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Directorate of
Terrorism Review
1S July 1983
GI TR 85-01 ~
1 S July i 985
copy 5 31
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Terrorism Review) 25X1
1 Focus: El Salvador: Insurgents Turn to Terrorism
3 Highlights
15 South Africa: More Aggressive Counterterrorist Policy) 25X1
~l?~I 25X1
This review is published every other week by the Directorate oJ'Intelligence.
Appropriate articles produced by other elements oJ'the CIA as well as 6y other
agencies of the US Intelligence Community will be considered Jor publication.
Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Executive Editor
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Terrorism Review
The unprecedented shooting of several US civilians, off-duty Marines, and others
in a San Salvador restaurant by the "Mardoqueo Cruz unit" on 19 June indicates
that the insurgents are turning increasingly to terrorism because of their lack of
success on the battlefield. Some rebel leaders may regret the need to fall back on
such measures, but others reportedly believe their prospects can be improved by
undermining confidence in the government and trying to provoke the authorities to
overreact. This, they hope, will rekindle lower-class support for the far left.
Almost constant Army operations during the past 18 months have disrupted rebel
supply efforts, reduced morale, and induced large numbers to desert. The
insurgents have responded with attacks on economic targets, generally avoiding
heavy contact with the Army and relying instead on ambushes and mines to inflict
casualties on government forces. The guerrillas also have increasingly used
terrorism as a low-risk means to strike back. Since January they have:
? Kidnaped 18 mayors, killing two; 14 others are still captive.
? Assassinated at least six members of the armed forces.
? Killed some 25 civil defense personnel and civilians in a single town.
Shifting Focus
Rebel communiques issued after the attack on the Marines indicate the guerrillas
intend to continue targeting Americans, government officials, and Salvadoran
military personnel. They also plan attacks on upper- and middle-class targets in an
effort to turn the insurgency into a class war. The insurgents may hope that
actions against white-collar civilians, who heretofore have been relatively
untouched by the war, will prompt managers and entrepreneurs to leave the
country, with a resultant loss of capital investment and jobs.
most guerrilla factions believe they should
resume a combination of aggressive political agitation and terrorism, as conducted
in the late 1970s, to create a more dynamic challenge to the government.
The guerrillas probably hope to spark indiscriminate repression by the military
and the right wing. Some senior military officers reportedly are already
disgruntled over Duarte's handling of terrorism and are demanding tough
antiterrorist legislation; they imply that, unless effective steps are taken, extralegal
G/ TR 85-014
IS July 1985
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measures will be revived. Other oflicers recognize that government overreaction is
a major objective of rebel terrorism and probably will continue to urge restraint.
Extreme rightists, however, may attempt to blame Duarte for failing to stop
terrorist attacks and revive efforts to remove him from office.
The Guerrillas' Problems
The insurgents hope that the murder of Americans will have a negative effect on
US involvement in El Salvador, but this tactic also constitutes an admission that
their guerrilla strategy is faltering. They had ample opportunities in the past to use
terrorism but apparently were restrained by concern over unfavorable domestic
and international reactions. Now that support for their cause has waned and the
tactical situation has turned against them, the insurgents may increasingly view
terrorism as one of their last options.
Moreover, the insurgent leadership's initial reluctance to praise the attack in San
Salvador and the lame attempts by the small faction responsible for the incident to
blame the civilian deaths on the government's security forces suggest poor
coordination that may worsen strains in the guerrilla alliance. Some rebel leaders,
particularly political figures and less radical guerrilla commanders, may lament
that the insurgents have turned to the same tactics they have accused the
government of using. Nevertheless, even if mainstream leaders can strictly control
their factions' terrorist attacks, those guerrilla elements that defy control may
intensify the insurgency's drift toward indiscriminate terrorism in the wake of the
"success" of 19 June.
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Key Indicators
US advisers in Tegucigalpa in September 1981.
