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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86B01123R000100010002-7
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................... 1
A. Introduction .......................................................................................... 1
B. Resource Strategy .................................................................................. 1
C. Resource Concerns ................................................................................ 2
II. ENVIRONMENT 1982-1992 .................................................................. 3
A. From a National Perspective ................................................................ 3
B. From an Agency Perspective ................................................................ 3
C. Directorate Perspective .......................................................................... 4
A. Office of Data Processing ...................................................................... 6
B. Office of Communications .................................................................... 7
C. Office of Training & Education ............................................................ 9
D. Office of Security .................................................................................. 9
E. Office of Finance .................................................................................. 10
F. Office of Logistics .................................................................................. 10
G. Office of Medical Services .................................................................... 11
H. Office of Information Services .............................................................. 11
IV. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 11
............................................. 11
............................................. 12
V. FUTURE DIRECTIONS-THEMES .................................................... 13
A. Improving Support to Overseas Personnel and Locations .................... 13
B. Surge Response ...................................................................................... 15
C. Overseas Experience for DA Officers .................................................. 16
D. Cover ...................................................................................................... 16
E. Proprietary Support .............................................................................. 17
F. Back-up Information/ Processing Center .............................................. 18
G. Strategy to Improve Transportation and Storage Capability .............. 19
H. Alternate Methods to Accelerate the Number of Language-
Qualified Employees .......................................................................... 19
1. Training for Information Handling ........................................................ 20
J. Communications Support To Crisis Situations .................................... 21
K. Covert and Other Non-Staff Communications .................................... 22
L. Communications Support to PD-53 .......................... 22
M. Communications Security .................................................................... 23
N. Communications Support To Field Station Automation .................... 24
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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86B01123R000100010002-7
A. Introduction
This paper discusses the resource strategy of the Direct Administration
(DA) in support o the Agency in general and the Phase III capabilities s
speecificca y. In-this study, we have reviewed our major concerns, the environment
which we believe will be confro ing us. an the support resources which will be re-
quired to carry out the activities contained in the Phase II have
provided for specific needs to support an Agenev population
Beyond the specific require-
ments of theraar.~got p]auuiuS exercise, a num er o m ependent theme-,. directions
challen es of
and initiatives have been incor orated which we believe wi wee
While it is recognized that the focus of the capabilities planning papers should
not center on resource needs, the resource deficiencies of the past are beginning to im-
pact adversely on present Directorate capabilities-and they will have a more severe
impact on the Directorate's future objectives if this trend is not abruptly reversed.
The underlying tone of the five capabilities papers is that extensive support will be re-
quired in an increasingly sophisticated, complex environment. The demands placed on
the uture in providing timely, effective services Ahe Agency s mission.
the DA by an expanded, computer-dependent, highly technical AQencv in the
imm edi to future-will be enormous.
With the exception of communications, which is currently undergoing a long
delayed recapitalization effort, the whole Directorate support infrastructure requires
a large concentrated program of capital investment to keep pace with changing and
expanding requirements. We must revitalize the Agency's support base so that it is
capable of responding to the additional tasking which will inevitably occur.
In this treatment, support is defined as fixed plant, equipment, and resources.
While management strategies may be developed to postpone or defer these fixed
costs, we should keep in mind that they can be deferred, but not avoided. According
to the popular commercial line, you can pay now or pay later, but you must pay.
B. Resource Strategy
We plan to pursue the following strategy for the acquisition and management of
Directorate resources over the next ten years:
1. Remedy existing shortfalls in support of Agency programs.
-=-) 2. Recapitalize and modernize equipment and facilities.
3. Obtain adequate DA resources to match Agency growth.
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During the period of the early seventies to FY 1982, we have been challenged to
do more with less to offset the effects of scarce resources. Resources have been
diverted to meet unanticipated requirements stemming from such programs as
continuity of government and covert action. To meet these surge-like requirements,
we have overtaxed existing support mechanisms, held much needed upgradings in
abeyance, and reduced routine, but necessary, administrative services for the Agency
populace to dangerously low and unacceptable levels.
When our fixed plant and equipment reach a point where they provide adequate
quality, safety, and operating efficiency, the Directorate's additional resources will be
devoted to the support of new requirements. The Agency can no longer afford to un-
derfund its fixed plant and equipment needs. We must bring our current assets to an
acceptable operating capability which is capable of supporting normal growth before
we attempt major expansion. Generalizations about the shortfalls are straightfor-
ward; the DA will need to acquire new facilities, equipment, and people to meet the
increased needs of an expanding Agency.
