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Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 cbegapeahe dap Aooa ASSOCIATION OF OLD CROWS P.O. BOX 337 ODENTON, MARYLAND 21113 22 August 1984 William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Casey: 20~ -1 Executive Registry 84 - x377/3 -1 H Ec5 T~~ r cey We are extremely gratified that Lieutenant General Lincoln D. Faurer will receive the Association of Old Crows 1984 Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare Award. This is the highest annual award given by the Association for outstanding contributions in Electronic Warfare. We are proud of Lieutenant General Faurer's well deserved recognition. The Chesapeake Bay Roost greatly appreciates your recom- mendation and support for Lieutenant General Faurer. Your specific facts greatly enhanced the evaluation and comparison among several highly deserving nominees. Thank you. Very truly yours, Awards Chairman Chesapeake Bay Roost Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SIGINT Committee MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Director, Intelligence Community Staff Deputy Director, Intelligence Community S SUBJECT: Award for Lt Gen Faurer AA F~ R q -a 3714/1-t;~ 6 June 1984 DCI/ICS 84-034 REFERENCE: Letter from Chesapeake Bay Roost, Association of Old Crows (AOC), 29 May 1984 (attached) 1. Action Requested: Endorsement of Chesapeake Bay Roost's nomination of Lt Gen surer for award of AOC's Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare (EW). 2. Background: The AOC is a combined government/industry/academia association dedicated to the advancement of EW capabilities and activities. At its annual technical symposium and convention (a national event normally held in October) the Association presents a series of awards for various levels and types of accomplishment in the field of EW. The AOC Baltimore Chapter, known as the Chesapeake Bay Roost (all AOC chapters are designated "Roosts"), has nominated Lt Gen Faurer for AOC's highest general award, the Gold Medal of EW. By the reference, the chapter has solicited DCI support for the nomination. 3. Discussion: The proposed award is entirely appropriate from an IC point of view. No:E only has Lt Gen Faurer done a great deal for EW in a technical and organizational sense, but also this award would reflect well upon the IC within the operational side of the military. It would also be appropriate for the D/ICS to support the nomination. 4. Recommendation: D/ICS and DCI approve and sign the attached letters of support. STAT Attachments: As stated Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 SUBJECT: Award for Lt Gen Faurer Distribution: 1--DCI 1--DDCI 1--ER 1--D/ICS 1--DD/ICS 1--IC Registry 1--S/C Subject 1--S/C Chrono 1--SIRVES 1--SORS 1--MASINT DCI/ICS/Sd (5 June 1984) STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Director Intelligence Community Staff Washington, D.C. 20505 6 June 1984 unairman, AUG Awards Committee Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 746, MS426 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 I would like to add my letter of support to the many I am sure you have already received for the award of AOC's Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare to Lieutenant General Faurer. Nothing could be more fitting or proper than this recognition of General Faurer's many and varied accomplishments during a long and distinguished career. From my particular perspective, I am especially impressed not only with General Faurer's many contributions in the form of technical support to EW, but even more so with his efforts to support tactical SIGINT/EW units and activities. With the ever-increasing dimensions of the electronic battlefield, in terms of both magnitude and complexity of the target environment, these tactical units are increasingly dependent on signals intelligence support, and General Faurer has taken the steps to give it to them. He has also been in the forefront of the Intelligence Community's efforts to support the difficult and demanding military strategy of C3 countermeasures. I consider it to be a personal and professional privilege to have been associated with General Faurer. He is a true leader, both organizationally and technologically, and is eminently deserving of this award. Sincerely, STAT STAT STAT vice AUMirai, US Navy Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 . Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 SUBJECT: Letter to Chairman, AOC Awards Committee from D/ICS Distribution: 1--DCI 1--DDCI 1--ER 1--D/ICS 1--DD/ICS 1--IC Registry 1--S/C Subject 1--S/C Chrono 1--SIRVES 1--SORS 1--MASINT DCI/ICS/ (5 June 1984) STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 The Director of Central Intelligence Washington. D. C. 20505 7 JUN 1984 Chairman, AUL wards Committee Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 746, MS426 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Executive Registry 84-377 1 I understand that the Chesapeake Bay Roost has nominated Lieutenant General Lincoln D. Faurer for the Association of Old Crows' Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare. I wholeheartedly endorse this nomination. General Faurer's astute management, acute insight, driving initiative, and ceaseless pursuit of professional excellence have combined over the years to greatly enhance US intelligence capabilities and activities, not only in his present position as Director, NSA, but also in many previous key assignments within NATO, USEUCOM, and DIA. A major beneficiary of his efforts has been the US electronic warfare community. Electronic Warfare is critical on the modern battlefield; therefore, I believe it is fair to say that General Faurer has made a significant contribution to our nation's military capabilities. Lieutenant General Faurer is truly one of our most distinguished leaders not only in intelligence, but also in the wide-ranging world of electronics and the military applications thereof. