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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 23, 2004
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Publication Date: 
February 14, 1976
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01314R000300300008-2.pdf142.06 KB
V' r~Tr , f, p- S (` { L. C.:i f F l) CV 1 e . Approved For Release. 4/' Ii2 'CI~ikkRDP88-01314R0003003300QQ8-2 1 1MUA":,y 19"(6) r e i' C 0- - cr U1!4(,1) !' () T7~ y 1 21-page Supplement T'rr! follovrir.g statement ion-! inept that th4 decision to offer ?~_ ~ .1 1 ' cerrir;g ivlr. Sr;hr,n was issuccl the renort for publication after is OL The Village Voice pubiishecl; --i I t",;~ text of the report''i lliu}3_I t]1iS eyenirl' by the rope^rter'3F 1tS `]lighli~rhts were extensively !, 7 K EP I1 (! a special 2":1-pane cornntittee: reported by CBS mews," was 11.t1 surd- "The Reporter's Committee) "entirely mine." { flit! I p:E'rnent this week. ivlr. Felker: for Thomas-B: Morgan, editor! or the Freedom of the Press[ Richard Salant, the head off of ti a Voice, had previously de-1 agreed to accept from Daniel, CBS News, said today t" at t.hef CBS Newsman Tells of Offer ci:ned to answer. any questior.s Schorr. the proceeds, if any,' network had had no krowledoei r. about how the report came'into from the publication, if it or_.- of Mr Schorr's efforts, and CBS; MM Voice t'trbiish?r curred, of fne Pike committee said in a statement that iti t^eir possession' would have no further Mr. Schorr said today that report on the same terms as commend 5re` :al :o ?rhe New York T:mes. WAS.-IINGTON, Feb. 12-15a- niel Sc: aorr, a Washington c:or- reslordent for CBS News dis closed today- that he hadI pro- vided a cagy of the secret report by the House Select Committee- on Intelligence to The Village Voice, ?a weekly. N-:v York newspaper that pub- lished published the document: last Wednesday.. In a three-page.statement re- leased today, Mr. Schorr also said that an unnamed interme- i diary had 'relayed to him an offer from Clay Felker, publish- er of The Voice, that a "sub- stantial contribution" 'would be made- to' aid the work. of the Reporters Committee: for the F1Edom or the: Press if The Voice rece vi e 3 the-ttocumerit. Mr. Schorr said that hhe felt an obligation to- identify him- self "as- the rewspsper's source for the 338-page' document be- " cause misleading impressions" r had, been '.created in recent r ews renort? . about the means by wnic:-r Tre: Voice obtained The CBS newsman, who h adds coveed the H rouse com- mittee's investigation for a year and who reported- extensively on the panel's. findings last Jan. 2G, said that he'reached hs his decision to arrange for the re- port's publication after he came to believe that he was "possibly th e sole posseof' th d ssr- oeo- cument outside the Goveri- frn..4 The N.ouse"commi.ttee voted tun, out the Full. House of Re- presentatives :.voted, on Jan.29 to Vvithhold the report from the public after fears - were ex- pressed on the floor- that the report dontained? sensitive in- formation that woull damage national security. At that point, U7. Schorr said, "I felt myself confronted With an inescapable decision of jour- nalistic conscience,", and even- tually decided that, with much of. the report's contents already disclosed in news accounts, "I could not be the one responsib- le for suppressing" its full. pub. lication. . in arrn~ina for the report's! any donatlonto he used in de- on the matter because of they publication, he had enlisted the fense of the First Amendment, possibility of a Federal invest!-i "confidential cooperation" of We put Mr. Schorr in touch Amendment Cation of the circumstances sur the Freedarr o th e cooperation" a with an attorney familiar with rounding the report. s publica- ~'.'ahsingtoa-based organization publishing so that Mr. Schorr Lion. that attempts to deega - could make his own publication The network said that, be journa blems arrangements. irir. Schorr said cause CBS news policy requir