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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Directorate of Secret Intelligence 25X1 Argentina's Grain Outlook: Challenges for Alfonsin Secret GI 85-10038 February 1985 367 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 a ua. va I.JI{.11.1 Intelligence Argentina's Grain Outlook: Challenges for Alfonsin This paper was prepared by US Department of Agriculture. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, Economics Division, OGI,~ Secret GI 85-10038 February 1985 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Argentina's Grain Outlook: Challenges for Alfonsin 25X1 Summary The year-old government of President Raul Alfonsin is counting on a major Information available expansion in Argentina's grain exports to help it service its $46 billion debt. as of 8 February 1985 The new grain program-designed to generate an additional $2-3 billion in was used in this report. annual earnings by the early 1990s-has implications that reach well beyond Argentina's financial health, however. Whether Argentina is successful could well depend on its relationship with the Soviet Union, its largest grain buyer and a key bidder on a number of infrastructure projects. From a US perspective, a Buenos Aires success in nearly doubling its current grain exports would be a two-edged sword. While attainment of this goal is a necessary condition for setting the Argentine economy back on a long-term growth path, it would also mean keener competition for US grain sellers in markets likely to be glutted for the remainder of the decade. Lost US sales, especially in traditional Latin American markets, would be the result if Buenos Aires were consistently to undercut US prices, as it has promised to do. To accomplish its grain goal Buenos Aires will have to put in place policies designed to expand planted area and improve yields, and it will have to make sizable investments to modernize and expand grain storage, transpor- tation, and port facilities. The Alfonsin government is already pursuing some new policies and programs to meet these objectives and is likely to be greatly aided in its task by a growing progressive farmer movement. From an agronomic standpoint we believe that the goal of the program- production of 60 million tons by the early 1990s-is achievable. Consistent annual production between 50 million and 55 million tons appears more realistic, however, given domestic infrastructure constraints and world market demand prospects. Even this outcome would mean a significant advance from current production and export levels. Among the many hurdles that could derail the program are serious infrastructure shortcomings. Argentina's internal transport, storage, and port facilities are barely adequate to accommodate current production and will need to be expanded considerably to handle the higher production and export volumes that are being planned. A centerpiece project-expansion of the main export terminal for wheat at Bahia Blanca-is a key indicator of the Alfonsin government's commitment to these new grain goals. iii Secret GI 85-10038 February 1985 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Moscow would very much like to engineer this multimillion-dollar project, but, recently, the Alfonsin government has opted to seek World Bank financing for the project. Despite this setback, Moscow continues to push for Argentine purchase of Soviet machinery and technology. In recent weeks, the Soviets have expressed particular interest in the approaching decision on turbine contracts for the Piedra del Aguila hydroelectric scheme. Buenos Aires must tread cautiously in its dealings with Moscow, however, because Soviet grain purchases from Argentina have generated an average of $1.9 billion annually during 1980-83, about half of Argentina's total grain exports in that period. Slowdowns in Soviet grain purchases during the second half of 1984 and protracted negotiations for a long-term grain accord may be an attempt by Moscow to exert leverage on Buenos Aires regarding the purchase of Soviet machinery and technology. Indeed, the USSR-Argentina Long-Term Grain Agreement-guarantee- ing Argentina annual grain sales of 4.5 million tons to the Soviet Union- comes up for renewal this year, and we expect Moscow to be an especially hard bargainer. Argentina could ill afford to lose steady grain sales to the USSR and still have hope of meeting its ambitious new grain export goals. If Buenos Aires's grain program is successful, it would set Argentina on a course toward economic recovery and substantial resolution of its foreign debt obligations. This would improve the financial situation of US banks with large loan portfolios in Argentina and provide an opportunity for expansion of US-manufactured exports to Argentina. On the other hand, increased grain exports by Argentina would add pressure to a world grain market already marked by fierce competition, soft prices, and declining US sales. US-Argentine competition would be particularly intense in the 20- million-ton-per-year Latin American grain market, a market already being targeted by other exporters such as Australia and Canada. We do not believe Argentina has a good alternative to grains for increasing export earnings by as much as $2-3 billion. While the United States might well benefit from reduced competition from Argentina in Latin American grain markets, it would then have to continue to deal with an Argentina af- flicted by lingering economic and political instability. Failure on the grain front would greatly reduce the chances that Argentina could maintain the foundation for the democratic two-party system established by Alfonsin. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 ,v _I rI Grain-A Key to Export Expansion New Marketing Policies and Programs 12 Argentine Perspective 14 1. Argentine Grain Production and Exports 2. Argentina: National Map With Provincial Boundaries 3. Argentina: Buyers' Shares of Argentine Grain Exports Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret 1. Argentina: Export Value of Grains and Oilseeds, 1980-84 2 2. Argentina: Grain Production by Major Producing Province, 1983/84 5 3. Argentina: Value of Trade With USSR, 1977-83 4. USSR: Imports of Wheat and Coarse Grains From Argentina, 1977/78-1984/85 15 5. Argentina: Trade With the United States, 1977-83 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Argentina's Grain Outlook: Challenges for Alfonsin The government of President Raul Alfonsin has desig- nated the agricultural sector to be the main engine of growth to help reduce Argentina's foreign debt, pay for imports, and stimulate more intensive develop- ment of rural Argentina. The administration's stated goal is to raise annual grain ' production to 60 million metric tons-about 50 percent above the present level-and channel the bulk of the production in- crease into export markets. Whether Argentina fully or only partially meets the goals it has set for grains will have an important bearing on how it resolves its foreign debt obligations. This paper examines the Alfonsin government's com- mitment-policies and actions-to its grain goals and the major obstacles that have to be overcome. It also evaluates the chances for success and the implications for the United States of potentially greater competi- tion from Argentina in world grain import markets. Grain-A Key to Export Expansion Argentina is one of the world's largest grain suppliers (see appendix tables A-5 to A-8), ranking behind only the United States in export sales of corn, sorghum, and soybeans. In the wheat trade, Argentina is the world's fifth-largest exporter and the only one in Latin America. In sunflower seed oil and linseed oil (derived from flaxseed) exports, Argentina is currently leading the world. Grain exports, along with beef, have been for decades Argentina's major source of foreign exchange (table 1). In addition, through export taxes, they provide about one-third of annual govern- ment revenues. We believe that the grain economy offers Buenos Aires the best chance for eventually reversing its critical economic situation: An understanding of the evolution of Argentina's farm policies provides a foundation for analyzing the economic and political philosophy of farm programs currently being implemented by the Alfonsin govern- ment and provides clues to the grain sector's probable response to current governmental initiatives. Twice during the last 50 years-for periods totaling 15 years-the system was completely government man- aged and controlled. In the intervening 35 years the system was essentially market oriented, although various aspects were regulated (appendix B). Against this backdrop, the Alfonsin government began its Jive- year term of office in December 1983 espousing a noninterventionist stance on the grain sector. According to press reports, President Alfonsin and his Minister of Economy, Bernardo Grinspun, set three economic goals for the new administration: lower inflation, higher real wages, and faster economic growth. Minister Grinspun has emphasized that ex- change rates should be set at levels aimed at boosting exports. Grinspun believes that the Argentine peso was seriously overvalued during the previous regime and that under President Alfonsin the rate should be set to allow for an annual trade surplus of $3-4 billion. A sharp boost in exports-especially grain- and the reduction in import growth implied by this policy are aimed at redressing Argentina's growth and debt repayment problems. Policies are aimed at continuing the growth in the grain sector begun by the military, but without the economic distortions that were created for example, hyperinflation and indebtedness. According to press reports, Foreign Minister Dante Caputo has insisted that efforts be made to seek new markets for grain exports, to reestablish Argentina's presence in region- al trade within Latin America, and to back away from overdependence on the Soviet Union as Argen- ? Argentina has already been successful in signifi- cantly increasing grain and oilseed production and exports; sorghum and soybean production have in- creased by almost 2.2 million tons and 5.5 million ' Argentine grain estimates comprise wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, oats, rice, and milled grain as well as the major oilseeds-soybeans, tina's principal trading partner. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Table 1 Argentina: Export Value of Grains and Oilseeds, 1980-84 Total Exports Agricultural Exports Grains Oilseeds and Products Grain and Oilseed Exports as Percent of Total Exports Agricultural Exports 1980 8.02 6.01 1.61 1.44 38 51 1981 9.14 6.84 2.82 1.27 45 60 1982 7.62 5.42 1.81 1.21 40 56 tons, respectively, over the last decade. Sunflower seed production has nearly quadrupled as a result of increased acreage and rising use of new high-yield hybrid seed varieties (see figure 1 and appendix tables A-10 to A-14). ? Grain production can be boosted in a short period, thus providing rapid earnings increases in the criti- cal years ahead. By the early 1990s, assuming current grain prices, added exports of 15-20 million tons could generate additional annual earnings of $2-3 billion. To accomplish its export goal of 35-40 million tons by the early 1990s, a near doubling of current export volumes, Buenos Aires will have to succeed in three areas: increasing grain production; modernizing and expanding storage, transportation, and port infra- structure to handle greater volumes of grain; and marketing grain aggressively and successfully in an increasingly competitive environment and in both traditional and nontraditional markets. Increased Production Production increases can be achieved by increasing output per unit of land and devoting more land to grain production. In political terms, production in- creases can be encouraged by development of a general faith in the stability of Argentina's future as a leading world grain exporter. This would foster grass- roots investment in productive assets by the tradition- ally conservative, risk-avoiding farm population. Al- fonsin may well be aided in his efforts by the recent emergence of a fairly large and growing population of technologically progressive Argentine grain farmers. Argentina's farmland is among the best in the world, with a high potential for increased productivity. Yields, however, particularly for wheat and corn, are relatively low compared to those of the United States and have been slow to increase. Argentine wheat yields over the last 15 years, for example, averaged 1.6 tons per hectare, compared with 2.2 tons per hectare for the comparable period for the United States. The difference in corn yields is even more striking, 2.9 tons per hectare for Argentina and 5.9 tons per hectare for the United States. A lack of high- yield hybrid seed varieties and insufficient use of fertilizers-only one-fifth as much on wheat as in the United States-largely explain these yield differ- ences. For soybeans, sunflower seed, and sorghum- all of which expanded significantly during the 1970s and early 1980s-yields are roughly comparable to those in the United States. In fact, for soybeans, which do not require nitrogen fertilizer, Argentine yields are almost 5 percent higher than those of the United States, primarily because Argentina devotes a higher share of its prime arable land to soybeans. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 ,ecret Figure 1 Argentina: Grain Production and Exports, 1965-85 Production Exports 1,11:11 I H I 1111111111-111 0 1965 70 75 171 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I011111111111111111111111111 80 84a 0 1965 70 75 80 f I I I I- I LI I I LI 0 1965 70 a Estimated. Source: US Department of Agriculture, January 1985. ri ll 70 75 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Volparaiso SANTFAGO South Pacific Ocean San Eaftos de Puerto Mogtt,..y1 Bariloche - - 'Bahia Blanca /t Faikaandtslands (1afar-Ma_Mnas) (administered by U.K., claimed by Argentina) e`_~igllagos G " - 8oundary_repcteentitco is -= net n eceswtyr_ authpdtaYya Major grain-producing provincias Provincia-level boundary Railroad Road 0 200 400 Miles Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 ? Significant areas of potential farmland are also Table 2 Argentina: Grain Production by Major Producing Province, available in northern Santa Fe Province and part of southern Chaco Province. Poor drainage and high levels of mineral salts in the soil make the region 1983/84 unsuitable for anything other than very extensive e and fertilizer er draina i but ro ttl g e graz ng, p p ca could turn it into good cropland. ? Sizable potential new agricultural land also exists in Santa Fe 1.8 1.3 1.1 2.5 the Rio Salado basin in east-central Buenos Aires Cordoba 1.2 2.5 2.4 1.7 Province. Located in a depression and currently La Pampa 0.8 0.3 0.7 NA being used for cattle raising, it will continue to be unsuitable for crops until it is properly drained. a Estimated totals for 1985/86: wheat, 12.5 million tons; corn, 10.5 million tons; sorghum, 7.0 million tons; and soybeans, 6.0 million tons. b Includes 0.6 million tons from San Luis Province. c Includes 0.5 million tons from Entre Rios Province and 0.5 million tons from Santiago del Estero Province. d Includes 0.2 million tons from Tucuman Province. With respect to potential expansion of cultivated areas, much of the prime agricultural land in Argenti- na is already under cultivation-most of it in a crop- livestock rotation of some kind. Traditionally, Argen- tine farmers plant crops for eight years followed by four years in pasture to nourish and rest the soil. This area in rotation amounts to about 30 million hectares, most of it in the humid Pampas of east-central Argentina (see figure 2). The Provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Cordoba, La Pampa, and Entre Rios have accounted for approximately 90 percent of annu- al wheat, corn, sorghum, and soybean production in recent years (see table 2). Although most of the land area outside the Pampas is marginal for grain crop farming, an additional 6-8 million hectares-about one-third of present grain acreage-potentially could be brought into cultivation: ? Underdeveloped wooded land totaling 3-5 million hectares is available in Tucuman, Salta, and west- ern Santiago del Estero Provinces in northwest Argentina. According to a recent USDA study, this land is suitable for dryland grain production or cattle grazing. Little or no marketing infrastructure, however, is in place to service this area. Production Policies The Alfonsin regime is already pushing several pro- grams designed to boost grain production, according to US Embassy reporting. To reduce farmers' produc- tion costs, the Argentine Government has reduced the value-added tax on fertilizer and herbicides from 18 percent to 5 percent, abolished the 25-percent import duty on nitrogen-based fertilizer, established a fertilizer-for-wheat program whereby farmers are en- titled to pay for urea with wheat at the rate of 2.5 units of wheat for 1 unit of urea (based on relative prices, Argentine wheat producers are accustomed to paying as much as 10 units of wheat for 1 unit of urea, compared with 3.8 to 1 in the United States), and authorized the National Bank of Argentina to provide short-term production loans to cover grain and oilseed planting expenses. To increase the availability of modern grain produc- tion technologies, especially in the areas of seed technology and crop rotation, Buenos Aires also has taken several important steps. It has increased re- search funds through the National Institute of Agri- cultural Technology (INTA) to develop and distribute high-yield, fertilizer-responsive, hybrid seeds. Particu- lar attention is being given to development of hybrid corn adaptable to the shorter growing seasons of some of the southern provinces and sorghum varieties suit- able for the dryer areas of the western and northwest- ern provinces. The administration also is trying to improve dissemination of information on agronomic Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 techniques such as crop rotations. INTA researchers have found that fertilization programs-coupled with winter-summer rotations such as wheat-soybeans, fallow-soybeans, or fallow-corn-can lead to higher yields over time and improved soil conservation. Fi- nally, programs are being implemented to improve wheat quality and to raise its protein content to make Argentine wheat more attractive-and more valu- able-to foreign buyers. Other recent measures are designed to improve grain farming profitability and thus are likely to have the greatest immediate impact. Some of the most impor- tant policy changes recently implemented include: ? Early establishment of the annual wheat support price. For 1984 the announcement was made in April, prior to the May-August planting season. In the past, support prices were not usually announced until shortly before the beginning of the wheat harvest in mid-November. Support prices are ad- justed at harvest in line with inflation and interna- tional price variations. ? An increased export tax differential between soy- beans and soybean products. This move is aimed at improving crushing industry profit margins-thus encouraging exports of products and increasing domestic employment in the expanding oilseed crushing industry. ? Reduction in the export tax on wheat from 25 percent to 19.5 percent. Taxes on the other grains are currently set at 26.5 percent. Moreover, an increased share of export tax revenues from grain and oilseed crops is to be returned to the agricultur- al sector through capital investment programs, in- creased funding of applied agricultural research, and increased credit assistance-especially for me- dium and small farms. Beginning last April, 1.5 percent of all grain export taxes has been earmarked for INTA for expanding agricultural research and extension. The measures announced to date provide an indica- tion of the Alfonsin government's commitment to increase production within existing fiscal constraints. The channeling of a greater share of export taxes derived from agriculture into that sector departs sharply from policies of the Peronist government, which sought to fund industrialization by decapitaliz- ing the agricultural sector. If followed through, the new agricultural policy initiatives, coupled with poli- cies aimed at solving the hyperinflation problem, should result in a vibrant, growing farm sector. Production Prospects and Problems With consistent year-to-year increases in the use of hybrid seed and fertilizer, we believe Argentina should be able to achieve a substantially higher level of productivity from its grain sector. In addition, the outlook for a continued contraction in Argentine meat exports, as a consequence of reduced import demand in Europe and heightened competition for major Middle East beef markets, appears to favor a shift in land use away from pasture and into grain acreage. Recent press reports indicate that such a shift is already under way in the Pampas and appears to be accelerating, particu- larly among progressive young farmers who have formed an organization to help the government's extension service disseminate modern agricultural know-how. With increased use of fertilizer and the adoption of modern crop rotation, Argentine farmers in the productive Pampas could increasingly move away from traditional crop-livestock rotation to great- er reliance on grain alone (appendix C). Despite these favorable long-term prospects, the Alfonsin government recently has received sharp criti- cism from the farm sector. According to press report- ing, the president of the Rural Confederation of Argentina recently stated that grain producers are disoriented because the government has yet to enact a coherent farm policy. Humberto Volando, president of the Agricultural Federation of Argentina, protests that inflation-now running at about a 700-percent annual rate-is eroding producer profit margins and has complicated capital spending and planting deci- sions. In early October, Jorge Moronta, vice president of the Rural Confederation of Argentina, noted that farmers will plant less because of the lack of govern- ment credit guarantees for seed, fertilizer, agrichemi- cals, and storage facilities. The government responded to these criticisms with an early announcement of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 OVIZICL minimum prices for several summer crops and by promising to boost the availability of fertilizer and ordering the Central Bank to provide special produc- tion credit lines to farmers. Responding to pressure from the livestock industry, the Alfonsin government ended the 15- to 20-percent export tax on beef exports on 1 October 1984. Pres- sure from the grain sector for export tax reductions continues, however. We believe it highly unlikely in the short run, because of budget constraints, that the government will increase price support operations or