Possible Increase in Anti-US Terrorism
Three groups-elements of the Marxist-dominated Unitarian Federation of
Honduran Workers, the Popular Revolutionary Forces/Lorenzo Zelaya (FPR/LZ)
group, and the People's Revolutionary Union/Popular Liberation Movement
(URP/MPL) "Cinchonero" terrorists-have reportedly joined forces to attack US
officials. The planned attacks reportedly are intended to demonstrate opposition to
the US policy and military presence in Central America, retaliate for US
initiatives against Nicaragua, and force Washington back into direct bilateral
negotiations with Managua. Although there is no conclusive evidence to indicate
that the alleged plan will be implemented, both the FPR/LZ and the URP/MPL
have previously targeted US personnel. The FPR LZ, for example, wounded two
Significant Developments
A bomb was defused by Army experts outside the offices of a military supplier in
Although no group has yet claimed responsibility for this latest attempt, the
targets in Brussels in April.
initials "FRAP" were scrawled on a nearby wall. The Revolutionary Front for
Proletarian Action (FRAP) claimed credit for two bombings of NATO-related
3 Secret
G/ TR 85-014
1S July /98S
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Two .45-caliber shell casings were recovered at the scene.
Attempted Assassination of Armed Forces Controller General
A man with a pistol attempted to kill the Controller General of the Armed Forces
while his car was stopped at a red light near his home in Neuilly. As the general's
car drove away in a zigzag maneuver, the assailant fired two shots, but missed.
both victims were figures associated with arms procurement.
The terrorist group Action Directe claimed responsibility for the attack, which was
similar in many respects to the 26 January 1985 murder of General Audran also
claimed by the group. Both Audran and the Controller General lived in the same
Paris suburb, both attacks were carried out with the same type of weapon, and
caused property damage but no injuries.
Separatists Announce Moratorium on Violence Following Bombing Spree
At a clandestine press conference in Marseille on 1 July, the outlawed Corsican
National Liberation Front (FLNC) announced a temporary suspension of terrorist
activities. The statement followed a "blue night" of violence in which 39 explosions
expressed optimism that the suspension will lead to negotiations.
The FLNC has carried out hundreds of bombings annually for several years. The
latest series of explosions was apparently meant to demonstrate that the
moratorium was not proposed from a position of weakness. FLNC members
West Germany Sorting Out Claims After Frankfurt Airport Bombing
West German authorities are continuing their investigation of the 19 June
bombing of the international terminal at Frankfurt's Rhein Main Airport that left
four persons dead and injured 60. Complicating their efforts have been more than
20 claims of responsibility received thus far from groups with causes across the
political spectrum. One claim was made in the name of the Red Army Faction, but
neither the claim nor the act is typical of that group's operations. Other claims
have come from the Arab Revolutionary Organization, an unknown group that
claimed credit for bombing the British Embassy in Beirut last year, and from a
new group, the "Peace Conquerors," which also took credit for a bomb that
destroyed the Brussels offices of the West German chemical firm Bayer on 22
June. None of the claims made so far appear credible; the blast may have been an
accidental detonation of smuggled explosives.
Two RAF Suspects Arrested in Safehouse
West German police raided an RAF safehouse in Offenbach, outside of Frankfurt,
on 3 July, and arrested Ingrid Barabass and Mariele Schmegner. They also seized
five handguns, 250 rounds of ammunition, and forged or stolen Austrian and
Italian documents. Two of the guns have been linked to those stolen in the 1970s
and used in the 1977 shootings of Hans-Martin Schleyer's bodyguards and in two
other murders. Police are still seeking Eva-Sybille Haule-Frimpong, another RAF
terrorist thought to have stayed at the house.
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Not much is known about Schmegner, but Barabass is a longtime RAF member
thought to have been involved in the Jurgen Ponto murder in 1977. Although she
had been charged in that case, she was extradited from France, convicted of the
lesser charge of membership in a terrorist organization, and imprisoned for four
years. Haule-Frimpong, a member of the RAF hardcore, is suspected of surveilling
the US Consulate General in Frankfurt in January and of participating in the
theft of a shipment of 800 kilograms of plastic explosives. These arrests probably
will hamper RAF operations in the Frankfurt area. Previous arrests of RAF
members at this level have done little more than temporarily curtail the group's
with small-arms fire.
Competing Claims for Attacks on Airline Offices
In Madrid, a bomb exploded on 1 July at the British Airways ticket office, killing
one person and injuring 27 others. The blast gutted the premises and also wrecked
a TWA office located directly above. Minutes later, a grenade was lobbed into the
nearby ofFices of Royal Jordanian Airlines, and the front of the building was raked
terrorists who hijacked the TWA flight out of Athens on 14 June.
