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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 ._. I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 20 August 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Office of Congressional Affairs Legislative v son, PRB Reference Center SUBJECT: Reference Points re Agency Provided Publication Support In response to your questions regarding the Church Committee testimony, the following reference appears to meet your search criteria. The reference passage (see attachment) discusses Agency support of publication for propaganda purposes. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, April 1976, Book I; pages 179-203. For your information I am also enclosing two other references of roughly the same vintage as the Church Committee Report that also discuss the subject of Agency supported publication: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, by Victor Marchetti and John Marks, Tom, pages T64-5, TT T79. The CIA's Secret Operation, by Harry Rositzke, 1977, pages 158, 163-4. Attachment As Stated STAT STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 ierican citizens and to prod )re effective defense of the interintelligence, including ation setting standards for a, are made in the Commit- [ the Rights of Americans.) X. THE DOMESTIC IMPACT OF FOREIGN CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS: THE CIA AND ACADEMIC INSTITU- TIONS, THE MEDIA, AND RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS Although its operational arena is outside the United States, CIA clandestine o orations make use of American citizens as indivicua7s or rou American institutions. Clandestine activities much American. ttions and individuals have taken many forms and are effected through a wide variety of means: university of 1e al8 and pro es8or8 rov' and make introductions for intelligence pur- po8e8; ' scholars and journalists collect intelligence; journalists devise and place propaganda; United States publications provide cover for "j CIA agents overseas. These forms of clandestine cooperation had their origins in the early Cold War period when most Americans perceived a real threat of a communist imperium and were prepared to assist their government to counter that threat. As the communists pressed to influence and to control international organizations and movements, mass comniunic t- tions, and cultural institutions, the United States responded by in- volvin r American private institutions and individuals in the secret struggle over minds, institutions and ideas. Over time national per- ceptions would change as to the nature and seriousness of the com- munist ideological and institutional threat. Time and experience would also give increasing currency to doubts as to whether it made sense for it democracy to resort to practices such as the clandestine use of free American institutions and individuals-practices that tended to blur the very difference between "our" system and "theirs" that these covert programs were designed to preserve. These covert relationships have attracted public concern and the attention of this Committee because of the importance Americans atbwh to the independence of private institutions. Americans recognize that insofar as universities, newsy~ )ors, and religious groups help mold the beliefs of the public and the policymakers, their diversity and legitimacy must be rigorously protected. It is through them that, a society informs and criticizes itself, educates its young, interprets its history, and sets new goals. At the same time, Americans also recognize the legitimacy and necessity of certain clandestine operations, particularly the collection of foreign intelligence. To conclude that certain sectors of American life must be placed "off limits" to clandestine operations inevitably raises questions not only on possible intelligence losses which would result from such a prohibition, but on whether the United States can 'The material italicized in this report has been substantially abridge at the request of the executive agencies. The classified version of this material is avail- able to members of the Senate under the provisions of Senate Resolution 21 and the Standing Rules of the Senate. See also p. IX. (179) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 afford to forego the clandestine use of of universities, our media, and our religious groups in competing with our adversaries. In exploring this problem the Committee has given special atten- tion to the CIA's past clandestine relationships with American institu- tions. The Committee has examined the past to illuminate the attitudes and perceptions that shaped these clandestine programs using Amer- ican institutions and to determine whether the internal CIA regula- tions established in 1967 are sufficient to prevent the large scale pro- grams of the past from being reinstated in the future. Some of these concerns were addressed almost a decade ago during an investigation that proved to Abe a watershed in the Central Intelli- gence Agency's relationship to American institutions. President Lyndon Johnson, moved -by public and congressional uproar over the 1967 disclosure of the CIA's covert funding of the utiona Student Association (NSA) and other domestic private institutions, established the atzern ac ommittee. The Committee, chaired by the then Under Secretary of State, Nicholas Katzen'bach, directed its investigation primarily at the CIA's covert funding of American educational and rivate voluntary oro'aniza tons. The recommendations of the Kaitzen- ommrttee, a t oug e ad great impact on the CIA's opera- tions, spoke only to the issue of the covert funding of institutions. In its investigation the Committee has looked not only at the impact, of foreign clandestine operations on American institutions but has focused particular attention on the covert use of individuals. It should be emphasized from the outset thatt, the integrity of these institutions or individuals is not jeopardized 'by open contact or cooperation with Government intelligence institutions. United States Govern- ment support and cooperation, openly acknowledged. plays an essen- tial role in American education. Equally important, Government po]- icymakers draw on the -technical expertise and advice available from academic consultants and tin i versity-related research organizations. Open and regular contact with Government agencies is a necessary part of the journalist's responsibility, as well. A secret or a covert relationship with any of these institutions, how- ever, is another matter, and requires careful evaluation, given the critical role these institutions play in maintaining the freedom of our society. In approaching the subject the Committee has inquired: Are the independence and integrity of American institutions in any way endangered 'by clandestine relationships with the Central Intelligence Agency? Should clandestine use of institutions or individuals within those institutionsbe permitted? If not, should there be explicit guide- lines laid down to regulate Government clandestine support or opera- tional use of such institutions or individuals? Should such guidelines be in the form of executive directives or by statute? In addressing these issues, the Committee's access to CIA documents and files varied with the subject matter. In reviewing the clandestine the Select Committee had full and unfettered access to most files and documentation, With sink a exception o records on mec to re la- I'M r . n ate. di'tion, the mmrttee took extensive sworn testimony 1 rom yr ually all of those involved in the management and review of the pre-1967 projects. Access to post-1967 material was far more re- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Iniversities, our media, and ulversaries. ae has given special atten- ips with American institu- to illuminate the attitudes ne programs using Amer- Me internal CIA regula- ?event the large scale pro- - the future. most a decade ago during led in the Central Intelli- I institutions. President re%ional uproar over the of the National ,fit bleat to institutions, established 'haired by the then Under Erected its investigation .merican educational and le,Il ations of the Katzen- pact on the CIA's opera- funding of institutions. ed not only at the impact. can institutions but has of individuals. It. should rity Of these institutions contact, or cooperation United States Govern- wledged, plays an essen- ortant, Government pol- c1 advice available from research organizations. agencies is a necessary F these institutions, Vow- el evaluation, given the ping the freedom of our rittee has inquired: Are institutions in any way the Central Intelligence is or individuals within there be explicit guide- ustine support or opera- Should such guidelines acute? cress to CIA documents viewing the clandestine Inittee inquiry of 1967. access to most files and recce s on me Ia re a unsive sworn testimony agement and review of erral was far more re- stricted : certain of the titles and names of authors of propaganda book. published after 1967 were denied the Committee; access to files on the contemporary clandestine use of the American eacac~T miC om- information which would provide, the num- bers of institutions and individuals involved an a escript.ion o e ro e o e In IvI ua s. s or e media, and relationships w1 -re- ligious groups, the Committee inspected precis or summaries of all operational relationships since 1951 and then selected over 20 cases for closer inspection. The documents from these some 20 files were selected and screened by the Agency and, by mutual agreement, names of indi- viduals and institutions were removed. Therefore, the Committee has far from the full picture of the nature and extent of these relationships and the domestic impact of foreign clandestine operations. Nevertheless, it has enough to outline the dimensions of the problem and to underscore its serious nature. The conclusions and recommendations must necessarily be considered tentative and subject to careful review by the successor intelligence oversight committee(s) of the Congress. In presenting the facts and issues associated with CIA covert rela- tions with United States private institutions, this report is organized as follows: I. Covert Use of Academic and Voluntary Organizations. II. Covert Relationships with the United States Media. III. Covert Use of United States Religious Groups. A. COVERT IT5E OF ACADEMIC AND VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS The Central Intelligence Aaenc has Ion -developed clandestine relations r wrt the American academic commurlr w Iic ran rrom. ac .em.iea making intro uctzons or an to igenre purPoscs to,M intelligence collection while abroad, to academic research and writing where sponsorship Is hidden. a Agency has fun t le ac i lies of American private organizations around the world when thoe ' activities supported-or could be convinced to support-American foreign policy objectives. Until 1967 the Agency also maintained covert ties to American foundations in order to pass funds secretly to private groups whose work the CIA supported. The relationships have varied according to whether made with an institution or an individual, whether the relationship is paid or un- paid, or whether the individuals are "witting"-i.e. aware--of CIA Involvement. In some cases, covert involvement provided the CIA with little or no operational control of the institutions involved; funding was primarily a way to enable people to do things they wanted to do. In other cases, influence was exerted. Nor was the nature of these re- lationships necessarily static; in the case of some individuals support turned into influence, and finally even to operational use. rin the 1950s and 1960s. the CIA turned increasingly to covert action in the area of student and labor matters, cultural affairs, comm ens. he s ruggle with communism was seen to be, at center, a struggle between our institutions and theirs. The CIA subsidized, advised, and even helped develop "private" organizations that would compete with the communists around the world. Some of 'For explanation of italics, see footnote. p. 179. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 these organizations were foreign; others were international; yet others were U.S.-based student, labor, cultural, or philanthropic organiza- tions whose international activities the CIA subsidized. The CIA's interest in the areas of student and labor matters, cul- tural affairs, and community development reached a peak in the mid- 1960's. By 1967, when public disclosure of NSA's funding and the sub- sequent report of the Katzenbach Committee caused a major curtail- ment of these activities, interest in the major covert action efforts in these areas was already waning. There appear to be two reasons for this. First, there was considerable skepticism within the CIA as to the effectiveness of this approach. It differed from classical CIA "tradecraft" in that the organizations funded were basically independent from CIA control. Richard Helms expressed this skepticism when he remarked in testimony before this committee, The clandestine operator ... is trained to believe that you really can't count on the honesty of your a ent to do exactly what you want or to report accurately unless you own him body and Mr. Helms contended that "the clandestine operator sneered at the other kind of operation"-the aiding and abetting of people or orga- nizations who are your "friends" or "have the same point of view that you do." Skepticism of the clandestine operators was directed particularly at the Covert Action Staff/International Organizations Division, the CIA units which conducted the programs in the area of student and cultural exchange. Second, it became increasingly difficult to conceal the CIA funds that supported these activities as the scale of the opera- tions grew. By fiscal year 1967, for example, over $3 million was budgeted for youth and student programs and $6 million for labor. Most of the funds were transmitted through legitimate or "devised" foundations-that is, fictitious entities established by the CIA. 1. CIA Use of Private Foundations, Pre-1967 The use of philanthropic organizations was a convenient way to pass funds, in that large amounts could be transferred rapidly, and in a form that need not alert unwitting officers of the recipient organi- zations to their source. In addition, foundation grants bestowed upon the recipient the apparent "blessing" of the foundation. The funding pattern involved a mixture of bona fide charitable foundations, devised foundations and funds, "front men" drawn from a list of America's most prominent citizens, and lawyers representing undisclosed clients. The CIA's intrusion into the foundation field in the 1960s can only be described as massive. Excluding grants from the "Big Three"- Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie-of the 700 grants over $10,000 given by 164 other foundations during the period 1963-1966, at least 108 involved partial or complete CIA funding. More importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants the non-"Big Three" foundations made (luring this period in the field of international activities. In the same period more than one-third of the grants awarded by non-"Big Three" in the physical, life and social sciences also involved CIA funds. " Richard Helms testimony, 9/12/75, r. 25-26. