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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 23, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 12, 1985
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PDF icon CIA-RDP87B00858R000200290024-7.pdf54.52 KB
Approved For Release 2011/05/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200290024-7 ?C't? w II_J.: fvx! 11w ? 1 :?..?.:: C~.I-Mw.. -? C D'-111 .. rmt r.t?L. r.L: l Y~~L L11r JC.? .j.Lr J ..d(..111 Win J-Ritl LI t-..? O-LAND.u 'L.:.. $te'S 1DI CD.DIII.:: ? C:!CL Y.. LANDS tyn am. YLffLCwoIr f C%=Lr-. 0 rtC+K.L- +tits t s_MJI HI Wry. YDm J.I L rtrL:sD. CDww'.:TG"t ALC t ?[It-%L. 61tD -LIZ & DrL.... L.ill Law:. :Dt?TI C IDU:Mt' v.L;.M... r..!` C ra.:.iiRS JI. WLI"" VMGr.r -? L.1 4.N TL1145 Wiw JI?Sr? Cw.'-yw I.LV.TD.. tlf. J? Wtn Von- V,3.0&$ 4, 8000.!!f Cwc D?..:?.LAI. CJL~Ic . 1 ./Lr:i -f.sl-~?lr.t., J-, W4:DI.I L CJ? fvn J? 9.M;. GfOL:1 M GILL: Vfft"T'Vbbr rlLwt: Dr*AWL O-tD -,.;.I.r L D.r"tr!rLR C.PDII,IL t.Lr. pK+w. CA.D4fD: LTwt:L L. i?r.:DA.L S D11i.1* I MII' M4 Wo?TI CJJID.A. Mr. Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States United States General Accounting Office 441 G Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20546 1!.r. Dust of 3&rprrsrntatibrs Committre on for _Wubiriarp Eastjington, DE 2a515 telrpbont 202-225-3951 September 12, 1965 01.1 *A. =.1115L ? I....' Y.I.L! r.I' Doti "'DI WNt.. Clt.i ALSO: .-1 CD.I I. .-*? I CDs$I? / I refer to the GAO report concerning 'Nazis and Axis. Collaborators' issued June 2E, 19E5, reference number GAO/GGD-85-66. In order for the Com.ittee to be more fully inforr.ed rel-ative to this natter, I request that you supply me with the following additional ir,for7mation: 2. An inv en-tory of all documents of other agencies examined or consul ted in the furtherance of the investigation by your personnel which would be subject to the 'third a_ en.='T r-,; :E . cation. I. All notes, documents, reports of inte:-views, memoranda, as weal as all other course:station, generated indeDsn-f- ently by your personnel in the course of this invest:- I would appreciate your giving me sufficient data on the 'third agency" documents in order to allow Committee staff to identify them with a Tr,.n imurrt of delay in requesting access of the originating agency. Your Senior Evaluator, John Tipton, has been intimately involved in the investigation of Nazi war criminals for some years. His knowledge would greatly enhance any hearings this Committee r.ay hold on the subject. 1, therefore, would appreciate your detailing Mr. Tipton to the Judiciary Committee for any hearings which may be scheduled. I thank you for your cooperation. Approved For Release 2011/05/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200290024-7 PETER W. RODINO, JR. C hairnan