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Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla FROM: DDI EXTENSION NO. DDI-04768/84 GATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFKER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom EdLEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column offer each comment.) 1. EXEC REGISTRY _ L 3/ --c 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12-. 13. 14. DCI 15. EXEC REG ORM 610 EI F,-79 GPO 1983 0 - 411-632 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 SECRET DDI-04768/84 AUG 994 NOTE FOR : Director of Central Intelligence FROM Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla REFERENCE: Your query about paragraph four of the memo describing the 31 July breakfast meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla (Attachment 2) 1. I don't believe there are any misunderstandings about the importance of Soviet active measures and propaganda deceptions, or their role in our deception conference. 2. I Idid want the Senator to appreciate, however, that the focus of the conference is intended to be more comprehensive than that which would be afforded by examining only and that the conference is especially concerned with ovie eceptions specifically targeted against the intelligence community. 3. Active measures will be covered at our HUMINT session on Thursday morning, and the concept was explicitly included in the working definition of deception sent to all conference participants (Attachment 1). This definition, incidentally, was developed as a more succinct version of that being used in NIE 11-11. fobert M. Gates Attachments: 1 - Working definition of deception sent to conference participants 2 - Your note of 10 August concerning the breakfast meeting with Senator Wallop THIS MEMORANDUM IS CLASSIFIED CL BY SIGNER SECRET IN ITS ENTIRETY DECL OADR SECRET Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86MOO886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 SECRET SUBJECT: Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla Original - Addressee (w/atts) 1 - DDI (w/atts) 1 - EXEC REGISTRY 1 - NIO/SP (w/atts) 1 - C/DDAC (w/atts) 1 - CRES Chrono (wo/atts) 1 - FICG Chrono (w/atts) 1 - FICG Subject (w/atts) DI/CRES/FICG~ I (17 August 1984) -2- SECRET Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Cl.M C 1 WORKING DEFINITION Deception refers to a Soviet action, or set of actions, intended to create or peroetuate false perceptions with the aim of influencing US policies, plans, or actions to the advantage of the USSR. We are primarily interested in Soviet activities which are directed at US human and technical collection systems, and which are intended to lead US intelligence to erroneous conclusions. We are also concerned with activities which appear purposefully ambiguous, go beyond simple denial measures, and may be intended to compound the uncertainties in our assessments; and with active measures operations which have the effect of eroding policymakers' confidence in our intelligence judgments. Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP 1 DO 4'D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 12 Compt 13 D/Per! 19 ES 20 17 AO/DCI 18 C/IPD/OIS 21 22 SUSPENSE oat ) ate X--W tqLA U5 `- 10 August 1984 Da> Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Executive Registry 84- 6031 10 August 1984 NOTE FOR: DDI FROM: DCI What do you make of this? I certainly don't think that, as paragraph four seems to indicate was done, the active measures and propaganda deception can be ruled out of our area of concern. Wi Itfz -J Casey Attachment: Memo for the Record, dtd 2 August 84, Subject: Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla FROM C/FICG/CRES/DI EXTENSION NO DDI-04466/84 3E47 Hqs. DATE 2 August 1984 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 2 3. 4. 7. 10. 12. 13. 14. 0(: 1 s. - - - - -- USE PREVIOUS FORM 61 O I_79 EDITIONS - / Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 `~ Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800050044-3 04466/84 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM Larry Gershwin, NIO/SP C/DDAC C/FICG/CRES 2 August 1984 SUBJECT: Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla F__] 1. On 31 July, the subject meeting was held in the DCI's dining room to discuss several issues related to Soviet intelligence denial and deception. The discussion that ensued for 1-1/4 hours involved a constructive exchange of views and information, and on the whole appeared to satisfy our objective of communicating the many steps the Community has taken during the past two years to improve, expand, and institutionalize its analysis in this area. 2. We explained several matters, including the following: -the establishment of the DDAC, and its mission to coordinate the work of the several new groups in the Community, including those at NSA, DIA, AF/INOA, and FICG; an extended description of activities underway at and level of expertise employed by NSA and DIA; and, the relationship among the IPC, NIC, and DDAC. -the establishment of FICG, including its size, missions, and functions; its role within the DI with regard to the cross-cutting research issue; its involvement in studies like the Integrated Damage Assessment and NIE 11-11; and, a few examples of the types of papers on FICG's production agenda (e.g., Soviet Intelligence Analysis and the Soviet Satellite Warning Program). CLASSIFIED SECRET IN ENTIRETY Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 SECRET DDI-04466/84 -the fact that the new Community groups are directly represented in the NIE 11-11 process. 