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Document Release Date: 
October 18, 2004
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1973
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01314R000300010041-7.pdf78.9 KB
'J.111; bU1V5 OF 'l'EIE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE .. jib- (it1 a t~ w ' zr- f2 Ra Approved For Release 2004/101 -C4i&DP88-01314R000300010041-7 WARREN S. WOODWARDS h-10:_-.- rl"sn6b" 4rtl F, It's revolting-(and ' true to form) the way our ultra-liberal news media is heap- ing abuse upon the new anti-communist government of Chile. They vehemently condemn the 'new government and -ac- cuse our 'CIA of in- stigating the over- throw of Allende's WARREN S.WOODIVARD EDITOR anti-American Marxist regime. To that, I say that if Uur government didn't have a hand in the overthrow, why didn't they?! The fact is that we are at war with communism, and every friendly nation that is spirited behind. the iron curtain constitutes another. nail in our coffin. This same news media would probably scream bloody murder if Castro were overthrown by an anti-communist faction. And now, Senator Edward Kennedy and Repre- sentative Robert P. Drinan have intro- duced, and are actively pushing, legis- lation to admit upwards of 50,000 revolutionaries, Marxists, communists and socialists from Chile who they choose to describe as "political, refu- gees". America needs more reds like a mangy dog needs more fleas! The fuel shortage cannot be blamed entirely upon the Arab nations be= cause our leaders have long known that our principal source of oil is from these unstable pro-Soviet countries. We can chalk up many of our prob- lems to poor planning and leadership, not only by the current administra- tion, but by all administrations since World War 11. This blackmail is our compensation for pouring food, ma- chinery, military supplies and lechni cal know-how into Arab lands. In ten years since 1972, we gave $700 million to Egypt alone and nearly $2 billion to other countries.in the area. The pres- ent outlook is one of deadly peril to our economy and survival, so extreme measures are justified. The President should nntnediately call for a con- ference of all nations that have been blackmailed, and a counter-embargo should be studied. A united and total embargo' by the free nations could bring the oil gangsters to their knees, especially if Russia and.her satellites are threatened with inclusion. Let's see the Arabs build that gigantic truck plant near Moscow which is scheduled to materialize with American money and technical know-how! All of us know that pressure on the Arabs by Russia could quickly end the current oil embargo. As for domestic fuel economy, the President can save many millions of gallons. of gasoline and fulfill an unfulfilled pledge. He can lend his support for an immediate halt to bussing, an asinine burden on our children drat has solved nothing. And my final comments are relative to those poor unfortunates in Russia who want to immigrate to Israel, but cannot because they are unable to obtain exit visas. Surely, we sympa- thize with them and anyone else who seeks . an escape from the yoke of communism ... but why do they alone warrant the official concern of our government? Why aren't we exert- ing equal legislative and news media pressure for East Germans, Czechs, Poles, Hungarians and even Chinese (who are willing to swim from Red China through shark-infested waters to freedom in Hong Kong), all of whom seek exit visas to freedom? Let's help victims of communism, of course, but let's be fair and , undiscriminating about it. This editorial reflects the opinions of the bhimr, and is not to he construed as the official virn' of the Sons of the rf iner- ican Revolution. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000300010041-7