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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2008
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Publication Date: 
June 13, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP87R00029R000200300017-7.pdf89.3 KB
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDf "P.4 P87R00029R000200300017.7~~~~ 9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASH NGTON SECRET IR TO. .S 'S-I FROM: June 13, 1981 INR m Ronald I. Spiers C a Robert C. McFarlari SUBJECT: Iraqi Nuclear Program B Could I ask that the followinc questions concerning the Iraqi Nuclear Program be examiied by the Intelligence Community and that answers be provided by Noon, Tuesday, June 16, 1981. o Do we have evidence that indicates that Iraq has attempted to induce various suppliers to provide it with unsafeguarded nuclear equipment or!materials? o Is there evidence that Ira has sought to purchase equipment and technology optimized for the production of.weapons usable material? o Are Iraqi energy needs of Such a character as to legitimize a nuclear research program oriented toward the "back-end" of the nuclear fuel cycle? o Do we have evidence to suggest that Iraq may have used duplicitois techniques to enable its citizens to gain entry into nuc1.ear research programs in other countries? o Is the ! Iraqi economy sophisticated enough to profit from the technological spill-over of its nuclear research program? o What eh dence do we have of special underground facilities at the nuclear research site? What type of facilities might the Iraqi's have wanted to emplant near the research reactor? o Leaving aside the inherent difficulties of proving "intentions" to go nuclear as opposed to-merely demonstrating that adequate capabilities exist, are our intelligence assets in Iraq such as to give us high-confidence with respect to judgments on decision-making within the Iraqi atomic energy bureaucracy? State Dept. review completed. SECRET RDS-3 6/13/01 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200300017-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200300017-7 ? ? o What would have been the physical m and probable political-consequences of a strike once the Iraqi reactor had gone critical? o Are there identifiable patterns to Iraqi requests for specialized training in other countries, e.g. Italy? SECRET I Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200300017-7