significantly reduce grain export taxes; the focus will remain on lessening production costs and on reducing marketing costs by improvements in infrastructure. In the longer run, the Alfonsin government is commit- ted to reducing agricultural export taxes in order to stimulate increased production. According to the Al- fonsin government's five-year economic plan issued in early January, duties on agricultural exports are to be gradually reduced. To counteract the reduced reve- nues and to further stimulate production, a new land tax is planned that will place a heavy tax burden on those who hold valuable agricultural land without cultivating it. In part because of remaining uncertainties in Alfon- sin's farm policies, we believe that the production goal of 60 million tons, while achievable agronomically, appears somewhat overoptimistic. A somewhat small- er advance to 50-55 million tons by the early 1990s seems more probable-largely because of more mod- est farmer response to production expansion incen- tives. This production growth could be accomplished, for example, with a 20-percent increase in both average yield and harvested area for the major grains, including soybeans and sunflower seeds. USDA ana- lysts estimate that by raising yields to near US levels, Argentine production of wheat and corn would dou- ble, sunflower seed output would increase by one- third, and sorghum by one-fifth. Improved Storage and Transport Systems The second area where Buenos Aires must make marked improvements is the grain storage and trans- port system. Of the 35-40 million tons of grain produced annually, about 5 million tons remain on the farms where grain is produced, about 9 million tons are marketed domestically, and some 20-25 million 25X1 tons are exported. These levels are already straining the limits of existing storage, transport, and port facilities (appendix D). In our opinion, Argentina must undertake an extensive upgrading and expansion pro- gram, or it will fail to meet its production and export goals: ? Grain storage, both in the countryside and at port terminals, is inadequate, creating major inefficien- cies in the overall grain transportation system. Recent government estimates set total bulk grain storage at about 29 million tons; however, industry 25X1 sources indicate that the quality and state of disre- pair of many silos make them unusable, reducing the effective storage to about 20 million tons. ? Costs of truck transport, which carries close to 60 percent of grain to market, are high because of the poor condition of many rural roads, according to a recent USDA study. Rail transportation of grain- while generally cheaper than trucking-is often slower because of structural and equipment prob- lems: the rail system has three different track 25X1 gauges, which limit railcar switching; rail lines and yards were built to handle only about 10 million tons; tracks are in generally poor condition, reduc- ing operating speed; and a large part of the boxcar fleet is made up of small, old railcars, which reduces efficiency. ? Aside from physical grain storage capacity limita- tions at port terminals and a general lack of modern grain-handling equipment, World Bank studies have determined that the major problem of ports is the shallow draft of the sea and river channel accesses and the depth of the water alongside loading piers. Heavy rains often cause additional silting, especially along the Parana River, further reducing navigabil- ity and limiting the size of grain ships that can 25X1 load-typically around 35,000 tons, compared with the more efficient 50,000- to 60,000-ton vessels that can be used in other countries' grain trades Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Closeup on Current Production Prospects Wheat Following erratic weather during the May-August planting season and a 14 percent decline in expected harvest area, near-ideal growing conditions in the latter part of the crop cycle along with increased use of fertilizer have pushed up this year's wheat crop estimate to 12.5 million tons, compared with 14.5- and 12.3-million-ton crops produced the previous two seasons. The quality of the crop is rated as good overall, yielding export availabilities of about 8 million tons. Argentine officials had hoped for a crop comparable to the record crop of 1982/83. However, this mild setback for wheat is expected to be temporary; part of the falloff in this season's plantings is attributable to farmers' expectations that better prices could be achieved by waiting to plant corn or soybeans. Yields from the reduced acreage are currently estimated at a record 2.12 tons per hectare, 7 percent above the previous record of two seasons ago. The new fertilizer program encouraged an estimated doubling in fertil- izer use to 1.2 million hectares, 20 percent of the total harvested acreage. Alfonsin has stressed that more fertilizer will be made available to farmers for next season's wheat crop as well as future coarse grain and oilseed crops. Corn According to US Embassy reporting, corn production for the crop now being planted is expected to reach 10.5 million tons, up 10 percent from this season's outturn. The bright prospects reflect the positive influence of reduced wheat area, government pro- grams, and price relationships that favor corn. In the heart of the Pampas, for example, recent press re- ports indicate farmers' profit margins on summer grains such as corn are almost twice as high as on livestock, encouraging the shift from livestock to grain. With a crop of 10.5 million tons, export availabilities from the harvest beginning in March are estimated at 7 million tons, 21 percent above the current-season level. Sorghum As a result of low prices relative to corn and sunflow- er seed, estimates of sorghum sowings have varied more than those for the other grains. Furthermore, rains have delayed plantings. Given current informa- tion, production from the harvest beginning in April is expected to reach 7.0 million tons, 5 percent below the current crop. About two-thirds of the upcoming crop, or about 4.3 million tons, will be available for export. Soybeans While rains slowed soybean planting, recent USDA reports indicate a 10 percent increase in acreage devoted to soybeans. The increase reflects favorable prices for soybeans relative to livestock, especially in the humid Pampas. Production forecasts currently range between 6.0 million and 6.6 million tons, compared with this season's record 6.2 million tons. While soybean exports are expected to be down about 1.1 million tons, policies favoring soybean meal and oil exports are expected to push product exports to a record of 3.1 million tons, 6 percent above this season and 1.5 times the product exports two years ago (see appendix tables A-10 to A-13). Sunflower seed Current plantings (September-January), according to USDA, are expected to be up 16 percent to 2.3 million hectares. Assuming normal weather conditions and yields of about 1.2 tons per hectare, the crop to be harvested beginning in March is estimated at 2.7 million tons, compared with 2.2 million tons this season. Argentine sunflower seed oil exports for 1985/86 are anticipated to reach a record 700,000 tons, one-fifth higher than this season, and account for more than one-half of world exports. The contin- ued upward trend in sunflower seed oil production and trade reflects Argentina's increased use of hybrid seed, expanding processing capacity, and the relative- ly high world price for vegetable oils vis-a-vis protein meals. Sunflower seed contains about 38 percent oil compared with only 18 percent for soybeans (see appendix A, tables A-14 and A-15 for price informa- tion). 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 ,ecrer Government Policies and Programs The Alfonsin administration is moving ahead vigor- ously with programs to remedy Argentina's grain- handling problems. According to US Embassy report- ing, the new government has reactivated a World Bank loan for $87 million to finance basic infrastruc- ture improvements. About $20 million of the loan amount will be used to build small (8,000 tons) bulk grain storage facilities, especially in areas of northern Argentina and Buenos Aires Province where serious storage problems emerged during the record 1982/83 grain production year. Another $30 million is ear- marked for improvements in the railway grain-han- dling infrastructure, including the modernization of hopper cars. An additional $20 million will go toward improving private-sector grain facilities. The remain- der of the loan will be used to resume dredging at the port of Rosario and to design a comprehensive project to upgrade the port of Bahia Blanca. well as by the Soviets, has the following key features and goals: ? A special use, fully automated elevator will be erected so that grain transshipments can continue throughout the construction process. The two exist- ing elevators-one of 1930s vintage and one dating to 1957-will be substantially reworked, allowing for total automation. ? A 760-meter wharf is planned to accommodate as many as four 60,000-dead-weight-ton (dwt) grain carriers simultaneously. ? Two new 750-car rail marshaling yards will be computer controlled for improved efficiency. ? Dredging of approximately 50 km of channel at a depth of 12 meters initially and 13.7 meters at a later date is planned to increase significantly the size of vessels the port can accommodate. According to Argentine press reports this project would increase Ba- Several port construction projects also have been under consideration, including the construction of a new deepwater port at Punta Medanos, north of Mar del Plata; a new port at Belem d Escobar, on the Parana River some 146 km upstream from Buenos Aires; and a $50 million dredging scheme to deepen the access channel to the port of Buenos Aires. The focus of attention, however, has been on an integrated modernization scheme for the port of Bahia Blanca, the primary export terminal for wheat. Initiated by the military government, this project would significantly upgrade grain-handling facilities to accommodate larger bulk carriers. he general design package currently being bid on by various international companies, as heaviest grain shipping period (March-August). hia Blanca's annual grain-handling capability from 4 million tons to 11 million tons and would effectively eliminate the typical situation where as many as 20 ships wait 30 days or more to load grain during the operating in Argentina, The major multinational grain trading companies indicate that they also would be willing to invest in grain facilities-but only under a stable political and economic environment (appendix B). they are generally optimistic about the present administration, stating that grain trade is now profitable in Argentina, and that the potential for return on investment in the grain sector is good. While international grain traders are optimistic, how- ever, some Argentine farm groups are not. Recently, Jorge Moranta, vice president of the Rural Confeder- ation of Argentina, expressed his skepticism of gov- ernment followthrough on promises to expand avail- ability of rail service to farmers, improve upriver 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Argentina: A Major Actor in World Grain Trade In spite of its relatively low grain yields and signifi- cant infrastructure problems, Argentina is a major factor in world grain trade. It is the only major Third World exporter of grains and ranks as the top net grain