CIA - V [ ] PROTE[ ]

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Document Release Date: 
September 17, 2004
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Publication Date: 
August 16, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01350R000200810011-3.pdf116.9 KB
B(JLLUT_CN E -- 00, 809 S 67a,910 .,yN 1' ,f ( 19 7a Approved 8/22 CIA- DP88-013 0R0& a i e-,k The I l l .e ti ti SLr 1 Ci ~/ GB 3t.'1 e.rnds,17 I eS ~.?t~?>_Jeiand says ,13-Aet -intaliigerrce, "who would sl1i .(ri'y tiro: person l ymn d M ter-, ible about ,t Cop laud, a former etnploye of tnv Cents i. Intelligence Agency ito has just written a pro-CIA book call---dl 'L'Jithout Cloak or ?Dag- ;r" (SIcion alld Schuster), is not being sac sitous when he Says that. He Sees nothing odd about the fact that CIA and KGB agent gat along better at diplomatic cocktail parties with each other than they do with the diplomats from their own cou?;tr.ias. Nor is Copeland dismayed that the CIA organized a secret army in Laos, or that it teamed up with the International Telephone R: ,,rap;t Corp to meddle in elections in Chile. But perhaos the best insight into Cop ltinti's perspective was pro- v: ed by an nacodote he related d:*'ln?' a r8cent lunch at the Boo day iiott',l. Liam he was sr.ttioaeci N. Soria in I; N, he said, he NANNY the c;-nmander of the Sl!ri- a.-4 a.ia ', brigadier Huai ZVOL ,:a' ovar An go er:?irctnt in ... .,....:-,..,..., cocoa. "Zayira arranged to take it 0 ec t i 1a id1 said, "by means of CJ.i1LL, To i.?Ciilo; to Sn_,tit J ?Lcrvic_ Ot rile goverment he v1int rid to re,move into attacking cay house, " 170 said. 'OK, it you guu-.ant-'.s Me WAS won't be .-trawl, let i stack rty house and Wil cat h :, ,:, and them !Vol hue the ?told" .:c you need it o er to Ju,s ii? ;4'. takeover. .-to said tine, Coceland we,-. ccc 'nut titan he armed lea guys Ni the .eye a. We had a gun bath that bated 22 f'(jillutas. gullets were ricocheting around and the uccie was ddeafening.' t ?Tito noSi': was den anir?.; in L asiIn`gtan to0," C0;)2larid C ? i ` e d . "A.1 i b i s . P; as in the and that lied of stuff."' ACCOUN rS, ll R'efe pictures of ire. l-cba?na boy fights off assassins' clad. . . c o t , f h e J react of a I - 11 ('` Ta i!ii =t e , A 66r is d Poi AN se 205/O8312 ti!MA= poi '._'d vies accost con-tic ci, ho",- biclp, on robbery, fled in their jeep" -.Such incidents. are at the heart of another book on the CIA called `'The CIA and the Cult of Intelli- gence (Alfred A. Knopt). n former CIA !I;reithenca analyst, and John D. Marks, a former Stag Department employe, tl,e con, (roversial publication is the first book every published in the United States to contain blank spaces. The spaces, totaling 188 passa:es and marled by the designation '`(D 1LETED),' are the result of a censorship or Cdr obtained by the CIA that the pi.cbii;iia r is still fight- ing, The CJ:1 obtained the order in federal court by arguing t at C~i.l M-crch :tai, who worked for file . f roni 19.57 to 1`10:1, si ned a man- d itory contract asr.reeing not to re- veal information 1 .arna:l during his employment cheat sources nt first c tticig the CM.'.'; uminsion. D'Sted Passages Urit,;noll' tit; (:,,A iri _l to have 3 3 J p a sJs.. s rla icteh, wi-tab amOcnted to 15 to 20 Nment of be book. Later the CIA reduced that nura- b ar to 152, p;csJ _'_J, .=aid the Ono they relented on aepeac in bologna is-p in book. Thin, at a coup h airircg !Koh at ``.a- a tester- al Judge Tule(i them only 27 pas- sages connived claniifie .toraa.- r' n that AM i - be Li OlL- The 1':1 passages that no judge cl ared, hcccvever, ca ,rot. he pub- 1(sh-ed yet because the CIA is a_,)- p'aeiin the d vision. Marchetti played a key role in Cie Cuban missile crisis by exan:- iliittg riT"nkswce , hotos of Cuba-sound Soviet ships and cl;mr- mcning loot the crates on clock con- tained ni: sides, not tractors. When the CIA began trying to ccnsnr tit', book its 19172 while citE manuscript Was still uiico;ciplenc i. 11'C:?'ail h--'c n'e S!1 discocira ; d Tic dLfec'c ,c-.e between what was films he cu Mad droppcng On u-por't.t i , 1 ,what actic.11ly hap- project riff-;l d1-_: s stripped in to ::enc % and a handf l of poweilu[ 3-hen rose purpose is ,htecferei:C-a in the ,iom:_stiC affairs of Me, .