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Publication Date: 
February 11, 1969
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Apprd 1. a. FEB 1969 W ft:(I*R Mjj4R0 Over Journalists' Detention Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 10-Th, president of Chile's Nationa: Prc's Aesic'at:cn protested to- day to the B;-azilir n government .over the ccntarr^d detention o.' the p>~'a?eher and the chief edi 'or of Co;'rcio cia Man!:a, one of Rio's l: r~est and' most influen- tial drilies. Previous ly, Agustin Echvards, president of the Inter-American Press Association and also a Chilean, had announced the pos- sible cancellation of the associa- tion's- scheduled .1370 convention here because of government suppre.-.:on of the press. Brotherhood Call In a message to President Ar- 'hur da * :ta a Silva, Lisandro Ca nepa Pede,. president of the Chile-iii association, appealed to rMr. Costa e Silva's "democratic spirit" and invoked "traditional Brayilir n brotherhood" in re- questing release of M. Niomar Moniz' Sodre Bittencourt, the publisher, and Osvaldo Peralva, the editor. They were arrested January 7, the day official censorship was lifted following the govern- ment's assumption of dictatorial powers December 13. Correio da Marna that day printed a special edition carry- no news about the government's action that had been suppressed for 24 days. Now Under House Arrest Ry ROBERT A. ERLANDSON (Rio de Jauclro Burcau of DO S11711 Mrs. Bittencourt first was confined in'a military barracks,' then was transferred to a mili- tary hospital and now is under house arrest at- her home. Mr. Peralva is being held In a military barracks. Corrcio da Manha has con- tinued to publish, but like all Brazilian papers it has been completely subservient to gov- ernment "guidance" on w'bat it; ,can present. ~ Although off lei al. 'censors no, longer inhabit newsrooms- and iwire service offices, Brazilian papers are expected to operate under self-censorship, with the !threat of seizure and other re. prisals ever present. One Purged Senator 1 Another journalist, Senator Mario Martins of Rio's Jornal do Brasil, was among 30 federal 4con ressmen, stripped of their ban was imposed, Brazil ap- mointed its delegation to the United Nations Commission on Iuman. Rights 'and, today, the Organiza`ion of American States announced the annual conference of the Inter-American Bar As- sociation to be held in Rio in June. Included on the agenda is a session on "the draft Inter- ~merican convention on human rights and the impact of tech- nological progress on the free. dom of thought and expression of ideas.'" Apprd: c tvi lemtsmr2Q$ n 0/28: CIA-RDP88-O1314R000300450026-6 the government issued its third purge list.