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Approved For Release 2006/11/1 7 OW 88-01365R00 r~1 ri~p~o~-~rv Cr9rbs An ti- U. S. Drive, fin o v.La,~ Such is the power of the a !/ l w rd /w t campaign that an increasing of unsophisticated x r1?' '~ t~a F ter rr..? F t ~t i ky R . s tf jb rs I dTrrades in the Press number Bolivians are coming to be % t `ail to Reach Most lieve that the C.I.A. is indeed capable of casting spells and of Population, wielding other supernatural powers. . , By H. J. MAIDENBERG - HE more sophisticated Bo- .'? 60 Ri ihM New York TIM" 1 ` liviiins, for their part, latest l i iy.~ A PAZ, Bolivia hi ~e ieve fiat ire-lengths B i an olivi do th C /n i today is the continued friend-, liness that so many Bolivians language -- which was well ` manifest toward North Amer- receive dehheree and car EurSoria e. Icons. Gamarra, it was finally re- Since the left-wing military leased with Spanish subtitles coup d'dtat here Sept. 26, the after being banned by the 1 'Tha Talk the Guar vll dux- which, he said, has been "the rabans pangs ope economic ? and social., main of n,t 17. Bolivian ,:cla 4q t,x,c " I? - outtl is CMdacUA!A6-,~.? -"the relatively few literate-.}}`` ac as of Jornada all afternoon daily. Tho play on 5panisla`? Bolivians are treated each:xilThe Unified States slie vcirci:for j.Iilistpartof,the attack on the U.S..intellI+ ever morn bitter i Arn) to'.i A iced they will receive an v a t 1 Y one or the series of 80 carto i In papel:, xxv,.. ?? -- -j 'rJnlents. ry,rGer ll,x: , iuu~a,...l a wine. church-owned Presen- "`,mmacka' the,'Mot, the-1 4 campaign unmarcnea ur 161, under the >uise of aiding pan , i r?Western Hemisphere outside Indian community, is actual- j ~`,, .. }~.?? La Paz newspapers ,have ,deny ,.- pl taxed their staffs years: "Yawar Maliku" tells: of . a. . , via c Sonce agency. I:ca. eia atQ o . orders the :130 da iy, des tira ,against the United ze he chief. who ,is, Unted States and, Gulf. ! arYlUlCt to I1rOteCt`'thcrY45C1V05 if they Collect entire fierle ~? 0 l ,? seiwoiiridectl' In the ntte,,,)at, rho has Bolivians still mention's the coon- r But because rnnst of the rest of the film de lets. how + ave , ition l their other neighbor, d about t ief', try's 'traditional attitudes Brazil, l - ' ?have a wide audience, app . i awar ma u Peru s rarely ': pro ernes tar less anti gringo, perhaps the' death of the chief, which neighboring Atigerican p . p ?:',.: because of the popularity of, causes , Jtis `people ? ,to, -raise the butt of crude jokes. d t The change stems from n f ~Iaign has fallen on new than human--certainly ar dwe o ?. ..,paper cartoonists. ? below the level of Negroes, accorded their anefnt labor Cause` ,of her, stand against The radio stations, which. for ~ 'exaSnple:,. in the sugar-cane fields of >the jJnited states' and her ilk " ends with northern Argentina. Even , nationalization of .,,'..North STAT k~prefer ? not to spec V and, in the context o An e , s o ? I the burden ' of the ca'rs' an social life, something less arid" galivians no longer As for Peru,' Bolivians now : the harsh treatment irespect their neighbor be-. 11 - the -badly :woun ed c ,-Bolivians do eat red " 80 per cent of the population comes to La Paz to seek ;''3.owarcl its nl'ighbnrs. with awe because of her size of 4.5 million are Indians and, medical aid and is :refused . 'Schc~ot, child's it na..lonaer.,and they tend to ignore; the k S apish it because,he is an Indian rna}?ell,?.,dn j~ublC holidays "steady stream of Brazilians they either do not know or. t d - l h atin, "Death to Chile- across the ill-defined border, Arncrican music an their "rifles and swear . N..,oorth h' th:,t many stations his death. as they'. t'Chile's refusal to hold up depend on Prup;laum ouYy?~ prepare w v .~ '.by. the United States Infor-i picssors; rials passing trout `tnation Agency: The film's stand against, -port of Arica. The company 'I tried Consequently, many Bolt- birth. control is atlrib a d, t0 She mints to eat onaliza ;vians are fascinated by the the fact that the poP P test . floe. promotion device of .here is kept in check by all.. U 1 high . infant ' The friendly gestures have s the Jornada; which publis e inordinate y tended to mitigate the bitter- an anti-United . States car- death rate--mare than half "CIA ? on the ? fonts born here do not ness engendered here by the d h ? ? t ,town, entitle em year.. Forty 1879 War of the Pacl c, . lower left hand corner of its live to their fifth ycarare which caused this landlocked t.first page each day..In Boli-;per cent of the people to lose its outlet to'u via, as. in Chile, the United said- to have soh,e foti In - of ? country .States agency has become:a;tuberculosis or other crip- the sea has become pap- j iprime political, target. piing diseases. Emigration is l ular because of -her recent; ? ?' check. i . on n elat , Jornada s readers and ? another p p thers are advised that W. The film denounces those offers to aid tetroleuimanand; all 80 cartoons in' Indians and chollos (persons marketing p Few Bolivians l as li a t " . p g na ur they c the series and present them' of mixed blood) who ape 16 t to the paper, they will re- or aspire to emulate Euro- ? mention that Argentina needs I 1 an amulet to protect;peans or North Americans" ,those commodities and, alsF't s to .prevent a furthe ho p e t in their cu . thm from the, C.I.A. Each rather than rega , , ' them , flQYQ. to the left,.horo..;'.~,~?,y....,....- day more people, literate or' tural heri'tage. ' not, are. becoming curious about the. amulet, which no Government's;; one on the paper professes i HE Bo Man: to,, struggle with the United ;States, whiOh;has reduced dk~ .becauso :~,of.,,,the,, -`I? = C F1 Approved_For?Release...20.0.6/.1..1/11 -: CI s a s t"cLorle de 4...;X 'ale un. AMU.- i to' ons from the front'