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STAT Approved For elease 2004/10/28: CIA-RDP88-01314R00 a % 201 East 34th Street, New York,'N.Y. 10016 Q If you are confused by the shambles of today's culture - If you sense that something is terribly wrong with the world, but are unable to understand it ... if you are struggling against despair, but are in danger of giving up .. . if you do not want to surrender the world to chanting drug addicts, but see no way to fight them - You are the kind of reader to whom my new publication, The AXn Rand Letter, will be addressed. It will offer you the intellec- tual ammunition you need. Since I am an advocate of reason, I do not want you to take me on faith. I would like you to receive my Letter free of charge for a month. I cannot guarantee that you will agree with my philosophy. I can guarantee that you will find my philosophy radically opposed to the dominant intellectual voices of today. Whether it is the voice of tomorrow is for you to discover. "Radical" means fundamental. To understand and oppose the present state of the world, it is its fundamental ideas that one must challenge. The fundamental ideas of the past two hundred years or longer have been: mysticism (the cult of irrationality); altruism (the creed of self-sacrifice); collectivism (the tribal view of man). These ideas are shared by all of today's political- cultural movements, of the left or the right, whose differences are only matters of degree. You hear it cried on all sides that disunity is our greatest problem. But take a closer look. What you see is not disunity, but disintegration. It is the practical consequence of the philosophical theories that advocate man's "liberation" from reason and from "the tyranny of reality. " Observe that the Pope, the Marxists, the Wall Street tycoons, the college professors and the illiterate hippies present a united front on the doctrine that reason has had its day and has failed, (continued ... ) Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 that man must be guided by some other, "higher" faculty (faith, "instinct, " feeling, intuition, etc.). Observe that the communist party, the neo-fascists, the "mod- erates, " the Chambers of Commerce, the social workers, the philosophers and the street-corner evangelists present a united front on the doctrine that man should live for the sake of serving others, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral goal. Observe that the Labor Lobby, the Business Lobby, the Educational Lobby, the Intellectual Lobby ("The Establishment"), and the local yippie pack present a united front on the doctrine that an individual has no rights, that men belong to their groups and must gang up on one another. Never has the world been so united philosophically - and never has it been swamped by such gray hopelessness, by such a murky tide of cynicism, lethargy, anxiety, despair, hatred and bloody terror. Observe the symptoms: - We hear it proclaimed that this is the "Age of Love." But we see the rise of brute force throughout the world (with the apologists for the activists urging us to accept rule by intimidation, as a prelude to rule by terror). - We hear it proclaimed that this is the "Space Age" or the "Atomic Age." But we see men reverting to astrology, numerology and black magic. - We hear it proclaimed that we must fight a war to protect the primitive people of Southeast Asia from the spread of communist power. But we see our diplomats abetting the gradual surrender of the civilized people of Europe, of the Mediterranean, of Israel, to the spread of communist power. - We hear it proclaimed that racism is evil (which is true). But we see the rise of a virulent racism, of racial quotas, Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 of theories about racial "guilt," of divisions drawn among men in the name of "ethnic" issues. - We see a "War on Poverty." But we also see the spread of "ecology, " the War on Abundance. - We hear "Peace movements" opposing war against an armed adversary. But we see them engaging in bombings of disarmed, innocent people in public places. - We hear filthy young bums professing universal love. But we see them projecting hostility, panic and a violent hatred of all of mankind. Do you struggle to understand this spectacle? if you ask questions, today's intellectual leaders tell you that understanding is impossible to man, because reason is impotent. If you feel indignation, they tell you that human sacrifices are needed for the good of mankind. If you do not know what to do or how to protect your own future, they tell you to join some pressure group, because an individual has no chance - and no rights. They are not hypocrites. They are practicing their fundamental ideas to the letter, to the last bloody comma of it -- in the only way these ideas can be practiced. Our age is the result, the climax and the dead end of the mysticism-altruism-collectivism axis. My philosophy, Objectivism, rests on a different base: it upholds reason-egoism-individualism. It offers a consistent, comprehensive view of life -- for those who know that man cannot survive without thinking and cannot think without a philosophic base. The purpose of The A~Tn Rand Letter will be to help you understand (continued ... ) Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5 today's world, by analyzing and evaluating its cultural trends and symptoms, such as those listed above. The Letter will serve as a kind of ideological detective that identifies the meaning, the roots, the goals and the consequences of modern events. As my credentials for this task, I will point to the record of accurate predictions to be found in my novel Atlas Shrugged. In contrast to the deliberately induced intellectual chaos of today, the Letter will stand for law and order - epistemological law and mental order. If you care to judge for yourself whether this can be done, please fill out and return the enclosed postage-paid order card, which will entitle you to try The Ayn Rand Letter, and then to become a Charter Subscriber if you choose. You will receive the first two issues free of charge. If, at the end of that month, you decide to cancel your subscription, you may do so without any further obligation on your part. If you decide to continue, you will receive the Letter every two weeks for a year (26 issues) at the Special Charter Subscription rate of $36. (My consultants are considering the setting of the regular subscription rate at $50 a year, but this will not apply to Charter Subscribers.) I hope to hear from you, and I look forward to the day when you'll look forward to hearing from me. Sincerely, KILIA AR/aa yn Rand P. S. You have probably heard my name -- coupled with misrepresentations of my ideas. Here is your chance to acquaint yourself with my ideas at first hand and without risk. Just return the enclosed order card today. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010090-5