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to support his nomination for this well-deserved award. Sincerely, W %VIRIbm J. Casey William J. Casey STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 SUBJECT: Letter to Chairman, AOC Awards Committee from DCI Distribution: 1--DCI 1--DDCI 1--ER 1--D/ICS 1--DD/ICS 1--IC Registry 1--S/C Subject 1--S/C Chrono 1--SIRVES 1--SORS 1--MASINT DCI/ICSI (5 June 1984) STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 smarlcs EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1. DCI 2 DDCI 3 XDIR < D/ ICS X 5 DDI 6. ODA DDO DOSBT 9 Chm/NIC 10' GC 11 IG 42 Campt 13 D/Pers 14 D/OLL 1$ D/PAO 36 SA/IA 17 AO/DCI .13. C/IPD/OIS 19 20 ;32' Recommendation,, please, to DCI together with a response for his signature. Executive Secretary 1 June 1984 Dom, Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 0eoapeake dap 1oot ASSOCIATION OF OLD CROWS P.O. BOX 337 ODENTON, MARYLAND 21113 May 29, 1984 Mr. William J. Casey Director, Central.Intelligence Agency. McLean, VA 22101 Dear Mr. Casey, The Chesapeake Bay Roost, Association of Old Crows, has nominated Lieutenant D. Faurer, Director, National Security Agency, for the Assocaition of Old Crows' Cold Medal of Electronic Warfare Award for 1984. The Cold Medal is the annual award presented by the Association for outstanding advances -and contributions in any or all fields of electronic warfate. The competition for this award is traditionally quite keen. We believe General Faurer!s efforts- in Electronic Warfare are most exceptional and deserve recognition in this forum. As the Director of NSA, and during his previous assignments at NATO, the U.S. European Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency, he has worked hard to enhance the electronic warfare capability of the United States. Under his astute leadership, the National Security Agency is significantly improving effec- tive intelligence support to electronic warfare planning while ensuring that such support is tailored to the operational needs of Field Commanders. It would be most helpful if you would originate a letter of support for this nomination if you agree with our recommendation and feel you are in a position to do so. The closing date for our nomination is 15 June 1984; we would like to have letters of support in our hands by 10 June if at al 1 e. The response to this request should be addressed to AOC Awards Committee Chairman, Westinghouse Electric corporation, . Box 746, MS426, Baltimore, Maryland 21203. The letter of support should identify the personal and professional attributes of the awardee in respect to his dedication to electronic warfare. Details of accomplishment from first-hand observation are most useful as well as some indication of the period of time' over which these contributions occurred. An assessment of the effects or impact on the electronic warfare community or on military operations and capabilities, on changes in methodology, attitudes or policies should also be included. As a matter of possible interest, two letters previously used to support AOC Medal nominations are attached. Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 I was the person who contacted you after the Hall of Fame Award banquet on 23 May and am writing this pursuant to your suggestion. I enjoyed your presentation on He's an interesting, capable STAT and very astute person. Thank you or your support. Sincerely, Vice President Chesapeake Bay Roost STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Department of The Air Force Headquarters United States Air Force Washington, D.C. 20330 Association of Old Crows 2300 Ninth Street, South Suite 300 Arlington, Virginia 22204 24 JUL 1931 It is with great pleasure that I indorse the nomination of Mal Gen Doyle Larson for the Association of Old Crows' Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare. We in the EW business know first-hand the many significant contributions Doyle has made toward providing the United States an improved Command, Control, and Coaanunicaticns Countermeasures (C3CM) capability in the last several years. General Larson is not only the first Commander of the Air Fcrce's Electronic Security Command (ESC), but also was a prime mover in its formation. Through his innovation, ESC now has the specific C3CM charter for the Air Force and the concomitant responsici?it3 to enhance employment of our military systems. To monitor this important charter, he established an ESC directorate level cffice to consolidate C3CM support including development of a detailed all-source data base. General Larson has been'the key articulator of requirements fcr intelligence support to U.S. and allied EW and C3CM combat ccera- tions. He developed a series of briefings to make key naticral decision-makers aware of the Soviet threat with particular ephasis on Radio Electronic Combat (REC) doctrine. Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 - Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 General Larson has been an ardent and forceful advocate of AOC activities for many years. 'This support, coupled with his military leadership role as the number one advocate of C3CM, make General Larson the natural recipient of this year's Association of Old Crows' Gold Medal of Electronic Warfare. Sincerely STAT Maj Gen, USAF s stant Chief of Staff, Intelligence Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7 13 July 1983 Association of Old Crows 2300 Ninth Street, South Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22204 Attention: Chairman, 1983 AOC Awards Committee Dear Mr. Chairman: It is with,very genuine enthusiasm and deep pleasure that I endorse the nomination of Major General Albert N. Stubblebine II, USA, for the 1983 ADC Medal of Electronic Warfare. General Stubblebine was one of the first of our national leaders to recognize and support the recent, rapid development of vastly improved Electronic Warfare (EW) capabilities and the time criticality and importance of quickly understanding, exploiting and introducing these high leverage systems/equipments into Army and Joint Service plans and operations. His foresight, extraordinary talents and enthusiasm, not only in the leadership of the Intelligence and Security Command, but in much broader aspects and implications of Integrating EW capabilities with other intelligence sources extending throughout the pervasive Command, Control and Communication/Intelligence (C3i) functions has singularly provided aggressive significant far reaching focus and direction throughout the military services. His personal conviction, willingness and outstanding ability to communi- cate this important message and initihte and participate in many inter- changes of EW problems, needs, alternatives, priorities, etc. from the highest levels to the broadest bases of responsible and interested individuals and agencies has been without parallel. General Stubblebine's many military achievements are well recognized; however, his greatest contribution may well be his exceptional profes- sional capability and dedicated, tireless effor-s in the all so important area of communication throughout the entire EW Industry, the Department of Defense, NATO and U.S. Allies. A large number of these efforts to bring these new EW capabilities to the attention of the Ed community, develop an understanding of the operational impact and encourage the broadest, effective support were conducted during AOC professional symposia in addition to other professional and government sponsored gatherings. General Stubblebine is most worthy of the recognition the ACC could bestow with this award. Very truly yours, enior Scientifi-c- Advisor Engineering Research Group SRI International STAT Approved For Release 2008/10/30: CIA-RDP86M00886R002500100037-7