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.TION OR.A.GNIZ CIA/opo: Page 9 Approved For Rel ase 2002/05/09: CIA-RDP86BOl053P,060,1 N@F 2( 25X1A 1) .pages. 9,. 9a dtd 17 `July 519 ' 2) page 9 1 .did 13 Apait 51; 3) page 9.. 2 'dtd 13 April. 51; 4) page 9. 3 dtd 13 April 51; and 5) page 9.4 did 14 April 51., (rescinded- 10 J.? ly 51,` - - - Functions of the Logistics Division of CIA/opc supply, facilities, and related services. To provide staff planning, coordination, control, and supervision Major Functions IZ, Provides staff supervision and direct action, as appropriate,., to insure that the. follc-;Ang functions are properly performed through")ut CIA/opc with respect to supply, facilities, and related services: a. Formulation of CIA/opc logistics plans and programs r. elated thereto., b. Development, consolidation, editing, and further.processi.n_g all CIA/o"pc logis,iica1 requirements and requisitions. tuned supplies. c. Acquisition, storage, distribution of, and' accounting for supple s. d. Establishes priorities and allocation of regulated items of supp' r. e. Collection and disposition of surplus, excess, salvage, and ca and support 'oases. f. Organization, allocation, and deployment of logistics personnel g. Maintenance and repair of supplies and equipment. h. Construction, i. Acquisition, allocation, administration, and disposition of real estate. j. Establishment, maintenance, and repair of facilities and in- stallations, k. Use of technical equipment. SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86BO1053R000100020020-1 Approved For Release 2002/0?/f9q &KFTDP86B01053Ftop010020020-1 0RGY~NI ATION Page a . CI1 o c l2 Mated 5Z / P 25X;1A, Medical supplies and facilities. r . Transportation:, 3. Organization . The Logistics Division consists of the follow g" a. Office of the Chief. b. Supply Branch c. Facilities and Services Branch d. Logistics Flans: Bra:ai% e, Control Branch Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86BO1053R000100020020-1 SECRET '#Ngx1 cqA-RDP861301053R000100020020-1 25X1 A Approved ForRl? ,pplp 2P Page ~, 1 ORGANIZATION 12 March 52. CIA/opc Functions of tx-Le Control ,ranch, Logistics Division 1. P~.~rpose The Control Branch, I.,og:.stcs Di-rision, is responsible for ga- th.erirg, analyzing and evaluating data relative to the efficiency of iogi3t c support throughout CI.A/ope, for recommending changes of policies;, O-- .nization, procedures and methods which require corrective action for g developing and supervising the s ;atistical and reporting activities of the-- 0 Division; and for constantly advising the Chief, Logistics Livi- lion, on the pr'ogress of all phases of the Lvision's mission. 2. Major Funct`.ons a. Initiates, de:v lops and coordinates statistical reports to prop; de adequate information on logistical operaations. b. Consolidates and evaluates logistic reports and fad.v-ses the Chief, Logistics Division, of progress and developments. C. Advises appropriate o~fices in the proper application of mac z.:~s..:~ accounting available in the Logistics Division. d. Conducts within the Logistics Division highly specialized studies of problems ranging from basic questions of policy and 'rrm+ajor procedures to office systems. e. Develops plans and requirements for machine accou:'.in service essential to logistical planning, accounting and estimating, and develops arrangements for provisions of such services. f. Provides evaluated intelligence to all divisions for guidance in 1 o gistics problems. 3. Organization The Control Branch of the Logistics Division is composed of the following: a.. Office of the Chief b. Organization and Methods Section c. Reports and Statistics Section d. Field Supervision Section Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : PIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 SECRET gi.~,xcr.. t Security Information 25X1A O RWO'dv4drllrdase 2002405/09: CIA-RDP86B01053R0001000-I. 2 CIA/opc 12 March 52 Functions of the Logistics Plans Branch, Logistics Division 1. Purpose The Logistics Plans Branch of the Logistics Division, Administra- tion and Logistics Staff, is the monitoring and coordinating echelon for (a) support planning and programming of supply, facilities, and relatod services, and (b) technical supervision of approved support projects and programs involving supply, facilities, and related services. 2. Maio:r Functions The major functions of the Logistics Plans Br.?anch include the following, within the framework of over.-all coordination by the AL Planning Staff. a. With respect to general over-all responsibility for the coo -diila- tion of such support planning and programming, both current and future;:- initiation of appropriate logistical planning, or such supervision of plan=. ning or programming as is directed by pros c:r authority. b. ' lith. respect to the Logistics and Administration Annexes of CIA/opc Strategic Plans, (1) To define the scope, content, and format with respect .to supply, facilities, and related services. (2) To recommend assignments of respo;a.;oibilit for preparation, (3) To monitor such preparation. c. With respect to support of CIA/ope Strategic Plans involving supply, facilities, and related services, (1) To monitor the prescription, by appropriate echelons (whether within or outside the CIA/opc Logistics Division), of the format and content of annexes and appendices thereto. (2) To recommend the assignments of responsibility