The attack on the British Airways ofFce was first claimed by a previously
unknown-presumably Shia-group, the "Organization of the Oppressed." A
spokesman said the group set ofI'the British Airways-TWA bomb as a response to
President Reagan's threat to retaliate for the hijacking of a TWA jet to Beirut on
14 June. Both bombings occurred one week after two Shias were sentenced by a
Spanish court to 23 years in prison. Their release was one of the demands of the
credit for the bombing of British Airways and TWA. We believe that Black
September and ROSM are covernames currently being used by the Abu Nidal
On 3 July claims of responsibility for the attacks on the US, British, and Jordanian
airline offices were issued in the names of the Black September Organization
(BSO) and the Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims (ROSM). BSO
claimed to have carried out the attack on the Jordanian offices, while ROSM took
Group in its attacks against Jordanian and British interests, respectively.
entering Turkey from Syria to pay fees for protection.
Terrorist Infiltrates Police
Police arrested 18 members of the Partizan Path organization in May, including
one who worked at police headquarters in Ankara. He reportedly had provided the
group with two-way radios of the type used by police. Police also learned that
Partizan Path financed its operations by forcing members of other leftist groups
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More Strains in Cease-Fire
In late June, a leader of the M-19 guerrilla group stated for the second time in
recent months that the cease-fire agreement with the government has broken down
because of Army "violations."
past year.
The US Embassy notes that the internal security
situation is deteriorating following several clashes between security forces and
guerrilla groups last week, which resulted in the highest weekly death toll over the
guerrillas may become more frequent, however.
However, the M-19 charge may be a ploy designed to pressure President Betancur
into making political concessions and reining in the Army. Because neither side
has much to gain from formally terminating the cease-fire at this time, it probably
will remain in effect at least on paper. Clashes between the Army and the
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Terrorist Fund-Raising Strategy: Buy Bonds
According to press accounts, Japanese police have learned that the leftwing group
Chukaku-ha (Nucleus Faction) has secretly issued bonds to finance its activities,
which have included rocket attacks on Narita Airport. The group reportedly
accumulated some $2 million between January and April this year by issuing six-
year bonds paying 5-percent annual interest. Only the group's sympathizers and
their family ,members, who may number 5,000 to 10,000 persons, were
called for against Narita Airport expansion work this year.
This is not the first time Chukaku-ha has floated a bond issue; it did so several
years ago to finance office construction for its overt political arm. However, in the
wake of several serious firebombing attacks by the group in the last 12 months,
police fear these funds may be used to finance the "decisive battle" the group has
Mozambique RENAMO Announces New Hostage Negotiation Procedure
In an attempt to gain international recognition and to create difficulties between
Portugal and the Mozambican Government, the National Resistance Movement
announced that the eight to 10 Portuguese hostages it holds will be released only
after a meeting with Portuguese oflicials. Uniike some other African insurgencies,
RENAMO does not often take hostages; its common tactic of ambushing civilian
and public transportation vehicles usually results in the killing of the occupants,
rather than their capture. In cases where hostages have been taken, they have
sometimes been found dead shortly thereafter. The Mozambican group may be
following the example of its Angolan counterpart, the Union for the Total
Independence of Angola, which recently restated its policy of direct negotiation
with home governments.
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The Clara Elizabeth
Ramirez Front
The murder of six US citizens in downtown San
Salvador on 19 June is a dramatic example of the
escalation of urban terrorism in El Salvador in recent
months. Although it was apparently not responsible
for this particular massacre, the Clara Elizabeth
Ramirez Front (CERF) probably is the most violent
and notorious of the country's urban terrorist groups.
Since its inception approximately two years ago, this
militant, anti-US organization, operating exclusively
in El Salvador's capital city, has engaged in numerous
acts of politically motivated violence ranging from
intimidation to assassination. Unlike most of the other
Salvadoran guerrilla groups, the CERF has chosen an
urban environment as its primary area of operations,
and the group's various terrorist activities have
demonstrated its ability to operate effectively in this
milieu. In addition, the group has boasted that it
receives no foreign support and obtains its weapons
and supplies from a variety of criminal activities,
including robbery. Among CERF's more notable
"successes"-and the reasons for continuing US
? The assassination on 25 May 1983 of US military
? The killing of at least two US Embassy foreign
national employees since April 1984.
? The murder on 7 March 1985 of Salvadoran
military spokesman Lt. Col. Ricardo Cienfuegos.
Unlike the mainline Salvadoran insurgent groups, the
CERF does not lend itself to easy definition or
categorization. The apparently limited number of
members in the CERF hardcore, its informal
command structure, its independent cellular
structure, and difficulties encountered with
ambiguous or conflicting information combine to
create a picture that is often blurred and incomplete.
the CERF is
totally separate from the Farabundo Marti Popular
Liberation Forces (FMLN/FPL), there is still a great
deal of ambiguity about the CERF's relationship with
its FPL parent.
