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Appro ed For-Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP88- R 00250 18-4 Reorganization Probe Widens Under Hoover-Study All Intelligence Is Former President Herbert Hoover has disclosed that a special task force to study the highly secret Central Intelligence Agency will also look into "other major intelligence activities of the Gov- ernment." The disclosure was the first of- Mr. Rickenbacker Gen. Clark Carolina University president, and "one of the worst situations we have Ernest Frederick Hollings, speaker as far as communist infiltration is pro tern of the South Carolina concerned." He said he. would turn House of Representatives and Dem- some data on CIA over to Gen. ocratic nominee for lieutenant gov. Clark, but there has been no word ernor. whether he has done so. CLARK IS CHAIRMAN It 7-ad been announced earlier tha' fin. Mark W. Clark, former U. S. Ear East commander, would be chairman of the special group. Maj. Gen. James G. Christiansen, who retired from the y y day, will be director of the task E i force. A Defense Department spokesman said Mr. Hoover's announcement that the task force will "investigate" the CIA and other government in- telligence activities probably means that the study will include the Army, Navy, Air Force, FBI, AEC and CIA intelligence operations. "Closest coordination is desirable to improve the overall product," the spokesman said. CIA- Director Allen W. Dulles "welcomed" the inquiry When it was announced by- Mr. Hoover on July 4. Mr. Dulles had previously blocked a proposed" investigation of CIA by Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy who sub- sequently said that the CIA was ficial announcement that such agen- cies as Army and Navy Intelligence would come under the scrutiny of the special task force of the Gov. ernment Reorganization Commis- sion which Mr. Hoover heads. Mr. Hoover also named fou ,mem- bers to the task force: Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker,. World War I hero and Eastern Airlines president; Admiral Richard Lansing Conolly, Long Island University ri nt; Donald S. Russell, South, Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP88-00374R000100250018-4 ~ed For F elPacp 1999/09/27 :IA-RDR13$- b "'ROfM' 10 > Admiral ono,ly serve at sea hroughout; World War I and was HOOVER SELECTS warded the Navy Cross. He -commanded a destroyer division TO AID t.i.A: STUDY office War II, served in the TO MD 1 ipe old f the Chief of N Nav aval Oper- ations and on the staff of the Rickenbacker and Conolly of L. W. Join Clark Task Force -Other Inquiries Likely WASHINGTON,. Sept. 30. (UP)- Former President Hoover today named Capt. Eddie'Rickenbacker and three others ass-members of a special Hoover Commission task force that will study the super-secret Central Intelligence Agency. At the same time, Mr. Hoover disclosed, the task force will in- vestigate "other major intelli- gence activities of the Govern- ment." It was the first official announcement that such agencies as Army and Navy intelligence would come under scrutiny. Gen. Mark W. Clark;, former Far East Commander, was named earlier as chairman of the 'special task force. ..Mr..Hoover said the other members would be: Admiral Richard Lansing Con- olly, president of. Long Island :`University; Donald Stuart -Rus- sell, president of the Universiy of South Carolina, and Ernest Frederick Hollings of Charleston, S. C., speaker pro tem of the South ? Carolina House of Repre- sentatives and Democratic nomi- nee for Lieutenant Governor. Dulles Welcomed Inquiry They will "investigate the op- eration of the Central-Intelligence Agency and other major intelli- gence activities of the Govern- ment," Mr. Hoover said. The former-President announced on July 4 that his Government Reorganization Commission had decided to study the "structure and administration" of.the highly secret spy' and counter-spy agency. Allen W. Dulles, C. I. A. Director, promptly "welcomed" the inquiry. Mr. Dulles, a brother of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, previously had blocked a proposed investigation, of the C. I. A. byI Senator Jds4ph R. McCarthy. The Wisconsin Republican subsequent- ly said during the Army-McCar- thy hearings that the C. I. A. was "one of the worst situations we' have" as far as Communist infiltration was concerned. Mr.. McCarthy later said he would turn over to General Clark data his staff had gathered on the C. I. A.. There has been no word whether Senator McCarthy has done so. Mr. Dulles has de- nied McCarthy's charges against his agency. Captain Rickenbacker, a hero of both World Wars, now is presi- dent of Eastern Airlines. During World War II he carried out spe- cialrpissions for the Secretary of Dar to nine foreign countries. He holds the Medal of Honor. Commander in Chief of the Pacif- ic Fleet. He also commanded landing craft and.bases in Africa and the Pacific and served as president Of the.NO.val War College. Mr. Hollings, a lawyer, is a graduate of Citadel Military Col- lege and the 'University of South Carolina, During World War II he served in the African and European theatres. Mr. Russell, a native of Spar- tanburg, S. C., also is a lawyer. A former member of the old War Department's Price Adjustment Board, he held high posts in the World War II Offices of. War Bobilization and Economic Stab- Blization:.::lIe also has served as 'o6ity"#nachinery of the Cen_ not likely to make public 'finding on Individual cases within the C. I. A. This would conform with the commission's work and findings in other Government agencies it 'has 'investigated for efficiency and business-like meth- But Mr. Hollister said that if the C. I, A's-"machinery is loose in any 'way in recruitment or checking on' ppeople the task force would'probably say so." Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : CIA-RDP88-00374R000100250018-4 .411E4' DEItIES vEs1/&4Tioy of This is a TEMPORARY DOCUMENT only, for the use of. DCIIHS. The record copy has been released to National Archives under the HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM. ZZ, Date_.,L3 2 / HRP,. r r THE JOB ! Approved For Release 1999/09/27 : W