FY 1983 represents the first year in which the Directorate experienced some re-
versal from the downward trend in resources. If the FY 1984 Program survives the
approval process, the DA will be able to show some positive growth. We are now
faced with the dilemma as to whether these anticipated additional resources should
be applied against rebuilding our eroded support base or to apply the additional
resources against new and seemingly ever increasing requirements and needs. This di-
lemma is further compounded by the continuing inability to obtain adequate resource
levels to develop, enhance, and maintain our automated systems in a timely fashion.
We are in the unenviable position of simultaneously having to place heavy emphasis
on acquiring sufficient resources to meet basic requirements, while our activities are
expanded to encompass new requirements including automated systems development.
One major current concern is to maintain the impetus of the Communications
Recapitalization Program and not lose sight of its importance in the outyear funding
schemes. Another concern of high interest within the Directorate is that we have ade-
quate security protection for our personnel and information. The Information
Systems Security Group is wrestling with complex problems, some of which are not
only pressing the cutting edge of new technological development but surpass it. We
must ensure that Security receives adequate resources to cope with the rapid growth
in networking, telecommunications, distributed processing, new data bases, and the
wide-spread use of mini and microcomputer technology. These changes present a new
generation of tremendously complex security concerns and problems which are
already rendering many traditional control and accountability security principles
obsolete. To meet this challenge satisfactorily will be costly in manpower and funds.
We must also establish adequate and responsive near-term centralized process-
ing support to meet the long-term goal of providing every professional worker with an
electronic work station and the supporting communications and computing infra-
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structure. In conjunction with this we are concerned with the acquisition of adequate
training resources to prepare our employees for an increasing y automate environ-
~en Additionally, within the Directorate we must place heavy emphasis on
dd eroping and improving our automated systems in order to improve productivity
and responsiveness to customer needs. And last but certainly not least we must
acquire adequate space to house the forecast increases in personnel. Assuming that
the new building is approved and built, we will have space in Headquarters building
(new and old) for abou Although the growth between now and 1988
will be accommodated in the new building, it will not be ready for occupancy until
1987. Consequently, we are currently attempting to solve the problem of providing
adequate space for growth from 1983-1988.
A. From a National Perspective
Our current environment is known as the Information Era. We have already seen
such terms as "information explosion" used to describe the huge volume of data that
pervades our environment. American society is moving into a service-oriented
economic structure which has the computer as its major tool. People in our society,
`especially younger people, are adapting to computers and, more importantly,
adapting the computer's ability to solve an impressive list of problems. Society wants
the computer to be the tool that removes the drudgery from many of its tasks.
We do not believe that the totally paperless office will come into common use
during the next ten years. Although the technology will be available, the limited
ability of industry and government to provide surge funding to replace current
systems and equipment, or to quickly modify current operating procedures and
retrain workers will constrain the evolution towards a paperless office society. This
will allow or a planned and orderly evolution, which will not only affect information
handling equipment but our management and organizational structures as well. A
major challenge in this environment will be to budget for and execute purchases of
new technology which can be readily integrated into current systems with a minimum
of disruption.
B. From an Agency Perspective
The Agency's main challenge during the next ten years will be to do a better job
of collecting, analyzing, and producing intelligence. To do so will require adequate re-
sources to modernize its current capabilities as well as additional resources for
enhanced capabilities to support new tasking and expanded requirements. The critical
need for space to house additional personnel and machine applications has bee
identified. New tasking and expanded requirements will require that significant
resources be spent on information handling systems. Increased personnel levels and
new technology will cause a substantial increase in trainin needss. Some of the more
"active aspects of overseas assignment will continue to decline. A major factor in
this decline will be the ever-increasing security threat to our people and facilities
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overseas. Finally, keeping pace with state-of-the-art technology will require an
escalating share of our resources.
By the late 1980's we foresee an Agency analytical environment in which ADP
services will be central to all productive activities. Document preparation will be
accomplished by using both data and word processing technologies. Printing,
publishing, and the coordination of document drafts will be done over networks that
interconnect all user terminals with each other and directly to the major printing sys-
tems of the Agency. A terminal will be at the work station of virtually every analyst.
The integration of word and data processing via networking will make it possible for
the analyst to accomplish all major activities associated with the production of
intelligence from a single terminal. The entire process will be dependent upon systems
that are responsive to the user and absolutely reliable. This presents an extraordinary
support challenge in terms of being able to guarantee that major services are never
k-( The next decade will require the Agency to recruit, train, and keep on board an
appropriate mix of high caliber, dedicated personnel and ensure that they have a suit-
able working environment. The new recruit of tomorrow will be today's computer-lit-
erate young person*Both the people and the tasks of the Agency of the future will be
pushing toward the near paperless environment that is currently being forecast.