The CERF emerged as an entity separate from its
parent organization, the FMLN/FPL Z in early 1983.
The FPL leadership at that time was torn by
acrimonious disputes over what the role and direction
leader Clara Elizabeth Ramirez Acosta, a lower level commander
in the Farabundo Marti Popular Liberation Forces (FMLN/FPL)
She was killed by a va oran
security officials in October 1976 during a raid on an FPL
Z The Popular Liberation Forces (FPL) is one of the five leftist
guerrilla organizations belonging to the FMLN. The FPL was
established in 1970 from groups that had broken away from the
Communist Party of El Salvador. The group is composed of about
3,000 combatants whose activities have included assassinations,
kidnapings, and bank robberies, in addition to conventional military
confrontations with the Salvadoran armed forces.~~
G! TR 85-014
/5 July 1985
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of the group should bc. The commander in chief of the
FPL, Salvador Cayetano Carpio, believed the FPL
could win the Salvadoran revolution on its own, and
did not need to be a part of the larger coalition, the
FMLN. He espoused a strategy of avoiding working
alliances with other guerrilla groups and remained
adamantly opposed to any dialogue with the
government. In opposition to Carpio was a less
extreme FPL wing under the leadership of Melinda
Anaya Montes (Comandante Ana Maria), which
favored greater insurgent unity within the FMLN and
eventual negotiations with the government.
This internecine squabbling finally led to the
assassination of Anaya in Managua on 6 April 1983
by pro-Carpio FPL members. One week later, the
Nicaraguan Ministry of Interior announced that
Carpio had committed suicide in "despair" after
hearing that Anaya had been murdered by his own
followers. A more likely scenario
has it that Carpio, fearing Anaya's
growing popularity within the FPL, ordered her
assassination and then was murdered in retaliation by
With Carpio's death, his faction began to lose ground.
On 10 December 1983, with the Anaya faction in
ascendancy, the FPL issued a communique that
publicly accused Carpio of complicity in her
assassination and denounced the pro-Carpio splinter
groups. By early January 1984, the hardline Carpio
followers had reorganized themselves into the Clara
Elizabeth Ramirez Front, progressively distancing
The recent capture of FPL Metropolitan Front
guerrilla leader Napoleon Romero Garcia has helped
to remove some of this ambiguity. Both the CERF
and the FPL Metropolitan Front operated in the city
of San Salvador and both claimed to represent the
FPL. CERF members
received assistance from the FPL before the split.
L ~JC "I
themselves from the main body of the FPL.
Present Relationship With the FMLN/FPL
Since the 1984 break, the CERF's exact relationship
in its
with the FPL has been difficult to determine.
organizational structure, the CERF not unexpectedly
appears to emphasize its role as a combatant force.
The CERF membership clearly sees itself in a
military context as a "People's Army"-a theme
common to many Latin American terrorist/insurgent
groups-and operates as a terrorist group only in the
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city of San Salvador. Most members of the group
seem to consider themselves independent of the
mainline FPL but most likely share its revolutionary
ideology. The CERF may consider itself the true
representative of the original FPL ideology as
represented by Carpio-hard line, reluctant to
negotiate, and distrustful of guerrilla group unity.
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Ties to the National University
The CERF appears to have a close relationship with
leftist elements at the National University of El
Salvador (LINES), which had been closed until
recently. LINES is a shell of its former self as the
continued insurgency has made it difficult to hold
classes. Many students are now studying abroad, and
most of those who have stayed no longer appear
interested in "revolution." But with all its problems,
the Salvadoran Armed Forces do not conduct armed
forays onto the LINES campus because of traditional
Latin American respect for the inviolate status of
universities. Many LINES professors are noted for
their leftist sympathies, their support of subversive
activity, and their provision of safehaven to members
of the various insurgent groups.
The CERF appears to be using the traditionally
inviolate status of the university to create a base of
operations and influence. While the full extent of
CERF contacts with LINES is unknown, at least one
urban commando unit operates
from the university.
Moreover, in late January 1985, a Salvadoran
National Police detective was murdered on the LINES
campus by CERF members of this commando unit,
and, on 6 May 1985 the CERF distributed leaflets on
the LINES campus listing 1 1 professors of the law
faculty as "traitors" and calling fora "popular trial."
security services.
