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,, `1 Ap` ro ed For Release,1999/Q9/2 ': CIA-RDP86T006Q8R000200230001-5 '' ' ~,IAOBGI ,RP 75-~~ ,1uUyi 74 t= - ,~ ec ref 5ov~et ~,:~1.~ n~?n- P~u~shes Coristructi ~of ~ S'ec'd ~ :Tr~ans=Si.~. 4 Brian Rarl roO c~ Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 BGI RP 75-1 July 1974 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 NATIONAL SECURITY INFCRMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions Classified by 019641 Exempt from general declassification schedule of E.O. 11632, exemption category, ? 5E(1), (2), and (3) Automatically declasslfled on, Date Impossible to Delermins Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 The USSR has solicited Japanese assistance in construction of the eastern part of a second Trans-Siberian Railroad, Japanese reactions so far are negative -- reflecting the great cost, the difficulties and unknowns of construction, and tho belief that the natural resources offered in exchange would not be sufficient or timely enough to warrant the outlay. In addition, the political/strategic implications of an alternate trunkline are troublesome. Even so, the Japanese may be tempted to explore the matter further and may seriously consider participation in segments of the project on the chance that the USSR might want their help badly enough to agree to return the southern Kuril Islands. Japan would be re- sponsive to any show of US interest. A second Trans-Siberian railroad is a longstanding objective of the Soviet Government, with both economic and strategic benefits, and over the long haul it will probably be constructed with or without foreign assistance in spite of enormous engineering problems anticipated in the rugged mountainous terrain of East Siberia. Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Intelligence July 1.974 SOVIET UNION PUSHES CONSTRUCTION OF SECOND TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILROAD 1. In March 1974, Leonid Brezhnev proposed a major new project in the prolonged Soviet effort to induce Japanese participation in the development of Siberia. At a meeting with executive members of the Japanese-Soviet Economic Committee and other Japanese business leaders, he called for the construction of a railroad to connect the railhead at Ust'-Kut, on the Lena River, with the Pacific port of Sovetskaya Gavan'. The new line, traversing underdeveloped and sparsely settled regions of East Siberia and the Soviet Far East north of the existing Trans-Siberian Railroad, would be a substitute for the previously proposed oil pipeline from Irkutsk to Nakhodka. (See map following text.) Japan's part in the proposed construction scheme is the provision of 3 billion dollars, including technological assistance. In return the Japanese would be assured of 25 million tuns of Tyumen' crude oil annually after 1985. 2. From the Soviet point of view, a second Trans-Siberian railroad would fulfill vital economic and strategic goals. Although the vast new Siberian territories along the route are not suitable for extensive farming or manufacturing, the railroad would provide access to huge deposits of coal, iron ore, natural gas, oil, and timber. The 1iew line would also provide an alternate east-west route capable of alleviating the traffic congestion on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. More important than the economic aspect, however, is its strategic significance: it would provide the Soviet Union with an NOTE -- This memorandum was prepared by the Office of Basic and Geographic Intelligence and coordinated within the Directorate of Intellig ence. Connnents and questions may be directed to Code 143, Extension 2706. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 alternate supply line 150 to 805 kilometers (93-497 miles) north of the existing railroad in the event of future hostilities in the Far East. The vulnerability of the frontier-hugging Trans-Siberian is a longstanding concern of the Soviet Union. 3. The of a second Trans-Siberian railroad dates from 1930, when the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) approved construction of a railroad from Lake Baykal across the rugged mountainous terrain of East Siberia to the Amur River. This proposed railroad was known as the Baykal-Amur Magistral' or BAM. Surveying of the route was under way in 1934, and actual construction began in 1939. 4. The ambitiuu. project was interrupted by World War II, when labor -- both forced a!~d free -- was needed for other purposes. The war, however, renewed Soviet concern about the vulnerability of the Trans-Sir rian Railroad to enemy attack. It came as no surprise, therefire, that after the war the Soviet Union employed Japanese POW's to b'iild the eastern and western extremities of the Eaykal-Amur railroad. These com- pleted sections traversed relatively moderate terrain in the west, from Tayshet to Ust'-Kut, and in the Far East, from Duki to Komsomol'sk-na-Amure and Sovetskaya-Gavan'. The death of Stalin, the emergence of a temporarily friendly Communist China to the south, and the prospect of prohibitive costs in money, time, and labor, however, brought the BAM project to a halt in the late 1950's. Emphasis then shifted to the ex- ploitation of the virgin lands and of Western Siberia's sizable oil and gas resources. 5. 'Tokyo has reacted with caution to recent Soviet attempts to involve the Japanese in the development of Siberia, particularly in the construction of a second Trans-Siberian railroad. The Japanese question the potential of Siberian oil and coal resources to repay them for their involvement in the railrcad project. The Japanese Government is also keenly aware of the military and political advantages to the USSR of an alternate rail route to the Far East. This awareness has been heightened by Chinese concern that the new Trans-Siberian would serve as a military supply route in the event of China- USSR hostilities. Japan's reluctance to accept the costly rail proposal is also influenced by the lack of progress it has made Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 in peace negotiations Nith the USSR, including discussion of the return to Japan of four of the Kuril Islands, and by he still undetermined position ^f the United States toward m-ijor joint development projects in Siberia and the Soviet Far East. 6. The railroad currently proposed to the Japanese is in fact the eastern segment of a project to provide an a'Itr,r- nate route to the Trans-Siberian all the way from Surgut, in West Siberia, to the Pacific. Construction of the western segment probably will not be undertaken until the eastern is completed. Its lesser priority reflects the existence of an oil pipelirc! from Surgut to Tayshet, the construction of a second pipeline, and the relative security of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, which in that part of the USSR is located far from the Chinese border.*25X1 C 7. The eastern segment, currently referred to in news media as the Second Trans-Siberian Railroad, would probably extend some 2,350 kilometers (1460 miles) to connect the railhead at Ust'-Kut (oil and iron ore) with Nizhneangarsk, Muya, list'-Nyukzna (copper), Tyndinskiy (coal), Byssa, Urgal (coal), and NO, railhead of a line leading to Komsomol'sk-na-Amure and Sovetskaya Gavan'. The most probable alignment would closely follow the abandoned BAM project along river valleys and through difficult mountainous terrain. A less likely alternate would extend northeastward from Ust'-Kut down the Lena River to Ivanushkova, and then wind southeastward over extremely difficult mountainous terrain to Bodaybo, Chara, Ust'-Nyuk7ha, Chul'man, and ultimately to the Dugda River. The alternate alignment is 117 kilometers (73 miles) longer than the preferred alignment and crosses much more difficult terrain. Along either route construction would be impeded by unstable ground and by extensive area of permafrost. The projected alignment of the western segment begins in the Tywnen' oil and gas region. It runs from Surgut, on the Ob' Diver, for some 2,250 kilometers to the recently completed Ust'-_Tlimsl< hydroelectric complex on the Angara River. The railroad would mainly follow the valleys of the Ob', Ket', and Angara Rivers and would connect with the recently completed line from Ust'-IZimsk to Khrebtovaya and Ust'-Kut. Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200230001-5 SECRET 8. The alignment of the most probable route can be divided into seven sections: a. Unt'-Kiel. -- Ni :hnearularsk (Lake Bailkai) Sector length: 263 krn (1G3 nri,"les). IP'cltows valleys of the Lena, Niya, ICirenga, and Kuner'na Rivers. Be twcen t'lc Lcna and Kircnga I?ivers th line traverses the Leno-Angars/