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May 30, 1986
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 e trector o entra n elligence Washington, D.C. 20505 National Intelligence Council MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution NIC No. 02652-86/1 30 May 1986 FROM: George Kolt National Intelligence Officer for Europe SUBJECT: May Forecast and Warning Report 1. Attached is my report to the DCI based on our warning meeting held on 21 May 1986. 2. Next month's warning meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 June 1986 at 1015 in room 7-E-62, CIA Headquarters. Please telephone attendance plans to o~!r office and have clearances certified by COB 16 June 1986. 3. I also encourage you to phone in suggestions for the agenda and names of volunteers to make opening presentations. It would be helpful to have your comments for the next meeting by Monday, 9 June 1986. George Kolt Attachment: a/s Downgrade to CONFIDENTIAL when removed from attachment CL BY SIGNER DECL OADR DERV MULTIPLE 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 SECRET e t ector o entra ntelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 National Intelligence Council NIC N0. 02652-86 30 May 1986. MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intellgence D eputy Director of Central Intelligence vcv~ tJC ICU 1 G National Intelligence Officer for Europe "JO~~~~~ May Warning and Forecast Report I. Full Discussion Items A. Turkey-Greece-Cyorus? Harricn inq Positions 1. Discussion. A combination of circumstances have sharpened long-standing reek=Turkish disputes and this situation is likely to continue through fall. The Turkish press is alleging the US has secretly agreed to support Athens on the Limnos issue in return for Greek concessions on US bases. In part because of this, Turkey has recently shown heightened sensitivity on Limnos's role in NATO contingency plans. Ozal also has taken a sharper polemical tone because of Greece's renewed efforts to block improvement in Turkey's status with the EC. Media speculation that Uzal is "burning his olive branch" toward Papandreou also may aim at helping the Premier's party in by-elections this fall. Papandreou meanwhile has made a demarche to NATO ambassadors on Turkey's "provocations" and staked out a tough line on Cyprus talks. He is expected to adhere to such tactics as PASOK prepares for municipal elections this fall. 2? Warnin Note. The tougher line of the Turks will further complicate the sta a DECA negotiations and likely extend them to the end of the year when base talks with Greece will begin creating a difficult situation for the US. In addition, the ever present risk of an unintentional escalation to violence will grow with the hostile rhetoric. CL BY SIGNER DECL OADR DERV MULTIPLE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 B? The Security Issues Agenda 1? Discussion. For the rest of this year numerous major developments--inc u ing the expected US-Soviet summit, and new rounds of talks on MBFR, CDE and CSCE--will create difficult coordination problems for the Western Alliance. The key problems will be to keep Gorbachev from using any differences and heightened expectations about the summit to drive wedges, to isolate US-West European trade disputes from the Basket II (economic) discussions at the-CSCE review conference, and to mana e the Western response to Gorbachev's conventional force reduction g speech. Moreover some Allied leaders may call in public for progress in the INF talks and privately nurse fears that the US might undercut hard-won deployment victories in talks with the USSR on the "zero-option". Allied reaction to the congressional debate on binar weapons production and the continuing impact of the Chernobyl scare y is also likely to spur new pressure for "chemical free-zones" in some European capitals. - 2? Warnin Note. With elections pending in the FRG in January and increasing y posse le in the UK sometime next year, beleaguered pro US governments will be shaping their reactions to events with at least one eye on she polls. This means a higher risk of hyperbole, misunderstandings and spillover of differences, even on unrelated issues. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 II. Monitoring Items A? Chancellor Kohl's Status. 1. Discussion. Despite the dropping of one investigation against C ance or ohl, the Lower Saxony elections in June look bad for the CDU and the FDP might not make the 5 per cent hurdle--eosin the risk of an important symbolic setback prior to national elections in January. In the event of a COU defeat on 15 June, the CDU would have to decide by July whether to let Kohl lead the ticket in Januar . Y B. Spain's National Elections C? Additional To is -- Ceausescu's Tri to the USSR 1. Discussion. The main reason for President Ceausescu's one day visit to the USSR on 16 May was apparently to sign several lon term economic agreements. But the joint statement also included strange new promise of " g a comradely support" as the basis for bilateral relations. Analysts remain skeptical that the Romanian leader c-onceded much to the Sovietc George Kolt to return Premier Gonzalez'sapartyrtoepowerowithnanother2absol~ikely slightly smaller majority. Une wild card is whether abstentions wbll increase across the board. So far all voters seem to lack enthusiasm for elections so soon after the NATO referendum and the abstention effect may be neutral. The right is expected to do poorly--in effect leaving Gonzalez without the threat of a rightist damper to help kee his radical left in line. p 1? Discussion P 1? SECRF Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 25X1 L~~ I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7 Q Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/01 :CIA-RDP87R00529R000100060010-7