Future Prospects
The CERF, along with other Salvadoran guerrilla
groups, recently has suffered several setbacks. Since
late 1984, a number of key guerrilla leaders-
including Jose Vladimir Santamaria Rivera "Kalin"
of the CERF directorate, Nidia Diaz of the Central
American Revolutionary Workers' Party (PRTC), and
FPL Commander Romero-have defected or been
captured by the increasingly effective Salvadoran
Although in many cases, these groups formally
operate independently of each other, the informal
connections between them usually mean that
problems encountered by one group tend to affect the
others. In light of these setbacks, the various guerrilla
groups, including the CERF itself, are very likely
suffering from morale as well as operational problems.
the CERF's troubles may be
compounded by guerrilla units from the more
established FMLN insurgent groups, which have been
sent into urban areas, including San Salvador, to
strike at easier targets and thereby force the
Salvadoran Army to divert troops to the cities and
away from the beleaguered guerrilla forces in the
countryside. An increase in urban violence
perpetrated by other insurgent groups could threaten
the CERF's apparent dominance in San Salvador.
The CERF may attempt to bolster its position by
engaging in more high-profile terrorist activities-
such as kidnapings, political assassinations, and
random bombings-which could include targeting of
US interests and personnel.
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as the assassination of Albert Schaufelberger in 1983
and the killing of several Salvadoran employees of the
US Embassy last year demonstrate. The CERF is
much more likely, however, to try to intimidate the
government by targeting high-profile Salvadoran
officials such as military officers, local magistrates,
and civic leaders-benefiting from the greater
domestic media attention such attacks tend to
generate. In fact, many highly visible recent domestic
targets appear to have been selected for such
assassinations. On 18 May Dr. Jose Adolfo Araujo, a
military judge responsible for cases of terrorism and
subversion, was shot to death as he dropped his
children off at school in downtown San Salvador. The
CERF claimed responsibility for this murder and also
threatened officials of the San Salvador municipal
government with the same fate if they did not meet
various striking workers' demands. On 29 May a
Salvadoran Air Force pilot was gunned down
approximately 1 kilometer from the UNES campus,
probably at the hands of the CERF or the FPL. Air
Force Commander Juan Rafael Bustillo has ordered
that intensified efforts be directed against these two
The CERF apparently views as favorable the
publicity resulting from its acts of terrorism. The
group has long believed that its assassinations of
perceived "enemies of the people" invariably result in
increased popular support for its revolutionary goals.
But the recent attacks seem to be alienating most of
the people of San Salvador. In continuing such
attacks, the CERF risks turning a population already
losing sympathy to insurgent violence more actively
against it.
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South Africa: More Aggressive
Counterterrorist Policy
In the first six months of 1985, South Africa has
conducted four attacks against African National
Congress (ANC) targets in Botswana and Zambia, an
upsurge that signals increased South African
determination to maintain what Pretoria views as its
regional security requirements. The spur for these
operations was a dramatic increase in terrorist
activity by the ANC and other groups that began in
April after asix-month period of relative inactivity.
One of the recent South African operations-the 14
June cross-border raid into Botswana to kill ANC
operatives-demonstrated Pretoria's decision to
publicly acknowledge responsibility for its
counterterrorist activity for the first time, clearing the
way for similar operations in the future.
The ANC had been struggling operationally since its
military forces were expelled from Mozambique as a
result of the signing of the Nkomati accord in March
1984.' Forced to establish new bases of operation and
new infiltration routes into South Africa, the group
turned to other countries in the region, especially
Botswana. South Africa moved quickly to counter
these adjustments, coupling diplomatic pressure with
the unspoken threat of military reprisals. This year,
the threat of reprisals became reality-even while
South Africa continued to publicly espouse a peaceful
solution to conflict in the region. High-level US
diplomats report the South Africans see no
contradiction in a "thump/talk" policy. The military
response has included the following:
? 13 February. Two known ANC members were
injured when their residence was blown up in
Gaborone, Botswana, by South African
commandos. The US Embassy reported that more
such attacks could be expected. The bombing had
followed the 29 January statement by Pik Botha
that South Africa reserved the right to conduct hot
pursuit into Botswana to curtail ANC infiltrations
into South Africa.
? 14 May. A man living in Gaborone was killed when
his car blew up. His father was active in the ANC,
and his new wife had longstanding ties to the group.