and oilseed exporter in Latin America. Accord- ing to the most recent USDA estimates for the current season, Argentine wheat, corn, and sorghum exports accounted for 7 percent, 10 percent, and 35 percent of global trade in these commodities (see appendix tables A-5 to A-8). Argentina's presence in the world soybean market has risen from virtually nothing in the early 1970s to its current share of 2.1 million tons, about 8 percent of global soybean exports. With increased processing capacity now on line, coupled with favorable prices-especially for soybean oil-Argentina is expected to export record tonnages this season of both meal and oil. Argentine sunflower seed oil and linseed oil exports are also substantial-accounting for about two-fifths and two-thirds of global exports in these commodities. In 1983/84 (July/June) Argentina exported a record 9.6 million tons of wheat-up 28 percent from the previous year. The Soviet Union, China, and Iran were the dominant markets, taking 80 percent of the total, but sales to smaller markets in Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia also showed considerable growth (see figure 3). Corn exports for 1983/84 (October/September) totaled 5.9 million tons, with Argentina ranking as the world's second- largest supplier after the United States. Major buyers were the USSR, Iran, and several countries in West- ern Europe and Latin America. In sorghum, Argenti- na rivals the United States as the leading supplier to the world market. Of the 4.8 million tons exported by Argentina in 1983/84 (October/September), Japan and the Soviet Union were the major markets, taking about 80 percent of total exports. Other markets were Spain, Taiwan, and South Korea. Likewise, Argenti- na's soybean exports are second only to the United States-with major sales going to Western Europe, the USSR, and Asia. Sunflower seed oil and linseed oil exports during 1983/84 totaled 0.7 and 0.2 million tons, respectively. Western Europe is the major mar- ket for both commodities. Argen- tina's main market goal in the 1980s is to recover and increase its share of the Latin American grain mar- ket. For example, Argentina's share of the 4- to 5- million-ton Brazilian wheat import market, the larg- est in Latin America, fell from more than 40 percent in the late 1970s to about 3 percent in the past three years. Argentina has largely ignored this area in recent years while trying to build premium priced sales to the Soviet Union in the wake of the US grain embargo to the Soviets. Wheat, corn, and sorghum exports to Latin America, for example, averaged only 1.4 million tons for the period 1980-83, compared with more than 2 million tons for the four-year period prior to the growth in Soviet sales. Soviet wheat, corn, and sorghum purchases during the 1980- 83 period, in contrast, averaged 10 million tons, compared with 1.6 million tons for the previous four- year period (see figure 3). Another goal is to develop markets for its grains in the Pacific region, which Argentine officials see as the main food growth market in the 1990s. Aside from established markets in Japan for sorghum and the recently expired long-term grain agreement with Chi- na, the Alfonsin regime has yet to make major inroads in this market-especially among the newly industrializing countries. In addition to recapturing Latin American grain trade and developing nontraditional markets, the Alfonsin regime has often stated its goal of reducing the high level of dependence on Soviet grain pur- chases. This dependence leaves Argentina vulnerable to increasing Soviet economic and political pressure. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Figure 3 Buyers Shares of Argentine Grain Exports, 1975-83 Latin America 41% Middle East 2%- Eastern Europe 4% Asia 8% Africa 11% Western Europe 14?/ ncen snot Western Europe 57% Eastern Europe 2%_ Middle East 2/ Africa 2%_ Asia 5%_ Latin America 13% Asia 57% Africa 1% Middle East 3%- Eastern Europe 9% Latin America 9% Western Europe 21% Soybeans Western Europe 87% Eastern Europe l%_ Middle East 1% USSR I%- Asia 4% Latin America 6% USSR 63% Africa 1% Western Europe 1% Middle East 7% Asia 13% Latin America 15%1. Asia 3% Africa 4% Latin Middle_ East 6% Middle East 2%_ Western Europe 5% Latin America 7% Asia 19% - Western Europe 44% Latin America 18% shipping channels, and expand port facilities. In re- sponse, the Alfonsin government has recently an- nounced that the state-owned railroads would limit the tariff on grain to 15 percent of the value of a producer's harvest. Furthermore, in early January, Rogue Carranza, Minister of Public Works and Services, informed the US Embassy that the Alfonsin government had decided to proceed with expansion of the Bahia Blanca port with World Bank financing and not accept a longstanding Soviet proposal for the project. According to Embassy reporting, the Argen- tine Government wants to proceed immediately with the first phase 2 of the project-initial construction is envisaged to begin in the September-December peri- od, when there is reduced grain traffic at the port- with a scheduled completion date by the end of 1986. The full project from engineering to completion will We believe prompt initiation of projects such as Bahia Blanca is essential. This will be a pivotal year for action as the interested parties put increasing pressure on the Alfonsin government to reach decisions and begin an array of infrastructure projects. Foot-drag- ging in making decisions on major infrastructure projects will certainly delay and may even prevent achievement of Buenos Aires's grain export goals. Sharpened Trade Opportunities The Alfonsin regime's call for a 50-percent increase in grain production to 60 million tons by the early 1990s is chiefly intended to provide significant growth in exports-from the current 20 million tons to a level of 35-40 million tons. Thus, Argentina will be butting 25X1 25X1 2 The initial stage of the port project calls for the following: deepening the access channel to the port to 12.2 meters; removal of an old steel pier, which restricts access to the primary grain-loading pier (no. 9); removal of a sunken hull and other obstacles to provide a waiting area near pier 9; deepening the water around pier 9 to 12.2 meters; improvement of pier 9 and its grain-handling facilities; and improvement of rail facilities at the port to speed unloading of 25X1 grain freight cars. The cost of this phase of the project is $33 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 heads with other major grain exporters who also have production expansion programs under way. Much will depend on the growth in world demand, especially for animal protein, over the next several years. Without good demand growth from LDCs and other countries, the major exporters will be forced to compete even more keenly for increasingly small incremental pur- New Marketing Policies and Programs Since taking office the Alfonsin administration has attempted to capitalize on Argentina's developing country status to establish rapport and trade prefer- ences with other Third World countries. The ap- proaches being taken include: ? Cutrate prices. In Chile's 1-million-ton wheat mar- ket, for example, Argentina has been selling wheat in recent months at US $131 per ton compared with US and Australian wheat at $154 and $162 per ton, f.o.b., respectively. In early December, according to Embassy reporting, Peru purchased 50,000 tons of Argentine wheat for US $117 per ton with 120-day credit at 9.75-percent interest for early January shipment. The closest US offer on the tender was $153, f.o.b. Gulf ports. ? New long-term agreements (LTAs). The Alfonsin regime recently signed a new LTA with Mexico for a minimum of 1 million tons of grain annually for five years. Buenos Aires also has standing LTAs for grains with a number of countries, including Algeria and Iran as well as the USSR. The National Grain Board (NGB), for example, recently announced a 1- million-ton wheat sale to Iran under their existing LTA. ? Larger trade credits. Argentina, in early 1984, negotiated-in-- crease trade credits with Cuba, increasing Havan- a's line of credits to purchase food products to $105 million, compared with $68 million in 1983. A recent report from the US Mission in Havana indicated that Argentine export credits to Cuba for 1984 total about $200 million. Trade credits are also financing grain sales to Bolivia, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. ? Increased countertrade. According to a trade re- port, Argentina's National Congress has passed legislation that directs the government "to foster ... the expansion of countertrade and other internation- al marketing modalities" as part of its international trade policy. According to US Embassy reporting, the regime has already been active in Eastern Europe, using this method to expand trade with Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania. ? Trade missions. The Alfonsin administration is sending more trade missions abroad and is inviting trade delegations from around the world to visit Argentina-seeking business with Mexico, Iran, Nicaragua, and Poland, among others. In early November, for example, Embassy reporting re- vealed that officials of the NGB would soon leave on a grain sales mission to the, India, and Czechoslovakia We believe Argentina will be able to sell increased volumes of grain successfully on world markets. Ac- cording to a recent press statement, Nestor Stancan- elli, a ranking official with the Ministry of Com- merce, stated that Argentina can and will undercut world prices to make market inroads in Latin Ameri- ca. Heightened marketing efforts in Latin America are already bearing fruit; wheat, corn, and sorghum exports for the first eight months of 1984 exceeded average exports to the region during 1980-83 by 1.5 million tons-largely because of renewed large wheat sales to Brazil and Peru. In contrast, while there is also some room for expansion in nontraditional mar- kets, such as the Middle East and Eastern Europe, we believe substantial increases in sales above current levels will be considerably more difficult because of limited demand growth potential in these markets. Following some initial successes during 1984, howev- er, we foresee Argentina encountering heightened competition from other major grain exporters-the United States, the EC, Canada, and Australia-in the years to come. The competition comes not only in the form of greater credit availability, but also in the freight advantages that these countries have in serving their traditional markets. US advantages in shipping 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 secret to most of the Caribbean basin and Mexico, the EC advantages in shipping to the Middle East, and Australian advantages in shipping to the Pacific region will be costly to offset. Moreover, Argentina's unreliability-because of variable crop sizes and qual- ity and its extensive labor and transport problems- will continue to place it at a disadvantage in garnering sales. Given constrained new market prospects in Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, we believe Argentina will continue to look to the Soviet Union as its principal grain market. Although Soviet grain imports are expected to reach record levels in the current marketing year, we estimate that, with a return to trend production, Moscow will need to import an average of only about 25-30 million tons through the end of the century. In addition, LTAs with other grain exporters