C. Directorate Perspective
During the decade of the eighties, support functions of the Agency will change in
more dramatic fashion than they have in our entire past 35-year history. These
changes will be the direct result of the development and adoption of data and word
processing systems in contrast to traditional support mechanisms. The driving force
will be the adoption of the new technology within the Agency, by the rest of the Fed-
eral government and by private industry. We foresee that within the decade the laws
+ - of the Federal government regarding accounting, procurement, Federal wages and
retirement, and most other Federal administration will change the definition,
organization, and functioning of future support management systems.
Technology will present the opportunity for dramatically improving the produc-
tivity of virtually everyone. Electronic mail systems will move correspondence
throughout the Agency in seconds rather than days. The ever-decreasing cost of
storing data magnetically will increase the movement from paper files and into
electronic filing cabinets. Directorate endeavors will involve the development of
systems that are capable of being used in the office right from the desk of the analyst.
Developing these systems will be complicated by rapid advancements in new
developments in ADP technology. The most significant advances anticipated are
increased miniaturization of hardware components, increased central processing unit
(CPU) speeds, faster, higher-density peripheral devices, improved network architec-
ture, greater reliance on interactive, applications, improved graphics capability, high-
quality printing, and increased use of personal computers. Use of on-line storage
devices such as direct access ,storage devicesw(DASDs) also will expand. Furthermore,
improved hardware and software will significantly increase the amount of on-line
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Major technological advances in communications are expected. Use of remote
terminals located at great distances from the computer and eventually supporting
users not now being serviced, will substantially increase, as will the use of direct com-
munications among computers. By 1988, the services available from the backbone
network will include the potential for narrative traffic, bulk data service, secure voice,
teleconferencing, and facimile. Any service will be provided error free with crypoto-
graphic protection: In fact, literally anything that can be converted to a digital signal
can be transported by the future network.
Probably the most significant growth in the communications arena during this
period will be in the domestic network. It is a goal that by the end of the decade most
electrical cables coming into the Agency will be disseminated in electronic form
rather than by paper. In addition, much of the operational and administrative
information distributed in the Agency will be in electronic form.
Training's role will become more important in dealing with the rapid changes in
our workforce and the environment. A larger diverse workforce in an automated
setting will require changes in the way icate and make ecisions.
anazement analysis of fobs an +hPir organizational relationships will become
increasingly important along with the process of selection of employees to fill si
tions. The Directorate will need instructors to assist _in
app y'-i in`g cancepts such as ecision analysis We will see an i creased use of officers
from oc mponents outside the~.iteetnrate to fill trainina nncitinnc with specific
content expertise, and an increased need for training careerists to seek experiences
through rotational assignments throughout the Agency. While operational training
will increase in volume and some of the tools used by the case officer will change, the
methods of training which have been tested and proven through the Agency's history
will not change significantly.
The accelerated use of mini, micro and even personal computers and the ~
exploitation of laser, bubble memory, holographic, and fiber optic technologies will
challenge our ability to identify and correct vulnerabilities associated with these
powerful and ubiquitous information tools. Current distinctions between microcom-
puters, microprocessors, word processors, office machines, computer terminals, and
communication terminals are based more on their specialized uses than on their
technological characteristics. During the next decade the already blurred distinctions
between these types of devices will virtually disappear. Typical office machines at the
end of the next decade will have the capabilities of all of the devices and will have
voice, graphic, and data integration. Future operational environments will require
that access to Agency data bases be extended outward to the end user, overseas as
well as domestically, even perhaps to non-Agency entities. Access limitations,
compartmentation, and ever-increasing requirements for accountability and audit
trails, however, will severely tax the entire Directorate's ability to maintain a secure
The information presented in Phase III does not accomodate a detailed,
quantitative support response. We therefore address the papers from a broad, long-
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range perspective, and define resources on a scale of general order of magnitude. The
specifics of actual implementation will need much more detailed study.
A great deal of specific information is required to prepare good, sound support
planning estimates and annexes to operational plans. Over time, prices escalate and
availability of whatever is required from the commercial market whether it be things
or services like transportation also vary. Consequently, it is essential that all support
components be involved- in the conceptual as well as the planning stage of new
irements. Only the magnitude and urgency will change. Project SAFE the
A. Office of Data Processing (ODP)
There are many requirements which will impact the Office of Data Processing
level of effort over the next ten years. For the most part, these are not new
backbone for ADP support for analysts in the DI, is expected to support
analysts. The SAFE concept has been designed and funded around this figure. The
addition of more analysts mentioned in the capabilities plan will cause a significant
increase in the SAFE workload and terminal requirements. However, it would be
premature to attempt to discuss additional requirements for SAFE support in the
midst of efforts associated with the redirection of the SAFE project. A study will be
required to analyze the impact and to determine the feasibility and cost of the needed
SAFE system enhancements.