? 14 June. South African Defense Force commandos
conducted across-border raid into Botswana, killing
at least 14 persons and injuring five others in several
residences. US Embassy reporting indicated that
seven non-South Africans, including a child, were
among the dead and wounded. South Africa
claimed responsibility for the raid, stating that such
attacks were intended to disrupt a planned ANC
terrorist campaign.
? 30 June. South Africa bombed the ANC political
headquarters in Lusaka, causing considerable
property damage but no casualties. This was a
smaller operation than earlier attacks, perhaps
because of the logistic difficulties involved in
operating so far from home. This bombing followed
a spate of ANC attacks commemorating the 1976
Soweto riots as well as Zambia's hosting of the
ANC congress.
South African Government attacks have not slowed
ANC activity. Indeed, a significant increase in ANC
operations began in late April and continues. The
recently concluded ANC congress in Zambia saw a
heated debate between younger, more radical
members who favor attacks on whites, and moderates,
who feel such tactics would be counterproductive. In
press conferences following the congress, ANC leader
GI TR 85-014
IS July 1985
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Tambo sidestepped the issue by stating only that more
civilian casualties were inevitable. We expect that the
number of incidents probably will increase, with a
likely rise in civilian casualties as well.
the threat of South
African military reprisals does impress those countries
inclined to support the ANC, however. Botswana and
Swaziland have cracked down hard on the ANC in
order to satisfy South African security concerns.
Zimbabwe has limited and disguised its support to a
different South African opposition group. After the
most recent attack, Zambia may feel compelled to
reduce support to the ANC. In late June, the South
African police publicly voiced concern about ANC
activity out of Lesotho, which suggests they may be
planning across-border strike there soon. Lesotho has
repeatedly denied the charges.
The Record of South African
Cross-Border Attacks on the ANC
17 October 1983. Three ANC officials and two
Mozambicans injured by SADF commandos during
raid on known ANC facility in Maputo, Mozambique.
Justified by the South Africans as a "preemptive
strike" against an ANC planning office.
23 May 1983. SADF jets bomb and strafe targets in
Maputo in retaliation for ANC bombing in Pretoria
that killed 19 and injured more than 200. South
Africans claim to have killed numerous ANC
9 December 1982. South African commandos strike
ANC houses in Maseru, Lesotho. Thirty ANC
members and a dozen local civilians killed.
30 January 1981. Three ANC houses in Matola,
Mozambique, attacked by SADF troops. A
Portuguese technician and one SADF soldier were
killed, along with 10 members of the ANC.
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Chronology of Terrorism-1985
Below are described noteworthy foreign and international terrorist events and
counterterrorism developments that have occurred or come to light since our last
issue. Events and developments that have already been described elsewhere in this
24 May Mozambique: Relief worker killed by RENAMO in ambush. He was delivering
food and medicine in a Red Cross vehicle in Gaza Province.
29 May-6 June
S June
9 June
Greece: Unidentified arsonists in Athens destroy five cars owned by US personnel.
The attacks probably stemmed from anti-American feelings stirred up during the
2 June national elections.
Namibia: SWAPO attack kills four civilians in Ovambo, according to press
accounts. In a separate incident, a mortar attack launched by the South-West
Africa People's Organization wounded a nun, also in Ovambo.
Greece: PLO financial administrator shot in his Athens apartment by unknown
assailant believed to be a professional assassin. This was the second attempt on
the official's life in two years. A previously unknown Palestinian group calling
itself the Corrective Movement claimed responsibility.
West Bank: Firebomb thrown into Israeli bus in Nablus. The bomb was thrown
through an open window but failed to explode.
10 June West Bank: Handgrenade thrown at refugee o./ficial in Qalandiya camp. It failed
to explode.
Galilee area. The PSF pledged to continue operations against Israel.
Israel: Palestinian group in Lebanon claims responsibility for rocket attack. The
Popular Struggle Front (PSF) has claimed credit for a rocket attack against the
Portugal: FP-25 claims restaurant bombing in Oporto. A spokesman for the group
said the early morning explosion was in retaliation for the restaurant owner's
collaboration with police. The blast caused $12,000 in damages but no casualties.
Gaza Strip: Car carrying local residents hit by gunge. Israeli security forces
report that unidentified gunmen have been firing at Israeli soldiers and cars in the
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GI TR 85-ot4
IS July 1985
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Israel: Reservist on leave found dead in the Negev. No group has yet claimed
responsibility. ~~ 25X1
12 June Argentina: Bomb planted in Buenos Aires courthouse seriously injures two
policemen attempting to dismantle it. There has been no claim of responsibility.
