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Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 2 c9' Central Intelligence Agency STAT Thank you very much for your letter and the "communique" of the "Red Guerrilla Resistance." The rise in terrorism around the world is very disturbing, and when it occurs in our own backyard like this event, it is particularly worrying. I intend to forward the copy of the communique that you sent me to the FBI just to make sure that they have received it and suggest that you might want to get in touch with them directly with regard to your rationale indicating that the SWAPO office in New York City was the originator. William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 A/NIO/CTI (4 October 1984) Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - Executive Registry 1 - D/OGI/DDI 1 - CT/P/ND/DDO 1 - C/NIC 1 - VC/NIC 2 - NIO/CT 1 - DDI Registry STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP Remarks To 19: Please prepare a response for the signature, including in it a reference totheO s intention to forward the communique I DC as to be certain the mmunique to the FBI so suggestion tha a aware of it and add his ~rst may wi sh to contact the ar -, i?~~a Secretary 3637 (J0-a,) STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 3 Registry j84- October 1, 1984 Honorable William J. Casey Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 I am forwarding with this letter a "communique" of September 26 of the "Red Guerrilla Resistance" for your information and appropriate action. You will note that this organization takes credit for the bombing of the South African Consulate in New York City on September 25. In addition and of importance, the communique calls for an escalation of such activity in the United States. This threat is obviously a clear and present danger to those supporting the Reagan Administration's foreign policy under First Amendment rights, which this firm does as U. S. counsel for the Government of SWA/Namibia. STAT It is our belief, after a very careful reading of the communique, that it originates with the SWAPO office in New York City. We have come to this conclusion after noting that three organizations are represented in the message conveyed. They are: The ANC, PAC and SWAPO. Since the note extends "our full support" to the ANC and the PAC in paragraph 2, it would follow that SWAPO eliminates itself and is, therefore, the originator of this message. It is a sad commentary that this organization is able to operate in the United States, under the protection of our Constitution and laws, and with financial assistance of the U. N., including U. S. tax dollars. I hope that this will be of assistance to you in identifyirig,,-- those involved in the bombing and the transmittal of this communique. MHS/mc STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 ind ai,vwvv ?vA.., ~p~-N ~~ destroy the original. RESISTANCE, RI:I) ('31IJERRILLA COMMUNIQUE September 26, 19814 We bombed the South African consulate in New York City to expose and stop part of the workings of the fascist South African government in this -country. We act in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of African people fighting in Sebokeng, Sharpeville, Soweto, and Evaton for education, decent housing, trade, union rights, and an end to the degradation of apartheid laws. They:`go into the streets to fight white-settler colonialism knowing that thousands have been murdered by the police over the past twenty years, but drawing courage rather than fear from the memory of Steven Biko and the martyrs of Sharpeville and Soweto. The cries of IZWE LETHU and AMANDLA make it clear that the destiny of Azania/South Africa lies in national liberation and national independence. We extend our full support to the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), the organizations leading the struggle for national liberation. For years they have labored under the most repressive conditions to organize the masses, initiate the armed struggle, and internationally isolate the South African regime. Now Botha and Reagan are coordinating efforts to strengthen the South African government by furthering its military control of Southern Africa, heightening internal repression, and breaking through its international isolation to bring it directly into the inner circle of imperialist allies. That is the purpose of "constructive engagement." The first stage was the military, economic and political destabiliza- tion of Angola, Mozambique, and Lesotho,: Mosambtque and.Angola.were "convinced to sign reaction ary=?`aoo'ords* t it: undermine ` ai~pporb?dlo =tl a true representatives of the African people in the region: the ANC, the PAC, and the South West African People's Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia.. With these in hand, Botha took off for a tour of the most reactionary leaders of Europe: Thatcher, Kohl, and the Pope. The real situation is that South Africa never totally withdrew from Angola, over 100,000 troops remain in Namibia, and South Africa just staged the most massive war games ever held by their military. Stage 2 of the imperialist strategy is the new constitution and parliament. It was never a serious effort at reform or cooptatation of the Indian and so-called "colored" masses-the Afrikaners themselves knew it would be overwhelmingly rejected. It was only a very small fig leaf designed for international, not internal, consumption; it will likely be used to justify a high-level trip by Botha or his representative to the U.S. after the U.S. elections. To insure that the masses knew that nothing had changed, Botha arrested mass leaders, murdered at least 50 African people in the streets in the space of three weeks and banned.all meetings. critical of the government. 