While SAFE is intended to support DI analysts, the implementation of office
automation capability has more general applicability across the entire Agency. The
Agency has competitively selected a contractor, Wang Laboratories, for an Agency-
wide standard word processor and office automation system. The contract includes
Wag support for initial surveys, maintenance, and training. It is anticipated that
with sufficient component funds, this effort could be expanded to whatever level is
necessary for additional Agency analysts, technicians, and clerical personnel.
During the early 1970's, ODP was overtaken by accelerated user demands for
data processing capability. Central processing capacity was woefully inadequate to
cope with demands for service. Extraordinary efforts were undertaken in the mid-
1970's to acquire new computer hardware to address the mushrooming requirements.
The efforts were successful. In addition to solving the immediate problem for
additional computing resources, the procurement strategy and defense became the
model for subsequent successful acquisitions of computer hardware. Since the mid-
1970's, ODP has managed to just keep pace with increased user demand.
However, ODP's capability to support user requirements for new applications
software development has fallen behind demand levels. A seven-year period of zero
increases in numbers of applications programmers (ignoring a modest complement of
four staff positions for the TADS project) ended in FY 82. But an estimated two to
three-year backlog of requirements for applications development has developed.
ODP is addressing the need for increased applications software development in
three ways: obtaining additional personnel slots for applications programmers,
increasing the use of contract development, and by helping the users to help
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themselves when feasible. The newly established information center will be the focus
of efforts to provide the users with assistance in simple data processing tasks-
programming, data base manipulation, simple graphics, etc.-which will help free
ODP's professional programmers and allow them to concentrate on complex
Two more specific categories of support requirements continue to receive
increasing attention-modeling capability and computer graphics. Requirements for
increased use of sophisticated mathematical models may develop such that a new
scientific computing capability will be required. Such models are most efficiently run
on a computer designed to optimize processing oriented toward scientific and
engineering problems rather than the general-purpose computers employed by ODP.
A new scientific computing capability could be expected to entail costs of ten to
twenty million dollars for hardware alone. And there will be a need for an additional
thirty-five new ODP staff positions to support the activity as well as sufficient
additional computer grade space.
The use of computer graphics can provide dividends in the areas of presentation
graphics, publication graphics, analytical support, imagery analysis, and computer
aided design. While individual components with specific needs such as cartographers
make very good use of computer graphics capability, we do not offer easy-to-use
capability for the general ODP user community. Demand can be expected to grow for
such capability, and indeed, the potential and promise of computer graphics
capability as demonstrated with such systems as CAMSTACK, foster continuing
new interest in exploiting the technology.
Additional requirements include the need for extended automated publication
facilities. As more and more of the Agency's information holdings are converted to
electronic form, there will be increasing demand to go straight to publication in that
form. More electronic paths to more ETECS-like capabilities will be required.
We must also develop new means for data archiving for storage and backup. A
requirement for reliably storing huge volumes of electronic data has existed for some
time. This requirement will take on new importance as disaster plans are more
carefully formulated and detailed. But technology has not yet quite evolved to the
point to permit serious planning to satisfy that requirement. We will continue to
monitor technological developments in this area. ,
A growing and increasingly sophisticated customer population which depends
more and more on data processing to accomplish the daily workload demands
increased availability and reliability. ODP systems availability (which the users see
through their terminal) is presently 97%, so there is a three percent margin for
improvement. But that three percent improvement (nearly three percent-we cannot
reach 100 percent) will require improved hardware technology, redundant equipment,
improved telecommunications, reduced software errors, and reduced procedural
errors. ODP will improve systems availability, but progress will be difficult and slow.
B. Office of Communications (OC)
The thrust of the planning papers is quite clear; they describe an ever-expanding
customer work force which must use progressively more modern techniques. Techni-
cal tools which multiply the customers' effectiveness will also challenge the Office of
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Communications to maintain its current high level of service while meeting the
changes in customer demands. To do this, OC must continually improve its service
nrofile. modernize its network. and provide the qualified professionals to run that
The Domestic Network's evolving role will by necessity reflect the changes
occuring both in the Agency and in society as a whole. ADP technology will be a driv-
ing factor, as will increasing customer sophistication. In the coming decade, service
emphasis in the Domestic Network will focus on interactive manipulation of data
bases, more secure voice and facsimile, paper reduction, efficient use of available
bandwidth, and improved communications security.
