paper work - don't know if the brief- ing actually took place - if it did - don't know who it was. ?)( Handled by Coordinator for Academic Relations Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Date 05 April 20 May t3 May ) Early Fall? 24 Nov. Approved For Release 2000/08/18. Name of Group Location ? CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 1975 -(Continued) 25X1A Number of People Briefer/s Contact Harvard Cambridge, Mass. Benjamin Brown 19 + 1 William E. Colby (Senior Fellows) Gen. Sam Wilson, D/DCl/IC George Carver, D/NIO Ohio University Athens, Ohio Prof. Bloemer 19 + 2 ACh., Cartography 25X1A Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 19 + 2 (Maxwell School) George Hale Harvard Bus. Sch. Cl. Washington, D.C. Eliz. Ten Eyck Approx. 600 (Letter requested Mr. Colby) Bucknell University Lewisburg, Pa. Tom Travis Angus Thermer handled briefing at State. Handled by Coordinator for Academic Relations Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Date Approved For Release 2000/081(W: CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 Number of Name of Group Location Contact People 25X1A25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Briefer/s 10 Jan. 27 Feb. 21 March Colgate University Colgate University Georgetown University Hamilton, N.Y. Hamilton, N.Y. Washington, D.C. Robert Johnson Robert E. Elder Chester A. Crocker 14 + 1 15 + 1 18 + 1 (School of Foreign Service) 29 March Princeton University Princeton, N.J. Derek van Amerongen 26 Mr. Colby (PROJECT UPDATE) 25X1A 5 Apr. USMA West Point, N.Y. Joseph Halgus 48 + 2 (German Club) Panel: OCI) r (OSR CI) 25X1A 12 April USMA (Chinese Club) West Point, N.Y. Maj. Kenneth Chief 30 + 1 (UR:( 26 April USMA West Point, N.Y. Michael McCall 24 + 2 (Russian Club) (OPR) I) R) (OSR) 24 May Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. Karl M. Schmidt 25 + 2 Associate DUI (Maxwell School) Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/11A-RDP861300985R0004000800022SX1A 25X1A Date Name of Group Location Contact Number of People 9 Jan. 73 Augustana College Sioux Falls, S.D. Tom Magstadt 15 + 1 15 Feb. Colgate University Hamilton, N.Y. Robert Elder 14 + 1 13 April USMA West Point, N.Y. Maj. Craig Nickisch 40 + 3 (German Lang. Cl.) ) 13 April USMA West Point, N.Y. JJ. Heinlein 43 + 2 (Chinese Club) Robert Wong 27 April USMA West Point, N.Y. Michael McCall 25 + 1 (Russian Club) 7 May Princeton Princeton, N.J. Peter Segall 25 (PROJECT UPDATE) 25 ) Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 19 + 2 (MAXWELL SCHOOL) Briefer/s 25X1A (IG) (ONE) R) (SRS) S) OS R) ER) Panel: Bruce Clarke (OSR) (OER) I) , Chief, SRS Edward Proctor, DDI Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A25x1A Approved For Release 2000/08M2: CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Briefer/s Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People 6 March American University Wash. D.C. Robert Anderson 26 + 1 24 March USMA West Point, N.Y. Lt. James - 38 + 2 (German Lang. Cl.) M. Dunn April 72 USMA West Point, N.Y. Lt. Col. Gene Chamko 40 + 3 Chinese & Russian Cl. Edward Proctor 25X1A MAsst. DDI and OCI Bruce Clarke? ALL ARRANGEMENTS HAD BEEN MADE FOR A BRIEFING OF U.S.A.F. ACADEMY GROUP - 27 April 72 - CANCELLED SNOW BLIZZARD IN COLORADO SPRINGS. 8 June Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 23 + 1 R. J. Smith Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/01W/8 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People Jan. Feb.? 5 May 71 7 May Drew University Princeton (PROJECT UPDATE) USMA Briefer/s Madison, N.J. Frank Wolf 15 Princeton, N.J. Richard Watsky 14 R. J. Smith West Point, N.Y. Col. Chomko 37 + 1 Edward Proctor, Hal Ford Panel: Bruce Clarke, OSR SR OER OTR 17 June Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 13 + 2 Edward W. Proctor 19 Aug. Stanford Stanford, CA. Bob. Drazovich 42 Edward W. Proctor (ALUMNI GROUP) 9 Dec. Hamilton College Clinton, N.Y. David Rosenbloom 15 + 1 Edward W. Proctor Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 25X1A 25x1 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/11V9 CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People Briefer/s 17 Mar. 1970 Drew University Madison, N.J. Frank Wolf 10 + 1 (SA to Ch.SRS/DDI) R.J. Smith (The DDI) 1 May USMA Russian Club West Point, N.Y. Major Miller 25 + 1 8 May Princeton Princeton, N.Y. Christopher Godfrey 15 R.J. Smith (PROJECT UPDATE) 28 May (36,/, ity of Illinois (James Scholars) Urbana, Illinois Robert Crawford 9 + 1 R.J. Smith 23 June Syracuse University Sfracuse, N.Y. Karl Schmidt 17 + 1 R. J. Smith (Maxwell Grads.) 17 Nov. Keuka College Keuka Park, N.Y. Roger Neve 32 Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9 25X1 A Approved For Release 2000/0EM: CIA-RDP861300985R000400080002-9 Number of Date Name of Group Location Contact People Brieferis April 1969 Columbia University New York, N.Y. CANCELLED - "Eisenhower's Death" 30 Apr. Drew University Madison, N.J. Frank Wolf 14 + 1 R.J. Smith and ? Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y. 27 + 3 ? ) 9 May Princeton University Princeton, N.J. Tom Farrell 13 R.J. Smith Approved For Release 2000/08/18 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400080002-9