3. It was this entire system and the strategy of constructive engagement that was rejected: by the African masses. The uprising over the ,,past. past. month should _ send a clear, message to -progressive, countries :-' and ` people around :the world: nothing has changed and the need to isolate and attack the white settler regime has only grown. -Our attack tonight is in response to this call for heightened solidarity. But a much more massive, militant, and more consistent response must come from our movement. Historically, this has only come from the Black community-from the Garvey movement of the 20s, to Malcolm X's trips to Africa in the 1960's, to the massive African Liberation Day demonstrations of the late 60's and 70's, to the Black Liberation Army's attack on the sponsors of the South African rugby tour in 1981. There has been no commen- surate response from the progressive white community. This failure is rooted, at least in part, in the racism and white supremacy of this country which shapes the consciousness with which white people respond to the struggles of African people everywhere. One form this racism takes is to regard South Africa as unique--a throw- back to slavery. It's not, it is the modern crystallization of hundreds of years of capitalist exploitation and white (European) world supremacy. Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9 The thbi ti poL LaaQRiro ie wio /ai rican people may naveOaeon2completed over a hundred years ago, but the people's lives and country's resources are .distorted to the very modern purpose of capitalist profit and white privilege. And the profit does not just remain in South Africa-it fills the coffers in London and Now York as well. The "homelands" and African townships contain millions and millions of Africans who are not allowed to work so that wages remain low in the mines and factories, while at the same time all the fertile land remains in the hands of white-owned, large scale commercial agriculture. Poverty and starvation are planned into the South African economy and only the victory of African liberation will be able to transform its enormous natural wealth and productive capacity into docent living conditions for the masses of people. A free Azania/South Africa can be integrated into a Pan-African strategy for development that will break the stranglehold the imperialist system has had on the continent for a hundred years. The U.S. ruling class opposes such a future: the current situation is in its economic, military, and political interest. Different administrations may have different tactics, but there is always one goals keep South Africa and all of Africa as an integral and profitable part-of the imperialist system. { ,..,r .!` .t'ic' fi.~?:?-+1."?"tr..~iN ~, Aro.hor reason that our movement has not responded as it should to the struggle in Azania/South Africa is that it forces us to look closely at our own society-also the modern product of white settler colonialism and capitalist development. It has a somewhat different development than South Africa, but it too contains both oppressed nations and an oppressor nation. The land was taken from Native Americans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans and much of the industrial and agricultural wealth is based on the labor of Black people brought here as slaves from Africa. While this country is different from South Africa in that there are white working class people here who are exploited by capital, both societies have a system of white supremacy that affects everyone. The U.S. Ailing class tries to guarantee itself enormous wealth, power, and privilege by giving the masses of white people here a little of each. In return, they expect class collaboration rather than class struggle, white supremacy and national chauvinisk rather than proletarian internationalism, support for war and repression rather than struggle for peace and justice* Too often it has worked, and the ruling class successfully forges a mass base of support for repression of the"..-struggles for human rights and self-determination of oppressed peoples here-and abroad. That consensus needs to be smashed if white people here are to share fully with working people around the world in the struggle to bud Q o r d a - pp esve an nonexploi ,- batsocialist future 76 We support the Many people and orgarizations wh h o ave built . solidarity with the people of Azania/South Africa over the years. It is ime to escalate the struggle for divestiture by the universities, minioipalities, unions, and corporations.: it is time to increase material lid to the national liberation movements. It is time for all of us to follow the lead of the comrades of the United Freedom Front, who have made _t clear aver-the past 2 years that it won't be "business as usual" for he corporations and banks that profit from the white settler regime in south Africa. It is time that we all take on building a revolutionary ?esistance movement that can strike real blows against a common enemy and 'ecome an internal front in the world struggle to defeat imperialism and chite supremacy. VICTORY TO THE PEOPLE OF AZANIA/SOUTH AFRICAS VICTORY TO SWAPOI VICTORY TO AFRICAN LIBERATION WORLDWIDES DOWN WITH WHITE SETTLER COLONIALISM& DEFEAT U.S. IMPERIALI3ME REE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS AND PRISONERS OF WAR - ROBBER ISLAND TO MARION& RU1TT.n A REVOLUTIONAJ y RESIST CE Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100026-9