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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Director of Information Services SUBJECT: OIS Weekly Report (20 - 26 March 1986) 1. *As reported last week, 164 cubic feet of OSS records were transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The material in this eleventh deposit increment covers 20 records control schedule items that include Washington Headquarters Radio and Cable Files; OSS Washington Miscellaneous Files; Office of the Director, OSS Coordinator of Information Files; OSS Research and Analysis Files; Department of State, Office of Research and Intelligence Files; and Washington OSS Communications Files. An additional 213 cubic feet of OSS records are now ready for transfer to NARA. 2. The Office of Information Services has prepared a memorandum for signature by the Deputy Director for Administration to Agency Deputy Directors and the Executive Secretary, Office of the DCI, informing them of upcoming Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) inspections in their areas. In a covering note, the Director of Information Services explained that, as in previous years, the inspections will concentrate on security education and training, Agency implementation of Executive Order 12356, and a review of documents to determine if they are properly classified and marked. The first inspection is scheduled for 16 April 1986 in the office of East Asian Analysis. 3. Information Resources Management Division (IRMD) representatives met with representatives from NARA to review the Agency's approach to developing records control schedules for machine-readable records. The NARA representatives were receptive, but more discussions will be necessary. IRMD has invited a cleared NARA appraiser to the Ames Building to review some of our completed records control schedule items. NARA has agreed to provide examples of approved items prepared by other agencies and some additional reference material on machine-readable records. ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 4. Annuitants continued their search for unaccounted Top Secret (TS) documents in the retired records holdings of the office of Development and Engineering. They went through 40 of the office's retired records deposits last week. IRMD continues to process the results of its review of some 15,000 retired TS collateral documents of a Directorate of Operations' component. It has been determined thus far that 647 documents were previously not recorded in TSCADS and 387 were previously unaccounted for. IRMD continues to incorporate the new data into TSCADS. 5. Representatives from IRMD met with representatives from the Information Management Staff, Directorate of Operations (DO/IMS), to discuss the disposition dates of temporary DO records held in the Agency Archives and Records Center (AARC). The discussion centered on DO requests to extend the disposition dates for records currently scheduled for destruction. DO/IMS will review all pending and future requests to ensure they are valid and fully justified. At a subsequent meeting, IRMD and DO representatives met to discuss the revised DO Records Control Schedule. Some changes will be necessary. In addition, the DO was asked to provide additional information concerning the volume and projected growth of its permanent records. 6. The FOIA backlog of initial requests continues to fall; it is now 1486. The backlog of requests in administrative appeal fell by two to 210, and the backlog of litigation cases remains at 75. IPD hopes the denial does not have to be repea a on a ee iy Uasis. r these and other interesting items, please refer to the attached IPD report. ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Chief, Information and Privacy Division, OIS SUBJECT: IPD/OIS Weekly Report (19 - 25 March 1986) 1. The Week in Review 19 - 25 March 1986 1986 Weekly Average a. New cases 103 61.0 b. Cases closed 118 74.0 c. New appeals logged 1 d. Appeals closed 3 e. Manpower (man-weeks) 92.8 2. Current Backlogs a. Initial requests - 1486 b. Requests in administrative appeal - 210 c. Requests in litigation - 75 3. Spotlighted Requests Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT IPD/CAS:sh____](26 March 1986) (FINAL) Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - DCI/DDCI/Executive Director 1 - DCI History Staff 1 - DDI 1 - DDO 1 - DDS&T 5 - OIS 1 - C/PAO 1 - Comptroller 1 - IG 1 - OGC 1 - OCA 1 - OP 1 - OL STAT 1 - C/IM 1 - DDO/IRO STAT 25 - DDO/IMS 1 - DDI/IRO 1 - DDA/IRO 1 - IC/IRO 1 - OTE/MAT 1 - OIS/LA 1 - IRG/OS 1 - IPD Subject 1 - IPD Chrono 1 - IPD Reading Board 1 - HGH ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 CONFIDENTIAL Acting Chief, Classification Review Division SUBJECT: CRD Weekly Report, 19-25 March 1986 1. C/CRD met with William Gibbons of the Congressional Research Staff, who is writing a history of the U.S. Government (executive and legislative) roles in the Vietnam War, 1945-75. Originally to be four volumes it is now up to five. Dr. Gibbons visited CRD offices on Monday, 24 March. 2. The Historical Review Program is having the fortuitous effect of aiding OIS in its search for lost CIA collateral top secret documents. CRD/HRB has come across numerous green-sheeted TS documents as well as documents carrying TS numbers but not green sheets. In the latter case, following IRMD instructions, CRD is filling ou new green sheets. All green sheets are being removed and turned in to IRMD if evant documents are either declassified or downgraded from Top Secret . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services Chief, Information Resources Management Division SUBJECT: IRMD Weekly Report (19 - 25 March 1986) 1. WORK IN PROGRESS a. TRIS Traininci. Chief Information Technology Branch, ITB, presented additional training in the use of Codeword/Collateral Document Control System (CDOCS) of TRIS to 40 students during the week of 17 March 1986. With the exception of the Office of Security and the Executive Registry, members of all registries currently using the system participated in the training. Overall, the training went well and accomplished its goals of providing more information about indexing techniques and stressing the importance of keyword retrieval and standardization. the CDOCS Data Base Administrator, will continue to monitor registry files in CDOCS to ensure the consistency of data input. b. ISOO Inspections.) (Information Management Branch, prepared a memorandum tor the Deputy Director for Administration's signature to the Deputy Directors and the Executive Secretary, Office of the DCI, advising them of upcoming Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) inspections in their areas. In a cover note, the Director of Information Services explained that, as in previous years, the inspections will concentrate on security education and training, Agency implementation of EO 12356, and a review of classified documents to determine if they are properly classified and marked. The first inspection is scheduled to take place in the Office of East Asian Analysis on 16 April. c. Machine-Readable Records. Chief, Information Management Branch, IMB, met with five representatives of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) at the National Archives Building to review our approach to developing records control schedule items for Agency computer systems. It was also intended to discuss NARA's guidelines relating to machine-readable records and to determine what other government agencies are doing in this area. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 The NARA representatives were receptive to the approach that we have taken in preparing schedule items for Agency computer systems. They were unable to answer all of our questions, but we will continue the dialogue and invited a cleared NARA appraiser to Ames Building to review some of our completed items. NARA agreed to forward some examples of approved schedule items from other agencies, provide some additional reference material on the subject of machine-readable record keeping, and supply a list of their cleared appraisers. Messrs. will schedule a meeting with the NARA appraiser to review some of our draft items. d. TS Documents. Limited progress was made this week in our efforts unaccounted for TS collateral documents. Annuitants, continued their review of the retired records holdings of the Office of Development and Engineering. They went through 40 of the office's retirement jobs last week, finding two TS documents that require followup research to determine their ownership. In addition, ICB continues to process the results of their review of some 15,000 TS collateral documents from the Information Management Staff. Thus far, analysis shows that 647 of these documents were not previously recorded in TSCADS and 387 were previously unaccounted for. Another annuitant, continued his search of the retired records of the Office o Scien ific and Weapons Research, but found no TS documents. and Information Control Branch, continued to process the information on documents found by the annuitants, incorporating the new data into TSCADS. In addition, Information Control Branch, recorded the destruction o some TS collateral documents and the transfer of others outside the CIA. She is also correcting information on documents in the TSCADS that was not properly recorded when new TSCADS came on line. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/ACTIVITIES IMB, met with and ociate Directorate Information Management Officer, and members of his staff to discuss the disposition dates of DO records held in the Agency Archives and Records Center. The discussion centered on several DO requests to extend the disposition dates for records currently scheduled for destruction. said that he and members of his staff would review all pending an future requests to ensure they are valid and fully justified. was advised that discussions will be held with the o er irec orate RMOs on this subject. At Messrs.) met with) Information Management Staff, DO, to discuss the revised DO Records Control Schedule. 2 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 was advised that IMB's initial review of the schedule was completed and that some changes were necessary. In addition, the DO would need to provide additional information concerning the volume and projected growth of permanent records. was receptive to the changes and said that appropriate action would be taken to deal with these issues. b. OSS Records. The eleventh increment of OSS records, consisting of 164 cubic feet, has been transferred to the National Archives and Records administration (NARA). The records cover 20 records schedule items including: The Washington Headquarters Radio and Cable Files; OSS Washington Miscellaneous Records; OSS Office of Director, COI/OSS Records; OSS R&A and Department of State ORI Records and the Washington OSS Communications Records. Another 213 cubic feet of OSS records are ready to be offered to NARA. (Please note that some of this information was reported in IRMD's weekly for the period 12-18 March 1986.) c. Records Center. Records Center personnel performed the following activities during the week: Made 32 additions, 65 changes, and 16 deletions. Jobs received/edited: 17. Jobs keyed: 16 consisting of 1,781 entries. Jobs completed: 15. Title searches: 9. Received 22 jobs totaling 152 cubic feet. Serviced 2,977 requests for records. Records Management Officer for the Office of Logistics, and 22 OL careerists were given a tour of the Center on 20 March. 3. SCHEDULED MEETINGS Chief, Information Control Branch, and ICB, will meet with Deputy Chief, IMS, and other IMS sta members to discuss the results o our search efforts in IMS, and procedures for conducting searches in other DO components. 3 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Chief, IRMD, Chief Archives and Records Center Branch, will brief Messrs. officials who oversee NSA's history an records management programs, on the activities operations f the Archives and Records Center. Messrs. will be given a tour of ' the facility and problems of records disposition for will be discussed. 4 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Chief, Regulatory Policy Division, OIS SUBJECT: Regulatory Policy Division Activities - 17 - 24 March 1986 1. RPD is currently processing 112 jobs, down slightly from last week's 115. 2. Received and fully processed for publication was OL's jawbreaker, 3. Processed on a priority basis following receipt from OP was EB No. 1358, Update on Potential Tax Changes to Federal Annuities. The bulletin received expeditious handling as part of OP's efforts to keep Agency employees informed of devglonments oncerning retirement legislation pending in Congress. 4. The rocessin of has required that RPD serve as broker between the initiator (OS) and OIT, in order to ensure that the latter's views are considered in further revision of the proposal. Following considerable review and editing, similar efforts were required to coordinate the - ed with the Protocol Branch of the DA Career Management Staff, which administers the handling of foreign gifts and was unaware that the proposed notices had been initiated. 5. In response to a reference request from OP. hours locating and reproducing copies of= going back to 1953. This material, consisting of enabling regulations and concomitant organization charts, was needed because a task force was being established to study personnel management of the future and RPD was the most reliable repository of background documentation. The reproduced material made a stack approximately five inches in height. /I-A-LT-T; -T _T~ V -'KT-R+-T -A _T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560005-7