3. Senator Wallop and SSCI staffer Codevilla raised several issues, including: -the Bross Commission recommendation for 10 positions to be added to the NI0/FDIA. We responded that the NIC was designed to be lean; that being in an evolutionary phase it is too early to determine whether the NIO needs additional positions; and, that if new positions are needed for denial and deception (D&D) analysis they should be assigned to the production offices of the Community's analytical organizations. -Soviet active measures, including disinformation, as a major problem that confronts the United States. They cited the campaign by Velikov against the US strategic defense initiative and on the ASAT talks as an example of how well organized the Soviet effort is, and asked how the Community was organized to deal with the subject. We described the mission of the State-chaired Active Measures Working Group, suggested that they hear more detail from members of that group, and while admitting that DI analysis in the area was limited, cited the draft IIM being prepared under the aegis of Several times Senator Wallop expressed the US policy need for a quick-reaction capability, one that could respond rapidly to statements like those by Velikov. Necessary to this response, the Senator believes, is the sharing of the essence of the Community's information with the general public as a key to countering the Soviets. -the need to educate policymakers. The Senator is concerned that now that the Community is organized to produce D & D papers, the findings will not reach those who need to be educated, e.g., Congressman Long and the drafters of the Democratic platform. Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 466/84 5. As we stood up, Codevilla, in an aside, noted he viewed FICG's organizational position under the DDI as a conflict of interest. He implied that FICG would not question or challenge DI products owing to potential risks to career development. We did not respond directly to this point, but noted we felt constructive criticism would be received within the family. And, we offered that in our view the production (positive intelligence) side of the house was the right place for deception analysis rather than within counterintelligence; and, that by being in the production directorate and organizationally separated from collection programs, FICG is better able to assess deception issues. 6. There was no specific discussion of the SSCI's proposal to establish a counterintelligence analysis center in DIA--although we provided a thorough explanation of DIA's current D&D effort overseen by DB-I--or of our counterproposal to augment FICG by including analysts from other agencies. Our intention was to emphasize the many ,,Community efforts already underway and to stress the role in this regard of positive intelligence versus counterintelligence. It is also noteworthy that there was very little discussion about NIE 11-11. In sum, we probably made a positive contribution, but are unsure if we led them to turn the corner insofar as the markup is concerned. Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 64466/84 SUBJECT: Breakfast Meetin with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - DDI 1 - ADDI 1 - D/OLL 1 - NI0/FDIA 1 - C/D 1 - ICS 1 - NIO/SP 1 - IPC Staff 1 - C/ACIS 1 - NI0/At Large (Hutchinson) 1 - CRES Chrono 1 - FICG Chrono 1 - FICG Subject 1 - C/CI Staff/DO DI/CRES/FICG~ (2 August 1984) Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 ? ~. Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optional) Breakfast Meet' with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla FROM: C/FICG/CRES/DI VCMNSION NO. DDI-04466/84 3E47 Hqs. DATE 2 August 1984 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RE VED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1 DDI 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FOR I-79M 610 EDs Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 SECRET) DDT-04466/84 2 August 1984 FROM Larry Gershwin, NIO/SP C/DDAC C/FICG/CRES SUBJECT: Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla 1. On 31 July, the subject meeting was held in the DCI's dining room to discuss several issues related to Soviet intelligence denial and deception. The discussion that ensued for 1-1/4 hours involved a constructive exchange of views and information, and on the whole appeared to satisfy our objective of communicating the many steps the Community has taken during the past two years to improve, expand, and institutionalize its analysis in this area. 2. We explained several matters, including the following: -the establishment of the DDAC, and its mission to coordinate the work of the several new groups in the Community, including those at NSA, DIA, AF/INOA, and FICG; an extended description of activities underway at and level of expertise employed by NSA and DIA; and, the relationship among the IPC, NIC, and DDAC. -the establishment of FICG, including its size, missions, and functions; its role within the DI with regard to the cross-cutting research issue; its involvement in studies like the Integrated Damage Assessment and NIE 11-11; and, a few examples of the types of papers on FICG's production agenda (e.g., Soviet Intelligence Analysis and the Soviet Satellite Warning Program). CLASSIFIED SECRET IN ENTIRETY Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 p4466/84 -the fact that the new Community groups are directly represented in the NIE 11-11 process. 3. Senator Wallop and SSCI staffer Codevilla raised several issues, including: -the Bross Commission recommendation for 10 positions to be added to the NI0/FDIA. We responded that the NIC was designed to be lean; that being in an evolutionary phase it is too early to determine whether the NIO needs additional positions; and, that if new positions are needed for denial and deception (D&D) analysis they should be assigned to the production offices of the Community's analytical organizations. -Soviet active measures, including disinformation, as a major problem that confronts the United States. They cited the campaign by Velikov against the US strategic defense initiative and on the ASAT talks as an example of how well organized the Soviet effort is, and asked how the Community was organized to deal with the subject. We described the mission of the State-chaired Active Measures Working Group, suggested that they hear more detail from members of that group, and while admitting that DI analysis in the area was limited, cited the draft IIM bein prepared under the aegis of Several times Senator Wallop expressed the US policy need for a quick-reaction capability, one that could respond rapidly to statements like those by Velikov. Necessary to this response, the Senator believes, is the sharing of the essence of the Community's information with the general public as a key to countering the Soviets. -the need to educate policymakers. The Senator is concerned that now that the Community is organized to produce D & D papers, the findings will not reach those who need to be educated, e.g., Congressman Long and the drafters of the Democratic platform. SECRET Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 04466/84 5. As we stood up, Codevilla, in an aside, noted he viewed FICG's organizational position under the DDI as a conflict of interest. He implied that FICG would not question or challenge DI products owing to potential risks to career development. We did not respond directly to this point, but noted we felt constructive criticism would be received within the family. And, we offered that in our view the production (positive intelligence) side of the house was the right place for deception analysis rather than within counterintelligence; and, that by being in the production directorate and organizationally separated from collection programs, FICG is better able to assess deception issues. 6. There was no specific discussion of the SSCI's proposal to establish a counterintelligence analysis center in DIA--although we provided a thorough explanation of DIA's current D&D effort overseen by DB-I--or of our counterproposal to augment FICG by including analysts from other agencies. Our intention was to emphasize the many Community efforts already underway and to stress the role in this regard of positive intelligence versus counterintelligence. It is also noteworthy that there was very little discussion about NIE 11-11. In sum, we probably made a positive contribution, but are unsure if we led them to turn the corner insofar as the markup is concerned. Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3 - 4466/84 SUBJECT: Breakfast Meeting with Senator Wallop and Angelo Codevilla 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - DDI 1 - ADDI 1 - D/OLL 1 - NI0/FDIA 1 - C/DDAC 1 - ICS 1 - NIO/SP 1 - IPC Staff 1 - C/ACIS 1 - NI0/At Large (Hutchinson) 1 - CRES Chrono 1 - FICG Chrono 1 - FICG Subject 1 - C/CI Staff/DO DI/CRES/FICGj (2 August 1984) Approved For Release 2009/02/19: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800050044-3