and Moscow's desire to have diversified sources of grain will further limit Argentina's opportunities to expand grain exports to the USSR. Finally, Soviet dissatisfaction with the large trade deficit with Argentina is likely to hamper trade expansion. Grain represents the centerpiece in commercial deal- ings between Argentina and the Soviet Union. Mos- cow became a fairly steady customer for Argentine grain during the 1970s, emerged as Argentina's lead- ing buyer following the US grain embargo of 1980, and in 1981 entered into a long-term agreement to regularize its access to the Argentine grain market. The current LTA, which expires in December 1985, calls for minimum annual purchases of 4 million tons of corn and sorghum and 500,000 tons of soybeans. All wheat sales fall outside the agreement. In each year since the LTA was initiated, Moscow has pur- chased grain well in excess of the 4.5-million-ton minimum. As a result, grain imports from Argentina have accounted for some 20 to 30 percent of total Soviet grain imports over the last four years. For Argentina, sales to the USSR have accounted for about one-half of its annual grain exports over the last four years. Table 3 Argentina: Value of Trade With USSR, 1977-83 Exports Imports Net Exports 1979 415.3 30.7 384.6 1980 1,614.2 14.6 1,599.6 1981 2,963.2 32.4 2,930.8 1982 1,586.4 33.3 1,553.1 1983 1,604.7 32.7 1,572.0 Source: International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1984. Grain trade, in large part, accounts for Argentina's huge trade surplus with the Soviet Union. Exports averaged $1.9 billion annually for the period 1980-83 while imports averaged only $28 million. According to US Embassy reports, this trade imbalance has be- come a major focus of economic relations between the two countries. The Soviets for some time have been pressing first the military and more recently the Alfonsin government to increase imports of Soviet machinery, military hardware, hydroelectric equip- ment, nuclear material, and roadbuilding equipment to correct the imbalance (see table 3). The Soviets have recently placed particular emphasis on the ap- proaching turbine contract for the Piedra del Aquila hydroelectric scheme planned for Patagonia, in south- ern Argentina. Recent Strains In recent months, the Embassy has noted increasing concern in Buenos Aires that the Soviets may not buy the quantities of grain stipulated in the current LTA. This concern has been spurred by heightened Soviet purchases from the United States under terms of the new Soviet-US LTA signed last August (with mini- mum annual purchases of 9 million tons annually over the next five years) and a slowdown in exports from Argentina. According to press reports, Argentine Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 grain exports to the USSR for the first nine months of 1984 totaled 6.4 million tons, as compared with more than 9 million tons for all of 1983. In recent weeks the trade situation has brightened somewhat. According to grain trade analysts, total Soviet purchases of new-crop wheat for delivery dur- ing the first quarter of 1985 now stand at 2.8 million tons, roughly in line with purchase levels for the corresponding period last year. In addition, press accounts of the Eighth Soviet-Argentine Mixed Com- mission meeting held in Buenos Aires in early Novem- ber indicate that the Argentines are committed to increasing their purchases of Soviet goods in order to reduce the trade surplus. Soviet and Argentine talks in Buenos Aires in mid-January concerning the current LTA produced no apparent agreement. According to press reports, further discussions on the subject of a new LTA or an extension of the current one will take place in Moscow in June. Outlook While short-term issues between the Soviet Union and Argentina are likely to continue to be relatively contentious, prospects for the long term appear to present incentives for both sides to seek accommoda- tion in their economic relations. Soviet Perspective Moscow apparently puts a relatively high store on keeping Argentina as a reliable long-term supplier, but grain traders report that the Soviets have grown increasingly impatient with Argentina concerning the large trade imbalance and persistent grain shipping delays. The Soviet Union is now in a better negotiat- ing position because of the current worldwide grain glut, soft grain prices, the new five-year US grain agreement, and the emergence of the EC as an alternative source of wheat supplies (see appendix table A-5). While using this perceived leverage to extract concessions from Argentina, the Soviets will, we expect, renew the LTA when the current one expires in December 1985 because of the economic interdependence that has grown up over the past several years between the two countries and the long- term strategy of the Soviets to main in div rse sources of grain. Argentine Perspective The Argentine economy has benefited greatly from the trade relationship that has evolved since 1980 with the Soviet Union. Both the military and now the Alfonsin government are well aware of the economic significance of the current LTA with the Soviets. Despite a general reluctance to buy Soviet goods, Argentina has attempted to respond to Soviet de- mands that the trade deficit be reduced. This is reflected in recent agreements to purchase Soviet trolley cars for the city of Mendoza and hydroelectric equipment and in the institution last year of weekly Aeroflot flight service to Buenos Aires. In spite of these concessions, we believe the Alfonsin government shares the nationalism and deeply rooted anti-Communist views of the military and the Peron- ists and their suspicions of Moscow's intentions in Argentina and in Latin America in general. As a result, we foresee Alfonsin's continuing his wariness toward Soviet penetration of the economy. Nevertheless, Alfonsin is likely to be cautiously re- sponsive where possible in order to protect Argen- tina's share of the Soviet grain import market. This is especially so now, with Soviet grain imports expected by USDA to reach a record 50 million tons during the current grain marketing year, July 1984/June 1985 (see table 4). With current Soviet pressures and heightened competition from other grain exporters, Alfonsin may well become amenable to Soviet com- mercial proposals in order to satisfy Moscow's de- mands for increased imports. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 secret Table 4 USSR: Imports of Wheat and Coarse Grains From Argentina, 1977/78-1984/85 a Wheat Corn Sorghum Total Argentina Total Grains, All Sources Imports From Argentina as Percent of Total 1979/80 2.0 3.1 5.1 30.4 16.8 1980/81 3.0 8.2 11.2 34.0 32.9 1981/82 3.1 10.2 13.3 45.0 29.6 a July/June. b Less than 50,000 tons. c Estimate. Outlook and Implications While we believe that Buenos Aires is likely to achieve a significant expansion in grain production and exports by the early 1990s, the goal of 60 million tons is probably beyond reach. In any case, major infrastructure improvements must be started in 1985 and a consistent set of policies established to provide farmers with incentives to grow more grain and to produce less beef on prime Pampas land. Despite a general sense of optimism within the country, Alfon- sin faces several significant economic problems-the huge debt and hyperinflation-as well as potential political problems that could derail his grain program. We believe the largest stumblingblock could well be the political environment. As a result of the elections in 1983, optimism concerning Argentina's political future appears stronger than at any time in the recent past. According to some political analysts, the major- ity support given to Alfonsin and the Radical Civic Union Party provides the foundation for a democratic two-party system within which governments could change through orderly elections, thus establishing a more stable political environment. Alfonsin's triumph has created high expectations and generated consider- able enthusiasm even among traditional opponents- an aura that is critical to attracting large amounts of investment capital. At the same time, however, he has inherited a legacy of contentious, seemingly intracta- ble problems that make governing Argentina difficult, especially in the near term. The recent agreement with the International Mone- tary Fund (IMF) appears to be a solid step in the right direction because it enables Argentina to get $7 billion in IMF, commercial bank, and government loans to help put its economy on a sounder footing. Nevertheless, the austerity measures implicit in the agreement could cause serious political discord, par- ticularly among urban labor. While urban labor will play a leading role in the ultimate success or failure of the regime, much of Alfonsin's longer term success depends on how well he can inspire farmers to believe in the viability of his goals and the ultimate monetary returns that would flow back to them if they are willing to invest-with the government's help-in grain agriculture. To quote one progressive Argentine Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Table 5 Argentina: Trade With the United States, 1977-83 Exports Imports Net Exports 1977 396.8 781.5 _ -384.7 1978 551.1 712.4 -161.3 1979 582.3 1,414.7 -832.4 1980 717.6 2,380.4 -1,662.8 1981 863.5 2,093.7 -1,230.2 1982 1,022.1 1,177.1 -155.0 1983 737.4 940.5 -203.1 Source: International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statis- tics Yearbook, 1984. In world grain markets, on the other hand, successful export expansion by Argentina would add significant pressure to an area already marked by fierce competi- tion and soft prices. We expect Argentine-US compe- tition for grain sales to be most intense in the 20- million-ton Latin American market. US agricultural exports to Latin America, according to Bureau of the Census data, were valued at $5.2 billion in 1983, representing 14 percent of global US agricultural exports. This important market, especially for grains, will be increasingly fought over as Argentina's aggres- sive marketing tactics in Brazil and Peru have already shown this year. To be successful on a large scale in this market, however, Argentina will have to over- come the advantages the United States has through its grain credit guarantee programs and its reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality grain. farmer in the heart of the Pampas, "In five years the animals will be gone-it's our destiny to become a great grain producer." If Buenos Aires is successful in its grain export drive, it would give Argentina a much better chance of meeting its foreign debt obligations. For the United States, this would ease the precarious financial situa- tion of US banks with large loan portfolios in Argenti- na. An economically healthier Argentina would also provide an opportunity for an expansion in US as well as non-US manufactured exports to Argentina. Be- cause of its financial situation, Argentina has sharply cut back imports. Imports from the United States in 1983, for example, dipped to under $1 billion for the first time in five years (see table 5). We do not believe Argentina has a good alternative to grains for increasing export earnings by as much as $2-3 billion. While the United States might well benefit from reduced competition from Argentina in Latin American grain markets, it would have to continue to deal with an Argentina characterized by lingering economic and political instability. Failure on the grain front would greatly reduce the chances that Argentina could maintain the foundation for the democratic two-party system established by Alfonsin. