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Approved For Release 2010/08/06: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100120004-9 TF DIRECTOR OF CENTKAL INTELLIGENCE National Intelligence Council ' 24 April 1985 NOTE FOR: DCI DDCI C/NIC SRP Each NIO " A/NIO NIC/AG FROM: Herbert E. Meyer VC/NIC This article by Paul Johnson is quite powerful. I thought you might like to see it. Herbert E. Meyer Attachment: Vietnam: The Vicious Legacy London Times, 4/20/85 Approved For Release 2010/08/06: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100120004-9 Approved For Release 2010/08/06: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100120004-9 THE-TIMES SATURDAY # PRIL 201985 PA6E S_ Saigon fell 10 years ago this month. Paul Johnson; reflects on the paralysing effect.on. US, readiness to oppose Soviet expars on s -uutil-Reaga n tr letO The fall of Saigon in 1975 and the decade that has followed illustrate a maxim endorsed by wise historians. it is %%illpower, rather than physical power, which determines the o4t- come of wars. i In analysing the 40-year, tragedy of Indochina we must never forget that from 1945 onwards it was. the determination of Ho Chi Minh, the communist leader, and his ,suc- cessors to dominate all of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which was the principal dynamic of the struggle' and the ultimate cause of all the bloodshed. They refused to allow their aim to be deflected in' the smallest degree by the appalling casualties their subjects suffered or inflicted. The accusations of geno- cide hurled at the Americans thus have a bitter irony. It wat ever known. Vietnam has -become 'in ,Allan Prussia. with 1,200,000 melt' tinder arms, more per capita than and other country. These forces are 'a-: tdee(titi dote merely to near neighbours such as, Thailand and Malaysia but to noff?+ communist regimes throughout~ a, vast new air of,)rn.sion, _;f2rracttng;. through sot,th and south-cast Asia deep' inur'the Indian and ' Pacific, oceans. In this immense 'sector of the world, hitherto almost, un+ troubled by ;:Soviet ? geopolitics, Moscow can act rn motioh difficult= ies for the West at little or no cost to itself. The Soviet ocean-going naval and fishing fleets, with Vietnam are the physical means by which- these dificultie% can be exploited..., Ode oppohunity.presents itself iw? ii Sri Lanka. There is another ,in, Nc ' Caledonia: where the Ftench have made an ' almighty' hash f things,(as. they 'did in Indochina. There is trouble with Mauritius,. now nego- tiating with Moscow. The Vietna- mese are showing an. activq interest in Vanuatu (formerly the New Hebrides). ?he ?R ussians thenisclves are negotiating "fishing rights" with Kiribati (formerly' tlte, Ellice ;(s-' lands): and, where. tfie Soviettrawlers come their nuclear; submarines are rarely.far behind. At this delicate momenc thq Ng''w Zealanders L who after all have tar more to lose then we have hivf chosen to put in power a Comic Methodist lay-preacher whose first: major aft has teen to destroy. the; Anzus Trey y. Hence, while! the psychosis in. duced'by the fall of Saigon has been largely exort:ised the physical-legacy remains.-: In the, early 1970s ? we allowed to emerge in south-east Asia a political and ,militaryFranken-. stein influenced from . afr+ by its Soviet progenitors:- We must, bolt all the doors in they region that we can: O Than Newspispeft IJMiut, IMS' ' > :L ? A Ail 0.9a 01-40c; 1 p It i'c,~ta" fife' ' 1*N 1A Hone rh ~ir 2rxfi *v h!!'{fCtt' trl' ='ft ? - PU$t 0 Ot fx January 27, 1973: the four-party agreement ending the war. Then came Watergate - and the communist onslaught l tt s;t, 4 cI '..tti '1" t&ifi t b ,:i i ~rtX 1Xi~* arri it ' #nttlittncs ,: ittir kzil l33'a mflAi `r :silt nut`ir1l no-i 19yimitt. i3t! i t all') f/ itp'n 'ts' .'? to rlr,t '1.~s' (Sjt?"t, ~. d-sl;rtr April 29,1975: as the communists close in, foreign nationals flee Saigon`by.US naval helicopter. Approved For Release 2010/08/06: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100120004-9