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October 6, 2004
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Publication Date:
September 12, 1974
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1 2 SEP 1974
By Jeremiah O'Leary
Star News Staff Writer
Rep. Michael Harrington,
D-Mass., today was to dis-
close more details about
CIA activities in Chile that
were intended to contribute
to the downfall of the
Marxist regime of the late
President Salvador Allende.
Harrington scheduled a
press conference and in--
formed sources said he
would be making more
revelations of how the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency
ran a clandestine operation
against Allende in the peri-
od from his election in 1970
until a few weeks before he
was overthrown by the mili-
tary a year ago.
Harrington's first disclo-
sures were based on
testimony given in secret to
a House 'bommittee last
April by CIA Director Wil-
liam Colby, generally spell-
ing out how the agency
spent nearly $11 million
against Allende on specific
authorization of the "40
Committee," headed by
Secretary of State Henry A.
IN OR,.MED sources also
told the Star-News that
Colby would return to Capi-
tol Hill today to discuss the
CIA-Chile operation with a
group of legislators. But it
was not immediately known
whether Colby would ap-
pear before the House and
Senate committees that
oversee CIA operations or
some other group of legisla-
Meanwhile, chairman
Frank Church of the Senate
subcommittee on multina-
tional corporations, said
last night he expected his
staff to report to him before
the ' end of the week on
whether there is a prima
facie case of perjury in the
testimony of two former
State Department officials
who appeared before his
subcommittee in April 1973.
Church ordered the sub-
committee staff to study the
testimony given during
hearings on ITT activities
in Chile by former Ass't.
Secretary of State Charles
A. Meyer and the former
ambassador to Chile, Ed-
ward M. Korry. Both men,
now no longer in govern-
ment, testified under -oath
thah the United States
scrupulously adhered to
apolicy of non-intervention
during the Allende period..
CIA-RDP88-01314R9 0300450
cials are no longer denying
that the "40 Committee"
ordered the expenditure of
millions of dollars against
Allende but they do deny
that the United'States had
anything to do with the
Sept. 11, 1973 military revolt
or that Colby ever testified
that -the money was to be
used for "destabilization"
of the Allende regime..
IT IS KNOWN from the j
most informed sources that
some of the covert U.S.
expenditures in Chile were
used for the support of the
anti-Allende newspaper, El'
Mercurio. U.S. officials
justify the support .for
Chile's largest newspaper
on the grounds that Allende
was trying to cut off.their
supply of news print and l
CHURCH SAID that if the l that Cuba and the Soviet
subcommittee staff finds ` j Union were secretly sup
discrepancies in the testi- porting Allende's efforts to
mony in relation to Harring- f create a Marxist state in
ton's disclosures, of 'large- Chile.
scale CIA funding of Chi- A pattern that has de-
lean opposition institutions, veloped since Harrington's
he wold reconvene subcom- disclosures last weekend is
mittee hearings on Chile
and recall the two wit that all four State Depart-
nesses. r-rient witnesses were aware
Church said two other of the "