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( Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86130098000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2%107/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400090008-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 2050E May 22, 1978 Dean Robert Randle, Director International Fellows Program 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street New York City, New York 10027 Dear Dean Randle: Thank you for your letter of April 13 and the kind thoughts. All of us here at CIA's National Foreign Assessment Center who participated in the meetings with you and the International Fellows found them stimulating. I am certain that arrangements can be made for similar meetings in the future. STATINTL cerely, Ass ciate Coordinator for Academic Relations and External Analytical Support Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 20007/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R0004000t908-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 May 22, 1978 Mr. Mark M. Jaskowiak Assistant to the Director International Fellows Program 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street New York City, New York 10027 Dear Mark: Thank you for your two letters in April and for returning the Agency badge. All of us here who participated in the meetings with you and your colleagues found them stimulating. The emphasis on a question and answer format certainly was appropriate for a group as bright and well informed as yours. I am certain that arrangements can be made for similar meetings in the future. STATINTL sociate Loorclinator tor Academic Relations and External Analytical Support Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86B00985W0400090008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS STATINTL ce ot J!ublic Attairs Dear Brian, 420 West 118th Street New York, N. Y.10027 April 13, 1978 One of our students inadvert- ently left the CIA after our briefing on April 6th without returning the security badge. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely?._ Mark M. Jaskowiak /Assistant to the Director / International Fellows Program Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Releassa001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040,2990008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street STATINTL Office of Public Affairs Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Brian, April 13, 1978 I just wanted to thank you for the marvelous job you did arranging our April 6th briefing at CIA. I thought the session went very well indeed, and the Fellows seemed to find it interesting and valuable. I'm sure future classes of Fel- lows will want briefings at CIA as well, and hope they'll be fortunate enough to have your help once again. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks again. Sincerely Mark M. Jasko iak Assistrt to the Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Releasema001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400090008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building April 13, 1978 STATINTL Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 STATINTL 420 West 118th Street Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you for taking the time to meet with the International Fellows on April 6th. The Fellows found the briefing session at CIA worthwhile and stimulating, and I am grateful for your contribution to its success. I hope you enjoyed meeting the Fellows, and perhaps future classes will also have the opportunity to visit the CIA for similar discussions. Thank you again. Cordially, '6)64 a/44, Ro ert Randle Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Releaser0001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000402990008- Columbia University in the City of New York I New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM STATINTL Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 STATINTL April 13, 1978 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street Let me thank you for all your help in arranging our briefing session at the CIA on April 6th. The Fellows found it interesting and worthwhile, and it contributed significantly to the success of our Washington trip. I am very appreciative of all your efforts on our behalf. Sincerely* 7- ark M. J kowiak (// Assista to the Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Releae-2001k0797-CIA pW409,04p9400090008-'2. nun nlre...t -to , initaLkialkivo ltbv.4 lAU wity 3 April 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: NFAC/Office of Security FROM Associate Coordinator for Academic Relations and External Analytical Support SUBJECT : Request for Security Clearances I am attaching a list of Columbia University students who will be visiting the Agency April 6, 1978. They will arrive about 2:00 p.m. and will depart around 4:00 pm. They will be briefed by senior Agency officials, possibly including Admiral Turner. STATINTL Attachment: As stated STATINTL lotorpli utt 1 v4 'a ad 1 Approved For Rel 6'1 I no Le : CAPARDP86600985R000400090008-2 : Approved For Release 20114/AiggiMP641/4139.13,00Ultelpliy98-2 SUBJECT: Request for Security Clearances Original - Addressee 1 - OS 1 - Main Receptionist 1 - MSB/OS 1 - NFAC/ACAR Subject 1 - NFAC/ACAR Chrono 1 - NFAC/Registry NFAC/ACAIIIIIIIIIIIs (3 April 78) -2- STATINTL Administrative I. Irillarvii! Use Only Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 4/3/78 TO: NFAC/ACAR Subject ROOM NO. 2E49 BUILDING Hqs REMARKS: FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM NO .114 1 FEB 55 4-1- REPLACES FORM 36 8 WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 STATOTHR Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040009008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York I New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street March 24, 1978 STATINTL Public Affairs Office Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 STATIN This is to add to the list of persons to attend the Inter- national Fellows briefing at the CIA some information not available when the original list was compiled and sent to you. Alexander Vesselinovitch's date of birth is 5/11/53, and he was born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Please excuse the omission. Thanks much for all your help. Sincerel Mark M. I?a1 "Assistant tb the Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400090008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York I New York, N.Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street STATINTL 11111111111111111fice Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 STATINTL 3/23/78 Enclosed is a complete list of the Columbia students who will be attending the Central Intelligence Agency briefing on Thursday afternoon, April 6. Should you desire any additional information, please do not hesitate to call either myself or Mr. Mark Jaskowiak. The Fellows could not reach a consensus as to the subject matter of the briefing session, so please inform the quest speakers that they may address the topics of their choice. I have also enclosed several brochures so that the speakers may familiarize themselves with our program in advance of the briefing session. Once you have lined up all the speakers that we shall see, we would appreciate having brief biographies of each. Also, we would like to know, as soon as possible, whether or not Admiral Turner will be free to speak with us. We greatly look forward to our discussions with members of the CIA and we extend our thanks to you for arranging this opportunity. Malcolm J. Stewart Assistant to the Director ?Sq4c, Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 >TATINTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07,a7 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040009000U 17 March 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA Associate Director for Management, NFAC FROM Coordinator for Academic Relations, NFAC SUBJECT Visit to the Agency by Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hours 1. Action Requested: That you plan to meet with the visiting students, address them briefly, and answer their questions if your schedule permits. 2. Background: What I know about these students I have learned from the letter to f the Public Affairs Office, from the brochure accompany 1U9 it., dim Trom Malcolm Stewart, the writer of the letter, by telephone. It is evidently a very choice group, about 45 of the Columbia Graduate School's "best and brightest", its International Fellows, male and female from colleges and universities all over the eastern United States, plus a few from the Middle West and elsewhere (including Oxford University). They are being educated for international service, in government or elsewhere, or to teach international relations. Apparently the Fellows have visited the CIA in past years but their brochure does not report meetings with any earlier DCIs. 3. I have arranged for to give an introductory talk, after which I have promised that we shall try to produce analysts who can address the subjects of particular current interest to them. I'm sure that Paul will happily yield the introductory spot to you. Alternatively, you might prefer to meet with them at the end, to answer their questions. Because of the numbers, we shall probably have to receive them in the bubble. Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 ApProved For Release 2001/0427 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040009000W SUBJECT: Visit to the Agency by.Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hours 4. Recommendation: That you meet with the Columbia International Fellows on Thursday afternoon, 6 April between two and four o'clock, the precise time to suit your convenience. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/4/,27 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040009000,8;2 SUBJECT: Visit to the Agency by Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hours Distribution: Orig. - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - Exec. Reg. 1 - AD-M/NFAC 1 - NFAC Reg. 2 - NFAC/CAR 1 - A/OCT/PA STATINTL NFAC/CAIIIIIIIIIIam:7848 (17 March 1978) Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 FORM NO, REPLACES FORM 3S-I 238 I MAY El WHICH IS OBSOLETE [SEC. CL. ORIGIN DOCUMENT CONTROLG V3-41-07)8 CONTROL NO. ATE OF DOC DATE RECD DATE OUT SUSPENSE DATE ? 731 TO FROM SUBJ. FRIER NO. 1 CO1 '7.; SteTirt Inte.rnitloal Fellows (of Col a lin i v) to visit kg1 CIA officials S. or 7 Apr) IANSWERED I NO REPLY CROSS REFERENCE OR POINT OF FILING 001 U713 T. A U!V. Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/Q27 : CIA-RDP861300985R00040009000V Columbia University in the City of New York I New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street STATINTL March 6, 1978 Public Affairs Otfice Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear==. STATINTL Twice each year, the International Fellows go to Washington to meet with policy-makers active in the field of foreign affairs,. Last fall, the Fellows met with high officials from the State Department, the World sank and the Pentagon. Traditionally, these meetings take the form of an off-the-record briefing, with short presentations and question and answer periods. The;;Fel-lovIS'Will:be in Washington agaTh on ,April 6a rid :7;-: and many- memb grelieVe' shown an Tnteresein -sPericl I a morn! rtg or' afternoon meeting with -officials- of the CA.1 The International Fellows are f Ifty '43f tol umb ia most outstandrng graduate students selected for their achievements and leadership poten- tiar. They represent such academic and professional fields as political science, history, business, law, and journalism, and participate in a unique interdiciplinary course in international politics and U.S. foreign policy. Enclosed is a current bulletin describing in further detail the Fellows and their activities. Please feel free to write or call if you have any further inquiries to make. It 1s our hope that some members of the CIA would. Ind a discussion with the Fellows stimulating and, enjoyable,. The Fellows would .. certainly consider a -vaniabie.,an reward.'" ng experience... Malcolm J. J. Stewart Assistant to the Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 The International Fellows 1977/1978 Susan R. Aaronson c;1v1.1.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (Eastern European studies). B.A. magna cum laude (history), Harpur College, 1976. Wary Catherine Bennett .D. candidate, School of Law. B.A. cum laude (French literature) Radcliffe College, 1976. 0 ?crRaymond Louis Boeri M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (Latin American studies). 0 B.A. (international relations-history) Colgate University, 1975. Ce 10Michael Scott Bornstein co cr)M. 1. A. candidate, School of International Affairs (Middle East studies). B.A. (Arabic, Hebrew) Columbia College, 1977. 0 MReed Kalmon Brody to 00J.D. candidate, School of Law (public law). CL B.A. with honors (political science) Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1974. 13 CeBarbara Kerr Brown ciJ.D. candidate, School of Law (international law). B.A. (European history) Wellesley College, 1976. ? ? Evonne Janelle Charboneau J.D. candidate, School of Law (international law and human rights). M.A. (English) Purdue University, 1975; B.A. (English) Northern State College, 01973. homas Andrew Claire M.B.A. candidate, School of Business (international business and finance). CN1 M.A. (comparative literature) Brown University, 1977; B.A. (French) Kenyon 0 to College, 1973. . ctt 0 Karen Jean Curtin 71) M I A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international banking and finance). s- 0 B.A. (psychology) Newcomb College, 1976. U- Arielle Susan Emmet 13 w M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (East Asian studies); Certificate > candidate, East Asian Institute. 0 s- B.A. with high distinction (Chinese studies) Albion College, 1973. 0- o_William Francis Fisher "X M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (South Asian studies); Certificate candidate, Southern Asian Institute. B.A. (philosophy and history) Bucknell University, 1973. Eve Marie Fitzsimmons M.I.A. candidate, School of Internationl Affairs (Middle East studies). B.A. (political science, economics) Fordham University, 1976. 18 Thomas Michael Flohr J.D. candidate, School of Law (international law). M.B.A. (economics, finance, law) Harvard University, 1976; M.A. (economics) Stanford University, 1974; B.A. (economics) Stanford University, 1973. Eric Mark Freedman J.D. candidate, School of Law (constitutional law). B.A. (history and English) Yale University, 1975. Robert Steven Gibralter M.B.A. candidate, School of Business (international business and marketing). B.A. (Spanish) Amherst College, 1975. ci Mary Sue Ginsberg co 0 M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international politics). 0 0 B.A. (Russian studies, Chinese studies) Yale College, 1975. Jeffrey Bruce Golden J.D. candidate, School of Law (international law). 0 B.A. magna cum laude (history and political science) Duke University, 112 Sharon J. Handler 0 M.I.A., candidate, School of International Affairs (international law, envigpmenta co 03 to co CL Susan Hinko M.B.A. candidate, School of Business (international business, economic . ?licy). M.A. (Chinese literature and philosophy) University of Michigan, 1977; al (government) Skidmore College, 1969. (.) law). B.A. (sociology and psychology) Jackson College, 1976. Eric Scott Haueter J.D. candidate, School of Law (international law). B.A. (psychology) Williams College, 1975. Lisa Marie Interollo M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs. B.A. (international relations) Syracuse University, 1977. Lewis P. Jones M.B.