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ON PAGE 13.Li' 11 `. g Ors E ~ Approved For e THE MAX WIiNli KEPT THE SECRETS. Richd-d,Helms and the C.I.A. By Thomas" Powers. 393 pages. Knopf. $12.95. HE least interesting person in Thomas Powers's splendid new book is Richard Helms himself. He was, for 30 years, a dedi- ' cated "spook," "a good soldier" who took orders from "one President at a time," someone so disadvantaged that he could not "resign on principle and;, live on dividends." A compromiser who ". knew, '.you: have. to go along to='get:?' along.`::"_He"buckled. no swashes. From.,; his beginning in the:Office of Strateggiic Services during World War II`until the i end in November 1972,. when: Richard,' M. Nixon dismissed him as Director of, Central Intelligence for having been in- sufficiently.,, tos the ."team" that gave us Waterrggaate, hhe.ooppl~t~so covert operations while oing, almost exactly A child of his next-door neighbors re.=`= ported in 1947 to the Federal Bureau of Investigation that "he doesn't. have any hair on his chest, and,I think:::`:`. waxes,? it." Daniel Schorr, after Mi "Belms's; ?. testimony in 197 ''before the- Senate's Church committee ; 'investigating American- intelligence = activities, re- ported: "It turned out as Helms said, that .no foreign, leader was directly . killed- by the C.I.A. But it wasn't for Banalityvs. Swashbuckling was' Mr. Helms lacked flair. He whom seemed to have gone toGroton before graduating to one or another of:.:: the Ivy League colleges, managed ill-r" their enthusiasm" to betray the Ukrain- ians in the Soviet Union, the Nationalist :Chinese in Burma, the Sumatrans in In. donesia, the Khambas in Tibet, the Cubans in Miami, the Meos in Laos, the entirely incompetent. They -got rid of Mossadegh in -Iran and Arbeliz =in 1 nail own Sukarno, Lumumba Dwight 'D. Eisenhower, -John Fosters Dulles,was obsessed with ""neutralists"` like Nehru; John and Robert Kennedy, not-to mention Robert-S. McNamara, wanted? to- separate. President Castro squired lights at the end ot.the tunnel-he rrom mesiar;ain irauy,.u1e cviu wiu was digging, and Mr. Nixon insisted on , .was what the C.LA. was all about: let's`. - a certain amount of silent complicity in ' ._,.-try to buy a Government.. Later on,, the :- '?the 'occasional, wiretap, nand.ssecond . Government was; Chile.;,. Mr. -: Helms _---- " __ __ - - -ro ed f k- away around o his desk . . v p n -all cam- the sugar ex - -- - - - -- - - - ports, the poisoned pens :and handker un :dersderse, he seemed, genuinely', not tb chiefs and scuba-diving, wet suits and unthnd what all the fuss was about. =Hadn t he kept his mouttt`shut most of. cigars, the exploding seashells and the the time? Why weren'this-friends tar '11d-f4- h .1.-.,+ +h- r e in the Indian Himalayas.: He is no `t n as pond a~ as ay awa longer permitted to consult "Walnut," His sentence e "was suspended; so that he ,thc rnrnnntar avatar" that ran "nnn nut could go to the Kenwood Country Club,.:y Contrast this blankness with a James Jesus. Angleton who, while an" under- _ graduate at Yale, published a literary';; magazine called Furioso, full of poems-- by Ezra Pound; with a Frank Wisner; who called. Philip Graham ,'of The., Washington Post in the:watches of they night, froln a hospital-bed," to suggest a !, Herblock, `cartoon about Nehru, had ; several nervous breakdowns, and , . them shot himself; with a William Harvey; who claimed to have gone to bed with a x . woman every day since he was 12 years old and who- always, played with a X; loaded gun on his desk; with a flapiboy- ant Richard Bissell, who gave us the U-2 and the Bay'of Pigs; ;with a Miles Copeland, who delivered .S3 ' million . to Nasser in a suitcase in Egypt without asking for a. receipt;`'with. a -William.:, Bundy who" contributed $400 to a de, Tense fund for Alger Hiss, and with Des. mond FitzGerald, 'who perished play- ing tennis ju - . 6,av.a u.,va. -1 ; Ian Fleming and E. Howard Hunt, Jr '?". ""' --- " var. a g e' .the futility and stupidity of left-win ' Carr etestedJohn W.s t novels: He a,. terrorism in this country, - Diana:. The. The Spy-i Vho Came ; in: Fromc the? ? Cold "One ofhis predecessors;. Allen ,*Making of aTerrorist;l has ,written an:~ n al- " , Dulles, used to pass on plots to Helen : excellent book on blankness and ba itv: the .heat honk on the C-i-A. C ever. n tr f cte ca e s bl a ess o waa:a a / Ya m. i The Russians use umbrellas to kill r ..4, t, eed an people Is this significant? "~ G o,. should gather and evaluate in. 6 :_tormation,.asit.noes, ana submit its;: disinterested conclusions Its client, them : It ought to enlist scientists,: not crusaders., or- opportunists. It mighf` STAT Approved For. Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01350R000200050020-7