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May 31, 1964
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Approved For Release 2005/01/12: CIA-RdP$8-013'15R000400130094-4
Iv Fq Ell F,
u c fri 30 Days
nffs t C u Cuba
By JERRY O'L1,AR t', Jr. where and ho:v to chastise the predicted, will vote to condemn
Latin America Writer of The Star unruly Rod nation? Cuba for attempting to export
A. conference of Westcr n Venezuela and democratic revolution to Venezuela, and
Aemisphere foreign ministers is `little Costa Rica insist that the authorize any member nation,
expected to convene within the letter of the Rio Pact requires a' or group of nations, to take
next ao days, probably in San meeting of foreign ministers.; armed action against Cuba if
Jose, Costa Rica, h) act on' The biggest, richest and most,. any new aggression occurs.
Venezuela's complaint of ag- powerful neighbor, the United A second result of the council,
t ression a g a i n s t Communist States, has felt. that the strong- Mr. Facio forecast, would be
Cuba_ - lost resolution against. Cu b a'Ithe application of steps to
11w.' preliminary maneuvers would come from a session of deepen Cuba's isolation from,
and ,,trategy discussions are the OAS Council itself, meeting the rest of the hemisphere.,
virtualiy complete, It remainsias an organ of consultation. A Depending on the wording of
.only for the Organization of few nations-'Aexico, for ex-ithe resolution, he said, the 20
American States to name the impie -would rather p r e t e ?n d nations might decide either to'
ime and place. the problem doesn't exist and recommend or to require sev-!
Washington observers believe ignore it. erance of all diplomatic and
enough votes have been lined up o n e nfiueatial diplomat,jtrade relations with the Carib
for the necessary two-thirds' Gonzalo J. acic. Costa Rican bean island.
majority needed to pass a stiff A in b a s s a d e r to the United Mr. Facio said he believed;
resolution, warning the Cubans Stat.es. said in an interview that Bolivia and Uruguay would.
that no further aggression will he believes the decision will be!
be tolerated in this hemisphere. to convene the foreign ministers l break with Castro if a strong
The estimate is that 14 or 15I either next month or in July to m o r a l condemnation results
nations will support a censure -
consider the Venezuelan comfrom the council, and that Chile
cf Cuba's attempts to under- plaint. A likely location, he ! will follow suit after the Sep-
mine Venezuelan democracy
id i
L'- T-,,-
Four Still Maintain Tics The major Latin American' LC",UCI Cluut,u,,, 11 c uuaruv
Experts expect the resolution nations do not want the council Frei is elected president.
will recommend that the Amer-of ministers to meet in their
!jean republics sever diplomatic capitals, Mr. Facio says. He Arms Cache Discovered
ties with Cuba - as all except belives, on the other hand, that "If any case demands the
four have already done--and a council session in Washing- application of the Rio Pact, this
halt all economic relations with ton would put the anti-Cuba one does," Mr. Facio said.
the island, nations at a propaganda disad- "Unless the pact is acted upon,
The United States, Venezuela vantage. we might as well tear it up. We
and Costa Rica are the hard-I Mr. Facio discounts the argu- believe this treaty should be
line neighbors. At the opposite ment that the Latin foreign invoked in a meeting of the
I end of the spectrum are Mexico ministers would balk at taking foreign ministers, as the pact
and Chile, which with Bolivia a public stand in the action requires."
and Uruguay are the o n 1 y against Cuba.
four hemisphere nations still H said "It is time they did stand up against Cuba Cuba Venezuela's case
is nrnvpd hcs~,;iu
maintaining diplomatic rela- so the rest ,if the rld can any doubt. The complaint is
lions with Cuba. see," Mr. Facio declared. based on the finding of a cache
The Council of the Organiza- of arms on the Venezuelan'
tion of American States, perhaps Condemnation of Cuba Sren coast last November. The arms
this week, will decide on some He predicted that the hard- bore Cuban markings and
of the procedures to take about line nations have the necessaryi apparently were intended for
Venezuela's complaint. majority of 11 votes required to' the Communist FALN under.
Cuba has already been read convene the foreign ministers ground. The motor of the boat
out of the OAS. Now the holder and the 14 needed to secure used to transport the arms had
residents think the time has condemnation of and even eco- been shipped from Canada to
come to take sterner action. nomie sanctions against Cuba. Cuba just two weeks before the
The questions are: When, The foreign ministers he incident, Mr, Facio asserted.
MAY 3 1 1964
S Vote
Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400130094-4