for the preparation of such annexes and appendices. (3) To provide general supervision of the preparation of detail--42 requirements by all elements of CIA/opc, and to coordinate the assis- tance of appropriate staff echelons therefor, Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 SECRET 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05iAP861301053R000100020020-1 :DRGANIZATION Page 9.2a (4) To review annexes, appendices, and detailed requirements in conjunction with appropriate staff echelons. (5) To collate results of such review, and to recommend to higher authority appropriate revision thereof. d, With respect to feasibility analysis of the requirements :nor supply, facilities, and related services in support of CIA/opc Strategic Plans, and resultant programs and projects, (1) To monitor the analysis of such requirements by appropriate staff elements, whether such elements are within or outside of the Administration and Logistics Staff, () To collect and collate such analyses. (3) To analyze the results of such analyses for etrategic" logistic implications and effects, and to make approp late recommendations to higher aut-hority. e. With. respect to the development of support programs for materiel, facilities, and related services, (1) To monitor the development by appropriate staff element's of such programs, (2) To review and collate all such support programs for coml tcne , and to make appropriate recommendation thereon. (3) To monitor the establishment and maintenance, by appropriate elements, of resources balance sheets for current and future procurement. (4) To monitor the apportionment of present and planned resources in order to provide guides and limitations essential to sour d planning and programming. (5) To monitor the earmarking of resources for programs and projects as such are approved, including the maintenance of appropriate records. (6) To monitor the allocation of such resources. (7) To monitor the exercise, by staff elements, of their respective resl~ onsibilities in the execution and accomplishment of support programs, inch ogvey~o~?n(2/g~/~,PL~1~~861B.Q00100020020-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 SECRET ORGANIZATION CIA/bpc Page 9. 2b 12 March 52 f. With respect to the logistics aspects of the collection, collatlon, and evaluation of intelligence data, (3) To exploit existing military, civilian, and C.'A/opc sources, or to initiate collection activities, to the end that competent l.ogis;dc intelligence data is available to all CIA/ opc planning and operational echelons. (4) To prepare appropriate estimate s of availabilities of foreign (5) To prepare logistic intelligence data for such dissemination as may be approved. g, To trans-nit to higher authority such reports, and to make such recommendations concerning the status and progress of all activities no?.cd above, as are appropriate. 3. Organization The Logistics Plans Branch of Logistics Division, Administration and Logistics Staff is composed of the following: a. Office of the Chief, Logistics Plans Branch h, War Plans Section c. Current Operations Section d. Logistics Intelligence Section SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 Approved For Release 2'0621 Oe1 CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 Security Information ORGANIZATION _ Page 9.3 CIA/opc Functions of the Supp .y Branch, Logistics Division 12 March 52 1. Purpose The Supply Branch of the Logistics Division, Administration and staff Logistics Staff, is the responsible echelon to pro~ride (1) staxx sulpervision, guidance, and coordination in the development of logistical support pro- grams and projects, and the analysis, review, and consolidation of such --- requirement, for transmission to higher authority, (2) the technical supe:`?- vision of materiel distribution, supply cont_ ol, and r ope rty accoun a.i:;ili yr, and (3) the fo:rmulation and development of such even -all special programs and p_ojects which do not come within the proper cognizance of other offices. 2. Major Functions The major functions of the Supply Branch include the following: a. With respect to the over-all; for the furnishing o: guidance and coordination in the development and submission of logis'tica support programs and project:, (l) To provide guidance, and to coordinate and promul,}ate po- licy and procedures for the uniform preparation and submission of line item requirements in support of approved programs and projects, (a) To formulate basic planning guides for materiel support. (b) To formulate, review, and approve CIA/one TO/Ets, T/A's, and Special Allowances for field suppo:rc activities. (c) To develop and coordinate the formulation of standard supply and replacement factors and consumption rates. (d) To obtain and disseminate sul-ply and demand data. Vi(e) To develop and disseminate supply and equipment cap abi4? lity studies o (2) To compile, analyze, and review proposed programs for detailed support requirements. Apps( eT ~arlRefiea Od$ 0~91nC31 -F~[91~~ O6462o6 ile s ~J R I Ap r e l or Release 2002/05/0i 'G~At bl 86B01053R000100020020-1 Pa.g e 9. 