Up to 100 Delta Data terminals per month are currently being installed for
interactive operation with ODP. Secure voice expansion began with the activation of
the DBX-5000 switch in Headquarter and DBX-1200
switches at four other sites. OC's present goal is to expand the secure voice system by
100 instruments per month through 1985. SAFE and the 4-C program add to this
heavy workload. They require major new additions to the grid system and add to the
number of data channels passing through the technical control facility. Through this
period, OC will be installing, operating, and maintaining more telephones, crypto,
statistical multiplexers, secure grid, facsimile and alphanumeric terminal systems.
Concurrently, the microwave system will also be expanded to handle more ultrawide-
band channels and better error detection will be provided. OC will also be preparing
the Message Handling Facility, and the new Headquarters
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Teleprocessing, secure voice, metropolitan outbuilding, field and contractor
communications requirements, and special programs such as SAFE, 4-C, and NPIC
Development Program-are growing and converging into overlapping time frames. The
mid-1980s will see a rapid expansion of basic services, and a changeover to a new gen-
eration of terminal and cryptographic equipment.
and the possible development of the capability to train students in an overseas
environment on a tutorial basis. Whenever possible, we will procure packaged
training programs with the new systems. This change will influence the Agency
workforce in the next decade. Instructors and employees in general will find that
some of their skills are less than adequate if not obsolete. Training will play a role in
dealing with this change by retraining employees for new jobs and training managers
to deal with employees that feel trapped in the career squeeze. OTE will have to be-
come more involved in the planning stages of all Agency projects which create
training requirements.
language instruction will include the adoption of computer assisted instruction (CAI)
demand for intensive survival programs will increase. Other changes in foreign
rofile of OTE's offerings will change considerably with more offerings of specialized
nd shorter programs available in llarea including language instruction, where the
One of the major impacts of the Phase III capability papers is the major increase
in both the nature and the volume of training requirements. A significant need
implicit in the Phase III papers is to bring employees on board and get them to a pro-
ductive level as fast as possible. To meet the resulting training requirements, OTE
will use inhouse resources for dealing with Agency-specific information while
contracting out for other short-term requirements. To meet specialized requirements,
training programs will be set up as self-study, self-paced programs on interactive
video terminals. The concept of a terminal on every desk will be explored in detail to
ensure that the full potential of using these terminals for self-study is fully exploited.
With the proliferation of rminals throughout the Agency, it is anticipated that a
very large part of futureftraining will be self-conducted through the terminal. The
C. Office of Training and Education (OTE)
D. Office of Security (OS)
The DI paper suggests a need for outside expertise which would involve more
staff-like clearance actions for individual consultants or contractor employees. Use of
ADP equipment in communications and word/data processing which will service
every analyst, would have an across-the-board influence on the computer security
discipline. The Office of Security plans to at least triple the strength of its
Information Systems Security Group (ISSG) by 1992. The general proliferation of
word processing equipment in CONUS and abroad will multiply the functions of
ISSG to identify and negate security threats, and to audit and inspect computer
operations. Significant new requirements in areas such as alarms, vaults, vault-type
rooms, safekeeping equipment, and guard personnel will merge.
The expansion of national programs contained in the DS&T paper will result in
increases in the special access investigative/adjudicative/polygraph workload and an
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increase in the number of security officers assigned to that Directorate. There will
also be an increase in collateral (non-SCI) clearance actions to meet DO require-
ments. The Counterintelligence paper contains the Office of Security's estimate of
resources required in the protective security area. The office input essentially remains
valid in projections of required human resources and funding for the period extending
to 1992. Also, there is a projected increased effort in the counterintelligence area with
an .emphasis on increased penetration and training. Both will require behavioral
science techniques in agent recruitment and management.
DS&T, the DI, and the DO, which does not appear to be included in their projections.
Provision of finance careerists to meet these outside needs will require substantial in-
vestment in training programs which do not now exist if we are to provide personnel
who are capable of maintaining the decentralized financial systems on which the
Agency relies.
E. Office of Finance (OF)
The long-range planning papers submitted by the other Directorates each call for
increasing activities requiring additional personnel and funds with clear implications
for increasing travel, procurement, commercial contracting, and bill paying. These
papers project a growth of the overseas population and growing covert action
capabilities which usually require a high-level of financial support. Most of these
plans are not specific enough to permit us to draw clear relationships between the pre-
sumed growth in other areas and what the Office of Finance will need to provide fi-
nancial services to these activities. Nevertheless, we can make certain statements
about the impact with reasonable certainty. There is a clear emphasis on additional
travel above the current rate, additional personnel overseas, additional contractual
requirements for covert action hardware, data processing equipment and software,
and external analytical research as well as technical R&D. In sum, we can expect ev-
ery financial system to be hit by increasing workloads ranging from 30 percent for
payroll to 50 percent for contract audit and bill paying. Furthermore, the growth of
__acti_v%t s across the Agency will require increased decentralized support within the
F. Office of Logistics (OL)
Logistics proposes to meet increased requirements by extending automation in
the logistics process and through improved productivity. OL strategy is to develop the
Logistics Integrated Management System (LIMS) to increase the timeliness and
responsiveness of the Agency procurement, contracting and supply systems. The
capability to meet new requirements is being increased with cross-training for career
personnel provide a mix of skilled
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personnel. In addition OL is taking action to expand in the areas of transportation,
storage, and electronic printing capabilities.
