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Publication Date: 
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2o xi 25X1 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Next 8 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Democracy has been built on the notion that the free or reasonably free play of human forces will produce a world capable of progress, moral imagination, and the ability to re- cover from social wounds, depressions, catastrophes, and the worst evils of man himself. Decocracy will not wear out,goes our underlying assumption, unless our own human resources wear out and become so insecure and/or apathetic that the most interesting possibilities of human potential are lost. Something of this hope and this fear was felt two and three decades ago by all those Americana who sincerely believed that Communism would destroy human potential. The irony is that in fighting Communism, we have come to a point where w'e have been destroying our own potential. One agent of that destruction has been the CIA. If history is a study of human irony and the paradox of social process, the CIA can serve as a fine example. Begun by some of the most intense believers in Democracy it has become a sinister element in American life, as capable of destroying the reasonably free play of human forces as any other spiritual Mafia. The CIA is now one of the centers of human pollution in America. It is an invisible gov- ernment with enormous power, known and unknown, in the administration- the state department,the Cabinet, the Congress, and for all we know courts. For all we know, indeed, it is also a power in the Fa ral Reserve, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the stock market. It is certainly a species of invisible economic government with profitable relations and speculations which extend from Wall Street to Timbuktu by way of Switzerland, the Near East, the Far East, Africa, South America--one runs out of continents. It is a power which has infiltrated the labor movement and the Coma Nostra for years. It is installed in the aviation industries, the defense corporations, the utilities, the media, the newspapers and the universities. It is-now 'even entering the women's movement. It is a force of people who may work in adjoining offices at Langley for years and never know the read, nature of the work being done by.,the opertions man next door since the work in the next office is hidden by its nature. It is an organization which people enter but never leave. They may resign and go back to government, banking, communications, the armed forces, or law but in critical number they remain part-time members of the CIA still effectively on call. They are a_ depar.tment....of government which collects info- rmation and by then, its clandestine reflex, disseminates mis- information to other parts of government, even to that office next door. It is an incubus upon the faculty of intelligence itself. It has manipulated and despoliated every left-wing movement in America. It has savaged the heart of Black militancy. It has engaged in so many dirty tricks and illicit manipulations of history and our democratic ability to try to comprehend what the nature of events might be that its national products have been stupefaction and moral inanition. The more extreme activities of the CIA have been such a cause for uneasiness that even the JOhn Birch Society accuses them of the assassination of Jack Kennedy, and who is to know whether they are right or wrong. Watergate may be no more than the surfacing of a tumor which runs from the eyes-to the ankle bones of our democratic institutions, a disease conceivably more dangerous than Communism might ever prove for America since Communism could have been resisted by a natural American underground, but the CIA is the put-on of all democratic ideas, their false exercise, and their exha Approv t ~,Pfkelease 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 In this context the Fifth Estate is homeopathic medicine-- one small drop for a large disease. But at least it is an instrument by which p ople interested in a paticipatory democracy may begin to create the possibility of centers of alternate intelligence staffed: h~,, ::i tizens , for the use of citizens and available to monitor the abuses of intelligence in government and defense. Seperate from the government, the Fifth Estate offers the beginning of the far-going possibility that the people may yet have the instruments and democtatic institutions to begin to govern themselves. Norman Mailer January 24, 1Q75 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved r - - FIFTH ESTATE Security Education January 24, 1 75 Coordinators Tim But, STATEMENT OF WINSLOW PECK Winslow Peck Doug Porter Advisory Board The Fifth Estate has called this press conference to (Information) present the results of our investigation into the Central Fred Branfrrran,Co?Directgr Intelligence Agency. The Fifth Estate is an alternative Indochina Resource center* intelligence community acting in the public interest, conducting research and educational activites on the security Sylvia Crane, Author National of our nation. The results of our investigation, ational Committee Against Repressive Legislation* published in the latest edition of our quarterly journal Counter-Spy, include a statement from Philip Agee, a long David Dellinger Liberation Magazine time CIA operative in Latin America, whose book CIA Diary -" has recently been published in England. In response to Frank Donner, Author