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Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 STAT Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 mfits clearly But they are judgments should be made, with f h ' ese t ajorlty o rr;=. f for nption because they are religious or the nonprofits getting the benefit of a doubt. The dol- charitable under any reading of the Constitution. lars actually involved in these decisions are insub- And uWst tam mpt educational institutions, being stantial. But as the committee suggests, they can be .,nearly Instructio sal, also qualify without question. vital to the institutions,'many of and commerce of New York help f to shape That leaves about $225 million worth of property the character The Editorial. Notebook The Deepening Mystery of Yellow Rain Yellow rain is the deadly toxin weapon that the Administration says is being used under Soviet tutelage in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan. But the more ' evidence it produces, the.' more incotrststeircies appear. Another possible explanation for the fungal toxins found in yellow rain and its vic- tims is that yellow rain is merely moldy pollen, and that the funguses that produce the toxin also contami- nate South Asia's food supply. If yellow rain Is a weapon supplied by the Soviet union, that's more than a crime: it's a violation of two solemn treaties on chemical and biological weapons. If the Russians would cheat on these for such petty advantage, how can they be trusted to keep any arms control agreement? no Administration has produced three reports to buttress its charge. The victims' many accounts make it hard to doubt that chemical agents of some kind -- tear gas at the least -- have been used against them. with the discovery of yellow rain toxins in 1981, the Administration said It at last had the "smoking gym." The scientific core of its can is six ram lee found to contain toxins funguses known as Ftasaria Theme toxins have also been. lattnd in patients who report they were victims of chemical attacks. The amounts of toxin detected are minute, at most 175 parts per million. To deliver a lethal dose would require so huge a load of yellow rain that you well t~ wroeb. ould be higher in the level fresh yellow rain, but the Administra. Its Toxic Samples ...Remain a Hypothesis In Search of Proof tion has never explained how much higher, or how an effective dose could be delivered to a clothed human intent on taking shelter. There is a more serious lacuna in the Administration's case. If 175 parts per million of yellow rain are toxin, what are the other 999,825 parts? A re- cent report from Australia's Defense Ministry gives a surprising answer: pollen. Australia, given samples said to be from an attack in February 1982 in Thailand near the Cambodian bor- der, found them. to be pollen contami- nated with Fusarta. Low levels of toxins were therefore probably present, but the Australians didn't even bother to look; in their view, toxins at the parts-per-million level "quite definitely" have no mili- tary meaning. They declared the sam- ple a "fake" that "sheds no light at all" on the yellow rain question. But since it seems no different from most of the Administration's samples, it may shed a lot of light. Sharon Wat- son, an Army mycotoxin expert, con- cedes that all the examinable toxin- containing samples also contain some pollen. Contrary to Washington's ini- tial belief, Fusaria are evidently com- mon in Southeast Asia: a Canadian scientist found them in "most sam- ples" of That plants and soil he tested. Pollen is one of their favorite sub- strates. And both the Australians and Thais report finding the fungus in samples of yellow rain. There is also a strange seasonality in the Administration's data. Yellow rain attacks are reported throughout the year, but those from which proven toxic samples or blood were obtained 'all occurred between February and early April, the time of maximum flowering in the tropics. Control sam- ples of vegetation contain no toxins - but were gathered in September. If toxic yellow rain is seasonal, that would be a further hint that it may be a natural phenomenon, Another troubling feature of the evi- dence is that most animal tests show Fusaria toxins are rapidly cleared from the body. Yet the toxins have been detected in victims' blood weeks after an attack. That suggests a more regular source, like contaminated food. Indeed one victim, who had quite large doses of toxin in his stomach and intestines at autopsy, also had high levels of aflatoxin, a well-known con- taminant of food. An obvious' infer- ence is that Cambodia's food supply is contaminated by both toxins. Reading the book of nature is tricky. You can so often find what you expect to find. The Administration has built its yellow rain theory in a vacuum of medical and botanical knowledge about Southeast Asia. It deserves credit for trying to identify the agents being used against the people of these countries. But It has placed too much emphasis on a still-uncertain hypothe. sis. NICHOLAS WADE Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 The1 To the Edi In his administ{ creased Reagan What n that mos eitherov istration to increL the ploymer ing r star. quic 1981 nat' stn Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 PM PRESS CU?raCE YEf LOW' N May S. 1993 ?: What is your reaction to toda!0 1!sw Yotk Times article, ?Ths 0 . k,. i eepen ng Mystery of;Ysl ow A= The article suggests -- wtonglyl that `Yellow rain, may be a natural phenomenon in southeast Asia. This possibility has in fact been studied, and rlojected, by responsible ?ciontiste who have strio4tsly rtudied the question. it should be noted that sample evidence from attack sItes and victims is just a part of total *Ividenre availatbl?,that toxins are being used as weapons. Lot ate quote tcoo the conclusions of a recent articlil by prot4asot U.S. sbieter, a Canadian scientist who is Chairman of the toxicology group at the University of >askatchewan who personally conducted an on-the-spot _idve6tl0tiott, eeyat ,The events that are reported to take place at the tin* of alleged chemical warfare attack' cannot be explained on the basis of naturally ocurring;dlilaiiraes. Neither aoycotoxicoeers not other disotA~i. Duct r in Thailand, and presumably in the immediately neighbour ing countr iea, which are able to cause the rapid entat of symptoms or the effects on all forms of life ZhULan, animal and plant lit*) that are said to occur., Olt appears that a number of agents or a combination thereof have been employed, Ono being generally known as 'Yellow Rain.* Moat of the- tOeitutes described with aftilar Rain, are consistent with ttlo i h eotia 1hy`hetoxicoola.... Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 t., Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4 2 There is no doubt that iuaarium fungi, theoretically capable of producing tcichothsc~nes, occur naturally in toxins in the undisturbed:*nVitdnMent, not did he find Southeast Asia, but this investigator did not find any this region. A! chased by thes6 toxins in Q: Is it true all samples contain A: It is not true. Q: Is It true all samples came tto :`iht ,same. time frame of the year - the months of fsbtuatiry to early April? A: No new sample data now being ptepated for release will show that toxin in samples too elated with. toxin agent attacks is not a seasonal phonoInoij. New evidence bated on chemical tests have been obtained from victims of November and early January attbicke., Control samples collected in Ma h tc proved negative, It -th phenomenon these samples would 'of course;heve been positive. W* have previously reported identific$tion of toxin in blood samples collected from victims of attacks taking place in September, Nove er and January. it is true that increased Mud dts of samples are collected in the February Aril U04 ,640,10 each year: this is because Pebruat Y ~a~ ~-prii is the height of the dry season when most off I eIa- rat jona ens, th*r" fore, toxic attacks occut. Approved For Release 2008/04/15: CIA-RDP87R00029R000300530023-4