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 re international; yet others 1r philanthropic organiza- subsidized. snt and labor matters, cul- reached a peak in the mid- SA's funding and the sub- ee caused a major curtail- or covert action efforts in rst, there was considerable eness of this approach. It in that the organizations A control. Richard Helms 1 in testimony before this I to believe that you a ent to do exactly unless you own him operator sneered at the etting of people or orga- same point of view that ,as directed particularly *anizations Division, the the area of student and ingly difficult to conceal as the scale of the opera- le, over $3 million was ad $6 million for labor. legitimate or "devised" lied by the CIA. is a convenient way to ransferred rapidly, and of the recipient organi- 11 grants bestowed upon oundation. The funding )le foundations, devise 'on1 a list of America's ing undisclosed clients. :i in the 1960s can only )m the "Big Three"- ints over $10,000 given 963-1966, at least 108 ore importantly, CIA s the non-"Big Three" field of international '-third of the grants ife. and social sciences 183 Bona fide foundations, rather than those controlled by the CIA, were considered the best and most plausible kind of funding cover for certain kinds of operations. A 1966 CIA study explained the use of le timate foundations was the most effective way of concealing the CIA's hand as well as reassuring members of funded organizations that the organization was in fact supported by private funds. The Agency study contended that this technique was "particularly effec- tive for democratically-run membership organizations, which need to assure their own unwitting members and collaborators, as well as their hostile critics, that they have genuine, respectable, private sources of income." 2. The CIA'8 Foundation-funded Covert Activity, Pre-1967 The philanthropic fronts used prior to 1967 funded a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishin houses, and other private institutions in the United States"ViT a ro`a'd" M*6* following list illustrates the diversity of these operations : (1) The CIA assisted in the establishment in 1951 and the funding for over a decade of a research institute at a major American univer- sity. This assistance came as the result of a request from Under-secre- tary of State James Webb to General Bedell Smith, then Director of the CIA. Mr. Webb proposed that the center, which was to research worldwide political, economic, and social changes, be supported by the CIA in the interest of the entire intelligence community. (2) A project was undertaken in, collaboration with a nationall?l prominent American business association. The object of the project was to promote a favorable image of America in a foreign country unfavor- ably disposed to America and to promote citizen-to-citizen contacts between Americans and influential segment8 of that country's 8ociety.3 (3) The cooperation of an American labor organization in selected overseas labor activities. (4) Support of an international organization of veterans and an international foundation for developing countries. (5) Support of an organization of journalists and an international women is association. (6) Partial support for an international educational exchange pro- gram run by a group of United States universities. (7) Funding of a legitimate U.S. association of farm organiza- tions. Agency funds were used to host foreign visitors, provide scholar- ships to an international cooperative training center at a United States university, and to reimburse the organization for various of its activi- ties abroad. A CIA document prepared in 1967 notes that although the organization received some overt government funds from AID, the CIA should continue its covert funding because "programs funded by AID cannot address themselves to the same political goals toward which Agency operations are targeted because AID programs are part of official government to-government programs and are designed for economic-not political-results." ' For explanation of italics, see footnote, p. 179. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87BOO858ROO0200310017-2 184 The Beet Ii notvn Cabe : Covert Funding Association of the NatianaJ Student CIA funding of the National Student Association to 1967 is a Particular) (NSA) front 1952 ernment entered the good example of how the Uni vulnerabilities felt b eld of covertly supportin ? r States Gor_ g pi't oris' of the and individuals that cannot lbe cont-d ledki and of the p tatioe to move front su banizations pport to 41 control.,, Operational tennp- immediateson the CIA decided to hel tr in Yafter World War II the Soviet Union ti Organize student movement. of the International Union of Stu dents, for example, teas Alexan der N. Chairman of the Soviet Slielepin wh le American students w State Security , o ater becaCommittee managed and directed studen sought t oucompe comm. The finds, while the communist e with hampered c a lack sf groups hadr enough n one by a lack of world youth festivals conferences and formils, and regi to Onal ences. In seeking funds at home, the American studentuee to confer- were considered too far to the left in the g s found thY Carthyism and anti-intellectualism of the 1950x. eneraAgainst hrO11tld, NSA o ate of Mc- and rebuffed bffctals, after being refused by g` this back-C ongress an Depart d rement in 1 52nto the CIA * the State Department were finally directed by The CIA maintains that its funding efforts were based on shared tin- terests, not on manipulation. CIA h funding of the National Student association appears to have been intended prinnaril% to permit I'nite States students to represent. their own ideas, in their Own way, in t) le y. forums of the da Nevertheless , the Committee has CIA moved from blank-clieclt stn > port to ?he1?ational use of individual students...; For example, over 250 T 1 I .5. students were attend youth festivals in Moscow, Vi sponsored by time CIA to ennna, and Helsinki and were for missions such as reporting on Soviet and Third World or observing Soviet, used a example, was e tsecurity P radices A I?nited States student rfor exam , was ecrtitel in N,457 to serve as a CIA "asset" h was instructed to report on Soviet couunten lltelligence, measures an to purchase a piece of Soviet-manufactured equ P1 t documents, lie d `Under the agreed arrangement. CIA funds would support tional division of the National Student Association; the International Affairs vice Pr only' the tut and the Each Year. after the election of~new st dent leaders,vthe CINSA A President and briefing the new officers, and elicited ,,using t1980s however, from them held a secret came g the IncreasinglY 1960 however witting National Student a secrecy e- leaders agreement. athem revealed the relationship abhult the CIA s A sofa anon leads ne be- p to Itampartaomagazi until finally in 1967 one orb t Operational use" of individuals as used magazine Dining, on eisher a vivid in this report means recruitment use, That is, the individual is witting Unwittin ep~s~ to Volunteering is directed i r ed or "tasked" oasis, for intelligence purposes. tasked" to do something for CIA-as destine intelligence collection (espiona a Poses include covert rt action , clan- functions. g) and various kinds of support Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87BOO858ROO0200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 4'unding of the National, Student lent Association (NSA) from 1952 pie of how the United States Gov- tly supporting "friends," of the lertaking to support organizations oiled, and of the ope ro1." rational temp- belt) NSA is clear. In the years be Soviet Union took the lead in ze the world student movement.. the International Union of Stu- N. Shelepin, who later became urity Committee (KGB). The compete with these communist- p were hampered by a lack of had enough money to put on id forums, and regional confer- American students found they in the general climate of Mc- f the 1950s. Against this back- fused by the State Department finally directed by the State efforts were based on shared in- riding of the National Student ded primarily to permit United ideas, in their own way, in the vertheless, the, Committee has rd from blank-check support to were sponsol.e by the CIA to La, and Helsinki and were used and Third World Personalities A United States student, for as a CIA "asset" at the Sixth. ording to CIA documents, lie lterilltelligence measures and fired equip-nenlt. would support only the interna- tion ; only the NSA President and be witting of the CIA connection leaders, the CIA held a secret om them a secrecy agreement. Student Asssaciation leaders be- orship, until finally In 1967 one -gazine. is report means recruitment, use, ')afor intelligence purposes. o do something for the CIA-as uses Include covert action, clan- id various kinds of support Althouth the CIA's involvement with the National Student As- sociation was limited to the organization's internittional activities, CIA influence was felt to some extent in its domestic programs as well. The most direct way in which such influence may have been felt was in the selection process for NSA officers. The Summer International Seminars conducted for NSA leaders and potential leaders in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's were a vehicle for the Agency to identify new leaders and to promote their candidacy for elective positions in the National Student Association. Tile Central Intelligence Agency's experience with the NSA under- lines the basic problem of an action-oriented clandestine organization entering into a covert funding relationship with private organizations : support of friends turns into the control of their actions and ulti- mately to creation of new "friends." .1. Corer is Blown The,an and Ramparts "Flaps" In a public hearing in 1964, Congressman Wright Patman, Chair- man of the Subcommittee on Foundations of the House Committee on Problems of Small Businesses, revealed the names of eight, of the CIA's funding instrunnents the so-called "Pat man Eight." These dis- closures sharply jarred the Agencyy's confidence in the security of these philanthropic funding mechanisms. The Patn-an disclosures led the CIA to take al hard look at this technique of funding, ,but not. to reconsider the propriety of bringing the. independence of America's foundations into question by using them as conduits for the funding of covert -action projts. According to the Chief of the Covert. Action Staff's Program and Evaluation Group : The real lesson of the Patman Flap is not that we need to get out of the business of using foundation cover for funding, but, that we need to get, at it more professionally and extensively. Despite the best efforts of the Agency throughout 1966 to shore ill) its vulnerable funding mechanisms, it became increasingly clear that Ramparts magazine. the Nero York Times, and the lVa,8hangton Post were moving, ever closer to unraveling not only the CIA's system of clandestine funding but, to exposing the source of the support for the National Student Association. In an effort to determine whether there was foreign influence on funds behind the Ramparts expose, the CIA, in coordination with the FBI, undertook through its own counterintel- ligence staff' to prepare extensive reports on the Ramparts officers and staff members. At a press briefing on February 14, 1967, the State Department publicly confirmed a statement by leaders of NSA that their organiza- tion had received covert support from the CIA since the early 1950s. The NSA statement and disclosures in Ramparts magazine brought on storm of public and congressional criticism. In response, President .The Agency appointed a special assistant to the Deputy Director for Plans, who was charged with "pulling together information on Ramparts, includ- ing any evidence of subversion [and] devising proposals for counteraction." In pursuing the "Communist ties" of Ramparts magazine, the "case" of managing editor, Robert Scheer, was one of the first to be developed and it report was sent on Scheer to Walt W. Rostow, Special Assistant to President Johnson. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 ever went t e first book the U.S. Government a ion to censor, before public ,ourt WAMIMM= Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 had engineered a black psywar strike in Hanoi: leaflets signed by the Vietminh instructing Tonkinese on how to behave for the Vietminh takeover of the Hanoi region in early October, including items about property, money reform, and a three-day holiday of workers upon takeover. The day following the distribution of these leaflets, refugee registration tripled. Two days later Vietminh took to the radio to denounce the leaflets; the leaflets were so authentic in appearance that even most of the rank and file Vietminh were sure that the radio denunciations were a French trick. Lansdale's black propaganda also had an effect on the Ameri- can press. One of his bogus leaflets came to the attention of syndicated columnist Joseph Alsop, who was then touring South Vietnam. The leaflet, indicating that many South Vietnamese were to be sent to China to work on the railroads, seemed to have been written by the communists. Alsop naively accepted the leaflet at face value and, according to Lansdale, this "led to his sensational, gloomy articles later.... Alsop was never told this story." Nor, of course, was the false impression left with Alsop's readers ever corrected. CIA propaganda activities also entail the publication of books and periodicals. Over the years, the agency has provided direct su si ies to -a- number of magazines and publishing houses, rang- ing from Eastern European 6migr6 organs to such reputable firms as Frederick A. Praeger, of New York-which admitted in 1967 that it had published "fifteen or sixteen books" at the CIA's request. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 rike in Hanoi: leaflets signed Idnese on how to behave for not region in early October, oney reform, and a three-day ver. The day following the gee registration tripled. Two ddio to denounce the leaflets; appearance that even most were sure that the radio C. had an effect on the Ameri- ;ts came to the attention of who was then touring South many South Vietnamese were ailroads, seemed to have been naively accepted the leaflet at e, this "led to his sensational, s never told this story." Nor, eft with Alsop's readers ever tail the publication of books agency has provided direct and publishing houses, rang- rgans to such reputable firms rk-which admitted in 1967 ~ books" at the CIA's request. Propaganda and Disln/ormadon - 165 DELETED ) Many other anti-communist publishing concerns in Germany, Italy, and France were also supported and encouraged by the agency during the post-World War II years. ( DELETED ) According to a former high-ranking agency official, ( DELETED ) and the Parisian newspaper, "Le Combat." This same ex-official also recalls with an ironic smile that for several years the agency subsidized the New York communist paper, The Daily Worker. In fairness to the Worker's staff, it must be noted that they were unaware of the CIA's assistance, which came in the form of several thousand secretly purchased prepaid subscriptions. The CIA apparently hoped to demonstrate by this means to the American public that the threat of communism in this country was indeed real. Although the CIA inherited from the OSS responsibility for covert propaganda operations, the agency has no specific authority in the open law to engage in such operations-other than the vague charge to carry out "such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." Yet since its founding in 1947 the CIA has spent over one billion dollars for propaganda activities (mainly foreign but also domestic) to further what it perceived to be the national interests of the United States. Sometimes this means simply telling the truth to an audience (called "white" propaganda); other times a mixture of truths, half-truths, and slight distortions is used to slant the views of the audience ("gray" propaganda); and, on occasion, outright lies ("black" propaganda) are used, although usually accompanied for credibility's sake by some truths and half-truths. "Black" propaganda on the one hand and "disinformation" on the other are virtually indistinguishable. Both refer to the spread- ing of false information in order to influence people's opinions or actions. Disinformation actually is a special type of "black" propaganda which hinges on absolute secrecy and which is usually supported by false documents; originally, it was something of a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 174 ? THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE The CIA has also used defectors from communistgovernments for propagandapes-a practice which has had more impact in country than overseas. These defectors, without any prod- ding by the CIA, would have interesting stories to tell of politics and events in their homelands, but almost all are immediately taken under the CIA's control and subjected to extensive secret de- briefings at a special defector reception center near Frankfurt, West Germany, or, in the cases of particularly knowledgeable ones, at agency "safe houses" in the United States. In return for the intelligence supplied about the defector's former life and work, the CIA usually takes care of his resettlement in the West, even providing a new identity if necessary. Sometimes, after the lengthy will debriefing has been finished, the agenc will encourage-and help.-the defector to write articles or_books about? past life. th t d e on en As he may still be living at a CIA facility or be depen agency for his livelihood, the defector would be extremely reluctant to jeopardize his future by not cooperating. The CIA does not try to alter the defector's writings drastically; it simply influences him to leave out certain information because of security considera- tions, or because the thrust of the information runs counter to ex- isting American policy. The inclusion of information justifying U.S. or CIA practices is, of course, encouraged, and the CIA will pro- vide whatever literary assistance is needed by the defector. While such books tend to show the communist intelligence services as diabolical and unprincipled organs (which they are), almost never do these books describe triumphs by the opposition services over the CIA. Although the other side does indeed win on occasion, the agency would prefer that the world did not know that. And the defector dependent on the CIA will hardly act counter to its interests. In helping the defector with his writing, the agency often steers him toward a publisher. Even some of the public-relations aspects of promoting his book may be aided by the CIA, as in the case of Major Ladislav Bittman, a Czech intelligence officer who de- fected in 1968. Prior to the 1972 publication of his book, The Deception Game, Bittman was interviewed by the Wall Street Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 communist governments hich has had more impact rectors, without any prod- , stories to tell of politics t all are immediately taken i to extensive secret de- ;nter near Frankfurt, West ly knowledgeable ones, at States. In return for the former life and work, the ment in the West, even metimes, after the lengthy will encourage-and will books about his past life. ty or be dependent on the Auld be extremely reluctant ating. The CIA does not ically; it simply influences ause of security considera- nation runs counter to ex- information justifying U.S. ed, and the CIA will pro- ed by the defector. While st intelligence services as h they are), almost never e opposition services over indeed win on occasion, id not know that. And the hardly act counter to its ig, the agency often steers he public-relations aspects y the CIA, as in the case itelligence officer who de- lication of his book, The ewed by the Wall Street Propaganda and Disinformation ? 175 Journal, which quoted him on U.S. intelligence's use of the dis- information techniques. "It was our opinion," the former Czech operative said, "that the Americans had more effective means than this sort of trickery-things such as economic-aid programs-that were more influential than any black propaganda operation." While Bittman may well have been reflecting attitudes held by his former colleagues in Czech intelligence, his words must be considered suspect. The Czechs almost certainly know something about the CIA's propaganda and disinformation programs, just as the CIA knows of theirs. But Bittman's statement, taken along with his extensive descriptions of Czech and Russian disinformation programs, reflects exactly the image the CIA wants to promote to the American public-that the communists are always out to de- fraud the West, while the CIA, skillfully uncovering these deceits,_ eschews such unprincipled tactics. ,eschews the CIA, propaganda through book publishing has long been a successful technique. In 1953 the agency backed the publication of a book called The Dynamics of Soviet Society, which was written by Walt Rostow, later President Johnson's Assistant for National Security Affairs, and other members of the staff of the Center for International Studies at the Mas- Institute of Technology. The center had been set up sachusetts with CIA money in 1950, and this book was published in two versions, one classified (for the CIA and government policy- makers) and the other unclassified (for the public). Both versions, except in some minor details, promoted the thesis that the Soviet Union is an imperialistic power bent on world conquest, and that it is the responsibility of the United States to blunt the communist menace. Most CIA book operations, however, are more subtle and clandestine. A former CIA official who specialized in Soviet affairs recalls how one day in 1967 a CIA operator on the Covert Action Staff showed him a book called The Foreign Aid Programs of the Soviet Bloc and Communist China by a German named Kurt Muller. The book looked interesting to the Soviet expert, and he asked to borrow it. The Covert Action man replied, "Keep it. We've got hundreds more downstairs." Muller's book was some- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 1761 ? THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE thing less than an unbiased treatment of the subject; it was highly critical of communist foreign assistance to the Third World. The Soviet specialist is convinced that the agency had found out Muller was interested in communist foreign-aid programs, encouraged him to write a book which would have a strong anti-communist slant, provided him with information, and then helped to get the book published and distributed. Financing books is a standard technique used by all intelligence services. Many writers are glad to write on subjects which will further their own careers, and with a slant that will contribute to the propaganda objectives of a friendly agency. Books of this sort, however, add only a false aura of respectability and authority to the information the intelligence agency would like to see spread -even when that information is perfectly accurate-because they are by definition restricted from presenting an objective analysis of the subject under consideration. And once exposed, both the writer and his data become suspect. ( Spies, however, do not keep journals. They simply do not take that kind of risk, nor do they have the time to do so while they are leading double lives. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 the subject; it was highly to the Third World. The icy had found out Muller d programs, encouraged a strong anti-communist ~d then helped to get the ie used by all intelligence on subjects which will nt that will contribute to r agency. Books of this spectability and authority would like to see spread ' accurate-because they ing an objective analysis once exposed, both the They simply do not take :ime to do so while they Propaganda and Disinformation ? 177 ) Allen Dulles seemed to be rubbing salt in their wounds when he wrote in The Craft of Intelligence that the Penkovsky defection had shaken the Soviet intelligence services with the knowledge that the West had located Russian officials willing to work "in place for long periods of time," and others who "have never been `surfaced' and [who] for their own protection must remain unknown to the public." And, of course, the ublication of The Penkovsky Papers opened the Soviets up to the embarrassment of having the worTa earn that the top level of their government had been penetrated by a Western spy. Furthermore, Penkovsky's success as an agent made the CIA look good, both to the American people and to the rest of the world. Failures such as the Bay of Pigs might be forgiven and forgotten if the agency could recruit agents like Penkovsky to accomplish the one task the CIA is weakest at-gathering intelli- gence from inside the Soviet Union or China. The facts were otherwise, however. In the beginning, Penkovsky was not a CIA spy. He worked for British intelligence. He had tried to join the CIA In Turkey, but he had been turned down, in large part because the Soviet Bloc Division of the Clandestine Services was overly careful not to be taken in by KGB provocateurs and double agents. To the skittish CIA operators, Penkovsky seemed too good to be true, especially in the period following the Burgess-McLean catastrophe. The CIA had also suffered several recent defeats at the hands of the KGB in Europe, and it was understandably reluctant to be duped again. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 178 ? THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE Penkovsky, however, was determined to spy for the West, and in 1960 he made contact with British intelligence, which eventually recruited him. The British informed the CIA of Penkovsky's avail- ability and offered to conduct the operation as i joint p elab-the CIA operators in Moscow and elsewhere ~ formation from orated clandestine techniques used to his visits to Western Penkovsky and to debrief the Soviet spy on Europe. ( DELETED The Penkovsky Papers was a best-seller around the world, and especially in the United States. Its publication certainly caused discomfort in the Soviet Union. DELETED Richard Helms years later again referred to Penkovsky in this vein, although not by name, when he claimed in a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors that "a number of well-placed and courageous Russians . . . helped us" in uncovering the Soviet move. One person taken in by this deception was Senator Milton Young of North Dakota, who serves on the CIA oversight subcommittee. In a 1971 Senate debate on cutting the intelligence budget, the Senator said, "And if you want to read something very read interesting and authoritative where intelligence is concerned, the Penkovsky papers ... this is a very interesting story, on the intelligence we had in Cuba was so important to us, and on what the Russians were thinking and just how far they would go." Yet the CIA intelligence analysts who were working on the Cuban problem at the time of the missile crisis and preparing the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 to spy for the West, and Iligence, which eventually 1A of Penkovsky's avail- ation as a joint project. participated in the elab- eceive information from on his visits to Western .r around the world, and lication certainly caused ed to Penkovsky in this imed in a speech before ,tors that "a number of helped us" in uncovering is deception was Senator es on the CIA oversight a cutting the intelligence t to read something very ,ence is concerned, read nteresting story, on why mportant to us, and on how far they would go." were working on the crisis and preparing the Propaganda and Disinformation ? 179 agency's intelligence reports for the President up to and after the discovery of the Soviet missiles saw no such information from Penkovsky or any other Soviet spy. The key intelligence that led to the discovery of the missiles came from the analysis of satellite photography of the U.S.S.R., Soviet ship movements, U-2 photo- graphs of Cuba, and information supplied by Cuban refugees. Penkovsky's technical background information, provided well be- fore the crisis, was of some use-but not of major or critical im- portance. Several scholars of the Soviet Union have independently char- acterized The Penkovsky Papers as being partly bogus and as not having come from Penkovsky's "journal." The respected Soviet expert and columnist for the Manchester Guardian and the Wash- ington Post, Victor Zorza, wrote that "the book could have been compiled onlbjthe Central Intelligence Aden Zorza pointed out t a[ Penkovsky had neither ttl time nor the opportunity to have produced such a manuscript; that the book's publisher (Dou- bleday and Company) and translator (Peter Deriabin, himself a KGB defector to the CIA) both refused to produce the original Russian manuscript for inspection; and that The Penkovsky Papers contained errors of style, technique, and fact that Penkov- sky would not have made. British intelligence also was not above scoring a propaganda victory of its own in the Penkovsky affair. Penkovsky's contact officer had been MI-6's Greville Wynne, who, working under the cover of being a businessman, had been arrested at the same time as Penkovsky and later exchanged for the Soviet spy Gordon Lons- dale. When Wynne returned to Britain, MI-6 helped him write a book about his experiences, called Contact on Gorky Street. British intelligence wanted the book published in part to make some money for Wynne, who had gone through the ordeal of a year and a half in Soviet prisons, but the MI-6's main motive was to counteract the extremely unfavorable publicity that had been generated by the defection of its own senior officer, Harold "Kim" Philby, in 1963, and the subsequent publication of his memoirs prepared under the auspices of the KGB. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Interestingly, nowhere in Contact on Gorky Street does Wynne cite the help he received from the CIA. The reason for this omis- sion could have been professional jealousy on the part of British intelligence, good British manners (i.e., not mentioning the clan- destine activities of a friendly intelligence service), or most likely, an indication of the small role played by the CIA in the operation. Another book-publishing effort in which the CIA may or may not have been involved-to some degree-was Khrushchev Re- members, and the second volume of Khrushchev memoirs scheduled for publication this year. While these autobiographical and some- what self-serving works unquestionably originated with the former Soviet premier himself, there are a number of curious circumstances connected with their transmission from Moscow to Time Inc. in New York, and to its book-publishing division, Little, Brown and Company. Time Inc. has been less than forthcoming about how it gained access to the 180 hours of taped reminiscences upon which the books are based, and how the tapes were taken out of the U.S.S.R. without the knowledge of the Soviet government or the ubiquitous and proficient KGB. The whole operation-especially its political implication-was simply too important to have been permitted without at least tacit approval by Soviet authorities. Unlike Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Khrushchev was subsequently neither denounced nor exiled by Moscow's all-powerful party chiefs. Most of the explanations offered by Time Inc. to clarify the various mysteries involved in this episode have a slightly disin- genuous air. They may be true, but a number of highly regarded American and British scholars and intelligence officers dealing with Soviet affairs find them difficult to accept in toto. Why, for example, did Time Inc. find it necessary to take the risky step of sending a copy of the bound galleys of the book to its Moscow bureau- secretly via Helsinki-before it was published? The complete story of the Khrushchev memoirs, in short, may never be publicly known. And if it is, it may turn out to be another example of secret U.S.-Soviet cooperation, of two hostile powers giving wide circula- tion to information that each wants to see published, while Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 THE. \ERET OVEUTIOLZS 7/11"' ESPIONAGE, COUNTERESPIONAGE, AND COVERT ACTION Harry Rositzke READER'S DIGEST PRESS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 swell Company, New York, 1977 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 158 COVERT ACTION: PROPAGANDA To cover its military intervention the Soviet Union followed a familiar line: the Hungarian uprising was a bourgeois coun- terrevolution fomented by capitalist agents aimed at destroy- ing the achievements of the new socialist state. It charged that RFE, the tool of the Western imperialists, had helped incite the mobs by advocating "liberation" and anti-Soviet attitudes. At the same time in Europe and the United States, many people criticized American policy for inciting the "cap- tive peoples" of Eastern Europe to revolt and then failing to back them up with arms. A postmortem examination of RFE broadcasts in the period preceding the revolution uncovered no evidence of direct in- citement to revolt, but it was clear that the steady barrage of assurances that the West was firmly opposed to the continu- ing Communist exploitation of subject peoples could not fail to give RFE's listeners the hope that the United States would come to their aid if they did revolt. This ambivalence in American policy toward Eastern Europe has survived to this day: official acceptance of the status quo in Eastern Europe paired with an annual congressional resolution on Captive Nations Day. Anti-Soviet emigre organizations in Western Europe were also given support to produce a broad variety of publications-from flyers and leaflets to magazines and jour- nals, some of them of high intellectual caliber addressed to a sophisticated audience. Most of this material reached a largely Western audience, but some publications were smug- gled behind the Iron Curtain by legal travelers or sent into the East by balloon. A more systematic program was carried out by CIA within Western Europe itself, in effect as a covert annex to the Marshall Plan. The war had devastated the cultural and intellectual life of Europe as much as it had destroyed its industrial establishment. CIA's financial support was de- voted to reviving the cultural groups that had survived the war. Subsidies were given to publications meetings con COVERT ACTION: PROPAGANDA 159 gresses. Individual authors and artists were given help. Books were underwritten, travel grants supplied, lecture tours arranged. Organizations like the Congress for Cultural Free- dom were founded. As Europe revived, these operations de- clined. A longer-range covert effort addressed itself in these early days to a more formidable task: to match and counter the "Red fronts," that vast Soviet apparatus of international front organizations devoted to bringing the democratic Left into the Soviet camp of anti-imperialism. Soviet fronts such as the World Peace Council, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the World Federation of Trade Unions, were working hard among women, journalists, scientific workers, school- teachers, and intellectuals. To provide an alternative forum for the non-Communist elements in these professional and social groups, the CIA's "international organizations" program sought to establish counterfronts. Some of these democratic fronts survived to become viable organizations, others did not. A substantial effort was devoted to students, always a prime target for both Soviet and Communist Party organizing work. In 1946 a group of American students attended the first World Student Congress in Prague, and the following year organized the National Students Association (NSA) to represent American students in the world forum. The NSA was prepared to join the International Union of Students established after the meeting in Prague, but when its pro- Communist bias became clear after it refused to condemn the 1948 Communist coup in Czechoslovakia, the NSA joined with other non-Communist student groups to form a second international, the International Student Conference. This counterfront soon developed a fairly rigid Cold War program against the Soviet-sponsored International Union. NSA's international operations were funded by a number of foundations that enabled it to sponsor annual international Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 cholarships for foreign stu- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 ? 0- r.1 r..-. V B N o$ O ~. r ? - N r- { r n O . n .7' ? .". c O .JO. y r. 'J CL g- ra . 0. 0- N n ~h r. Cp N c O w~~?' '7 CD .7 -~'7 r w g ?t CD 0. n N N O N ~$ CD n 49. ? u, o O r. R w p?~ x o ro w w C 9 ~ N r, R b_ -0 .~. prti~ ~~NpD ,~ N G. ,`.3 ... C ~.y ~e ".~ w R 7 CD CD c N CD -y H .:. r+ G O. CD w m w AO . N w 5 N c a N ?" ? n w" to .~ 0. Z ti r r. "7 " w 9. CD PD e% O O '7 o iC" O N o 0 3 8 a _8. 0 000 r* & CD CD 3. w o rD ?, -- ?+ c o J 91S ?r vn, CD CD ".J w ?t C '' rD CL N rQ ?7 c~ ~, O w w `~ .,, ~ b w '0 ~N7 ~' w ? .t c~. y ? N c r, _]- y e ~ O A w w ? ~p ^ ~+, w CD .'.r `< ~. ti W .3 r- d, h `~ 00 rw- ? .Q r* N 00 ~' w 8 e~ O G. w '71 (n y' p o r+ ti. O ? ? 1. 0 CL "0 ~. O ~' w _N N n w "'y w ... c .7 0. w ,~ w AA~ n y N `7? Vf MO eb 0 00 .a w O O O .Oh w 'Q n. to Op w C e CD o, r* CD CD .T c g" 0 rN?- -+ ., "L' w ~ (IQ `< O 'w-" .N". '9. 9 r* fD C N w CD ~' x :n C C CD -:..?, y "'1 r- O C K A H O CD O ]' ~' y Or Co ~' n w N O~ wry N O X ~, rn 0. O H ~. ~' 00 O Or . a ti c N "O " fD '?n O rr c ? O ''T -I O ='r O. CCD y R y ~. Q. N .~ o Qj "Jr' D' w ~' ,t e H .,, o > rr r. r. CL '+ c fD '+I rr '~ 'C N CD 4 `'7 c S' '+ ~. n O fD' "--' 0 -y r0 O fD Zr .r' N 0 0 O ~0-- CT fD 0 n A~ R -t 0 ..r W O O "+ C c1. O o'7 W d 0 " rt "' 0 W' y rO. > Gr 00_, - ft, O 0 0 N A Qr a ly? LIJ w H~ * cr W N 0 ... ~ p='8 R v+ A .1 "' rD 0 w , "~ , * as O O. p r+ O .7 0 . '< -9 N ? ? :< 4 eD N `< ~D Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 186 Johnson organized a committee composed of Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach, Secretary of HEW John Gardner, and CIA Director Richard Helms to review government activities that may "endanger the integrity and independence of the educational coninln- nity." The committee's life was short-43 days-but its recommenda- tions, accepted by President Johnson on March 29,1967 ' were to have a profound effect on the CIA's clandestine operations, both in the United States and abr d oa . 4. The Katzenbach, Committee President Johnson's concern for the integrity and independence of American institutions could have resulted in the Katzenbach Commit- tee being charged with general review of the domestic impact. of clandestine activities and their effect on American institutions; includ- ing consideration of twhether all covert relationships should be prohibited, and, if not, what guidelines should be imposed on the use of institutions and individuals. Instead, the Johnson Administration carefully and consciously limited the mandate of the Katzenbach Committee's investigation to the relationship between the CIA and "U.S. educational and private voluntary organizations which operate abroad." In a February 24 memorandum to Gardner and Helms, Katzenbach cited the narrow- ness of the mandate in listing problems faced by the Committee : 1. The narrow scope of this mandate, as compared with the demands, by Senator Mansfield, et al, that this flap be used as a springboard for a review of all clandestine financing by CIA. 2. More specifically, the exclusion in this mandate of rela- tionships between CIA and American businesses abroad. 3. Focusing the mandate on CIA, rather than on all private organization relationships with government agencies. In testimony before this Committee, Mr. Katzenbach said that his committee was designed by President Johnson not only to deal with the relationship of the CIA to educational and voluntary organizations, but to head off a full-scale congressional investigation.' All other covert relationships were to be excluded from the investiga- tion. In a memo to his colleagues, the Deputy Chief of the Covert Action Staff reported : It is stated that the country o Aerations funded by black bag [sterilized or laundered fmid! I were not, to be, included in the CIA's response to the Katzenbach Commission and empha- sized that the focus of this paper was to be on organizations. In addition the Katzenbach Committee did not undertake investi- gation of CIA domestic commercial operations, specifically those de- signed to provide cover for clandestine intelligence operations which 'Nicholas Katzenbach testimony, 10/11/75. p. 5. Katzenhach also said of the President's decision on membership : . he [the President] wanted John Gardner on it because he thought that would help politically in getting acceptance of whatever the recommendations turned out to be because he thought Helms would defend everything and wanted to continue everything. Gardner would want to stop everything. It was my job to come out with something in the middle." (Aid). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 >osed of tTudersecretai_y of State EIEW John Gardner, and CIA hoverlllllellt activities that may fence of the educational conlulu- -43 days-but its reconunenda- on March 29, 1967, were to have destine operations, both in the integrity and independence of ted in the Katzenbach Commit- aw of the domestic impact of American institutions; includ- 3vert relationships should be s should be imposed on the use on carefully and consciously Il Committee's investigation to "U.S. educational and private e abroad." In a February 24 Katzenbacll cited the narrow- faced by the Committee : ate, as compared with the al, that this flap be used clandestine financing by in this mandate of rela- nll businesses abroad. rather than on all private ernmenl. agencies. 1Ir. Katzenbacll said that his )hnson not only to deal with and voluntary Organlzatlolls, nvestigation.' excluded front the investiga- Deputy Chief of the Covert ms funded by black bag not, to be included in the 0111111issi011 and empha- to be on organizations. did not undertake investi- Itions, specificallty those de- telligence operations which 5. Katzenbacll also said of the on it because he thought that whatever the reeoanaeadatiou.14 I defend everything and wanted op everi thing. It was any job to the U.S. directed at such targets as foreign students, foreign business- 1nen, foreign diplomatic and consular officials travelling or residing in the United States. Despite the narrowness of its mandate, the actual investigation of the Katzenbach Committee was vigorous and thorough. After delib- eration, the Committee issued the basic recommendation that: It should be the policy of the United States Government that no federal agency shall provide any covert financial assist- ance or support, direct or indirect, to any of the nation's educational or private voluntary organizations. In May 196 tthe Deputy Director for Plans Desmond FitzGerahl interpreted the post-Katzenbach ground rules in a circular to the field. He stated : Several operational guidelines emerge: a. Covert relations with commercial U.S. organizations are not, repeat, not barred. b. Covert funding overseas of foreign-based international organizations is permitted. He indicated that greater care would be needed in the conduct of clandestine operations, in order to prevent disclosures: a. The care required under the Katzenbach Report, with respect to the recruitment and use of U.S. students, and U.S. university professors, applies equally to the recruitment and use of foreign students... . In simple terms, we are now in a different ballgaine. Some of the basic ground rules have changed. When in doubt, ask l 1Qs. 5. A Different Ballgame: CIA Response to Katzenbach The policy guidelines established in the Katzenbach Report aril supplemental guidelines with which the CIA interpreted the Report, brought major adjustments in covert action programs and methods. Some 77 projects were examined at high levels within the CIA, and lists were drawn up of projects to be terminated, projects to be trans- ferred to other sources of funding, projects to continue, and projects whose future required higher level decisions. The 303 Committee met frequently throughout 1967 and 1968 to deal with difficult questions, such as how to provide for continued funding of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. At the same time the Agency was withdrawing from support of a large number of domestically-based organizations, it moved rapidly to shelter certain high-priority operations from the Katzenbach pro- hibitions and to devise more secure funding mechanisms. This process was facilitated by what was termed "surge funding." The Katzen- bach guidelines called for termination of CIA funding of domesti- cally based U.S. organizations by December 31, 1967. With 303 Com- mittee approval for the largest grants, the Agency "surge funded" a number of organizations, giving them advances before the December deadline which carried them in some cases for up to two )-cars of op- erations. Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty were so funded. In adjusting to the "new ballgame." the appearance of contraven- ing the Katzenbacll guidelines, rather than specific regulations, was Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 seen as it reason not to continue relationships with certain institutions. At the same time, at least. one case suggests that even a clean termina- l ion of funding with a private organization did not necessarily end the CIA's support of the policies and programs of the organization. A CIA report . on termination plans for a large project in the Far East indicated that, with surge funding, the organization could continue into fiscal year 1969, and that thereafter "[the organization's] Board of Trustees will assume full responsibility for the organization and has pledged to continue its policies and range of activities." The following are examples of the score of projects which the CIA reviewed in 1967 and decided to continue to fund : (1) A publications and press institute that maintained a worldwide network of stringers and correspondents. A CIA report on the project asserted that. it. exerts virtu ally no domestic influence in any quarter, although its publications are read by U.S. students." (2) Several international trade union organizations. (3) A foreign-based news feature service. (4) A foreign-based research and publishing institute. In reviewing the CIA's adjustments to the Katzenbach Committee's recommendations, the Committee found no violations of the policy the report sets forth. However, it is important. to recognize how narrow the focus of the Katzenbach Committee's concern was. The problem was approached by the committee and by the CIA essentially as one of security: how to limit the damage caused by the revelations of CIA relationships with private U.S. institutions. Many of the restrictions developed by the CIA in response to the events of 1967 appear to be security measures aimed at preventing further public disclosures which could jeopardize sensitive CIA operations. They did not, represent. significant rethinking of where boundaries ought to he drawn in a, free society. Moreover, although President .Iohrlson adopted the Katzenbach report as policy, it was not issued as an executive order or enacted as a statute. Thus, it has no firm legal status. 6. Post 1.967 relations with. the U.S. Academic Community In analyzing the adequacy of the Katzenbacll regulations and of the CIA's compliance with them, the select Committee concen- trated much of its attention on contemporary relationships between the CIA and the U.S. academic community. 'T'ile Committee interprets "academic community" to include more than the Katzenbach Com- mittee undoubtedly had in mind when it, recommended prohibition of "covert financial assistance or support . to any of the nation's edil- cat.ional . . . organizations." "Academic conununity" has been inter- preted by this Committee to include universities, university-related research centers, and the full range of individual scholars and school administrators, ranging from department. heads to career counselors and to Pll.D. candidates engaged in teaching. The. Committee has approached this inquiry with three principal questions: (1) What is the extent and nature of CIA relationships with F.S. academic institutions and with individual American academics? (2) What are the guidelines and ground rules governing CIA post- Katzenbach relations with the academic community ? (3) What issues are at stake; what threats, if anv, do current rela- tions pose for the independence of this influential sector of society? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 38 t.ionships with certain institutions. suggests that even a clean termina- ;anization did not necessarily end d programs of the organization. A or it large project in the Far East r, the organization could continue after "[the organization's] Board risibility for the organization and and range of activities." e score of projects which the CIA 111ne to fund: itute that maintained a worldwide ents. A CIA report on the project domestic influence in any quarter, IT.S. students." ion organizations. service. publishing institute. is to the Katzenbach Committee's Mind no violations of the policy is important. to recognize how i Committee's concern was. The nittee and by the CIA essentially lamage caused by the revelations U.S. institutions. Many of the 1 response to the events of 1967 d at preventing further public isitive CIA operations. They did of where boundaries ought to be ough President-Johnson adopted not issued as an executive order firm legal status. ^adeniac Community the Katzenbach regulations m, the Select Committee concen- orauy relationships between the pity. The Committee interprets we than the Katzenbach Com- it, recommended prohibition of . . to any of the nation's edii- aie community" has been inter- universities, university-related individual scholars and school lent heads to career counselors teaching. The Committee has ncipal questions: ,f CIA relationships with U.S. hiial American academics? u rid rules governing CIA post- community? hreats, if ally, do current rela- s influential sector of society? The CIA relationships with the academic community are extensive and serve many purposes, including providing leads and making intro- ductions for intelligence purposes, collaboration in research and anal- ysis, intelligence collection abroad, and preparation of books and other proLnaganda. materitlls. ..~...~ ----- ITieeTect omnnittee's concentration has been on the area of clan- destine relationships untouched by the Katzenbach Committee- individuals. 7. Covert Relations with Individuals in the Academic Community As already noted, from the first days of the Katzenbach Commit- tee, the CIA proceeded on the operating assumption that the inquiry was directed squarely at, institutional relationships-not individuals in or affiliated with those private institutions. After the Katzenbach report, the Agency issued a basic instruction entitled "Restrictions on Operational Use of Certain Categories of Individuals." This instruc- tion remains in force today. The instruction states that the "basic rule" for the use of human agents by the Operations Directorate is that "an i consenting adult" may be used. While all members o the American academic community, including students, certainly qualify as "consenting adults," the CIA since 1967 has been particularly sensitive to the risks associated with their use. In order to control and confine contacts with American academics, the handling of relationships with individuals associated with universities is largely confined to two CIA divisions of the Directorate of Opera- tions-the Domestic Collection Division and the Foreign Resources Division. The Domestic Collection Division is the point of contact ~-?it i large numbers of American academics who travel abroad or who are otherwise consulted on the subject of their expertise. Tine Foreign Resources Division on the other hand, is the purely o era- tiona arm o t e CIA in ealin with merican academics. to- ge er, -and FRD are currently in contact-ranging from the occasional debriefing to a continuing operational relationship-with many thousands of United States academics at hundreds of U.S. academic institutions. It is imperative to underline that the majority of these relationships are purely for the purpose of asking an academic about his travels abroad or open informal consulting on subjects of the academic's ex- pertise. The Committee sees no danger to the integrity of American private institutions sucn - 71 The s Office of ersonne also maintains relationships with university administrators, sometimes in the placement office. These relationships, which are usually contractual, enable the CIA to ap- proach suitable United States students for CIA employment. The "operational use" of academics is another matter. It raises trou- bling questions as to preservation of the integrity of American aca- demic institutions. overt Use of the U.S. Academic Community The Central Intelli enwe A enev is now using several hundred American academics ", who in addition to providing & ads a. on ""Academics" includes administrators, faculty members and graduate students engaged in teaching. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 occasto~a, mutiny introductions or intell' epee ur oses occasionally write booee and otTier materia to a nee or propaganda purposes abroad. Re and these, an additional few score are used in an unwitting manner or minor activities. Me-se ae mxes are oeated in over 100 American eolle es univer- es re a ins 2 xl es. t t e nw ott o institutions no one of er t an t e x xv ua concern is aware o t e CIA ink. At t ae of ers at east one unrveratt o cr xs aware o t e o eration use in e o ac emus on is cam us. n ion, ere are severs mer- lean ac en ues a ro w to serve operational purposes, primarily the collection of intelligence.12 The CIA considers these o rational relationships with the United eta acs emir community as per aps its most sense Ive ome Ic area Anltl has e+ + 4 __. V gency s interna lrectives, E110 O owing distinctions lgovern the operational use of individuals : the CIA's directives prohibit the opera- tional use of indiv;~l,, ,l __ -.1- s a d an Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, commonly known as the Fulbright-Hays Act. Falling under this particular prohibition are teachers, research scholars, lecturers, and students who have been selected to receive scholarships or grants by the Board of Foreign Scholarships. This prohibition specifically does not apply to the several other categories of grantees supported by other provisions of the Ful- bright-Hays Act, such as artists, athletes, leaders, specialists, or par- ticipants in international trade fairs or expositions, who do not come under the aegis of the President's Board of Foreign Scholarships. As far as the three major foundations-Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie- are concerned, the prohibition extends to "persons actively participat- ing in programs which are wholly sponsored and controlled by any of these foundations. Additionally, there will be no operational use made of the officials or employees of these organizations." (These large foun- dations were cited by a CIA official in 1966 before the 303 Committee as "a trouble area in New York City-reluctant to cooperate on joint ventn res.") 9. Corert Relationships with Acadameic and Voluntary Organizations: Conclusions With respect to CIA covert relationships with private institutions and voluntary organizations, the Committee concludes: (1) The CIA has adhered to the 1967 Katzenbach guidelines govern- ing relationships with domestic private and voluntary institutions. The guidelines are so narrowly focused, however, that the covert use of American individuals from these institutions has continued. (2) imerican academics are now being used for such operational /l)111'l)oses as vialrinn vn ro TT~T -: r -' " ` ? `~ 'o?u a0[Oa(1. 1It11011f'h the 11 limbers are Ilot as teat ay as ul 196 ), t ere are no pro 1 )itio11S to nreven ith the exception of those teacher's, scholars and students who receive scholarships or grants from the Board of Foreign Scholar- " For explanation of italics, see footnote, p. M. 12 Ibid. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 sntelli epee ur oses occasiontally be 2i8e or propaganda purpo8e8 few Score are u8ed in an unwitting er 100 A m e r i c a n cone e univer- ma rzt o institutions no one i8 aware o -th-e-CTF ink. At 'ware o t e o erationa u8e a2 (1on, sere are severs mer- erational purpo8e8, primarily the ial relationshi s with the United )s its most sent ive domestic rea ese o era to owing distinctions govern the A's directives prohibit the opera- eiving support under the Mutual pet of 1961, commonly known as er this particular prohibition are and students who have been rants by the Board of Foreign ally does not apply to the several I by other provisions of the Ful- etes, leaders, specialists, or par- er expositions, who do not come rd of Foreign Scholarships. As ird, Rockefeller and Carnegie- to "persons actively participat- isored and controlled by any of will be no operational use made minizations." (These large fotin- 1966 before the 303 Committee -reluctant to cooperate on joint c and Voluntary Organizations: Iships with private institutions nittee concludes: Katzenbach guidelines govern- and voluntary institutions. The Dwever, that the covert use of itutions has continued. ping used for such operational M a rgenve purpo8e8 17a and I'll the numbers are not as rest is to prevent an increase in t e Jilese operation.,, is eternune archers, scholars and students the Board of Foreign Scholar- ships, the CIA is not prohibited from the operational use of all other categories of grantee support'uitder the Fulbright-Hays Act (arthsts, athletes, leaders, specialists, etc.). ;Nor is there any prohibition on the operational use of individuals participating in any other exchange program funded by the United States Government. In addressing the issues of the CIA's relationship to the American academic community the Committee is keenly aware that if the CIA is to serve the intelligence needs of the nation, it, must have unfettered access to the best advice and judgment our universities can produce. But this advice and expertise can and should be openly sought-and openly given. Suspicion that such openness of intellectual encounter and exchange is complemented by covert operational exploitation of academics and students can only prejudice, if not destroy, the pos- sibility of a full and fruitful exchange between the nation's best minds and the nation's most critical intelligence needs. To put these intel- lects in the service of the nation, trust, and confidence must be main- tained between our intelligence agencies and the academic community. The Committee is disturbed both by the present practice of opera- tionally using American academics and by the awareness that, the restraints on expanding this practice are primarily those of sensitivity to the risks of disclosure and not an appreciation of dangers to the integrity of individuals institutions. Nevertheless, the Commit- tee does not recommend a legislative, prohibition on the, operational ex oI a Ion of individuals in ]private institutions by the intelligence, agencies. a ommittee views sucTile islatioii ns t?Ti uinenforceable an in I self-an intrusion on ie rlvac an integrity o the American aca emit -comr1inity. The Committee a Ieves t nat it is t Ie res on- si iltty of rivate institutions an articularl ? the American academic communit to set the ro essional and ethical stan arc s o its mem- bers IIS repo o the nature an extent o covert un wiai 'eln- t s dons with the CIA is intended to alert these institutions that there is ~ rohlem._ d A amen At the same time, the, Committee recommends that. the CI alent o cia o t ne re evant aca emic institutions, informed o tie can estane eT a ions t . e Committee a so fee s strongly that there should be no opera- tional use made of professors, lecturers, students, artists, and the like who are funded under United States Government-sponsored programs. The prohibition on the operational use of Fulbright grantees must be extended to other government-sponsored programs; and in this case the prohibition should be confirmed by law, given the direct responsi- bility of the Congress for these programs. It is unacceptable that Americans would go overseas under a cultural or academic exchange program funded openly by the United States Congress and at the same time serve. an operational purpose directed by the Central Intelli- gence Agency. B. COVERT R?F,LA1'ION SIIIPS WITH TIiF. ITNITED STATES (MEDIA In pursuing its foreign intelligence mission the Central Intelligence Agency Ias use ie media for both the col ection of intelligence Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 192 and for cover. Until February 1976, when it announced a new policy toward U.S. media personnel the CIA mai t i , a n nedtl cover reation ships with about 50 American journalists or employees of IJ.S. organizations. They are part media of t a ne work ofl h Severaundred foreign I individuals around the world who provide i t lli n e gence for the G'IA and at times attempt to inffrien,e foreign opinion the h the use o covert propaganda. These individ~,,.~/A ,? of o ' f foreign n1Cw8paper8 and periodicals of press services and news a , 8core8 en i g c e s radio and tlii eevson Stations com_ mercial book publishers and other foreign media outlet8.19 ' The CIA has been particularly sensitive to the charge that CIA covert relationships with the A i mer can medi jdi aeoparze the credibil- tilt h e U.S. publicriForme Dam or Willipossibil ty of propagandizing Intelligence: ------ J ""`"""? Lite House 6elect Committee on Ave have taken particular caution to ensure that our opera- tions are focused abroad and not at the United States in order to influence the o f U inio p n o the Amil ercan peope about things from a CIA point of view. As early as 1967, the CIA, in the wake of the National Student Association disclosure moved t fl l , o at y prhibit th oe publication of magazines, or news a er i h p p s n t e untd St ieates. More recently) George Bush, the new Director, undertook as one of his first actions to , Crecogn ostitnizetithe" "special status afforded the American media wider our uon and therefore pledged that "CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any United States news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station." r+ In approaching the subject of the CIA's relationship with the United States media, the Select Committee has been guided by several broad concerns. It has inquired into the covert publication of propaganda in order to assess its domestic impact; it has 'investigated the nature and purpose of the covert relationships that the CIA maintains with bona fide U.S. journalists; it has examined the use of journalistic cover by CIA agents it h ; as pursued th diffil ecut issue of domestic "fallout" from CIA's foreign press placements and other propaganda activities. Throughout, it has compared current practice to the regula- tions restricting activities in this area, in order both to ish establish whether the CIA has complied with existinlti g reguaons, and, more impomsel \ rtave. th e nts, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the regulations 1. Books and P bli u shing H ouses C overt Propad ih ganas te hidden exercise of the power of persua- ? I sion. In the world of covert propaganda, book publishing activities I have a special place. In 1961 the Chief of the CIA's Covert A ti c on " For l \ exp anationf f oootnotes, see " George Bush stn to,.,o.,. ~ ,, , ,,.,, 179. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 1, when it announced a new policy CIA maintained covert relation- aalists or employees of U.S. media etwork of several hundred foreign "ovide intelligence for the CIA and sign opinion through the use of cols provide the CIA with direct newspapers and periodicals, scores radio and television stations, eom- roreign media outlets." sensitive to the charge that CIA ,an media jeopardize the credibil- the possibility of propagandizing Tilliam Colby expressed this con- he House Select Committee on nn to ensure that our opera- at the United States in order merican people about things c wake of the National Student tly prohibit the publication of he United States. More recently, took as one of his first actions to the American media under our that "CIA will not enter into with any full-time or part-time ry United States news service, ;ion network or station." 14 As relationship with the United is been guided by several broad ert publication of propaganda it has investigated the nature s that the CIA maintains with amined the use of journalistic I the difficult issue of domestic cements and other propaganda current practice to the re la- a, in order both to establish xisting regulations, and, more adequacy of the regulations ,rcise of the power of persua- da, book publishing activities f of the CIA's Covert Action sons regardless of commercial viability." Examples included : (1) A book about, the conflict in Indochina was produced in 1954 at the initiation of the CIA's Far East Division. A major I.S. publish- ing house under contract. to the CIA published the book in French and English. Copies of both editions were distributed to foreign embassies Staff, who had responsibility fQr the covert propaganda program, wrote : Books differ from all other propaganda media, primarily because one single book can significantly change the reader's attitude and action to an extent unvaatchecl by the impact of any other single medium . . . this is, of course, not true of all books at all times and with all readers-but it is true signifi- cantly often enough to make books the most important weapon of strategic (long-range) propaganda. According to The Chief of the Covert Action Staff, the CIA's clan- destine handling of book publishing and distribution could: (a) Get 'books published or distributed abroad without revealing any U.S. influence, by covertly subsidizing foreign publications or booksellers. (b) Get books published which should not be "contam- inated" by any overt tie-in with the U.S. government., espe- cially if the position of the author is "delicate." (c) Get books published for operational reasons, regardless of commercial viability. (d) Initiate and subsidize indigenous national or inter- national organizations for book publishing or distributing purposes. (e) Stimulate the writing of politically significant books by unknown foreign authors-either by directly subsidizing the author, if covert contact is feasible, or indirectly, through literary agents or publishers. Well over a thousand books were produced, subsidized or spon- sored by the CIA before the end of 1967. Approximately 25 percent of them were written in English. Many of them were published by cul- tural organizations which the CIA backed, and more often than not the author was unaware of CIA subsidization. Some books, however, in- volved direct collaboration between the CIA and the writer. The Chief of the Agency's propaganda unit wrote in 1961: The advantage of our direct contact. with the author is that we can acquaint hint in great detail with our intentions; that we can provide him with whatever material we want him to include and that we can check the manuscript at every stage. Our control over the writer will have to be enforced usually by paying hum for the time lie works on the ruturu- script, or at least advancing him sums which he might have to repay . . . [the Agency] must make sure the actual manu- script will correspond with our operational and propagandis- tic intention... . The Committee has reviewed a few examples of what. the Chief of the Covert Action Staff termed "books published for operational rea- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 194 in the United States, and to selected newspapers and magazine editors both in the United States and abroad 2 . () A book about a student from a developing country who had studied in a communist country "was developed of the CIA] and produced by the Domestic Operations Division ... by [two area divisions and has had a high impactwasin thue U.hSe.dasbywelthe l as tile [foreign area] book , which pblis market." The major U.S. Publishing house, was published in condensed form in twoe U.S. magazines. Eric Severeid, the CBS political commentator, in reviewing this book, spoke a larger truth than he knew when-_ hen he- sug- ested that "our propaganda services could do worse than to flood foreign] university towns with this volume." (3) Another CIA book, 'the? - ?r~,a published in the United States in 1965 "for operational reason W+>s' became commercially viable. The , but actually by witting Agency assets who drew onkactual pcaseamat materials. Publi- cation rights tote manuscript were sold to a publisher through a trust fund which was established for the purpose. The publisher as unaware of any U.S. Government intere t Th s . e Publih A sing program in the period before the National Student 100,11-1 - ssociation disclosures was large in -i.._-._ _ l pub ishes or subsidized well over 200 books, rang- in g from books on wildlife and safaris to translations of Machiavelli's The Prince into Swahili and works of T S d paro .y of the famous little red book of ti Qu u to a t t i q o at ons from Chairman Liu.o at ons from Mao entitled The publicity which in 1967 surrounded several CIA Lions and threatened quickly to expose others caused the CIA to act Katzenbactoh limit its use of U.S. publishers. In direct res o report D , eputy Dit fdI t ald recoror Plans Desmon FizGe ordered, "We will, under no circumstances or newspapers in the United States," ,Publish books, magazines Wi h t thidh s orer, te CIA suspended direct publication and subsi- dization within the United States not only of books, but also of jour- nals and newsletters, including: a in a azi Stat b g es a p sea ne published by a United -roprietary for cultural and artistic exchange. letter mailed to foreign students studying in North Amer an uni eews r- sities under the sponsorship of a CIA proprietary foundation; and a publication on Latin American affairs published in the United States, Thus since 1967 the CIA's Publishing activities have almost entirely been confined to books and other materials published abroad. During the past few years, some 250 books have been published abroad, most of them in foreign languages. As Previously noted, the CIA has denied to the Committee a number of the titles and names of authors of the propaganda books since 1967. Brief d bli i pu escr shed ptionid s proved by the Agency indicate the breadth of subject matter, which includes the following topics, among many others : Vi(t1)am Commercial ventures and commercial law in South (2) Indochina representation at the U.N.; (3) A memoir of the Korean War; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 cted newspapers and magazine edi road. tors from a developing country who had was developed by [two area divisions he Domestic Operations Division ... 1e U.S. as well as the [foreign area] ublished by the European outlet of a shed in condensed form in two major the CBS Political commentator, in der truth than he knew when he sug- 'vices could do worse than to flood iis volume." l iona published in op t e book was but actually aw on actual pared and written rere sold to a case materials. Publi- or the publisher through a for the purpose. The publisher was Period before the National Student in volume and varied in taste. In ibsidized well over 200 books, rang- iris to translations of Machiavelli's s of T. S. Eliot into Russian, to a k of quotations from Mao entitled ounded several CIA sponsored or- ose others caused the CIA to act 3lishers. In direct response to the )r for Plans Desmond FitzGerald stances, publish books, magazines ded direct publication and subsi- st only of books, but also of jour- nagazlne published by a United I and artistic exchange; a news- lying in North American' proprietary foundation . and a s published in the United States. 