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 3ecrer Appendix A Grain Production, Trade, and Price Tables Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Table A-1 World Wheat Production, 1980/81-1984/85- World total 442.7 448.6 478.6 489.4 509.5 Argentina 7.8 8.3 14.5 12.3 12.5 Australia 10.9 16.4 8.9 21.9 17.5 Canada 19.2 24.8 26.8 26.6 21.2 China 55.2 59.6 68.4 81.4 85.5 Eastern Europe 34.6 30.6 34.7 35.4 39.8 EC Ten 55.1 54.4 59.8 59.3 75.7 India 31.8 36.3 37.5 42.8 45.1 USSR 98.2 80.0 86.0 78.0 75.0 United States 64.8 75.8 75.3 65.9 70.6 Others 65.1 62.4 66.7 65.8 66.6 a July/June. b Estimate. Table A-2 World Corn Production, 1980/81-1984/858 Brazil 22.6 22.9 19.5 21.0 21.5 China 62.6 59.2 60.3 68.2 72.5 Eastern Europe 29.7 32.2 36.3 33.7 32.7 EC Ten 17.5 18.4 19.8 19.6 19.4 Thailand 3.2 4.3 3.4 4.0 4.5 USSR 9.5 8.0 13.5 16.5 12.1 United States 168.6 206.2 209.2 105.8 191.2 Others 55.2 57.2 55.5 57.8 58.9 a October/September. b Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Table A-3 World Sorghum Production, 1980/81-1984/85 a 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85b Argentina 7.1 8.0 8.0 7.2 7.0 Nigeria 4.3 3.2 4.1 2.7 3.7 a October/September. b Estimate. Table A-4 World Soybean Production, 1980/81-1984/85 a a October/September. 6 Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Table A-5 World Trade in Wheat, 1980/81-1984/85 a 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85b United States 41.9 48.8 39.9 38.9 41.5 Others 6.0 4.0 6.1 5.3 7.6 World total imports 94.1 101.3 98.5 103.2 107.3 China 13.8 13.2 13.0 9.6 10.0 Eastern Europe 5.9 6.3 4.6 4.1 3.2 EC Ten 4.5 4.7 4.0 3.6 2.7 USSR Others a July/June. b Estimate. Table A-6 World Trade in Corn, 1980/81-1984/85 a World total exports 78.5 67.9 64.2 59.9 66.8 Argentina 9.0 4.9 6.4 5.9 7.0 South Africa 3.9 4.7 2.3 0.1 0.1 Others 3.7 5.0 5.8 3.5 5.2 World total imports 78.5 67.9 64.2 59.9 66.8 China 0.8 1.2 2.4 0.1 0.3 13.9 13.3 14.5 14.5 14.4 2.3 2.8 3.9 3.4 3.2 3.8 0.6 4.0 2.8 2.6 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 a October/September. b Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Table A-7 World Trade in Grain Sorghum, 1980/81-1984/85 a a October/September. b Estimate. 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85b Table A-8 World Trade in Soybeans, 1980/81-1984/85 a a October/September. b Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Table A-9 Latin American Imports of Major Grains, 1981-83 Commodity Imports Commodity Imports by Country by Country 1981 1 982 1983 1981 1982 1983 Total 23,270 1 8,052 24,294 Wheat (including flour 11,120 1 0,231 10,541 Sorghum 2,789 1,478 3,304 in wheat equivalent) Mexico 2,789 1,478 3,304 Mexico 1,128 398 423 Soybeans 2,190 2,054 1,142 Cuba 1,250 1,270 1,300 Mexico 1,110 518 894 Dominican Republic 175 160 200 Dominican Republic 32 23 30 Haiti 173 155 158 Haiti 23 70 50 Jamaica 190 175 180 Jamaica 65 62 72 Trinidad and Tobago 125 105 110 Brazil 900 1,300 33 Costa Rica 87 100 115 Peru 10 2 8 El Salvador 126 100 119 Venezuela 50 79 55 Guatemala 110 104 125 d H 78 81 70 on uras Nicaragua 63 57 50 Panama 62 59 62 Cuba 85 90 85 Brazil 4,360 4,170 4,100 Dominican Republic 50 55 58 Colombia 334 564 531 Chile 43 43 50 Chile 1,041 992 1,158 Peru 47 47 30 927 968 972 Venezuela 414 500 475 Peru Venezuela 891 773 868 Corn 6,023 2,988 8,068 Mexico 3,065 233 4,687 Dominican Republic 30 34 35 Cuba 525 410 405 Bolivia 27 0 0 Dominican Republic 180 165 255 Chile 76 75 85 Jamaica 175 150 170 Colombia 98 126 90 Trinidad and Tobago 115 120 125 Ecuador 40 40 48 570 0 500 Peru 61 69 86 Brazil Chile 315 397 144 Peru 344 480 402 Venezuela 734 1,033 1,380 Secret 22 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 secret Table A-10 Argentina: Wheat Trends, 1970/71-1984/85 a Area Harvested (million hectares) Yield (million metric tons per hectare) Production (million metric tons) Exports (million metric tons) Exports as Percent of Production 1982/83 7.32 1.98 14.50 9.90 68 1983/84 6.88 1.79 12.30 7.90 64 1984/85 b 5.90 2.12 12.50 8.00 64 a December/November. Source: USDA, January 1985. b Estimate. Table A-11 Argentina: Corn Trends, 1971/72-1985/86a Area Harvested (million hectares) Yield (million metric tons per hectare) Production (million metric tons) Exports (million metric tons) Exports as Percent of Production 1971/72 4.07 2.44 9.93 6.44 65 1973/74 3.57 2.52 9.00 4.70 52 1974/75 3.49 2.84 9.90 5.72 58 1975/76 3.07 2.51 7.70 3.49 45 1980/81 2.49 2.57 6.40 3.42 53 1981/82 3.39 3.80 12.90 9.10 71 1982/83 3.17 3.03 9.60 5.77 60 1983/84 2.97 3.03 9.00 6.06 67 a March/February. Source: USDA, January 1985. b Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Table A-12 Argentina: Grain Sorghum Trends, 1970/71-1985/86 Area Harvested (million hectares) Yield (million metric tons per hectare) Production (million metric tons) Exports (million metric tons) Exports as Percent of Production 1970/71 1.87 2.04 3.82 1.99 52 1971/72 2.24 2.09 4.66 2.34 50 1972/73 1.42 1.66 2.36 0.51 22 1973/74 2.13 2.16 4.60 2.28 50 1974/75 2.32 2.54 5.90 2.95 50 1975/76 1.94 2.49 4.83 2.34 48 1976/77 1.83 2.76 5.06 3.43 68 1977/78 2.38 2.78 6.60 4.12 62 1978/79 2.25 3.19 7.20 4.65 65 1979/80 2.12 3.07 6.50 3.76 58 1980/81 1.28 2.31 2.96 1.49 50 1981/82 2.10 3.38 7.10 4.94 70 1982/83 2.51 3.19 8.00 5.54 69 1983/84 2.52 3.18 8.00 5.20 65 1984/85 2.37 3.10 7.35 4.20 57 1985/86 b 2.20 3.18 7.00 4.30 61 a March/February. b Estimate. Secret 24 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 OVIU I Table A-13 Argentina: Soybeans and Products Trends, 1970/71-1985/86a Area Harvested (million Yield (million metric Soybean Production Soybean Crush (million metric Exports hectares) tons per hectare) (million metric tons tons) Soybeans (million metric tons) Soybean Meal (million metric tons) Soybean Oil (million metric tons) 1971/72 0.04 1.64 0.06 b 1972/73 0.07 1.15 0.08 b 1973/74 0.16 1.73 0.27 0.20 1974/75 0.34 1.44 0.50 0.28 0.01 0.03 1975/76 0.36 1.36 0.49 0.53 0.20 0.02 1976/77 0.43 1.60 0.69 0.50 0.11 0.25 0.07 1977/78 0.66 2.12 1.40 0.59 0.62 0.33 0.06 1978/79 1.25 2.16 2.70 0.69 1.97 0.37 0.06 1979/80 1.60 2.31 3.70 0.64 2.78 0.26 0.10 1980/81 2.03 1.77 3.60 0.72 2.73 0.28 0.09 1981/82 1.74 2.01 3.50 1.08 2.19 0.59 0.08 1982/83 1.99 2.09 4.15 1.91 2.15 1.21 0.22 1983/84 2.28 1.75 4.00 2.37 1.35 1.75 0.30 1984/85 2.68 2.31 6.20 3.00 3.10 2.05 0.41 1985/86 c 2.95 2.03 6.00 3.70 2.00 2.56 0.53 a April/March. b Less than 50,000 tons. c Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Table A-14 Argentina: Sunflower Seed Trends, 1973/74-1985/86 a Area Harvested Yield (million metric Sunflower Seed Production Sunflower Seed Crush (million Exports tons per hectare) (million metric tons) metric tons) Sunflower Seed (million metric tons) Sunflower Seed Meal (million metric tons) Sunflower Seed Oil (million metric tons) 1973/74 1.34 0.66 0.88 0.97 0.29 0.01 1974/75 1.19 0.82 0.97 0.97 0.22 b 1975/76 1.00 0.73 0.73 0.60 0.21 b 1976/77 1.26 0.86 1.09 0.94 0.30 b 1977/78 1.23 0.73 0.90 1.09 0.41 0.13 1978/79 2.00 0.80 1.60 1.19 0.20 0.48 0.16 1979/80 1.56 0.92 1.43 1.48 b 0.56 0.24 1980/81 1.86 0.89 1.65 1.65 b 0.59 0.30 1981/82 1.28 0.98 1.26 1.201 0.03 0.47 0.21 1982/83 1.67 1.19 1.98 1.839 0.02 0.47 0.44 1983/84 1.90 1.21 2.30 2.304 b 0.97 0.66 1984/85 1.99 1.11 2.20 2.050 0.15 0.85 0.57 1985/86 c 2.30 1.17 2.70 2.400 0.25 0.99 0.69 a March/February. b Less than 50,000 tons. c Estimate. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Table A-15 Representative Grain and Oilseed Prices, 1970-84 Wheat a Corn b Sorghum c Soybeans d Soybean Meal e Soybean Oil r Sunflower Seed g 1976 123 112 105 231 198 438 581 1977 99 95 88 280 230 575 639 1984 140 136 118 282 201 724 766 1985h 142 125 113 257 191 627 659 a Wheat, US No. 1 Soft Red Winter, f.o.b. Gulf ports. b Corn, US No. 2 Yellow, f.o.b. Gulf ports. Sorghum, US No. 2 Yellow, f.o.b. Gulf ports. d Soybeans, US c.i.f., Rotterdam. e Soybean meal, 44 percent, US c.i.f. Rotterdam. f 'Soybean oil, crude, Dutch, f.o.b. Ex-Mill. g Sunflower seed oil, any origin, Ex-Tank Rotterdam. h Chase forecast as of 24 January 1984. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 secret Appendix B Government Role in the Grain Sector 3 Throughout the 19th century the Argentine grain economy evolved with relatively little government control. Landed oligarchies supplied increasing grain surpluses-more than 8 million tons of wheat and corn annually during the mid-1930s-which were channeled through an export-oriented marketing sys- tem created by private multinational and national grain firms. By the mid-1930s Argentina was the world's largest grain-exporting country, accounting for 23 percent and 61 percent of global wheat and corn exports, respectively, for the period 1934-38.F- The laissez faire policies toward the grain sector began to change in the 1930s as the depression brought about the establishment of the National Grain Board (NGB). The NGB was given some control over export sales and had the authority to fix minimum prices for wheat and corn. A price support system was developed at that time, but, because supports were set at relatively low levels, only occa- sional intervention by the Board was required through 1940. During World War II the NGB became more predominant, purchasing a high proportion of all grain crops, although private exporters could still acquire grain either on the domestic market or from the NGB. By 1947 Peron had tightened the government's grip on grain exports by establishing the Argentine Insti- tute of Promotion and Trade (IAPI). The IAPI for- malized the government's monopoly over the grain trade with the express purpose of raising money for industrialization. During the life of the Peron regime, most of the nation's storage, railroad, and port facili- ties were nationalized. The private sector-grain mer- chants, brokers, and farmer cooperatives-acted pri- marily as commissioned agents for the IAPI. Farms, however, were left in private hands, and land use and 25X1 production decisions continued to be made by grain producers. for corn. Peron's domestic grain price policies-which sought to maintain low food prices in order to appease his urban labor power base-ultimately discouraged farm output. In the face of unattractive prices, farmers spread their risk by allocating their land to a mix of grain, oilseeds, and livestock. They kept costs down by minimizing the use of inputs such as fertilizer and the modern agronomic methods that were being devel- oped in North America and elsewhere. The result was a significant drop in grain production and exports. For the period 1951-55, annual wheat and corn exports dropped to 2.3 million tons and 916,000 tons, respec- 25X1 tively. Argentina's share of world grain exports fell dramatically to 10 percent for wheat and 19 percent First Peron Government (1946-55) Upon taking power in 1946, the government of Juan Peron sought to shift the economy away from a lopsided emphasis on agricultural exports by fostering industrialization. Peron sought to finance the industri- alization of Argentina with proceeds from agricultur- al exports, and this meant getting control of the grain trade 'This review was developed from the following books and articles: "Argentina and Democracy" by Edward Schumacher, Foreign Affairs, Summer 1984; Argentina Agriculture: Trends in Produc- tion and World Competition by John N. Smith, US Department of Agriculture, 1968; Grain Production and Marketing in Argentina, US Department of Agriculture, FAS-M222, 1970; Merchants of Grain by Dan Morgan, Viking Press, 1979; Latin America-A Concise Interpretive History by E. Bradford Burns, Prentice Hall Press, 2nd Edition, 1977; Argentine Agricultural Policies in the Grain and Oilseed Sectors by Myles Miekle, US Department of Agriculture, ERS-206,1984. Post-Peron Period (1955-73) This 18-year period was characterized by a relaxation of government regulation of the grain sector. Never- theless, ownership of most of the port facilities and the railroads remained under government control, as they 25X1 do today. Despite higher purchase prices, grain pro- duction did not really begin to expand again until about 1959, reflecting lingering political instability during this period. The major government policy initiative during the period was the setting of mini- mum support prices for each grain. In contrast to the Peron era, the NGB was obligated to purchase grain only at the support price. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Second Peron Government (1973-76) As the Peronists sought to reestablish their former control over the economy, the country witnessed one of its worst political and economic crises-with a rise in terrorism, recordbreaking inflation of 335 percent in 1975, a large trade deficit, a slide in the commer- cial exchange rate, and, because of the rise in oil prices, a large trade deficit. By March 1976, inflation had hit an annual rate of 1,000 percent, and, with the government clearly out of control, the military stepped in During the 1973-76 period, private traders were again reduced to mere agents of the NGB-which offered weekly tenders to international grain traders to han- dle grain for export. Producers were required to sell their grain to the NGB at fixed prices, and brokers received commissions of 1.25 percent for handling the movement of grains from country elevators to proces- sors and port terminals. Heightened foreign demand and good world grain prices, coupled with generally good weather, however, fostered a certain degree of stability in grain production and exports. Neverthe- less, farmers, like their urban countrymen, were dev- astated by the hyperinflation Military Regimes (1976-83) The military took over from the faltering Peronist government with a mandate to end terrorism and right the economy by reinstating the free enterprise system. In the grain sector trading was returned to a free market orientation. While the NGB still retained the power to buy and sell grain, it competed with national and international traders, who were permit- ted to operate freely within the economy. As an incentive to farmers to expand grain production, export taxes were slashed. In April 1976 the export tax on soybeans was reduced from 42 percent to 10 percent. In August of the same year the export tax on wheat was reduced from 40 percent to 10 percent. Later in 1976 the export tax was removed on wheat and lowered from 50 percent to 10 percent on corn and sorghum. In addition, producer price supports were raised, and credit for expanding and improving grain storage was provided. In 1979 the government began to sell grain elevators to the private sector, giving first choice to private Argentine cooperatives. By 1981 the government began to encourage private grain companies to invest in their own grain elevators and port-handling facilities. Also during 1981 the peso underwent massive devaluations, making Argen- tine agricultural exports more competitive while at the same time limiting the attractiveness of imports. The government also negotiated several long-term agreements (LTAs) for grains, guaranteeing a custom- er base for expanded production. The grain sector responded to Buenos Aires's initiatives by an explo- sion in productivity. Wheat, corn, sorghum, and soy- bean exports, for example, jumped by almost three- fourths from 13.0 million tons in 1976/77 to 22.6 million tons in 1983/84 (see tables, appendix A) While the expansion in grain output and exports represents perhaps the brightest economic success of the eight-year military rule, it also introduced crip- pling distortions into the economy. For example, the initial policies of lowering or removing import duties, coupled with a strongly overvalued exchange rate, allowed farmers to buy increasing quantities of im- ported farm equipment and consumer goods at drasti- cally reduced prices. While the overvalued exchange rate prior to 1981 created a boom, imports became so cheap that local industry began to collapse. Concomi- tantly, while agriculture productively expanded with the increased use of yield-improving inputs, farmers, tempted by cheap money, went deeply into debt. Increasing debt also characterized other segments of the economy. The military government had gambled that it could solve inflation largely through monetary policies. However, these policies were not matched by fiscal restraint, and the economy plunged into recession, with skyrocketing inflation and unemployment. The government bought out much of the private debt through exchange guarantees financed largely by foreign loans. Moreover, the government itself needed a higher level of loans in part because of the huge loss of revenues from the reduction and elimination of export taxes. By the end of 1982, the public and private external debt stood at $42 billion, compared with $6.5 billion when the military took over in 1976. Given this serious economic situation, compounded by the Falklands war, considerable pressures were built up to return the government to civilian control- under either Peronist or democratic rule. 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Secret Appendix C Land Use in the Pampas- Livestock Versus Grain Half of Argentina's land is natural grassland, largely devoted to extensive cattle operations. According to a recent World Bank study, natural grassland accounts for roughly 140 million hectares, or about six times the land devoted to grains and oilseeds (see table C-1). Within the major crop zones of the Pampas (the large treeless grassland in east-central Argentina), cattle production historically has been extremely important. USDA analysts estimate that, of Argentina's 59 million head of cattle in the late 1970s, about one-half were still being raised on the Pampas. The scale of cattle production on the Pampas is a reflection of the historic importance of beef for the Argentine economy as well as a manifestation of Argentina's history of political instability and high inflation. Farmers have responded to these uncertainties by adopting cultiva- tion practices that spread risks over alternative possi- bilities-including growing cattle on some of the world's richest agricultural land. The traditional mixed-farming system on the Pampas has been undergoing gradual change, which may accelerate in years to come. The World Bank has identified increases in the use of land for grazing in fringe areas adjacent to the Pampas. These areas are either too dry or too wet for crop farming. Tradition- ally, cattle have been brought to marketable weight in Argentina by allowing them to graze on planted forage crops-for example, alfalfa and white clover. Increasingly now, however, cattle are being fattened on improved permanent pastures-grasslands seeded with nitrogen-fixing legumes-on the extensive natu- ral grasslands on the periphery of the Pampas.' According to the World Bank study, forage crop acreage has dropped from 6.2 million hectares in 1970 to only 3.6 million hectares in 1981. Grazing of fallow ' Feed-lot techniques, such as those used in the United States, are not economical in Argentina. According to World Bank and USDA studies, feedlots are feasible only when grain prices are low relative to beef prices-in the range of 1:10 to 1:12. In Argentina, where both beef and feedgrains are exported, price ratios rarely exceed 1:6. Since grain-to-beef conversion ratios are normally 6:1 or higher, there is no economic gain from feeding grain to cattle. Argentine farmers, then, have been better off selling grain to the market and seeking optimal grazing regimes. This situation is not Table C-1 Argentina: Land Area by Principal Use, 1960/61-1981/82 Land Use 1960/61 Increase Percent 1981/82 Total continental land area Unusable land for agriculture Improved permanent pastures Annual and permanent crops Oilseed crops Other crops 279.2 279.2 49.5 50.0 1 9.8 15.0 53 2.6 4.8- 85 2.2 1.6 -27 a Area planted to grain and oilseed crops in the current season are estimated at 15.5 million and 6.9 million hectares, respectively. Source: Adapted from World Bank and Argentina's National Rural Economic and Sociological Service (SNESR) data. and stubble lands on the Pampas, which traditionally has played an important role in the Argentine live- stock economy, is also shrinking. This trend has developed mainly as a byproduct of intensified crop production-expansion of double cropping-85 per- cent of soybean land is now double cropped with wheat. World Bank analysts indicate that this is contributing to an exodus of cattle from the main crop areas of the Pampas to areas less suitable for crop- ping. The trend away from cattle grazing on the Pampas and toward greater intensification of grain cropping is likely to accelerate with better incentives to grow grain and the declining foreign markets for Argentine beef exports. Argentina's beef exports for 1984 are Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 estimated at only 270,000 tons, the lowest level since 1975. The downturn largely reflects loss of competi- tiveness of Argentine meatpackers in export markets vis-a-vis the European Community-formerly a large import market-and Brazil. In addition, because of protectionist measures against hoof-and-mouth dis- ease, Argentina has lost fresh beef markets in many developed countries and has had to turn increasingly to processed meat exports. Processed meat production is a high-cost endeavor for Argentina, but can utilize lower quality beef. This trend, along with the fact that residual markets in developing countries are largely based on price markets, point to increasing emphasis on lower quality beef production. This outlook would appear to reinforce the trend away from producing high-quality beef, fattened on rich Pampa lands, and toward increased production of lower quality beef on the fringes of the Pampas. The extent of the transition and its rapidity will, of course, depend on relative prices and on a perception by Pampas farmers that the risks of switching from mixed farming to grain as the principal form of land use have been greatly reduced. Secret 32 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Appendix D Condition of the Infrastructure Argentine farmers typically deliver their production to country elevators by truck for grading and sale. Limited on-farm bulk storage-currently estimated by USDA at about 5 million tons-and a desire on the part of farmers to acquire ready cash have generally resulted in a rapid flow of grain to country elevators and into the main grain ports at harvest- time. Wheat is the first to arrive (December), then corn and sunflower seed (March), and sorghum and soybeans (April). Wheat and other winter grains usually do not require drying; therefore, most of the bulk storage facilities on farms are used for these crops. About 70 to 80 percent of the summer crops- mainly corn, sorghum, and soybeans-require some drying, which is usually done at off-farm facilities. and the transfer