G. Office of Medical Services (OMS)
OMS can contribute to support of the Phase III capability papers in recruitment,
selection, and retention of high quality personnel and in support to operations. A sub-
stantial impact on Psychological Services Division (PSD) will result from the
necessary testing and evaluation of additional analysts, operations officers, and
nonofficial cover personnel. The increase in activities involving covert action,
counterintelligence, and counterterrorism will all cause increases in demand for
medical support. Given a future work environment consisting of automated and
machine-dominant offices, all Agency employees will find themselves working long
hours in front of terminals. Mental and physical health will be impacted by this
stressful and sedentary environment. We foresee a need to increase medical support
in terms of facilities and programs for physical exercise and mental health of our
H. Office of Information Services
The Office of Information Services has initiated the development of The Records
Information System (TRIS) which will be designed as a network of subsystems, some
supporting the information needs of a single component, and others maintaining
central data bases for the use of all participating components. TRIS will integrate all
subsystems in a way that facilitates standard record accounting practices and allows
an uninhibited exchange of data within security constraints. The goal by 1992 would
be an integrated automated information system which would utilize artificial
intelligence for making routine decisions and routing traffic. It would work under a
central management control using data base administrators and systems analysts/
troubleshooters, and would replace mail clerks and couriers in decentralized com-
ponent locations by using terminals operated by information analysts.
At this level, the DA can sustain current support and continue the recapitaliza-
tion of our worldwide communications network. Also at this level, elements responsi-
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ble for centralized support services are slated to receive modest increases in
resources-both positions and funds-in the form of Supplemental Support Initia-
tives to support increases in total Agency personnel and new activities. Therefore, it is
felt that adequate support resources are programmed to support growth to approxi-
he directorate will be able to maintain the baseline program and ac-
commodate the increases in the Agency program. There are not sufficient resources,
however, for modernization of the support infrastructure with the exception of
In order to continue expediting security and medical processing of applicants at
this level, we will provide o. - lf_ to the -chronic only sporadic and fluctuating retf t to the chronic shortfalls
we have experienced in the availability of polygraph support to operations, the
reinvestigation program, and the industrial clearance program. We will also continue
to carry a large backlog in servicing requests for applications programming support
and in the installation of terminals and word processors.
B. Phase III Capabilities Level (20,000)
There are no current programs or funds to acquire adequate space to accommo-
date a personnel increase of this magnitude and its attendant need for additional ma-
chine space. If this projected increase were to become fact, then current planning for
new Headquarters construction is probably short of requirements. As planned, the
new Headquarters compound will provid7150.000 of prepared machine space
and will accommodate a maximum of If all the planned initiatives
come to fruition, it appears that some additional machine space and accommodations
for an estimated people would be more appropriate. The new building will
reach the natural limits of expansion on the Headquarters compound given the
physical surroundings, the transportation system, and the National Capital Planning
Commission. The following concepts to meet Agency space needs will be examined:
- Build the new addition on the Headquarters compound as planned and
accommodate new growth by one or more of the following:
- Continue to lease selected external buildings.
- Build, buy, or lease in the Washington metropolitan area a building large
enough to house the remaining external elements plus all new growth,
gradually phasing in existing components with new growth.
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- Build a new facility within 50 (plus/minus) miles of Headquarters which
can accommodate all elements in the Washington metropolita
slated to move into the new building. This would also include -area not
In addition to acquiring adequate space to house this increased population, the
DA would need the following positions and funds:
This section presents a series of themes and special topics which will be pursued
to enhance support to Agency components. Some of these efforts will require
considerable resources, others will not require any. Further detailed study will be
needed to weigh the feasibility of most of these concepts. They have been divided into
short-term, mid-term, and long-term efforts.
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3. Establish a DA liaison office to monitor all non-intelligence relationships with
S. Government Foreign Service agencies and all non-intelligence related employee
legislation concerning pay, retirement, health and insurance, EEO, etc. This ap-
proach for the future may place us in an anticipatory posture rather than a reactive
osture relative to employee benefits.