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international business8nd management of organizations). Cl B.S. (economics) Harvard College, 1974. CN1 0 Former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt received the Program's Foreign Policy Award in 1971. 1 Edward Charles Klumpp, Jr. M.B.A. candidate, School of Business (international business and finance), B.A. (history) Yale University, 1971. Regina Elizabeth Krulewski J.D. candidate, School of Law (international Law). B.A. (economics) Bdrnard College, 1977. Alan Charles Leventen M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international finance and Middle East Affairs). B.1+4 (international economics) Oakland University, 1976. AO Carol Levine Iv? candidate, School of International Affairs (modernization and opment). B. magna cum laude (history) Brown University, 1975. Bin Charles Lippgy M.0%. candidate, School of International Affairs (international economics); CE8ificate candidate,,Iristitute on Western Europe. B. (international stbdies) American University, 1976. AlItgn Charles Lynch /kg.. candidate, School of International Afairs (diplomatic history); Certificate camlidate, Russian InStitute. B. (history, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1977, Matammed Haytham.Matthews M. candidate, Graduate School of Architecture and Planning (urban planning). B.@ (international studies) Mansfield State College, 1976. P4rick Joseph McDonnell MA.- candidate, School of Journalism (newspaper journalism). B.75, (journalism) New York University, 1977. Kftihteen B. McLoughlin Pl. candidate, Faculty, of Medicine-School of Public Health (social and coMmunity psychiatry). . (social medicine),Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University, 1975; B.A. 0Phology, sociolo6y) City University of New York, 1971 LMcla Elisabeth Mueller m.s.k. candidate, School of International Affairs (international economics, Latin rican studies). , summa cum lailde (Spanish literature) Gonzaga University, 1976. DEgfiel John Oberst Ectp. candidate, Teachers College (curriculum design, teacher education). MIA...(linguistics, education) Teachers College, 1977; B.A. (French, mathematics) Undversity of Notre Darne, 1970, ArWirew Oleksiw . . MA. candidate, SchOol of International Affairs (international banking and fit-Once); Certificate candidate, Russian Institute. B .S. (international politics) Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, 1 , 6. Barbra Swyer Oliner M.B.A. candidate, SChool of Business (international business and finance). M.I.A. (international education) The School for International Training, 1972; B.A. (religion) Smith Collecie. 1971. B. 20 Daniel Dwain Olson M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international affairs and business). B.A. (economics) University of Wisconsin, 1975. James Anthony Powell M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (development and modernization). B.A. (international affairs) Lewis & Clark College, 1977. Mark Irwin Robinson M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs. B.A. (political science) University of Wisconsin, 1976. Roxana Rogers 0 0 M.B.A. candidate, School of Business (finance and international business). 0 B.A. (American history) Brown University, 1973. 0 0 0 ?Zr 0 0 0 B.A. (Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs) Princeton?, University, 1978. 0 0 Betty Jean Starkey M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (development and moderrucotion, international organization). CL B.A. summa cum laude (international affairs) Lewis & Clark College, 1977. Matthew Mills Stevenson ""ck M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (foreign policy analysis). B.A. (political science) Bucknell University, 1976. Thomas Spencer Shattan M.B.A. School of Business (international finance). B.A. cum laude (government) Harvard College, 1972. Kenneth Hugh Slade J.D. candidate, School of Law (international law). Congressmen Clement Zablocki (Wisc.), Peter Frelinghuysen (N.J.), and Dante Fascell (Fla.) formed themselves into a panel for discussion with the Fellows during a recent Washington trip. 21 Malcolm James Stewart M.I.A. candidate, School of International Affairs (international law); Certificate candidate, Latin American Institute. B.A. (history) University of Oregon, 1977. Daniel Oscar Suman M.Ed. candidate, Teachers College (international educational development); Certificate candidate, Latin American Institute. B.A. summa cum laude (chemistry) Middlebury College, 1972. Marika Natasha Taishoff ivtliA. candidate, School of International Affairs (international law and irrnational finance); Certificate candidate, Russian Institute. B. magna cum laude (English, religion) Barnard College, 1976. atid Kwong-Yu Tang JR. candidate, School of Law (international law). Ea. magna cum laude (government and religion) Harvard College, 1975. .1 Aone Elizabeth Underwood ig.A. candidate, School of International Affairs; Certificate candidate, Russian Ifeitute. Eg. magna cum laude (Russian studies) Yale University, 1976. ghoka Varma i. candidate, School of Law (international law). . summa cum loude (political science) Columbia College, 1974; B. Phil., St. n's College, Oxford, 1976. txander S. Vesselinovitch sp. candidate, School of law (international law and Soviet affairs). f. (Russian language and literature) University of Chicago, 1975. ltpchard Joseph Wolff i.D. candidate (history and education) Teachers College. (history and education) Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia Q13iversity, 1976; B.A. magna cum laude (history) Georgetown University, 1974. 