of grain from elevators to ships. Rail- cars entering port terminals are often used for residu- al storage, resulting in further backups and inefficien- According to a recent USDA study, 80 to 90 percent of the grain marketed in Argentina is handled by registered merchants and cooperatives that operate country elevators. Annually, these internal marketing facilities handle about 20 million tons of grain- providing grading, cleaning, drying, and fumigating services. As with grain production, the bulk of country elevators are concentrated on the Pampas (see figure 4). According to USDA, country elevator storage capacity increased 15 percent from the mid-1970s to about 11.6 million tons in the early 1980s. Ownership of these facilities is mainly in private hands-10.5 million tons versus 1.1 million tons owned by the National Grain Board (NGB). Typically, the NGB leases its facilities to private merchants. According to the NGB, there is currently only 4 million tons of bulk grain storage capacity at port facilities around the country, most of it operated by various government departments. There are 23 major port grain elevators, but they average only 47,000 tons each, compared with an average of 133,000 tons in the United States. The shortage of port storage capacity hampers the efficient receipt of grain at ports cies in the overall grain transportation system. Aside from the physical storage capacity restrictions, the volume of grain handled is limited by the short workweek at port elevators-only 114 hours, com- pared with the rail system, which funnels grain into the port 24 hours per day, seven days a week. From country elevators, grain moves to port terminals via truck, rail, and barge. According to the NGB, 25X1 trucks and rail accounted for 58 percent and 40 percent, respectively, of the total grain transported to ports in the late 1970s. Since about two-thirds of exportable grain surpluses are produced within 240 km of ports, the trucking industry has evolved as a major component of the marketing system for grains. Nevertheless, trucks in Argentina operate at a high cost, in part reflecting the expensive maintenance necessitated by the poor condition of many rural roads. In addition, costs are high because of the limited use of each truck. According to a recent USDA study, trucks in Argentina used mainly for hauling grain average less than 100,000 km annually, compared with more than 250,000 km for trucks in the United States. Argentina's rail network-totaling 32,200 km- annually transports about 10-12 million tons of grain (see figure 4). Although rail transportation is general- 25X1 ly cheaper than trucking, it is often slower because of structural and equipment problems of the rail system. Railways in Argentina were built specifically for the movement of commodities from the farmer and coun- try elevator to the nearest port, but their operational efficiency is reduced by the fact that three different Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Figure 4 Major Grain Ports and Transportation Network COMM 'Rivadavia Villa Con rtucii n (W-Wi ft is de san w carES los Arr yos de.los x],roroa -IM mallo ~. say San,Pedro P~d ~' OR .... i, Punra OA+edaaas Grain port Existing Under consideration Railroad Broad gauge (1.676 meters) Standard gauge(t.asa meters) Meter gauge (1.0 meter) H,/EEE#1F29F ~ -~-~- lEt Rio ?S tfe AIRES 1a data La Plata 7Tres 1uo Arroyos Becocfi VIar doiPtate Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret gauges of track exist in the system. This limits switching of railcars and prevents easy transfer of grain from one system to another. In addition, the condition of tracks is generally poor, and this has resulted in average operating speed of about 10 km per hour as well as frequent derailments. Efficiency is further reduced by the average boxcar capacity of only 45 to 50 tons, compared with 75 tons in the United States. A shortage of usable railcars also has been a perennial problem. According to a recent USDA study, the total fleet consists of about 12,200 cars, of which 85 percent can be used only on broad-gauge track (1.67 meters), 11 percent on standard gauge track (1.43 meters), and the remainder on 1-meter gauge lines (see figure 4). Only the standard gauge system has a high percentage of modern cars equipped for efficient grain handling. During harvest, country grain eleva- tors often encounter shortages to port. the shortages are not necessarily due to insufficient numbers of railcars, but more often because the cars are used for storage at ports during peak shipment periods. On top of the structural problems, the organization of the rail system results in perennial coordination prob- lems. Although the Government of Argentina nation- alized the railway system in 1946, the system consists of six different lines-Roca, Sarmiento, Mitre, San Martin, Urquiza, and Belgrano Railway Companies. The government has attempted to make the railroads more competitive with trucking through seasonal rate adjustments and discounts. Furthermore, demurrage is not charged for unloading delays since all railcars and most port elevators are owned by the government. Trucks, on the other hand, do incur demurrage charges and are given unloading preferences at termi- nals. This procedure results in considerable lengthen- ing of turnaround time for the rolling stock. The third component of Argentina's internal grain transportation system is the barge fleet. The main inland waterway is the Parana River, which leads from northern Argentina to the port of Rosario and other ports on the Rio de la Plata Estuary. While the Parana River is navigable for barges over much of its length, they have remained uncompetitive for grain transportation. According to USDA analysts, a gov- ernment regulation requiring a minimum number of laborers on board has tended to make barges more costly than they would otherwise be. Moreover, the fact that only a small volume of exportable grain is produced annually in areas not accessible to oceango- ing vessels limits barge use. Should grain production 25X1 expand northward, barges could become a more im- portant mode of grain transport. The Port System Because of Argentina's historic orientation as an export economy, most of its major truck routes and rail lines converge at the major ports (see figure 4). Argentina has several major grain-exporting ports: Bahia Blanca, on the Atlantic Ocean; Buenos Aires, 25X1 at the mouth of the Rio de la Plata Estuary; and 25X1 Rosario, upstream from Buenos Aires on the Parana River-as well as a number of minor ports (Quequen, 25X1 Mar del Plata, San Pedro, Ramallo, San Nicolas de los Arroyos, and Villa Constitucion). In addition to the shortage of grain-handling facili- ties, Argentina's grain export potential is limited by the physical conditions of its major ports. According to a World Bank study, the major problem is the shallow depth of the sea and river channel accesses to the ports and the water alongside loading piers. At Buenos Aires the depth alongside loading piers ranges between 9.4 and 10.7 meters, at Rosario between 7.9 and 9.1 meters, and at Bahia Blanca between 8 and 9 meters (see figure 5). Grain ships loading at Buenos Aires are restricted to 34,000 dwt, compared with the ships of 50,000 to 60,000 dwt with 12-meter drafts used in many countries' grain trade. Even the smaller ships must follow the slow process of loading 10,000 to 18,000 tons upriver at Rosario and then topping off at Buenos Aires or Bahia Blanca. Heavy rains often cause additional silting in the Parana River, further reducing navigability. 25X1 25X1 due to silting and lack of mainte- 25X1 nance dredging, the important manmade Mitre Chan- nel in the Parana River currently is only 7.5 meters deep, compared with its design capacity of 8.5 meters. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret These conditions, coupled with the seasonal peaks of grain flowing to port, invariably result in port conges- tion and extended shipping delays. Delays can be exacerbated by the frequent strikes that plague Ar- gentina, such as the Stevedores Federation strike during July 1983 and the tugboat crew strike in May 1984. Grain traders and shipping brokers have report- ed shipping delays of 20 to 30 days and sometimes longer in recent years, reflecting the above-mentioned problems. The Soviets have been particularly vocal in their complaints about port congestion and resulting demurrage costs. Repeatedly over the last three years, the Soviets have sent missions to Argentina to investi- gate the delays. According to US Embassy reporting, Eugene Shcherbakov, Soviet Minister of the Mari- time Fleet, on a visit to Argentina during 1984 expressed renewed concern over delays that affected grain shipments to the Soviet Union last season. Shcherbakov's publicly offered solution was a propos- al to redesign the port of Bahia Blanca so that ships of up to 100,000 dwt could operate there within two years. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Secret Table D-1 The Major Location and Background Aires This natural river port is located at the mouth of the Rio de La Plata Estuary and services the cen- tral part of the grain and oilseed produc- tion region. Mix of grains han- dled in recent years (in percentage terms): corn, 54; sor- ghum, 17; soybeans, 14; and wheat, 8. Due to its orientation toward summer crops, port activity is heaviest during the middle part of the calendar year (April- September). Served by excellent road system, which provides convenient access to southwest Buenos Aires Prov- ince and producing areas in the north- west and along the Rio de La Plata Estuary. Served by all six rail- way lines including the standard-gauge Urquiza line. Of the 2.38 million tons of grain entering the port in 1979, 62 percent entered by rail, 36 percent by truck, and 1 percent by barge. Truck receiving ca- pacity: two old hoist units, 1,000 tons per hour, and two new platform scales, 600 tons per hour. Rail receiving equip- ment: 16 hoppers and four conveyors, 500 tons per hour each. One large concrete grain elevator with a total storage capaci- ty of 170,000 tons. Ship loadout capaci- ty: four old convey- ors with 450-tons- per-hour capacity each, two new con- veyors with 1,200- tons-per-hour capaci- ty each. Total ship loadout capacity 4.2 million tons per year. Port Characteristics Depth alongside loading piers-9.4 to 10.7 meters. Channel depth 7.9 to 9.1 meters. Grain-handling facil- ities include six 3-ton cranes, one tube with a 400-tons-per-hour loading rate. Height of grain-load- ing spouts; 19.6 meters. Shipping gallery berths three to five ships at a time. Operational Problems Road system leading into port good, al- though traffic jams tend to be a problem. Grain coming into the port area on the standard-gauge Ur- quiza line must be transferred to other gauge railcars before entering port termi- nal area. Grain arrivals at port sometimes exceed storage capacity (for example, grain cars often remain unload- ed for a week or longer). Delays in part reflect incongruity of the work hours for port elevators versus railroads. Port congestion in- creased by need for ships carrying grain from Rosario and other ports along the Parana River to be topped off at Buenos Aires. a Informatior including the Grain-Handl ment of Econ Raleigh, Nor System (Econ US Departm, views by anal Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86TOO586ROO0200150005-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/08: CIA-RDP86T00586R000200150005-8