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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 ULNLLM33ir itu S DCI/RM 79-1111 2 March 1979 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: Legislative Division, OLC STAT STAT Director, Community Legislative & Liaison Office Legislative Government Accountability Act of 1979 The exemption of national foreign intelligence activities from HR 755, the Government Accountability Act of 1979, appears adequate. However, it might be made more specific by substituting "...National Foreign Intelligence Program.(NFIP)" for "national foreign intelligence activities" in.Section 3(a)(1). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/~1/0Y: CIA-RDP87BOO305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Distribution: (DCI/RM 79-1111) 1 Addressee 1 CLLO Chrono. 1 IR&DC Sub 1 IR&DC Chrono Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 STAT RESOURCtANAGEM ENT STAFF. 27 February 1979 NOTE FOR: Jim: Regarding the language in Section 3 (a)(1), be more specific. In this regard stitute " , I would sub- but shall not include a Nation ny part of the al Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP)". ACTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 {4n"4' Y Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 RESOLE MANAGEMENT' STAFF STAT 22 February 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution FROM: D7 CLLO STAT STATE'' SUBJECT: Government Accountability Act of 1979 Please review the attached copy of H.R. 755 and provide any comments you may have by c.o.b. 28 February. A consolidated RMS response will be prepared in CLLO. Responses should be addressed to the CLLO action officer, Negative responses are requested.. D/PGO D/PBO D/PAO D/IRO D/AS aGnY/r , < ., iii.(}- /tom. ACTION - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 RESOUE MANAGEMENT STAFF 22 February 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution STAT STAT . ; FROM: D/CLLO SUBJECT.: Government Accountability Act of 1979 Please review the attached copy of H.R. 755 and provide any comments you may have by c.o.b. 28 February. A consolidated RMS response will be prepared in CLLO. Responses should be addressed to the CLLO action officer, Negative responses are requested. Distribution: D/PGO D/PBO D/PAO D/IRO D/AS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 12 February 1979 STAT Resource Management Staff Office of Inspector General STAT STAT STAT FROM ie Legislation Division/QLC SUBJECT . Legislation: Government Accountability Act of 1979 1. On 15 January 1979, Representative Solomon introduced H.R. 755, the Government Accountability Act of 1979, it would give the Director of OMB the authority, to recommend the termination of those federal programs.he finds infective. It would also require the President every two years to submit to Congress a report on the management on the Executive Branch. 2. Under the terms of the bill, programs that concern national. foreign intelligence activities are exempt.. Please review the legislation and advise this office whether this national security exemption is adequate for our purposes. Comments should be STAT forwarded to of my staff. STAT Distribution:. STAT 1 - OGC 1 - IG 1 - RMS 1 - OLC Subject 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:YTF:mao (12 Feb 79) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Office of General Counsel Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 .. ? 96TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 755 To require biennial reports to Congress on the effectiveness of Government programs, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JANUARY 15,1979 Mr.. SoLOMoN introduced the following bill; which was referred to the.Com- mittee on Government Operations A BILL To require biennial reports to Congress on the effectiveness of . Government programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That this Act may be cited as the "Government Account- 4 ability Act of 1979". 5 SEC. 2. (a) The Congress finds that- 6 (1) the public confidence in the ability of the Con- 7 gress and the executive branch to manage the Federal 8 Government effectively has declined; 9 (2) the Federal Government is not-, as arcou-trthlo 10 as it should be in serving the p ublie intrrost ; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 2 (3) the Federal Government, unlike private enter- prise, has no built-in mechanism for calling attention to and eleminating programs 'that are not proving to be cost effective; (4) the executive branch, the Congress, and the public do not possess adequate information on the rela- tive effectiveness of Federal programs; 8 (5) the taxpaying public is properly demanding 9 more accountability for the expenditure -of tax revenues 10 and demanding that the public expenditures not grow 11 any larger with respect to the economy as a whole; 12 (6) the further uncontrolled growth of Govern 13 ment will pose a threat to our democratic society and 14 economy; 15 (7) the Federal Government cannot be compe- 16 tently managed and new programs for future needs can- 17 not be. implemented unless workable management tech- 18 piques are developed to assess program effectiveness; 19 and 2C (8) such limitations demand, that all Federal pro- 21 grams should be evaluated using traditional maaiage- 22 ment standards and that ineffective programs should be 23 strengthened to better serve the public or eliminated. 