his call for the exposure of CIA agents we are listing Director, ACLU Political Sur- overseas station chiefs. This listing contains information veillance Project* that will enable citizens to better understand how the Dr. Ralph Lewis CIA works. Criminal justice Research Dir- Further, we continue our examination of the CIA's ector Michigan State University* involvement with American labor leaders. We present an in-depth guide to the activites of the CIA labor Victor Marchetti, Author proprietary, the American Institute for Free Labor Development Former CIA official AIFLD); whose Board of Directors includes Lane Kirkland, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (ret.) a current member of the presidential "blue ribbon" panel Author, former military laison investigating the CIA. As our investigation shows, AIFLD to CIA is totally an instrument of the CIA. Mr. Kirkland's Marcus Raskin, Co-Director involvement with this organization, we believe, at the very Institute for Policy Studies* least, biases his ability to render a fair and impartial Tony Russo, Author judgement. Former RAND Corp. official We regret that this issue of Counter-Spy is concentrating Kirkpatrick Sale, Author solely on the Central Intelligence Agency. While the Agency is certainly deserving of scrutiny, our experience leads us Stanley Sheinbaum to belive that almost every security service in this American Civil Liberties un? country deserves a similar examination. To protect the rights of citizens, a continuous and thorough examination William Turner, Author of every of every department, division and branch of the Former FBI Agent security apparatus is necessary. But, while we regret Rev. Phillip Wheaton the current myopic rage over the CIA, we do believe that Ecumenical Program for Inter* the CIA deserves its day of judgement. The media is focusing American Communication and , Action on the CIA as never before - as is Congress - but unfortunatly the examination thus far has been a superficial one. With *oatio ation Listed forlden- this issue of Counter-Spy, we hope to encourage the press, tification Purposes only. Congress and citizens to examine the CIA and evaluate its P.O. Box 647, Ben Frank- role and use fullness . in Station, Washington By presenting information on current CIA operations, we D.C. 20044. Offices lo- believe that we have taken a step beyond media exposes of cated in Room 523, Du- past CIA activity. With continued public support, the Fifth Pont Circle Building, Estate will seek to provide leadership in exposing other Washington D.C. 20036 abuses of power. (202) 785-4891 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 STATEMENT OF WINSLOW PECK - page two The Fifth Estate is not against government and is not necessarily against the CIA; but we are against abuses of power by the CIA. For this reason, the Fifth Estate will continue to serve as a citizens watchdog force on the CIA and its kin throughout the world during this last quarter of the twentieth century. We are aware that a massive purge is underway within the CIA of those persons still clinging to the politics of the past. Although we welcome the purge of these inflexible cold warriors, we wish to caution the public that just as cold war politics were harmfull to this nation, so too can detente be harmfull.- if we are not vigilant. Today'the CIA, through its stations throughout the world, is. still organizing coup d'etats, assassinations and subversion of governments, student and labor organizations. And now, as a result of the Fifth Estate's investigation, we know the CIA is also subverting elements of the women's movement. Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved F ase 2004/10 CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 UtItt, ad THE FIFTH ESTATE Approved For Release 2004/10,. - r DP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Rele X13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 WHAT IS THE FIFTH ESTATE? The Fifth Estate is a non-partisan, non-profit, alternative intelligence community serving the American public. The Fifth Estate spies on Big Brother. WHY HAS THE FIFTH ESTATE BEEN FORMED? The Fifth Estate has been formed in response to the continuing development of an Orwellian society in the United States and the world. Technofascism-the correct term for the Orwellian society-is rapidly replacing the rights Americans are sup- posed to have with all-seeing, all-knowing security systems. Such systems are being experimented with by all functions of government; including the military, the crim- inal justice system, and especially the intelligence community. The experimental development of technofascism includes such things as the White House Horrors, Watergate, military spying on civilians, CIA clandestine activities, FBI (and local police) infiltration, media management, social science engineering, censorship, attacks on privacy, government and corporate secrecy, hegemic control of advances in technology, and institutionalized racism and sexism. Today technofascism in all its interventionist and repressive forms is the greatest single threat to independence and freedom in the world. HOW DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE OPPOSE TECHNOFASCISM? The Fifth Estate is combating the growth of the Orwellian society through research, educational activities, expose, litigation and campaigns to marshall public opinion. Our opposition is presently built upon a strategy of resistance on four broad political fronts, each corresponding to the primary elements of technofascism. The Fifth Estate will be demanding an end to policies, operations, and practices of our gov- ernment which support clandestine intervention, domestic repression, excessive secrecy, and technological hegemony by the power elite. Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R00020 WHY DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE DEMAND AND WORK FOR AN END TO CLANDESTINE INTERVENTION AND DOMESTIC REPRESSION? History shows that clandestine intervention (dirty tricks) by our government and corporations into the sovereign affairs of other countries has done little more than to create an image of us as "Ugly Americans." Generally speaking, our national security has not been improved by these operations. Before the clandestine operations of the CIA and other agencies involve us in yet another catastrophe (like Bay of Pigs or the Indochina War) these operations must be exposed, restrained, terminated, and prevented from reoccuring in the future. History also demonstrates that our government's foreign policies and practices often come home to become domestic policies and practices. Individuals long ac- customed to clandestine operations overseas will carry on similar activities in the United States, if political atmosphere allows them to do so. Overseas intervention and domestic repression are two sides of the same coin; two manifestations of the same problem -technofascism. The repressive activities of the intelligence community, military services, criminal justice systems and other governmental and corporate agencies must be fully exposed and terminated by the American people. It is our hope that the Fifth Estate will serve as a lens focusing the American public effort to resist further development of technofascism. WHY IS THE FIFTH ESTATE OPPOSED TO EXCESSIVE SECRECY? An atmosphere of government openess and'citizen access must be created in America if we are to maintain our status asfree citizens in a democratic society. What little secrecy is necessary for the maintenance of society must be pragmatically decided upon by the entire public and not just an elite few. Secrecy is the greatest single weapon available to the forces of technofascism. Fortunately, secrecy is.a double-edged sword. Without it, technofascism can not endure, much less grow. We believe that it is the duty of all citizens to struggle against secrecy in government, corporations, and the way we live our lives. WHY DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE SEEK AN END TO TECHNOLOGICAL HEGEMONY BY THE POWER ELITE There must be greater citizen access to advanced technology if that technology is to be used for the benefit of all humanity. Technology must not be used to rain destruc- tion on smaller nations, and to fill dossiers on our friends, families, and neighbors. Approved For Release 20'134pT51?fydvC** "o ~ ?lU ~ technofascism is being advanced and promoted. Approved For Re ly M ,t,13: CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 HOW.DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE OPERATE AS AN ALTERNATIVE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY? The Fifth Estate is primarily responsible to the independence and freedom of Ameri- can citizens and the rest of humanity. The American public is the prime consumer of information disseminated by the Fifth Estate and the prime sponsor for activities of the Fifth Estate. Information gathered by the Fifth Estate goes through a traditional intelligence cycle consisting of: collection, production, analysis, dissemination, and operations. The difference between the Fifth Estate and traditional intelligence organizations is that our responsibility lies with the American people, not the American power elite. WHO IS THE FIFTH ESTATE GATHERING INFORMATION ON? The Fifth Estate collects information on three primary targets-the military services, the intelligence community, and the criminal justice system. We are also interested in the corporate structures that support these functions of government. The Fifth Estate collects information from both public and private sources. We do not engage in clandestine (illegal) collection of information. The information collected is available to researchers, journalists, scholars and other concerned citizens. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE PRODUCTION PART OF THE INTELLIGENCE CYCLE? The production process of the Fifth Estate involves efficient management of informa- tion from collection to action as well as resource management. At all steps in our intelligence cycle, we heed the philosophy of the Fifth Estate, which is that we are responsible to the American people. Every step in our cycle is subject to criticism and change by Fifth Estate advisors, sponsors, associates, and the American public at large. HOW DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE'S ANALYSIS DIFFER FROM THAT OF AGENCIES SERVING THE POWER ELITE? Our analysis is a collective product of the Fifth Estate. Compartmentalization of knowledge is eliminated through the development of a collective analysis. Our analysis is done from a political (rather than technical) perspective determined by the Fifth Estate's responsibilities to the American people. HOW DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE DISSEMINATE INFORMATION? Approved For Releaspji2 f4MW/fhb t, IA4ROP8f8tfik19f1t5 10+,4' ego-oducation will the Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R00020047 American people develop the actions necessary to resist the growth