19 activities have almost entirely veabeenl published labroad, mostt pied to the Committee a number he propaganda books published ed by the Agency indicate the 3es the following topics, among commercial law in South ;he U.N. ; (4) The prospects for European union; (5) Chile under Allende. -2. Covert Use of U.S. Journalists and Media Institutions On February 11, 1976, the CIA announced new guidelines governing its relationship with U.S. media organizations: Effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station." Of the approximately 50. U.S. journalists or personnel of U.S. media organizations who were employed by the CIA or maintained some other covert relationship with the CIA at the time of the announcement, fewer than one-half will be terminated under the new CIA gnidelines. About half of the some 50 CIA relationships with the U.S. media were paid relationships, ranging from salaried operatives working under journalistic cover, to U.S. journalists serving as "independent contractors" for the CIA and being paid regularly for their services, to those who receive only occasional gifts and reimbursements from the CIA " . "'- More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.18 .._ ) Although the variety of the CIA relationships with the U.S. media makes a systematic breakdown of them almost impossible, former CIA Director Colby has distinguished among four types of relationships.19 These are : (1) Staff of general circulation, U.S. news organizations; (2) Staff of small, or limited circulation, U.S. publications; (3) Free-lance, stringers, propaganda writers, and employees of U.S. publishing houses; (4) Journalists with whom CIA maintains unpaid, occasional, covert contact. While the CIA did not provide the names of its media agents or the names of the media organizations with which they are connected, the Committee reviewed summaries of their relationships and work with the CIA. Through this review the Committee found that as of Febru- ary 1976: (1) The first category, which would include any staff member of a general circulation U.S. news organization who functions as a paid undercover contact of the CIA, appears to be virtually phased out. The 1? According to the CIA, "accredited" applies to individuals who are "formally authorized by contract or issuance of press credentials to represent themselves as correspondents." "Drawn from "operational case studies" provided to the Committee 12/16/75 and 10/21/75. "'For expla notion of footnotes, see p. 179. "On November 30, 1973, the WaBhinaton Star-NewQ reported that Director Colby had ordered a review of CIA media relationships in September of that year, and reported that Colby would phase out the first category but maintain journalists in each of the other three categories. In his testimony to the House Select Committee on Intelligence on November 6, 1975, Colby made a general reference to these categories. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 196 Committee has found only two current relationships that fit this cate- gory, both of which are being terminated under the CIA's Febru- ary 11, 1976 stated policy. The Committee has also found a small number of past relationships that fit this category. In some cases the cover arrangement consisted of reimbursing the U.S. newspaper for any articles by the CIA agent which the paper used. In at least one case the journalistic functions assumed by a CIA staff officer for cover purposes grew to a point where the officer concluded that he could not satisfactorily serve the require- ments of both his (unwitting) U.S. media employers and the CIA, and therefore resigned from the CIA. He maintained contact, however. with the CIA and continued, very occasionally, to report to the CIA from the countries in which he worked. (2) Of the less than ten relationships with writers for small, or limited circulation, U.S. publications, such as trade journals or news- letters, most are for cover purposes. (3) The third, and largest, category of CIA relationships with the U.S. media includes free-lance journalists; "stringers" for newspapers, news magazines and news services; itinerant authors; propaganda writers; and agents working under cover as employees of U.S. pub- lishing houses abroad. With the exception of the last group, the majority of the individuals in this category are bona fide writers or journalists or photographers. Most are paid by the CIA, and virtually all are witting; few, however, of the news organizations to which they contribute are aware of their CIA relationships. (4) The fourth category of covert relationships resembles the kind of contact that journalists have with any other department of the U.S. Government in the routine performance of their journalistic duties. No money changes hands. The relationships are usually limited to occa- sional lunches, interviews, or telephone conversations during which information would be exchanged or verified. The difference, of course, is that the relationships are covert. The journalist either volunteers or is requested by the CIA to provide some sort of information about peo- ple with whom he is in contact. In several cases, the relationship began when the journalist approached a U.S. embassy officer to report that he was approached by a foreign intelligence officer; in others, the CIA initiated the relationship. The first major step to impose restrictions on the use of U.S. journal- ists was taken by former Director Colby in the fall of 1973. According to Mr. Colby's letter to the Committee : IIl (a) CIA will undertake no activity in which there is a risk of influencing domestic public opinion, either directly or in- directly. The Agency will continue its prohibition against placement of material in the American media. In certain in- stances, usually where the initiative is on the part of the media, CIA will occasionally provide factual non-attributable briefings to various elements of the media, but only in cases where we are sure that the senior editorial staff is aware of the source of the information provided. Al Letter from William Colby to the Select Committee, 10/21/75. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 196 rrent relationships that fit this cate- ,rminated under the CIA's Febru- L small number of past relationships s the cover arrangement consisted of for any articles by the CIA agent one case the journalistic functions over purposes grew to a point where not satisfactorily serve the require- media employers and the CIA, and He maintained contact, however, occasionally, to report to the CIA :ed. inships with writers for small, or ns, such as trade journals or news- ory of CIA relationships with the ialists; "stringers" for newspapers, s; itinerant authors; propaganda ? cover as employees of U.S. pub- exception of the last group, the category are bona fide writers or ire paid by the CIA, and virtually news organizations to which they lationships. t relationships resembles the kind any other department of the U.S. nee of their journalistic duties. No ;hips are usually limited to occa- ione conversations during which verified. The difference, of course, 'he journalist either volunteers or me sort of information about peo- veral cases, the relationship began .S. embassy officer to report. that ligence officer; in others, the CIA ctions on the use of U.S. journal- lby in the fall of 1973. According ee: 21 ivity in which there is a risk amnion, either directly or in- nue its prohibition against erican media. In certain in- itive is on the part of the 'ide factual non-attributable he media, but only in cases r editorial staff is aware of ided. t Committee, 10/21/7.5. (b) As a general policy, the Agency will not make any clandestine use of staff employees of U.S. publications which have a substantial impact or influence on public opinion. This limitation includes cover use and any other activities which mlht be directed by CIA. (c) A thorough review should be made of CIA use of non- staff journalists; i.e., stringers and free-lancers, and also those individuals involved in journalistic activities who are in non- sensitive sensitive journalist-related positions, primarily for cover backstopping. Our goal in this exercise is to reduce such usage to a minimum. Mr. Colby's letter specified that operational use of staff-that is, full- time correspondents and other employees of major U.S. news maga- zines, newspapers, wire services, or television networks-was to be avoided. Use would be less restricted for "stringers" or occasional correspondents for these news organizations, as well as for corre- spondents working for smaller, technical, or specialized publications. The public statement that the CIA issued on February 11, 1976, ex- pressed a policy of even greater restraint : -Effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station. -As soon as feasible, the Agency will bring existing rela- tionships with individuals in these groups into conformity with this new policy. -CIA recognizes that members of these groups (U.S. media and religious personnel) may wish to provide infor- mation to the CIA on matters of foreign intelligence of interest to the U.S. Government. The CIA will continue to welcome information volunteered by such individuals? From CIA testimony later that month, the Committee learned that this prohibition extends to non-Americans accredited to U.S. media organizations. Nevertheless, this prohibition does not cover "unaccred- ited" Americans serving in U.S. media organizations, or free-lance writers. As previously noted, the CIA has informed the Committee that, of the approximately 50 CIA relationships with U.S. journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations, fewer than one-half will be terminated under the new guidelines.23 3. Two Issues : "Fallout" and the Integrity of a Free Press In examining the CIA's past and present use of the U.S. media, the Committee finds two reasons for concern. The first is the potential, in- herent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally "CIA instructions interpreting the new policy explain that "the term 'con- tractual' applies to any written or oral agreement obligating the Agency to provide financial remuneration including regular salaries, spot payments, or reimbursement of, out-of-pocket operational expenses or the provision of other material benefits that are clearly intended as a reward for services rendered the Agency." "CIA response of March 17, 1976 (76-0315/1). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 198 fnisleading the American public. The second is the dame to the credibility and independence o ..-.cared oovBI~E t~[tf f ,9-10e V ..Bthich may be caused by In his 1967 order prohibiting CIA anbl c tand in indthis o lryat p Deputy Director for plans Desmond FitzGerald raise d the first issue. He stated then Fallout in the United States from a foreign publication which we support is inevitable and consequently permis- sible. In extensive testimony, CIA employees both past and conceded that there is no way to shield the American publc resent have from such "fallout." As a former senior official of the Agency put it in testimony : There is no wa in thi i y s ncreasingly small world of ours of insulating information that one puts out overseas and con- fining it to the area to where one puts it out.... When Brit- ish intelligence was operating in the last century, they could plant an outrageous story in some local publication and feel fairly confident that no one else would ever hear about it, that would be the end of it. . That is no longer the case. Whether or not this type of overseas activity should be allowed to continue is subject to differing views and judg- ments. My own would be that we would be fools to relinquish it because it serves a very useful purpose.'5 The same former CIA official continued : If you plant an article in some paper overseas, and it is a hard-hitting article, or a revelation, there is no way of nnar- anteeing that it is not going to be picked up and published by the Associated Press in this country.zsa The domestic fallout of covert propaganda comes from many sources; books intended primarily for an English-speaking foreign audience, press placements that are picked up by international wire services, press services controlled by the CIA, and direct funding of foreign institutions that attempt to propagandize the United States public and Congress. In the case of books, substantial fallout in the U.S. may be a neces- sary part of the propaganda process. For example, CIA records for 1967 state that certain books about China subsidized or even pro- duced by the Agency "circulate principally in the U.S. as a prelude to later distribution abroad." Several of these books on China were widely reviewed in the United States, often in juxtaposition to the sympathetic view of the emerging China as presented by Edgar Snow. At least once, a book review for an Agency book which appeared in the New York Timee was written by a CIA writer under contract. E. Howard Hunt, who had been in charge of contacts with U.S. pub- lishers in the late 1960s, acknowledged in testimony before this Com- mittee that CIA books circulated in the U.S., and suggested that such fallout may not have been u i t i n n ent onal. Thomas H. Karamessines testimony of a former Deputy Director for plans, 10/22/75, p. 46. '6a Fbrmer Deputy Director for plans testimony, 10/22/75, p. 36. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 c. The second is the damage to the a free press which may be caused by ournalists and media organizations. CIA publication in this country, then and FitzGerald raised the first issue. es from a foreign publication able and consequently permis- iployees both past and present have Meld the American public from such 11 of the Agency put it in testimony : asingly small world of ours of one puts out overseas and con- )ne puts it out.... When Brit- in the last century, they could some local publication and feel else woul That isno d ever hear about it, of overseas activity longer the shoulto differing views and judg- ve would be fools to relinquish purpose.25 inued: me paper overseas, and it is ation. there is no way of vnar- be picked up and published country.2S? propaganda comes from many for an English-speaking foreign picked up by international wire the CIA, and direct funding of propagandize the United States Bout in the U.S. may be a neces- For example, CIA records for China subsidized or even pro- ipally in the U.S. as a prelude to of these books on China were s, often in juxtaposition to the na as presented by Edgar Snow. Lgency book which appeared in a CIA writer under contract. arge of contacts with U.S. pub- i in testimony before this Com- e U.S., and suggested that such 1. i former Deputy Director for plans, Imony, 10/25/75, p. 36. Question. But, with anything that was published in Eng- lish, the United States citizenry would become a likely audi- ence for publication? Mr. HUNT. A likely audience, definitely. Question. Did you take some sort of steps to make sure that things that were published in English were kept out of or away from the American reading public ? Mr. HUNT. It was impossible because Praeger was a com- mercial U.S. publisher. His books had to be seen, had to be reviewed, had to be bought here, had to be read. Hvrrr. If your targets are foreign, then where are they? They don't all necessarily read English, and we had a bilateral agreement with the British that we wouldn't propagandize their people. So unless the book goes into a lot of languages or it is published in India, for example, where English is a lingua franca, then you have some basic problems. And I think the way this was rationalized by the project review board ... was that the ultimate target was foreign, which was true, but how much of the Praeger output actually got abroad for any impact I think is highly arguable.26 An American who reads one of these books which purportedly is R authored by a Chinese defector would not know that his thoughts and opinions about China are possibly being shaped by an agency of the United States Government. Given the paucity of information and the inaccessibility of China in the 1960s, the CIA may have helped' shape American attitudes toward the emerging China. The CIA con- siders such "fallout" inevitable. " Another example of the damages of "fallout" involved two propri- etary news services that the CIA maintained in Europe. Inevitably these news services had U.S. subscribers. The larger of the two was subscribed to by over 30 U.S. newspapers. In an effort to reduce the problem of fallout., the CIA made a senior official at the major U.S. dailies aware that the CIA controlled these two press services. A serious problem arises from the possible use of U.S. publications for press placements. Materials furnished to the Committee describe a relationship which poses this problem. It began in August 1967- after the Katzenbach Committee recommendations-and continued until May 1974. In this case, a IT.S.