4. To assist in retaining a prospective employee during the lengthy clearance
rocessing, we should restructure certain primarily unclassified elements of the
gency to allow us to place new recruits in productive work almost immediately. For
xample, within FBIS the Daily Report is currently typed by contract non-cleared
ypists. JPRS also has unclassified typing. Programs for analysts could be established
is well as some specialized language refresher training. These are merely some ways
e could improve retention once an individual has expressed interest in working for
he Agency.
5. Internally we may consider combining Central Processing, Central Travel,
nd the Allowances Staff into one unit to improve efficiency, response time, and
entral support to all Agency components relative to overseas travel and service.
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8. Explore the feasibility of establishing a Wang Service Center in each major
geographical area. An agreement could be worked out with State to fund and
Agency-clear one or two Wang customer service engineers to be assigned to these
regional centers on a technical representative contract to service our systems. -
B. Surge Response (Short Term)
1. The DA will consider provi ing a mobile crisis support center to be made
available upon request. This facility should accommodate up to=people and be
equipped with the latest communications equipment. A pre-identified cadre list may
be utilized by the DA to release people in all disciplines to join the crisis team. The
center could serve two or more crises at one time.
2. The following represents additional steps the DA can take to meet surge
a. Pre-identify crisis managers in each Office who would have decision-
making authority for that particular Office.
b. Maintain a DA annuitant skills bank for immediate use as rehired
annuitant contractors. Such a skill bank could be expanded to include all
annuitants possessing peculiar skills; i.e., language, trainers, paramilitary,
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Establish a reserve pool of part-time, cleared clerical personnel available
for WAE contract. Primary source would be Headquarters staff depen-
dents who could work intermittently, around-the-clock if necessary, to
handle the significant paper requirements that accompany any surge
d. Explore ways to improve the efficiency of processing complex travel
accountings for long-term TDYers.
e. In conjunction with the other Directorates, prepare a manual based on past
actual experiences of how to and how not to support a crisis situation.
C. Overseas Experience for DA Officers (Mid-Term)
A 1. Broad experience gained from field service is invaluable to the DA careerist.
The Directorate should therefore identify and encourage overseas service for its
ounger officers and discover the means to achieve this goal in light of the prospect
h*future field service opportunities may be diminished.
2. 'There are several viable ways to approach this problem now and into the
a. A DA TDY standby complement could be established to respond to DO
surge requirements and to be available to cover all DA field underlaps and
other ad hoc needs.
b. The DA will consider the establishment of a foreign field program that
would augment the current MG service concept. This program would
identify young DA officers and place them into the foreign field environ-
ment for at least two consecutive tours. Upon the completion of such
service they would return to middle level management positions within the
parent offices of the DA to continue their career tracks. These officers
could either be Career Trainees or they could be sponsored for the
program by the individual DA office to which they would return. This
approach would ensure a high degree of competent DA officers in the field,
while also ensuring that in Headquarters there will be a constant flow of
DA officers who have field experience.
c. Explore with the DO the possibility of assigning DA-sponsored CT
graduates to junior operations slots in the field and at Headquarters. This
could serve as a relief to some of staffing problems the DO has experienced
in the past and add a very large and beneficial dimension to the experience
level of our high-potential young officers.
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4. We currently are exploring the above options in detail and if found to be via-
ble, we plan to develop them in conjunction with the cognizant Agency components.
F. Back-up Information/Processing Center (Long-Term)
1. As the Agency becomes more and more dependent upon the capabilities of
data processing to accomplish its mission, the need for a backup computer center to
preserve a minimal processing capability in an emergency situation assumes a
correspondingly greater importance. Past efforts to defend requirements for such a
backup center in annual budget exercises have been unsuccessful. Efforts to reserve
space in new buildings such have been similarly unrewarding.
Lacking a backup computer center, ODP's emergency backup procedures are based
on the assumption that the Ruffing Computer Center and the Special Computer
Center will not be simultaneously disabled. One center could therefore be used to pro-
cess the critical workload from the other center until the crippled center could be re-
turned to service.
2. Opportunities to extend these backup procedures are on the horizon. For
example, one result of the redirection of the SAFE Project was a shift to the use of
IBM compatible architecture, which will make the SAFE computer center compati-
ble with the existing centers and thus add another dimension of flexibility to backup
3. The construction of the new building in the Headquarters compound will
likewise provide additional opportunity to extend flexibility. As central computing
capabilities are moved from existing computer centers to the new building, some
existing computer center space will be retained, refurbished, and used to accommo-
date some production processing requirements. The systems which will be configured
to provide this support will also be included in emergency backup procedures. A
request for two staff personnel to manage the move, determine levels of capability to
be retained in existing centers, and determine critical backup needs and thus backup
system configurations was included in the FY 84 budget submission for the new
4. While the increase in computer centers offers additional flexibility in
shuttling production workload from one center to another in the event of crippling
disaster to a center, more centers mean more work and are indicative of greater de-
pendence on data processing in the Agency. Such dependence begs for more than
minimal capability to support critical requirements. Plans should be adopted to
establish a backup computer center located away from the Headquarters compound.
