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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 30 January 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration rec or of Information Services SUBJECT: OIS Weekly Report (23-29 January 1986) 1. *Another century mark has been broken by the Information and Privacy Division in reducing the initial request backlog; it is now 1595. A separate report is attached. 3. *William C. Gibbons, a member of the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division of the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress, is requesting CIA materials relating to the Vietnam conflict that may have been declassified. The material would be included in a study for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee entitled, "The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, 1945-1975." Two volumes have already been published by the Government Printing office and two more volumes are planned. The request is being coordinated with the office of Legislative Liaison. CRD is asking for a meeting with Gibbons to discuss the request. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 C .O N F I D,E N T I A L 4. Representatives from IRMD are completing a survey of the information management program of the office of Communications (OC). The last phase includes the Foreign Networks Division, the OC front office, and its supporting staffs. Plans to survey overseas facilities have been cancelled because of travel fund cutbacks. 5. A representative from IRMD is reviewing component plans for establishing Information Services Centers (ISC) in the new Headquarters Building. This is necessary because of recent changes'in components scheduled to move to the building. The Records Management Officer for the Directorate of Intelligence (DI) told the IRMD representative that the DI is interested in obtaining support from an Information Services Center. He said that the office of Scientific and Weapons Research, the Office of East Asian Analysis, and the Analytical Support Group will be moving to the north tower of the new building and he provided information on the registry support these components will require. The IRMD representative also met with the Budget Officer for the New Building Project Office (NBPO) and was briefed on the portion of the NBPO budget for FY 88 that supports the ISC program. 6. A representative from IRMD prepared a letter for the DCI's signature to a former member of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) concerning a request for information on the activities of a now deceased colleague. The requester was told that most of the OSS collection has been transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (MARA), including some files that might contain information related to his request. He also was told how to get the information from NARA. 7. The Agency Forms Officer from IRMD and the Records Management Officer from the office of Development and Engineering met with a' representative from private business to discuss the possible use of bar coding on certain Agency forms. If the same type of bar code can be used on Form 2600a (package receipt used with SCI material) and Forms 240 and 240a (courier receipts), then OD&E material could be sent directly to other components without using any additional receipt forms. 8. CRD representatives have completed arrangements to begin a historical review of O/DCI records at the Agency Archives and Records Center covering the period 1945-1955. Nine records deposits have been identified. Selection of records for the Historical Review Program will involve coordination with the History Staff and the O/DCI. 9. Annuitants from IRMD are continuing their review of'the retired holdings of the office of Global Issues (OGI) and the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research. One hundred and eighty two TS documents were located in OGI's holdings; of these, 102 will require followup research to determine their ownership. Information in the_TSCADS data C O N F I D E N T I A L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 base is adjusted to reflect the findings. A review of TSCADS procedures in the O/DDI Registry was conducted and a demonstration of the use of TSCADS menus was given a newly appointed information control officer. TS document audits were conducted in the office of Medical Services and the Directorate of Science and Technology Registry. 3 C O N F I D E N T I A L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY 29 January 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Chief, Information and Privacy Division,. OIS SUBJECT: IPD/OIS Weekly Report (22 - 28 January 1986) 1. The Week in Review 22 - 28 January 1986 1986 Weekly Average a. New cases 58 45.5 b. Cases closed 83 57.3 c. New appeals logged 9 3.8 d. Appeals closed 5 1.5 e. Manpower (man-weeks) 110.1 118.3 2. Current Backlogs a. Initial requests - 1595 b. Requests in administrative appeal - 196 c. Requests in litigation - 75 3. Spotlighted Requests Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 b. In the past month, we have maintained a continuing effort to concentrate on those requests which have been long delayed (i.e. over 5 years old). With respect to the FOIA, one 1978 request, eight 1979 requests, five 1980 requests and four 1981 requests have been resolved and closed; with respect to the PA, one 1977 request and four 1981 requests were similarly dispatched. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 STAT Ipp (29 January 1986) (FINAL). Distribution*. Orig - Adse 1 - DCI/DDCI/Executive Director 1 - DCI History Staff 1 - DDI 1 - DDO 1 - DDS&T 5 - OIS 1 - C/PAO 1 - Comptroller 1 - IG 1 - OGC 1 - OLL 1 - OP 1 - OL STAT 1 - C/IMS 1 - DDO/I STAT 25 - DDO/IMS 1 - DDI/IRO 1 - DDA/IRO 1 - IC/IRO 1 - OTE/MAT 1 - OIS/LA 1 - IRG/OS 1 - IPD Subject 1 - IPD Chrono 1 - IPD Reading Board 1 - HGH Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 CONFIDENTIAL 28 January 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services FROM: Chief, Classification Review Division SUBJECT: CRD Weekly Report, 22-28 January 1986 2. On 23 January,) C/ER/OES/ODCI, and C/HRB/CRD/OIS agreed to begin surveying ODCI records for material to inciude in the CIA Historical Review Program (HRP). The survey, to commence during the week of 3 February, will seek material of the 1945-55 period that is both of high historical interest and reasonably declassifiable, these being the basic criteria for the HRP. The two parties selected nine jobs incorporating 221 linear feet of records which will now be surveyed at the Agency Records Center to select those that appear acceptable for the HRP. The selection process will involve consultation among CRD, the History Staff, and the Office of the DCI, but the latter only will make the final decision whether or not to submit the records to the HRP. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 CONFIDENTIAL 3. William C. Gibbons, a specialist in U.S. foreign policy who is a member of the Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division of the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress, has asked OIS/CRD whether there are CIA materials that have been declassified that could be used in a study being written for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The study is titled The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, 1945-1975. The first two volumes have been published by the GPO and there will be two more. The request is being coordinated with OLL and OIS/CRD is suggesting that we invitebons visit our offices for a briefing on the materials he wants. Chief, CRD CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 28 January 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services Chief, Information Resources Management Division SUBJECT: IRMD Weekly Report (22 - 28 January 1986) 1. WORK IN PROGRESS a. TRIS Training. Information Technology Branch, spent time with the personne assigned to the O/DDI registry to provide additional training on the CDOCS (Codeword Collateral Document Control System) portion of TRIS. The registry intends to begin using CDOCS on 3 February and needed refresher training on system features. Personnel from the Arms Control Intelligence Staff also participated in the training and have requested some additional instruction. Training will also be provided to registry personnel of the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research; this unit has been waiting for the O/DDI registry to commence operating with CDOCS before it followed suit. Details are still being worked out to provide specialized instruction on TRIS to other registries which would benefit from more exposure to its features. b. TS Documents. Progress continues to be made in our efforts to locate unaccounted for Top Secret collateral documents. Two OIS annuitants continued their review of the retired holdings of the Office of Global Issues and the Office of Scientific and Weapons Research. located 182 TS documents in OGI's holdings, including 102 that will require followup research to determine their ownership. The remaining retirement jobs of OGI will be searched by another annuitant, while turns his attention to the holdings of a component at Headquarters. A third annuitant, found four TS documents requiring additional research in reviewing OSWR's records. Information Control Branch, continues to process information on documents found by these annuitants, adjusting the TSCADS data base to reflect their findings. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Other activities concernin TS documents involved visits by ICB personnel to components. went to O/DDI Registry to review TSCADS procedures and demonstrated the use of 7ewly appointed control officer. conducted audits of the Office of Medical Services and the DDS&T Registry. Their purpose was to review office handling procedures for TS documents and to view a sampling of the holdings of each unit. The OMS was found to be following correct procedures in handling this material and all requested documents were provided. The audit of the DDS&T Registry could not be completed because of renovations underway in the area and the need to get additional information on the location of some documents. c. Information Management Surveys.) and ICB, are nearing completion of their survey of the information management program of the Office of Communications. The survey team recently completed its review of the Foreign Networks Division, which is the fourth and final OC division to be surveyed. The team will brief Chief of OC Operations, on their findings during the week of 27 January and then will begin their review of the information handling and records management practices of the OC front office and its supporting staffs. Plans to survey some overseas facilities have been cancelled because of travel cutbacks. Consequently, once the front office and staff are surveyed, drafting will be completed on a report of the team's findings. d. New Headquarters Building. ICB, began reviewing plans for Information Services Centers -to be established in the New Headquarters Building because of recent changes in its proposed occupants. She met with the Records Management Officer for the Directorate of In elligence, to confirm DI interest in having Directorate elements in the New Headquarters Building supported by an Information Services Center. The meeting also confirmed the fact that OSWR, the Office of East Asian Analysis, and the Analytical Support Group will be moving to the north tower of the New Building. provided information on the registry support that will be re uired by these three elements. also met with the Budget Officer for the New u Project Office, to discuss items that will be contained in the NBPO budget for FY 88 to support the ISC. He also provided with an update on construction progress and agreed to keep her informed on developments affecting the planned ISC5. e. Chief, ICB, was informed by IT, a received its first transmission of cable traffic on 27 February. 2 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 The Information Services Center to be established there will be responsible for controlling and disseminating cables, as well as operating the equipment used to transmit and receive this traffic. OIT is anxious to train someone in the use of this Electronic Distribution Circuit equipment, so that it will not have to provide continued staffing for this activity. informed the first OIS officer to be assigned th who will report for duty on 3 February. nitiated paperwork to have receive a cryptographic clearance which is needed for operation o this equipment. 2. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES b. Bar Coding on Agency Receipts. Information Management Branch, and Officer, Office of Development and Engineering, met with Mr. Steve Minteer, Wallace Computer Services, to discuss the use of bar coding on some Agency forms. wants to redesign the Package Receipt (Form 2600a) used with SCI material and to apply the same type of bar code to this form as currently used on the Agency's other courier receipts (Forms 240 and 240a). registry in OD&E spends considerable time preparing new receipts for mail received from contractors that is being sent to other Agency components. If the same type of bar code were used on Form 2600a, then material could be sent directly to other components without the use of any additional receipts. also indicated interest in the computer system that Wallace Computer Services previously sold to other Agency components to read the bar codes on courier receipts. Mr. Minteer stated that his company could produce a bar d d version of Form 2600a and the system needed to read it. 3 CONFIDENTIAL Records Manage Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 c. Records Center. Records Center personnel performed the following activities during the week: RAMS: Made 29 additions and one change. ARCINS: Jobs received/edited: 6. Jobs keyed: 8 consisting of 882 entries. Jobs completed: 2. Accessions: Received 26 jobs totaling 75 cubic feet. References: Serviced 2,093 requests for records. Other: One special run to the Office of Finance. 4 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 STAT STAT STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 Iq Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/06: CIA-RDP87-00058R000300560013-8 STAT