0 , 411. ne a nfl /1960 77 A Profile The success of a program such as this one can only be measured igi the achievements of the alumni; in the 18 years of the IFP its alumni Aave distinguished themselves in ways that reflect upon the uniquely interdiscipaiary o character of the program itself. o When the seventeenth class of Fellows completed their year with the Prgram in May 1976, the alumni total reached 800. Of these, about 150 are contimling graduate study, mostly completing Ph.D. and J.D. degrees. The remaind4 are pursuing diverse careers, both in the United States and all over the world. g The largest group, thirty percent, have gone into teaching. One alumna-, for instance, is currently an instructor of international relations at the Unive*. y of Wisconsin. Other institutions where alumni are now teaching include Arrst, Barnard, Bennington, Columbia, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, U.G.L.A., Wesleyan, and Yale. o M The next largest group, twenty percent, are practicing law, with wzmeral es, specializing in international and transnational law. The majority have e ered private practice with firms in Washington and New York, but som ave established their own firms. Several alumni in this group have served * the foreign office of Shearman and Sterling, while another is in the London offrce of Coudert Brothers. ? U Ten percent of the alumni are journalists, most of them working on interna- tional news or as foreign correspondents. One alumnus, for instance, was .ent- ly appointed to the Moscow bureau of the "New York Times." Other alurgi are working with "Fortune," "Time," "Newsweek," "The Washington Post," "Congressional Quarterly," The Associated Press, United Press Internatiora and the American Broadcasting Corporation, among other organizations. c9 Another ten percent have entered business, and many are stationed troad with the overseas branches of their companies. Six percent are docto/ and several of them have been associated with public health projects both he and abroad. Five percent are in government service, recruited to the Departmpts of State, Defense, Justice and Commerce. Alumni are also.working for the tnited States Information Agency, the Agency for International Development, tho Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, the Federal Rese4e, the Office of Economic Opportunity, the National Institute of Health and Sqrities and Exchange Commission. One alumnus is a member of the Planrizng & Coordination staff of the State Department. s_ 0 About ten percent of the alumni are working for international organizaions, for the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, OECD, and thc(Inter- American Development Bank. Another ten percent are working for private research institutes and non-profit foundations including Ford, RAND, Hudson and Brookings. One alumnus, for instance is a Research Fellow at the Council for Foreign Relations. 23 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD I called Malcolm Stewart in New York to arrange a date and time for the Columbia International Fellows visit. He said it was not possible as arrangements had been made to spend the time with ACDA. He wanted to know if such a visit was feasible. I assured him it was and urged him to give us notice in good time next year. He agreed to do so. STATINTL Date 15 March 1978 FORM ,J1 int tEr=slIOUS 5-75 lT Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 20,V/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000400V008-2 STATINTL STATINTL 04 tiV 4.0c)--sisoex'A tv41 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release901/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R000404a90008-2 17 March 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Associate Director for Management, NFAC Coordinator for Academic Relations, NFAC VIA : FROM : SUBJECT ? Executive livzWry NFAC # 1/5/7. ----- Visit to the Agency by Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hours 1. Action Requested: That you plan to meet with the visiting students, address them briefly, and answer their questions if your schedule permits. 2. Background: What I know about these students I have learned STATINTL from the letter tomplipligof the Public Affairs Office, from the brochure accompany m Malcolm Stewart, the writer of the letter, by telephone. It is evidently a very choice group, about 45 of the Columbia Graduate School's "best and brightest", its International Fellows, male and female from colleges and universities all over the eastern United States, plus a few from the Middle West and elsewhere (including Oxford University). They are being educated for international service, in government or elsewhere, or to teach international relations. Apparently the Fellows have visited the CIA in past years but their brochure does not report meetings with any earlier DCIs. 3. I have arranged for o give an introductory talk, after which I have promised , . hat we shall try to produce analysts who can address the students on subjects of particular current interest to them. I'm sure that Paul will happily yield the introductory spot to you. Alternatively, you might prefer to meet with them at the end, to answer their questions. Because of the numbers, we shall probably have to receive them in the bubble. 3TATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For ReleasVap01/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R0004Qap90008-2 SUBJECT: Visit to the Agency by. Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hoUrs 4. 'ReCOMMOndation: That you meet with the Columbia International Fellows on Thursday afternoon, 6 April between two and four o'clock, the precise time to suit your convenience, twokiINTL APPROVED: Director of Central- Intelligence DISAPPROVED: Director of Central Intelligence DATE: 0 t.?? Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 MEMORANDUM FOR: Admiral Turr You are free to address this group sometime between 1400 and 1600 if you wish to do it. If so, would you prefer to (a) open the session or (b) close it ? Barbara 28 March 78 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 UNCAAAMfil5Eor Rel 2 V427 : CIA-RDP86B009EIR060606fibtab 0 SEW& ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Visit to the Agency by Columbia University Graduate Students, Thursday, 6 April, 1400-1600 hours STATINTL FROM: Coordinator f 11,111111,1ations, NFAC 2 EXTENSION 7848 NO. 7f- 419,.,3 DATE 17 March 1978 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. AD -M/NFAC 3 ? 21 / J7q771/4/7 UP. 4 2. 3. 47(DCT STATI Wit, 22 ja )/(/ pE_Qt)-5-r TD /11)biZe5S -k.,....L ; v,, 0 ..,--- C...... v? v ?P e- 5 (---4-3.. u1/4.-, 1/4?vra. 3 A-4.- v-- ---0.-,1/4"..\ 1 ''( 6 c,, ? ,-3,- , 4. ) -.I - 5. Dc/ kTINTL 6 c P 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A riprrturkrt Fnr, paianQa 9nniin7/97 ? ria_RnpRARnmanspnnnannnqnnnR-2 FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS 3-62 EDITIONS INTERNAL SECRET LI ? USE Nu D UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL ri Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 MEMORANDUM FOR: TL- S G-4 trv\_?"\-LLA e ftvilf.A0A4.SkT-.414 ets.i2_. $40 ?3744 0-1 Wvzi ko4 t`dve., Date .11N .USEPREVIOUS EDIT IONS Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 I lled M Stewart in -Sew 'fOTIC. to MEMORANDUM FOR?. ralE RECO ca alcolm RD te arrange a date and time 'fOT h Columbia e International Fellows Visit. H said it eme was not possible as arrangnts had ee bn made nd the t to s ime with ACDR. He pe wanted to know if suCh a visit was feasible. I assured him it was and urged him to give us notice in next year. He agree good timed to do O. F5ORM 101 11 ?75 4: PREVIOOS IONS Date 15 -March 1978 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 TATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RPP86151,4855600400090008-2 ?de-.4-eetee' et`t-4/ rtiff& ST TINTL 4--/ter, -ce4 P4Te-04-4 .01,1 aftoie' Approved For Releas 71A-RDP 00040 090008-2 \14-1r STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RDP861300985R000400090008-2 ,b48. 238 ' ti6Ctiiii'gt:17-4tOMtriot. .6 /4 i.LActs ratipi _ 1 MAY 56 WHICH IS OBSOLETE 13240 G 1- SEC. CL, ORIGIN CONTROL NO. DATE'OF DOC. 6 mar 78 1 DATE REC'D DATE OUT N13/78 SUSPENSE DATE CROSS REFERENCE OR POINT OF FILING TO Dp FROM. SUBJ. COURIER NO. Malcolm Stewart Internatioal Fel lows (of Columbia tidy) want to visit wl CIA officials 6 or 7 Apr) ANSWERED NO REPLY.. COLUMBIA UN IV-. Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2 Approved For Releasea001/07/27 : CIA-RDP861300985R0004414090008-2 Columbia University in the City of New York J New York, N. Y. 10027 INTERNATIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM 1420 International Affairs Building 420 West 118th Street STATINTL Public Affairs Office Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 STATINTL March 6, 1978 Twice each year, the International Fellows go to Washington to meet with policy-makers active in the field of foreign affairs. Last fall, the Fellows met with high officials from the State Department, the World Bank and the Pentagon. Traditionally, these meetings take the form of an off-the-record briefing, with short presentations and question and answer periods i b i h' ton again ri I 6 ..2,2.4.2, _and many members ave sown an interest in spending 9 7W.afternoon meeting with officials of the CIA. The International Fellows are a col s most outstanding arOate students,a selected for their achievements and leadership poten- 11757:--1, 'represent such academic and professional fields as political science, history, business, law, and journalism, and participate in a unique interdiciplinary course in international politics and U.S. foreign policy. Enclosed is a current bulletin describing in further detail the Fellows and their activities. Please feel free to write or call if you have any further inquiries to make. pe fFit some members of the CIA would find a discussion el lows stimmi?mm. and _enjoyable. The Fel lows would certainly consi er it a valuasle and' rewarding experience. Malcolm J. Stewart Assistant to the Director Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP86600985R000400090008-2