-based executive of a major U.S. newspaper was contacted by the CIA "on a confidential basis in view of his access to information of intelligence and operational interests." The news executive served as a witting, unpaid collaborator for intel- ligence collection, and received briefings from the CIA which "were of It was visualized that . . . propaganda (if agreeable to him) might be initially inserted in his paper and then be available for reprinting by Latin American news outlets.... There is no indication in the file that Subject agreed or ... ' that he did place propaganda in his newspaper. 17 E. Howard Hunt testimony, 1/10/76 pp. 73, 74. CIA Operational case study #14. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 200 The danger of CIA propaganda cont i ti " am na ng U.S. media- fall. out"--occurs in virtually any instance of sibility is propaganda use. The quite real even when the CIA does not use any U.S. journal- ist or publication in carrying out the propaganda project. Where a CIA propaganda campaign causes stories to appear in many pres- tigious news outlets around th ? 1 u "or 3 as occurred at the of the Chilean elections in 1970, it is t ruly impossible to insulate theeUnited States from propaganda fallout. Indeed, CIA records for the September-October 1970 propaganda effort in Chile indicate that "replay" of propaganda in the U.S. was not unex ected A bl p . ca e summary for September 25, 1970 reports: Sao Paulo, Tegucigalpa, Buenos Aires, Lima, Montevideo, Bogota, Mexico City report continued replay of Chile theme materials. Items also carried in New York Times, Washington Post. Propaganda activities continue to generate good cover- age of Chile developments along our theme guidance ....Y8 The fallout problem is probably most serious when the U.S. public is dependent on the "polluted" media channel for its information on a particular subject. When news events have occurred in relatively isolated parts of the world, few major news organizations may have been able to cover them initially, and world-wide coverage reflects whatever propaganda predominates in the media of the area. Another situation in which the effects of "fallout" in the United States may be significant is that in which specialized audiences in the United States-are t d a s u y specialists, for example-may unknowingly rely heavily on materials produced by, or subsidized by, the CIA. The danger of this form of dependence is less now than it had been prior to the freer flow of Western travelers to the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. In its inquiry into the activities of a Vietnamese institution the Committee discovered a particularly unfortunate example of domestic fall-out of covert propaganda. activities. The institution was a CIA- inspired creation. The intention of the CIA, according to its own records, was not to undertake propaganda against the United States. Whatever the design, the propaganda effort had an impaet on the American public and con i l gress ona opinion. The CIA provided $170,- 000 per year in 1974 and 1975 for the sunport of this institution's pub- lications. The embassy in the United States distributed the magazine to American readers, including the offices of all United States Con- gressmen and Senators. The institution on at least one occasion invited a group of American Congressmen to Vietnam and snonsored their activities on at least part of their trip. Through this institution the CIA-however inadventently-engaged in propagandizing the Amer- ican public, including its Congress, on the controversial issue of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. One particular kind of possible "fallout" has aroused official concern. That is fallout upon the U.S. Government of the CIA's "black nrona- gnada"-propaganda that appears to originate from an unfriendly source. Because the source of black propaganda is so fully concealed, the CIA recognizes that it risks seriously misleading U.S. policy- "Chile Task Force Log (R597). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 contaminating U.S. media-"fall- tance of propaganda use. The pos- CIA does not use any U.S. journal- the propaganda project. Where a s stories to appear in many pres- )rld, as occurred at the time of the y impossible to insulate the United ptember-October 1970 propaganda y" of propaganda in the U.S. was :)r September 25, 1970 reports : os Aires, Lima, Montevideo, tinued replay of Chile theme Yew York Timee, Washington rtinue to generate good cover- ig our theme guidance ....28 nost serious when the U.S. public dia channel for its information events have occurred in relatively jor news organizations may have ind world-wide coverage reflects in the media of the area. ffects of "fallout" in the United hich specialized audiences in the for example-may unknowingly V, or subsidized by, the CIA. The less now than it had been prior ors to the Soviet Union, Eastern c)f a Vietnamese institution the in fortunate example of domestic ies. The institution was a CIA- the CIA, according to its own anda against the United States. a effort had an impact on the pinion. The CIA provided $170,- unport of this institution's pub- States distributed the magazine 'flees of all United States Con- i on at least one occasion invited Vietnam and sponsored their Through this institution the d in propagandizing the Amer- the controversial issue of U.S. ut" has aroused official concern. ant of the CIA's "black nrona- originate from an unfriendl ,paganda is so fully concealed, iusly misleading U.S. policy- makers. An Agency regulation specifies that the Directorate of Opera- tions should notify appropriate elements of the DDI and the In- telligence Community if the results of a black operation might in- fluence the thinking of senior U.S. officials or affect U.S. intelligence estimates. Regular coordination between the CIA and the State De- partment's INR has been instituted to prevent the self-deception of "senior U.S. officials" through black propaganda. It should be noted that this procedure applies only to black propaganda and only to "senior U.S. officials." No mechanism exists to protect the U.S. public and the Congress from fallout from black propaganda or any other propaganda. The Committee recognizes that other countries make extensive use of the international media for their propaganda purposes. The United States public is not insulated from this propaganda either. It is clear, however, that the strongest defense a free country has from propaganda of any kind is a free and vigorous press that expresses diverse points of view. Similarly, the most effective way for this country to respond to the use of propaganda abroad is to permit American Journalists and news organizations to pursue their work without jeopardizing their credibility in the eyes of the world through covert use of them. C. CovERT USE OF U.S. RELIGIOUS Gaours The Committee considers religious groups-like academia and the press-to be among the most important of our society's institutions. As such, any covert relationship that might either influence them or jeopardize their reputation is extremely sensitive. Moreover, opera- tional use of U.S. religious organizations differs from the use of other elements of U.S. society. It is a special case, in that virtually all re- ligions are inherently supra-national. Makingoperational use of U.S. religious groups for national purposes both violates their nature and undermines their bonds with kindred groups around the world. In its examination of CIA relationships with domestic institutions, the Committee has focused exclusively on the use of U.S. religious or- ganizations. 1. Restrictions on the Use of Religious Personnel The CIA guidelines issued in the wake of the Katzenbach Com- mittee report required prior approval by the DDO for operational use of any employee, staff member, or official of a U.S. educational or pri- vate organization. This restriction applied to operational use of these individuals who were affiliated with American religious organizations. The CIA has provided the Committee with no other regulations that apply specifically to the use of religious groups. In a letter to this Com- mittee, however, Mr. Colby stated that the CIA used religious groups with great caution, and that their use required special approval within the Agency : Deputy Director for Operations regulations require the Deputy Director for Operations' approval for the uze of re- ligious groups. He has the responsibility of ensuring that such operational use avoids infringement or damage to the individual religious personnel involved in their group. Such Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 202 use is carefully weighed and approvals in recent years have been relatively few in number.29 On February 11, 1976, the CIA announced : CIA has no secret paid or contractual relationship with any American clergyman or missionary. This practice will be continued as a matter of policy. The CIA has assured the Committee that the prohibition against "all paid or contractual relationships" is in fact a prohibition against any operational use of Americans following a religious vocation. 2. Scope of Relation.gAjp8 The number of American clergy or misionaries used by the CIA has been small. The CIA has informed the Committee of a total of 14 covert arrangements which involved direct operational use of 21 individuals. Only four of these relationships were current in August 1975, and according to the CIA, they were used only for intelligence collection, or, in one case, for a minor role in preserving the cover of another asset. The other ten relationships with U.S. religious personnel had been terminated before August 1975; four of them ended within the last five years. In six or seven cases, the CIA paid salaries, bonuses, or ex- penses s to the religious personnel, or helped to fund projects run by Most of the individuals were used for covert action purposes. Sev- eral were involved in large covert action projects of the mid-sixties which were directed at "competing" with communism in the Third World. 8. I88ue8 : "Fallout," Violation of Tru8t As several of the relationships-all terminated-involved the reli- gious personnel in media activity, some of the same concerns must be voiced as when U. S. journalists are used covertly. The danger of U.S. "fallout" of CIA propaganda existed in three or four of the relationships with U.S. religious The more serious issue, however, personnel. the confiden- tiality of the relationships among members of the clergy and their congregations. Of the recent relationships, the most damaging would appear to be that of a U.S. priest serving the CIA as an informant on student and religious dissidence. Of the earlier cases, one exemplifies the extent to which the CIA used confidential pastoral relationships. The CIA used the pastor of a church in a Third World country as a "principal agent" to carry out covert action projects, and as a spotter, assessor, asset developer, and recruiter. He collected information on political developments and on personalities. He Passed CIA propaganda to the local press. According to the CIA's description of the case, the pastor's analyses were based on his long-term friendships with the personalities, and the agents under him were "well known to him in his professional life." At first the CIA provided only occasional gifts to the pastor in return "Letter from William Colby to the Select Committee, 10/21/75. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2 i approvals in recent years have r .29 'lnounced : ontractual relationship with any issionary. This practice will be y. ttee that the prohibition against "all " is in fact a prohibition against any lowing a religious vocation. y or misionaries used by the CIA has ied the Committee of a total of 14 )lved direct operational use of 21 s were current in August 1975, and used only for intelligence collection, in preserving the cover of another h U.S. religious personnel had been four of them ended within the last ie CIA paid salaries, bonuses, or ex- or helped to fund projects run by ed for covert action purposes. Sev- action projects of the mid-sixties, ig with communism in the Third rust -all terminated-involved the reli- some of the same concerns must be are used covertly. The danger of la existed in three or four of the rsonnel. r, is the question of the confiden- members of the clergy and their 'lost damaging would appear to be A as an informant on student and ifies the extent to which the CIA ships. The CIA used the pastor .ry as a "principal agent" to carry spotter, assessor, asset developer, nation on political developments A propaganda to the local press. of the case, the pastor's analyses ships with the personalities, and vn to him in his professional life." ional gifts to the pastor in return lest Committee, 10/21/75. for his services; later, for over ten years, the CIA paid him a salary that reached $11,414 annually. 4. The CIA aid U.S. Religious Organizations and Personnel: Conclu- sions and Reconh'mendation8 The Committee welcomes the policy, announced by the CIA on February 11, 1976, that prohibits any operational use of Americans following a religious vocation. The fact that relatively few American clergy or missionaries have been used by the CIA suggests that neither this country's capacity to collect intelligence nor its covert action capability would be seriously affected by a total ban on their operational use. Therefore, the Com- mittee recommends that the CIA's recent prohibition on covert paid or contractual relationships between the Central Intelligence Agency and any American clergyman or missionary should be established by law. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP87B00858R000200310017-2