24 (b) The purposes of this Act are to- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02: CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 S ? 3 1 (1) provide for a far more professional and eflicient 2 management of the Federal Government; 3 (2) identify. those programs which are ineffective 4 and determine the causevof their ineffectiveness;. 5 (3) encourage the development of uniform methods for evaluating Federal programs; and 6 10 (4) provide Congress additional tools needed to identify ineffective Federal programs. SEC. 3.. (a) l+ or the purposes of this Act- (1) The term "program". means an organized set .11 of activities carried out pursuant to separate statutory. 12 authorization or for which Federal expenditures are 13 specifically allocated by the Federal Government, and 14 which can be evaluated in terms of relative effectiveness 15 in pursuing a governineiital goal, but shall not include 16 national foreign intelligence activities. 17 (2) The term "executive department" shall have 18 the meaning given it in section 101 of title 5, United 19 States Code. 20 (3) The term "independent establishment" shall 21 have the meaning given it in section 104 of title 5, 22 United States Code, except that such term includes the 23 United States Postal Service and the Postal Rate Coin- 24 mission but does not include the General Accounting 25 Office or the independent regulatory agencies. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 4 1 SEc. 4. .(a) At the beginning of the second. session of 2 the Ninety-sixth Congress and every two years thereafter 3 the President shall submit to the Congress a report 'on the 4 management of the executive branch (hereinafter called the 5 Management Report) . The Management Report shall be 6 submitted on the same day as the budget is transmitted to 7 the Congress under section 201 of the Budget and Account- ing Act, 1921. 9 (b) It is the intent of Congress that the President shall 10 be granted full discretion in the design of the Management 11 Report provided that: 12 (1) Programs shall be- 13 (i) designated within each executive depart- 14 meat and within each independent establishment, 15 according to. their relative effectiveness, as "excel= 16 lent", "adequate", or "unsatisfactory", and 17 (ii) ranked as to their effectiveness relative to 18 all other programs within each category in that executive department or within that independent 20 establishment. 21 '(2) The designation and ranking of programs as to 22 relative effectiveness shall be determined by the degree 23 to which each program's statutory objective is being niet, 24 which shall be based on- 25 (i) the clarity of the statutory design and objective Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 :CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 S ? the overall design of the program as effectuated by the responsible executive department or independent establishment, and (iii) the overall qw lity of the management of the program by the responsible executive department or independent establishment. (c) The. Management Report shall include the Presi- 8 dent's reasons for the program designations and rankings he has made. (d) The Management Report shall include a list of those programs or areas the President recommends for administra- tive or: congressional improvement during that Congress. (e) The Management Report shall include the report of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget re- quired under Section 5 of the Act, iiicludinb the President's recommendations and proposed actions pursuant to it. 17 SEC. 5. (a) The Director of. the Office of Ma.nagenient 18 and . Budget (hereinafter called the Director) shall provide .19 24 25 an. evaluative report on Federal programs to the President which shall be forwarded to the Congress by the President with his Management Report. (b) In his report the Director shall identify any pro- grains, including those carried out by the independent regu- latory agencies, that are contradictory to other Federal pro- grans and recommend .corrective legislation. The Director Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7 ? ? 1 shall also recommend the termination or modification of any 2 programs whose relative ineffectiveness no longer justifies 3 continued.Fcderal expenditures or only justifies a lower level 4 of Federal expenditures. \ 5 Sic. 6. The President may from time to time submit to 6 the Congress reports supplementary to the Management Re- 7 port, each of which shall include such supplementary or re- 8 vised recommendations as the President may deem necessary 9 or desirable to achieve the purposes of this Act. The .Director 10 may, from time to time, submit to the President reports 11 supplementary to the report required by section 5. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/02 : CIA-RDP87B00305R000701430007-7