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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 2, 2009
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Publication Date: 
February 22, 1984
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86M00886R000500040031-2.pdf94.77 KB
Approved For Release 2009/04/02 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000500040031-2 0"t': 35}~$F;F~fkl6?t"!'~~i(~ ? H1~,~,~~~9Jp4~ ~Cf+," N, pl7y ~ne ttl1 ~ * t[. f The Director of Central Intelligence ~~- Washington, D. C. 20505 Intelligence Research & Development Council 22 February 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Central Intelligence FROM Executive Secretary, AI Steering Group SUBJECT Intelligence Community Efforts Companion to DARPA Strategic Computing Program 1. I understand that you are scheduled to be briefed next week by Bob Cooper and Bob Kahn on DARPA's Strategic Computing Program. Phil Eckman, Chairman of our AI Steering Group, asked me to provide you with some background on our Group's activities which may be relevant to your forthcoming meeting. 2. The Steering Group and AI Working Groups in the various agencies are looking hard at identifying appropriate intelligence applications for AI technology. The DARPA Strategic Computing Program report falls short of mentioning intelligence applications, and the Steering Group has called this to their attention. We are in the process of preparing a response which will identify several key intelligence applications which can be worked into a companion program. We will be meeting with DARPA representatives from Dr. Kahn's office next week to discuss approaches for feeding the Community's requirements into the DARPA program and mechanisms for transmitting AI technology back out. Example application areas we will be discussing with DARPA include: Intelligence Analyst's Workstation Expert Advisors for Analysis Collection Resource Tasking and Management Natural Language Interfaces to Data Bases and Systems Image Understanding Aids Speech Understanding I~} `'~ Approved For Release 2009/04/02 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000500040031-2 Approved For Release 2009/04/02 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000500040031-2 Y~d~~a~~~~~~~~e~ = Q~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ SUBJECT: Intelligence Community Efforts Companion to DARPA Strategic Computing Program 3. More generally, the Steering Group has been meeting monthly over the last year, discussing issues in AI management and informing each other about AI programs in member agencies. Several agencies (CIA, DIA, NSA) have established formal internal AI Working Groups to study applying AI to their own environment. These working groups are interconnected through the AI Steering Group. Last December we sponsored a 3-day AI Symposium (at which you were the keynote speaker). The Symposium attracted widespread attention and participation from the Community, academia, and industry. We had to cut off the attendance at 650. We have established the beginnings of a Community-wide AI Training Program through the Information Science Center. Our first two courses, a 1/2 day seminar for Senior Intelligence Executives and a 3-day course on AI Applications, will be offered in April. Additional courses leading to a Masters equivalency in AI are being designed. 4. We would be happy to provide you more detail in any of these areas. The AI Steering Group and the CIA Applications Working Group are both preparing reports which will be available in the next e t } ~ ?'C+e~v V~ Q O Approved For Release 2009/04/02 :CIA-RDP86M00886R000500040031-2