13 June Israel: Bomb explodes on empty bus at Haifa Central Bus Station. The General
Command of the Palestinian Revolution Forces claimed responsibility.
solidarity with the Red Army Faction.
West Germany: Arson attack at Kilbourne Kaserne motor pool damages US Army
jeep. A letter sent to a local newspaper claimed the attack had been carried out in
18 June Spain: Civil Guard corporal shot in Santurce. The Basque separatist group ETA
claimed credit for the killing.~~ 25X1
West Bank: Two civilians injured in bus stop bombings. Two bombs exploded
during the morning rush hour in Jerusalem's Ramot neighborhood and the French
Hill quarter. A man and a woman were slightly injured in the first explosion.
Aviv neighborhood.
Israel: Police defuse two bombs in Tel Aviv. The devices were found between
cooking gas cylinders in buildings across the street from each other in a south Tel
moved to Damascus for an indefinite period.
Lebanon: Norway withdraws diplomats from Beirut. The move was said to reflect
concern about the deteriorating security situation in Beirut and was not related to
the TWA hostage situation under way at that time. The two-person embassy staff
in a rickshaw through a crowded street.
India: Congress Party o.~cial killed in Meerut by unidentified gunmen. Neta
Hakimudden, the president of the Meerut Congress (I) Party, was shot as he rode
Lebanon: Kidnaped Middle East Airlines vice president freed. Sami Rababi was
kidnaped on 5 February 1985 in West Beirut and held prisoner in the Bekaa
Valley by unknown terrorists. He was rescued by pro-Syrian militia members who
happened upon the scene as his kidnapers were transferring him from one location
Spain: Fourteen suspected members of ETA arrested in Madrid. Arms and
ammunition were also confiscated during the arrests. ~~ 25X1
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India: Three bombs injure 10 persons in Ahmedabad. No one has claimed
responsibility, but the attacks probably were related to tensions between castes in
this area
24 June Spain: ETA claims assassination of fisherman in Lequeitio. The group accused
the victim, Ignacio Montes, of involvement in drug trafficking.
West Bank: Seven-year-old Israeli boy seriously injured in bomb explosion. He
had stepped on a homemade explosive hidden among rocks at a bus stop in East
Jerusalem. The bomb was similar to two others that exploded in nearby Ramot
and French Hill the previous week.
25 June Spain: Argentine rightwing terrorist suspect arrested. Buenos Aires probably will
charge Raul Guglielminetti and two accomplices with participating in the
Argentine Anticommunist Alliance and soon request their extradition.
Colombia: Four FARC guerrillas kill three peasants in Santander Province. The
laborers were murdered in front of their families.
Pakistan: Two bombs explode in Peshawar. Three unidentified persons were killed
and two others were injured when a bomb went off in their car; a second bomb
exploded in an Afghan refugee camp, destroying a fuel truck. There have been no
claims of responsibility.
25, 29 June Mozambique: RENAMO kills 66 in two ambushes against large civilian convoys
protected by government troops. Both attacks occurred near the town of Pateque in
Gaza Province. In the second attack, the guerrillas seized 21 captives; a Chinese
agricultural expert escaped, but the others remain unaccounted for.
Late June Nepal: More bombs found. One device was defused after it was discovered on a bus
traveling between the towns of Rajbiraj and Biratnagar. Another bomb was found
near a railroad station in Khajuri.
son of a town mayor was killed in an ambush.
Philippines: Seventeen killed in three separate attacks by New People's Army
(NPA~ A policeman, two militiamen, and two women were reportedly shot by an
NPA "death squad" in Pagadian Province. In Zamboanga del Sur Province, 11
villagers were killed for failing to pay extortion, and in Tuguegarao Province the
French authorities.
France: GAL members suspected in killing of Spanish Basque in Bayonne. The
victim, Santos Blanco Gonzalez, had recently requested refugee status from
23 Secret
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Spain: Armed attack kills postman in Amurrio. The Basque separatist group
ETA, which had killed the victim's brother in 1981, is suspected of responsibility
Israel: Bomb discovered in Ashgelon. Police safely removed and detonated a bomb
that had been found between gas cylinders in a three-story apartment building.
