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August 10, 1984
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Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8 lhr I)irecl~~rul tc?nlr,ll Inlclli~;cncr lti;nhin~lnn I ~ l .41105 17 Auyust 1984 Dear lienry, Thanks for sending me your National Review article and also the Joint Resolution you introduced. The Congress will have to judge but recent events seem to support the judgment that a smaller committee and tighter staff would improve both oversight and performance. I will be pleased to cooperate whenever it will help. Yours, G illiam J. Casey The Honorable Henry J. Hyde U. S. House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515 Orig - Addressee by ER 1 - DCI 1 - D/OLL 1 - ER File (CR OLL84-2686) 61 72/1 Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8 HE- 'OY J. HYDE ? afl. WfTRCT. IWNOIi COMMITie[Es JUDICIARY FOREIGN AFFAIRS ~o~gre~~ of tie ~~tfteb ~tate~ gouge of ;~tepregentatibe~c ~aac~jfltgtotr, ~B.4C. 20515 --. i 617 2 August 8, 1984 The Honorable William Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 I thought you might be interested in my article on the problems of Congressional intelligence oversight which appears on page 46 of the enclosed National Review. As mentioned in this piece, I believe its time we seriously con- sider merging the existing Intelligence Committees of the House and Senate into a streamlined Joint Committee on Intelligence. I have already introduced H.J. Res. 633 to accomplish this, but I don't expect much to happen on this legislation before next year. Cordially yde HJH:ddh Enclosure /~- Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86MOO886ROOO3OOO3OOO1-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86MOO886ROOO3OOO3OOO1-8 2104 RAY~IpIN Han` Orrice Buu.ouq W~INOT'ON. D.C. 20515 (202)225-561 Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ma'`'r SUBJECT: (Optionol) Representative Hyde's Proposal for Establishment of One Joint Oversight Committee ____ - --- _ FROM: EXTENSION NO. Charles A. Briggs , ~'` ~' OLL 84-2686 Director, Office Of DATE Legislative Liaison 1 4 AUG ~G84 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and buildin ) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom g RECEIVED f-0RWARDED INITIALS to whom. Drow o line across column after each comment.) 1~ E R ~ ~.. . ~~~ - ~ _ -- - - - - - - - -- C -~ GL.-?-.-~ 2 __ _ 3~-~ y~EXDIR ~ ~ U U _ _ ~ 4. G S. DDC I 1 ~ f l1 U G ts4 rte` 1 C~'`..` o. ~ ^'~~ . 6. ~ ~-c-~ -ti1,o ~. DCI / (o I~ STA 8. 9. D/OLL o. 11. ~,?~ 12. 13. 14. ~'~~) 1S. v ~;; FORM ~~ O USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS STAT T -- Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8 Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8 OLL 84-2686 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Charles A. Briggs Director, Office of Legislative Liaison SUBJECT: Representative Hyde's Proposal for Establishment of One Joint Oversight Committee 1. Attached for your review and information is House Joint Resolution 633, which was recently introduced by Representative Hyde and provides for the establishment of one Joint Oversight Committee on Intelligence. Under this proposal, one oversight committee would be created which would be composed of 18 members, nine each from the Senate and the House, who would serve for a six year term. The Chairmanship of the Joint Committee would be rotated between the Senate and the House. In introducing this resolution, Representative Hyde stated that a single Joint Committee would hopefully reduce the number of unauthorized leaks, the political partisanship that has recently surrounded controversial intelligence activities and would provide a single point of contact and consultation for the Agency on intelligence matters. 2. I will be happy to discuss Representative Hyde's proposal with you at your convenience. ~~ ~a ~ a r~1~'~ fir. ~5~; g s Attachment Dis tribution Original - Addressee 1 - DDCI (w/o att) 1 - C/LD/OLL (w/o att) 1 - D/OLL (w/o att) 1 - DD/OLL(w/o att) 1 - OLL Chrono 1 - LEG Subject (Joint Oversight Committee Droposal) 1- S?NTH S i gne r OLL:LEG:StJH:sm (10 August 19#34) Approved For Release 2008/05/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000300030001-8