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August 14, 1964
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Approved For Release 2005/01/12: CIA-RDP88-01315R00
AUG i 4 1b4
Con riesi :
-Ong o{het factors that Country will,at last be isolated.
By VIRGINIA PREWE,TT - have stiffened the Alessandri
Chile's break of relations with government to break with Cas-
Communist Cuba is a signal tro is the Chilean Army's deter-
victory for the Organization of mination not to see their, coun-
American States and for the try go down the drain like Cuba.
anti-communist forces in Chile. To break with Castro, Sr. Ales-
It amply repays those U. S. sandri threw clown the gauntlet
an international trouble-
police-makers, sparked by Pres- making apparatus that time end
ident Johnson's firm approach m and
again has shaken Latin Ameri-
to foreign policy, who refused can governments. He had to be
to weaken the formula pressed very sure of his military and
for by the anti-totalitarian mem- police backing to do it.
'bens of the OAS at the recent Sr. Alessandri also reportedly
meeting here in Washington on believed it was better to have
Cuban santions. The victory the upsets, iL any, over the
should bury forever the shib- break in rel:r`tions to come be--
boleth that "unanimity" is an fore the Selit. 4 elections. He
over-riding necessity in OAS de- figured that extremist riots or
cisions. strikes would favor, not injure,
The reasons for the Chilean the chances that Chile's anti-
action are many. Perhaps most communist ticket will win on
basic is the new feeling that Sept. 4.
the tide of extreme leftism is Another factor counting in the
no longer the irresistible force balance is Chile's traditional
in Latin America. 'legalism'. Chile's position in
News from Chile discloses the opposing the OAS call for a
I backers of Sen. Eduardo Frei, mandatory break was legalistic.
the anti-communist liberal can- But now that the mandate has
didate for president in the.Sept. been voted, Chileans are 'obey-
4 elections, are beginning to he- ing the law.'
lieve their man will wit. over They lave more than one rea-
the communist-socialist candi- son for doing so. One is a bor-
date. Sen. Salvador Allende. der dispute with Bolivia that
Several public opinion polls, has flared up distressingly in
:even one in rural districts, now the past two years. Another is a
point to a victory for Sr. Frei. .long-time border quarrel with
Whether the samplings are re- Argentina. At any time, Chile
liable or not is impossible to may have to appeal to the OAS
say, but they are giving the in these disputes.
anti-communist f o r c e s new Chile's action will undoubted-
heart. ly influence Bolivia to follow
Sr. Uruguay, we hear, will
. Frei's backers are well also once the creaky machinery
organized and are working of their executive branch, run
hard. They are finding com-
fort in Sr. nine `presidents', can get
. Frei's :popularity moving.
amorg women, who have a very This will leave Mexico, the
large vote and who oppose fourth holdout in interesting
atheistic communism. , an
t A position. The great isolationist
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