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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 14, 1973
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FU 1lir, ' ...- v-.- cam- U I & c~~ ?_~ t` `- , BULLETIN V /-t , r- -z I/ o )t,A,- A131"+QvQ P 1-1-3, d L_ Ol z . v-v_ iv ct I 709 t05 OCT 141973 Debunking the Scare Myths TIIE U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. By Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr. Hill and Wang. 212 pp. $7.95 By JOSEPH C. GOULDEN T h e Allende government ?-.crashes, and the fingers of .blame reflexively point to- wards Langley. Va., the pleas- ant residential suburb five miles, north of my desk that is the home of the CIA. Downtown, other "CIA", hobgoblins are viewed-with- alarni: the pensioned spymas- ter Hunt using in retirement, against the infidel Ellsberg, the techniques (and Cubans) he once marshaled against heathens elsewhere; ITT scheming to hand CIA a mil- lion bucks to bust a Chilean election; stirrings of in- quisitory interest even among Congressmen, 'guys normally as moribund as the stone dino- saurs outside the Smithsonian. The September issue of "Pro- -gressive" - edited by men who should and do, know bet- ter - features a black-on- white scare-.cover: THE CIA'S DIRTY TRICKS UNDER FIRE AT LAST. As the lynch mob forms, se- rious citizens might pause to read a serious book on' the CIA, one which well might send them chasing elsewhere - that is, to the White House and the National Security Council. ? e ? LYMAN B..KIRKPATRICK JR. is not unbiased. Ile joined the CIA at its formation in 1947, and although striken,by paralytic polio five years later, served as inspector gen- eral and executive director- comptroller until retiring in 1965. But Kirkpatrick has written an eminently objective book. and an eminently son- s i b I e one. And he dis- passionately debunks some of the ' more pervasive myths about "The U.S. Intelligence Community - Despite such aberrations as the pecuiiair . L. Howard Hunt, the' CIA is staffed and run by bureaucrats, men who follow orders and avoid, risks on their own initiative. ? - "The secret government"' does not exist. CIA's orders come from the lx; hire House. The men in Langley, and in the field, execute national, pol- icy, not make it. - Congress is blind to CIA by its own choice. The ma- chinery for overview exist dormancy is the fault of the legislators ("the reluctance of the members . . to get into sensitive intelligence mat- ters"), not CIA secrecy. 0 0 * . KIRKPATRICK? DOES as- sert that CIA's furtiveness, al- though often necessary for logical security, is overdone; that "occasional official re- lease of nonsensitive informa- tion . . . would help to alle- viate the (public) fear of the secret and powerful system." Indeed it could, and Hunt and ITT are prominelit cases in point. When Hunt waved a White House badge at CIA in the Ellsberg case, it aided him briefly - then booted him off the promises. CIA listened to ITT (a primary function of Cc) /-r) tom''vNrY intelligence is to do just that), then politely said no thanks. Further, the public furor over the ITT offer made it ap- erationaliy impossible for CIA to toss out Allende even had the White House told it to do so: because of the political sensitivity of Chile., the San- tiago station was cut to skele- ton size months before the c a u p . Romanticism and James Bond notwithstanding, seven men can't overthrow a government. A wise book. Read it before you are overwhelmed by the scare headlines. Joseph C. Goulden, a Wash- ington writer, is now working on books on the federal judi- ciarv and on America between VJ-Day and Korea. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP88-0135OR000200720006-9