3a 25X1A CIA.,/opc 12 March 52 (4) To consolidate and prepare for transmission to higher authority and other echelons, initial and revised detailed support . requirements. (5) To exercis the necessary staff supervision to assure that re- quirements computations are guided by appropriate programs';and po- licies, and comply v h. ;a; CIA/ opc c tarter commitments (b) Program and project limitation (c) Budget ceilings (6) To prepare periodic lcgistic summaries of program activities by country, base of supply, and line division. b, With respect to the accomplishment of established support prograrrs, (1) To review and process for procurement all CIA/opc materiel re- quisitions, and maintain the necessary records relative thereto? (2) To determine stork levels, based on consumption factors, lead time, and local op erational demands. (3) T o formulate and supervise materiel scheduling and programming,, (4) To review constantly the progress of all supply programs for th primary purpose of assuring the availability of materiel. c. With respect to the technical supervision of materiel distribution, supply control, and property accountabili;:y, and as required to supplement over-all CIA policies and procedures, (l) To develop, and coordinate, and supervise distribution methods, organization, and procedures, including requisition, receipt, storage, and issuance of materiel. (2) To formulae stock control methods and procedures for overseas supply facilities in order to assure effective and timely support of operations,. (3) To develop, review, and process for staff approval all policies, procedures, and programs apropos of disL-ribution procedures and methods, (4) To assure the maintenance of appropirate records and the provision i?f timely reports pertaining to CIA/opc property accountability. Approved For Release 2002/05 fbf,: tIA P86B01053R000100020020-1 Approved For Release 2I6& & ZIA-RDP86BO1053R000100020020- ORGANIZAT ION _ Page~3ka (5) To monitor the collection, supervision, and disposition of 5b1 plu , excess, s lvage, r~ co 7 '* t , and captured materiel. (6' To ar range for the training of materiel specialists for CIA/ opc field deplo;rnient. d, With respect to the formulation and development of such over- a?3. special programs and projects which do not come within the prover cognizance of other office;;. (I) To assist in the development of special sources of sup(Z) To recommend appropriate action on programs or projects ha ed ex-ti ely upon specialized equipment. (3" To provide technical advice on lbgistt;ical programs in suppo-? of special CIA/opc missions including stockpiling. (4 To develop CPX problems and l gistical training aids. (5) To monitor the "Captured Enemy Materiel" Program, 3. Organization The Supply Branch of the Logistics Division, Administration and Logistics Staff is coiriposed of the ollowinge a. Office of the Chief, Supply Branch b. Requirements Section c, Disi:rihution Section d. Materiel Planning and Scheduling Section e. Materiel Recovery and Disposal Section f. Special Programs Section SECRET Approved For Release. 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 SECRET 0020-1 ORGA- INTIZA.TTON Page 9.4 CIA/ opc 12 March 52 Functions of 11:1!.e Facilities and Services Branch, Logistics Division 1, Purpose The 1-Facilities and Ser?v;_cec ,. Brandh of the Logistics Division, Administration and Logistics Staff, is the over-all monitoring and coo -> - din.ati_ng echelon for base level sup port of overseas operational require me:C1 s, technical liaison, guidance, and ct?.pei~vision of facilities and service support. 2, Major Functions The major functions of the Facilities and Services Branch include the fo?.lowing; an_flver -all responsibility for monitoring and coordinating over- seas real-.e:,tate requirements including: (1) Maintenance of liaison with all. military and civilian agencies, involved in the planning for, and construction of, CIA/ope base facilities, on all aspects of such activities to meet aci ities sup ort requirements. (2) Reviewing and analyzing overseas real-estate requirements of geographic divisions and submission to supporting agencies. (3) Monitoring the construction and operation of overseas bases to assu'ce continuing adequate service support. (,I) Formulating and recommending policies and standards fo:a rn.ainten .nce of overseas facilities (5) Maintaining records of interest in and ut~.i:ation of real estate overseas. (6) Formulating and recommending policy for disposal of real estate and facilities. (7), initiating such act-on necessary to assure the most efficient and utilization of overseas facilities and instal- lations. Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86B01053R000100020020-1 SECRET O R GA N h Tvi- Release 2002/05/09-: CIA-RDP86B01053R00(-1gg@2QQ2r1 25X1A C11~ /opc 12 March 52 b. With respect to the responsibility for technical liaison, guidance, and mpervisicn of logistic and service support of GTA/opc operational requirements, (1) Provides technical advice and coordination of logistical prograrris. `2) Develops, collates, analyzes, an( reviews for con-ireetence, completeness, and suitability, technical service support requirer_-zents. (3) Prepares technical field manuals for plannign and opera-ioral use (4) Provides appropriate technical liaison channels with the mill- t,r?y services and civilian sources essential to the orderly formulation of logirti : and service planning and support os operational requirements, 3 Organization The Facilities and Services Branch of?Whe Ecgi Cies Jivirion, .Adminis tr'ation and Logistics Staff is composed oI the following; a. Office of the Chief y? b. Facilities Section c. Technical Service Section S E C R. E T SECRET Approved For Release 2002/05/09 : CIA-RDP86BO1053R000100020020-1