Sri Lanka: Unknown Tamil separatists kill popular J~`aa educator. The
headmaster of St. John's College was shot while riding his motorcycle to his
residence. He had previously received death threats for attempting to organize
27 June Portugal: Eight FP-25 members arrested at difrerent locations throughout
country. None of those arrested, however, were among those sought since last year
Indonesia: Islamic.fundamentalist charged in bombings. A Muslim university
student has been charged with supplying the explosives used in a series of
bombings in East Java over the last six months, including those that damaged the
-?- ----???-? ?..~ ...vwsvr a.va.na ua~J !/[IVrvR ue r, rua ous m rsern[enem. 1 ne bus,
carrying workers to jobs in the city, was set on fire, but no injuries were reported.
Colombia: Package bomb explodes at Bogota Security Service headquarters,
injuring two police explosives experts. The bomb was addressed to the chief of the
security services, who had become suspicious and called in the technicians.
responsibility, but Italian police suspect Sikh or Shia involvement.
Italy: Bomb explodes at Leonardo da Vinci Airport outside Rome. The blast
wounded 15 airport employees. The Kashmir Liberation Organization claimed
Greece: Firebomb destroys three cars owned by US military officers in Athens.
There were no injuries. Two groups, the Revolutionary People's Struggle and the
previously unknown Anti-Imperialist Anti-American Struggle, claimed
those who sentence Colombians to harsh jail terms.
Colombia: Possible new group surfaces. The "Death to Judges and Magistrates"
group sent a threatening letter to a Medellin judge, proposing to take revenge on
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Early July Afghanistan: Rockets hit Soviet Embassy in Kabul. According to press accounts
citing Western diplomats, unidentified guerrillas also hit other unspecified targets
in the city. In addition, the regime is said to be so short of soldiers that guard units
assigned to protect foreign embassies are being reduced to provide combat
the 1970s.
Mexico: Minor party presidential candidate kidnaped by leJ'tists. Arnold
Martinez Verdugo of the United Socialist Party was abducted in Mexico City by
five armed members of the Poor People's Party, a leftist guerrilla group active in
church would pay no ransom but would help in their agricultural projects.C~25X1
on Basilan Island. The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) demanded a
ransom of $50 000 but released the two when the local Catholic bishop said the
Philippines: Muslim rebels kidnap, then release Spanish priest and Filipino nun
Nicaragua: Rebels.free kidnaped West German. Ms. Regine Schmemann, a
volunteer ecologist for the Nicaraguan forestry service, had been captured in June
by members of Misura, an anti-Sandinista rebel group. The rebels claimed to have
found weapons and military documents in her vehicle. 25X1
Peru: Security operation in Lima nets 13 members oJTupacAmaru. The raid was
part of a series of citywide presidential security sweeps that police will conduct
nightly until the inauguration of President-elect Alan Garcia on 28 July. About
4,000 suspects were arrested in the initial operation. 25X1
Ecuador: Homemade bomb explodes in Quito near Presidential Palace. Literature
from the leftist terrorist group Alfaro Vive, Carajo! was found in the area.~25X1
Northern Ireland: Bomb injures three police olj'icers, three civilians at security
checkpoint near Irish border. No claims have been made, but the checkpoint has
been attacked several times previously by the Provisional Irish Republican Army.
latter claim, at least, is not deemed credible.
Australia: Bomb causes light damage to Union Carbide plant near Sydney. The
militant environmental group "Peace Conquerors" claimed credit for the attack in
retribution for the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India, last November and
promised further attacks. This new group has claimed a bombing in Belgium and
the 19 June bombing of Frankfurt airport that killed four persons, although the
10 July India: Sikh assassins narrowly miss district police chief in Chandigarh. A truck
driven by Sikhs rammed the police chief's car, but he escaped injury. The
truckdriver was arrested.
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11 July Sri Lanka: Assassination attempt against President Jayewardene,/oiled. Police
discovered a van containing a timebomb made of 120 kilograms of gelignite and
arrested two Tamil youths who said the device was intended to be set off near the
President's office. They are reportedly members of the Eelam Revolutionary
Organization of Students, one of six separatist groups currently attending peace
talks in Bhutan with representatives of the Sri Lankan Government.
New Zealand: Two explosions sink Greenpeace vessel in Auckland, killing one
crewmember. No one has claimed responsibility for the act. The Rainbow Warrior
was scheduled to lead a protest flotilla to the French Polynesian island of Mururoa
in opposition to a nuclear test there the following month.
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