The center should be underground, climate-controlled, and located in a sparsely
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populated area, making full use of technological advances. The location would be
coordinated with emergency organizations at the national level. Plans to acquire
property should be in progress now with the possibility of utilizing government
facilities. An alternate solution would be to plan, in conjunction with appropriate
national level organizations, a Federal Data Storage Facility which would be located
away from the metropolitan Washington area. CIA and the Intelligence Community
should be allocated a portion of this facility which could be shared with other Federal
G. Strategy to Improve Transportation and Storage Capability (Long-Term)
1. Transportation facilities necessary to adequately support expanded Agency
activities are currently lacking. It is essential that OL's capabilities to move cargo ef-
ficiently, securely, and on a timely basis be thoroughly explored. OL needs to
establish an independent capability to move cargo through dedicated air and sea
channels. A limited effort is already underway to bolster our capabilities in this area.
have a considerable impact on OL's storage capability. During the forthcoming
decade, OL will undertake a major study of the anticipated storage requirements
versus our current canability and initiate plans for new warehouse facilities. It is con-
2. The increase in personnel, the Communications Recapitalization Program,
the implementation of the CRAFT Program, and other planned initiatives will all
therefore providing a much needed improvement in customer responsiveness. u anew
capable of more accurately forecasting Agency materiel support requirements.
automated system will assist us in tracking requirements to the extent that OL will be
as we move into word processing and computer assisted instruction (CAI). Expanded
application of CAI techniques will enable instructors to focus their attention on the
more creative aspects of teaching and program development, and drills and reinforce-
ment exercises will be studied using CAI programs. This will enhance the efficiency
of instructors and enable the school to train increasing numbers of students without
H. Alternate Methods to Accelerate the Number of Language-Qualified Empolyees
(Mid-to-Long Term)
1. Over the coming decade, the Language School will become highly automated
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an increase in staff. The Language School is already working with the Information
Science Center to expand an in-house CAI system, and in cooperation with ORD, is
exploring the possibility of assistance from the commercial and academic world.
Those efforts will continue through the 1980s.
2. The planned adoption of computer techniques to test scoring using optical
character readers and mark sense readers will increase the speed and accuracy of our
testing procedures and allow us to more easily determine both the effectiveness of our
training and the quality of the Agency's foreign language inventory at any given time.
3. Throughout the next decade the Language School will continue to experiment
with types and lengths of language programs, offering increased numbers of both
short minimal survival courses and total immersion programs of several weeks'
duration. New instructional techniques will be tried and the use of audio and visual
aids to supplement classroom instruction will be expanded.
4. Efforts to direct course curriculum to the specific needs of Agency students
will continue through familiarization of instructors with the tasks required of
operations officers and analysis of the Language Use Questionnaire which gathers
information about language use overseas.
5. The results of research into the relationship of language aptitude to learning
success and optimal course length to attain professional proficiency will become
available during the next several years, and we may see selectivity in accepting
students and some changes in the design of language programs.
6. The Language School's role in the development of a standardized method for
oral proficiency testing will indirectly contribute to an increase in language-qualified
employees in the Agency. The adoption of these standards nationally will regularize
and improve language teaching in high schools and colleges and provide a better
trained pool of individuals with language skills from which to recruit new employees
for the Agency.
7. The Language Incentive Program which provides monetary reward for
language use, achievement, and maintenance will be continued since all evidence
indicates that it is having a positive impact on the Agency's language skills inventory.
The program will be reviewed and adjusted during the coming years to assure that
the intent of the program is being realized.
8. Finally, the professional qualifications of the Language School staff will be
augmented by continued participation in the activities of professional associations and
tlirough expanded in-house programs.
1. Training for Information Handling (Long-Term)
Information handling training will increase at least fourfold over the next
decade. As the CIA is asked to do more, it is necessary to use computer-based
information systems to multiply intellectual power. More information handling
training should occur in the vendor's facilities than has been true in the past. In the
future, a number of information handling tools will be off-the-shelf items from a ven-
dor. Other government and commercial organizations have need of information
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handling tools similar to our own. Over the next ten years, a far larger percentage of
the software used in the CIA will be standard (or almost standard), commercially
available packages. In many instances, the training for this type of package can be
better provided by the vendor. Other types of general training, such as a computer
language or information handling concepts, can be effectively and efficiently provided
by general providers of education such as the Office of Personnel Management and
J. Communications Support to Crisis Situations (Long-Term)
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