of technofascism. Our vehicles for dissemination include contacts with the mass media, publica- tions of various organizations (the Fifth Estate is non-partisan), as well as our own publications. Currently we publish a quarterly journal, a syndicated column, and pamphlets on special subjects. Eventually the Fifth Estate may produce a mass publication. WHAT KIND OF OPERATIONS DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE ENGAGE IN TO RESIST TECHNOFASCISM? Actions taken by the Fifth Estate are determined by what the political reality is in the struggle against technofascism. Actions may involve expose, public education, litiga- tion, and campaigns designed to focus public effort against technofascism. The Fifth Estate does not engage in lobbying for specific legislation, although we have and will supply information to legislators on request. The Fifth Estate will do what ever is necessary to oppose the growth of techno- fascism. However, we will not engage in adventuristic clandestine activities. WHO PARTICIPATES IN THE FIFTH ESTATE? There are three levels of involvement with the Fifth Estate: advisors, sponsors, and campus and community action/research groups. Advisors to the Fifth Estate are persons who are outspoken critics of go+'ern- mental and corporate policies who are lending their expertise to the Fifth Estate. These advisors may differ on specific issues, but these differences only serve to broaden the perspective of the Fifth Estate. Sponsors to the Fifth Estate are well known Americans who have lent their moral, political, and financial support to the Fifth Estate. The core of the Fifth Estate are campus and community based action/research groups. Individual groups may use the name "Counter-Spy" or "Fifth Estate" as a symbol of the fact that they are part of an alternative intelligence community. HOW WILL THE FIFTH ESTATE RELATE TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS? Many of our advisors and associates are members of organfzations engaged in resist- ing some aspects of technofascism. While we have no official connection with these organiza:ions, co-operation does exist around specific issues. We will continue to relate to similarly oriented organizations as long as the relationship does not violate our basic philosophy of being responsible to the American people. Above all, the Fifth Estate is non-partisan and will not endorse any political stance that does not Approveel@alr0 k(3tt(Oh48-01315R000200470002-3 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 HOW IS THE FIFTH ESTATE ORGANIZED? The Fifth Estate is a community of autonomous organizations serving local and national constituencies. Decision making within this network is done by concensus of all groups-the Fifth Estate is not a hierarchial organization. The Washington office (and, in the future, regional offices) serve as resource centers for local organizations. IS THE FIFTH ESTATE A GOVERNMENT FRONT? Although many former intelligence workers are involved with the Fifth Estate, we are in no way connected to the government. We encourage all citizens to investigate our activities. Our organizational histories, and other records are open for public in- spection. Beyond that we merely ask that you listen to our words and watch our actions. We invite your comments and criticisms of our efforts. DOES THE FIFTH ESTATE EXIST IN OTHER COUNTRIES? The American Fifth Estate encourages the citizens of other countries suffering from developing technofascism to organize resistance to this development. The Fifth Estate is notopposed to international affiliationwhich does notviolateour philosophy or organizing principals. Technofascism is a global problem and eventually global answers to this problem will be found. Our primary responsibility, however, is to building resistance to technofascism within America. ISN'T THE FIFTH ESTATE SERVING THE INTEREST OF GOVERNMENTS WHO ARE ENEMIES OF AMERICA? It is important to remember that the reason for excessive secrecy by our government is not to prevent other-governments from having information but to prevent the American public from having this information. Other governments know what our government and corporate structures are doing. The American public does not. The Approved For RF' a 2d~ fly, fF~ W-$~'I U~ 4pK6ffgnly agents roan pu Irc. HOW CAN I HELP FURTHER THE GOALS OF THE FIFTH ESTATE? Approved m err Barre a avarrietyyof'acts wniichCcan Dperrormed by ' to groups andmnd2viauals interested in developing the Fifth Estate. Individuals, for example, can contribute financially, book Fifth Estate speakers before their school or civic groups, or work as individual researchers on a number of coordinated projects. Organizations may go beyond the support given by individuals by doing community education around technofascism, organizing local resistance to repressive conditions, and conducting independent investigations or public tribunals on any one of the aspects of the Orwellian Society. Members of the Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate are will- ing to give interested individuals and organizations additional ideas and specifics upon request. e-% taSV6 S_ A icome Bill Dossier Fil ot h, A 41 OLO 4 Mr W_ o//6 net ch,J Organizing Committee for a Fifth Estate Box 647 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D. C. 20044 (202) 785-4891 Approved Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 1984 Approved For ReleaPeA4/1fO9J-QK8-JP55RYO'PO41 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200470002-3